flutter 配置

安装 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/528196912?utm_id=0

模拟器联网 https://www.jianshu.com/p/bfe15bb4dfe7

设置镜像代理(如下图一,镜像地址是mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn:80),设置完成之后,同步一下,如果是首次设置,会出现一个弹框(如下图二,要填写一下镜像,镜像地址是mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn,端口号80,点一下左下角的Do not show this dialog int the futurede 角标,然后点击OK),然后在.gradle文件夹(Mac下的.gradle文件夹在Users文件夹的YourUserName文件夹下​​​​​​​,是隐藏的,要先按快捷键command+shift+.使其显示出来)下会多一个gradle.properties文件(如下图三),同步一下,很快就会同步成功(一般在5分钟之内),就代表设置成功了;如果同步失败,请看第二步。

Closed an emulator
In a text editor (e.g Notepad++) I pasted these two lines.
Vulkan = off
GLDirectMem = on
I saved the file as advancedFeatures.ini -> you can directly save it in .android file or wherever you want and then move it to .android file.
Path example: C:/Users/your user name/.android
Started an emulator

posted @ 2023-05-03 16:32  Python喵  阅读(49)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报