CREATE USER luke@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'linuxprobe';
grant all on *.* to luke@localhost;
grant select,update,delete,insert on mysql.user to luke@localhost;
show grants for luke@localhost;
create database linuxprobe;
use linuxprobe;
create table mybook (name char(15),price int,pages int);
create table user (name char(20),age int ,gender char(3));
show tables;
insert into mybook (name,price,pages) values ('linux','$30','621');
insert into user (name,age,gender) values ('wangwu','25','男');
select * from user;
select * from mybook where name="linux";
update user set age=28 where name="zhangsan";
delete from mybook;
delete from user where name="zhangsan";
mysqldump -u root -p linuxprobe > /root/linuxprobeDB.dump
mysql -u root -p linuxprobe < /root/linuxprobeDB.dump
drop database linuxprobe;