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1. 如果已有通用证书,则直接导入即可,步骤是:IIS根目录->Server Certificates->Import

2. 如果要申请创建新的通用证书,可以网上搜索申请步骤,这里不讨论。

3. 如果是本地环境,则可以创建自签名证书,方法很简单:IIS根目录->Server Certificates->Create Self-Signed Certificate。


 在需要开启https连接的站点里进入Bindings选项设置即可,如果一台Server有多个站点需要https的话,必须要绑定Host Name,否则会有端口冲突。但这里有个问题就是,如果你用的是自签名证书的话,在Bindings里设置https选项时,发现Host Name一项是冻结的,怎么办呢?这里有个简单的方法:



  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Edit the Site Bindings for the website you which to assign an SSL certificate to
    (right click, select Edit Bindings
  3. Select the HTTPS port and select Edit
  4. Note that the Host Name (Host Header) field is unavailable for editing


  5. Launch the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
    1. Select Start –> Run
    2. Type in “MMC” and hit enter
    3. From the console, select File –> Add / Remove Snap-in
    4. Select Certificates from the Add / Remove dialog
    5. Select Computer Account when prompt for which certificates the snap-in will manager.
    6. Select Local Computer when prompted
    7. Click OK to add the Snap-in to the MMC
  6. Locate your SSL certificate
    1. For self-signed (SELFSSL), look in Personal
    2. For installed / purchased, look in the appropriate folder the certificate was originally installed in
  7. Right click on the certificate and select properties
  8. Edit the Friendly Name field so the name starts with an *
  9. Repeat steps #1 – 3 above
    Note that the Host Name (Host Header) field is now available for editing



posted on 2011-02-17 19:41  破碎了无痕  阅读(3539)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报