英语背单词 专四词汇 中英对照 2025年02月


Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 freezer /ˈfriːzər/ noun a device for keeping food frozen 冷冻室;冰柜
2 rebuff /rɪˈbʌf/ noun/verb a rejection or refusal; to reject bluntly 回绝;断然拒绝
3 comedian /kəˈmiːdiən/ noun a person who performs comedy 喜剧演员;滑稽人物
4 razor /ˈreɪzər/ noun a sharp tool used for shaving 剃刀;刮胡刀
5 grave /ɡreɪv/ noun/adjective a place of burial; serious or solemn 坟墓;严重的;严肃的
6 gathering /ˈɡæðərɪŋ/ noun a meeting or assembly of people 聚会;收集
7 uproar /ˈʌprɔːr/ noun a loud disturbance or commotion 骚动;喧嚣
8 Buddhism /ˈbʊdɪzəm/ noun a religion based on the teachings of Buddha 佛教
9 recurrence /rɪˈkɜːrəns/ noun the act of happening again 再发生;复发
10 meantime /ˈmiːntaɪm/ noun/adverb the period between two events; at the same time 同时;期间
11 destined /ˈdɛstɪnd/ adjective determined to happen in the future 注定的;命中注定的
12 serenity /səˈrɛnɪti/ noun a state of calm and peace 宁静;平静
13 mosque /mɒsk/ noun a Muslim place of worship 清真寺
14 pious /ˈpaɪəs/ adjective deeply religious or devout 虔诚的;信仰深厚的
15 session /ˈsɛʃən/ noun a meeting or period of activity 会议;一段时间



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 erase /ɪˈreɪs/ verb to remove written or recorded information; to eliminate 擦除;删除;清除
2 sardine /sɑːˈdiːn/ noun a small, oily fish often packed in cans 沙丁鱼
3 album /ˈælbəm/ noun a collection of recordings, photographs, or stamps 相册;专辑;集邮簿
4 scooter /ˈskuːtər/ noun a small vehicle with two wheels and a footboard; a small motorbike 滑板车;小型摩托车
5 bother /ˈbɒðər/ verb/noun to annoy or cause inconvenience; a problem or trouble 打扰;烦恼;麻烦
6 optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/ noun the belief that good things will happen 乐观;积极态度
7 jerk /dʒɜːrk/ noun/verb a sudden, sharp movement; to move suddenly 猛拉;抽搐;混蛋(俚语)
8 burial /ˈbɛriəl/ noun the act of placing a dead body in a grave 埋葬;葬礼
9 anchor /ˈæŋkər/ noun/verb a heavy object used to hold a boat in place; to fix firmly 锚;固定;新闻主持人
10 peril /ˈpɛrɪl/ noun serious and immediate danger 危险;险境
11 admirable /ˈædm(ə)rəbəl/ adjective deserving respect or approval 令人钦佩的;值得赞扬的
12 presentation /ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən/ noun a formal display or explanation of something 演讲;展示;呈现
13 melon /ˈmɛlən/ noun a large, sweet fruit with a thick rind 瓜;甜瓜
14 pendent /ˈpɛndənt/ adjective hanging down or suspended 悬挂的;未决的
15 overdo /ˌəʊvərˈduː/ verb to do something excessively 做得过度;夸张



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 hedge /hɛdʒ/ noun/verb a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees; to limit or qualify a statement 篱笆;限制
2 envoy /ˈɛnvɔɪ/ noun a messenger or representative, especially of a government 使者;外交使节
3 accord /əˈkɔːd/ noun/verb an agreement or harmony; to give or grant 协议;一致;授予
4 separation /ˌsɛpəˈreɪʃən/ noun the action or state of moving or being moved apart 分离;分开
5 firearm /ˈfaɪərɑːm/ noun a portable gun or weapon 火器;枪支
6 concern /kənˈsɜːn/ noun/verb an interest or worry about something; to involve or worry someone 关心;担忧;涉及
7 innocence /ˈɪnəsəns/ noun the state of being free from guilt or wrongdoing 无罪;纯真
8 essay /ˈɛseɪ/ noun/verb a short piece of writing on a particular subject; to attempt or try 文章;尝试
9 unrest /ʌnˈrɛst/ noun lack of peace or tranquility, often due to social or political issues 动乱;不安
10 slacken /ˈslækən/ verb to make or become less tight, intense, or active 放松;减缓
11 bellow /ˈbɛləʊ/ verb to shout loudly, especially in anger or pain 大声喊叫;吼叫
12 dewdrop /ˈdjuːdrɒp/ noun a small drop of dew 露珠
13 obvious /ˈɒbvɪəs/ adjective easily perceived or understood; clear 明显的;显而易见的
14 versus /ˈvɜːsəs/ preposition against, often used in a legal or competitive context 对抗;与…相对
15 rotary /ˈrəʊtəri/ adjective relating to rotation or circular motion; having a rotating mechanism 旋转的;转动的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 obstinate /ˈɒbstɪnət/ adjective stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action 固执的;顽固的
2 thermostat /ˈθɜːməstæt/ noun a device that regulates temperature 恒温器
3 overhear /ˌəʊvəˈhɪə/ verb to accidentally hear a conversation 无意中听到;偷听
4 immortal /ɪˈmɔːtl/ adjective/noun living forever; never dying; a being that lives forever 不朽的;长生的;神仙
5 federal /ˈfɛdərəl/ adjective relating to a system of government where power is divided between a central authority and individual states 联邦的;中央政府的
6 connexion /kəˈnɛkʃən/ noun British spelling of "connection"; a link or relationship between things 联系;连接
7 extremist /ɪkˈstriːmɪst/ noun/adjective a person who holds extreme political or religious views; radical 极端分子;极端的
8 whisker /ˈwɪskər/ noun a long hair growing from an animal's face; facial hair 胡须;(动物的)须
9 armament /ˈɑːməmənt/ noun military weapons and equipment 军备;武器装备
10 embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/ verb to begin a journey or undertaking; to board a ship or plane 登船;开始(新的事业)
11 productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ adjective producing a lot; achieving good results 多产的;高效的
12 pact /pækt/ noun a formal agreement between individuals or countries 协定;条约
13 revolve /rɪˈvɒlv/ verb to move in a circular orbit around something 旋转;围绕
14 spearhead /ˈspɪəˌhɛd/ verb/noun to lead an attack or movement; the leading force of an attack 带头;先锋
15 emperor /ˈɛmpərə/ noun a male ruler of an empire 皇帝



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 bloom /bluːm/ noun/verb a flower; the process of flowering; to produce flowers 花;开花
2 static /ˈstætɪk/ adjective/noun not moving or changing; electrical noise 静态的;静电干扰
3 couch /kaʊtʃ/ noun/verb a piece of furniture for sitting or lying; to express in words 沙发;表达
4 editorial /ˌɛdɪˈtɔːriəl/ noun/adjective a newspaper article expressing opinions; related to editing 社论;编辑的
5 alas /əˈlæs/ interjection an expression of sorrow or regret 唉;哎呀
6 olive /ˈɒlɪv/ noun/adjective a small green or black fruit; a tree producing such fruit; a yellowish-green color 橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色
7 stigma /ˈstɪɡmə/ noun a mark of shame or disgrace; the part of a flower that receives pollen 耻辱;污名;柱头(植物学)
8 eardrum /ˈɪədrʌm/ noun a membrane in the ear that vibrates with sound 鼓膜
9 butt /bʌt/ noun/verb the end of something; to hit or push with the head 末端;顶撞
10 annoyance /əˈnɔɪəns/ noun a feeling of irritation; something that causes irritation 烦恼;令人烦恼的事物
11 housemaid /ˈhaʊsˌmeɪd/ noun a female servant who works in a household 女仆;女佣
12 occurrence /əˈkʌrəns/ noun an event or incident that happens 事件;发生
13 blockade /blɒˈkeɪd/ noun/verb an act of blocking or sealing off a place; to obstruct 封锁;阻碍
14 princess /ˈprɪnsɛs/ noun the daughter of a king or queen; the wife of a prince 公主
15 hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd/ noun intense dislike or hostility 憎恨;仇恨



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 complimentary /ˌkɒmplɪˈmɛntəri/ adjective expressing praise or admiration; free of charge 赞美的;免费的
2 barometer /bəˈrɒmɪtər/ noun an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure 气压计;晴雨表
3 grip /ɡrɪp/ noun/verb a firm hold or grasp; to hold tightly 握住;掌握;抓紧
4 estate /ɪˈsteɪt/ noun a large property, especially in the country; all the property owned by a person 地产;遗产
5 lipstick /ˈlɪpˌstɪk/ noun a cosmetic applied to the lips 口红
6 kindle /ˈkɪndl/ verb to start a fire; to arouse or inspire 点燃;激发
7 questionnaire /ˌkwɛstʃəˈnɛə/ noun a set of written questions used to gather information 问卷
8 oblige /əˈblaɪdʒ/ verb to make someone feel indebted or obligated; to do a favor 迫使;使感激;帮忙
9 outbreak /ˈaʊtˌbreɪk/ noun a sudden occurrence of something, often referring to a disease or violence 爆发;发作
10 archaeology /ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi/ noun the study of human history and prehistory through excavation of sites and artifacts 考古学
11 sensitivity /ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti/ noun the ability to perceive or respond to stimuli; emotional awareness 敏感性;灵敏度
12 rustic /ˈrʌstɪk/ adjective related to the countryside; simple and unsophisticated 乡村的;朴素的
13 obstruct /əbˈstrʌkt/ verb to block or hinder progress 阻碍;妨碍
14 insight /ˈɪnˌsaɪt/ noun the ability to gain an accurate and deep understanding of something 洞察力;见解
15 facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt/ verb to make a process easier or more efficient 促进;使容易



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærɪti/ noun unity or agreement of feeling or action among individuals with a common interest 团结;一致
2 ozone /ˈoʊzoʊn/ noun a gas composed of three oxygen atoms, found in the earth's stratosphere 臭氧
3 inventory /ˈɪnvənˌtɔːri/ noun a complete list of items; stock or supplies 库存;存货清单
4 limb /lɪm/ noun an arm or leg of a person or animal 肢体;肢
5 legend /ˈlɛdʒənd/ noun a traditional story or myth, often based on historical events 传说;传奇
6 rip /rɪp/ verb/noun to tear or damage something; a tear or break 撕裂;裂口
7 infancy /ˈɪnfənsi/ noun the early stage of development; the state of being an infant 婴儿期;初期
8 partial /ˈpɑːrʃəl/ adjective incomplete or biased; showing favoritism 部分的;偏袒的
9 fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl/ adjective easily broken, damaged, or delicate 易碎的;脆弱的
10 disturbance /dɪˈstɜːrbəns/ noun an interruption or disruption; a state of disorder 干扰;扰乱
11 stricken /ˈstrɪkən/ adjective seriously affected by something, often in a negative way 遭受打击的;受影响的
12 ankle /ˈæŋkəl/ noun the joint connecting the foot and the leg 脚踝
13 monstrous /ˈmɒnstrəs/ adjective extremely large, frightening, or unnatural 庞大的;可怕的;怪异的
14 goodwill /ˌɡʊdˈwɪl/ noun kindness, friendliness, or a positive attitude toward others 善意;好意
15 aural /ˈɔːrəl/ adjective related to the sense of hearing 听觉的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 decoration /ˌdɛkəˈreɪʃən/ noun an ornament or design added to something to make it look more attractive 装饰;装潢;勋章
2 surgeon /ˈsɜːrdʒən/ noun a doctor who performs medical operations 外科医生
3 chin /tʃɪn/ noun the lower part of the face below the mouth 下巴;颏
4 treble /ˈtrɛbəl/ adjective/noun high-pitched in sound; a musical range above middle C 高音的;三倍的;高音部分
5 peddler /ˈpɛdlər/ noun a person who sells goods in small quantities, often traveling 小贩;流动商贩
6 comic /ˈkɒmɪk/ adjective/noun funny or humorous; a comedian or a book of illustrated stories 滑稽的;漫画;喜剧演员
7 reconstruct /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt/ verb to rebuild or restore something 重建;修复;复原
8 characteristic /ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk/ noun/adjective a feature that defines something; typical 特征;特点;典型的
9 torture /ˈtɔːrtʃər/ noun/verb severe pain inflicted for punishment or coercion 折磨;拷问;虐待
10 ancestor /ˈænsɛstər/ noun a person from whom one is descended 祖先;先人
11 dye /daɪ/ noun/verb a substance used to change the color of something 染料;染色
12 fantasy /ˈfæntəsi/ noun imaginative fiction or daydreaming 幻想;奇幻故事
13 shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ verb to become smaller in size; to recoil 缩小;退缩
14 ballet /bæˈleɪ/ noun a classical dance form 芭蕾舞
15 unemployed /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ adjective not having a job 失业的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 millionaire /ˌmɪljəˈnɛr/ noun a person whose wealth is at least one million units of currency 百万富翁
2 reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/ verb to recover or retrieve something; to make land usable again 收回;开垦;改造
3 ecological /ˌiːkəˈlɑːdʒɪkəl/ adjective related to the environment and living organisms 生态的;生态学的
4 victorious /vɪkˈtɔːriəs/ adjective having won a victory 胜利的;成功的
5 recognize /ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz/ verb to identify or acknowledge something or someone 认出;承认;认可
6 redeem /rɪˈdiːm/ verb to compensate for faults; to exchange for value 赎回;补偿;兑现
7 knob /nɑːb/ noun a round handle or control on a device 旋钮;门把手
8 earring /ˈɪrˌrɪŋ/ noun a piece of jewelry worn on the ear 耳环;耳饰
9 jungle /ˈdʒʌŋɡəl/ noun a dense forest in a tropical region 丛林;密林
10 signature /ˈsɪɡnətʃɚ/ noun a person’s name written in a unique way; a distinctive mark 签名;特征
11 undergo /ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ/ verb to experience or endure something 经历;承受
12 reasoning /ˈriːzənɪŋ/ noun the process of thinking logically 推理;思考
13 bait /beɪt/ noun/verb food or lure used to attract prey; to entice or provoke 诱饵;引诱
14 horned /hɔrnd/ adjective having horns or horn-like projections 有角的;角状的
15 intervene /ˌɪntərˈviːn/ verb to come between in order to change a situation 干预;调停;插入



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 screw /skruː/ noun/verb a metal fastener with a helical ridge; to twist or fasten 螺丝;拧紧;搞砸(俚语)
2 radioactivity /ˌreɪdioʊækˈtɪvɪti/ noun the emission of radiation from unstable atomic nuclei 放射性;放射现象
3 rug /rʌɡ/ noun a small carpet; a thick, warm covering 地毯;毛毯
4 luncheon /ˈlʌntʃən/ noun a formal or social lunch 正式午餐;午宴
5 exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ verb to go beyond a limit 超过;超越
6 outset /ˈaʊtˌsɛt/ noun the beginning or start of something 开端;开始
7 traitor /ˈtreɪtər/ noun someone who betrays their country or trust 叛徒;卖国贼
8 equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ verb to provide with necessary items or skills 装备;配备;使具备
9 reproach /rɪˈproʊtʃ/ verb/noun to criticize or express disappointment; an expression of disapproval 责备;批评
10 aural /ˈɔːrəl/ adjective relating to hearing or sound 听觉的
11 drawback /ˈdrɔːˌbæk/ noun a disadvantage or problem 缺点;不利因素
12 beware /bɪˈwɛr/ verb to be cautious or alert 注意;小心
13 herring /ˈhɛrɪŋ/ noun a type of small fish often used for food 鲱鱼
14 shutter /ˈʃʌtər/ noun/verb a cover for a window or camera lens; to close or shut 百叶窗;快门;关闭
15 forefinger /ˈfɔːrˌfɪŋɡər/ noun the index finger, the first finger next to the thumb 食指



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 fuzz /fʌz/ noun fine, light fibers or hair; slang for police (informal) 绒毛;轻柔的毛发;(俚语)警察
2 cuddle /ˈkʌdəl/ verb/noun to hold close in a loving way; an affectionate embrace 拥抱;依偎
3 impotent /ˈɪmpətənt/ adjective lacking power or ability; sexually incapable 无能的;虚弱的;(医学)阳痿的
4 riot /ˈraɪət/ noun/verb a violent disturbance by a crowd; to engage in such a disturbance 暴乱;骚乱;放纵
5 contemplate /ˈkɑːntəmˌpleɪt/ verb to think deeply about something 沉思;考虑
6 cascade /kæˈskeɪd/ noun/verb a small waterfall; to fall or pour down like a waterfall 小瀑布;倾泻
7 flux /flʌks/ noun continuous change or movement 流动;变迁
8 dilapidated /dɪˈlæpɪˌdeɪtɪd/ adjective in poor condition due to neglect or age 破旧的;年久失修的
9 dogged /ˈdɔːɡɪd/ adjective persistent and determined 顽强的;固执的
10 gallery /ˈɡæləri/ noun a room or building for displaying art; a balcony area 画廊;长廊
11 starvation /stɑːrˈveɪʃən/ noun extreme hunger leading to death 饥饿;挨饿
12 limb /lɪm/ noun an arm, leg, or branch of a tree 肢体;树枝
13 antagonize /ænˈtæɡəˌnaɪz/ verb to provoke hostility or opposition 激怒;使对立
14 continental /ˌkɑːntɪˈnɛntəl/ adjective relating to a continent 大陆的;欧洲大陆的
15 conifer /ˈkɑːnɪfər/ noun a tree that produces cones and evergreen needles 针叶树;松柏科植物



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 upbringing /ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ/ noun the way a child is raised and educated 养育;教育
2 whirl /wɜːrl/ verb/noun to spin or rotate rapidly; a fast circular movement 旋转;回旋
3 theological /ˌθiːəˈlɑːdʒɪkəl/ adjective relating to the study of religion and God 神学的
4 compartment /kəmˈpɑːrtmənt/ noun a separate section within a larger space 隔间;分隔的部分
5 gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ noun a small mechanical or electronic device 小工具;小装置
6 disintegrate /dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ verb to break into small parts; to collapse 瓦解;崩溃;碎裂
7 surpass /sərˈpæs/ verb to exceed or go beyond 超越;胜过
8 cathedral /kəˈθiːdrəl/ noun a large and important church 大教堂
9 tavern /ˈtævərn/ noun a place serving alcoholic drinks; an inn 酒馆;客栈
10 stem /stɛm/ noun/verb the main stalk of a plant; to stop or restrict 茎;阻止
11 accelerate /əkˈsɛləreɪt/ verb to increase speed or progress 加速;促进
12 antagonize /ænˈtæɡəˌnaɪz/ verb to cause someone to become hostile 激怒;引起敌对
13 hectic /ˈhɛktɪk/ adjective full of intense activity or chaos 繁忙的;忙乱的
14 conscience /ˈkɑːnʃəns/ noun an inner sense of right and wrong 良心;道德观念
15 choppy /ˈtʃɑːpi/ adjective having small rough waves; inconsistent or jerky 波涛起伏的;断断续续的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 backward /ˈbækwərd/ adjective/adverb directed behind or to the rear; slow to progress 向后的;落后的
2 ministry /ˈmɪnɪstri/ noun a government department; religious clergy 政府部门;牧师职务
3 blonde /blɑːnd/ adjective/noun having light-colored hair; a person with blonde hair 金发的;金发女子
4 inevitable /ɪnˈɛvɪtəbəl/ adjective certain to happen, unavoidable 不可避免的;必然的
5 scroll /skroʊl/ noun/verb a roll of parchment or paper; to move text up/down a screen 卷轴;滚动
6 absence /ˈæbsəns/ noun lack of presence; state of being away 缺席;缺乏
7 drunken /ˈdrʌŋkən/ adjective affected by alcohol; intoxicated 醉酒的
8 auxiliary /ɔːɡˈzɪljəri/ adjective/noun providing support or help; a helper 辅助的;备用的;助动词
9 tanker /ˈtæŋkər/ noun a large vehicle or vessel for carrying liquids 油轮;油罐车
10 notable /ˈnoʊtəbəl/ adjective/noun worthy of attention; a distinguished person 显著的;名人
11 phoenix /ˈfiːnɪks/ noun a mythical bird that is reborn from ashes 凤凰;浴火重生的人
12 respondent /rɪˈspɑːndənt/ noun a person who replies, especially in a survey or lawsuit 答复者;被告
13 ammonia /əˈmoʊniə/ noun a colorless, pungent gas used in cleaning and industry 氨;阿摩尼亚
14 bean sprout /biːn spraʊt/ noun a young shoot from a germinated bean 豆芽
15 disc /dɪsk/ noun a flat, thin, circular object; a part of the spine 圆盘;磁盘;椎间盘



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 integral /ˈɪntɪɡrəl/ or /ɪnˈtɛɡrəl/ adjective essential or necessary for completeness 必要的;整体的
2 survey /ˈsɜːrveɪ/ (noun) /sərˈveɪ/ (verb) noun/verb a study or examination; to observe or inspect 调查;测量;勘察
3 diligent /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/ adjective showing persistent and hard-working effort 勤奋的;用功的
4 inferior /ɪnˈfɪriər/ adjective/noun lower in quality or rank; a subordinate person 低劣的;下级的
5 pest /pɛst/ noun a harmful insect or animal; an annoying person 害虫;讨厌的人
6 miracle /ˈmɪrəkəl/ noun an extraordinary event beyond natural explanation 奇迹
7 palette /ˈpælɪt/ noun a board for mixing paints; a range of colors 调色板;色彩搭配
8 pitcher /ˈpɪtʃər/ noun a container for liquids; a baseball player who throws the ball 水罐;投手
9 vex /vɛks/ verb to annoy, frustrate, or cause distress 使烦恼;使困惑
10 elicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ verb to draw out a response or information 引出;诱导
11 entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ verb to assign responsibility to someone 委托;信任
12 tout /taʊt/ verb to promote or publicize enthusiastically 兜售;吹捧
13 racket /ˈrækɪt/ noun a loud noise; a type of bat for sports; an illegal business 吵闹;球拍;诈骗
14 drench /drɛntʃ/ verb to soak or completely cover with liquid 浸透;淋湿
15 unanimous /juːˈnænɪməs/ adjective fully in agreement with no dissent 一致同意的;无异议的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 integral /ˈɪntɪɡrəl/ or /ɪnˈtɛɡrəl/ adjective essential or necessary for completeness 必要的;整体的
2 survey /ˈsɜːrveɪ/ (noun) /sərˈveɪ/ (verb) noun/verb a study or examination; to observe or inspect 调查;测量;勘察
3 diligent /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/ adjective showing persistent and hard-working effort 勤奋的;用功的
4 inferior /ɪnˈfɪriər/ adjective/noun lower in quality or rank; a subordinate person 低劣的;下级的
5 pest /pɛst/ noun a harmful insect or animal; an annoying person 害虫;讨厌的人
6 miracle /ˈmɪrəkəl/ noun an extraordinary event beyond natural explanation 奇迹
7 palette /ˈpælɪt/ noun a board for mixing paints; a range of colors 调色板;色彩搭配
8 pitcher /ˈpɪtʃər/ noun a container for liquids; a baseball player who throws the ball 水罐;投手
9 vex /vɛks/ verb to annoy, frustrate, or cause distress 使烦恼;使困惑
10 elicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ verb to draw out a response or information 引出;诱导
11 entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ verb to assign responsibility to someone 委托;信任
12 tout /taʊt/ verb to promote or publicize enthusiastically 兜售;吹捧
13 racket /ˈrækɪt/ noun a loud noise; a type of bat for sports; an illegal business 吵闹;球拍;诈骗
14 drench /drɛntʃ/ verb to soak or completely cover with liquid 浸透;淋湿
15 unanimous /juːˈnænɪməs/ adjective fully in agreement with no dissent 一致同意的;无异议的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 periodical /ˌpɪriˈɑːdɪkəl/ noun/adjective a publication issued at regular intervals; occurring periodically 期刊;定期的
2 disperse /dɪˈspɜːrs/ verb to scatter or spread widely 分散;驱散
3 liver /ˈlɪvər/ noun an organ in the body; edible liver of animals 肝脏;肝(可食用)
4 hint /hɪnt/ noun/verb a slight or indirect suggestion; to give a clue 暗示;提示
5 donor /ˈdoʊnər/ noun a person who gives something voluntarily 捐赠者;供体
6 agenda /əˈdʒɛndə/ noun a list of topics to discuss; an underlying plan 议程;日程安排;动机
7 decrease /dɪˈkriːs/ (verb) /ˈdiːkriːs/ (noun) verb/noun to become smaller; a reduction in size or amount 减少;下降
8 catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/ noun a sudden disaster or failure 灾难;惨败
9 medieval /ˌmɛdɪˈiːvəl/ or /ˌmiːdɪˈiːvəl/ adjective relating to the Middle Ages 中世纪的
10 humanity /hjuːˈmænɪti/ noun the human race; kindness and compassion 人类;人道;人性
11 costume /ˈkɑːstuːm/ noun clothing worn for a particular occasion or role 服装;戏服
12 chop /tʃɑːp/ verb/noun to cut into pieces; a thick slice of meat 剁碎;砍;排骨
13 caterpillar /ˈkætərˌpɪlər/ noun the larval stage of a butterfly or moth 毛毛虫
14 credit /ˈkrɛdɪt/ noun/verb recognition for achievement; financial trust; to attribute 信用;学分;归功于
15 emergence /ɪˈmɜːrdʒəns/ noun the process of coming into view or existence 出现;浮现



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 midwife /ˈmɪdwaɪf/ noun a trained person who helps women give birth 助产士;接生婆
2 impartial /ɪmˈpɑːrʃəl/ adjective fair and not biased 公正的;不偏不倚的
3 tilt /tɪlt/ noun/verb a slant or lean; to move into a sloping position 倾斜;偏向
4 awfully /ˈɔːfəli/ adverb very badly or extremely 非常;糟糕地
5 consensus /kənˈsɛnsəs/ noun general agreement among a group 共识;一致意见
6 hijack /ˈhaɪdʒæk/ verb to take control of a vehicle or situation illegally 劫持;篡夺
7 outward /ˈaʊtwərd/ adjective/adverb relating to the outside; moving away 外部的;向外的
8 racket /ˈrækɪt/ noun a loud noise; a type of bat used in sports; an illegal business 吵闹声;球拍;敲诈
9 acumen /ˈækjəmən/ noun keen insight or sharp judgment 敏锐;洞察力
10 merry /ˈmɛri/ adjective cheerful or festive 快乐的;愉快的
11 drench /drɛntʃ/ verb to soak or cover with liquid 淋湿;浸透
12 desirable /dɪˈzaɪrəbəl/ adjective worth having or wanting 值得拥有的;可取的
13 perplex /pərˈplɛks/ verb to confuse or puzzle 使困惑;使费解
14 adhere /ədˈhɪr/ verb to stick to something; to follow rules or beliefs 粘附;遵守
15 deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ noun a lack or shortage of something 缺乏;不足



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 elapse /ɪˈlæps/ verb to pass or go by (used for time) (时间)流逝
2 hillside /ˈhɪlsaɪd/ noun the sloping side of a hill 山坡
3 entrant /ˈɛntrənt/ noun a person who enters a competition or a new place 参赛者;新成员
4 violet /ˈvaɪəlɪt/ noun/adjective a small purple-blue flower; a shade of purple 紫罗兰;紫色的
5 desperate /ˈdɛspərɪt/ adjective feeling or showing despair; needing something urgently 绝望的;极度渴望的
6 bottleneck /ˈbɒtlˌnɛk/ noun/verb a narrow or congested point; to slow down progress 瓶颈;阻碍
7 brunch /brʌntʃ/ noun a meal between breakfast and lunch 早午餐
8 oven /ˈʌvən/ noun a chamber used for baking or heating food 烤箱;炉
9 adjourn /əˈdʒɜːrn/ verb to suspend proceedings to another time or place 休会;延期
10 taxation /tækˈseɪʃən/ noun the system of collecting money from citizens 税收;征税
11 pitcher /ˈpɪtʃər/ noun a container for liquids; a baseball player who throws the ball 水罐;投手
12 testify /ˈtɛstəˌfaɪ/ verb to give evidence in a court or formal setting 作证;证明
13 hedgerow /ˈhɛdʒroʊ/ noun a row of shrubs or trees forming a boundary 树篱
14 elicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ verb to draw out a response or reaction 引出;探出
15 chisel /ˈtʃɪzəl/ noun/verb a tool for cutting hard materials; to shape or carve 凿子;雕刻



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 gin /dʒɪn/ noun/verb a strong alcoholic drink; a machine for separating cotton fibers; to trap or snare 杜松子酒;轧棉机;捕捉
2 antibiotic /ˌæntaɪbaɪˈɒtɪk/ noun/adjective a substance that kills bacteria; relating to antibiotics 抗生素;抗菌的
3 parcel /ˈpɑːrsl/ noun/verb a package; a piece of land; to divide or distribute 包裹;一块土地;分配
4 broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ verb to make wider or expand 拓宽;扩大
5 organ /ˈɔːrɡən/ noun a part of a living being with a specific function; a musical instrument; an official publication 器官;风琴;机关报
6 wretched /ˈrɛtʃɪd/ adjective very bad or miserable 可怜的;糟糕的
7 precis /ˈpreɪsi/ noun a summary or abstract of a text 摘要;概要
8 smoker /ˈsmoʊkər/ noun a person who smokes; a device for smoking food 吸烟者;熏制箱
9 slant /slænt/ noun/verb a tilt or bias; to lean or present in a biased way 倾斜;偏见;使倾斜
10 pond /pɒnd/ noun a small body of still water 池塘
11 Fahrenheit /ˈfærənhaɪt/ noun/adjective a temperature scale; relating to this scale 华氏温度;华氏的
12 onlooker /ˈɒnlʊkər/ noun a spectator or observer 旁观者
13 gallop /ˈɡæləp/ noun/verb a fast pace of a horse; to move quickly 飞奔;疾驰
14 cord /kɔːrd/ noun a thick string or rope; an electrical cable 绳索;电线
15 entertainer /ˌɛntərˈteɪnər/ noun a person who performs for an audience 表演者;艺人



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 ether /ˈiːθər/ noun a volatile liquid used as an anesthetic; the upper regions of air or space 乙醚;天空
2 sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adjective having a refined knowledge of the world; complex or advanced 成熟的;复杂的;精密的
3 senseless /ˈsɛnsləs/ adjective lacking meaning or sense; unconscious 无意义的;失去知觉的
4 volt /voʊlt/ noun a unit of electric potential; a sudden movement 伏特(电压单位);跃步
5 shorts /ʃɔːrts/ noun short trousers; stocks or securities sold with the expectation of buying them back at a lower price 短裤;空头股票
6 flush /flʌʃ/ verb/noun/adjective to wash out with water; a reddening of the face; level with a surface 冲洗;脸红;齐平的
7 awful /ˈɔːfəl/ adjective extremely bad; inspiring fear or reverence 可怕的;糟糕的
8 mushroom /ˈmʌʃruːm/ noun/verb a fungus with a stalk and cap; to grow or spread rapidly 蘑菇;迅速增长
9 starch /stɑːrtʃ/ noun/verb a carbohydrate found in plants; a stiffening agent in fabrics; to stiffen with starch 淀粉;生硬;给...上浆
10 widespread /ˈwaɪdspred/ adjective existing or occurring over a large area 广泛的;普遍的
11 enrol /ɪnˈroʊl/ verb to officially join a course or organization 注册;入学;登记
12 drumstick /ˈdrʌmstɪk/ noun a stick used to play a drum; a chicken leg 鼓槌;鸡腿
13 plaza /ˈplɑːzə/ noun a public square or shopping area 广场;购物中心
14 hawk /hɔːk/ noun/verb a bird of prey; to sell goods aggressively 鹰;兜售
15 flick /flɪk/ noun/verb a light quick movement; to make a quick movement 轻弹;快速翻动



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 clasp /klæsp/ noun/verb a firm grip; a fastening device; to grasp tightly 扣子;紧握;扣住
2 tease /tiːz/ verb/noun to make fun of playfully or annoyingly; to provoke someone; a person who flirts 戏弄;挑逗;取笑
3 midst /mɪdst/ noun the middle or center of something 中间;当中
4 entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ verb to assign responsibility or care to someone 委托;托付
5 coed /ˌkoʊˈɛd/ adjective/noun describing an institution with both male and female students; a female student at such an institution 男女同校的;(美)女大学生
6 overtake /ˌoʊvərˈteɪk/ verb to catch up with and pass; to surpass; to come upon suddenly 超过;赶上;突然降临
7 stump /stʌmp/ noun/verb the base of a tree after it has been cut; to puzzle or confuse someone 树桩;使困惑
8 engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ noun an agreement to marry; an appointment; involvement in activity 订婚;约定;交战
9 tout /taʊt/ verb/noun to aggressively promote or sell something; a person who sells tickets illegally 兜售;吹捧;票贩子
10 ego /ˈiːɡoʊ/ noun a person's sense of self-importance 自我;自负
11 narrate /ˈnæreɪt/ verb to tell a story or describe events 叙述;讲述
12 lung /lʌŋ/ noun an organ used for breathing in humans and animals
13 mass /mæs/ noun/adjective/verb a large amount of something; a religious ceremony; to gather together 大量;群众;弥撒;聚集
14 brink /brɪŋk/ noun the edge of something, often in a dangerous or crucial situation 边缘;(危险或重大事件的)前夕
15 compact /ˈkɑːmpækt/ adjective/noun/verb small and efficiently arranged; a formal agreement; to compress 紧凑的;协议;压缩



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 desperation /ˌdɛspəˈreɪʃən/ noun a state of hopelessness that leads to extreme actions 绝望;拼命
2 sheriff /ˈʃɛrɪf/ noun a law enforcement officer in a county or region 郡长;警长;治安官
3 overlap /ˌoʊvərˈlæp/ verb/noun to extend over and cover part of something else; a situation where two things share some common ground 重叠;部分相同
4 decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ adjective showing the ability to make firm decisions; crucial 果断的;决定性的
5 labyrinth /ˈlæbərɪnθ/ noun a complex maze or network of passages 迷宫;错综复杂的事物
6 yearn /jɜːrn/ verb to have a deep longing for something 渴望;思念
7 oats /oʊts/ noun a type of cereal grain used for food 燕麦
8 shrimp /ʃrɪmp/ noun a small shellfish; an insignificant person (informal) 虾;矮小的人(非正式)
9 troop /truːp/ noun/verb a group of soldiers or people; to move in a group 军队;一群;成群结队地走
10 palette /ˈpælɪt/ noun a board for mixing paints; a range of colors used in an artwork 调色板;色彩搭配
11 vex /vɛks/ verb to annoy or frustrate 使恼怒;使烦恼
12 rear /rɪr/ noun/verb/adjective the back part of something; to raise children or animals; located at the back 后部;抚养;后面的
13 Saturn /ˈsætɚn/ noun the sixth planet from the Sun; a Roman god 土星;农神
14 pharmacy /ˈfɑːrməsi/ noun a store or department where medicines are sold; the study of preparing and dispensing medicine 药店;药学
15 hind /haɪnd/ adjective/noun situated at the back; a female deer 后面的;雌鹿



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 speculate /ˈspɛkjʊleɪt/ verb to form a theory or guess without firm evidence; to engage in risky financial transactions 推测;猜测;投机
2 ascend /əˈsɛnd/ verb to move upward; to rise in rank or status 上升;攀登;晋升
3 kneel /niːl/ verb to rest on one's knees 跪下
4 inclination /ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃən/ noun a tendency to act in a certain way; a slope or tilt 倾向;意愿;斜坡
5 indoor /ˈɪndɔːr/ adjective located or happening inside a building 室内的
6 singular /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ adjective exceptional or remarkable; relating to one only (grammar) 非凡的;单数的
7 alphabet /ˈælfəˌbɛt/ noun a set of letters used in writing a language 字母表
8 basement /ˈbeɪsmənt/ noun the lowest level of a building, typically below ground 地下室
9 pedal /ˈpɛdəl/ noun/verb a foot-operated lever; to operate something with pedals 踏板;踩踏板
10 surmount /sərˈmaʊnt/ verb to overcome an obstacle; to be placed on top of something 克服;登上
11 historian /hɪsˈtɔːriən/ noun a person who studies or writes about history 历史学家
12 greengrocer /ˈɡriːnɡroʊsər/ noun a person who sells fresh vegetables and fruits 蔬果商
13 eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃən/ noun a sudden explosion or outbreak, especially from a volcano 喷发;爆发
14 fury /ˈfjʊəri/ noun intense anger; violent force 狂怒;猛烈
15 hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ noun practices that promote cleanliness and health 卫生;保健



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 fascinating /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ adjective extremely interesting or captivating 迷人的;吸引人的
2 Celsius /ˈsɛlsiəs/ noun/adjective a temperature scale in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° 摄氏(温度);摄氏的
3 heartless /ˈhɑːrtləs/ adjective lacking compassion or kindness 无情的;冷酷的
4 transmit /trænsˈmɪt/ verb to send or convey something, such as signals, information, or diseases 传输;传播;传递
5 cornerstone /ˈkɔːrnərstoʊn/ noun an essential part of a foundation; a crucial element 基石;基础;支柱
6 caliber /ˈkælɪbər/ noun the quality or standard of something; the diameter of a bullet or gun barrel 才能;水准;口径
7 oak /oʊk/ noun a type of tree known for its strong wood; the wood from this tree 橡树;橡木
8 neighborhood /ˈneɪbərhʊd/ noun a local area within a town or city; a community of people living near each other 社区;邻里;附近地区
9 celebrity /səˈlɛbrɪti/ noun a famous person; widespread recognition 名人;明星;名声
10 ashtray /ˈæʃtreɪ/ noun a container for cigarette ashes and butts 烟灰缸
11 peg /pɛɡ/ noun/verb a small pin used to fasten things; to fix or hold in place 钉子;挂钩;固定
12 barely /ˈbɛrli/ adverb only just; almost not 几乎不;仅仅
13 prescribe /prɪˈskraɪb/ verb to officially recommend or authorize; to write a medical prescription 规定;开处方
14 avenue /ˈævənuː/ noun a wide street; a means of achieving something 大街;途径
15 endeavour /ɪnˈdɛvər/ noun/verb an attempt to achieve something; to strive for a goal 努力;尝试



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 lever /ˈliːvər/ or /ˈlɛvər/ noun/verb a rigid bar used to apply force; to move something using a lever 杠杆;控制杆;撬动
2 sterility /stəˈrɪlɪti/ noun the inability to reproduce; extreme cleanliness 不育;无菌;贫瘠
3 refreshing /rɪˈfrɛʃɪŋ/ adjective invigorating or revitalizing; pleasantly different 令人耳目一新的;提神的
4 rarely /ˈrɛrli/ adverb not often; exceptionally 很少;难得;极其
5 berth /bɜːrθ/ noun/verb a sleeping place on a ship or train; a docking space; to dock a ship 铺位;停泊处;停泊
6 solely /ˈsoʊlli/ adverb only and exclusively 仅仅;单独地
7 sediment /ˈsɛdɪmənt/ noun solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid 沉淀物;沉积物
8 qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/ verb to meet the requirements for something; to modify a statement 有资格;修饰;限定
9 modernization /ˌmɒdərnaɪˈzeɪʃən/ noun the process of adapting to modern needs or habits 现代化
10 humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ adjective having a high level of moisture in the air 潮湿的;湿润的
11 feat /fiːt/ noun an impressive or difficult achievement 壮举;功绩
12 indignation /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃən/ noun strong anger at something perceived as unfair 愤慨;义愤
13 vow /vaʊ/ noun/verb a solemn promise; to make a serious commitment 誓言;发誓
14 fodder /ˈfɒdər/ noun food for livestock; raw material for a purpose 饲料;素材
15 nursery /ˈnɜːrsəri/ noun a room for babies or young children; a place where plants are grown 托儿所;苗圃



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 resentment /rɪˈzɛntmənt/ noun bitterness or anger due to feeling unfairly treated 愤恨;怨恨;不满
2 trough /trɔːf/ noun a long, narrow container for animals to eat or drink from; a low point in a wave or economy 槽;饲料槽;低谷
3 wretched /ˈrɛtʃɪd/ adjective extremely miserable, unfortunate, or poor 悲惨的;可怜的;恶劣的
4 severe /sɪˈvɪr/ adjective very serious or intense; strict in manner 严重的;严厉的;严峻的
5 accessory /əkˈsɛsəri/ noun/adjective an additional item that adds functionality or decoration; someone who helps in a crime 配件;附件;从犯
6 nudge /nʌdʒ/ verb/noun to push gently, often to draw attention; a slight push 轻推;推动;鼓励
7 convoy /ˈkɒnvɔɪ/ noun/verb a group of vehicles or ships traveling together; to escort 护航队;护送
8 scavenge /ˈskævɪndʒ/ verb to search for and collect discarded or abandoned items 捡拾;拾荒;食腐
9 tantrum /ˈtæntrəm/ noun an uncontrolled outburst of anger, often in children 发脾气;耍性子
10 espionage /ˈɛspiəˌnɑːʒ/ noun the practice of spying, especially for political or military purposes 间谍活动;刺探情报
11 tray /treɪ/ noun a flat, shallow container used for carrying or holding items 托盘;盘子;文件盘
12 rental /ˈrɛntl/ noun/adjective the act of renting; something available for rent 租赁;租金;出租的
13 comprehensible /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsəbl/ adjective able to be understood 可理解的;易懂的
14 pail /peɪl/ noun a bucket used for carrying liquids or other materials 桶;提桶
15 gypsy /ˈdʒɪpsi/ noun/adjective a member of a traditionally nomadic people; someone who travels frequently 吉普赛人;流浪者



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 consensus /kənˈsɛnsəs/ noun general agreement among a group of people 共识;一致意见
2 aside /əˈsaɪd/ adverb to one side; used to indicate a departure from the main topic 在一旁;撇开;旁白
3 ambiguous /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ adjective having multiple meanings; unclear or vague 含糊的;模棱两可的
4 bladder /ˈblædər/ noun a sac in the body that stores urine; a flexible container 膀胱;气囊;囊状物
5 moustache /ˈmʌstæʃ/ noun the hair that grows on the upper lip 胡子;髭
6 poke /poʊk/ verb/noun to push or jab with a finger or object; a sharp touch 戳;捅;刺探
7 vain /veɪn/ adjective having excessive pride; producing no result 虚荣的;徒劳的
8 discharge /ˈdɪstʃɑːrdʒ/ verb/noun to release from duty; to emit; a release 释放;排放;退伍
9 atlas /ˈætləs/ noun a book of maps; a vertebra supporting the skull 地图集;寰椎
10 moor /mʊr/ noun/verb a large open land; to secure a boat 荒原;停泊
11 xerox /ˈzɪrəks/ verb/noun to make a photocopy; a brand of photocopiers 复印;影印
12 Jupiter /ˈdʒuːpɪtər/ noun the largest planet in the solar system; the Roman king of gods 木星;朱庇特(罗马神)
13 endurance /ɪnˈdʊrəns/ noun the ability to withstand hardship or stress 耐力;持久力
14 beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd/ adjective/noun dearly loved; a loved person 心爱的;爱人
15 leisure /ˈliːʒər/ noun free time; time for relaxation 休闲;空闲时间



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 vanish /ˈvænɪʃ/ verb to disappear suddenly and completely 消失;灭绝;消散
2 eyelash /ˈaɪˌlæʃ/ noun one of the short hairs growing from the edge of the eyelid 睫毛
3 disembark /ˌdɪsɪmˈbɑːk/ verb to leave a vehicle or ship 下车;登岸;下船
4 directory /dɪˈrɛktəri/ noun a book or website listing individuals or organizations with relevant details 目录;名录;电话簿;指引
5 meditate /ˈmɛdɪˌteɪt/ verb to focus the mind for a period of time, often for relaxation or spiritual purposes 冥想;沉思
6 translucent /trænsˈluːsənt/ adjective allowing light to pass through but not transparent 半透明的;透光的
7 pollen /ˈpɒlən/ noun fine powder produced by male parts of flowers, used in reproduction 花粉;粉粒
8 peripheral /pəˈrɪfərəl/ adjective on the edge of something, especially related to vision or equipment 外围的;外部的;边缘的
9 diarrhea /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/ noun frequent and watery bowel movements 腹泻;泻肚
10 midst /mɪdst/ noun the middle part or center of something 中间;当中
11 fabricate /ˈfæbrɪˌkeɪt/ verb to invent or make up something, often in a deceptive way 捏造;伪造;虚构
12 hutch /hʌtʃ/ noun a small shed or cage for animals 兔笼;小棚;储物柜
13 flop /flɒp/ verb to fall or drop heavily, often with a soft sound 扑通落下;失败;翻转
14 rebate /ˈriːbeɪt/ noun a partial refund or discount on a price 折扣;退款;回扣
15 flit /flɪt/ verb to move lightly and quickly, often with a sudden or fleeting motion 飞翔;掠过;轻盈地移动


作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
posted @ 2025-02-10 17:43  ChuckLu  阅读(6)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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