
#ifndef __UIRENDER_H__
#define __UIRENDER_H__

#pragma once

class  CRenderEngine
    static DWORD AdjustColor(DWORD dwColor, short H, short S, short L);
    static void DrawImage(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hBitmap, const RECT& rc, const RECT& rcPaint, \
        const RECT& rcBmpPart, const RECT& rcCorners, bool alphaChannel, BYTE uFade = 255, 
        bool hole = false, bool xtiled = false, bool ytiled = false);

	static void DrawColor(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, DWORD color);
    static void DrawGradient(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, DWORD dwFirst, DWORD dwSecond, bool bVertical, int nSteps);

    // 以下函数中的颜色参数alpha值无效
    static void DrawLine(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor, int iPenStyle = PS_SOLID);
	static void DrawLine(HDC hDC, const POINT& rSrcPos,const POINT& rDesPos, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor,int iPenStyle = PS_SOLID);
	static void ExtDrawLine(HDC hDC, const POINT& rSrcPos,const POINT& rDesPos, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor,DWORD dwPenStyle=PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID | PS_ENDCAP_FLAT);//用几何画笔画线
	static void DrawRect(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor);
    static void DrawRoundRect(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int width, int height, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor);

#endif // __UIRENDER_H__


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "UIRender.h"

DECLARE_HANDLE(HZIP);	// An HZIP identifies a zip file that has been opened
typedef struct
    int index;                 // index of this file within the zip
    char name[MAX_PATH];       // filename within the zip
    DWORD attr;                // attributes, as in GetFileAttributes.
    FILETIME atime,ctime,mtime;// access, create, modify filetimes
    long comp_size;            // sizes of item, compressed and uncompressed. These
    long unc_size;             // may be -1 if not yet known (e.g. being streamed in)
typedef struct
    int index;                 // index of this file within the zip
    TCHAR name[MAX_PATH];      // filename within the zip
    DWORD attr;                // attributes, as in GetFileAttributes.
    FILETIME atime,ctime,mtime;// access, create, modify filetimes
    long comp_size;            // sizes of item, compressed and uncompressed. These
    long unc_size;             // may be -1 if not yet known (e.g. being streamed in)
#define OpenZip OpenZipU
#define CloseZip(hz) CloseZipU(hz)
extern HZIP OpenZipU(void *z,unsigned int len,DWORD flags);
extern ZRESULT CloseZipU(HZIP hz);
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define GetZipItem GetZipItemW
#define FindZipItem FindZipItemW
#define GetZipItem GetZipItemA
#define FindZipItem FindZipItemA
extern ZRESULT GetZipItemA(HZIP hz, int index, ZIPENTRY *ze);
extern ZRESULT GetZipItemW(HZIP hz, int index, ZIPENTRYW *ze);
extern ZRESULT FindZipItemA(HZIP hz, const TCHAR *name, bool ic, int *index, ZIPENTRY *ze);
extern ZRESULT FindZipItemW(HZIP hz, const TCHAR *name, bool ic, int *index, ZIPENTRYW *ze);
extern ZRESULT UnzipItem(HZIP hz, int index, void *dst, unsigned int len, DWORD flags);

extern "C"
    extern unsigned char *stbi_load_from_memory(unsigned char const *buffer, int len, int *x, int *y, \
        int *comp, int req_comp);
	extern void     stbi_image_free(void *retval_from_stbi_load);


static const float OneThird = 1.0f / 3;

static void RGBtoHSL(DWORD ARGB, float* H, float* S, float* L) {
    const float
        R = (float)GetRValue(ARGB),
        G = (float)GetGValue(ARGB),
        B = (float)GetBValue(ARGB),
        nR = (R<0?0:(R>255?255:R))/255,
        nG = (G<0?0:(G>255?255:G))/255,
        nB = (B<0?0:(B>255?255:B))/255,
        m = min(min(nR,nG),nB),
        M = max(max(nR,nG),nB);
    *L = (m + M)/2;
    if (M==m) *H = *S = 0;
    else {
        const float
            f = (nR==m)?(nG-nB):((nG==m)?(nB-nR):(nR-nG)),
            i = (nR==m)?3.0f:((nG==m)?5.0f:1.0f);
        *H = (i-f/(M-m));
        if (*H>=6) *H-=6;
        *S = (2*(*L)<=1)?((M-m)/(M+m)):((M-m)/(2-M-m));

static void HSLtoRGB(DWORD* ARGB, float H, float S, float L) {
    const float
        q = 2*L<1?L*(1+S):(L+S-L*S),
        p = 2*L-q,
        h = H/360,
        tr = h + OneThird,
        tg = h,
        tb = h - OneThird,
        ntr = tr<0?tr+1:(tr>1?tr-1:tr),
        ntg = tg<0?tg+1:(tg>1?tg-1:tg),
        ntb = tb<0?tb+1:(tb>1?tb-1:tb),
        R = 255*(6*ntr<1?p+(q-p)*6*ntr:(2*ntr<1?q:(3*ntr<2?p+(q-p)*6*(2.0f*OneThird-ntr):p))),
        G = 255*(6*ntg<1?p+(q-p)*6*ntg:(2*ntg<1?q:(3*ntg<2?p+(q-p)*6*(2.0f*OneThird-ntg):p))),
        B = 255*(6*ntb<1?p+(q-p)*6*ntb:(2*ntb<1?q:(3*ntb<2?p+(q-p)*6*(2.0f*OneThird-ntb):p)));
    *ARGB &= 0xFF000000;
    *ARGB |= RGB( (BYTE)(R<0?0:(R>255?255:R)), (BYTE)(G<0?0:(G>255?255:G)), (BYTE)(B<0?0:(B>255?255:B)) );

static COLORREF PixelAlpha(COLORREF clrSrc, double src_darken, COLORREF clrDest, double dest_darken)
    return RGB (GetRValue (clrSrc) * src_darken + GetRValue (clrDest) * dest_darken, 
        GetGValue (clrSrc) * src_darken + GetGValue (clrDest) * dest_darken, 
        GetBValue (clrSrc) * src_darken + GetBValue (clrDest) * dest_darken);


static BOOL WINAPI AlphaBitBlt(HDC hDC, int nDestX, int nDestY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, HDC hSrcDC, \
                        int nSrcX, int nSrcY, int wSrc, int hSrc, BLENDFUNCTION ftn)
    HDC hTempDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
    if (NULL == hTempDC)
        return FALSE;

    //Creates Source DIB
    // Fill in the BITMAPINFOHEADER
	if (lpbiSrc == NULL)
		return FALSE;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biWidth = dwWidth;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight = dwHeight;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwWidth * dwHeight;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
    lpbiSrc->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;

    COLORREF* pSrcBits = NULL;
    HBITMAP hSrcDib = CreateDIBSection (
        hSrcDC, lpbiSrc, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pSrcBits,
        NULL, NULL);

    if ((NULL == hSrcDib) || (NULL == pSrcBits)) 
		delete [] lpbiSrc;
        return FALSE;

    HBITMAP hOldTempBmp = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject (hTempDC, hSrcDib);
    ::StretchBlt(hTempDC, 0, 0, dwWidth, dwHeight, hSrcDC, nSrcX, nSrcY, wSrc, hSrc, SRCCOPY);
    ::SelectObject (hTempDC, hOldTempBmp);

    //Creates Destination DIB
    // Fill in the BITMAPINFOHEADER
	if (lpbiDest == NULL)
        delete [] lpbiSrc;
        return FALSE;

    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biWidth = dwWidth;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biHeight = dwHeight;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwWidth * dwHeight;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
    lpbiDest->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;

    COLORREF* pDestBits = NULL;
    HBITMAP hDestDib = CreateDIBSection (
        hDC, lpbiDest, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pDestBits,
        NULL, NULL);

    if ((NULL == hDestDib) || (NULL == pDestBits))
        delete [] lpbiSrc;
        return FALSE;

    ::SelectObject (hTempDC, hDestDib);
    ::BitBlt (hTempDC, 0, 0, dwWidth, dwHeight, hDC, nDestX, nDestY, SRCCOPY);
    ::SelectObject (hTempDC, hOldTempBmp);

    double src_darken;
    BYTE nAlpha;

    for (int pixel = 0; pixel < dwWidth * dwHeight; pixel++, pSrcBits++, pDestBits++)
        nAlpha = LOBYTE(*pSrcBits >> 24);
        src_darken = (double) (nAlpha * ftn.SourceConstantAlpha) / 255.0 / 255.0;
        if( src_darken < 0.0 ) src_darken = 0.0;
        *pDestBits = PixelAlpha(*pSrcBits, src_darken, *pDestBits, 1.0 - src_darken);
    } //for

    ::SelectObject (hTempDC, hDestDib);
    ::BitBlt (hDC, nDestX, nDestY, dwWidth, dwHeight, hTempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
    ::SelectObject (hTempDC, hOldTempBmp);

    delete [] lpbiDest;

    delete [] lpbiSrc;

    return TRUE;


DWORD CRenderEngine::AdjustColor(DWORD dwColor, short H, short S, short L)
    if( H == 180 && S == 100 && L == 100 ) return dwColor;
    float fH, fS, fL;
    float S1 = S / 100.0f;
    float L1 = L / 100.0f;
    RGBtoHSL(dwColor, &fH, &fS, &fL);
    fH += (H - 180);
    fH = fH > 0 ? fH : fH + 360; 
    fS *= S1;
    fL *= L1;
    HSLtoRGB(&dwColor, fH, fS, fL);
    return dwColor;

void CRenderEngine::DrawImage(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hBitmap, const RECT& rc, const RECT& rcPaint,
                                    const RECT& rcBmpPart, const RECT& rcCornerRaw, bool alphaChannel, 
                                    BYTE uFade, bool hole, bool xtiled, bool ytiled)
    ASSERT(::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_DC || ::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_MEMDC);

    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPALPHABLEND)(HDC, int, int, int, int,HDC, int, int, int, int, BLENDFUNCTION);
    static LPALPHABLEND lpAlphaBlend = (LPALPHABLEND) ::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(_T("msimg32.dll")), "AlphaBlend");

    if( lpAlphaBlend == NULL ) lpAlphaBlend = AlphaBitBlt;
    if( hBitmap == NULL ) return;

    HDC hCloneDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
    HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(hCloneDC, hBitmap);
    ::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, COLORONCOLOR);

    RECT rcTemp = {0};
    RECT rcDest = {0};
	RECT rcCorners=rcCornerRaw;
	int nCornerWidth=rcCorners.left+rcCorners.right;
	int nCornerHeight=rcCorners.top+rcCorners.bottom;
	int nRcWidth=rc.right-rc.left;
	int nRcHeight=rc.bottom-rc.top;
    if( lpAlphaBlend && ( alphaChannel || uFade < 255) ) {
        BLENDFUNCTION bf = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, uFade, AC_SRC_ALPHA };

        // middle
        if( !hole ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                if( !xtiled && !ytiled ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                        rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, \
                        rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, bf);
                else if( xtiled && ytiled ) {
                    LONG lWidth = rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                    LONG lHeight = rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                    int iTimesX = (rcDest.right - rcDest.left + lWidth - 1) / lWidth;
                    int iTimesY = (rcDest.bottom - rcDest.top + lHeight - 1) / lHeight;
                    for( int j = 0; j < iTimesY; ++j ) {
                        LONG lDestTop = rcDest.top + lHeight * j;
                        LONG lDestBottom = rcDest.top + lHeight * (j + 1);
                        LONG lDrawHeight = lHeight;
                        if( lDestBottom > rcDest.bottom ) {
                            lDrawHeight -= lDestBottom - rcDest.bottom;
                            lDestBottom = rcDest.bottom;
                        for( int i = 0; i < iTimesX; ++i ) {
                            LONG lDestLeft = rcDest.left + lWidth * i;
                            LONG lDestRight = rcDest.left + lWidth * (i + 1);
                            LONG lDrawWidth = lWidth;
                            if( lDestRight > rcDest.right ) {
                                lDrawWidth -= lDestRight - rcDest.right;
                                lDestRight = rcDest.right;
                            lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left + lWidth * i, rcDest.top + lHeight * j, 
                                lDestRight - lDestLeft, lDestBottom - lDestTop, hCloneDC, 
                                rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight, bf);
                else if( xtiled ) {
                    LONG lWidth = rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                    int iTimes = (rcDest.right - rcDest.left + lWidth - 1) / lWidth;
                    for( int i = 0; i < iTimes; ++i ) {
                        LONG lDestLeft = rcDest.left + lWidth * i;
                        LONG lDestRight = rcDest.left + lWidth * (i + 1);
                        LONG lDrawWidth = lWidth;
                        if( lDestRight > rcDest.right ) {
                            lDrawWidth -= lDestRight - rcDest.right;
                            lDestRight = rcDest.right;
                        lpAlphaBlend(hDC, lDestLeft, rcDest.top, lDestRight - lDestLeft, rcDest.bottom, 
                            hCloneDC, rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                            lDrawWidth, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, bf);
                else { // ytiled
                    LONG lHeight = rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                    int iTimes = (rcDest.bottom - rcDest.top + lHeight - 1) / lHeight;
                    for( int i = 0; i < iTimes; ++i ) {
                        LONG lDestTop = rcDest.top + lHeight * i;
                        LONG lDestBottom = rcDest.top + lHeight * (i + 1);
                        LONG lDrawHeight = lHeight;
                        if( lDestBottom > rcDest.bottom ) {
                            lDrawHeight -= lDestBottom - rcDest.bottom;
                            lDestBottom = rcDest.bottom;
                        lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top + lHeight * i, rcDest.right, lDestBottom - lDestTop, 
                            hCloneDC, rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                            rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, lDrawHeight, bf);                    

        // left-top
        if( rcCorners.left > 0 && rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.top;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.top, rcCorners.left, rcCorners.top, bf);
        // top
        if( rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.top;
            rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top, rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - \
                    rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, rcCorners.top, bf);
        // right-top
        if( rcCorners.right > 0 && rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.top = rc.top;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.top, rcCorners.right, rcCorners.top, bf);
        // left
        if( rcCorners.left > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - \
                    rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, bf);
        // right
        if( rcCorners.right > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, rcCorners.right, \
                    rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, bf);
        // left-bottom
        if( rcCorners.left > 0 && rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, rcCorners.left, rcCorners.bottom, bf);
        // bottom
        if( rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
            rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, \
                    rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, rcCorners.bottom, bf);
        // right-bottom
        if( rcCorners.right > 0 && rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
            rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
            rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
            rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
            rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                    rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, rcCorners.right, \
                    rcCorners.bottom, bf);
        if (rc.right - rc.left == rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left \
            && rc.bottom - rc.top == rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top \
            && rcCorners.left == 0 && rcCorners.right == 0 && rcCorners.top == 0 && rcCorners.bottom == 0)
            if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rc) ) {
                ::BitBlt(hDC, rcTemp.left, rcTemp.top, rcTemp.right - rcTemp.left, rcTemp.bottom - rcTemp.top, \
                    hCloneDC, rcBmpPart.left + rcTemp.left - rc.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcTemp.top - rc.top, SRCCOPY);
            // middle
            if( !hole ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    if( !xtiled && !ytiled ) {
                        rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                        rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                        ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                            rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                            rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, \
                            rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
                    else if( xtiled && ytiled ) {
                        LONG lWidth = rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                        LONG lHeight = rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                        int iTimesX = (rcDest.right - rcDest.left + lWidth - 1) / lWidth;
                        int iTimesY = (rcDest.bottom - rcDest.top + lHeight - 1) / lHeight;
                        for( int j = 0; j < iTimesY; ++j ) {
                            LONG lDestTop = rcDest.top + lHeight * j;
                            LONG lDestBottom = rcDest.top + lHeight * (j + 1);
                            LONG lDrawHeight = lHeight;
                            if( lDestBottom > rcDest.bottom ) {
                                lDrawHeight -= lDestBottom - rcDest.bottom;
                                lDestBottom = rcDest.bottom;
                            for( int i = 0; i < iTimesX; ++i ) {
                                LONG lDestLeft = rcDest.left + lWidth * i;
                                LONG lDestRight = rcDest.left + lWidth * (i + 1);
                                LONG lDrawWidth = lWidth;
                                if( lDestRight > rcDest.right ) {
                                    lDrawWidth -= lDestRight - rcDest.right;
                                    lDestRight = rcDest.right;
                                ::BitBlt(hDC, rcDest.left + lWidth * i, rcDest.top + lHeight * j, \
                                    lDestRight - lDestLeft, lDestBottom - lDestTop, hCloneDC, \
                                    rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, SRCCOPY);
                    else if( xtiled ) {
                        LONG lWidth = rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                        int iTimes = (rcDest.right - rcDest.left + lWidth - 1) / lWidth;
                        for( int i = 0; i < iTimes; ++i ) {
                            LONG lDestLeft = rcDest.left + lWidth * i;
                            LONG lDestRight = rcDest.left + lWidth * (i + 1);
                            LONG lDrawWidth = lWidth;
                            if( lDestRight > rcDest.right ) {
                                lDrawWidth -= lDestRight - rcDest.right;
                                lDestRight = rcDest.right;
                            ::StretchBlt(hDC, lDestLeft, rcDest.top, lDestRight - lDestLeft, rcDest.bottom, 
                                hCloneDC, rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                                lDrawWidth, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
                    else { // ytiled
                        LONG lHeight = rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                        int iTimes = (rcDest.bottom - rcDest.top + lHeight - 1) / lHeight;
                        for( int i = 0; i < iTimes; ++i ) {
                            LONG lDestTop = rcDest.top + lHeight * i;
                            LONG lDestBottom = rcDest.top + lHeight * (i + 1);
                            LONG lDrawHeight = lHeight;
                            if( lDestBottom > rcDest.bottom ) {
                                lDrawHeight -= lDestBottom - rcDest.bottom;
                                lDestBottom = rcDest.bottom;
                            ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top + lHeight * i, rcDest.right, lDestBottom - lDestTop, 
                                hCloneDC, rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, \
                                rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, lDrawHeight, SRCCOPY);                    
            // left-top
            if( rcCorners.left > 0 && rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.top;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.top, rcCorners.left, rcCorners.top, SRCCOPY);
            // top
            if( rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.top;
                rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.top, rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - \
                        rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, rcCorners.top, SRCCOPY);
            // right-top
            if( rcCorners.right > 0 && rcCorners.top > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.top = rc.top;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.top, rcCorners.right, rcCorners.top, SRCCOPY);
            // left
            if( rcCorners.left > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - \
                        rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
            // right
            if( rcCorners.right > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.top = rc.top + rcCorners.top;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.top + rcCorners.top, rcCorners.right, \
                        rcBmpPart.bottom - rcBmpPart.top - rcCorners.top - rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
            // left-bottom
            if( rcCorners.left > 0 && rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, rcCorners.left, rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
            // bottom
            if( rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.left + rcCorners.left;
                rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right = rc.right - rc.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.left + rcCorners.left, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, \
                        rcBmpPart.right - rcBmpPart.left - rcCorners.left - rcCorners.right, rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);
            // right-bottom
            if( rcCorners.right > 0 && rcCorners.bottom > 0 ) {
                rcDest.left = rc.right - rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.top = rc.bottom - rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right = rcCorners.right;
                rcDest.bottom = rcCorners.bottom;
                rcDest.right += rcDest.left;
                rcDest.bottom += rcDest.top;
                if( ::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcPaint, &rcDest) ) {
                    rcDest.right -= rcDest.left;
                    rcDest.bottom -= rcDest.top;
                    ::StretchBlt(hDC, rcDest.left, rcDest.top, rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom, hCloneDC, \
                        rcBmpPart.right - rcCorners.right, rcBmpPart.bottom - rcCorners.bottom, rcCorners.right, \
                        rcCorners.bottom, SRCCOPY);

    ::SelectObject(hCloneDC, hOldBitmap);

void CRenderEngine::DrawColor(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, DWORD color)
    if( color <= 0x00FFFFFF ) return;
    if( color >= 0xFF000000 )
		DWORD r = GetRValue(color);
		DWORD g = GetGValue(color);
		DWORD b = GetBValue(color);
        ::SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color)));
        ::ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, NULL, 0, NULL);
        // Create a new 32bpp bitmap with room for an alpha channel
        BITMAPINFO bmi = { 0 };
        bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = 1;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 1 * 1 * sizeof(DWORD);
        LPDWORD pDest = NULL;
        HBITMAP hBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(hDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID*) &pDest, NULL, 0);
        if( !hBitmap ) return;

        *pDest = color;

        RECT rcBmpPart = {0, 0, 1, 1};
        RECT rcCorners = {0};
        DrawImage(hDC, hBitmap, rc, rc, rcBmpPart, rcCorners, true, 255);

void CRenderEngine::DrawGradient(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, DWORD dwFirst, DWORD dwSecond, bool bVertical, int nSteps)
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPALPHABLEND)(HDC, int, int, int, int,HDC, int, int, int, int, BLENDFUNCTION);
    static LPALPHABLEND lpAlphaBlend = (LPALPHABLEND) ::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(_T("msimg32.dll")), "AlphaBlend");
    if( lpAlphaBlend == NULL ) lpAlphaBlend = AlphaBitBlt;
    static PGradientFill lpGradientFill = (PGradientFill) ::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(_T("msimg32.dll")), "GradientFill");

    BYTE bAlpha = (BYTE)(((dwFirst >> 24) + (dwSecond >> 24)) >> 1);
    if( bAlpha == 0 ) return;
    int cx = rc.right - rc.left;
    int cy = rc.bottom - rc.top;
    RECT rcPaint = rc;
    HDC hPaintDC = hDC;
    HBITMAP hPaintBitmap = NULL;
    HBITMAP hOldPaintBitmap = NULL;
    if( bAlpha < 255 ) {
        rcPaint.left = rcPaint.top = 0;
        rcPaint.right = cx;
        rcPaint.bottom = cy;
        hPaintDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
        hPaintBitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, cx, cy);
        hOldPaintBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(hPaintDC, hPaintBitmap);
    if( lpGradientFill != NULL ) 
        TRIVERTEX triv[2] = 
            { rcPaint.left, rcPaint.top, GetBValue(dwFirst) << 8, GetGValue(dwFirst) << 8, GetRValue(dwFirst) << 8, 0xFF00 },
            { rcPaint.right, rcPaint.bottom, GetBValue(dwSecond) << 8, GetGValue(dwSecond) << 8, GetRValue(dwSecond) << 8, 0xFF00 }
        GRADIENT_RECT grc = { 0, 1 };
        lpGradientFill(hPaintDC, triv, 2, &grc, 1, bVertical ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V : GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H);
        // Determine how many shades
        int nShift = 1;
        if( nSteps >= 64 ) nShift = 6;
        else if( nSteps >= 32 ) nShift = 5;
        else if( nSteps >= 16 ) nShift = 4;
        else if( nSteps >= 8 ) nShift = 3;
        else if( nSteps >= 4 ) nShift = 2;
        int nLines = 1 << nShift;
        for( int i = 0; i < nLines; i++ ) {
            // Do a little alpha blending
            BYTE bR = (BYTE) ((GetBValue(dwSecond) * (nLines - i) + GetBValue(dwFirst) * i) >> nShift);
            BYTE bG = (BYTE) ((GetGValue(dwSecond) * (nLines - i) + GetGValue(dwFirst) * i) >> nShift);
            BYTE bB = (BYTE) ((GetRValue(dwSecond) * (nLines - i) + GetRValue(dwFirst) * i) >> nShift);
            // ... then paint with the resulting color
            HBRUSH hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(bR,bG,bB));
            RECT r2 = rcPaint;
            if( bVertical ) {
                r2.bottom = rc.bottom - ((i * (rc.bottom - rc.top)) >> nShift);
                r2.top = rc.bottom - (((i + 1) * (rc.bottom - rc.top)) >> nShift);
                if( (r2.bottom - r2.top) > 0 ) ::FillRect(hDC, &r2, hBrush);
            else {
                r2.left = rc.right - (((i + 1) * (rc.right - rc.left)) >> nShift);
                r2.right = rc.right - ((i * (rc.right - rc.left)) >> nShift);
                if( (r2.right - r2.left) > 0 ) ::FillRect(hPaintDC, &r2, hBrush);
    if( bAlpha < 255 ) {
        BLENDFUNCTION bf = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, bAlpha, AC_SRC_ALPHA };
        lpAlphaBlend(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, cx, cy, hPaintDC, 0, 0, cx, cy, bf);
        ::SelectObject(hPaintDC, hOldPaintBitmap);

void CRenderEngine::DrawLine(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor, int iPenStyle)
    ASSERT(::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_DC || ::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_MEMDC);
    POINT ptTemp = { 0 };
    HPEN hPen = ::CreatePen(iPenStyle, nSize, RGB(GetRValue(dwPenColor), GetGValue(dwPenColor), GetBValue(dwPenColor)));
    HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
    ::MoveToEx(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, &ptTemp);
    ::LineTo(hDC, rc.right, rc.bottom);
    ::SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);

void CRenderEngine::ExtDrawLine(HDC hDC, const POINT& rSrcPos,const POINT& rDesPos, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor,DWORD dwPenStyle)
	POINT ptTemp = { 0 };
	LOGBRUSH loghr;
	loghr.lbColor = RGB(GetRValue(dwPenColor), GetGValue(dwPenColor), GetBValue(dwPenColor));
	loghr.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
	HPEN hPen = ExtCreatePen(dwPenStyle,nSize,&loghr,0,NULL);
	HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
	::MoveToEx(hDC, rSrcPos.x,rSrcPos.y, &ptTemp);
	::LineTo(hDC, rDesPos.x,rDesPos.y);
	::SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);

void CRenderEngine::DrawLine(HDC hDC, const POINT& rSrcPos,const POINT& rDesPos, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor,int iPenStyle)
	POINT ptTemp = { 0 };
	HPEN hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, nSize, RGB(GetRValue(dwPenColor), GetGValue(dwPenColor), GetBValue(dwPenColor)));
	HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
	::MoveToEx(hDC, rSrcPos.x,rSrcPos.y, &ptTemp);
	::LineTo(hDC, rDesPos.x,rDesPos.y);
	::SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);

void CRenderEngine::DrawRect(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int nSize, DWORD dwPenColor)
    ASSERT(::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_DC || ::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_MEMDC);
    HPEN hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID | PS_INSIDEFRAME, nSize, RGB(GetRValue(dwPenColor), GetGValue(dwPenColor), GetBValue(dwPenColor)));
    HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
    ::SelectObject(hDC, ::GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH));
    ::Rectangle(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
    ::SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);

void CRenderEngine::DrawRoundRect(HDC hDC, const RECT& rc, int nSize, int width, int height, DWORD dwPenColor)
    ASSERT(::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_DC || ::GetObjectType(hDC)==OBJ_MEMDC);
    HPEN hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID | PS_INSIDEFRAME, nSize, RGB(GetRValue(dwPenColor), GetGValue(dwPenColor), GetBValue(dwPenColor)));
    HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
    ::SelectObject(hDC, ::GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH));
    ::RoundRect(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, width, height);
    ::SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);

 3.画线,绘颜色 ,绘渐变色,绘制矩形,绘制圆角矩形等

void CTestRenderEngineDlg::OnPaint()
	if (IsIconic())
		CPaintDC dc(this); // 用于绘制的设备上下文

		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);

		// 使图标在工作区矩形中居中
		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
		CRect rect;
		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2;
		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;

		// 绘制图标
		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon);
		// 绘制颜色
		//RECT rcClient;
		//::GetClientRect(*this, &rcClient);
		//PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		//HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
		//CRenderEngine::DrawColor(hDC, rcClient, 0xffff0000);
		//::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );

		// 绘制渐变色
		//DWORD dwBackColor = 2700277242;
		//DWORD dwBackColor2 = 2701066240;
		//DWORD dwBackColor3 = 2700277242;
		//RECT rcItem;
		//::GetClientRect(*this, &rcItem);
		//PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		//HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);

		//if( dwBackColor != 0 ) {
		//	if( dwBackColor2 != 0 ) {
		//		if( dwBackColor3 != 0 ) {
		//			RECT rc = rcItem;
		//			rc.bottom = (rc.bottom + rc.top) / 2;
		//			CRenderEngine::DrawGradient(hDC, rc, /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor), /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor2), true, 8);
		//			rc.top = rc.bottom;
		//			rc.bottom = rcItem.bottom;
		//			CRenderEngine::DrawGradient(hDC, rc, /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor2), /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor3), true, 8);
		//		}
		//		else 
		//			CRenderEngine::DrawGradient(hDC, rcItem, /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor), /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor2), true, 16);
		//	}
		//	else if( dwBackColor >= 0xFF000000 ) CRenderEngine::DrawColor(hDC, rcItem, /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor));
		//	else CRenderEngine::DrawColor(hDC, rcItem, /*GetAdjustColor*/(dwBackColor));
		//::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );

		//// 画线
		//RECT rcLine;
		//::GetClientRect(*this, &rcLine);
		//PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		//HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
		//CRenderEngine::DrawLine(hDC, rcLine, 100, 0xFF2B2928, PS_SOLID);
		//::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );

		//// 画线
		//RECT rt;
		//::GetClientRect(*this, &rt);
		//PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		//HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);

		//POINT rSrc;
		//rSrc.x = rt.left+4;
		//rSrc.y = rt.bottom-2;
		//POINT rDest;
		//int width = rt.right-4;
		//rDest.x =rt.right-4;
		//rDest.y =rt.bottom-2;

		//DWORD dwPenColor = 2700277242;

		//::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );

		//// 画矩形
		//RECT rect;
		//::GetClientRect(*this, &rect);
		//PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		//HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
		//CRenderEngine::DrawRect(hDC, rect, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
		//::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );

		//// 画圆角矩形
		RECT rect;
		::GetClientRect(*this, &rect);
		PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 };
		HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
		//CRenderEngine::DrawRect(hDC, rect, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
		CRenderEngine::DrawRoundRect(hDC, rect, 5, 50, 50, 2701066240);
		::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps );