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需求工程:TFS MSF模版中UI Flow model的应用

 需求工程在MSF中包含客户需求和产品需求,UI Flow model是作为产品需求的一部分引入的。

l         概述:

Analyze user scenarios to identify workflow patterns.

Develop a user interface flow model to facilitate the user experience.

 Take into consideration any special user needs or requirements for use.




l         When什么时候:

Every iteration, after scenarios and quality of service requirements are defined.



l         Who谁来编写:

User Experience Architect


l         How如何编写,步骤是这样的:


1.          Analyze User Scenarios分析用户场景

 Analyze user scenarios to identify workflow patterns. Identify any specific user requirements;

 such as functionality that should be accessible in one step.



2.         Draft Model模型草稿

 Create a draft of the model from initial input.



3.         Illicit User Feedback( Optional )(可选)

Review the draft user input workflow model with users.

This can be done in regular reviews with partners, focus group experiences with users, etc.

Update the model based on feedback. While this step is not required, it is highly recommended.

The intention is to focus the product on the user's needs.


4.         Complete Model完成模型

 Review and approve the completed model.



l         Screen Flow的区别:

从分类来讲,Screen Flow属于Customer Requirements客户需求的一部分,UI Flow属于Product Requirements 产品需求的一部分;

从表现形式讲,Screen Flow表现的是一个或者多个关联的场景涉及的一个ScreenUI Flow倾向于用户输入和交互。

从粒度讲,Screen Flow粒度比UI Flow要大很多.


l         作用

1.         进一步确认界面流程需求。

2.         图形化的方式表现界面流程需求。

3.         指导设计和开发。


l         举例

l         要点

n         图形中,每个方框代表UI信息。

n         箭头代表UI流程走向

n         菱形代表判断


posted on 2006-05-10 10:10  无为而为-凡事从积极的态度做起  阅读(2776)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报