The 2023 CCPC Guilin J. The Phantom Menace





  • 第一个集合中的串长度为\(x\)的前缀和第二个串中长度为\(x\)的后缀匹配
  • 第二个集合中长度为\(n-x\)的前缀和第一个集合中长度为\(n-x\)的后缀匹配




总复杂度\(O(n\times m)\)

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=2e6+5;
int t,n,m,deg[N],idx; char s[N]; vector <pi> v[N];
const int mod1=998244353,mod2=1e9+7;
struct Hasher
	int x,y;
	inline Hasher(CI X=0,CI Y=0)
		x=X; y=Y;
	inline LL get_val(void)
		return ((1LL*x)<<31LL)|(1LL*y);
	friend inline bool operator == (const Hasher& A,const Hasher& B)
		return A.x==B.x&&A.y==B.y;
	friend inline Hasher operator + (const Hasher& A,const Hasher& B)
		return Hasher((A.x+B.x)%mod1,(A.y+B.y)%mod2);
	friend inline Hasher operator - (const Hasher& A,const Hasher& B)
		return Hasher((A.x-B.x+mod1)%mod1,(A.y-B.y+mod2)%mod2);
	friend inline Hasher operator * (const Hasher& A,const Hasher& B)
		return Hasher(1LL*A.x*B.x%mod1,1LL*A.y*B.y%mod2);
}pw[N]; vector <Hasher> h[N]; vector <int> path; int used[N];
const Hasher seed=Hasher(31,131);
inline void init(CI n)
	pw[0]=Hasher(1,1); for (RI i=1;i<=n;++i) pw[i]=pw[i-1]*seed;
inline Hasher get_hsh(CI id,CI l,CI r)
	return h[id][r]-h[id][l-1]*pw[r-l+1];
inline void DFS(CI now)
	while (!v[now].empty())
		int to=v[now].back().fi,id=v[now].back().se; v[now].pop_back();
		if (used[id]) continue; DFS(to); used[id]=1; path.push_back(id);
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t),init(1e6);t;--t)
		RI i,j; for (scanf("%d%d",&n,&m),i=1;i<=2*n;++i)
			h[i].resize(m+1); h[i][0]=Hasher(); scanf("%s",s+1);
			for (j=1;j<=m;++j) h[i][j]=h[i][j-1]*seed+Hasher(s[j],s[j]);
		bool sign=0; for (i=0;i<m;++i) //shift
			for (j=1;j<=idx;++j) deg[j]=0,v[j].clear(); idx=0;
			map <LL,int> rst[2]; int st;
			auto get_id=[&](CI tp,const LL& val)
				if (!rst[tp].count(val)) rst[tp][val]=++idx; return rst[tp][val];
			for (j=1;j<=n;++j)
				int x=get_id(0,get_hsh(j,1,i).get_val()),y=get_id(1,get_hsh(j,i+1,m).get_val());
				st=x; v[x].push_back(pi(y,j)); ++deg[x]; --deg[y];
			for (j=n+1;j<=2*n;++j)
				int x=get_id(1,get_hsh(j,1,m-i).get_val()),y=get_id(0,get_hsh(j,m-i+1,m).get_val());
				v[x].push_back(pi(y,j)); ++deg[x]; --deg[y];
			bool flag=1; for (j=1;j<=idx;++j) if (deg[j]) { flag=0; break; }
			if (!flag) continue; path.clear(); for (j=1;j<=2*n;++j) used[j]=0;
			/*for (j=1;j<=idx;++j)
				printf("%d -> ",j);
				for (auto [x,y]:v[j]) printf("(%d,%d) ",x,y); putchar('\n');
			DFS(st); for (j=1;j<=2*n;++j) if (!used[j]) { flag=0; break; }
			if (!flag) continue; reverse(path.begin(),path.end());
			vector <int> pa,pb; for (auto x:path)
			if (x<=n) pa.push_back(x); else pb.push_back(x-n);
			sign=1; for (auto x:pa) printf("%d ",x); putchar('\n');
			for (auto x:pb) printf("%d ",x); putchar('\n'); break;
		if (!sign) puts("-1");
	return 0;
posted @ 2023-11-16 16:28  空気力学の詩  阅读(42)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报