Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)




A. Rigged!

签到题,对于所有的\(e_i\ge e_1\)\(i\),求出\(S=\max s_i\),根据\(S+1\)\(s_1\)的大小关系判断即可

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=105;
int t,n,s[N],e[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
		RI i; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d%d",&s[i],&e[i]);
		int mx=0; for (i=2;i<=n;++i) if (e[i]>=e[1]) mx=max(mx,s[i]);
		if (mx+1>s[1]) puts("-1"); else printf("%d\n",mx+1);
	return 0;

B. Chips on the Board


显然我们要么要在每行选一个,要么在每列选一个,因此答案就是\(\min(\sum a_i+n\times \min b_i,\sum b_i+n\times \min a_i)\)

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=300005;
int t,n,a[N],b[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
		RI i; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]);
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&b[i]); LL sa=0,sb=0;
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i) sa+=a[i],sb+=b[i];
	return 0;

C. Make it Alternating

不难发现对于每个连续段,设它的长度为\(len_i\),则第一问的答案就是\(ans_1=\sum (len_i-1)\)

然后考虑方案数,显然每个连续段需要选一个数删去,因此\(ans_2=\prod len_i\),当然由于删除的顺序可以不同所以还要乘上\((ans_1)!\)

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=200005,mod=998244353;
int t,n; char s[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
		RI i; int lst=1,ans1=0,ans2=1;
		for (scanf("%s",s+1),n=strlen(s+1),i=1;i<=n;++i)
		if (s[i]!=s[lst]) ans1+=i-lst-1,ans2=1LL*ans2*(i-lst)%mod,lst=i;
		ans1+=n-lst; ans2=1LL*ans2*(n-lst+1)%mod;
		for (i=1;i<=ans1;++i) ans2=1LL*ans2*i%mod;
		printf("%d %d\n",ans1,ans2);
	return 0;

D. Sum of XOR Functions


考虑按位考虑,设此时每个位置的前缀异或和为\(pfx_i\),对于某个区间\([l,r]\),当且仅当\(pfx_r\oplus pfx_{l-1}=1\)时这个区间才能造成\((r-l+1)\times 2^k\)的贡献


总复杂度\(O(n\log a_i)\)

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=300005,mod=998244353;
int n,a[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	RI i,j; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]);
	int ans=0; for (j=0;j<30;++j)
		int c[2]={0,0},cur=0; LL s[2]={0,0},ret=0;
		for (c[0]=i=1;i<=n;++i)
			if ((a[i]>>j)&1) cur^=1;
			++c[cur]; s[cur]+=i;
	return 0;

E. Interactive Game with Coloring








#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=105;
int n,fa[N],col[N],tp[2],c[5]; bool sign; vector <int> v[N];
inline void DFS1(CI now=1)
	for (auto to:v[now]) col[to]=col[now]^1,DFS1(to);
	if (now!=1&&v[now].size()==1)
		if (col[now]==1) sign=0;
inline void DFS2(CI now=1)
	for (auto to:v[now]) col[to]=(col[now]+1)%3,DFS2(to);
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	RI i; bool flag=1; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=2;i<=n;++i)
	if (scanf("%d",&fa[i]),v[fa[i]].push_back(i),fa[i]!=1) flag=0;
	if (flag)
		for (printf("%d\n",1),i=2;i<=n;++i) printf("%d%c",1," \n"[i==n]);
		fflush(stdout); int x; for (i=1;i<=2;++i) scanf("%d",&x);
		printf("%d\n",1); fflush(stdout); scanf("%d",&x); return 0;
	flag=1; for (auto x:v[1])
		col[x]=0; sign=1; DFS1(x); if (sign) continue;
		col[x]=1; sign=1; DFS1(x); if (sign) continue;
	if (flag)
		for (printf("%d\n",2),i=2;i<=n;++i) printf("%d%c",col[i]+1," \n"[i==n]);
		fflush(stdout); int x; scanf("%d",&x);
		while (x!=1)
			for (i=1;i<=2;++i) scanf("%d",&c[i]);
			if (c[1]==0) printf("%d\n",2),fflush(stdout); else
			if (c[2]==0) printf("%d\n",1),fflush(stdout); else
		return 0;
	for (DFS2(),printf("%d\n",3),i=2;i<=n;++i) printf("%d%c",col[i]+1," \n"[i==n]);
	fflush(stdout); int x; scanf("%d",&x);
	while (x!=1)
		for (i=1;i<=3;++i) scanf("%d",&c[i]);
		if (c[1]&&c[2]==0&&c[3]==0) printf("%d\n",1),fflush(stdout); else
		if (c[2]&&c[1]==0&&c[3]==0) printf("%d\n",2),fflush(stdout); else
		if (c[3]&&c[1]==0&&c[2]==0) printf("%d\n",3),fflush(stdout); else
		if (c[1]==0) printf("%d\n",2),fflush(stdout); else
		if (c[2]==0) printf("%d\n",3),fflush(stdout); else
		if (c[3]==0) printf("%d\n",1),fflush(stdout);
	return 0;

F. Last Man Standing


首先讲一下我的做法吧,不难发现对于某个\(x\),一个人能撑的回合数为\(\lceil\frac{a_i}{x}\rceil\times h_i\)

而显然我们只要枚举\(x\in[1,2\times 10^5]\)中的每个数即可,而显然对于每个\(x\)我们只关心\(\lceil\frac{a_i}{x}\rceil\)发生改变的那些位置



总复杂度\(O((n+a_i)\times \sqrt {a_i})\),可惜跑不过这题的时限的说

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=200005;
int t,n,h[N],a[N],sz[N]; LL ans[N],val[N]; vector <int> pos[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
		RI i; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=1;i<=n;++i)
		for (i=1;i<=200000;++i) vector<int>().swap(pos[i]),sz[i]=0;
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i)
			scanf("%d",&a[i]); ++sz[a[i]]; --a[i];
			for (RI l=1,r;l<=a[i];l=r+1)
		for (i=1;i<=200000;++i) pos[i].reserve(sz[i]+1);
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i)
			for (RI l=1,r;l<=a[i];l=r+1)
		int mx=0,smx=0; for (i=1;i<=n;++i)
		if (val[i]>val[mx]) smx=mx,mx=i;
		else if (val[i]>val[smx]) smx=i;
		for (i=200000;i>=1;--i)
			for (auto x:pos[i])
				if (x==mx) continue; else
				if (x==smx)
					if (val[smx]>val[mx]) swap(mx,smx);
				} else
					if (val[x]>val[mx]) smx=mx,mx=x;
					else if (val[x]>val[smx]) smx=x;
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i) printf("%lld%c",ans[i]," \n"[i==n]);
	return 0;




当然不管怎么实现复杂度都是\(O((n+a_i)\log a_i)\)

#define RI register int
#define CI const int&
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define Tp template <typename T>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LDB;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef __int128 i128;
typedef pair <int,int> pi;
typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef array <int,3> tri;
const int N=200005;
int t,n,h[N],a[N],mx[N],smx[N]; LL ans[N]; vector <int> pos[N];
int main()
	//freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("CODE.out","w",stdout);
	for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
		RI i,j,k; for (scanf("%d",&n),i=1;i<=n;++i)	ans[i]=0,scanf("%d",&h[i]);
		for (i=1;i<=200000;++i) pos[i].clear();
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]),pos[a[i]].push_back(i);
		for (i=200000;i>=1;--i)
			mx[i]=mx[i+1]; smx[i]=smx[i+1];
			for (auto x:pos[i])
				if (h[x]>h[mx[i]]) smx[i]=mx[i],mx[i]=x;
				else if (h[x]>h[smx[i]]) smx[i]=x;
		for (i=1;i<=200000;++i)
			auto calc=[&](CI x)
				return 1LL*((a[x]+i-1)/i)*h[x];
			int MX=0,SMX=0;
			for (j=1;j<=200000;j+=i)
				if (mx[j]!=MX&&mx[j]!=SMX)
					if (calc(mx[j])>calc(MX)) SMX=MX,MX=mx[j];
					else if (calc(mx[j])>calc(SMX)) SMX=mx[j];
				if (smx[j]!=MX&&smx[j]!=SMX)
					if (calc(smx[j])>calc(MX)) SMX=MX,MX=smx[j];
					else if (calc(smx[j])>calc(SMX)) SMX=smx[j];
		for (i=1;i<=n;++i) printf("%lld%c",ans[i]," \n"[i==n]);
	return 0;



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