Docker Python API 与 Docker Command
Docker Python API 与 Docker Command
image 镜像 - 程序运行的模板,里面集合了操作系统,共享库,运行时环境和程序 代码等. 镜像可以自己定义,也可以使用已经制作好的.每个镜像都有一个唯一 ID,如果在API中看到要参数为image就表示输入镜像唯一ID.
container 容器 - 由某个镜像产生出来的进程,每个进程运行何种程序都由镜像 文件所定义.容器具有进程的完整生命周期,可以被创建,启动,杀死和重启等.每 个container都有一个唯一ID,如果下面函数中看到参数为container就表示输入 此唯一ID.
2.1 创建客户端
import docker
c = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',
- base_url - 连接参数,支持unix和tcp协议
- version - 客户端当前使用的API版本号
- timeout - HTTP超时参数 单位为秒
返回值 - 客户端实例
2.2 查看信息
返回值 - 字典对象
2.3 版本信息
返回值 - 字典对象,如
{u'KernelVersion': u'3.13.0-24-generic', u'Arch': u'amd64', u'ApiVersion': u'1.13', u'Version': u'1.1.0', u'GitCommit': 79812000, u'Os': u'linux', u'GoVersion': u'go1.2.1'}
2.4 PING
返回值 - 字符串:OK
2.5 登录
c.login(username, password=None, email=None, registry=None)
与docker login
$ docker login --help
Usage: docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]
Register or log in to a Docker registry server, if no server is specified "" is the default.
-e, --email="" Email
-p, --password="" Password
-u, --username="" Username
3.1 创建新镜像, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False,
rm=False, stream=False, timeout=None,
custom_context=False, encoding=None)
说明 - 用于创建一个新的镜像
- path - 远程docker-server上的Dockerfile文件路径,如果此参数不设置则需要设置fileobj参数;
- tag - 镜像标签名;
- quiet - 静默安装标记,默认为false;
- fileobj - 文件对象,使得客户端可以通过远程方式将Dockerfile送给服务器;
- nocache - 不使用缓存标记;
- rm - 删除标记;
- stream - 流标记;
- timeout - 超时时间;
- custom_context - 如果有自定义tar文件要上传,该选项设置为true;
- encoding - 字符编码;
$ docker build --help
Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
Build a new image from the source code at PATH
--force-rm=false Always remove intermediate containers, even after unsuccessful builds
--no-cache=false Do not use cache when building the image
-q, --quiet=false Suppress the verbose output generated by the containers
--rm=true Remove intermediate containers after a successful build
-t, --tag="" Repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to the resulting image in case of success
3.2 将容器变成镜像
c.commit(container, repository=None, tag=None, message=None, author=None,
说明 - 将某个具体容器变为镜像;
等效命令 - docker commit
$ docker commit --help
Create a new image from a container's changes
-a, --author="" Author (e.g., "John Hannibal Smith <>")
-m, --message="" Commit message
-p, --pause=true Pause container during commit
3.3 查看镜像列表
c.images(name=None, quiet=False, all=False, viz=False)
等效命令 - docker images
$ docker images --help
Usage: docker images [OPTIONS] [NAME]
List images
-a, --all=false Show all images (by default filter out the intermediate image layers)
-f, --filter=[] Provide filter values (i.e. 'dangling=true')
--no-trunc=false Don't truncate output
-q, --quiet=false Only show numeric IDs
- Created - 创建时间
- VirtualSize - 虚拟大小
- ParentId - 父节点ID
- RepoTags - 数组,镜像的tag
- Id - 镜像Id
- Size - 实际大小
{u'Created': 1403778147, u'VirtualSize': 590896221, u'ParentId': u'8e440ae693cfced82fc1418ec6f01aa2592fd63f7dc07cd0114c15062fd50423', u'RepoTags': [u':'], u'Id': u'9b93b40c2bc6bc92aa1e0fbadb5cc090f359dd5ecb6a2e0e5f286ad4d7af63cc', u'Size': 0}
3.4 插入(未找到此命令)
c.insert(image, url, path)
= docker insert
3.5 导入镜像
c.import_image(src, data=None, repository=None, tag=None)
3.6 删除镜像
说明 - 删除镜像,必须是没有容器引用此镜像时才可以删除;
等效命令 - docker rmi
$ docker rmi --help
Usage: docker rmi IMAGE [IMAGE...]
Remove one or more images
-f, --force=false Force removal of the image
--no-prune=false Do not delete untagged parents
3.7 查看镜像内部
说明 - 只能查看images
等效命令 - docker inspect
~{.python} $ docker inspect
Usage: docker inspect CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...]
Return low-level information on a container or image
-f, --format="" Format the output using the given go template. ~
3.8 给image打tag
c.tag(image, repository, tag=None, force=False)
3.9 docker pull
c.pull(repository, tag=None, stream=False)
3.10 docker push
c.push(repository, stream=False)
3.11 在公共镜像注册库中搜索镜像
3.12 查看历史
= docker history
4.1 创建容器
c.create_container(image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None,
detach=False, stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=0,
ports=None, environment=None, dns=None, volumes=None,
volumes_from=None, network_disabled=False, name=None,
entrypoint=None, cpu_shares=None, working_dir=None,
说明 - 创建一个容器并启动它.端口绑定和外部存储请查看端口绑定和挂 载外部存储.参数与docker run
等效命令 - docker run
$ docker run --help
Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Run a command in a new container
-a, --attach=[] Attach to stdin, stdout or stderr.
-c, --cpu-shares=0 CPU shares (relative weight)
--cidfile="" Write the container ID to the file
--cpuset="" CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
-d, --detach=false Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container id
--dns=[] Set custom dns servers
--dns-search=[] Set custom dns search domains
-e, --env=[] Set environment variables
--entrypoint="" Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image
--env-file=[] Read in a line delimited file of ENV variables
--expose=[] Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host
-h, --hostname="" Container host name
-i, --interactive=false Keep stdin open even if not attached
--link=[] Add link to another container (name:alias)
--lxc-conf=[] (lxc exec-driver only) Add custom lxc options --lxc-conf="lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1"
-m, --memory="" Memory limit (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)
--name="" Assign a name to the container
--net="bridge" Set the Network mode for the container
'bridge': creates a new network stack for the container on the docker bridge
'none': no networking for this container
'container:<name|id>': reuses another container network stack
'host': use the host network stack inside the container. Note: the host mode gives the container full access to local system services such as D-bus and is therefore considered insecure.
-P, --publish-all=false Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces
-p, --publish=[] Publish a container's port to the host
format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort
(use 'docker port' to see the actual mapping)
--privileged=false Give extended privileges to this container
--rm=false Automatically remove the container when it exits (incompatible with -d)
--sig-proxy=true Proxify received signals to the process (even in non-tty mode). SIGCHLD is not proxied.
-t, --tty=false Allocate a pseudo-tty
-u, --user="" Username or UID
-v, --volume=[] Bind mount a volume (e.g., from the host: -v /host:/container, from docker: -v /container)
--volumes-from=[] Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
-w, --workdir="" Working directory inside the container
4.2 启动容器
c.start(container, binds=None, port_bindings=None, lxc_conf=None,
publish_all_ports=False, links=None, privileged=False,
dns=None, dns_search=None, volumes_from=None, network_mode=None)
与docker start
命令类似,但不支持attach选项.使用docker logs
- container - 容器id
- binds - 允许绑定一个某个宿主机的文件夹到容器中.
- port_bindings - 用于指定容器的端口到宿主机.
- lxc_conf - 允许用文件夹的方式传递LXC配置项
- privileged - 表示以特权模式启动容器.
- links - 用于指定 Links can be specified with the links argument. They can either be specified as a dictionary mapping name to alias or as a list of (name, alias) tuples.
- dns - 此参数只对于v1.10有效;
- volumes_from - 只有v1.10版本支持;
- network_mode - 指定Network模式,从v1.11之后可用.
- 'bridge': creates a new network stack for the container on the docker bridge,
- 'none': no networking for this container,
- 'container:[name|id]': reuses another container network stack,
- 'host': use the host network stack inside the container.
等效命令 - docker start
$ docker start --help
Usage: docker start CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
Restart a stopped container
-a, --attach=false Attach container's STDOUT and STDERR and forward all signals to the process
-i, --interactive=false Attach container's STDIN
4.3 查看容器列表
c.containers(quiet=False, all=False, trunc=True, latest=False, since=None,
before=None, limit=-1)
与docker ps
4.4 从容器中复制资源
c.copy(container, resource)
与docker cp
4.5 检查容器的变化
= docker diff
4.6 导出container
= docker export
4.7 查看容器内部
= docker inspect
4.8 杀死container
c.kill(container, signal=None)
= docker kill
4.9 查看日志
c.logs(container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, timestamps=False)
= docker logs
4.10 挂载
c.attach(container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, logs=False)
4.11 端口
c.port(container, private_port)
= docker port
4.12 删除container
c.remove_container(container, v=False, link=False)
4.13 重启container
c.restart(container, timeout=10)
4.14 停止container
c.stop(container, timeout=10)
4.15 监控container
4.16 等待container
- 创建busybox的container实例
c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', ports=[1111, 2222])
- 启动容器时指定端口映射
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: 4567, 2222: None})
- 指定目标地址和端口
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: ('', 4567)})
- 使用随机端口
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: ('',)})
- 绑定udp端口
container_id = c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', ports=[(1111, 'udp'), 2222])
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={'1111/udp': 4567, 2222: None})
- 创建容器时挂载存储
c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', volumes=['/mnt/vol1', '/mnt/vol2'])
- 启动容器时挂载存储
c.start(container_id, binds={
'bind': '/mnt/vol2',
'ro': False
'bind': '/mnt/vol1',
'ro': True