08 2022 档案
摘要:如何评价2021年江苏警校分数线完胜军校? 作者:小谷围古天樂链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/471707925/answer/1999440724来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 以前判断一个地区是否发达地区很简单
摘要:LINQ: When to use SingleOrDefault vs. FirstOrDefault() with filtering criteria 问题 回答1 If your result set returns 0 records: SingleOrDefault returns th
摘要:Async. Postbacks cause Page_Init? (C#) 问题 I'm experiencing a very strange problem... I have a regular ASP.Net webpage with a page_init and a page_load
摘要:以武器来写人性,以前固然没有,以后想必也不会再有了。 古龙先生的《七种武器》是部不得不说的经典。以《长生剑》,《孔雀翎》,《碧玉刀》,《多情环》,《离别钩》,《霸王枪》,《拳头》七种武器为名,写的却是微笑,信心,诚实,仇恨,勇气,爱情和友情七大人生主题,影响力不可谓不深。 记得《食神》中星爷用折凳打
摘要:join clause (C# Reference) The join clause is useful for associating elements from different source sequences that have no direct relationship in the
摘要:LINQ to SQL: Multiple joins ON multiple Columns. Is this possible? 问题 Given: A table named TABLE_1 with the following columns: ID ColumnA ColumnB Colu
摘要:德经·第七十七章 天之道,损有余而补不足。人之道,则不然,损不足以奉有余。 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/26440349 天道与人道,这是一个古老而常新的哲学命题,在中国,最早提出这个与“人道”相对的“天道”的作用和功能的命题的,是中国的老子。《老子 七十七章》:“天之
摘要:EFCore join table and AutoMapper Question I want to query all users from my ASP.net Identity Users table and map them to a simple DTO like this: publi
摘要:EF join 两张表: var query = db.Categories // 第一张表 .Join(db.CategoryMaps, // 第二张表 c => c.CategoryId, // 主键 cm => cm.ChildCategoryId, // 外键 (c, cm) => new
摘要:What difference does .AsNoTracking() make? 问题 I have a question regarding the .AsNoTracking() extension, as this is all quite new and quite confusing.
摘要:Is automapper preventing lazy loading with EF? 问题 I have been using an AutoMapper and it seems that it gets me all the child entities (even if I don't
摘要:Prevent properties being loaded unless specifically requested 回答1 The problem source This isn't an EF behavior, it's an Automapper behavior. public IQ
摘要:Evaluate: lim x → 0 [1/x^2 - 1/sin^2x] L = lim x → 0 [1/x2 - 1/sin2x]. [∞ – ∞] formRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/354486/evaluat
摘要:EFCore Map 2 entities to same table 问题 I'm trying to use DDD with EFCore and I am struggling to find a way to map 2 POCOs from different context that
摘要:Explicit expansion In some scenarios, such as OData, a generic DTO is returned through an IQueryable controller action. Without explicit instructions,
摘要:When to use Include in EF? Not needed in projection? I have the following in Entity Framework Core: public class Book { public Int32 Id { get; set; }
摘要:What does Include() do in LINQ? 问题 I tried to do a lot of research but I'm more of a db guy - so even the explanation in the MSDN doesn't make any sen
摘要:An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) Cannot open backup device 'C:\Users\clu\
摘要:Queryable Extensions When using an ORM such as NHibernate or Entity Framework with AutoMapper’s standard mapper.Map functions, you may notice that the
摘要:Entity Framework Classic Include The Include method lets you add related entities to the query result. In EF Classic, the Include method no longer ret
摘要:https://docs.automapper.org/en/stable/Queryable-Extensions.html ProjectTo must be the last call in the chain. ORMs work with entities, not DTOs. So ap
摘要:Plain Old CLR Object vs Data Transfer Object POCO = Plain Old CLR (or better: Class) Object DTO = Data Transfer Object In this post there is a differe
摘要:When should I use the HashSet<T> type? I am exploring the HashSet<T> type, but I don't understand where it stands in collections. Can one use it to re
摘要:MVVM - How do I Bind the View Model to the View 问题 and thanks in advance for the guidance. I'm new to MVVM, and I've been learning via articles. I thi
摘要:View Models - WPF MVVM TUTORIAL #3
摘要:《亿万僵尸》科技点怎么加 亿万僵尸科技树加点推荐 科技重要程度分为:必点,极高,一般和不点,反应这个科技对通关的必要程度,侧面反应这个科技强不强。 对于重要程度为必点和极高的科技,按照优先级别分为:必点,极高和一般。当你有多个重要科技可以点的时候,可以参考优先级别。同时对每个科技做简要点评。 本科技
摘要:https://cy.surprising.studio/ https://github.com/SurprisingStudio 规则 玩家有六次机会猜一个四字成语(一般是常见成语)。每次猜测后,通过笔画的颜色标识与答案的区别。 高深莫测 偷梁换柱 马到成功 不可偏废 虚情假意 三心二意 熙熙攘攘
摘要:Set Serilog minimum level from environment variable 问题 Is it possible to setup Serilog minimum log level from environment variable? If I try to config
摘要:CREATE LOGIN (Transact-SQL) Creates a login for SQL Server, SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, or Analytics Platform System databases. Click one o
摘要:How To Configure a Domain Password Policy What is The Default Domain Password Policy? By default, Active Directory is configured with a default domain
摘要:SqlPackage.exe 可以在visual studio的安装路径下找到,C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\SqlPacka
摘要:Interface List 10...5e 13 45 00 db 06 ......VPN Client Adapter - VPN 35...00 15 5d 2e a0 3e ......Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter 28...38 14 28 45 78
摘要:Git fetch a specific commit by hash 回答1 As today I tried: git fetch origin <commit-hash> And it works like a charm! (git version 2.20.1) Just be sure
摘要:Git fetch Pull Requests from Azure DevOps 问题 I want to fetch, using git, the list of Pull Requests in a repository hosted in Azure DevOps. Github has
摘要:sql query if parameter is null select all Try this: SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE @parameter IS NULL OR NAME = @parameter; SQL select all if parameter
摘要:__EVENTTARGET is empty on postback of button click 问题 I have a button on aspx page <asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="sc-ButtonHeightWidth" ID="btnF
摘要:General tips | They Are Billions Game Guide They Are Billions guide, walkthrough They Are Billions is a complicated game in which deep mechanic knowle
摘要:Getting past the initial days | They Are Billions Game Guide The game is on - time to establish your colony. There is a small but important step that
摘要:Starting Tips | They Are Billions Game Guide Your first game? Don't panic just yet - the zombie hordes won't engage you on their own right away. Here
摘要:kentico12\UIControls\Controls\UniGrid\UniGrid.cs protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); AdvancedExportControl.UniGrid = this; P
摘要:Difference between Databound & Databind I want to know the difference between OnDataBound() & OnDataBinding() in Grid view in Asp.net webforms. When t
摘要:http://www.1024life.net/archives/131 【租鸡青一】是“租房子找鸡是青年的唯一出路”的缩写 现在的年轻人,房子太贵买不起,娶媳妇要房要车要彩礼也娶不上,只好租房子找小sister 那女青年怎么办呢,女青年只要眼光不那么高,起码是能结上婚的 背后其实反映的是社会财富差
摘要:SQL | MERGE Statement Prerequisite – INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE The MERGE command in SQL is actually a combination of three SQL statements: INSERT, UPDATE
摘要:MERGE Statement in SQL Explained Prerequisite – MERGE Statement As MERGE statement in SQL, as discussed before in the previous post, is the combinatio
摘要:SSDT Publish errors on Creating Publish Preview 问题 I am using Visual Studio 2013 to manage a .sqlproj file containing our database schema. The schema