01 2022 档案
摘要:Finding null value in Dataset - DataRow.IsNull method vs ==DbNull.Value - c# 问题 What are the benefits of using the c# method DataRow.IsNull to determi
摘要:Is a GUID unique 100% of the time? 回答1 While each generated GUID is not guaranteed to be unique, the total number of unique keys (2128 or 3.4×1038) is
摘要:SQL Server discarding SPACE during GROUP BY 问题 Looks like SQL Server (tried on 2008 R2) is doing an RTRIM on columns in GROUP BY clause. Did anyone no
摘要:What is the benefit of using "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in a stored procedure? 回答1 SET XACT_ABORT ON instructs SQL Server to rollback the entire transaction
摘要:How can I get bootstrap version via javascript? 回答1 The version of each of Bootstrap's jQuery plugins can be accessed via the VERSION property of the
摘要:Twitter Bootstrap Carousel autoplay on load 回答1 you should do as the Twitter Bootstrap Documentation says about Carousel, so set the first Carousel sl
摘要:How do I view a single file's history in GitK? 回答1 To get the file history gitk <filename> To see the blame history in a gui, which may help you track
摘要:幂指函数_百度百科 (baidu.com) What is the value of limit x^(1/(x-1)) as x tends to 1?
摘要:主对角线(从左上角到右下角这条对角线)下方的元素全为零的行列式称为上三角行列式。一个n阶行列式若能通过变换,化为上三角行列式,则计算该行列式就很容易了。 通过初等变换,把普通的行列式转换为上三角行列式。 就可以通过外面的系数,乘以主对角线(从左上角到右下角这条对角线)上的元素,得到行列式的值。 需要
摘要:How to commit no change and new message? 回答1 There's rarely a good reason to do this, but the parameter is --allow-empty for empty commits (no files c
摘要:Get first day of week in SQL Server 回答1 To answer why you're getting a Monday and not a Sunday: You're adding a number of weeks to the date 0. What is
摘要:数学教授为什么仍然使用粉笔? 斯坦福大学几乎 100% 的数学系教师,依然使用粉笔和黑板授课。不仅老师们喜欢用粉笔,学生们也非常接受这种方式。 一个数学讲师曾经调查班上的51名同学,更喜欢黑板上的板书,还是用投影仪展示讲义?学生们一致反映:黑板更好。 粉笔和黑板的讲课方式,发明于19世纪初,至今已经
摘要:History Simplification 重现的repository在这里 https://github.com/ChuckTest/git-history-test 具体的讨论,参考这个,https://groups.google.com/g/git-users/c/n8Rj-YBUJEw A
摘要:直观理解贝叶斯公式 好多同学反应不理解贝叶斯公式,专门写一篇让大家直观的理解贝叶斯公式。 先来一个问题:一机器在良好状态生产合格产品几率是90%,在故障状态生产合格产品几率是30%,机器良好的概率是75%,若一日第一件产品是合格品,那么此日机器良好的概率是多少? 这里需要用到贝叶斯公式,贝叶斯公式一
摘要:Scorpion and the frog A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if he did, bot
摘要:Excel 2007如何用countif()函数统计性别? Excel单列数据如何剔除重复值
摘要:Why Local Users and Groups is missing in Computer Management on Windows 10 Home? [closed] Windows 10 Home Edition does not have Local Users and Groups