心路历程1:CICSer RESTART -- by Tsui

  CICSer have restarted from now on!

  Why restart?

  You know what I mean.

  All of us are preparing for the coming challenge.

  Questionii, hongwu and ak are doing the migration from the Previous CICS region  to the new one.

  I am preparing for the App Server in Linux.

  Volcano is studying to make the best of our product design.

  It's a brand-new journey.

  It's a chance hard to come by.

  We can put what we engaged, what we mastered, what we thought together with our challenging idea into practice all together now.

  Good luck to you , CICSer!



posted @ 2010-07-01 23:07  CICSer  阅读(286)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报