


The NuGet command line may be installed onto a machine in a few possible ways.

  1. Direct download of the executable from https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe. The executable may be placed anywhere on the file system, and in most cases should be placed in a directory that is listed in the PATH environment variable.
  2. Install the NuGet.CommandLine package from the NuGet Visual Studio client and either move nuget.exe to a common location or execute it in the context of your project.
  3. Install the NuGet.CommandLine Chocolatey package using the Chocolatey client. More information on Chocolatey can be found at [http://chocolatey.org].

第一步:下载nuget.exe,然后把这个exe文件放到文件系统的任一位置,并确保这个位置,已经列在环境变量中了。 比如这个路径C:\Windows\    【但是千万不要放到system32下面】

第二步:打开VS,随便打开一个项目,解决方案上右键Manage Nuget Packages,选择Browse ,输入NuGet.CommandLine,最后选择最新的版本安装上

第三步:使用Chocolatey客户端安装NuGet.CommandLine  https://chocolatey.org/packages/NuGet.CommandLine



posted @ 2016-09-06 21:08  ChuckLu  阅读(2333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报