

Using AppInitialize


The above global.asax does not work for non-HTTP protocols such as net.tcp and net.pipe that is supported by the Windows Activation Service (WAS) on Windows Vista. There is no protocol-agnostic counterpart for HttpApplication in this case.




Fortunately, ASP.NET provides a simple hook that works in a protocol agnostic way. The hook is based on the following AppInitialize method:


    public static void AppInitialize();


This method can be put in any type that is defined in a C# file in the application’s \App_Code directory. When the AppDomain is started, ASP.NET checks whether there is a type that has such as method (exact name and signature) and invokes it. Note that the AppInitialize method can be only defined once and it has to be in a code file instead of a pre-compiled assembly.





posted @ 2018-04-11 14:19  ChuckLu  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报