英语背单词 专四词汇 中英对照 2025年03月
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | poison | /ˈpɔɪ.zən/ | noun, verb | A substance that can cause harm or death; to contaminate or harm | 毒药;毒害 |
2 | hoist | /hɔɪst/ | verb, noun | To lift something, especially with a mechanical device | 提升;吊起 |
3 | untie | /ʌnˈtaɪ/ | verb | To undo a knot or something tied | 解开;松开 |
4 | stall | /stɔːl/ | noun, verb | A small shop or stand; to stop progressing | 摊位;拖延 |
5 | polo | /ˈpəʊ.ləʊ/ | noun | A sport played on horseback with a ball and mallets | 马球 |
6 | jealous | /ˈdʒel.əs/ | adj | Feeling envious or protective of something | 嫉妒的;吃醋的 |
7 | baseball | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/ | noun | A sport played with a bat, ball, and bases | 棒球 |
8 | ammunition | /ˌæm.jəˈnɪʃ.ən/ | noun | Bullets and explosive materials used in weapons | 弹药 |
9 | brag | /bræɡ/ | verb, noun | To talk boastfully about achievements | 吹嘘;自夸 |
10 | legislative | /ˈledʒ.ɪ.slə.tɪv/ | adj | Related to law-making | 立法的 |
11 | dial | /ˈdaɪ.əl/ | verb, noun | To enter a number on a phone; a rotating control | 拨号;刻度盘 |
12 | stench | /stentʃ/ | noun | A strong, unpleasant smell | 恶臭 |
13 | worm | /wɜːm/ | noun, verb | A small, elongated invertebrate; to move in a twisting manner | 蠕虫;缓慢前进 |
14 | footwear | /ˈfʊt.weər/ | noun | Things worn on the feet, such as shoes | 鞋类 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | napkin | /ˈnæp.kɪn/ | noun | A piece of cloth or paper used to wipe the mouth and hands while eating | 餐巾;纸巾 |
2 | therapy | /ˈθer.ə.pi/ | noun | Treatment for physical or mental disorders | 治疗;疗法 |
3 | mute | /mjuːt/ | adj, noun, verb | Silent or unable to speak; to turn off sound | 无声的;哑巴;静音 |
4 | underprivileged | /ˌʌn.dəˈprɪv.ɪ.lɪdʒd/ | adj | Lacking basic social advantages | 贫困的;社会地位低下的 |
5 | firsthand | /ˌfɜːstˈhænd/ | adj, adv | Directly experienced or obtained | 第一手的;直接的 |
6 | squadron | /ˈskwɒd.rən/ | noun | A military unit of aircraft, ships, or soldiers | 中队;分遣队 |
7 | limousine | /ˈlɪm.ə.ziːn/ | noun | A large, luxurious car | 豪华轿车 |
8 | peddle | /ˈped.əl/ | verb | To sell goods, often by traveling | 兜售;沿街叫卖 |
9 | exhibitor | /ɪɡˈzɪb.ɪ.tər/ | noun | A person or company that displays something in an exhibition | 参展者;展出者 |
10 | aristocracy | /ˌær.ɪˈstɒk.rə.si/ | noun | The highest social class in some societies | 贵族阶级;贵族统治 |
11 | pursuit | /pəˈsjuːt/ | noun | The act of chasing or striving for something | 追求;追逐 |
12 | dairy | /ˈdeə.ri/ | noun, adj | A place that produces milk products; related to milk | 乳品店;乳制的 |
13 | arrogance | /ˈær.ə.ɡəns/ | noun | Overbearing pride or self-importance | 傲慢;自负 |
14 | affirmative | /əˈfɜː.mə.tɪv/ | adj, noun | Expressing agreement or approval | 肯定的;赞同的 |
15 | ambulance | /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ | noun | A vehicle used for transporting the sick or injured | 救护车 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | slaughter | /ˈslɔː.tər/ | noun, verb | The killing of animals for food; mass killing | 屠宰;大屠杀 |
2 | lamb | /læm/ | noun, verb | A young sheep; to give birth to a lamb | 羔羊;产羔 |
3 | emphatic | /ɪmˈfæt.ɪk/ | adj | Expressing something forcibly and clearly | 强调的;明显的 |
4 | pigeon | /ˈpɪdʒ.ɪn/ | noun | A bird often found in cities; a gullible person | 鸽子;易上当的人 |
5 | sarcasm | /ˈsɑː.kæz.əm/ | noun | The use of irony to mock or convey contempt | 讽刺;挖苦 |
6 | preparatory | /prɪˈpær.ə.tər.i/ | adj | Serving as a preparation for something | 预备的;准备的 |
7 | per | /pɜːr/ | preposition | For each; according to | 每;按照 |
8 | pension | /ˈpen.ʃən/ | noun | A regular payment for retired people | 养老金;退休金 |
9 | habitation | /ˌhæb.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | The act of living in a place | 居住;住所 |
10 | nomination | /ˌnɒm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | The act of formally selecting a candidate | 提名;任命 |
11 | aesthetics | /esˈθet.ɪks/ | noun | The study of beauty and artistic taste | 美学;审美观 |
12 | snack | /snæk/ | noun, verb | A small meal; to eat a small meal | 零食;吃零食 |
13 | sling | /slɪŋ/ | verb, noun | To throw something; a strap for carrying | 投掷;吊带 |
14 | elevation | /ˌɛl.ɪˈveɪ.ʃən/ | noun | The height of a place above sea level | 海拔;升高 |
15 | contestant | /kənˈtes.tənt/ | noun | A person who takes part in a competition | 参赛者;竞争者 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | executioner | /ˌɛk.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən.ər/ | noun | A person who carries out a death sentence | 刽子手;死刑执行人 |
2 | capsule | /ˈkæp.sjuːl/ | noun | A small container for medicine; a space module | 胶囊;密封舱 |
3 | whisky | /ˈwɪs.ki/ | noun | A strong alcoholic drink made from grains | 威士忌 |
4 | prior | /ˈpraɪ.ər/ | adj | Happening before something else | 先前的;优先的 |
5 | vitamin | /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn/ | noun | A substance essential for health | 维生素 |
6 | bureaucracy | /bjʊəˈrɒk.rə.si/ | noun | A system of government with complex rules | 官僚主义;官僚体制 |
7 | poetic | /pəʊˈɛt.ɪk/ | adj | Relating to poetry; beautiful and expressive | 诗意的;富有诗意的 |
8 | ponder | /ˈpɒn.dər/ | verb | To think deeply about something | 沉思;考虑 |
9 | sumo | /ˈsuː.məʊ/ | noun | A Japanese style of wrestling | 相扑 |
10 | authoritative | /ɔːˈθɒr.ɪ.tə.tɪv/ | adj | Commanding and confident; reliable | 权威的;命令式的 |
11 | nightmare | /ˈnaɪt.mɛər/ | noun | A bad dream; a terrifying experience | 噩梦;可怕的经历 |
12 | ale | /eɪl/ | noun | A type of beer brewed with hops | 麦芽酒;艾尔啤酒 |
13 | echo | /ˈɛk.əʊ/ | noun, verb | A sound reflection; to repeat a sound | 回声;重复 |
14 | villa | /ˈvɪl.ə/ | noun | A large, luxurious house | 别墅 |
15 | ivory | /ˈaɪ.vər.i/ | noun | The hard white material from elephant tusks | 象牙 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | comma | /ˈkɒm.ə/ | noun | A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate a pause in a sentence | 逗号 |
2 | expense | /ɪkˈspɛns/ | noun | The cost incurred for something; money spent | 花费;开销 |
3 | uranium | /jʊˈreɪ.ni.əm/ | noun | A radioactive metal used as fuel in nuclear reactors | 铀 |
4 | nevertheless | /ˌnɛv.ə.ðəˈlɛs/ | adv | In spite of that; however | 然而;尽管如此 |
5 | occupational | /ˌɒk.jʊˈpeɪ.ʃən.əl/ | adj | Related to a job or profession | 职业的;工作的 |
6 | cellar | /ˈsɛl.ər/ | noun | A room below ground level in a house, often used for storage | 地窖;地下室 |
7 | bridegroom | /ˈbraɪd.ɡruːm/ | noun | A man who is about to be married or has just been married | 新郎 |
8 | inhale | /ɪnˈheɪl/ | verb | To breathe in | 吸入;吸气 |
9 | negotiate | /nɪˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ | verb | To discuss terms in order to reach an agreement | 谈判;协商 |
10 | sneer | /snɪər/ | verb, noun | To show contempt by curling the lip or speaking in a mocking way; an expression of scorn | 嘲笑;讥讽 |
11 | sprinkle | /ˈsprɪŋ.kəl/ | verb, noun | To scatter small drops of liquid or particles; a light rain | 撒;洒;小雨 |
12 | chestnut | /ˈtʃɛs.nʌt/ | noun, adj | A type of edible nut; a reddish-brown color | 栗子;栗色 |
13 | trio | /ˈtriː.əʊ/ | noun | A group of three people or things | 三人组;三件套 |
14 | reservation | /ˌrɛz.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ | noun | An arrangement to secure a place; doubts or concerns | 预订;保留意见 |
15 | idealism | /aɪˈdɪə.lɪ.zəm/ | noun | The practice of pursuing high principles or goals | 理想主义 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | melt | /mɛlt/ | verb, noun | To change from solid to liquid; to become softer or gentler | 融化;溶解;变温柔 |
2 | spanner | /ˈspæn.ər/ | noun | A tool used for gripping and turning nuts and bolts | 扳手;螺丝扳手 |
3 | pretext | /ˈpriː.tɛkst/ | noun | A false reason given to justify an action | 借口;托词 |
4 | limp | /lɪmp/ | verb, noun, adj | To walk with difficulty; a lopsided way of walking; weak or lacking energy | 跛行;无力的;松软的 |
5 | comedy | /ˈkɒm.ɪ.di/ | noun | A genre of entertainment intended to make people laugh | 喜剧;幽默 |
6 | cereal | /ˈsɪə.ri.əl/ | noun | A grain used for food; a breakfast dish made from processed grains | 谷物;麦片 |
7 | mixer | /ˈmɪk.sər/ | noun | A device for mixing ingredients; a social gathering for mingling | 搅拌机;社交聚会 |
8 | salmon | /ˈsæm.ən/ | noun | A type of fish known for its pink flesh | 鲑鱼;三文鱼 |
9 | prostitute | /ˈprɒs.tɪ.tʃuːt/ | noun, verb | A person who engages in sex work; to misuse one's talent for gain | 妓女;出卖才能 |
10 | attentive | /əˈtɛn.tɪv/ | adj | Paying close attention; thoughtful and considerate | 专心的;体贴的 |
11 | howl | /haʊl/ | verb, noun | To make a long, loud cry; a prolonged wailing sound | 嚎叫;哀号 |
12 | ballot | /ˈbæl.ət/ | noun, verb | A voting process; to vote in an election | 选票;投票 |
13 | feminine | /ˈfɛm.ɪ.nɪn/ | adj | Having qualities traditionally associated with women | 女性的;娇柔的 |
14 | Spaniard | /ˈspæn.jəd/ | noun | A person from Spain | 西班牙人 |
15 | auction | /ˈɔːk.ʃən/ | noun, verb | A public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder | 拍卖;竞价 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | janitor | /ˈdʒæn.ɪ.tər/ | noun | A person employed to clean and maintain a building | 看门人;清洁工 |
2 | aggression | /əˈɡreʃ.ən/ | noun | Hostile or violent behavior; an attack | 攻击性;侵略 |
3 | martial | /ˈmɑː.ʃəl/ | adj | Related to war, the military, or fighting | 军事的;武术的 |
4 | slot | /slɒt/ | noun | A narrow opening; a position in a schedule | 槽;时段 |
5 | lunatic | /ˈluː.nə.tɪk/ | noun, adj | A person who is insane; extremely foolish | 疯子;疯狂的 |
6 | delightful | /dɪˈlaɪt.fəl/ | adj | Very pleasing, charming, or enjoyable | 令人愉快的;可爱的 |
7 | foundation | /faʊnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | The base or groundwork of something; an organization | 基础;基金会 |
8 | reference | /ˈref.ər.əns/ | noun | A mention or citation; a source of information | 参考;提及 |
9 | writing | /ˈraɪ.tɪŋ/ | noun | The activity or skill of composing text | 写作;文字 |
10 | ambassador | /æmˈbæs.ə.dər/ | noun | A diplomatic representative of a country | 大使;使节 |
11 | pat | /pæt/ | verb, noun | To lightly tap with the hand; a light touch | 轻拍;拍打 |
12 | sonnet | /ˈsɒn.ɪt/ | noun | A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme | 十四行诗 |
13 | mole | /məʊl/ | noun | A small burrowing mammal; a spy; a dark skin spot | 鼹鼠;间谍;痣 |
14 | dike | /daɪk/ | noun | A barrier built to prevent flooding | 堤坝 |
15 | snobbish | /ˈsnɒb.ɪʃ/ | adj | Showing an attitude of superiority | 势利的;自命不凡的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | evergreen | /ˈev.ə.ɡriːn/ | adj, noun | A plant that retains green leaves throughout the year; something enduring or timeless | 常青的;常绿树;持久的 |
2 | explanatory | /ɪkˈsplæn.ə.tər.i/ | adj | Providing an explanation or clarification | 解释性的;说明的 |
3 | frosty | /ˈfrɒs.ti/ | adj | Very cold; unfriendly or distant in behavior | 寒冷的;冷淡的 |
4 | notion | /ˈnəʊ.ʃən/ | noun | An idea, belief, or understanding | 概念;观念 |
5 | likelihood | /ˈlaɪ.kli.hʊd/ | noun | The probability or chance of something happening | 可能性;几率 |
6 | dazzle | /ˈdæz.əl/ | verb, noun | To blind temporarily with bright light; to impress greatly | 使眼花;使惊叹 |
7 | faulty | /ˈfɔːl.ti/ | adj | Having defects; not working correctly | 有缺陷的;错误的 |
8 | delinquency | /dɪˈlɪŋ.kwən.si/ | noun | Minor crime, especially committed by young people; neglect of duty | 违法行为;失职 |
9 | sharpener | /ˈʃɑː.pən.ər/ | noun | A tool used to sharpen pencils or blades | 削尖器;磨刀器 |
10 | intimidate | /ɪnˈtɪm.ɪ.deɪt/ | verb | To frighten or threaten someone into submission | 恐吓;威胁 |
11 | brief | /briːf/ | adj, noun, verb | Short in duration; a summary; to inform concisely | 简短的;摘要;简要说明 |
12 | inference | /ˈɪn.fər.əns/ | noun | A conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning | 推理;推论 |
13 | homicide | /ˈhɒm.ɪ.saɪd/ | noun | The act of killing another person | 杀人;凶杀 |
14 | invaluable | /ɪnˈvæl.jə.bəl/ | adj | Extremely valuable or useful | 无价的;极有价值的 |
15 | sniff | /snɪf/ | verb, noun | To inhale through the nose to detect a smell; an act of sniffing | 嗅;闻;吸气 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | allot | /əˈlɒt/ | verb | To distribute or assign something as a share or portion | 分配;拨给 |
2 | halting | /ˈhɔːltɪŋ/ | adj | Slow, hesitant, or faltering; stopping and starting irregularly | 踌躇的;断断续续的 |
3 | parlor | /ˈpɑː.lər/ | noun | A sitting room in a private house; a business that provides a particular service | 客厅;店铺 |
4 | pornography | /pɔːrˈnɒɡ.rə.fi/ | noun | Materials that depict sexual activity for arousal | 色情作品;淫秽内容 |
5 | economic | /ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk/ | adj | Relating to the economy, trade, or finance; producing a profit | 经济的;有利可图的 |
6 | bureaucrat | /ˈbjʊə.rə.kræt/ | noun | An official in a government or administrative system | 官僚;官员 |
7 | disarm | /dɪsˈɑːm/ | verb | To remove weapons from; to make someone feel less hostile | 解除武装;使人消除敌意 |
8 | funfair | /ˈfʌn.feər/ | noun | A temporary amusement park with rides and games | 游乐园;嘉年华 |
9 | bough | /baʊ/ | noun | A large branch of a tree | 大树枝 |
10 | romanticism | /rəʊˈmæn.tɪ.sɪ.zəm/ | noun | An artistic movement emphasizing emotion and nature; an idealized way of seeing things | 浪漫主义;理想化 |
11 | kaleidoscope | /kəˈlaɪ.də.skoʊp/ | noun | A tube containing colored glass that changes patterns when rotated; a constantly changing pattern | 万花筒;千变万化的景象 |
12 | addition | /əˈdɪʃ.ən/ | noun | The process of adding numbers; something added to something else | 加法;附加物 |
13 | crux | /krʌks/ | noun | The most important or difficult part of a problem or issue | 关键;症结 |
14 | suntan | /ˈsʌn.tæn/ | noun | Darkened skin resulting from exposure to the sun | 晒黑的皮肤;日晒色 |
15 | jot | /dʒɒt/ | verb | To write something quickly and briefly | 草草记下 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | substance | /ˈsʌbstəns/ | noun | A particular kind of matter with uniform properties; the essential meaning of something; importance or significance | 物质;实质;重要性 |
2 | cockroach | /ˈkɒk.rəʊtʃ/ | noun | A flat, brown or black insect sometimes found in homes | 蟑螂 |
3 | reluctance | /rɪˈlʌktəns/ | noun | Unwillingness or disinclination to do something; resistance in physics | 勉强;磁阻 |
4 | chuckle | /ˈtʃʌk.l̩/ | verb | To laugh quietly or inwardly | 轻笑;咯咯笑 |
5 | congruent | /ˈkɒŋɡruənt/ | adj | In agreement or harmony; in geometry, having the same shape and size | 一致的;全等的 |
6 | malady | /ˈmæl.ə.di/ | noun | A disease or ailment; a deep-seated problem in society | 疾病;弊病 |
7 | airliner | /ˈeə.laɪ.nər/ | noun | A large aircraft used for carrying passengers | 客机 |
8 | rubble | /ˈrʌb.l̩/ | noun | Broken pieces of stone, brick, etc., from destroyed buildings | 碎石;瓦砾 |
9 | hereditary | /hɪˈrɛd.ɪ.tər.i/ | adj | Passed down from parents to offspring genetically; passed down through inheritance | 遗传的;世袭的 |
10 | rhyme | /raɪm/ | noun | Correspondence of sound between words, especially at the end of lines in poetry; a short poem or verse | 押韵;韵律诗 |
11 | soak | /səʊk/ | verb | To become completely wet by absorbing liquid; to immerse something in liquid | 浸泡;湿透 |
12 | informant | /ɪnˈfɔː.mənt/ | noun | A person who gives information, especially to the police; a linguistic source in research | 线人;消息提供者 |
13 | briefing | /ˈbriː.fɪŋ/ | noun | A meeting or document that provides information and instructions; a short summary of key points | 简报;情况介绍 |
14 | stake | /steɪk/ | noun | A wooden or metal post; an investment or interest in something; something risked in a venture | 桩;股份;赌注 |
15 | flap | /flæp/ | noun | A piece of something thin that hangs loose; a movement of wings; an excited or agitated state | 拍打;襟翼;慌乱 |
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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