Springboot 线程池配置



    public AsyncTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor(){
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor=new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
        threadPoolTaskExecutor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
        return threadPoolTaskExecutor;


        threadPoolTaskExecutor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new RejectedExecutionHandler() {
            public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {


    public static class CallerRunsPolicy implements RejectedExecutionHandler {
         * Creates a {@code CallerRunsPolicy}.
        public CallerRunsPolicy() { }

         * Executes task r in the caller's thread, unless the executor
         * has been shut down, in which case the task is discarded.
         * @param r the runnable task requested to be executed
         * @param e the executor attempting to execute this task
        public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor e) {
            if (!e.isShutdown()) {

     * A handler for rejected tasks that throws a
     * {@code RejectedExecutionException}.
    public static class AbortPolicy implements RejectedExecutionHandler {
         * Creates an {@code AbortPolicy}.
        public AbortPolicy() { }

         * Always throws RejectedExecutionException.
         * @param r the runnable task requested to be executed
         * @param e the executor attempting to execute this task
         * @throws RejectedExecutionException always
        public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor e) {
            throw new RejectedExecutionException("Task " + r.toString() +
                                                 " rejected from " +

     * A handler for rejected tasks that silently discards the
     * rejected task.
    public static class DiscardPolicy implements RejectedExecutionHandler {
         * Creates a {@code DiscardPolicy}.
        public DiscardPolicy() { }

         * Does nothing, which has the effect of discarding task r.
         * @param r the runnable task requested to be executed
         * @param e the executor attempting to execute this task
        public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor e) {

     * A handler for rejected tasks that discards the oldest unhandled
     * request and then retries {@code execute}, unless the executor
     * is shut down, in which case the task is discarded.
    public static class DiscardOldestPolicy implements RejectedExecutionHandler {
         * Creates a {@code DiscardOldestPolicy} for the given executor.
        public DiscardOldestPolicy() { }

         * Obtains and ignores the next task that the executor
         * would otherwise execute, if one is immediately available,
         * and then retries execution of task r, unless the executor
         * is shut down, in which case task r is instead discarded.
         * @param r the runnable task requested to be executed
         * @param e the executor attempting to execute this task
        public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor e) {
            if (!e.isShutdown()) {
  • CallerRunsPolicy是让调用方法的线程自己运行。
  • AbortPolicy丢弃任务抛出异常。
  • DiscardPolicy:丢弃任务不报错。
  • DiscardOldestPolicy:丢弃队列最前面任务,之后尝试执行。


public class ThreadPoolFactory {
    private int corePoolSize;
    private int maxPoolSize;
    private int queueCapacity;
    private int keepAliveSeconds;
    public AsyncTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor(){


    corePoolSize: 9
    maxPoolSize: 18
    queueCapacity: 100
    keepAliveSeconds: 120


posted @ 2018-05-18 12:22  CieloSun  阅读(6872)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报