To use this Class, add the following to the top of the file.
use Redirect;
Redirect::to($path, $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)
Creates a new redirect response to the given path.
// Create a Redirect Response to a location within the application
return Redirect::to('user/profile');
// Create a Redirect Response with a 301 status code
return Redirect::to('user/profile', 301);
// Create a Redirect Response and flash to the Session
return Redirect::to('profile')->with('message', 'Welcome Back!');
Redirect::home($status = 302)
Creates a new redirect response to the "home" route.
return Redirect::home();
Redirect::back($status = 302, $headers = array())
Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
return Redirect::back();
Redirect::refresh($status = 302, $headers = array())
Create a new redirect response to the current URI.
return Redirect::refresh();
Redirect::guest($path, $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
return Redirect::guest('user/profile');
Redirect::away($path, $status = 302, $headers = array())
Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).
return Redirect::away('');
Redirect::secure($path, $status = 302, $headers = array())
Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.
return Redirect::secure('user/profile');
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