bpc 数据处理
*定义模型 types:begin of ty_planning, measure type c length 32, z_account type c length 32, z_category type c length 32, z_class type c length 32, z_currency type c length 32, z_datasource type c length 32, z_entity type c length 32, z_line type c length 32, z_misc1 type c length 32, z_misc2 type c length 32, z_product type c length 32, z_time type c length 32, z_view type c length 32, signdata type /b28/oisdata, end of ty_planning. ***定于宏 define sel. CLEAR LS_SEL. LS_SEL-DIMENSION = &1. LS_SEL-ATTRIBUTE = 'ID'. LS_SEL-SIGN = 'I'. LS_SEL-OPTION = 'BT'. LS_SEL-LOW = &2. LS_SEL-HIGH = &3. APPEND LS_SEL TO LT_SEL. end-of-definition. ***取上年实际数 sel 'Z_ACCOUNT' 'PL02' 'PL01'. "未税收入 sel 'Z_CATEGORY' 'ACTUAL' 'ACTUAL'. "实际数 sel 'Z_CLASS' 'CLASS_NONE' 'CLASS_NONE'. sel 'Z_CURRENCY' 'CURRENCY_NONE' 'CURRENCY_NONE'. sel 'Z_DATASOURCE' 'FINAL' 'FINAL'. sel 'Z_ENTITY' 'BCSYB.INP' 'BCSYB.INP'. "北京超市事业部 sel 'Z_LINE' 'LINE_NONE' 'LINE_NONE'. sel 'Z_MISC1' 'MISC1_NONE' 'MISC1_NONE'. sel 'Z_MISC2' 'MISC2_NONE' 'MISC2_NONE'. sel 'Z_PRODUCT' 'BJ.INP' 'BJ.INP'. "产品总计 sel 'Z_TIME' '2019.INP' '2019.INP'. "时间 sel 'Z_VIEW' 'VIEW_NONE' 'VIEW_NONE'. ****取上年实际数 call function 'ZBPC_GET_DATA' exporting i_appset = i_appset_id i_appl_id = i_appl_id it_range = lt_sel tables et_data = it_temp.
FUNCTION ZBPC_GET_DATA. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"本地接口: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(I_APPSET) TYPE UJ_APPSET_ID *" REFERENCE(I_APPL_ID) TYPE UJ_APPL_ID *" REFERENCE(IT_RANGE) TYPE UJ0_T_SEL *" TABLES *" ET_DATA *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- data: lo_appl type ref to cl_uja_application, lt_appl_dim type uja_t_appl_dim, ls_appl_dim like line of lt_appl_dim, lt_dim_name type ujq_t_dim, ls_dim_name like line of lt_dim_name, lo_model type ref to if_uj_model, lo_dataref type ref to data, lo_query type ref to if_ujo_query, lt_data type ref to data, lt_message type uj0_t_message. field-symbols: <lt_tx_data> type standard table, <ls_data> type any. *i_appl_id = 'Sales'. create object lo_appl exporting i_appset_id = i_appset i_application_id = i_appl_id. refresh lt_appl_dim. lo_appl->get_appl_dim( exporting i_appl_id = i_appl_id importing et_appl_dim = lt_appl_dim ). refresh lt_dim_name. loop at lt_appl_dim into ls_appl_dim. ls_dim_name = ls_appl_dim-dimension. append ls_dim_name to lt_dim_name. clear ls_dim_name. endloop. ls_dim_name = 'MEASURES'. append ls_dim_name to lt_dim_name. sort lt_dim_name. try. lo_model = cl_uj_model=>get_model( i_appset ). lo_model->create_tx_data_ref( exporting i_appl_name = i_appl_id i_type = 'T' it_dim_name = lt_dim_name if_tech_name = space importing er_data = lo_dataref ). catch cx_uj_static_check. endtry. assign lo_dataref->* to <lt_tx_data>. create data lt_data like line of <lt_tx_data>. assign lt_data->* to <ls_data>. try. lo_query = cl_ujo_query_factory=>get_query_adapter( i_appset_id = i_appset i_appl_id = i_appl_id ). lo_query->run_rsdri_query( exporting it_dim_name = lt_dim_name it_range = it_range if_CHECK_SECURITY = ABAP_FALSE IMPORTING ET_DATA = <LT_TX_DATA> ET_MESSAGE = LT_MESSAGE ). CATCH CX_UJO_READ. ENDTRY. LOOP AT <LT_TX_DATA> INTO <LS_DATA>. APPEND <LS_DATA> TO ET_DATA. ENDLOOP. ENDFUNCTION.