
                                               SELECTING LECTURRS
     At present ,in some college and universities ,students are allowed to select lectures on their own
It may some day become the main trend when people give priority to acadimic freedom
   Students would take three major elements into consideration when making selections.Firste of all ,they will take teaching style into account Teaching styles to students' taste would help them learn more efficiently.Moreover students tend to choose lecturers with more experience,because such teachers tend to know about how to stimulate  and inspire students and will help them master subjects with more easy ,Last ,students also put emphasis on lectures' academic' backgroud . From their perspective, teachers with higher academic degrees may provide more enlighten suggestions.
    Everything has positive and negative aspects,and students' selecting lecturers is of  no exception. It encourages students to be actively involved in the teaching process, and at the meantime, spur teachers to improve their teaching quality
posted @ 2008-04-26 10:27  lance2008  阅读(546)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报