







 格式:IP hostname

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
#    ::1             localhost

# VM_0_14_centos


可以保持默认配置,默认是不启动 firstEp和fqdn。如果要启动放开注释,hostname的名命要和服务器的hostname一样。否则后期查询语句会有问题。比如 我这里服务器的hostname是VM_0_14_centos(利用命令修改)。所以客户端也的使用VM_0_14_centos






# #
# TDengine Configuration #
# Any questions, please email #
# #

# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system
# firstEp hostname:6030

# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname

# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030

# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/taos

# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/taos

# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/

# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042

# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0

# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4

# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0

# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1

# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 1

# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1

# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1

# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 0

# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0

# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512

# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30

# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000

# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300

# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600

# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1

# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3

# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10

# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10

# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000

# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000

# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10

# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1

# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0

# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000

# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16

# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6

# number of days per DB file
# days 10

# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650

# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100

# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096

# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1

# enable/disable compression
# comp 2

# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1

# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000

# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1

# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1

# query retrieved column data compression option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all retrieved column data compressed),
# > 0 (any retrieved column size greater than this value all data will be compressed.)
# compressColData -1

# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480

# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100

# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000

# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8

# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8

# default system charset
# charset UTF-8

# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000

# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000

# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1

# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1

# if disk free space is less than this value, taosd service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1

# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4

# enbale/disable http service
# http 1

# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1

# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0

# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2

# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240

# database name must be specified in restful interface if the following parameter is set, off by default
# httpDbNameMandatory 1

# http keep alive, default is 30 seconds
# httpKeepAlive 30000

# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000

# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1

# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0

# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file

# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0

# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135

# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135

# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135

# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135

# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135

# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for TAOS TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for TDengine client
# cDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131

# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131

# enable/disable recording the SQL in taos client
# enableRecordSql 0

# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1

# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30

# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1

# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0

# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1

# percent of redundant data in tsdb meta will compact meta data,0 means donot compact
# tsdbMetaCompactRatio 0

# default string type used for storing JSON String, options can be binary/nchar, default is nchar
# defaultJSONStrType nchar

# force TCP transmission
# rpcForceTcp 0

# unit MB. Flush vnode wal file if walSize > walFlushSize and walSize > cache*0.5*blocks
# walFlushSize 1024

# unit Hour. Latency of data migration
# keepTimeOffset 0


3.开启服务器 6030-6042的tcp和udp端口(重点)

这里我用的是云服务器,在云服务器的安全组开启端口后,利用Taos Shell并没有连接成功!



 我的云服务是CentO S系统,利用软件得到结果

3.1 查看当前防火墙端口开启列表

firewall-cmd --list-port



3.2 批量添加端口

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6030-6042/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6030-6042/udp --permanent

3.3 重启防火墙

firewall-cmd --reload

3.4 重新查看端口列表

firewall-cmd --list-port








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