

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ' ' to data type int.




SELECT 9.5 AS Original,
       CAST(9.5 AS INT) AS [int],
       CAST(9.5 AS DECIMAL(6, 4)) AS [decimal];
SELECT 9.5 AS Original,
       CONVERT(INT, 9.5) AS [int],
       CONVERT(DECIMAL(6, 4), 9.5) AS [decimal];


Original int decimal
9.5         9      9.5000




Convert String to DateTime


SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2018/01/04 11:22:01', 120)

第三个参数,120是style,ODBC canonical,yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h) 。

SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2018-01-04 11:22:01', 110)

第三个参数,110是style,USA,10 = mm-dd-yy,110 = mm-dd-yyyy


Date and Time styles

For a date or time data type expression, style can have one of the values shown in the following table. Other values are processed as 0.

Beginning with SQL Server 2012 (11.x), the only styles supported, when converting from date and time types to datetimeoffset, are 0 or 1.

All other conversion styles return error 9809.

  102 ANSI 2 = yy.mm.dd
102 = yyyy.mm.dd


23 yyyy-mm-dd


posted @ 2017-08-10 17:56  ChuckLu  阅读(978)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报