WCF - Overview


WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation.

The elementary feature of WCF is interoperability. It is one of the latest technologies of Microsoft that is used to build service-oriented applications.


Based on the concept of message-based communication, in which an HTTP request is represented uniformly, WCF makes it possible to have a unified API irrespective of diverse transport mechanisms.

根据"基于消息的通信"的概念,在统一采用http请求的情况下,WCF使得拥有一个统一的API变得可能,而不用考虑不同的传输机制     API--Application Programming Interface

elementary 基本的;初级的;[化学] 元素的






WCF was released for the first time in 2006 as a part of the .NET framework with Windows Vista, and then got updated several times. WCF 4.5 is the most recent version that is now widely used.

WCF在2006年第一次发布,作为Vista操作系统中.net framework的一部分。之后wcf更新了几次。WCF4.5是最新的版本,并且现在使用的最为广泛。

A WCF application consists of three components:    WCF应用由三部分组成

  • WCF service,                     WCF服务
  • WCF service host, and         WCF主机
  • WCF service client.              WCF客户端

WCF platform is also known as the Service Model.    WCF品台也被称为服务模块

Fundamental Concepts of WCF   WCF基本的概念

Message  消息

This is a communication unit that comprises of several parts apart from the body. Message instances are sent as well as received for all types of communication between the client and the service.

这是一个通信单元,由除了body之外的几个部分组成。  消息实例在客户端与服务端的所有类型的通信中被发送和接收。

Endpoint  终结点

It defines the address where a message is to be sent or received. It also specifies the communication mechanism to describe how the messages will be sent along with defining the set of messages. A structure of an endpoint comprises of the following parts:


  • Address - Address specifies the exact location to receive the messages and is specified as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It is expressed as scheme://domain[:port]/[path]. Take a look at the address mentioned below:


    Here, 'net.tcp' is the scheme for the TCP protocol. The domain is 'localhost' which can be the name of a machine or a web domain, and the path is 'ServiceA'.

地址:Address 指定了准确的位置来接收消息,并将这个位置命名为url。用  acheme://domain[:port]/[path]来表示,看一下下面提到的地址:



  • Binding - It defines the way an endpoint communicates. It comprises of some binding elements that make the infrastructure for communication. For example, a binding states the protocols used for transport like TCP, HTTP, etc., the format of message encoding, and the protocols related to security as well as reliability.

绑定 :Binding定义了终结点的通讯方式。它由一些绑定元素构成,这些元素构成了通讯的底层结构。例如,一个binding声明了用于传输的协议,例如TCP,HTTP等,消息的编码格式,和协议相关的安全性以及可靠性

  • Contracts - It is a collection of operations that specifies what functionality the endpoint exposes to the clinet. It generally consists of an interface name.


Hosting  托管

Hosting from the viewpoint of WCF refers to the WCF service hosting which can be done through many available options like self-hosting, IIS hosting, and WAS hosting.

从WCF的视角来看Hosting,它涉及到WCF托管服务,托管服务可以通过通过许多选择来完成,例如self-hosting, IIS hosting, and WAS hosting.

Metadata  元数据

This is a significant concept of WCF, as it facilitates easy interaction between a client application and a WCF service. Normally, metadata for a WCF service is generated automatically when enabled, and this is done by inspection of service and its endpoints.



WCF Client

A client application that gets created for exposing the service operations in the form of methods is known as a WCF client. This can be hosted by any application, even the one that does service hosting.

客户端应用被创建,以方法的形式来公开服务操作,客户端应用也被称为WCF客户端。  这可以由任务应用来托管,即使是托管服务的应用也可以。


Channel is a medium through which a client communicates with a service. Different types of channels get stacked and are known as Channel Stacks.

信道是客户端和服务进行通信的中介。不同类型的信道get stacked,也被称为信道栈。


Although termed as ‘Simple Object Access Protocol’, SOAP is not a transport protocol; instead it is an XML document comprising of a header and body section.

soap也被称为"Simple Object Access Protocol"简单对象访问协议,soap不是一个传输协议。相反,它是一个由header以及body部分构成的xml文档。

Advantages of WCF   WCF的优点

  • It is interoperable with respect to other services. This is in sharp contrast to .NET Remoting in which both the client and the service must have .Net.

  • WCF services offer enhanced reliability as well as security in comparison to ASMX (Active Server Methods) web services.

  • Implementing the security model and binding change in WCF do not require a major change in coding. Just a few configuration changes is required to meet the constraints.

  • WCF has built-in logging mechanism whereas in other technologies, it is essential to do the requisite coding.

  • WCF has integrated AJAX and support for JSON (JavaScript object notation).

  • It offers scalability and support for up-coming web service standards.

  • It has a default security mechanism which is extremely robust.










作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
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