06 2022 档案
摘要:股票入门基础知识:从零开始学炒股视频教程 股票的分类 股票的交易时间 股票的涨跌幅 股票K线图 股票的交易规则 压力位和支撑位
摘要:A worker process with process id of '7512' serving application pool 'ticket' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration wa
摘要:SqlBulkCopy Class BatchSize Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. BulkCopyTimeout Numb
摘要:C# "Using" Syntax 问题 Does the using catch the exception or throw it? i.e. using (StreamReader rdr = File.OpenText("file.txt")) { //do stuff } If the s
摘要:Can you use reflection to find the name of the currently executing method? 回答1 For non-async methods one can use System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurre
摘要:问题 You are right, our customer have written a class inherit CustomTableItem class, which named as EventLogItem. We also have a CustomTable named as Ev
Kentico There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
摘要:System.InvalidOperationException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.at System.Data.SqlClient
摘要:Stairway to SQL Server Indexes Indexes are fundamental to database design, and tell the developer using the database a great deal about the intentions
摘要:Clustered vs Non-clustered Index: Key Differences with Example What is an Index?An Index is a key built from one or more columns in the database that
摘要:Why use the INCLUDE clause when creating an index? 问题 While studying for the 70-433 exam I noticed you can create a covering index in one of the follo
摘要:Back To Basics: Clustered vs NonClustered Indexes; what’s the difference? SQL Server has two basics kinds of indexes. They are clustered and noncluste
摘要:When to Use Clustered or Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server Database indexes are used to improve the speed of database operations in a table with a l
摘要:SQL Server: Order of Rows 问题 We all know that a simple statement such as: SELECT * FROM stuff;should not produce an ordered result. However, when I tr
摘要:Being Agile vs. doing Agile: What's the difference? Doing Agile and being Agile, compared The difference between being Agile and doing Agile is akin t
摘要:神秘的奶牛 H1-10 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PY411M7ms 先解决一个小怪,降低自然伤害。然后集火boss LT23_825H奶牛王(The Cow King)The Cow King奶牛王After this takes damage, cast
摘要:What's the execute order of the different parts of a SQL select statement? 问题 What's the execute order of the different parts of a SQL select statemen
摘要:Multiple Indexes vs Multi-Column Indexes 问题 What is the difference between creating one index across multiple columns versus creating multiple indexes
摘要:最新的理解 4张表 as cte1, abcd 3张表 as cte2, aef 把cet1和cte2进行join的时候,partition需要调整, cte1里面的partition by需要加上ef的字段 cte2里面的partition by需要加上bcd的字段 核心,这里做除法的时候 cou
摘要:SQL Server: Difference between PARTITION BY and GROUP BY 问题 I've been using GROUP BY for all types of aggregate queries over the years. Recently, I've
摘要:SQL Server 2012 copy database without data 回答1 Right click your database in your server, and select Tasks > Generate Scripts. At Introduction step, cl
摘要:Is it possible to create a temporary table in a View and drop it after select? 问题 I need to alter one view and I want to introduce 2 temporary table b
摘要:看美剧学英语,怎样学最高效 学习英语对很多人来说都是一个枯燥乏味的过程,现在很多学英语的朋友想出各种让学英语变得相对轻松有效的方法,而其中,看美剧学英语就是一个不错的方法。 看美剧学英语让我们沉浸在语言环境中,耳濡目染,通过声音与图像共同组成了完整的信息,将视觉刺激和听觉刺激有效地结合在一起,同时还
摘要:在看英美剧的时候,英文字幕能看懂但是却听不懂,要怎样改变这样的状况? 回答1 I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with this. It is perfectly understandable that you have trouble understand
摘要:UIElement.Opacity Property Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire UIElement when it is rendered in the user interface (UI). This is a d
摘要:ASCII or UTF-8? 问题 Long long time ago before world scripts birth, text files are all ASCII.Nowadays, we have world scripts.I would like to ask if I op
摘要:Msg 1939, Level 16, State 1, Line 19Cannot create index on view 'vw_Invoice_chuck_005' because the view is not schema bound. Msg 4512, Level 16, State
摘要:SQL Server - Management Studio - Client Statistics - Wait time on server replies vs Client processing time 'Wait time on server replies' is the time b
摘要:How Client Statistics helps in improving performance in SQL Server Time Statistics Value of ‘Client processing time’ is 20 which indicates the time sp
摘要:Columnstore indexes: Overview Columnstore indexes are the standard for storing and querying large data warehousing fact tables. This index uses column
摘要:Running SUM across large amount of rows 回答1 You can take a look to the column store in SQL Server. In short, you are able to create a column store ind
摘要:到底如何通过看美剧来提高英语听力和口语? 下面我们就从科学出发,不谈个人经验,真正分析一下口语能力的培养所需要经历的步骤和每一步所需要攻克的问题,还有具体的解决方案: 一 听力能力障碍 首先我们来看看上面这张图,稍微有点物理学常识的人都知道,这是著名的「虹吸现象」,即想要让左侧杯中的液体通过一根导管
摘要:Get top 1 row of each group 回答1 ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC) AS rn FROM DocumentStat
摘要:Top 3 Tips You Need to Know to Write Faster SQL Views Friend or foe? SQL Server views have been a subject of heated debates when I was in my first yea
摘要:Admin站点,impersonate到用户站点。需要在用户站点添加一个LoginAsUser的页面,然后在页面里面读取identiyname,这个一般用户userid。 然后设置Application variable里面对应的user id的login status为true。 这样可以避开和r
摘要:CREATE STATISTICS (Transact-SQL) Creates query optimization statistics on one or more columns of a table, an indexed view, or an external table. For m
摘要:Tutorial: Database Engine Tuning Advisor Welcome to the Database Engine Tuning Advisor tutorial. Database Engine Tuning Advisor examines how queries a
摘要:Logical Functions - IIF (Transact-SQL) Returns one of two values, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false in SQL Server
摘要:Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview 谷歌AI聊天记录让网友San值狂掉:研究员走火入魔认为它已具备人格,被罚带薪休假 What follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted wi
摘要:What are .EditorConfig files? https://editorconfig.org/ The EditorConfig project consists of a file format for defining coding styles and a collection
摘要:【TED演讲】为什么你应该知道你的同事得多少报酬?(中英字幕) Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid | David Burkus 2016-10-11 可以从这个网站下载字幕 How much do you get paid? D
摘要:敏捷咒符(Sigil of Alacrity) 暗礁德鲁伊(Druid of the Reef) 召唤宠物(Call Pet) 团伙劫掠(Raiding Party) 怒鳍猎潮者(Bilefin Tidehunter) 游乐园小丑(Fairground Fool) 侧翼合击(Flanking Man
摘要:H8-1 克雷什,群龟之王(Kresh, Lord of Turtling) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1m5411Q7mu 群龟之王克雷什具有减伤机制,同时具有两个强力的技能,分别能够吸收友方伤害和造成全体AOE效果, 两侧的始祖龟具有无法被冻结的被动,以及
摘要:可以通过看英文电视剧学会英语吗? 可以的,但不能有字幕。 我来自一个不怎么发达的省,中小学英语教育水平较差,刚读大学时英语比同学差了一大截。大学时追美剧看欧美电影,打着字幕看了许久,英语没什么提高,反正四级肯定是过不了的。 大二下学期时因为电脑软件出了问题,放avi文件不能打字幕,但美剧剧情环环相扣
摘要:佣兵 玛法里奥·怒风(Malfurion Stormrage) 大德鲁伊的召唤1(Archdruid's Call 1) 纠缠根须1(Entangling Roots 1) 塞纳里奥波动1(Cenarion Surge 1) 古夫·符文图腾(Guff Runetotem) 符文猛击1(Runic S
摘要:想通过看美剧学英语听力、口语,可以是纯英语字幕、没字幕,如何实现去掉或遮挡字幕?或者实时字幕和翻译? 现在只有TED超级演讲家 有视频可以看,然后是不同的版本来区分字幕的 漂亮小姐姐教你不看字幕学英文 https://www.zhihu.com/zvideo/1332019476770770944
摘要:SQL Server Integration Services SQL Server Integration Services is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations
摘要:How to set Google Chrome custom proxy server settings independently from Internet Explorer proxy settings Google Chrome web browser by default uses th
摘要:手机号“一键解绑”功能来了!覆盖微博淘宝等 央广网北京6月9日消息 最近有网友反映手机绑定App太多,经常收到商家短信,不胜其烦,逐一解绑又费时费力。9日,记者从中国信息通信研究院了解到,其旗下微信公众号“一号通查”推出手机号“一键解绑”服务,可解除持有手机号与互联网账号之间的绑定或关联关系。目前,
摘要:科技爱好者周刊(第 209 期):程序员是怎样的人 心理学家从这个实验,得到一个结论:人类行为受到工作环境的强烈影响,你会变成环境要求你成为的样子。 正常人关进监狱,就会变得囚犯般俯首听命,暗中算计;要是当上狱警,就会不由自主地居高临下、残忍霸道。 这个实验带给我们的启示就是,要小心你的工作,它会改
摘要:Message: [TreePathUtils.GetUniqueNodeName]: The maximum number of tries to get a unique node name was reached. Please validate URL settings to make su
摘要:Define your Classic pipeline Azure Pipelines provide a highly configurable and manageable pipeline for releases to multiple stages such as development
摘要:What is the difference between Pipeline and Release Pipeline in azure devops? 问题 An yaml file is generated while you choose this option shown below: I
摘要:DataTables: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined 回答1 It's even simpler: just use dataSrc:'' option in the ajax defintion so dataTable knows to e
摘要:How do I remove the first characters of a specific column in a table? 问题 In SQL, how can I remove the first 4 characters of values of a specific colum
摘要:How does comparison operator works with null int? 问题 I am starting to learn nullable types and ran into following behavior. While trying nullable int,
摘要:https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/switch-chronological-twitter-timeline/ How do I sort my Twitter feed by time?Tap the Sparkle icon in the top-right of th
摘要:谜题 奥山的解谜 圣骑士(右上角) 这个迷宫就是一个225×225的大地图,分布着3×3一共8个小型迷宫。玩家初始随机出生其中一个迷宫里。每个迷宫51×51的大小。每个迷宫里面有5枚金币,需要炸2次墙才能到达外面在8个迷宫中间有一个鲍勃收集金币,给他20枚金币即可过关,鲍勃左下角有一枚,也就是说要通
摘要:谜题 奥山的解谜 恶魔猎手(左上角) 1.进入谜题后查看场上7个随从初始的生命值,并通过在附件中的谜题位置参照表根据生命值来找到每个随从的初始位置,记下每个随从的位置。 位置参照表 2.第一回合直接点击结束回合,然后每个随从会获得一个新的生命值,找到新的对应位置。3.检查每个随从第一个位置和新的位置
摘要:奥山的解谜已解决(三个谜题都已更新解谜方法) 这次谜题进入的方法出乎意料的非常简单,打开佣兵之书,点击红圈位置即可牧师(左下角) 牧师谜题是一个2阶魔方,1.龙 2.鱼人 3.野兽 4.恶魔 5.元素 6.机械对应了魔方的6个颜色,谜题目标是将魔方复原。每个人的魔方都未必相同,所以解法并不固定,只提
摘要:https://q.cnblogs.com/q/49923/ public void RtbAppend(string strInput, Color fontColor) { int p1 = richTextBox1.TextLength; //取出未添加时的字符串长度。 richTextBox
摘要:Hide meeting attendees Is there a way to hide the meeting attendees? When watching a shared screen in a meeting the panel at the bottom which is lisin
摘要:PDFsam, a desktop application to extract pages, split, merge, mix and rotate PDF files https://github.com/torakiki/pdfsam https://github.com/torakiki/
摘要:领域驱动设计在互联网业务开发中的实践 至少30年以前,一些软件设计人员就已经意识到领域建模和设计的重要性,并形成一种思潮,Eric Evans将其定义为领域驱动设计(Domain-Driven Design,简称DDD)。在互联网开发“小步快跑,迭代试错”的大环境下,DDD似乎是一种比较“古老而缓慢