


    假设一个url是这样的/view/1.html#fragment,井号后面的内容是不传给server端的,而server端给出的 301 location是:/view/1.htm,那么浏览器最终跳转到的url应该是/view/1.htm#fragment,还是/view/1.htm呢?在浏览器上试了下,发现在chrome18中是跳转到/view/1.htm#fragment,也就是加上了井号(#)后面的内容,而在IE8中,是直接跳到了/view/1.htm,丢掉了井号(#)后面的内容。




   But HTTP 1.1 doesn't talk explicitly about fragment identifiers,
   which has resulted in the sad fact that at the time of writing, there
   are clients that drop the fragment identifier upon a redirect.
   Anecdotal evidence suggests that in fact only about one third of Web
   browsers re-applies the fragment identifier to the redirected URL.

   This draft therefore explains how to apply the fragment identifier in
   case of a redirection.


If the server returns a response code of 300 ("multiple choice"), 301
   ("moved permanently"), 302 ("moved temporarily") or 303 ("see
   other"), and if the server also returns one or more URIs where the
   resource can be found, then the client SHOULD treat the new URIs as
   if the fragment identifier of the original URI was added at the end.

   The exception is when a returned URI already has a fragment
   identifier. In that case the original fragment identifier MUST NOT be
   not added to it.

   If the client retrieves the resource using the new URI and the
   resource turns out to be of a type that doesn't allow fragments to be
   identified, then the client SHOULD silently ignore the fragment ID
   and not issue an error message.


    从这里基本就可以明了了,http 1.1中并没有明确规定跳转后井号的行为,但是drafts是有写,而chrome等浏览器提前实现了该drafts。不得不说,chrome确实是一直走在前列的浏览器。

本文来自于我的博客 http://www.log4myself.info/archives/174

posted @ 2012-08-27 14:27  clam  阅读(1514)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报