

  • 每个用户至少属于一个组,其中包括一个默认组(initial login group)和0到多个附属组
  • 用户拥有所属组的权限,同时也拥有自己独立的权限


[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# groupadd mygroup1  

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# useradd -g mygroup1 cjh   

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# passwd cjh   
Changing password for user cjh.
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# userdel -r u_test

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# groupdel g_test
[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# groupmod -n test2 test

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# groupmod -g 520 test2
[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# usermod -g mygroup2 cjh   

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# usermod -aG mygroup1 cjh  

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# id cjh
uid=503(cjh) gid=506(mygroup2) groups=506(mygroup2),505(mygroup1)  


[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# gpasswd -A cjh mygroup2  
[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# cat /etc/gshadow


[cjh@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]$ gpasswd -a cjh22 mygroup2
Adding user cjh22 to group mygroup2
[cjh@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]$ cat /etc/group

[cjh@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]$ gpasswd -d cjh22 mygroup2
Removing user cjh22 from group mygroup2
[cjh@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]$ cat /etc/group

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# gpasswd mygroup2
Changing the password for group mygroup2
New Password: 
Re-enter new password: 

[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# gpasswd -R mygroup2



[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# man usermod
-a, --append
Add the user to the supplementary group(s). Use only with the -G option.

-G, --groups GROUP1[,GROUP2,...[,GROUPN]]]
A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of. Each group is separated from the next
by a comma, with no intervening whitespace. The groups are subject to the same restrictions as the group
given with the -g option.

If the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group. This behaviour can be changed via the -a option, which appends the user to the current supplementary group list.

译:用户将从没有被列出来的当前附属组中移除,结合参数 -a 的使用可以使修改的行为变成新增。


[root@iZwz9catu2mrq92b07d1d0Z ~]# man gpasswd
gpasswd called by a group administrator with a group name only prompts for the new password of the group.

If a password is set the members can still use newgrp(1) without a password, and non-members must supply the

posted on 2017-11-23 16:42  代码风云  阅读(339)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
