另外,今天收到了一封来自 ClustrMaps Team 的 EMail,大体的意思是偶的访问量太低啦,如果想一年存一档就只能变成每周更新一次了。当初注册时没注意那么多,仔细看了网站的介绍才知道,偶这种免费的不但受这种限制还不能进行缩放,其它一些限制如每日最大访问人数什么的,对偶不重要暂不关心了。注册费用虽然不高一个年只需不到十美元,但偶没他们要的那种信用卡
Dear ClustrMaps user,
We noticed that the current number of displayed visits to your site http://reonlyrun.cnblogs.com/ is 11508 . This is perfectly OK in terms of anticipated visitor traffic, BUT it is just above our recommended 'number-of-dots-to-display-at-once' threshold (i.e. for the actual map display) of 10000 for daily updates with yearly archives. Essentially, above a certain threshold it is impossible for the human eye to detect small incremental differences. We have therefore provisionally amended the frequency of your map updates to: weekly.
The GOOD NEWS is that the archive and update frequencies involve a trade-off which you can ADJUST FOR YOURSELF (within limits). For example, we at ClustrMaps prefer a DAILY update with a MONTHLY archive, which gives us a clean fresh map each month, while still preserving the overall totals. The full details of how to do this are described at length on http://clustrmaps.com/timeline.htm, especially the final section of that page, entitled "Adjusting your own update and archive frequencies".
Please visit http://clustrmaps.com/admin/ to change the frequency of updates and archives, and be sure to check the FAQ page for further explanations.
Many thanks for your continued use of ClustrMaps!
- The ClustrMaps Team