





 1 from aip import  AipOcr#要安装baidu-aip包,不是aip包
 2 import  codecs
 3 import os
 4 #读取图片函数
 5 def ocr(path):
 6     with open(path,'rb') as f:
 7         return  f.read()
 8 def main():
 9     filename = "c.jpg"
10     print("已经收到,正在处理,请稍后....")
11     app_id = '16193547'
12     api_key = 'B0R5gbezdGSzCY4oIlOpuLy8'
13     secret_key = 'CyevG1PTfpPvkw9vwItPdya09GrzZ462'
14     client = AipOcr(app_id,api_key,secret_key)
15 #读取图片
16     image = ocr(filename)
17 #进程OCR识别
18     dict1 = client.general(image)
19 #    print(dict1)
20     with codecs.open(filename + ".txt","w","utf-8") as f:
21         for i in dict1["words_result"]:
22             f.write(str(i["words"] + "\r\n"))
23     print ("处理完成")
24 if __name__ == '__main__':
25     main()




 1 # 第一步:导包
 2 from aip import Aipocr as ocr
 3 # 第二步:读取
 4 with open(path,'rb') as f:
 5     img = f.read()
 6 # 第三步:调用
 7 cli = ocr(appId, apiKey, secretKey)
 8 # 第四步:识别
 9 rlt = cli.general(img)
10 # 第五步:输出
11 for line in rlt['words_result']:
12     print(line.get('words'))










posted @ 2020-11-30 12:46  楚千羽  阅读(1455)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报