英语背单词 专四词汇 中英对照 2024年11月


Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 bond /bɒnd/ Noun, Verb Noun: A connection or tie between people or things; a financial certificate indicating a debt.
Verb: To form a connection or attachment.
2 harsh /hɑːʃ/ Adjective Unpleasantly rough or severe; unkind or strict. 严酷的;刺耳的
3 outrage /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A shocking, morally unacceptable act.
Verb: To cause anger or indignation.
4 dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔːr/ Noun An extinct group of large reptiles that lived millions of years ago. 恐龙
5 distinguished /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt/ Adjective Recognized for excellence or importance; dignified in appearance or manner. 卓越的;显赫的
6 turbulence /ˈtɜːbjələns/ Noun Violent, irregular motion, often of air or water; unrest or disorder. 湍流;动荡
7 rally /ˈræli/ Noun, Verb Noun: A mass meeting to support a cause; a recovery after a decline.
Verb: To come together for a common purpose; to recover in strength or health.
8 moderate /ˈmɒdəreɪt/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Average in amount or intensity; not extreme.
Verb: To make less intense; to preside over a discussion.
9 spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ Adjective Having a lot of space; roomy. 宽敞的
10 cruelty /ˈkruːəlti/ Noun Behavior that causes pain or suffering to others; lack of kindness. 残酷;虐待
11 simplicity /sɪmˈplɪsɪti/ Noun The quality of being simple or uncomplicated; ease of understanding. 简单;朴素
12 resolution /ˌrezəˈluːʃn/ Noun A firm decision to do or not do something; the act of solving a problem or dispute. 决心;解决
13 mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/ Adjective Shared between two or more parties; having the same relationship toward each other. 相互的;共同的
14 quarry /ˈkwɒri/ Noun, Verb Noun: A place where stone or other materials are extracted; an animal pursued in a hunt.
Verb: To extract materials from a quarry.
15 irresistible /ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl/ Adjective Too attractive or tempting to resist; too powerful to be stopped or controlled. 无法抗拒的;不可抵挡的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 clause /klɔːz/ Noun A grammatical unit containing a subject and predicate; a specific provision in a legal document. 从句;条款
2 bilateral /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ Adjective Involving two sides or parties, especially in agreements or negotiations. 双边的
3 dense /dɛns/ Adjective Closely packed together; difficult to understand due to complexity. 密集的;难解的
4 shift /ʃɪft/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move or change position.
Noun: A change in position, direction, or focus.
5 distill /dɪˈstɪl/ Verb To purify a liquid by heating and cooling; to extract the essential meaning of something. 蒸馏;提炼
6 frown /fraʊn/ Verb, Noun Verb: To furrow one's brows in displeasure or concentration.
Noun: An expression of disapproval or worry.
7 drift /drɪft/ Verb, Noun Verb: To be carried by a current of air or water.
Noun: A slow and gradual movement or change.
8 linen /ˈlɪnɪn/ Noun Cloth made from flax, used for household items such as sheets or clothing. 亚麻布
9 centigrade /ˈsɛntɪɡreɪd/ Adjective A scale of temperature with 100 degrees between freezing and boiling points of water. 摄氏的
10 superintendent /ˌsuːpərɪnˈtɛndənt/ Noun A person who manages or oversees an organization, department, or building. 主管;监督人
11 exterior /ɪkˈstɪəriər/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Located on the outside.
Noun: The outer surface or appearance of something.
12 trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ Noun, Verb Noun: A brass wind instrument with a flared bell.
Verb: To announce loudly or widely.
13 rebellion /rɪˈbɛljən/ Noun An act of violent or open resistance to authority or control. 反叛;叛乱
14 locomotive /ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtɪv/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A powered vehicle for pulling trains.
Adjective: Relating to movement or the ability to move.
15 pulp /pʌlp/ Noun, Verb Noun: Soft, moist material, often used in papermaking.
Verb: To crush into a soft, wet mass.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 tissue /ˈtɪʃuː/ Noun A group of similar cells performing a specific function in an organism; thin paper for cleaning. 组织;纸巾
2 converse /ˈkɒnvɜːrs/ Verb, Noun Verb: To engage in conversation.
Noun: The opposite of something.
3 induce /ɪnˈdjuːs/ Verb To persuade or influence someone to do something; to bring about or cause. 引诱;引起
4 undermine /ˌʌndərˈmaɪn/ Verb To weaken or damage something, often gradually. 逐渐削弱
5 feeder /ˈfiːdər/ Noun A device or person that supplies food; a tributary stream. 饲养者;支流
6 efficient /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ Adjective Working well and effectively without wasting resources. 高效的
7 analogy /əˈnælədʒi/ Noun A comparison showing similarities between two different things. 类比;相似
8 foresight /ˈfɔːrsaɪt/ Noun The ability to predict or plan for the future. 远见;预见
9 livestock /ˈlaɪvstɒk/ Noun Farm animals kept for use or profit. 牲畜
10 panic /ˈpænɪk/ Noun, Verb Noun: Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety.
Verb: To feel or cause a sudden fear.
11 barren /ˈbærən/ Adjective Not able to produce vegetation, offspring, or results. 贫瘠的;无结果的
12 epic /ˈɛpɪk/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A long narrative poem about heroic deeds.
Adjective: Grand or heroic in scale or style.
13 dessert /dɪˈzɜːrt/ Noun A sweet dish served at the end of a meal. 甜点
14 intelligence /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/ Noun The ability to acquire and apply knowledge; information gathering for military or political purposes. 智力;情报
15 formation /fɔːrˈmeɪʃən/ Noun The action of forming or being formed; an arrangement or structure. 形成;构造



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 cast /kæst/ Verb, Noun Verb: To throw something forcefully; to assign roles in a play.
Noun: A group of actors; a hard covering for broken bones.
2 coarse /kɔːrs/ Adjective Rough in texture; lacking refinement or sophistication. 粗糙的;粗俗的
3 prompt /prɒmpt/ Adjective, Verb, Noun Adjective: Done without delay; immediate.
Verb: To cause or bring about an action.
Noun: A cue or reminder.
4 clergy /ˈklɜːrdʒi/ Noun People ordained for religious duties, especially in Christianity. 神职人员;牧师
5 scarce /skɛrs/ Adjective In short supply; rare. 稀缺的;不足的
6 patron /ˈpeɪtrən/ Noun A person who gives financial or other support to a person or organization; a regular customer. 赞助人;常客
7 preservation /ˌprɛzərˈveɪʃən/ Noun The act of maintaining or protecting something from harm or decay. 保护;保存
8 ultimate /ˈʌltəmɪt/ Adjective The best or most extreme of its kind; final. 最终的;极致的
9 bound /baʊnd/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Certain or likely to happen; tied or fastened.
Verb: To leap or jump.
10 retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ Verb, Noun Verb: To withdraw or move back.
Noun: A place of privacy and quiet; a military withdrawal.
11 intervention /ˌɪntərˈvɛnʃən/ Noun The act of getting involved in a situation to change or prevent something. 干预;介入
12 survive /sərˈvaɪv/ Verb To continue to live or exist despite difficulties. 幸存;存活
13 disposal /dɪˈspoʊzəl/ Noun The act of getting rid of something; the power to use or control something. 处理;支配
14 dependent /dɪˈpɛndənt/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Requiring support or reliance on something.
Noun: A person who relies on another for support.
15 nutritious /nuˈtrɪʃəs/ Adjective Providing nourishment and beneficial substances for health and growth. 有营养的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 intellect /ˈɪntəˌlɛkt/ Noun The ability to think and understand, especially at a high level; a highly intelligent person. 智力;知识分子
2 standardize /ˈstændəˌdaɪz/ Verb To make things of the same type have the same features or qualities. 标准化;使统一
3 preferable /ˈprɛfrəbl/ Adjective More desirable or suitable than another option. 更可取的;更好的
4 drainage /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/ Noun The process by which water or other liquids flow away; a system of drains. 排水;排水系统
5 spotlight /ˈspɒtˌlaɪt/ Noun, Verb Noun: A focused beam of light, often used on a stage; public attention.
Verb: To highlight or give attention to something.
6 apprentice /əˈprɛntɪs/ Noun, Verb Noun: A person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer.
Verb: To work as an apprentice.
7 veil /veɪl/ Noun, Verb Noun: A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
Verb: To cover or conceal something.
8 comparable /ˈkɒmpərəbl/ Adjective Able to be likened to another; similar in quality or nature. 可比较的;类似的
9 dissertation /ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən/ Noun A long essay on a particular subject, especially for a university degree. 论文;专题文章
10 foe /foʊ/ Noun An enemy or opponent. 敌人;对手
11 division /dɪˈvɪʒən/ Noun The process of separating into parts; disagreement or disunity. 分割;分歧
12 monopoly /məˈnɒpəli/ Noun The exclusive control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. 垄断;专卖
13 cyclone /ˈsaɪkloʊn/ Noun A system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure. 气旋;旋风
14 myth /mɪθ/ Noun A traditional story, typically involving supernatural beings; a widely held but false belief. 神话;虚构的事物
15 gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ Adjective Extremely large or enormous. 巨大的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 assess /əˈsɛs/ Verb To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or value of something. 评估;估算
2 diffuse /dɪˈfjuːz/ Verb, Adjective Verb: To spread or scatter widely.
Adjective: Not concentrated; spread out.
3 aspect /ˈæspɛkt/ Noun A particular part or feature of something; the way something appears. 方面;外观
4 stitch /stɪtʃ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A single loop of thread in sewing or knitting.
Verb: To sew or join with stitches.
5 brook /brʊk/ Noun A small stream. 小溪
6 evaporate /ɪˈvæpəreɪt/ Verb To turn from liquid into vapor; to disappear or fade away. 蒸发;消失
7 circumference /sərˈkʌmfərəns/ Noun The distance around the edge of a circle. 圆周;周长
8 reign /reɪn/ Noun, Verb Noun: The period during which a sovereign rules.
Verb: To rule as a monarch; to prevail or dominate.
9 anecdote /ˈænɪkˌdoʊt/ Noun A short, amusing, or interesting story about a real incident or person. 轶事;趣闻
10 hinterland /ˈhɪntərˌlænd/ Noun The remote or less developed parts of a region. 内陆;腹地
11 glide /ɡlaɪd/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move smoothly and effortlessly.
Noun: A smooth, continuous motion.
12 squarely /ˈskwɛrli/ Adverb Directly and firmly; without avoiding or deviating. 直截了当地;正对着
13 reptile /ˈrɛptaɪl/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A cold-blooded animal of the class Reptilia, such as snakes or lizards.
Adjective: Relating to or characteristic of reptiles.
14 altitude /ˈæltɪˌtjuːd/ Noun The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. 高度;海拔
15 instrumental /ˌɪnstrəˈmɛntl/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Serving as a means or tool in achieving something.
Noun: A piece of music performed without vocals.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 unload /ˌʌnˈloʊd/ Verb To remove goods or cargo from a vehicle or container. 卸货;卸载
2 metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/ Noun The chemical processes by which a living organism sustains life, converts food to energy, and disposes of waste. 新陈代谢
3 suspend /səˈspɛnd/ Verb To temporarily stop or delay something; to hang something from above. 暂停;悬挂
4 emphasis /ˈɛmfəsɪs/ Noun Special importance or significance given to something. 强调;重点
5 definitely /ˈdɛfɪnətli/ Adverb Without doubt; clearly and certainly. 明确地;毫无疑问地
6 inspection /ɪnˈspɛkʃən/ Noun A careful examination or review. 检查;视察
7 contrary /ˈkɒntrəri/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
Noun: The opposite or reverse of something.
8 symptom /ˈsɪmptəm/ Noun A physical or mental feature that indicates a condition or disease. 症状;征兆
9 ceremonial /ˌsɛrəˈmoʊniəl/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Relating to or used in ceremonies.
Noun: A set of formal acts performed for a special occasion.
10 frost /frɒst/ Noun, Verb Noun: A thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when it is cold.
Verb: To cover something with frost.
11 flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/ Verb, Noun Verb: To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way.
Noun: A bold or extravagant gesture or action.
12 peck /pɛk/ Verb, Noun Verb: To strike or bite something with a beak.
Noun: A quick kiss or small bite.
13 spill /spɪl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To accidentally cause liquid to flow out of its container.
Noun: The amount of liquid that has spilled.
14 contradictory /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri/ Adjective Mutually opposed or inconsistent. 矛盾的;对立的
15 hustle /ˈhʌsl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move or act quickly and energetically.
Noun: Busy or energetic activity.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 glacier /ˈɡleɪʃər/ Noun A slowly moving mass of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow. 冰川
2 gravity /ˈɡrævɪti/ Noun The force that attracts objects toward the center of the earth; seriousness or importance. 重力;严肃性
3 enrich /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ Verb To improve the quality, value, or extent of something. 使丰富;充实
4 dormitory /ˈdɔːrmɪtɔːri/ Noun A large room containing many beds, often in a school or institution; a residence hall. 宿舍
5 uproot /ʌpˈruːt/ Verb To pull something, especially a plant, out of the ground; to remove someone from their usual environment. 连根拔起;使离开家园
6 strengthen /ˈstrɛŋθən/ Verb To make or become stronger or more powerful. 加强;巩固
7 bust /bʌst/ Noun, Verb, Adjective Noun: A sculpture of a person’s head, shoulders, and chest; a failure or collapse.
Verb: To break or burst.
Adjective: Broken or bankrupt (informal).
8 excessive /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ Adjective More than necessary, normal, or desirable. 过多的;过度的
9 persuasive /pərˈsweɪsɪv/ Adjective Able to convince someone to do or believe something. 有说服力的
10 humidity /hjuːˈmɪdɪti/ Noun The amount of water vapor in the air. 湿度;湿气
11 threaten /ˈθrɛtn/ Verb To express an intention to harm or cause danger. 威胁;恐吓
12 unity /ˈjuːnɪti/ Noun The state of being united or joined as a whole. 团结;统一
13 portion /ˈpɔːrʃən/ Noun A part or share of something. 部分;份额
14 sturdy /ˈstɜːrdi/ Adjective Strongly built and not easily damaged; robust. 结实的;坚固的
15 formidable /ˈfɔːrmɪdəbl/ Adjective Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or capable. 令人敬畏的;强大的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 absent /ˈæbsənt/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Not present in a place or situation.
Verb: To stay away or keep away from something.
2 brighten /ˈbraɪtn/ Verb To make or become lighter, happier, or more cheerful. 使变亮;使快活
3 frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃən/ Noun A feeling of dissatisfaction or annoyance caused by inability to achieve something. 挫折;沮丧
4 preliminary /prɪˈlɪmɪnəri/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Occurring before the main part.
Noun: An action or event that precedes something more important.
5 spectacular /spɛkˈtækjʊlər/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Strikingly beautiful or dramatic.
Noun: An impressive display or performance.
6 blink /blɪŋk/ Verb, Noun Verb: To quickly close and open the eyes.
Noun: A quick opening and closing of the eyes.
7 confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ Verb To face or deal with something challenging or difficult directly. 面对;对抗
8 priority /praɪˈɒrɪti/ Noun The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others. 优先;优先权
9 counterpart /ˈkaʊntərˌpɑːrt/ Noun A person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another. 对应物;副本
10 magnetic /mæɡˈnɛtɪk/ Adjective Having the properties of a magnet; able to attract or captivate strongly. 磁性的;有吸引力的
11 saliva /səˈlaɪvə/ Noun A watery fluid secreted into the mouth by glands, aiding digestion. 唾液;口水
12 efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ Noun The ability to accomplish a task with minimal waste of time and resources. 效率;效能
13 leading /ˈliːdɪŋ/ Adjective Most important or influential; in the front or ahead. 主要的;领先的
14 absorb /əbˈzɔːrb/ Verb To take in or soak up something, such as liquid, information, or energy. 吸收;吸引
15 relevance /ˈrɛləvəns/ Noun The quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate to something. 相关性;重要性



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 harmless /ˈhɑːrmləs/ Adjective Not causing or capable of causing harm or damage. 无害的;无危害的
2 counsel /ˈkaʊnsəl/ Noun, Verb Noun: Advice or guidance, especially given formally.
Verb: To give advice or guidance to someone.
3 shaft /ʃæft/ Noun A long, narrow structure, such as the handle of a tool or a vertical passage in a building or mine. 杆;轴
4 tender /ˈtɛndər/ Adjective, Verb, Noun Adjective: Gentle, loving, or sensitive.
Verb: To offer formally.
Noun: A formal offer, often in business.
5 herald /ˈhɛrəld/ Noun, Verb Noun: A messenger or indicator of something to come.
Verb: To announce or signal the coming of something.
6 dissimilar /ˌdɪsˈsɪmɪlər/ Adjective Not alike; different or distinct. 不同的;不相似的
7 surge /sɜːrdʒ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A sudden and powerful increase.
Verb: To move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.
8 gorgeous /ˈɡɔːrdʒəs/ Adjective Extremely beautiful or attractive. 华丽的;极美的
9 inappropriate /ˌɪnəˈproʊpriɪt/ Adjective Not suitable or proper for a particular situation. 不适当的;不恰当的
10 realm /rɛlm/ Noun A kingdom; a field or domain of activity or interest. 领域;王国
11 beverage /ˈbɛvərɪdʒ/ Noun A drink, especially one other than water. 饮料
12 devise /dɪˈvaɪz/ Verb To plan or invent something, typically a complex procedure or mechanism. 设计;发明
13 reinforce /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrs/ Verb To strengthen or support, especially with additional material or resources. 加强;巩固
14 sideways /ˈsaɪdweɪz/ Adverb, Adjective Adverb: To or from the side.
Adjective: Positioned or directed to the side.
15 protest /ˈproʊtɛst/ Noun, Verb Noun: A statement or action expressing disapproval.
Verb: To express strong objection or disapproval.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 impose /ɪmˈpoʊz/ Verb To force something, such as a rule, tax, or punishment, on someone; to take advantage of someone’s kindness. 强加;施加
2 deck /dɛk/ Noun, Verb Noun: A flat surface, such as the floor of a ship or a level in a building.
Verb: To decorate or adorn something.
3 margin /ˈmɑːrdʒɪn/ Noun The edge or border of something; the amount by which something is won or exceeds another. 边缘;差额
4 abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ Adjective Existing in large quantities; plentiful. 丰富的;充裕的
5 gear /ɡɪə/ Noun, Verb Noun: Equipment or machinery; a toothed wheel in a machine.
Verb: To adjust or adapt something for a specific purpose.
6 survival /sərˈvaɪvəl/ Noun The act or fact of continuing to live or exist, often despite hardship or danger. 生存;幸存
7 defensive /dɪˈfɛnsɪv/ Adjective Used or intended to defend or protect; showing a tendency to justify or protect oneself. 防御的;自卫的
8 injury /ˈɪndʒəri/ Noun Physical harm or damage to a person or part of the body. 伤害;损伤
9 sketch /skɛtʃ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A rough drawing or outline.
Verb: To make a rough or unfinished drawing or description.
10 departure /dɪˈpɑːrtʃər/ Noun The act of leaving a place; a deviation from a standard or norm. 离开;出发
11 rectangular /rɛkˈtæŋɡjələr/ Adjective Having the shape of a rectangle, with four right angles. 矩形的
12 innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ Noun The process of creating new ideas, methods, or products. 创新;革新
13 interdependent /ˌɪntərdɪˈpɛndənt/ Adjective Mutually reliant on one another. 相互依赖的
14 terminology /ˌtɜːrmɪˈnɒlədʒi/ Noun The set of terms or vocabulary associated with a specific subject or field. 术语;专门用语
15 pebble /ˈpɛbl/ Noun A small, smooth stone found on beaches or riverbeds. 鹅卵石



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 ultraviolet /ˌʌltrəˈvaɪələt/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Referring to electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays.
Noun: Light or radiation in this spectrum.
2 constitute /ˈkɒnstɪˌtjuːt/ Verb To make up or form; to establish or set up (e.g., a law or government). 构成;建立
3 handicap /ˈhændɪˌkæp/ Noun, Verb Noun: A disadvantage or obstacle that makes achieving something more difficult.
Verb: To place someone at a disadvantage or make something harder to achieve.
4 jeweler /ˈdʒuːələr/ Noun A person who makes, sells, or repairs jewelry. 珠宝商
5 slippery /ˈslɪpəri/ Adjective Having a surface that is smooth, wet, or slimy, making it difficult to hold onto or walk on. 滑的;光滑的
6 lava /ˈlɑːvə/ Noun Molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption. 熔岩
7 glimpse /ɡlɪmps/ Noun, Verb Noun: A brief or fleeting look or sight.
Verb: To catch a quick or brief sight of something or someone.
8 steer /stɪə/ Verb To guide or control the movement of a vehicle, vessel, or animal. 驾驶;引导
9 luster /ˈlʌstər/ Noun A gentle sheen or soft glow, often from reflected light; a quality of excellence or prestige. 光泽;光辉
10 peculiarity /pɪˌkjuːliˈærɪti/ Noun An unusual feature or characteristic; a distinctive quality. 特征;怪异
11 chord /kɔːd/ Noun A group of musical notes played together, typically harmoniously. 和弦
12 bead /biːd/ Noun A small, typically round object used for decoration, often on strings to make jewelry or patterns. 珠子
13 commission /kəˈmɪʃən/ Noun, Verb Noun: A fee or payment for services rendered; the act of authorizing a service.
Verb: To formally order or request something to be done.
14 submerge /səbˈmɜːdʒ/ Verb To put something completely underwater or to become fully immersed in something. 淹没;潜水
15 rite /raɪt/ Noun A ceremonial act or series of acts, often of a religious nature. 仪式



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 cab /kæb/ Noun A taxi; the driver’s compartment of a truck, train, or crane. 出租车;驾驶室
2 chaos /ˈkeɪɒs/ Noun Complete disorder and confusion; a state where everything is out of order. 混乱;无秩序
3 thesis /ˈθiːsɪs/ Noun A long essay or dissertation involving personal research, usually for a degree; a statement or theory put forward to be proved. 论文;论点
4 landing /ˈlændɪŋ/ Noun The act of coming down to the ground or onto a surface, often from an aircraft; a flat area at the top of a staircase. 着陆;楼梯平台
5 adolescent /ˌædəˈlɛsnt/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A young person in the process of developing from a child to an adult.
Adjective: Relating to or characteristic of adolescence.
6 hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ Noun A severe tropical storm with high winds and heavy rain. 飓风;暴风
7 rebellious /rɪˈbɛljəs/ Adjective Showing a desire to resist authority or control; difficult to manage. 叛逆的;难以控制的
8 virtue /ˈvɜːtjuː/ Noun Behavior showing high moral standards; a beneficial quality or advantage. 美德;优点
9 unquestioning /ˌʌnˈkwɛstʃənɪŋ/ Adjective Not doubting or hesitating; accepting something without question or doubt. 无疑问的;不犹豫的
10 scotch /skɒtʃ/ Verb To decisively put an end to something. 制止;终止
11 bulb /bʌlb/ Noun A rounded glass or plastic container that produces light; the rounded part of a plant that grows underground. 灯泡;植物的球茎
12 portrait /ˈpɔːtrɪt/ Noun A painting, drawing, or photograph of a person, especially one that focuses on the face. 肖像;画像
13 minority /maɪˈnɒrɪti/ Noun The smaller part or number; a group differing, especially in race, religion, or ethnicity, from the larger group. 少数;少数群体
14 propose /prəˈpoʊz/ Verb To suggest a plan, idea, or course of action; to formally put forward for consideration. 建议;提议
15 maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ Noun The process of preserving or keeping something in good condition; financial support provided for someone's living expenses. 维护;生活费



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 confession /kənˈfɛʃən/ Noun The act of admitting something, especially a wrongdoing or belief; a formal statement of one's sins in religious context. 承认;忏悔
2 regime /reɪˈʒiːm/ Noun A system or form of government; a planned way of doing things, especially imposed from above. 政权;制度
3 stroke /stroʊk/ Noun, Verb Noun: A sudden loss of brain function due to interrupted blood flow; a single movement, often of a pen or brush.
Verb: To gently rub or touch.
4 conformity /kənˈfɔːrmɪti/ Noun Compliance with rules, standards, or norms; behavior that aligns with societal expectations. 一致;遵守
5 denounce /dɪˈnaʊns/ Verb To publicly declare something to be wrong or evil; to accuse formally. 谴责;指控
6 parallel /ˈpærəˌlɛl/ Adjective, Noun, Verb Adjective: Being side by side and having the same distance continuously.
Noun: A similarity or comparison.
Verb: To be similar or corresponding to.
7 tendency /ˈtɛndənsi/ Noun A likelihood or inclination to behave in a particular way or develop in a certain direction. 倾向;趋势
8 instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ Noun A tool or device for a particular task, especially in music or science. 工具;乐器
9 ecologist /iˈkɒlədʒɪst/ Noun A scientist who studies the relationships between organisms and their environments. 生态学家
10 distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ Adjective Clearly separate and different in nature or quality; easily perceptible. 清晰的;独特的
11 exhibit /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ Verb, Noun Verb: To show or display something, often in a public context.
Noun: An item or collection of items displayed for public viewing.
12 dispense /dɪˈspɛns/ Verb To distribute or provide a service or product to others. 分发;配药
13 emphasize /ˈɛmfəsaɪz/ Verb To give special importance or prominence to something in speech or writing. 强调;着重
14 consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/ Noun The quality of always acting or behaving in the same way; coherence or uniformity in texture or composition. 一致性;连贯性
15 overwhelm /ˌoʊvərˈwɛlm/ Verb To overpower emotionally or physically; to give too much of something to someone. 压倒;使不知所措



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 absurd /əbˈsɜːrd/ Adjective Ridiculously unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate. 荒谬的;可笑的
2 haul /hɔːl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To pull or drag something with effort.
Noun: The act of transporting goods or a large quantity of something obtained.
3 erode /ɪˈroʊd/ Verb To gradually wear away or deteriorate, often due to natural forces like wind or water. 侵蚀;腐蚀
4 humble /ˈhʌmbl/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Having a modest or low opinion of one's importance.
Verb: To lower someone's pride or position.
5 leap /liːp/ Verb, Noun Verb: To jump a long way or to a great height.
Noun: A large jump or a sudden increase or change.
6 trench /trɛntʃ/ Noun A long, narrow ditch, often used for military purposes or as a feature of the landscape. 沟渠;战壕
7 seaport /ˈsiːpɔːrt/ Noun A harbor or port located on the coast where ships can dock and transfer goods or passengers. 海港
8 linguistics /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ Noun The scientific study of language and its structure. 语言学
9 literacy /ˈlɪtərəsi/ Noun The ability to read and write; competence or knowledge in a specific area. 读写能力;素养
10 sparrow /ˈspærəʊ/ Noun A small, common bird often found in urban and rural areas. 麻雀
11 invader /ɪnˈveɪdər/ Noun Someone or something that enters a place by force, often to take control. 侵略者
12 feminist /ˈfɛmɪnɪst/ Noun, Adjective Noun: Someone who advocates for gender equality.
Adjective: Relating to feminism or gender equality.
13 serene /səˈriːn/ Adjective Calm, peaceful, and untroubled. 宁静的;安详的
14 glare /ɡlɛər/ Noun, Verb Noun: A strong, harsh light.
Verb: To stare in an angry or fierce way.
15 bark /bɑːrk/ Noun, Verb Noun: The outer covering of a tree; the sharp sound made by a dog.
Verb: To make a sharp, loud sound, often by a dog.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 haste /heɪst/ Noun Quickness or urgency of movement or action, often leading to mistakes. 匆忙;急速
2 distort /dɪˈstɔːrt/ Verb To twist or alter the shape, appearance, or meaning of something. 扭曲;歪曲
3 clinical /ˈklɪnɪkl/ Adjective Relating to medical treatment; coldly detached and unemotional. 临床的;冷漠的
4 horn /hɔːrn/ Noun A hard, pointed structure on the head of some animals; a device for making a loud warning sound. 角;喇叭
5 perch /pɜːrtʃ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A place where a bird rests; a high or elevated position.
Verb: To rest or sit on something, often at a height.
6 clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/ Adjective Lacking skill or grace in movement or handling things. 笨拙的
7 complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ Noun A statement expressing dissatisfaction or a grievance. 抱怨;投诉
8 obligation /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃən/ Noun A duty or commitment to do something, often legally or morally required. 义务;责任
9 diversion /daɪˈvɜːrʒən/ Noun An activity that distracts from routine or serious matters; the act of redirecting something. 消遣;转移
10 irritating /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/ Adjective Causing annoyance or discomfort. 令人恼火的
11 offspring /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ Noun The young of a person, animal, or plant; descendants. 后代;子孙
12 deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ Verb To become worse in quality or condition. 恶化
13 scarlet /ˈskɑːrlɪt/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: A bright red color.
Noun: A vivid shade of red.
14 vague /veɪɡ/ Adjective Not clearly expressed, defined, or understood. 模糊的;不明确的
15 venue /ˈvɛnjuː/ Noun The location or place where an event takes place. 场地;地点



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 dim /dɪm/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Not bright or clear.
Verb: To reduce brightness or clarity.
2 capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/ Adjective Having the ability or qualities to do something. 有能力的
3 evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/ Verb To develop gradually, especially from a simpler to a more complex form. 进化;发展
4 hesitate /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/ Verb To pause or delay due to uncertainty or reluctance. 犹豫
5 mall /mɔːl/ Noun A large, enclosed shopping center with various stores. 购物中心
6 appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ Noun A device or machine designed for a specific function, often used in homes. 电器;器具
7 span /spæn/ Noun, Verb Noun: The distance or period something extends over.
Verb: To extend across or cover a distance or time.
8 personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti/ Noun The characteristics or traits that define an individual. 个性;人格
9 illusion /ɪˈluːʒən/ Noun A false perception or belief; something that deceives the senses or mind. 幻觉;错觉
10 revolt /rɪˈvoʊlt/ Noun, Verb Noun: A rebellion or uprising.
Verb: To rebel or rise against authority.
11 cease /siːs/ Verb To stop or bring to an end. 停止;终止
12 census /ˈsɛnsəs/ Noun An official count or survey of a population. 人口普查
13 plateau /ˈplætəʊ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A flat, elevated area of land.
Verb: To reach a stable level or phase.
14 marble /ˈmɑːbl/ Noun A type of hard, smooth stone often used in sculpture and construction. 大理石
15 adoption /əˈdɒpʃən/ Noun The act of legally taking someone else's child as one's own; the act of accepting or starting to use something. 收养;采用



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 instinct /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/ Noun A natural or inherent pattern of behavior in animals and humans, often unlearned. 本能;直觉
2 inherent /ɪnˈhɪərənt/ Adjective Existing as a natural or essential characteristic of something. 固有的;内在的
3 menace /ˈmɛnəs/ Noun, Verb Noun: A threat or danger.
Verb: To threaten or pose a danger to something or someone.
4 intersect /ˌɪntəˈsɛkt/ Verb To cross or meet at a point, especially referring to lines or paths. 交叉;相交
5 ventilate /ˈvɛntɪˌleɪt/ Verb To allow air to circulate in a room or space; to express or discuss openly. 通风;表达
6 swamp /swɒmp/ Noun, Verb Noun: A low, wet area of land; a marsh.
Verb: To overwhelm or flood with water, work, or emotions.
7 anthem /ˈænθəm/ Noun A song of praise or loyalty, often associated with a country or group. 国歌;赞歌
8 pumpkin /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ Noun A large, round orange fruit, commonly used in food and decoration. 南瓜
9 antique /ænˈtiːk/ Noun, Adjective Noun: An object of value or interest due to its age and rarity.
Adjective: Describing something that is old and valuable due to its age.
10 astronomer /əˈstrɒnəmər/ Noun A person who studies celestial bodies and the universe. 天文学家
11 bleak /bliːk/ Adjective Cold, desolate, or without hope; offering little or no hope. 荒凉的;阴郁的
12 wreck /rɛk/ Noun, Verb Noun: A destroyed or badly damaged object, especially a vehicle.
Verb: To destroy or severely damage something.
13 temper /ˈtɛmpər/ Verb, Noun Verb: To moderate or tone down, especially with emotions.
Noun: A person's mood or state of mind, often related to anger.
14 heel /hiːl/ Noun, Verb Noun: The back part of the foot or shoe.
Verb: To follow closely behind; to move in a particular direction (e.g., heel the dog).
15 possess /pəˈzɛs/ Verb To have or own something; to control or dominate. 拥有;支配



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 naive /naɪˈiːv/ Adjective Innocent and inexperienced; lacking worldly knowledge. 天真的;幼稚的
2 pottery /ˈpɒtəri/ Noun Objects made of clay and hardened by heat, such as dishes or vases. 陶器
3 flexible /ˈflɛksɪbəl/ Adjective Able to bend without breaking; adaptable to different situations. 灵活的;柔韧的
4 gourmet /ˈɡʊrmeɪ/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A person with refined tastes in food and drink.
Adjective: Related to high-quality food.
5 seemingly /ˈsiːmɪŋli/ Adverb Appearing to be true based on what is observed, though possibly not so. 表面上地;似乎
6 tremendous /trəˈmɛndəs/ Adjective Extremely large, powerful, or intense. 巨大的;惊人的
7 brisk /brɪsk/ Adjective Energetic, quick, and active; often refreshing. 轻快的;活泼的
8 atomic /əˈtɒmɪk/ Adjective Related to atoms or energy produced by splitting or combining atoms. 原子的;微小的
9 scramble /ˈskræmbl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move quickly or awkwardly; to mix together chaotically.
Noun: A hurried or disordered activity.
10 attain /əˈteɪn/ Verb To achieve or reach a goal, level, or skill. 达到;获得
11 survivor /sərˈvaɪvər/ Noun A person who lives through a hardship, accident, or disaster. 幸存者;生还者
12 imperative /ɪmˈpɛrətɪv/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Absolutely necessary or urgent.
Noun: An essential duty or requirement.
13 irrigate /ˈɪrɪˌɡeɪt/ Verb To supply water to land or crops for growth. 灌溉
14 fascination /ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃən/ Noun Intense interest or attraction to something. 着迷;吸引力
15 genre /ˈʒɒnrə/ Noun A style or category, especially in art, literature, or music. 类型;流派



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 crimson /ˈkrɪmzən/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Deep red in color.
Noun: A rich, deep red color.
2 omit /oʊˈmɪt/ Verb To leave out or exclude. 省略;忽略
3 scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ Adjective Having beautiful natural scenery. 风景优美的
4 avalanche /ˈævəˌlæntʃ/ Noun A large mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside. 雪崩
5 fertilizer /ˈfɜːrtəˌlaɪzər/ Noun A substance added to soil to enhance plant growth. 肥料
6 chill /tʃɪl/ Noun, Verb Noun: A feeling of coldness.
Verb: To cool something down.
7 saucer /ˈsɔːsər/ Noun A small, shallow dish for holding a cup. 茶托;碟子
8 particle /ˈpɑːrtɪkl/ Noun A tiny piece or part of something. 微粒;粒子
9 sustain /səˈsteɪn/ Verb To support, maintain, or continue for a period of time. 维持;支撑
10 ration /ˈræʃən/ Noun, Verb Noun: A fixed amount of a resource, often food.
Verb: To distribute in limited portions.
11 disregard /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd/ Verb, Noun Verb: To ignore or not pay attention to.
Noun: Lack of attention or respect.
12 handicraft /ˈhændiˌkræft/ Noun An art or craft made by hand. 手工艺品
13 sprout /spraʊt/ Verb, Noun Verb: To begin to grow.
Noun: A new shoot or bud.
14 acquisition /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən/ Noun The act of gaining possession; something obtained. 获得;收购
15 germ /dʒɜːrm/ Noun A microorganism that can cause disease; a seed or start of something. 细菌;起源



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 reserve /rɪˈzɜːrv/ Noun, Verb Noun: A supply kept back for future use; a protected area.
Verb: To set aside for a particular purpose or future use.
2 prediction /prɪˈdɪkʃən/ Noun A statement or estimation of what will happen in the future. 预测;预言
3 assemble /əˈsɛmbl/ Verb To gather together in a group; to put together parts to form a whole. 集合;组装
4 advocate /ˈædvəˌkeɪt/ Noun, Verb Noun: A person who supports or speaks in favor of something.
Verb: To publicly support or recommend.
5 memorial /məˈmɔːriəl/ Noun, Adjective Noun: An object or event that honors the memory of a person or event.
Adjective: Related to remembrance.
6 congestion /kənˈdʒɛstʃən/ Noun An overcrowding, often causing blockage, such as in traffic or the body. 拥塞;堵塞
7 sarcastic /sɑːrˈkæstɪk/ Adjective Using irony to mock or convey contempt. 讽刺的;挖苦的
8 sponge /spʌndʒ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A porous, absorbent material used for cleaning.
Verb: To absorb or gather.
9 episode /ˈɛpɪˌsoʊd/ Noun An event or incident in a series, often part of a larger story. 插曲;片段
10 interpersonal /ˌɪntərˈpɜːrsənəl/ Adjective Relating to interactions or relationships between people. 人际的
11 dolphin /ˈdɑːlfɪn/ Noun A highly intelligent marine mammal known for its agility and sociability. 海豚
12 emigrant /ˈɛmɪɡrənt/ Noun A person who leaves their own country to settle in another. 移民;迁居者
13 fungus /ˈfʌŋɡəs/ Noun A spore-producing organism, like molds or mushrooms, that decomposes organic matter. 真菌
14 dwelling /ˈdwɛlɪŋ/ Noun A place of residence; a home. 住所;住宅
15 cardinal /ˈkɑːrdɪnəl/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Fundamental or of prime importance.
Noun: A high-ranking official in the Catholic Church.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 fermentation /ˌfɜːrmɛnˈteɪʃən/ Noun A chemical process by which sugar is converted into alcohol, gases, or acids, often by yeast or bacteria. 发酵
2 barrier /ˈbæriər/ Noun Something that blocks movement or progress. 障碍;屏障
3 bunch /bʌntʃ/ Noun, Verb Noun: A group of things of the same kind.
Verb: To gather into a group.
4 citizenship /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp/ Noun The status of being a legal member of a particular country. 公民身份;国籍
5 intensify /ɪnˈtɛnsɪfaɪ/ Verb To make something stronger or more extreme. 加剧;增强
6 flashlight /ˈflæʃˌlaɪt/ Noun A small, portable electric light. 手电筒
7 ridge /rɪdʒ/ Noun A long, narrow raised part, typically found on land or roofs. 山脊;隆起
8 kerosene /ˈkɛrəˌsiːn/ Noun A flammable oil used as fuel. 煤油
9 pill /pɪl/ Noun A small, round tablet of medicine. 药丸
10 reliance /rɪˈlaɪəns/ Noun The state of depending on or trusting in something. 依赖;信任
11 architect /ˈɑːrkɪˌtɛkt/ Noun A person who designs buildings. 建筑师
12 circulate /ˈsɜːrkjəˌleɪt/ Verb To move or cause to move continuously through a closed system or area. 循环;流通
13 bias /ˈbaɪəs/ Noun, Verb Noun: A prejudice in favor of or against something.
Verb: To influence in a particular direction.
14 intimate /ˈɪntɪmət/ Adjective, Noun, Verb Adjective: Close and personal.
Noun: A close friend.
Verb: To hint or imply.
15 revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ Verb, Noun Verb: To alter or improve.
Noun: A review or alteration of content.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 surplus /ˈsɜːpləs/ Noun, Adjective Noun: An excess of something.
Adjective: More than what is needed or used.
2 signify /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ Verb To indicate or be a sign of; to mean something. 表示;意味着
3 skyscraper /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər/ Noun A very tall building. 摩天大楼
4 ignorance /ˈɪɡnərəns/ Noun Lack of knowledge or information. 无知;愚昧
5 aggressive /əˈɡrɛsɪv/ Adjective Behaving in a forceful or hostile way; determined and forceful. 好斗的;积极进取的
6 acronym /ˈækrənɪm/ Noun A word formed from the initial letters of other words. 首字母缩略词
7 wit /wɪt/ Noun The ability to use words in a clever and humorous way. 机智;智慧
8 presence /ˈprɛzəns/ Noun The state of being somewhere; a person’s impact or impression. 存在;气场
9 dumb /dʌm/ Adjective Lacking intelligence; unable to speak. 愚蠢的;哑的
10 offshore /ˌɔfˈʃɔr/ Adjective, Adverb Adjective: Situated at sea, away from the coast.
Adverb: Away from the shore.
11 rage /reɪdʒ/ Noun, Verb Noun: Intense, uncontrolled anger.
Verb: To feel or express violent anger.
12 magnesium /mæɡˈniːziəm/ Noun A chemical element, symbol Mg, commonly used in alloys and medicine.
13 scale /skeɪl/ Noun, Verb Noun: A device for weighing; a proportion or range.
Verb: To climb; to adjust in size.
14 orchard /ˈɔːrtʃərd/ Noun A piece of land where fruit trees are grown. 果园
15 bold /boʊld/ Adjective Confident, courageous, or willing to take risks. 大胆的;勇敢的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 subtle /ˈsʌtəl/ Adjective Delicate or precise, difficult to notice; nuanced. 微妙的;细腻的
2 bleach /bliːtʃ/ Verb, Noun Verb: To whiten by chemical processes.
Noun: A chemical used for whitening.
3 arbitrary /ˈɑːrbɪtrəri/ Adjective Based on random choice or personal whim rather than reason. 任意的;武断的
4 aviation /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃən/ Noun The operation and design of aircraft. 航空;飞行
5 mechanism /ˈmɛkənɪzəm/ Noun A system of parts working together in a machine or process. 机制;方法
6 enthusiasm /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ Noun Intense interest or eagerness. 热情;激情
7 consciousness /ˈkɒnʃəsnɪs/ Noun The state of being aware of and responsive to surroundings. 意识;知觉
8 stubborn /ˈstʌbərn/ Adjective Unwilling to change one's attitude or position; obstinate. 固执的;顽固的
9 crawl /krɔːl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move on hands and knees.
Noun: A slow pace or motion.
10 sting /stɪŋ/ Verb, Noun Verb: To cause sharp pain or discomfort.
Noun: A sharp pain or wound.
11 stunt /stʌnt/ Noun, Verb Noun: A daring or spectacular action.
Verb: To hinder growth or development.
12 fir /fɜːr/ Noun A type of evergreen tree with needle-like leaves. 杉树
13 explosive /ɪkˈsploʊsɪv/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Able to cause explosions; sudden and intense.
Noun: A substance that can explode.
14 tedious /ˈtiːdiəs/ Adjective Long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous. 冗长乏味的;单调的
15 digest /daɪˈdʒɛst/ Verb, Noun Verb: To break down food in the stomach.
Noun: A summary or condensed version of information.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 condense /kənˈdɛns/ Verb To make something more compact or dense; to reduce in volume. 压缩;浓缩
2 luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/ Adjective Characterized by opulence and comfort; rich in quality. 奢华的;豪华的
3 consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ Noun A result or effect of an action or condition. 后果;结果
4 barrel /ˈbærəl/ Noun, Verb Noun: A cylindrical container; a unit of measure for liquids.
Verb: To move quickly or forcefully.
5 infectious /ɪnˈfɛkʃəs/ Adjective Capable of spreading or causing infection. 传染性的;感染性的
6 tame /teɪm/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Not wild; domesticated.
Verb: To domesticate or make less wild.
7 slice /slaɪs/ Noun, Verb Noun: A thin, broad piece cut from a larger object.
Verb: To cut into thin, broad pieces.
8 erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ Verb, Adjective Verb: To build or put something upright.
Adjective: Standing up or upright.
9 vessel /ˈvɛsəl/ Noun A large boat or ship; a hollow container; a tube in the body for fluid. 船;容器;血管
10 thoughtful /ˈθɔːtfəl/ Adjective Showing consideration for others; pensive or reflective. 体贴的;深思的
11 crumble /ˈkrʌmbl/ Verb To break or fall apart into small fragments. 碎裂;崩溃
12 roast /roʊst/ Verb, Noun Verb: To cook food, especially meat, by dry heat.
Noun: Food prepared by roasting.
13 vegetation /ˌvɛdʒɪˈteɪʃən/ Noun Plants, trees, or other flora in a particular area. 植被;植物
14 denote /dɪˈnoʊt/ Verb To indicate or be a sign of something. 表示;指示
15 lumber /ˈlʌmbər/ Noun, Verb Noun: Wood that has been sawed for building.
Verb: To move in a slow, awkward way.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 tropical /ˈtrɒpɪkəl/ Adjective Relating to or situated in the tropics; hot and humid. 热带的;湿热的
2 cue /kjuː/ Noun, Verb Noun: A signal for action; a hint.
Verb: To give a prompt or signal.
3 reveal /rɪˈviːl/ Verb To make known something hidden or secret. 揭示;显示
4 tow /toʊ/ Verb, Noun Verb: To pull along behind.
Noun: The act of pulling something.
5 adaptable /əˈdæptəbl/ Adjective Able to adjust to new conditions or situations. 适应力强的;可调整的
6 creep /kriːp/ Verb, Noun Verb: To move slowly or quietly.
Noun: An unpleasant, sneaky person.
7 glider /ˈɡlaɪdər/ Noun An aircraft without an engine, used for gliding. 滑翔机
8 hasten /ˈheɪsən/ Verb To speed up or move quickly. 加速;急忙
9 recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ Verb, Noun Verb: To enlist someone into an organization.
Noun: A new member of an organization.
10 stagger /ˈstæɡər/ Verb, Noun Verb: To walk or move unsteadily.
Noun: An unsteady movement or stance.
11 cliff /klɪf/ Noun A steep, high rock face, especially on a coastline. 悬崖
12 playwright /ˈpleɪˌraɪt/ Noun A person who writes plays. 剧作家
13 projector /prəˈdʒɛktər/ Noun A device that projects an image or video onto a screen. 投影机
14 insulting /ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ Adjective Disrespectful or offensive. 侮辱性的;无礼的
15 sovereign /ˈsɒvrɪn/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A supreme ruler.
Adjective: Possessing ultimate power or authority.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 thermal /ˈθɜːrməl/ Adjective, Noun Adjective: Relating to heat.
Noun: A rising current of warm air.
2 neglect /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ Verb, Noun Verb: To fail to care for properly.
Noun: The state of being uncared for.
3 trail /treɪl/ Verb, Noun Verb: To follow behind.
Noun: A path or track.
4 discourse /ˈdɪskɔːrs/ Noun, Verb Noun: Written or spoken communication.
Verb: To speak or write about a topic in detail.
5 provocation /ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃən/ Noun An action or speech that incites a reaction, especially anger. 挑衅;激怒
6 radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃən/ Noun The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or particles. 辐射;放射
7 laundry /ˈlɔːndri/ Noun Clothes or linens that need to be washed or have just been washed. 洗衣;待洗衣物
8 pollutant /pəˈluːtənt/ Noun A substance that contaminates the environment. 污染物
9 swallow /ˈswɒloʊ/ Verb, Noun Verb: To make food or drink pass from the mouth to the stomach.
Noun: A small bird with long pointed wings.
10 psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ Noun The study of the mind and behavior. 心理学
11 synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/ Noun A word or phrase with the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase. 同义词
12 fringe /frɪndʒ/ Noun, Verb Noun: The edge or border of something.
Verb: To form a border around something.
13 favorable /ˈfeɪvərəbl/ Adjective Expressing approval; advantageous. 有利的;赞成的
14 conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/ Adjective Attracting notice or attention; easily seen or noticeable. 显眼的;显著的
15 crown /kraʊn/ Noun, Verb Noun: A royal headpiece; the top part of something.
Verb: To formally place a crown on someone's head.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 sensitive /ˈsɛnsɪtɪv/ Adjective Easily affected emotionally; quick to detect slight changes or influences. 敏感的;易受影响的
2 affection /əˈfɛkʃən/ Noun A gentle feeling of fondness or liking. 喜爱;感情
3 dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ Noun, Verb Noun: The sending of someone or something to a destination.
Verb: To send off to a destination or for a purpose.
4 exclusively /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/ Adverb Only; solely. 专有地;仅仅
5 alien /ˈeɪliən/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A foreigner; someone from another country or place.
Adjective: Belonging to a foreign country or nation.
6 expanse /ɪkˈspæns/ Noun A wide, open area or surface. 广阔;辽阔
7 linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ Adjective Related to language or linguistics. 语言的;语言学的
8 devour /dɪˈvaʊər/ Verb To eat greedily or hungrily; to consume destructively. 吞食;毁灭
9 fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/ Noun Material made by weaving or knitting; the structure or foundation of something. 织物;结构
10 snap /snæp/ Verb, Noun Verb: To break suddenly with a sharp sound; to take a quick photo.
Noun: A sudden, sharp sound or movement.
11 vegetarian /ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛəriən/ Noun, Adjective Noun: A person who does not eat meat.
Adjective: Relating to or suitable for vegetarians.
12 chorus /ˈkɔːrəs/ Noun, Verb Noun: A group of singers; the part of a song repeated after each verse.
Verb: To sing or say together.
13 forefather /ˈfɔːrˌfɑːðər/ Noun An ancestor, especially a founding ancestor. 祖先;先辈
14 contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ Adjective Capable of being transmitted by touch or close contact. 传染性的;感染性的
15 bare /bɛər/ Adjective, Verb Adjective: Not covered or clothed; basic, minimal.
Verb: To uncover or reveal.



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 sentimental /ˌsɛntɪˈmɛntl/ Adjective Excessively emotional or nostalgic, often in a romantic or tender way. 多愁善感的;感伤的
2 vision /ˈvɪʒən/ Noun Noun: The ability to see; a mental image of the future. 视觉;愿景
3 wholesome /ˈhoʊlsəm/ Adjective Promoting health or well-being, often morally or physically. 有益健康的;有道德的
4 soothe /suːð/ Verb To calm or relieve pain, distress, or discomfort. 安慰;缓和
5 lasting /ˈlæstɪŋ/ Adjective Continuing or enduring over a long period of time. 持久的;耐久的
6 anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs/ Adjective Of unknown or unacknowledged name or origin. 匿名的;无名的
7 blend /blɛnd/ Verb, Noun Verb: To mix or combine smoothly.
Noun: A mixture of different things.
8 boast /boʊst/ Verb, Noun Verb: To speak with excessive pride about one's achievements.
Noun: An act of bragging.
9 humiliate /hjuːˈmɪlɪeɪt/ Verb To make someone feel ashamed or foolish by injuring their dignity or pride. 羞辱;使丢脸
10 divorce /dɪˈvɔːrs/ Noun, Verb Noun: The legal dissolution of a marriage.
Verb: To legally end a marriage.
11 sewerage /ˈsuːərɪdʒ/ Noun The system of pipes and drains for carrying waste water and sewage. 排水系统;污水处理
12 knapsack /ˈnæpsæk/ Noun A bag with shoulder straps, carried on the back. 背包;旅行袋
13 luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ Noun Something that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential. 奢侈;豪华
14 inconvenient /ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt/ Adjective Causing trouble, difficulty, or discomfort. 不便的;打扰的
15 patriotic /ˌpeɪtriˈɒtɪk/ Adjective Having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. 爱国的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation (Chinese)
1 appreciable /əˈpriːʃəbl/ Adjective Large enough to be noticed or considered significant. 可观的;显著的
2 clergyman /ˈklɜːrdʒɪmən/ Noun A male member of the clergy, especially in the Christian Church. 牧师;教士
3 concise /kənˈsaɪs/ Adjective Giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words. 简明的;简洁的
4 melody /ˈmɛlədi/ Noun A sequence of musical notes that are perceived as a single entity. 旋律;曲调
5 heighten /ˈhaɪtn/ Verb To increase or intensify. 提高;加剧
6 stripe /straɪp/ Noun, Verb Noun: A long narrow band or strip that is usually a different color or texture.
Verb: To mark with stripes.
7 drastic /ˈdræstɪk/ Adjective Extreme or severe in effect or action. 激烈的;猛烈的
8 maize /meɪz/ Noun A cereal plant that yields large grains (corn). 玉米
9 deliberately /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ Adverb Done consciously and intentionally. 故意地;蓄意地
10 furnish /ˈfɜːrnɪʃ/ Verb To provide with furniture or supplies. 布置;提供
11 depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ Verb To represent or show in art or literature. 描绘;描述
12 arid /ˈærɪd/ Adjective Extremely dry, especially due to lack of rainfall. 干旱的;贫瘠的
13 chore /tʃɔːr/ Noun A routine task, especially a household one. 家务;杂事
14 gymnastic /dʒɪmˈnæstɪk/ Adjective Related to exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, and coordination. 体操的;体育的
15 restoration /ˌrɛstəˈreɪʃən/ Noun The process of returning something to its original condition. 修复;恢复


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