英语背单词 专四词汇 中英对照 2025年01月


Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 yardstick /ˈjɑːrdˌstɪk/ noun A standard used for comparison or measurement, often representing a benchmark for evaluation. 标准;尺度
2 senate /ˈsɛnɪt/ noun A legislative body, often one of two chambers in a bicameral system, usually responsible for making laws and representing constituents. 参议院
3 yearn /jɜːrn/ verb To have a strong desire or longing for something, often something unattainable or distant. 渴望;向往
4 banister /ˈbænɪstər/ noun A handrail, especially one along a staircase, often supported by posts or balusters. 楼梯扶手
5 horror /ˈhɒrər/ noun A strong feeling of fear, dread, or disgust, often associated with something frightening or repulsive. 恐怖;惊悚
6 souvenir /ˌsuːvɪˈnɪər/ noun An item kept as a reminder of a place, event, or experience, often a gift or memento. 纪念品
7 perpetual /pərˈpɛtʃuəl/ adjective Continuing without interruption or end; everlasting or constant. 永久的;不断的
8 garlic /ˈɡɑːrlɪk/ noun A strong-smelling bulb used in cooking, often as a seasoning, and believed to have medicinal properties. 大蒜
9 monologue /ˈmɒnəlɒɡ/ noun A long, uninterrupted speech delivered by one person, often in a play or performance. 独白
10 infant /ˈɪnfənt/ noun A very young child or baby, typically under one year old. 婴儿
11 moss /mɒs/ noun A small, green, non-flowering plant that grows in clusters or mats, usually in damp or shaded environments. 苔藓
12 legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ adjective, verb 1. (adjective) Conforming to the law or rules; lawful.
2. (verb) To make something lawful or acceptable.
13 tribunal /traɪˈbjuːnəl/ noun A court or judicial body established to resolve legal disputes or address specific matters of law. 法庭;裁决委员会
14 incentive /ɪnˈsɛntɪv/ noun A motivator or encouragement to act or achieve something, often in the form of rewards or benefits. 激励;诱因
15 oblivious /əˈblɪvɪəs/ adjective Unaware or unconscious of something happening around oneself, often due to distraction or lack of attention. 遗忘的;漠视的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 acumen /ˈækjʊmən/ noun Sharpness or keenness of mind, especially in practical matters like business, or the ability to make good judgments quickly. 敏锐;洞察力
2 fern /fɜːrn/ noun A type of non-flowering plant with feathery or leafy fronds, often found in damp or shady environments. 蕨类植物
3 lick /lɪk/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To pass the tongue over something, typically to taste or moisten.
2. (noun) A quick touch or stroke with the tongue.
4 incline /ɪnˈklaɪn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To have a tendency or preference for something.
2. (noun) A slope or surface that is at an angle.
5 underwear /ˈʌndəweə/ noun Clothing worn under other clothes, typically next to the skin, such as bras, panties, boxers, or undershirts. 内衣
6 mathematical /ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl/ adjective Relating to mathematics or the use of mathematical principles, calculations, or reasoning. 数学的
7 pedal /ˈpɛdəl/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A part of a machine, such as a bicycle, that is pressed by the foot to operate.
2. (verb) To operate or move by pressing the pedals.
8 scaffolding /ˈskafəʊldɪŋ/ noun Temporary structures used in construction, typically made of metal or wood, to support workers and materials. 脚手架
9 subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiəri/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A company controlled by another, usually larger, company.
2. (adjective) Less important or secondary in relation to something else.
10 binder /ˈbaɪndər/ noun A cover or folder used to hold together sheets of paper, typically for organizing documents. 活页夹;装订机
11 yogurt /ˈjoʊɡərt/ noun A dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacterial cultures, often eaten as a snack or with fruit. 酸奶
12 pajamas /pəˈdʒɑːməz/ noun A set of loose-fitting clothes worn for sleeping, typically consisting of a top and pants. 睡衣
13 hairdresser /ˈheəˌdrɛsər/ noun A person who cuts, styles, or cares for hair professionally. 理发师
14 ordeal /ɔːrˈdɪəl/ noun A difficult, unpleasant, or painful experience, often involving a test of endurance or strength. 严峻考验;痛苦经历
15 memoir /ˈmɛmwɑːr/ noun A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources, often reflecting on significant life events. 回忆录



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 fodder /ˈfɒdər/ noun Food, especially dried hay or feed, for livestock or animals. 饲料
2 nursery /ˈnɜːsəri/ noun 1. A place where young children are taken care of.
2. A place where plants, especially young plants or trees, are grown for sale.
3 bomber /ˈbɒmər/ noun A type of aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs. 轰炸机
4 impartial /ɪmˈpɑːʃəl/ adjective Not biased or prejudiced; fair and just. 公正的;不偏不倚的
5 numerical /njuːˈmɜːrɪkəl/ adjective Relating to numbers or the use of numbers. 数字的;数值的
6 cornerstone /ˈkɔːnərstəʊn/ noun A fundamental or essential element, typically the starting point of something important, such as a building or concept. 基石;基础
7 soccer /ˈsɒkər/ noun A sport played by two teams of 11 players, in which the object is to score goals by getting a ball into the opposing team’s net. 足球
8 camel /ˈkæməl/ noun A large mammal, typically with one or two humps, found in desert regions and used as a pack animal. 骆驼
9 knot /nɒt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A tied loop of rope, string, or similar material.
2. (verb) To tie or make a knot in something.
10 dissatisfy /dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪ/ verb To fail to satisfy or meet expectations; to make someone unhappy or displeased. 使不满
11 elastic /ɪˈlæstɪk/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Able to stretch and return to its original shape.
2. (noun) A material, such as rubber, that is stretchy and returns to its original shape.
12 consensus /kənˈsɛnsəs/ noun A general agreement or collective opinion among a group of people. 共识
13 oak /əʊk/ noun A large, strong tree with broad leaves, often used for wood, and typically associated with strength and endurance. 橡树
14 scoop /skuːp/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A large, curved spoon or utensil used for picking up or serving food.
2. (verb) To pick up or gather with a scoop.
15 grapevine /ˈɡreɪpvaɪn/ noun A plant that produces grapes, or an informal means of passing on rumors or gossip. 葡萄藤;小道消息



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 quiz /kwɪz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A short test or examination, often informal.
2. (verb) To test someone's knowledge, usually in a playful or competitive way.
2 crumb /krʌm/ noun A small piece or fragment, typically of food, that has broken off from a larger whole. 面包屑;碎片
3 impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ adjective Having a lack of patience; unable to wait calmly or endure delays. 不耐烦的
4 rash /ræʃ/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Acting without careful thought or consideration; reckless.
2. (noun) A temporary skin condition, often red or irritated.
5 vigor /ˈvɪɡər/ noun Physical strength, energy, or force, often used in the context of health or effort. 精力;活力
6 bang /bæŋ/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A sudden loud noise, typically from a crash or explosion.
2. (verb) To strike something loudly or forcefully.
7 hut /hʌt/ noun A small, simple building, typically made of wood or grass, used as a shelter. 小屋
8 frequency /ˈfriːkwənsi/ noun The rate at which something occurs or repeats over a particular period of time. 频率
9 knighthood /ˈnaɪthʊd/ noun The rank, status, or title of a knight, often conferred by a monarch or ruler. 骑士身份
10 adjourn /əˈdʒɜːrn/ verb To suspend or postpone a meeting, session, or event until a later time. 休会;推迟
11 torch /tɔːrtʃ/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A portable light source, typically a stick with a flame at one end.
2. (verb) To light something with a torch.
12 lark /lɑːrk/ noun A small songbird known for its cheerful song; can also refer to a playful or mischievous activity. 云雀;玩乐
13 indignation /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃən/ noun Strong anger or annoyance, especially when it is provoked by something perceived as unfair. 愤怒;义愤
14 beaker /ˈbiːkər/ noun A flat-bottomed container with a spout, used in laboratories for mixing, measuring, or heating liquids. 烧杯
15 chisel /ˈtʃɪzəl/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A tool with a sharp edge used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, or metal.
2. (verb) To cut or shape something with a chisel.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 stretcher /ˈstrɛtʃər/ noun A large, strong frame used to carry people, especially the injured or sick, often used in medical situations. 担架
2 dizzy /ˈdɪzi/ adjective Experiencing a sensation of spinning or lightheadedness, often caused by illness, exhaustion, or a change in position. 头晕的
3 villain /ˈvɪlən/ noun A character in a story or real life who is seen as evil or wicked; a criminal or antagonist. 恶棍;反派
4 bump /bʌmp/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A small raised area on a surface or the result of an impact.
2. (verb) To strike or collide with something, often causing a jolt.
5 variation /ˌvɛəˈreɪʃən/ noun A change or difference in condition, level, or amount, typically from the norm or standard. 变化;差异
6 indignation /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃən/ noun Strong anger or annoyance, usually as a result of something perceived as unfair or wrong. 愤怒;义愤
7 religious /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ adjective Relating to or concerned with religion; having a strong belief in a higher power or spiritual matters. 宗教的;虔诚的
8 fodder /ˈfɒdər/ noun Food, especially dried hay or feed, for livestock or animals. 饲料
9 submissive /səbˈmɪsɪv/ adjective Willing to yield to the control or authority of others; obedient or passive. 顺从的
10 superstition /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃən/ noun A belief or practice based on the fear of the unknown or the belief in magic or luck, often with no logical basis. 迷信
11 enclosure /ɪnˈkləʊʒər/ noun An area that is closed off or surrounded, often for safety or privacy. 围栏;围绕
12 elderly /ˈɛldərli/ adjective Relating to older people, usually those considered to be in later stages of life. 年老的
13 resemblance /rɪˈzɛmbləns/ noun The state of being similar or alike, particularly in appearance. 相似;相像
14 missionary /ˈmɪʃəˌnɛri/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A person sent on a religious mission, often to promote or spread a particular faith.
2. (adjective) Relating to or involved with missionary work.
15 defy /dɪˈfaɪ/ verb To resist or refuse to obey authority, rules, or an expectation. 违抗;挑战



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ noun A time of intense difficulty, danger, or urgency. 危机
2 Esperanto /ˌɛspəˈræntoʊ/ noun An artificial international language created in the late 19th century, designed to be easy to learn and neutral in terms of national origins. 世界语
3 majesty /ˈmædʒɪsti/ noun The impressive beauty, dignity, or grandeur of something or someone, especially a monarch. 威严;庄严
4 clarity /ˈklærɪti/ noun The quality of being clear, easy to understand, or free from ambiguity. 清晰;明了
5 ancestral /ænˈsɛstrəl/ adjective Relating to or inherited from one's ancestors. 祖先的;传承的
6 mingle /ˈmɪŋɡəl/ verb To mix or combine, especially in a way that leads to interaction or blending. 混合;交往
7 saucepan /ˈsɔːspən/ noun A deep cooking pan with a handle and often a lid, used for preparing sauces or boiling liquids. 炖锅;汤锅
8 palm /pɑːm/ noun 1. (noun) The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers.
2. (noun) A type of tree, often associated with tropical areas.
9 renounce /rɪˈnaʊns/ verb To formally declare one's abandonment or rejection of something, often a claim, title, or belief. 放弃;拒绝
10 terrify /ˈtɛrɪfaɪ/ verb To cause extreme fear or anxiety. 使恐惧
11 orderly /ˈɔːdəli/ adjective Arranged or organized in a neat, systematic way. 有秩序的
12 abandon /əˈbændən/ verb To leave something or someone behind, often in a situation of difficulty or danger. 放弃;抛弃
13 vain /veɪn/ adjective 1. Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.
2. Producing no result; futile.
14 remedy /ˈrɛmədi/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A treatment or solution to a problem, often related to health.
2. (verb) To fix or cure something.
15 unconscious /ʌnˈkɒnʃəs/ adjective 1. Not awake or aware of one's surroundings.
2. Existing without conscious thought or awareness.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 wasp /wɒsp/ noun A type of insect that is similar to a bee but typically more aggressive, with a smooth body and a sting. 黄蜂
2 outrageous /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/ adjective Shockingly bad or excessive, often in a way that causes anger or disbelief. 令人愤慨的;荒谬的
3 suitability /ˌsuːtəˈbɪləti/ noun The quality of being right or appropriate for a particular purpose or situation. 适宜性;合适
4 frightful /ˈfraɪtfəl/ adjective Causing fear or alarm; very bad or unpleasant. 可怕的;极坏的
5 destroyer /dɪˈstrɔɪə/ noun A person or thing that destroys something, or a type of warship designed to destroy smaller ships. 毁灭者;驱逐舰
6 mount /maʊnt/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To go up or ascend.
2. (noun) A mountain or a structure designed for a particular purpose.
7 pronoun /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ noun A word that is used in place of a noun, like "he", "she", or "it". 代词
8 decree /dɪˈkriː/ noun, verb 1. (noun) An official order or proclamation.
2. (verb) To issue an official order.
9 engulf /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ verb To surround and cover completely, often in a way that overwhelms. 吞没;淹没
10 secure /sɪˈkjʊə/ adjective, verb 1. (adjective) Safe and free from harm.
2. (verb) To make something safe or ensure its safety.
11 hovercraft /ˈhɒvəkraːft/ noun A vehicle capable of traveling over land, water, and other surfaces, supported by a cushion of air. 气垫船
12 bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A strip of cloth or material used to cover and protect a wound.
2. (verb) To cover or wrap a wound with a bandage.
13 mysterious /mɪˈstɪərɪəs/ adjective Having an unknown or secret quality that is hard to understand or explain. 神秘的
14 topsoil /ˈtɒpˌsɔɪl/ noun The uppermost layer of soil, which is rich in nutrients and supports plant life. 表土
15 dutiful /ˈdjuːtɪfəl/ adjective Showing a sense of duty or obligation to others. 尽职的;忠实的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 crest /krɛst/ noun, verb 1. (noun) The top of something, especially a wave or a mountain.
2. (verb) To reach the highest point of something.
2 aisle /aɪl/ noun A passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater. 过道;走道
3 geographic /ˌdʒiːəˈɡræfɪk/ adjective Relating to geography or the physical features of the Earth. 地理的
4 dose /doʊs/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A measured amount of something, typically medicine.
2. (verb) To administer a dose of something.
5 stale /steɪl/ adjective 1. (of food) No longer fresh or pleasant to eat.
2. Lacking freshness or originality.
6 bloody /ˈblʌdi/ adjective 1. Covered with or involving blood.
2. (informal) Used as an intensifier.
7 constellation /ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən/ noun A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern, often named after mythological figures or animals. 星座
8 collapse /kəˈlæps/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To fall down or cave in suddenly.
2. (noun) The sudden failure or breakdown of something.
9 encircle /ɪnˈsɜːrkəl/ verb To surround or form a circle around something. 围绕
10 prejudice /ˈprɛdʒʊdɪs/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A preconceived opinion, typically an unfavorable one, not based on reason or actual experience.
2. (verb) To judge unfairly or harm someone based on prejudice.
11 Pope /poʊp/ noun The bishop of Rome and the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church. 教皇
12 barbarous /ˈbɑːbərəs/ adjective 1. Uncivilized, brutal, or savage.
2. Rude or barbaric in behavior or culture.
13 chilli /ˈtʃɪli/ noun A small, hot pepper used to add spice to food. 辣椒
14 shriek /ʃriːk/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To scream or make a high-pitched sound.
2. (noun) A sharp, high-pitched scream.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 pine /paɪn/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A type of evergreen tree.
2. (verb) To suffer from longing or grief.
2 derivation /ˌdɛrɪˈveɪʃən/ noun The origin or development of something, especially a word or idea. 派生;来源
3 trickle /ˈtrɪkəl/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To flow in small amounts or drops.
2. (noun) A small, slow flow of liquid.
4 monologue /ˈmɒnəlɒɡ/ noun A long speech by one person, especially in a play or conversation. 独白
5 infant /ˈɪnfənt/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A very young child, typically under a year old.
2. (adjective) Related to infants.
6 diameter /daɪˈæmɪtə/ noun The straight line passing through the center of a circle, connecting two points on the circumference. 直径
7 tally /ˈtæli/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A record or count of something.
2. (verb) To count or record something.
8 tribunal /traɪˈbjuːnəl/ noun A type of court or judicial body, often for specific matters. 法庭;审判委员会
9 inquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ noun The act of asking for information or conducting an investigation. 询问;调查
10 bail /beɪl/ noun, verb 1. (noun) Money or property given to secure someone's release from custody.
2. (verb) To release someone on bail.
11 oblivious /əˈblɪviəs/ adjective Unaware or forgetful of something. 忘记的;未察觉的
12 custody /ˈkʌstədi/ noun The protective care or guardianship of someone or something, especially in legal terms. 监护;拘留
13 salty /ˈsɔːlti/ adjective Containing or tasting like salt. 咸的
14 memoir /ˈmɛmwɑːr/ noun A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge. 回忆录
15 wardrobe /ˈwɔːdroʊb/ noun A tall cabinet or closet used for storing clothes. 衣柜



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 founder /ˈfaʊndər/ noun A person who establishes or starts something, especially an organization or institution. 创始人
2 dismissal /dɪsˈmɪsəl/ noun The act of sending someone away or removing them from their position. 解雇;免职
3 chunk /ʧʌŋk/ noun A thick, solid piece of something, usually cut or broken off. 大块;厚片
4 misty /ˈmɪsti/ adjective Characterized by mist or fog, or unclear in appearance or understanding. 朦胧的;雾气弥漫的
5 poll /poʊl/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A survey or questionnaire to gather opinions.
2. (verb) To collect data from people through surveys or voting.
6 subsidiary /səbˈsɪdieri/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A company controlled by another company.
2. (adjective) Less important, secondary in nature.
7 commodity /kəˈmɒdəti/ noun A basic product or raw material that can be bought or sold, such as oil or grain. 商品;大宗商品
8 homecoming /ˈhoʊmˌkʌmɪŋ/ noun The return to one's home, particularly after a long absence. 返乡;归来
9 farmyard /ˈfɑːmˌjɑːrd/ noun The area around a farm house where animals are kept. 农场院子
10 ramp /ræmp/ noun A sloping surface that connects two different levels or areas. 坡道;斜面
11 captive /ˈkæptɪv/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A person or animal that is confined.
2. (adjective) Taken or kept as a prisoner or under control.
12 heartfelt /ˈhɑːrtˌfɛlt/ adjective Deeply sincere or passionate. 衷心的;真挚的
13 interpreter /ɪnˈtɜːrprɪtə/ noun A person who translates spoken language orally. 口译员;翻译员
14 responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪləti/ noun The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of being accountable for something. 责任;义务
15 porter /ˈpɔːtə/ noun A person employed to carry luggage or other loads, especially in hotels or airports. 搬运工;门房



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 quiz /kwɪz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A short test to assess knowledge.
2. (verb) To test someone's knowledge with questions.
2 impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ adjective Unable to wait calmly; easily irritated. 不耐烦的;急躁的
3 dictator /dɪkˈteɪtə/ noun A ruler with absolute power, often ruling in a tyrannical way. 独裁者
4 flagstaff /ˈflæɡstæf/ noun A tall pole or structure used to display flags. 旗杆
5 deli /ˈdɛli/ noun A store selling ready-to-eat food items, such as sandwiches, meats, and cheeses. 熟食店
6 parting /ˈpɑːtɪŋ/ noun 1. The action of saying goodbye.
2. A separation of things or people.
7 airbase /ˈɛəbeɪs/ noun A military facility for aircraft operations. 空军基地
8 exhale /ɪksˈheɪl/ verb To breathe out air from the lungs. 呼气
9 lioness /ˈlaɪənəs/ noun A female lion. 母狮
10 insane /ɪnˈseɪn/ adjective 1. Mentally deranged or irrational.
2. Extremely foolish or crazy.
11 systematic /ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk/ adjective Relating to a methodical and organized approach. 系统的;有条理的
12 freshwater /ˈfrɛʃwɔːtər/ adjective Relating to water that is not salty, such as in rivers or lakes. 淡水的
13 demolish /dɪˈmɒlɪʃ/ verb To completely destroy or tear down something. 摧毁;拆除
14 epoch /ˈiːpɒk/ noun A significant period in history or a person's life. 纪元;时代
15 manufacture /ˌmænəˈfækʧər/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To make something on a large scale, especially with machinery.
2. (noun) The process of making goods, especially in factories.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 rhetoric /ˈrɛtərɪk/ noun 1. The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.
2. Language designed to impress but lacking sincerity.
2 wrinkle /ˈrɪŋkəl/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A small line or crease in a surface, especially on skin.
2. (verb) To form lines or folds.
3 instructive /ɪnˈstrʌktɪv/ adjective Providing useful information or insight. 有教育意义的;有益的
4 accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/ verb 1. To go along with someone.
2. To occur at the same time as something else.
5 stack /stæk/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A pile of objects arranged in a neat way.
2. (verb) To arrange in a pile.
6 fragrant /ˈfreɪɡrənt/ adjective Having a pleasant or sweet smell. 芳香的
7 submissive /səbˈmɪsɪv/ adjective Willing to obey or yield to others. 顺从的;服从的
8 suspicion /səˈspɪʃən/ noun A feeling that something is wrong or someone is guilty. 怀疑;嫌疑
9 eminence /ˈɛmɪnəns/ noun Fame or recognized superiority, especially within a field. 显赫;卓越
10 interaction /ˌɪntərˈækʃən/ noun Communication or direct involvement with someone or something. 互动;相互作用
11 splinter /ˈsplɪntər/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A small, thin, sharp piece of material broken off.
2. (verb) To break into small fragments.
12 crab /kræb/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A crustacean with a broad, flat body and pincers.
2. (verb) To complain or grumble.
13 sequence /ˈsiːkwəns/ noun 1. A particular order in which related events occur.
2. A set of related things that follow each other.
14 gorilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/ noun A large, powerful ape native to Africa. 大猩猩
15 hut /hʌt/ noun A small, simple, single-story house or shelter. 小屋



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/ noun, verb 1. (noun) An obscuring of light from a celestial body.
2. (verb) To overshadow or surpass.
2 disillusion /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒən/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To cause someone to lose belief in something.
2. (noun) The feeling of disappointment from discovering false beliefs.
3 illiteracy /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ noun The inability to read and write. 文盲;无知
4 carefree /ˈkɛərˌfriː/ adjective Without worries or responsibilities. 无忧无虑的
5 alloy /ˈælɔɪ/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A mixture of metals.
2. (verb) To combine metals to create an alloy.
6 phenomenon /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ noun An observable fact or event, especially one that is remarkable or unusual. 现象
7 decorative /ˈdɛkərətɪv/ adjective Intended to make something look attractive. 装饰性的
8 boundary /ˈbaʊndəri/ noun A dividing line or limit of an area or concept. 边界;界限
9 impulse /ˈɪmpʌls/ noun A sudden strong urge to act without thinking. 冲动;推动
10 committee /kəˈmɪti/ noun A group of people appointed for a specific function or task. 委员会
11 absorption /əbˈzɔːrpʃən/ noun The process of taking in or soaking up a substance, idea, or interest. 吸收;专注
12 rash /ræʃ/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A red area on the skin caused by irritation.
2. (adjective) Acting without careful thought.
13 complicity /kəmˈplɪsɪti/ noun The state of being involved in a wrongful act or crime. 共谋;串通
14 mechanics /məˈkænɪks/ noun The branch of physics dealing with motion and forces. 力学;机械学
15 crush /krʌʃ/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To press or squeeze something until it breaks or loses shape.
2. (noun) A strong infatuation or crowding together of people.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 interim /ˈɪntərɪm/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) The period of time between events.
2. (adjective) Temporary or provisional.
2 fiber /ˈfaɪbər/ noun 1. A thread or filament forming a substance.
2. Dietary material resistant to digestion.
3 seesaw /ˈsiːsɔː/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A board balanced on a fulcrum for play.
2. (verb) To move back and forth unsteadily.
4 villain /ˈvɪlən/ noun A character or person who is morally bad or the antagonist in a story. 反派;恶棍
5 correspondence /ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns/ noun 1. Communication through letters or emails.
2. A similarity or connection between things.
6 superstition /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃən/ noun A belief or practice based on irrational fears or magic. 迷信
7 hood /hʊd/ noun 1. A covering for the head and neck.
2. A part of a vehicle covering the engine.
8 foreword /ˈfɔːrwɜːrd/ noun An introductory note in a book, typically by someone other than the author. 序言
9 breadth /brɛdθ/ noun 1. The distance from side to side.
2. Wide range or extent of something.
10 coinage /ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ/ noun 1. The act or process of creating coins.
2. The invention of new words or terms.
11 grocer /ˈɡroʊsər/ noun A person who sells food and other goods in a grocery store. 杂货商
12 oily /ˈɔɪli/ adjective 1. Containing or covered with oil.
2. Excessively smooth or ingratiating in manner.
13 chiefly /ˈtʃiːfli/ adverb Primarily or mainly. 主要地
14 headmistress /ˌhɛdˈmɪstrəs/ noun A female principal of a school. 女校长
15 highland /ˈhaɪlənd/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) An area of high or mountainous land.
2. (adjective) Relating to such an area.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 persistence /pərˈsɪstəns/ noun The act of continuing firmly despite difficulty or opposition. 坚持;持续
2 stern /stɜːrn/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Serious and strict in demeanor.
2. (noun) The rear part of a ship.
3 textile /ˈtekstaɪl/ noun Cloth or fabric produced by weaving or knitting. 纺织品;织物
4 dip /dɪp/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To immerse briefly into a liquid.
2. (noun) A downward movement or small amount of a liquid.
5 moist /mɔɪst/ adjective Slightly wet or damp. 湿润的
6 bacon /ˈbeɪkən/ noun Cured meat from the back or sides of a pig, typically sliced thinly. 培根
7 reactor /riˈæktər/ noun A device or structure in which a controlled nuclear reaction takes place. 反应堆
8 pane /peɪn/ noun A single sheet of glass in a window or door. 窗玻璃
9 outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A summary or general description.
2. (verb) To describe or summarize something briefly.
10 reciprocal /rɪˈsɪprəkəl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Given or done in return.
2. (noun) A mathematical term referring to the inverse of a number.
11 personnel /ˌpɜːrsəˈnel/ noun The people employed in an organization or engaged in a service. 人员;员工
12 scheme /skiːm/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A plan or arrangement for achieving a goal.
2. (verb) To plan something, often secretly.
13 ginger /ˈdʒɪndʒər/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A spicy root used as a flavoring.
2. (adjective) Describing a reddish-brown color.
14 dine /daɪn/ verb To eat dinner. 进餐
15 fright /fraɪt/ noun A sudden feeling of fear or alarm. 惊吓



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ adjective Showing bravery or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty. 勇敢的
2 footpath /ˈfʊtpæθ/ noun A path for pedestrians, typically in the countryside. 小路;人行道
3 philosopher /fɪˈlɒsəfər/ noun A person engaged in the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, and ethics. 哲学家
4 lash /læʃ/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To strike with a whip or stick.
2. (noun) A swift, sharp blow.
5 emergency /ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/ noun A sudden and urgent situation requiring immediate action. 紧急情况
6 stainless /ˈsteɪnlɪs/ adjective 1. Resistant to stains or rust (as in stainless steel).
2. Free from moral blemish.
7 settlement /ˈsɛtlmənt/ noun 1. An agreement reached to resolve a dispute.
2. A small community or colony.
8 gum /ɡʌm/ noun 1. The soft tissue surrounding the teeth.
2. A sticky substance, often from trees.
9 zoology /zoʊˈɒlədʒi/ noun The scientific study of animals and their behavior. 动物学
10 congregate /ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt/ verb, adjective 1. (verb) To gather together into a group.
2. (adjective) Gathered into a crowd or mass.
11 ideal /aɪˈdiːəl/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A standard of perfection or excellence.
2. (adjective) Perfect or most suitable.
12 inimitable /ɪˈnɪmɪtəbl/ adjective Too unique or excellent to be imitated. 无与伦比的
13 moan /moʊn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To make a low sound of pain or grief.
2. (noun) A long, low sound expressing suffering or discomfort.
14 compensate /ˈkɒmpənseɪt/ verb To make up for something, especially a loss or damage. 补偿;弥补
15 banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A formal and elaborate meal.
2. (verb) To hold or participate in a banquet.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 boredom /ˈbɔːrdəm/ noun The state of being bored or uninterested. 无聊;厌倦
2 miniature /ˈmɪnətʃər/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A small-scale representation or model.
2. (adjective) Much smaller than normal size.
3 extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːrdəneri/ adjective Very unusual, remarkable, or exceptional. 非凡的;特别的
4 nourish /ˈnɜːrɪʃ/ verb To provide with food or other substances necessary for growth and health. 滋养;养育
5 flint /flɪnt/ noun A hard type of quartz used to produce sparks or as a tool. 燧石;打火石
6 combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃən/ noun The process of burning something. 燃烧
7 expel /ɪkˈspɛl/ verb To force someone or something out, typically from a place or organization. 驱逐;开除
8 medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A means of communication or expression.
2. (adjective) Of middle size or degree.
9 loosen /ˈluːsən/ verb To make less tight or firm. 放松;松开
10 insulation /ˌɪnsəˈleɪʃən/ noun Material used to prevent the passage of heat, sound, or electricity. 绝缘;隔离
11 faithful /ˈfeɪθfəl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Loyal and devoted.
2. (noun) People who are loyal or devoted.
12 immigration /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ noun The act of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. 移民;移居
13 dignity /ˈdɪɡnɪti/ noun The state or quality of being worthy of honor and respect. 尊严;高贵
14 detergent /dɪˈtɜːrdʒənt/ noun A cleaning agent, especially for washing clothes or dishes. 洗涤剂
15 statue /ˈstætʃuː/ noun A carved or cast figure of a person or animal, often life-sized or larger. 雕像



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 tough /tʌf/ adjective, noun, verb 1. (adjective) Strong and durable; not easily broken.
2. (adjective) Difficult to do or endure.
3. (noun) A violent or aggressive person.
4. (verb) To endure hardship.
2 ore /ɔːr/ noun A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted. 矿石
3 overturn /ˌoʊvərˈtɜːrn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To turn over or capsize.
2. (verb) To reverse a decision or ruling.
3. (noun) The act of turning over.
4 expertise /ˌɛkspərˈtiːz/ noun Specialized knowledge or skill in a particular field. 专业知识;专长
5 civilian /sɪˈvɪliən/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A person not in the armed services or police force.
2. (adjective) Relating to civilians.
6 craze /kreɪz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A temporary popular trend or activity.
2. (verb) To make someone insane or wildly excited.
7 supervision /ˌsuːpərˈvɪʒən/ noun The act of overseeing or managing someone or something. 监督;管理
8 freight /freɪt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) Goods transported by truck, train, ship, or aircraft.
2. (verb) To transport goods.
9 complement /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) Something that completes or enhances something else.
2. (verb) To complete or enhance by providing a needed part.
10 glorify /ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪ/ verb To praise or honor something or someone highly. 美化;赞美
11 conceive /kənˈsiːv/ verb 1. To form an idea or plan in the mind.
2. To become pregnant.
12 yield /jiːld/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To produce or provide something.
2. (verb) To surrender or give way.
3. (noun) The amount produced.
13 stumble /ˈstʌmbl/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To trip or lose balance while walking.
2. (noun) A misstep or mistake.
14 awkward /ˈɔːkwərd/ adjective 1. Clumsy or ungraceful.
2. Causing difficulty or embarrassment.
15 rational /ˈræʃənl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Based on reason or logic.
2. (noun) A rational number in mathematics.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 expedition /ˌɛkspəˈdɪʃən/ noun A journey undertaken for a specific purpose, often exploration or research. 远征;探险
2 embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To hold someone closely in one's arms.
2. (verb) To accept or adopt something willingly.
3. (noun) An act of holding someone closely.
3 reservoir /ˈrɛzərvwɑːr/ noun 1. A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water.
2. A supply or store of something.
4 coincide /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/ verb To occur at the same time or occupy the same space. 同时发生;一致
5 deficient /dɪˈfɪʃənt/ adjective Lacking in some essential quality or element. 不足的;缺乏的
6 descent /dɪˈsɛnt/ noun 1. The act of moving downward.
2. One's lineage or ancestry.
7 subsidy /ˈsʌbsɪdi/ noun A sum of money granted by the government to assist an industry or business. 补贴;津贴
8 prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ verb 1. To be widespread or dominant.
2. To be victorious or successful.
9 overcast /ˈoʊvərkæst/ adjective, noun, verb 1. (adjective) Covered with clouds; dull.
2. (verb) To cover with clouds.
10 famine /ˈfæmɪn/ noun Extreme scarcity of food in a region. 饥荒
11 patriot /ˈpeɪtriət/ noun A person who loves and loyally supports their country. 爱国者
12 astronomy /əˈstrɒnəmi/ noun The scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the universe as a whole. 天文学
13 accuse /əˈkjuːz/ verb To charge someone with an offense or crime. 指控;控告
14 controversy /ˈkɒntrəvɜːrsi/ noun Disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated. 争论;争议
15 dictate /ˈdɪkteɪt/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To give orders or state something authoritatively.
2. (noun) An authoritative order or command.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 continuity /ˌkɒntɪˈnjuːɪti/ noun The unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time. 连续性;持续性
2 depreciation /dɪˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən/ noun The reduction in value of an asset over time, especially due to wear and tear. 贬值;折旧
3 rooster /ˈruːstər/ noun A male domestic chicken. 公鸡
4 asset /ˈæsɛt/ noun 1. A useful or valuable thing or person.
2. Property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value.
5 screwdriver /ˈskruːˌdraɪvər/ noun A tool used for turning screws. 螺丝刀
6 diplomatic /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk/ adjective 1. Relating to diplomacy or diplomats.
2. Skillful in handling situations without offending people.
7 reef /riːf/ noun A ridge of rocks, sand, or coral just above or below the surface of the sea. 礁;暗礁
8 emission /ɪˈmɪʃən/ noun The act of releasing or discharging something, especially gas or radiation. 排放;散发
9 feeble /ˈfiːbl/ adjective Lacking physical strength or vitality. 虚弱的;无力的
10 embroidery /ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri/ noun The craft of decorating fabric using needle and thread. 刺绣;绣花
11 versatile /ˈvɜːrsətaɪl/ adjective Able to adapt to different functions or activities. 多才多艺的;多功能的
12 proofread /ˈpruːfˌriːd/ verb To read and correct written or printed material for errors. 校对;校阅
13 betray /bɪˈtreɪ/ verb 1. To be disloyal to someone who trusts you.
2. To reveal or make something known unintentionally.
14 cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ verb 1. To prepare and use land for growing crops.
2. To foster the growth of something.
15 instructive /ɪnˈstrʌktɪv/ adjective Providing useful or informative knowledge. 有教育意义的;启发性的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 clockwise /ˈklɒkwaɪz/ adjective, adverb In the direction of the hands of a clock. 顺时针方向的
2 genetics /dʒəˈnɛtɪks/ noun The branch of biology dealing with heredity and variation in living organisms. 遗传学
3 humanitarian /hjuːˌmænɪˈtɛəriən/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
2. (noun) A person who promotes human welfare.
4 emit /ɪˈmɪt/ verb To send out or give off (e.g., light, heat, sound, or gas). 发出;散发
5 enclose /ɪnˈkloʊz/ verb 1. To surround something, especially with a barrier or fence.
2. To put something inside an envelope or container.
6 perspective /pərˈspɛktɪv/ noun 1. A point of view or way of looking at something.
2. The art of depicting three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface.
7 angular /ˈæŋɡjʊlər/ adjective 1. Having angles or sharp corners.
2. Bony or lean in appearance.
8 prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ verb To formally forbid something by law, rule, or authority. 禁止;阻止
9 walnut /ˈwɔːlnʌt/ noun 1. A large edible seed of a tree of the genus *Juglans*.
2. The tree that produces this seed.
10 amenable /əˈmiːnəbl/ adjective Willing to agree or be influenced; open to suggestion. 顺从的;愿意接受的
11 dart /dɑːrt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A small pointed missile or object.
2. (verb) To move or throw suddenly and quickly.
12 contradict /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt/ verb 1. To say the opposite of something.
2. To be in conflict with something.
13 picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/ adjective Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way. 如画的;生动的
14 conservatism /kənˈsɜːrvətɪzəm/ noun A political philosophy that promotes traditional values and institutions. 保守主义
15 graze /ɡreɪz/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To feed on growing grass.
2. (verb) To touch lightly in passing.
3. (noun) A slight injury or scratch.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 comprehend /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnd/ verb 1. To understand the meaning or importance of something.
2. To include or comprise something.
2 consultant /kənˈsʌltənt/ noun A person who provides expert advice professionally. 顾问;咨询师
3 massive /ˈmæsɪv/ adjective Large in scale, amount, or degree. 巨大的;大量的
4 outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ noun 1. A view or prospect of a situation.
2. A person's attitude or perspective on life.
5 nourishment /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt/ noun Substances needed for growth, health, and good condition. 营养;滋养
6 influential /ˌɪnfluˈɛnʃəl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Having the power to influence others.
2. (noun) A person who has influence.
7 collision /kəˈlɪʒən/ noun A violent impact or crash between two or more objects. 碰撞;冲突
8 waterproof /ˈwɔːtərˌpruːf/ adjective, noun, verb 1. (adjective) Impervious to water.
2. (noun) A garment made of waterproof material.
3. (verb) To make something resistant to water.
9 boom /buːm/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A period of rapid economic growth.
2. (verb) To grow or develop rapidly.
10 heir /ɛər/ noun A person legally entitled to inherit property or a title. 继承人
11 fuse /fjuːz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A device for safety in electrical circuits.
2. (verb) To join or blend by melting.
12 chronological /ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ adjective Arranged in the order of time. 按时间顺序的
13 original /əˈrɪdʒənəl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Existing from the beginning; first.
2. (noun) The first form of something, from which copies are made.
14 fashionable /ˈfæʃənəbl/ adjective Popular at a particular time; in line with current fashion. 时尚的;流行的
15 persevere /ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪər/ verb To continue in a course of action despite difficulty or opposition. 坚持;不屈不挠



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 trial /ˈtraɪəl/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A formal examination of evidence in a court of law.
2. (noun) A test of performance or qualities.
3. (adjective) Relating to or done as a test.
2 evident /ˈɛvɪdənt/ adjective Clear to the sight or mind; obvious. 明显的;显而易见的
3 visibility /ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti/ noun 1. The degree to which something can be seen.
2. The state of being visible or noticed.
4 torrent /ˈtɒrənt/ noun 1. A strong and fast-moving stream of water.
2. A sudden outpouring of something (e.g., words or emotions).
5 naked /ˈneɪkɪd/ adjective 1. Without clothing.
2. Exposed or uncovered; bare.
6 modest /ˈmɒdɪst/ adjective 1. Having a humble opinion of oneself.
2. Not large in size, amount, or degree.
3. Dressing or behaving in a way that avoids indecency.
7 organic /ɔːrˈɡænɪk/ adjective 1. Relating to or derived from living organisms.
2. Produced without the use of synthetic chemicals.
8 rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ noun 1. A strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound or movement.
2. The flow of music or speech.
9 component /kəmˈpoʊnənt/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A part or element of a larger whole.
2. (adjective) Constituting part of something.
10 ascent /əˈsɛnt/ noun 1. The act of rising or climbing up.
2. An upward slope or path.
11 violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ adjective 1. Using physical force intended to hurt or damage.
2. Intense or extreme in nature.
12 blast /blæst/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A strong explosion or a gust of wind.
2. (verb) To blow up or destroy with an explosion.
13 carnival /ˈkɑːrnɪvəl/ noun 1. A festival or celebration, often with parades and entertainment.
2. A period of public enjoyment.
14 extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ adjective No longer existing or living. 灭绝的;绝种的
15 juicy /ˈdʒuːsi/ adjective 1. Full of juice.
2. Exciting or interesting, often involving gossip or scandal.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 suburbanization /səˌbɜːrbənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ noun The process of people moving from cities to suburban areas, leading to the growth of suburbs. 城市郊区化
2 pursue /pərˈsuː/ verb 1. To follow or chase something in order to catch it.
2. To seek to achieve a goal.
3 curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti/ noun 1. A strong desire to learn or know something.
2. Something unusual or interesting.
4 ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adjective 1. Having a strong desire to achieve success.
2. Showing a great deal of effort and determination.
5 opponent /əˈpoʊnənt/ noun 1. A person who competes or argues against another.
2. Someone who opposes a proposal or policy.
6 disappointment /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/ noun A feeling of sadness or frustration when expectations are not met. 失望;沮丧
7 voluntary /ˈvɒlənˌtɛri/ adjective 1. Done willingly without being forced.
2. Performed or offered freely.
8 chamber /ˈtʃeɪmbər/ noun 1. A large room used for formal or public events.
2. An enclosed space or cavity.
9 buzz /bʌz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A low continuous humming sound.
2. (verb) To make a continuous low sound like that of a bee.
10 resolute /ˈrɛzəˌluːt/ adjective Firm and determined in purpose or belief. 坚决的;果断的
11 patent /ˈpeɪtənt, ˈpætənt/ noun, verb, adjective 1. (noun) A government license granting exclusive rights to an invention.
2. (verb) To obtain a patent.
3. (adjective) Obvious or evident.
12 rainfall /ˈreɪnˌfɔːl/ noun The amount of rain that falls in a specific area over a period of time. 降雨量
13 gulf /ɡʌlf/ noun 1. A large area of sea partially enclosed by land.
2. A significant difference or gap between ideas or people.
14 assure /əˈʃʊər/ verb 1. To tell someone confidently that something is true.
2. To make certain or guarantee.
15 identical /aɪˈdɛntɪkəl/ adjective Exactly the same in every detail. 完全相同的;一致的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 slander /ˈslɑːndər/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A false spoken statement damaging someone's reputation.
2. (verb) To make such a statement.
2 vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ adjective 1. Full of energy, life, and color.
2. Bright and striking in appearance.
3 largely /ˈlɑːrdʒli/ adverb 1. To a great extent; mostly.
2. Generally or mainly.
4 daring /ˈdɛərɪŋ/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Willing to take risks; bold.
2. (noun) Courage or boldness.
5 fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/ noun 1. A pleasant, sweet smell.
2. A perfume or scent.
6 rivalry /ˈraɪvəlri/ noun 1. Competition or conflict between opponents.
2. The state of competing or opposing.
7 respiration /ˌrɛspəˈreɪʃən/ noun 1. The process of breathing.
2. The exchange of gases in living organisms.
8 marine /məˈriːn/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Related to the sea or ocean.
2. (noun) A soldier serving on a naval ship.
9 striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/ adjective 1. Attracting attention because of being unusual or noticeable.
2. Impressive or remarkable.
10 detriment /ˈdɛtrɪmənt/ noun 1. Harm or damage caused to something.
2. A disadvantage or loss.
11 abundance /əˈbʌndəns/ noun 1. A large quantity of something.
2. Wealth or plenty.
12 conscientious /ˌkɒnʃiˈɛnʃəs/ adjective 1. Wishing to do one’s work or duty well.
2. Careful and diligent.
13 inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/ verb 1. To fill someone with the urge to do something.
2. To create a positive feeling in someone.
14 carve /kɑːrv/ verb 1. To cut a solid material into a shape.
2. To create something by cutting or shaping.
15 encyclopedia /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə/ noun 1. A book or set of books containing information on many subjects.
2. A comprehensive reference work.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 ornament /ˈɔːrnəmənt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A decorative object or detail.
2. (verb) To decorate or embellish.
2 welfare /ˈwɛlfɛər/ noun 1. The health, happiness, and well-being of a person or group.
2. Government assistance for those in need.
3 attendance /əˈtɛndəns/ noun 1. The act of being present at an event or place.
2. The number of people attending an event.
4 recollection /ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən/ noun 1. The action of remembering something.
2. A memory or something remembered.
5 decent /ˈdiːsənt/ adjective 1. Conforming to proper standards of behavior.
2. Fairly good or acceptable.
6 junction /ˈdʒʌŋkʃən/ noun 1. A point where two or more things meet or join.
2. An intersection of roads or railways.
7 inaugurate /ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪt/ verb 1. To formally begin or introduce something.
2. To formally install someone in office.
8 solicit /səˈlɪsɪt/ verb 1. To ask for or seek something earnestly.
2. To request or promote sales or support.
9 stiff /stɪf/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Rigid or difficult to move.
2. (noun) A person who is formal or awkward.
10 mold /moʊld/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A hollow form used for shaping.
2. (verb) To shape or influence something.
11 cherish /ˈtʃɛrɪʃ/ verb 1. To hold something dear or value it greatly.
2. To care for something lovingly.
12 journalist /ˈdʒɜːrnəlɪst/ noun 1. A person who writes or reports news stories.
2. A media professional who gathers and presents information.
13 jury /ˈdʒʊəri/ noun 1. A group of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case.
2. A panel deciding the result of a competition.
14 bland /blænd/ adjective 1. Lacking strong flavor or characteristics.
2. Dull or uninteresting.
15 slumber /ˈslʌmbər/ noun, verb 1. (noun) Sleep, especially a light one.
2. (verb) To sleep lightly.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 strain /streɪn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To exert effort or pressure.
2. (noun) Tension or stress; a specific type of organism or material.
2 bald /bɔːld/ adjective 1. Having no hair on the scalp.
2. Lacking a natural covering or features.
3 ridicule /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To mock or deride.
2. (noun) Speech or behavior intended to make fun of someone.
4 industrial /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Relating to industry or manufacturing.
2. (noun) A company or sector involved in industry.
5 faint /feɪnt/ adjective, verb, noun 1. (adjective) Weak or barely perceptible.
2. (verb) To lose consciousness briefly.
3. (noun) A sudden loss of consciousness.
6 supplement /ˈsʌplɪmənt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) Something added to enhance or complete.
2. (verb) To add something to improve or complete.
7 sympathize /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ verb 1. To share or feel someone’s sorrow or emotions.
2. To understand or agree with a point of view.
8 mate /meɪt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A partner, friend, or animal pairing for reproduction.
2. (verb) To pair for reproduction.
9 elasticity /ˌiːlæˈstɪsəti/ noun 1. The ability of a material to return to its original shape.
2. Flexibility or adaptability in behavior or thought.
10 deceive /dɪˈsiːv/ verb 1. To mislead or cause someone to believe something untrue.
2. To intentionally trick or cheat.
11 sticky /ˈstɪki/ adjective 1. Having a surface that adheres to things.
2. Difficult or problematic.
12 compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ noun, verb 1. (noun) An agreement where both sides make concessions.
2. (verb) To reach an agreement or to weaken.
13 perceive /pəˈsiːv/ verb 1. To become aware of or understand something.
2. To interpret or regard something in a certain way.
14 erosion /ɪˈroʊʒən/ noun 1. The gradual wearing away of land or material.
2. The weakening or destruction of something over time.
15 commerce /ˈkɒmɜːrs/ noun 1. The activity of buying and selling goods and services.
2. Trade on a large scale.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 dietary /ˈdaɪətɛri/ adjective 1. Relating to diet or food consumption.
2. Concerned with the types and amounts of food people eat.
2 slip /slɪp/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To lose footing and slide unintentionally.
2. (noun) A small mistake or oversight.
3 urge /ɜːrdʒ/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To strongly recommend or encourage.
2. (noun) A strong desire or impulse.
4 verdict /ˈvɜːrdɪkt/ noun 1. A decision made by a jury in a court of law.
2. An opinion or judgment.
5 transplant /ˈtrænsplænt/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To move something from one place to another.
2. (noun) A medical procedure to move an organ or tissue.
6 decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To decrease in quality, quantity, or importance.
2. (noun) A gradual reduction or weakening.
7 postage /ˈpoʊstɪdʒ/ noun 1. The charge for sending mail.
2. The system of mail delivery costs.
8 band /bænd/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A group of musicians or a strip of material.
2. (verb) To bind or group together.
9 comparative /kəmˈpærətɪv/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Relating to comparison.
2. (noun) The comparative degree in grammar.
10 extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ noun 1. The end of a species or group of organisms.
2. The state of being no longer active or existing.
11 horizontal /ˌhɔːrɪˈzɑːntl/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Parallel to the horizon.
2. (noun) A horizontal line or plane.
12 perpendicular /ˌpɜːrpənˈdɪkjələr/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) At a right angle to a given line or surface.
2. (noun) A line or plane that is perpendicular.
13 postpone /poʊstˈpoʊn/ verb 1. To delay or reschedule to a later time.
2. To defer an action or event.
14 crucial /ˈkruːʃl/ adjective 1. Extremely important or essential.
2. Decisive or critical in nature.
15 plumber /ˈplʌmər/ noun 1. A person who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing systems.
2. Someone skilled in fixing water or gas-related infrastructure.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 equality /ɪˈkwɒləti/ noun 1. The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. 平等
2 genetic /dʒəˈnɛtɪk/ adjective 1. Relating to genes or heredity.
2. Originating from biological inheritance.
3 glamorous /ˈɡlæmərəs/ adjective 1. Full of charm and elegance.
2. Excitingly attractive or fascinating.
4 prosperous /ˈprɒspərəs/ adjective 1. Successful in material terms; flourishing financially.
2. Bringing wealth or success.
5 provocative /prəˈvɒkətɪv/ adjective 1. Causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction.
2. Intending to arouse interest or desire.
6 plague /pleɪɡ/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people.
2. (verb) To cause continual trouble or distress.
7 attendant /əˈtɛndənt/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A person who serves or helps others.
2. (adjective) Accompanying or associated with something.
8 affectionate /əˈfɛkʃənɪt/ adjective 1. Showing love or fondness.
2. Feeling or expressing affection.
9 consecutive /kənˈsɛkjʊtɪv/ adjective 1. Following one after another in order.
2. Without interruption.
10 administer /ədˈmɪnɪstər/ verb 1. To manage or oversee the operation of something.
2. To dispense or apply (medicine, punishment, etc.).
11 monopolize /məˈnɒpəlaɪz/ verb 1. To have or take complete control of something.
2. To dominate a market or resource exclusively.
12 acid /ˈæsɪd/ noun, adjective 1. (noun) A substance with a sour taste that reacts with bases.
2. (adjective) Having a sharp or sour taste.
13 sensible /ˈsɛnsɪbəl/ adjective 1. Having or showing good judgment.
2. Practical and functional rather than decorative.
14 civil /ˈsɪvəl/ adjective 1. Relating to citizens or public affairs.
2. Polite and respectful.
15 depart /dɪˈpɑːrt/ verb 1. To leave, especially to start a journey.
2. To deviate from a usual or expected course.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 pierce /pɪrs/ verb 1. To make a hole or opening in something.
2. To move or pass through something sharply.
2 demonstrate /ˈdɛmənstreɪt/ verb 1. To show or explain something clearly.
2. To take part in a public protest.
3 irrigation /ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃən/ noun 1. The artificial application of water to land for agriculture.
2. The process of washing out an area, especially in medicine.
4 injustice /ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs/ noun 1. Lack of fairness or equity.
2. A specific act of unfair treatment.
5 ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adjective 1. Having a strong desire to achieve success.
2. Requiring much effort or determination.
6 confine /kənˈfaɪn/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To restrict or limit within boundaries.
2. (noun, plural) Limits or borders of a space.
7 proceed /prəˈsiːd/ verb 1. To continue or move forward.
2. To begin or carry out an action.
8 estimate /ˈɛstɪmeɪt/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To roughly calculate or judge the value or number of something.
2. (noun) An approximate calculation or judgment.
9 magical /ˈmædʒɪkəl/ adjective 1. Relating to or involving magic.
2. Wonderful or enchanting in a way that seems supernatural.
10 conservation /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃən/ noun 1. The protection and preservation of natural resources.
2. The careful use of materials to prevent waste.
11 porcelain /ˈpɔːrsəlɪn/ noun 1. A hard, white ceramic material.
2. Fine china made from this material.
12 circuit /ˈsɜːrkɪt/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A closed path through which electricity flows.
2. (verb) To travel around something in a loop.
13 smog /smɒɡ/ noun 1. Fog combined with smoke and other pollutants.
2. A heavy atmospheric pollution.
14 hostility /hɒˈstɪlɪti/ noun 1. Unfriendly or aggressive behavior.
2. Acts of warfare or conflict.
15 fort /fɔːrt/ noun 1. A strong building or structure used for defense.
2. A military post or base.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 cider /ˈsaɪdər/ noun 1. An alcoholic drink made from fermented apple juice.
2. A non-alcoholic drink made from fresh apple juice.
2 contaminate /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ verb 1. To make something impure by adding harmful substances.
2. To influence negatively or corrupt morally.
3 triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/ noun, verb 1. (noun) A great victory or achievement.
2. (verb) To achieve a great success or victory.
4 rural /ˈrʊrəl/ adjective 1. Relating to the countryside rather than the town.
2. Characterized by agricultural or pastoral life.
5 swell /swɛl/ verb, noun, adjective 1. (verb) To increase in size or volume.
2. (noun) A gradual increase in size or strength.
3. (adjective, informal) Excellent or wonderful.
6 imaginative /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ adjective 1. Having or showing creativity and originality.
2. Using the imagination rather than reality.
7 simultaneous /ˌsaɪməlˈteɪniəs/ adjective 1. Occurring at the same time.
2. Existing or operating together.
8 weep /wiːp/ verb, noun 1. (verb) To cry, shedding tears, especially from emotions.
2. (noun) The act of crying.
9 congressman /ˈkɒŋɡrəsmən/ noun 1. A male member of the United States Congress.
2. (generic) Any member of a legislative congress.
10 renovation /ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃən/ noun 1. The act of restoring something to a good state of repair.
2. The process of making something new or modern again.
11 expressly /ɪkˈsprɛsli/ adverb 1. In a clear and definite way.
2. For a particular purpose only.
12 accomplished /əˈkɒmplɪʃt/ adjective 1. Highly skilled or successful.
2. Completed or achieved.
13 willow /ˈwɪloʊ/ noun 1. A tree with narrow leaves and flexible branches.
2. A material from willow branches used in crafting.
14 elliptical /ɪˈlɪptɪkəl/ adjective 1. Shaped like an ellipse or oval.
2. Using or involving ellipsis in writing or speech.
15 metropolitan /ˌmɛtrəˈpɒlɪtən/ adjective, noun 1. (adjective) Relating to a large city or its surrounding area.
2. (noun) A resident of a metropolis.


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