
emwin图片旋转默认是用以图片中心为基点旋转的 以下两个测试验证都可以,不要用bitmap旋转,不要用bitmap旋转,不要用bitmap旋转 1.手动内存设备旋转 重点是不要用bitmap,之前移植用bitmap旋转出来效果移植不好,而且不同图片旋转出来效果不同. 以下这个例程是从emwin Memory Device - Rotate (Sample)稍加修改的,因为jpg占用ram较大,所以改了png的试了下可以旋转。 png图片用Bin2C.exe 转成数组 void rotate_test(void) { #define ROTATION_ANGLE 45 #define MAGNIFICATION 1 GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem; GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemR; extern const unsigned char _acpointer_png[28783UL + 1]; // // Init emWin. // //GUI_Init(); // // Get info about the JPEG image. // // GUI_JPEG_GetInfo(acseggerlogo, sizeof(acseggerlogo), &Info); // // Create memory devices. // A fixed color depth with 32bpp is necessary for rotating // hMem = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(0, 0, Info.XSize, Info.YSize); // // Select the memory device. // GUI_MEMDEV_Select(hMem); // // Execute drawing operation. // //GUI_JPEG_Draw(acseggerlogo, sizeof(acseggerlogo), 0, 0); GUI_PNG_Draw(_acpointer_png,28783UL + 1,0,0); // // Clear selection // GUI_MEMDEV_Select(0); // // Create memory device for rotation. // hMemR = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(0, 0, 200, 200); // // Select the memory and clear it. // GUI_MEMDEV_Select(hMemR); GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_BLACK); GUI_Clear(); GUI_MEMDEV_Select(0); // // Execute rotating operation. // The contents of the first memory device is rotated and copied into the second one. // GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQHR(hMem, hMemR, 0, 0, ROTATION_ANGLE * 1000, MAGNIFICATION * 1000); // // Copy memory device to the display // GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAt(hMem, 0, 0); GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAt(hMemR, 100, 50); // // Delete memory devices if not needed anymore to free up memory. // GUI_MEMDEV_Delete(hMem); GUI_MEMDEV_Delete(hMemR); } 2.Image控件形式旋转 这个之前也是用bitmap测试,设置角度后直接就没有图片了,测试1后尝试了用png图片就可以旋转的了 IMAGE_point[0] = IMAGE_CreateEx(0, 0, 84, 85, root, WM_CF_SHOW, IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV, GUI_ID_USER_IMAGE_0); //IMAGE_EnableLQ(IMAGE_point[0],1); //IMAGE_SetAngle(IMAGE_point[0],10); IMAGE_SetAlign(IMAGE_point[0], GUI_ALIGN_CENTER); //IMAGE_SetBitmap(IMAGE_point[0], &bmpointer); extern const unsigned char _acpointer_png[28783UL + 1]; IMAGE_SetPNG(IMAGE_point[0],_acpointer_png,28783UL + 1); IMAGE_SetAngle(IMAGE_point[0],60*1000);
posted @ 2024-06-23 14:00  ccc_zdh  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报