SVM-SMO 算法 python版



# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import random

class mySVM():

    def __init__(self, max_iter=1e6, kernel_type='linear', C=1.0, epsilon=1e-2):
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.kernel_type = kernel_type
        self.C = C
        self.epsilon = epsilon

        self.iter_num = 0
        self.alpha = None
        self.w = None
        self.b = None
        self.support_vectors = None
        self.kernels = {
            'linear': self.kernel_linear,
            'quadratic': self.kernel_poly

    def fit(self, X, y):
        # Initialization
        y = 2 * (y - 0.5)  # label: 0 -> -1, 1 -> 1
        n_data, n_feature = X.shape[0], X.shape[1]
        self.alpha = np.zeros(shape=n_data)
        self.w = np.zeros(shape=n_feature)
        self.b = 0.
        kernel = self.kernels[self.kernel_type]
        count = 0
        err_prev = -1

        # Compute y*f(x) , Error vec E , KKT offset
        Error, yf = self.cal_E(X, y, self.alpha, n_data, w=self.w, b=self.b)
        offset = self.cal_offset(self.alpha, self.C, yf)

        while True:
            count += 1

            # idx1, idx2 to be optimized
            idx1, idx2 = self.found_idx(yf, self.alpha, Error, offset, err_prev)

            # loop
            cnt_idx1 = -1
            for i in idx1:
                cnt_idx1 += 1
                for j in idx2[cnt_idx1]:
                    # Set new alpha
                    x_i, x_j, y_i, y_j = X[i, :], X[j, :], y[i], y[j]
                    # print(i, j)

                    alpha_old_j, alpha_old_i = self.alpha[j].copy(), self.alpha[i].copy()

                    # E_i, E_j
                    E_i = Error[i]
                    E_j = Error[j]

                    # Set new alpha and clip to [L, H]
                    eta = kernel(x_i, x_i) + kernel(x_j, x_j) - 2 * kernel(x_i, x_j)
                    if eta <= 0:

                    (L, H) = self.compute_L_H(self.C, alpha_old_j, alpha_old_i, y_j, y_i)
                    self.alpha[j] = alpha_old_j + float(y_j * (E_i - E_j)) / eta
                    self.alpha[j] = max(self.alpha[j], L)
                    self.alpha[j] = min(self.alpha[j], H)

                    self.alpha[i] = alpha_old_i + y_i * y_j * (alpha_old_j - self.alpha[j])

                    # set model parameters
                    self.w = self.calc_w(self.alpha, y, X)
                    self.b = self.calc_b(X, y, i, j, E_i, E_j, alpha_old_i, alpha_old_j)
                    Error, yf = self.cal_E(X, y, self.alpha, n_data, w=self.w, b=self.b)

            # # Check convergence
            # 最大/平均违反量 < epsilon  or  迭代次数 > max_iter
            offset = self.cal_offset(self.alpha, self.C, yf)
            err = np.max(offset)
            # print('error: ', err)
            if err < self.epsilon or err == err_prev:
            err_prev = err
            if count >= self.max_iter:
                raise RuntimeError("Iteration number exceeded the max_iter of {} iterations".format(self.max_iter))

        # support vectors: alpha != 0
        alpha_idx = np.where(self.alpha > 0)[0]
        self.support_vectors = X[alpha_idx, :]
        self.iter_num = count

        # # final model parameters
        self.w = self.calc_w(self.alpha, y, X)
        b_sv = y[alpha_idx] -, X[alpha_idx, :].T)
        y_sv = y[alpha_idx]
        b_median = np.median(b_sv)
        if b_sv.shape[0] % 2 == 0:
            self.b = b_median
            return X[alpha_idx, :], count
            tt = np.where(b_sv == b_median)
            y_median = y_sv[tt]

            min_ = 1e5
            idx_neighbor = -1
            for ii in range(1, alpha_idx.shape[0]):
                if y_sv[ii] != y_median and b_sv[ii] - b_median < min_:
                    min_ = b_sv[ii] - b_median
                    idx_neighbor = ii

            self.b = 0.5 * (b_median + b_sv[idx_neighbor])

            return X[alpha_idx, :], count

    def found_idx(self, yf, alpha, Error, offset, prev_err=-1):

        idx1 = []
        idx2 = []
        found_alpha = False

        # 外循环:违反KKT条件最严重的 alpha_1
        idx_case1 = np.where(yf >= 1)[0]  # yf >= 1 and 0 = alpha
        idx_case2 = np.where(yf == 1)[0]  # yf == 1 and 0 < alpha < C
        idx_case3 = np.where(yf <= 1)[0]  # yf <= 1 and     alpha = C

        for idx in idx_case2:  # yf = 1 and 0 < alpha < C
            if not 0 < alpha[idx] < self.C and offset[idx] >= prev_err:
                found_alpha = True

        if not found_alpha:
            for idx in idx_case1:  # yf >= 1 and 0 = alpha
                if not alpha[idx] == 0 and offset[idx] >= prev_err:
                    found_alpha = True

        if not found_alpha:
            for idx in idx_case3:  # yf <= 1 and     alpha = C
                if not alpha[idx] == self.C and offset[idx] >= prev_err:
                    found_alpha = True

        if not found_alpha:  # all alpha satisfied KKT condition
            return idx1, idx2

        # 内循环:|E1 - E2| 最大的  alpha_2
        for idx in idx1:
            Ei_Ej = np.abs(Error - Error[idx])
            max_Ei_Ej = np.max(Ei_Ej)
            idx2.append(list(np.argwhere(Ei_Ej == max_Ei_Ej).flatten()))

        return idx1, idx2

    def predict(self, X):
        fx = self.f_wx_plus_b(X, self.w, self.b)
        return np.sign(fx).astype(int)

    def calc_b(self, X, y, i, j, E_i, E_j, alpha_i_old, alpha_j_old):
        # b_tmp = y -, X.T)
        K = self.kernels[self.kernel_type]
        b1 = self.b - E_i - y[i] * (self.alpha[i] - alpha_i_old) * K(X[i], X[i])
        - y[j] * (self.alpha[j] - alpha_j_old) * K(X[i], X[j])

        b2 = self.b - E_j - y[i] * (self.alpha[i] - alpha_i_old) * K(X[i], X[j])
        - y[j] * (self.alpha[j] - alpha_j_old) * K(X[j], X[j])

        if 0 < self.alpha[i] < self.C:
            b_tmp = b1
        elif 0 < self.alpha[j] < self.C:
            b_tmp = b2
            b_tmp = (b1 + b2) / 2

        return b_tmp

    def calc_w(self, alpha, y, X):
        return, np.multiply(alpha, y))

    # Prediction
    def f_wx_plus_b(self, X, w, b):
        return, X.T) + b

    def compute_L_H(self, C, alpha_old_j, alpha_old_i, y_j, y_i):
        if (y_i != y_j):
            return (max(0, alpha_old_j - alpha_old_i), min(C, C - alpha_old_i + alpha_old_j))
            return (max(0, alpha_old_i + alpha_old_j - C), min(C, alpha_old_i + alpha_old_j))

    # Define kernels
    def kernel_linear(self, x1, x2):
        return, x2.T)

    def kernel_poly(self, x1, x2, d=2):
        return, x2.T) ** d

    def cal_offset(self, alpha, C, yf):
        offset = np.ones_like(alpha)

        for idx in range(alpha.shape[0]):
            if alpha[idx] == 0:  # yf >= 1 and 0 = alpha
                offset[idx] = 1 - yf[idx]
            elif alpha[idx] == C:  # yf <= 1 and     alpha = C
                offset[idx] = yf[idx] - 1
            else:  # yf == 1 and 0 < alpha < C
                offset[idx] = abs(1 - yf[idx])

        return offset

    def cal_E(self, X, y, alpha, n_data, w, b):
        yf = np.zeros(shape=n_data)
        Error = np.zeros(shape=n_data)

        for j in range(n_data):
            x_j, y_j, alpha_j = X[j, :], y[j], alpha[j]
            fx = self.f_wx_plus_b(x_j, w, b)
            yf[j] = y_j * fx
            Error[j] = fx - y_j

        return Error, yf


from SVM_SMO import mySVM
svm = mySVM()
support_vectors, iterations =, y_train) # 训练
y_predict = svm.predict(X_test)  # 测试
# coding=utf-8

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

df = pd.read_csv('', header=0)
data = df.values[:, :2]

def split_data(data, test_size=0.25, random_state=None):

    data: numpy数组, 形状为 [n_samples, n_features],包含特征数据
    test_size: 测试集占总样本的比例, 默认为0.25
    random_state: 随机数种子, 默认为None

    X_train: 训练集特征
    X_test: 测试集特征
    y_train: 训练集标签
    y_test: 测试集标签
    labels = np.zeros(data.shape[0])
    labels[50:] = 1
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, labels, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state)
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

def svm_process(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    使用 sklearn 的 SVM 训练模型, 并得到分类函数的参数和支撑向量

    X_train: 训练集特征
    y_train: 训练集标签
    X_test: 测试集特征
    y_test: 测试集标签(用于计算准确率)

    k: 分类函数的斜率
    b: 分类函数的截距
    support_vectors: 支撑向量
    svm = SVC(kernel='linear'), y_train)

    y_predict = svm.predict(X_test)  ###这一步作为中间变量,虽然不需要传递但必须要计算。

    accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_predict)  ###比较你的y_predict与真实标签y_text

    print("Accuracy: ", accuracy)

    ### 得到线性分类函数的参数。自己编写时直接计算即可。
    k = svm.coef_[0]
    b = svm.intercept_[0]

    ### 需计算得到支撑向量们
    support_vectors = svm.support_vectors_

    return k, b, support_vectors

def plot_results(k, b, support_vectors, X_test, y_test):

    k: 分类函数的斜率
    b: 分类函数的截距
    support_vectors: 支撑向量
    X_test: 测试集特征
    y_test: 测试集标签

    # 画出结果图
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    # 绘制支撑向量点
    plt.scatter(support_vectors[:, 0], support_vectors[:, 1], s=200, linewidth=1,
                facecolors='none', edgecolors='k', label='support vectors', alpha=0.5)
    # 绘制测试集样本
    plt.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c=y_test, cmap='coolwarm', edgecolors='k', s=70, label='test samples')

    # 绘制分类函数
    xx = np.linspace(X_test[:, 0].min(), X_test[:, 0].max())
    yy = - (k[0] / k[1]) * xx - (b / k[1])
    plt.plot(xx, yy, 'k-', label='cls function')

    plt.title('SVM Classification Results')
    plt.xlabel('Feature 1')
    plt.ylabel('Feature 2')

def my_svm_test(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    from SVM_SMO import mySVM
    svm = mySVM()
    support_vectors, iterations =, y_train)
    print('Iteration number: ', iterations)

    y_predict = svm.predict(X_test)
    y_predict = (y_predict + 1) // 2  # 把标签转换为 0,1
    accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_predict)
    print("Accuracy: ", accuracy)

    # ### 得到线性分类函数的参数。自己编写时直接计算即可。
    # k = np.array([2.19, -2.50])
    # b = -3.97
    k = svm.w
    b = svm.b

    ### 需计算得到支撑向量们
    support_vectors = svm.support_vectors

    return k, b, support_vectors

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = split_data(data)

### 帮助理解各样本的形状


# k, b, support_vectors = svm_process(X_train, y_train, X_test,y_test)
k, b, support_vectors = my_svm_test(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)

### 上面得到的准确率,以及这三项可能会因样本点的随机性而在一定范围内变化
print('k', k)
print('b', b)
### 支撑向量个数,内容也可能改变
print('support_vectors.shape', support_vectors.shape)

plot_results(k, b, support_vectors, X_train, y_train)
plot_results(k, b, support_vectors, X_test, y_test)


1. 序列最小最优化算法(SMO)

SMO 算法是要解如下凸二次规划的对偶问题:

在这个问题中,变量是拉格朗日乘子,一个变量αi 对应于一个样本点(xiyi );变量的总数等于训练样本容量 N。
SMO 算法是一种启发式算法,其基本思路是:如果所有变量的解都满足此最优化问题的 KKT 条件(Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions),那么这个最优化问题的解就得到了。因为 KKT条件是该最优化问题的充分必要条件。否则,选择两个变量,固定其他变量,针对这两个变量构建一个二次规划问题。这个二次规划问题关于这两个变量的解应该更接近原始二次规划问题的解,因为这会使得原始二次规划问题的目标函数值变得更小。重要的是,这时子问题可以通过解析方法求解,这样就可以大大提高整个算法的计算速度。子问题有两个变量,一个是违反 KKT 条件最严重的那一个,另一个由约束条件自动确定。如此,SMO 算法将原问题不断分解为子问题并对子问题求解,进而达到求解原问题的目的。


2. 算法流程



3. 算法流程 code 版

def fit(self, X, y):
	# Initialization
	# Compute y*f(x) , Error vec E , KKT offset
	while True:
		# select idx1, idx2 to be optimized
		# 会有很多个 idx1,把它们存在一个列表里,
		# 每个 idx1 会对应很多个 idx2,同样存储在列表里
		# loop
		for i in idx1:
			cnt_idx1 += 1
			for j in idx2[cnt_idx1]:
				# Set new alpha and clip to [L, H]
				self.alpha[j] = alpha_old_j + float(y_j * (E_i - E_j)) / eta
				clip alpha[j] to [L, H]
				self.alpha[i] = alpha_old_i + y_i * y_j * (alpha_old_j - self.alpha[j])
				# set model parameters
				self.w = self.calc_w()
				self.b = self.calc_b()
				Error, yf = self.cal_E()
		# Check convergence
		# 最大/平均违反量 < epsilon  or  迭代次数 > max_iter
	# -------output---------
	# support vectors: alpha != 0
	# final model parameters
	# self.w = self.calc_w()
	# self.b = b_support_vectors.median if num_support_vectors is even
	# self.b = 0.5 * (b_support_vectors.median + b_neighbor closest to median with different label from median)

4. 关于 KKT 条件


case2 -> case1 -> case3

idx_case1 = np.where(yf >= 1)[0]  # yf >= 1 and 0 = alpha
idx_case2 = np.where(yf == 1)[0]  # yf == 1 and 0 < alpha < C
idx_case3 = np.where(yf <= 1)[0]  # yf <= 1 and     alpha = C

5. 实验结果

Iteration number:  3
Accuracy:  0.9736842105263158
k: [2.23113607110187 -2.8089762488565504]
b: -3.2536323858315903
support_vectors.shape: (24, 2)


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