07 2022 档案
摘要:sp_describe_parameter_encryption Analyzes the specified Transact-SQL statement and its parameters, to determine which parameters correspond to databas
摘要:File matching patterns reference Pattern syntaxA pattern is a string or list of newline-delimited strings. File and directory names are compared to pa
摘要:Using the OptanonWrapper Callback Function In the Testing CDN and the Production CDN in your OneTrust Cookie Consent application, you will notice a sc
摘要:Add gtag.js to your site The global site tag (gtag.js) is a JavaScript tagging framework and API that allows you to send event data to Google Analytic
摘要:Tag Manager and gtag.js Google Tag Manager and the global site tag (gtag.js) are both fully supported methods for the deployment of tags for Google pr
摘要:What is the difference between google tag manager and google analytics? I am reading about web analytic and came across GTM and GA. It seems that GA i
摘要:what are the values in _ga cookie? I am using universal analytics. universal analytics creates first party cookie _ga _ga=1.2.286403989.1366364567; 28
摘要:How to set the Google Analytics cookie only after another consent cookie is set and "true"? 问题 I am using React/Nextjs for my website and the react-co
摘要:Using Google Consent Mode to Adjust Tag Behavior Based on Consent Note For information on Google Additional Consent, see Using Google Additional Conse
摘要:GetService<IMessageBoxService>() returned null. Dear Support Team, I readed online documentation of Data Editors (Lesson 1 ~ Lession 5 of [How To: Cre
摘要:System table or view is deprecated This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the c
摘要:SQL SERVER – Difference Between Login Vs User – Security Concepts In the last 13 years of blogging, I have been asked this question again and again an
摘要:SQL Server User Mapping Error 15023 I try to map my other DB to a user by going to Security > Logins > right click someuser > Properties > User Mappin
摘要:How to Map Network Drives From the Command Prompt in Windows 查看所有net use 查看信息net use r: Local name R:Remote name \\tower\moviesResource type DiskStatu
摘要:Difference between Github Copilot and Github Copilot Nightly. 问题 Hi, while I was searching for Copilot on Visual Studio Code I noticed that there are
摘要:Learn Vue 3, a Front-End JavaScript Framework Vue.js Course for Beginners [2021 Tutorial] Vue is one of the more popular front-end JavaScript framewor
摘要:Difference between Return and Break statements How does a return statement differ from break statement?. If I have to exit an if condition, which one
摘要:What does threadsafe mean? 回答1 Eric Lippert has a nice blog post entitled What is this thing you call "thread safe"? about the definition of thread sa
摘要:Use anonymous type for LINQ based lists instead of var 问题 I've LINQ requests that return anonymous types like: var result = context.Table1.Select( x =
摘要:Determine what is blocking UI thread 问题 I am working on a rather large .NET WPF real-time application. The application is working great and as expecte
摘要:What does SynchronizationContext do? 问题 In the book Programming C#, it has some sample code about SynchronizationContext: SynchronizationContext origi
摘要:When should I use ConfigureAwait(true)? 问题 Has anyone come across a scenario for using ConfigureAwait(true)? Since true is the default option I cannot
摘要:在讨论阻塞与加锁之前,需要先理解一些核心概念:并发性、事务、隔离级别、阻塞锁及死锁。 并发性是指多个进程在相同时间访问或者更改共享数据的能力。一般情况而言,一个系统在互不干扰的情况下可以激活的并发用户的进程数越多,该系统的并发性就越强。就像通常所说的系统性能表现,系统同时处理的并发用户数越多,说明系
摘要:Questions About T-SQL Transaction Isolation Levels You Were Too Shy to Ask Every time you access a relational database to make a query, you have an im
摘要:SQL Server table hints – WITH (NOLOCK) best practices SQL Server table hints are a special type of explicit command that is used to override the defau
摘要:await keyword blocks main thread 问题 So I have the following code private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { await DoSomethingAsync
摘要:When correctly use Task.Run and when just async-await 回答 Note the guidelines for performing work on a UI thread, collected on my blog: Don't block the
摘要:What is the difference between await Task<T> and Task<T>.Result? 问题 public async Task<string> GetName(int id) { Task<string> nameTask = Task.Factory.S
摘要:What is the use for Task.FromResult<TResult> in C# 问题 In C# and TPL (Task Parallel Library), the Task class represents an ongoing work that produces a
摘要:How do you create an asynchronous method in C#? 问题 Every blog post I've read tells you how to consume an asynchronous method in C#, but for some odd r
摘要:Should I worry about "This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously" warning 问题 I have a interface which exposes some async met
摘要:C# string reference type? 回答1 The reference to the string is passed by value. There's a big difference between passing a reference by value and passin
摘要:Why DataSet is being passed by reference without explicitly passing out or ref parameter? [duplicate] 回答1 Strings are immutable, plus you are not modi
摘要:How to write an async method with out parameter? I want to write an async method with an out parameter, like this: public async void Method1() { int o
摘要:Executing tasks in parallel 问题 Ok, so basically I have a bunch of tasks (10) and I want to start them all at the same time and wait for them to comple
摘要:SSIS How to Create an ETL Package In this tutorial, you learn how to use SSIS Designer to create a Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services package.
摘要:Download SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a modern development tool for building SQL Server relational d
摘要:Common async / Task mistakes, and how to avoid them The .Net async / await mechanism is a godsend when it comes to making asynchronous code accessible
摘要:What the async keyword actually does When it comes to curiousity about inner workings of C# keywords or construct, async and await are at the top of m
摘要:C# 5.0 Async Tips and Tricks, Part 1 Cet article est aussi disponible en francais. TL;DR: This article is a discussion about how C#5.0 async captures
摘要:C# Async Tips and Tricks Part 2 : Async Void TL;DR: This article discusses the differences between async Task and async void, and how async void metho
摘要:Error `Async test method must have non-void return type` when upgrading from NUnit 2 to NUnit 3 回答 The error Async test method must have non-void retu
摘要:Are Windows file timestamps timezone aware? 回答 The time zone is an artefact of conversion from "instants" to a human-readable date-and-time in some ca
摘要:Navigate To Decompiled Sources ReSharper | Navigate | Navigate To | Decompiled Sources Alt+` | Decompiled Sources (ReSharper_NavigateToDecompiledSourc
摘要:How to: View and edit code by using Peek Definition (Alt+F12) You can use the Peek Definition command to view and edit code without switching away fro
摘要:魅影剑客 克制自然队 LT23T_115_02魅影剑客(Doppelganger)Doppelganger魅影剑客Create a copy of this unit to the left and to the right.在左侧和右侧各生成一个此单位的复制。
摘要:pin码是4至8位。PIN码(PIN1)是电信名词,是指SIM卡的个人识别密码。手机的PIN码是保护SIM卡的一种安全措施,防止别人盗用SIM卡,如果启用了开机PIN码,那么每次开机后就要输入4-8位数PIN码。 PIN码(PIN1)就是SIM卡的个人识别密码。如果启用了开机PIN码,那么每次开机后
摘要:https://handle.antfu.me/ https://github.com/antfu/handle 你们汉兜都用什么开局? 回答1 我一般开局并不一定追求是个成语,而是强调这个词汇元素一定要尽可能齐全(当然也可以理解为我其实一点也不在意成语比例那个数据) 比如四个声调要全,所有声母韵母
摘要:How to catch/observe an unhandled exception thrown from a Task 问题 I'm trying to log / report all unhandled exceptions in my app (error reporting solut
摘要:TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException event handler never being triggered 问题 I'm reading through a book about the C# Task Parallel Library and have th
摘要:AsyncCommand Exception-Handling 问题 I'm using an AsyncCommand to execute something like this: C# private async Task Refresh() { try { await somethingAs
摘要:async/await - when to return a Task vs void? 问题 Under what scenarios would one want to use public async Task AsyncMethod(int num) instead of public as
摘要:表层错误 Failed to decrypt column 'Password'.Failed to decrypt a column encryption key using key store provider: 'MSSQL_CERTIFICATE_STORE'. The last 10 by
摘要:Filter by process/PID in Wireshark 回答1 Just in case you are looking for an alternate way and the environment you use is Windows, Microsoft's Network M
摘要:SQL Server 2016 Always Encrypted Problem SQL Server has had ways to encrypt data in the past - for example, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). This te
摘要:虽然是模拟炒股,但同学们尽量还是要控制一下仓位,一般建议总资金的1/3操作,剩余资金,可以作为补仓之用。 另外,购入的股票数量也不宜过多,同一时间,持有2-3个为宜。 没有要求,总的模拟资金50w,到期以后看谁的盈利多 一般的选股思路:(1)做龙头强势股回调。(2)做平台突破。(3)低位潜伏 没关系
摘要:An overview of the column level SQL Server encryption This article gives an overview of column level SQL Server encryption using examples. Introductio