英语背单词 专四词汇 中英对照 2024年08月
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | marsh | /mɑːrʃ/ | n | an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide | 沼泽 |
2 | situate | /ˈsɪtʃʊeɪt/ | v | to place or locate in a particular position | 使位于 |
3 | restless | /ˈrɛstlɪs/ | adj | unable to rest or relax due to anxiety or boredom | 不安的;焦躁的 |
4 | brigade | /brɪˈɡeɪd/ | n | a large body of troops or a group organized for a specific purpose | 旅;队 |
5 | narrative | /ˈnærətɪv/ | n | a spoken or written account of connected events; a story | 叙述;故事 |
6 | startle | /ˈstɑːrtl/ | v | to cause to feel sudden shock or alarm | 使惊吓 |
7 | horizon | /həˈraɪzən/ | n | the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet | 地平线 |
8 | dubious | /ˈdjuːbiəs/ | adj | hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon | 可疑的;不确定的 |
9 | foreman | /ˈfɔːrmən/ | n | a worker, especially a man, who supervises and directs other workers | 工头;领班 |
10 | layman | /ˈleɪmən/ | n | a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject | 外行;门外汉 |
11 | generous | /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ | adj | showing a readiness to give more of something than is necessary or expected | 慷慨的 |
12 | inconsistent | /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ | adj | not staying the same throughout; lacking consistency | 不一致的;前后矛盾的 |
13 | spider | /ˈspaɪdər/ | n | an eight-legged predatory arachnid with fangs that inject venom | 蜘蛛 |
14 | conform | /kənˈfɔːrm/ | v | to comply with rules, standards, or laws | 遵守;符合 |
15 | occasional | /əˈkeɪʒənl/ | adj | occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals | 偶尔的;不定期的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | marsh | /mɑːrʃ/ | n | an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide | 沼泽 |
2 | situate | /ˈsɪtʃʊeɪt/ | v | to place or locate in a particular position | 使位于 |
3 | restless | /ˈrɛstlɪs/ | adj | unable to rest or relax due to anxiety or boredom | 不安的;焦躁的 |
4 | brigade | /brɪˈɡeɪd/ | n | a large body of troops or a group organized for a specific purpose | 旅;队 |
5 | narrative | /ˈnærətɪv/ | n | a spoken or written account of connected events; a story | 叙述;故事 |
6 | startle | /ˈstɑːrtl/ | v | to cause to feel sudden shock or alarm | 使惊吓 |
7 | horizon | /həˈraɪzən/ | n | the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet | 地平线 |
8 | dubious | /ˈdjuːbiəs/ | adj | hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon | 可疑的;不确定的 |
9 | foreman | /ˈfɔːrmən/ | n | a worker, especially a man, who supervises and directs other workers | 工头;领班 |
10 | layman | /ˈleɪmən/ | n | a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject | 外行;门外汉 |
11 | generous | /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ | adj | showing a readiness to give more of something than is necessary or expected | 慷慨的 |
12 | inconsistent | /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ | adj | not staying the same throughout; lacking consistency | 不一致的;前后矛盾的 |
13 | spider | /ˈspaɪdər/ | n | an eight-legged predatory arachnid with fangs that inject venom | 蜘蛛 |
14 | conform | /kənˈfɔːrm/ | v | to comply with rules, standards, or laws | 遵守;符合 |
15 | occasional | /əˈkeɪʒənl/ | adj | occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals | 偶尔的;不定期的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | optimal | /ˈɒptɪməl/ | adj | the best or most effective possible in a particular situation | 最佳的 |
2 | comprehensive | /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/ | adj | covering all or nearly all elements or aspects | 全面的;综合的 |
3 | oblong | /ˈɒblɒŋ/ | adj/n | having an elongated shape, as a rectangle or oval | 长方形的;椭圆形的 |
4 | dustpan | /ˈdʌstpæn/ | n | a flat container used with a brush for collecting dirt and dust from the floor | 簸箕 |
5 | scrutiny | /ˈskruːtɪni/ | n | critical observation or examination | 仔细检查;审查 |
6 | dwell | /dwɛl/ | v | to live in or at a specific place | 居住 |
7 | puff | /pʌf/ | n/v | a small burst of air, smoke, or vapor; to breathe quickly and with effort | 一股;喘息 |
8 | fascinate | /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ | v | to attract and hold the attention of someone | 使着迷 |
9 | biography | /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ | n | a detailed description of a person's life written by someone else | 传记 |
10 | gloss | /ɡlɒs/ | n/v | a shiny finish on a surface; to apply a gloss or provide an explanation | 光泽;注释 |
11 | chap | /tʃæp/ | n | a man or boy; also refers to cracked or rough skin | 小伙子;皮肤皲裂 |
12 | recreation | /ˌrɛkrɪˈeɪʃən/ | n | activity done for enjoyment when one is not working | 娱乐;消遣 |
13 | banner | /ˈbænər/ | n | a long strip of cloth with a slogan or design, used in demonstrations | 横幅 |
14 | choke | /tʃoʊk/ | v/n | to have difficulty breathing because of a blocked throat; a blockage that causes this | 窒息;阻塞 |
15 | stationary | /ˈsteɪʃənəri/ | adj | not moving; fixed in one place | 静止的;固定的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | suspender | /səˈspɛndər/ | n | a band worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers | 吊带;吊袜带 |
2 | lounge | /laʊndʒ/ | n/v | a comfortable seating area; to sit, lie, or relax in a lazy way | 休息室;懒洋洋地躺 |
3 | lubricate | /ˈluːbrɪˌkeɪt/ | v | to apply a substance to reduce friction between surfaces | 润滑 |
4 | filthy | /ˈfɪlθi/ | adj | disgustingly dirty | 肮脏的 |
5 | intend | /ɪnˈtɛnd/ | v | to have a purpose or plan in mind | 打算;意图 |
6 | faculty | /ˈfæklti/ | n | an inherent mental or physical ability; the teaching staff of a university | 能力;教职工 |
7 | monarch | /ˈmɒnərk/ | n | a king, queen, or emperor who rules a state or country | 君主 |
8 | spite | /spaɪt/ | n/v | a desire to harm, annoy, or offend; to deliberately hurt or offend | 恶意;故意伤害 |
9 | appeal | /əˈpiːl/ | n/v | a serious or urgent request for help; to make a request or plea | 呼吁;上诉 |
10 | intensive | /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ | adj | involving concentrated effort or focus; thorough | 密集的;集中的 |
11 | spinach | /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ | n | a leafy green vegetable rich in iron and nutrients | 菠菜 |
12 | laborer | /ˈleɪbərə/ | n | a person who does physical work, often for wages | 工人;劳动者 |
13 | embargo | /ɛmˈbɑːrɡoʊ/ | n/v | an official ban on trade or other activities with a particular country | 禁运;禁止 |
14 | shareholder | /ˈʃɛəˌhəʊldə/ | n | an individual or institution that owns shares in a company | 股东 |
15 | Easter | /ˈiːstər/ | n | a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ | 复活节 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | ingenuity | /ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːɪti/ | n | the quality of being clever, original, and inventive | 独创性;机灵 |
2 | brass | /bræs/ | n | a yellow alloy of copper and zinc, often used for decoration or instruments | 黄铜 |
3 | charcoal | /ˈtʃɑːrˌkoʊl/ | n | a black, porous form of carbon, typically used for drawing or fuel | 木炭 |
4 | industrious | /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/ | adj | diligent and hardworking | 勤勉的;勤奋的 |
5 | propaganda | /ˌprɒpəˈɡændə/ | n | biased or misleading information used to promote a political cause or point of view | 宣传 |
6 | nominate | /ˈnɒmɪˌneɪt/ | v | to formally propose someone for a position, award, or office | 提名 |
7 | crutch | /krʌtʃ/ | n | a support used by someone with difficulty walking; something that provides support or assistance | 拐杖;支撑 |
8 | detention | /dɪˈtɛnʃən/ | n | the act of holding someone in custody, often as a punishment | 拘留;扣押 |
9 | craftsman | /ˈkræftsmən/ | n | a person skilled in a particular craft, especially one that involves making things by hand | 工匠 |
10 | expend | /ɪkˈspɛnd/ | v | to use or spend resources, such as time, energy, or money | 花费;耗尽 |
11 | fruitless | /ˈfruːtlɪs/ | adj | failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless | 徒劳的;无结果的 |
12 | hindrance | /ˈhɪndrəns/ | n | something that makes progress slow or difficult | 障碍 |
13 | remark | /rɪˈmɑːrk/ | v/n | to say something as a comment; a comment or observation | 评论;言论 |
14 | bouquet | /buːˈkeɪ/ | n | an attractively arranged bunch of flowers | 花束 |
15 | dew | /djuː/ | n | tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces during the night | 露水 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | chick | /tʃɪk/ | n | a baby bird, especially a young chicken | 小鸟;小鸡 |
2 | ford | /fɔːrd/ | n/v | a shallow place in a river where one can cross; to cross a body of water | 浅滩;涉水而过 |
3 | shelter | /ˈʃɛltər/ | n/v | a place of protection or safety; to provide cover or protection | 避难所;庇护 |
4 | beggar | /ˈbɛɡər/ | n | a person who lives by asking for money or food | 乞丐 |
5 | brim | /brɪm/ | n/v | the top edge of a container or a hat; to be full to the point of overflowing | 边缘;溢出 |
6 | racial | /ˈreɪʃəl/ | adj | relating to race or ethnicity | 种族的 |
7 | bulletin | /ˈbʊlɪtɪn/ | n | a brief public notice or report | 公告;简报 |
8 | pirate | /ˈpaɪrət/ | n/v | a person who attacks and robs ships at sea; to reproduce or use something without permission | 海盗;盗版 |
9 | amplify | /ˈæmplɪˌfaɪ/ | v | to increase the volume of sound or to make something more intense | 放大;增强 |
10 | aerial | /ˈɛəriəl/ | adj/n | existing or operating in the air; an antenna used for receiving signals | 空中的;天线 |
11 | democracy | /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ | n | a system of government by the whole population, typically through elected representatives | 民主;民主制度 |
12 | fleet | /fliːt/ | n | a group of ships, vehicles, or aircraft operating together | 舰队;车队 |
13 | reluctant | /rɪˈlʌktənt/ | adj | unwilling or hesitant to do something | 不情愿的;勉强的 |
14 | lame | /leɪm/ | adj | unable to walk properly due to injury; weak or unconvincing | 跛足的;无说服力的 |
15 | crib | /krɪb/ | n | a baby's bed with high sides; a copy or cheat sheet | 婴儿床;作弊用的抄本 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | detach | /dɪˈtætʃ/ | v | to disconnect or remove something from a larger whole | 分离;拆卸 |
2 | tilt | /tɪlt/ | v/n | to cause to lean, slant, or incline; a slant or inclination | 倾斜 |
3 | histogram | /ˈhɪstəˌɡræm/ | n | a graphical representation of data distribution using bars of varying heights | 直方图 |
4 | spiced | /spaɪst/ | adj | flavored with or containing spices | 加香料的 |
5 | reassessment | /ˌriːəˈsɛsmənt/ | n | the act of reconsidering or reevaluating something | 重新评估 |
6 | treasure-house | /ˈtrɛʒər haʊs/ | n | a place where valuable items are stored | 宝库 |
7 | tumour | /ˈtjuːmər/ | n | an abnormal growth of tissue, often associated with cancer | 肿瘤 |
8 | fragment | /ˈfræɡmənt/ | n/v | a small part broken off or separated from something; to break into pieces | 碎片;打碎 |
9 | grim | /ɡrɪm/ | adj | forbidding or uninviting; bleak or harsh | 严酷的;可怕的 |
10 | indefinite | /ɪnˈdɛfɪnɪt/ | adj | uncertain; not clearly defined or with no fixed limit | 不确定的;无限期的 |
11 | abdomen | /ˈæbdəmən/ | n | the part of the body containing the digestive organs; the belly | 腹部 |
12 | accordance | /əˈkɔːrdəns/ | n | agreement or harmony with rules, laws, or principles | 一致;和谐 |
13 | caretaker | /ˈkɛrˌteɪkər/ | n | a person employed to look after a building or someone in need of care | 看护人 |
14 | aquarium | /əˈkwɛəriəm/ | n | a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures are kept | 水族馆 |
15 | Arctic | /ˈɑːrktɪk/ | adj | relating to the region around the North Pole; extremely cold | 北极的;极冷的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | tinkle | /ˈtɪŋkəl/ | v/n | to make a light, ringing sound; a sound similar to that of a small bell | 叮当声 |
2 | townsfolk | /ˈtaʊnzˌfoʊk/ | n | the people living in a town | 市民;镇上的人 |
3 | underachieve | /ˌʌndərəˈtʃiːv/ | v | to perform less well than expected, especially in academics or work | 表现不佳 |
4 | underclass | /ˈʌndərˌklæs/ | n | the lowest social class in a society, often experiencing poverty | 下层阶级 |
5 | underworld | /ˈʌndərˌwɜːrld/ | n | the world of organized crime or illegal activities | 黑社会 |
6 | unplug | /ʌnˈplʌɡ/ | v | to disconnect an electrical device by removing its plug from the outlet | 拔掉插头 |
7 | viewfinder | /ˈvjuːˌfaɪndər/ | n | a device on a camera that shows the area of the subject to be photographed | 取景器 |
8 | dissolve | /dɪˈzɒlv/ | v | to make or become liquid by mixing with a solvent, or to end an assembly or partnership | 溶解;解散 |
9 | grind | /ɡraɪnd/ | v | to crush or break something into small particles, often using a machine | 磨碎 |
10 | errand | /ˈɛrənd/ | n | a short journey undertaken to deliver or collect something, often on someone else's behalf | 差事 |
11 | opener | /ˈoʊpənər/ | n | a tool or device used to open containers, or the first event in a series | 开瓶器;首场比赛 |
12 | conservative | /kənˈsɜːrvətɪv/ | adj/n | holding traditional values and being cautious about change; a person who holds such values | 保守的;保守派 |
13 | drought | /draʊt/ | n | a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water | 干旱 |
14 | provincial | /prəˈvɪnʃəl/ | adj | relating to a province or region, often implying narrow-mindedness or a lack of sophistication | 省级的;偏狭的 |
15 | blaze | /bleɪz/ | n/v | a large, fiercely burning fire; to burn or shine brightly | 火焰;燃烧 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | cyclist | /ˈsaɪklɪst/ | n | a person who rides a bicycle | 骑自行车的人 |
2 | Yank | /jæŋk/ | n | a colloquial term for an American, especially from the northern states | 美国佬 |
3 | nightclub | /ˈnaɪtˌklʌb/ | n | a place that provides entertainment such as music, dancing, and drinks late into the night | 夜总会 |
4 | backwards | /ˈbækwərdz/ | adv | in the direction of the back; in reverse order | 向后地 |
5 | willpower | /ˈwɪlˌpaʊər/ | n | the control exerted to do something or restrain impulses | 意志力 |
6 | carcase | /ˈkɑːrkəs/ | n | the dead body of an animal, especially one prepared for use as meat | 尸体;畜体 |
7 | fireside | /ˈfaɪərˌsaɪd/ | n | the area near a fireplace, typically where people gather for warmth or relaxation | 炉边 |
8 | hairspray | /ˈhɛrˌspreɪ/ | n | a product applied to the hair to keep it in place | 发胶 |
9 | sauna | /ˈsaʊnə/ | n | a small room used as a hot-air or steam bath for cleaning and refreshing the body | 桑拿房 |
10 | short-circuit | /ʃɔːrt ˈsɜːrkɪt/ | v/n | to cause an electrical circuit to malfunction by creating a low-resistance connection | 短路 |
11 | sledge | /slɛdʒ/ | n | a vehicle on runners for traveling over snow or ice, often pulled by animals | 雪橇 |
12 | sorghum | /ˈsɔːrɡəm/ | n | a type of cereal grain widely grown in warm climates | 高粱 |
13 | arrow | /ˈæroʊ/ | n | a weapon consisting of a thin, straight stick with a sharp point, designed to be shot from a bow | 箭 |
14 | starry | /ˈstɑːri/ | adj | full of stars or resembling stars in brightness | 星光闪耀的 |
15 | steering-wheel | /ˈstɪrɪŋ ˌwiːl/ | n | a wheel that a driver rotates to steer a vehicle | 方向盘 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | settee | /sɛˈtiː/ | n | a long upholstered seat for more than one person, typically with a back and arms | 长沙发 |
2 | strangle | /ˈstræŋɡəl/ | v | to choke or suffocate someone by compressing their throat | 勒死;扼杀 |
3 | soya bean | /ˈsɔɪə biːn/ | n | the seed of the soybean plant, used in food and to produce oil | 大豆 |
4 | stateroom | /ˈsteɪtˌruːm/ | n | a private cabin on a ship or train, especially one with sleeping accommodations | 包厢;船舱 |
5 | tangerine | /ˌtændʒəˈriːn/ | n | a small citrus fruit similar to an orange with a thin skin | 橘子 |
6 | thriller | /ˈθrɪlər/ | n | a novel, play, or movie with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage | 惊悚片;惊悚小说 |
7 | tarmac | /ˈtɑːrmæk/ | n | a surface of tarmacadam, often used for roads or airport runways | 柏油碎石路面 |
8 | tipper | /ˈtɪpər/ | n | a truck with a body that can be tilted to discharge its load | 自卸车 |
9 | Buddhist | /ˈbʊdɪst/ | n/adj | a person who follows the teachings of Buddhism; relating to Buddhism | 佛教徒;佛教的 |
10 | toffee | /ˈtɒfi/ | n | a type of sweet made from sugar or molasses, butter, and sometimes flour | 太妃糖 |
11 | tsar | /zɑːr/ | n | a title used to designate East and South Slavic monarchs, particularly in Russia | 沙皇 |
12 | franc | /fræŋk/ | n | a former currency of France and several other countries | 法郎 |
13 | sleigh | /sleɪ/ | n | a type of sled drawn by animals, typically used on snow or ice | 雪橇 |
14 | warhead | /ˈwɔːrˌhɛd/ | n | the explosive or toxic payload carried by a missile, torpedo, or other weapon | 弹头 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | wick | /wɪk/ | n | the cord or strip of material in a candle or lamp that is lit to produce a flame | 灯芯 |
2 | forelag | /ˈfɔːrlæɡ/ | n | a delay or time lag that occurs in advance | 前滞 |
3 | rye | /raɪ/ | n | a type of cereal grain, often used for making bread and whiskey | 黑麦 |
4 | unethical | /ʌnˈɛθɪkəl/ | adj | not conforming to accepted standards of moral behavior | 不道德的 |
5 | amiss | /əˈmɪs/ | adj/adv | not quite right; out of place | 有问题的;错误地 |
6 | shotgun | /ˈʃɒtɡʌn/ | n | a firearm that is typically designed to fire a spread of pellets or shot | 猎枪 |
7 | karate | /kəˈrɑːti/ | n | a martial art that originated in Japan, focused on striking techniques | 空手道 |
8 | whereabouts | /ˈwɛrəˌbaʊts/ | adv/n | the location or approximate location of something or someone | 行踪;下落 |
9 | athletic | /æθˈlɛtɪk/ | adj | physically strong, fit, and active, often relating to sports | 运动的 |
10 | seatbelt | /ˈsiːtbɛlt/ | n | a safety device in a vehicle that holds passengers securely in their seats | 安全带 |
11 | druggist | /ˈdrʌɡɪst/ | n | a person who prepares and sells medicines; a pharmacist | 药剂师 |
12 | adapter | /əˈdæptər/ | n | a device that enables something to be connected to or used with a different system | 适配器 |
13 | skylight | /ˈskaɪlaɪt/ | n | a window set in a roof or ceiling to admit daylight | 天窗 |
14 | outwards | /ˈaʊtwərdz/ | adv | in a direction toward the outside or away from the center | 向外地 |
15 | Arabic | /ˈærəbɪk/ | adj/n | relating to the language of the Arabs or the region of Arabia; the Semitic language spoken in the Arab world | 阿拉伯的;阿拉伯语 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | schoolmaster | /ˈskuːlˌmæstər/ | n | a male teacher, especially one in charge of a school | 校长;教师 |
2 | aged | /eɪdʒd/ | adj | having lived for a long time; elderly | 年老的 |
3 | duckling | /ˈdʌklɪŋ/ | n | a young duck | 小鸭 |
4 | headwind | /ˈhɛdwɪnd/ | n | a wind blowing directly against the direction of travel | 逆风 |
5 | lemonade | /ˌlɛməˈneɪd/ | n | a drink made from lemon juice, water, and sugar | 柠檬水 |
6 | ostrich | /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/ | n | a large flightless bird native to Africa | 鸵鸟 |
7 | Mexican | /ˈmɛksɪkən/ | adj/n | relating to Mexico or its people; a person from Mexico | 墨西哥的;墨西哥人 |
8 | baggy | /ˈbæɡi/ | adj | loose-fitting, often referring to clothing | 宽松的 |
9 | pony | /ˈpoʊni/ | n | a small horse, especially one of a breed that is particularly small | 小马 |
10 | extracurricular | /ˌɛkstrəˌkəˈrɪkjələr/ | adj | relating to activities outside the regular curriculum of a school | 课外的 |
11 | owing | /ˈoʊɪŋ/ | adj | yet to be paid; due | 未付的;应归因于 |
12 | racecourse | /ˈreɪskɔːrs/ | n | a track where races, especially horse races, are held | 赛马场 |
13 | entrepot | /ˈɒntrəˌpoʊ/ | n | a port or trading post where goods are stored or traded | 转口港 |
14 | fatten | /ˈfætən/ | v | to make or become fatter, often used in the context of animals being prepared for market | 使变肥 |
15 | spinster | /ˈspɪnstər/ | n | an unmarried woman, typically an older woman | 老处女 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | semi-skilled | /ˌsɛmi ˈskɪld/ | adj | having some, but not extensive, skill or training | 半熟练的 |
2 | horsehair | /ˈhɔːrshɛr/ | n | hair from the mane or tail of a horse, often used for stuffing furniture or making brushes | 马毛 |
3 | satin | /ˈsætɪn/ | n/adj | a smooth, glossy fabric, often made of silk or polyester; having a glossy surface | 缎子;光滑的 |
4 | dry-cleaner | /ˈdraɪˌkliːnər/ | n | a shop where clothes and fabrics are cleaned using solvents rather than water | 干洗店 |
5 | italics | /ɪˈtælɪks/ | n | text style in which letters slant to the right, often used for emphasis | 斜体 |
6 | sneak | /sniːk/ | v/n | to move quietly and secretly to avoid being noticed; a stealthy person | 偷偷摸摸;鬼鬼祟祟的人 |
7 | drummer | /ˈdrʌmər/ | n | a person who plays the drums, especially in a band | 鼓手 |
8 | hairpin | /ˈhɛrpɪn/ | n | a pin used for fastening or arranging hair | 发夹 |
9 | nobleman | /ˈnoʊbəlmən/ | n | a man who belongs to the aristocracy or upper class | 贵族 |
10 | mileometer | /maɪˈlɒmɪtər/ | n | an instrument in a vehicle that measures the distance traveled in miles | 里程表 |
11 | vet | /vɛt/ | n/v | a veterinary surgeon; to examine or evaluate thoroughly | 兽医;审查 |
12 | pram | /præm/ | n | a baby carriage; a wheeled vehicle for carrying babies | 婴儿车 |
13 | works | /wɜːrks/ | n | an industrial plant or factory; also, the moving parts of a machine | 工厂;机械部件 |
14 | gothic | /ˈɡɒθɪk/ | adj/n | relating to the style of architecture or art prevalent in Western Europe from the 12th to 16th centuries; a style of literature with dark and mysterious themes | 哥特式的;哥特式风格 |
15 | bowling | /ˈboʊlɪŋ/ | n | a game in which players roll a heavy ball to knock down pins | 保龄球 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | tramp | /træmp/ | n/v | a person who travels from place to place on foot, often as a vagrant; to walk heavily or noisily | 流浪者;沉重地走 |
2 | mosquito | /məˈskiːtoʊ/ | n | a small flying insect that bites and can transmit diseases | 蚊子 |
3 | cuff | /kʌf/ | n/v | the end part of a sleeve, where the material is turned back; to hit someone with the hand | 袖口;拍打 |
4 | prawn | /prɔːn/ | n | a small marine crustacean that resembles a shrimp | 对虾 |
5 | crate | /kreɪt/ | n/v | a large shipping container, often made of wood; to pack or store in a crate | 板条箱;装箱 |
6 | sulky | /ˈsʌlki/ | adj | bad-tempered, resentful, or sullen | 闷闷不乐的 |
7 | flowchart | /ˈfloʊtʃɑːrt/ | n | a diagram that represents a process or workflow | 流程图 |
8 | margarine | /ˈmɑːrdʒərɪn/ | n | a butter substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats | 人造黄油 |
9 | epoch-making | /ˈɛpək ˌmeɪkɪŋ/ | adj | significantly influential in history or development | 划时代的 |
10 | bin | /bɪn/ | n/v | a container for storing trash; to throw away or discard | 垃圾箱;扔掉 |
11 | rheumatism | /ˈruːmətɪzəm/ | n | a disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints or muscles | 风湿病 |
12 | almighty | /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ | adj | having complete power; very great | 全能的 |
13 | lecturer | /ˈlɛktʃərər/ | n | a person who gives lectures, especially as a profession | 讲师 |
14 | disinfectant | /ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛktənt/ | n | a chemical substance used to kill bacteria and viruses | 消毒剂 |
15 | honeymoon | /ˈhʌnimuːn/ | n/v | a holiday taken by a couple after their wedding; to take a honeymoon trip | 蜜月;度蜜月 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | boot | /buːt/ | n/v | a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and lower leg; to kick someone or something hard | 靴子;踢 |
2 | bookcase | /ˈbʊkkeɪs/ | n | a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books | 书柜 |
3 | ditch | /dɪtʃ/ | n/v | a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage; to abandon or get rid of something | 沟渠;抛弃 |
4 | simile | /ˈsɪmɪli/ | n | a figure of speech comparing one thing with another using "like" or "as" | 明喻 |
5 | velvet | /ˈvɛlvɪt/ | n/adj | a soft, luxurious fabric; having a texture that feels smooth and soft | 天鹅绒;柔软的 |
6 | compassion | /kəmˈpæʃən/ | n | sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others | 同情 |
7 | crag | /kræɡ/ | n | a steep or rugged cliff or rock face | 峭壁 |
8 | bodyguard | /ˈbɒdiɡɑːrd/ | n | a person or group of people employed to protect someone | 保镖 |
9 | ketchup | /ˈkɛtʃəp/ | n | a thick, red condiment made from tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, and various seasonings | 番茄酱 |
10 | staunch | /stɔːntʃ/ | adj | very loyal and committed in attitude | 坚定的 |
11 | suppression | /səˈprɛʃən/ | n | the action of stopping something such as an activity or emotion | 压制 |
12 | grenade | /ɡrəˈneɪd/ | n | a small bomb thrown by hand or launched | 手榴弹 |
13 | showcase | /ˈʃoʊkeɪs/ | n/v | a glass case used for displaying items; to display something in an attractive way | 展示柜;展示 |
14 | grill | /ɡrɪl/ | n/v | a metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; to cook food using a grill | 烤架;烧烤 |
15 | sneeze | /sniːz/ | v/n | to make a sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth; the act of sneezing | 打喷嚏 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | marmalade | /ˈmɑːrməˌleɪd/ | n | a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges, and often containing shredded peel | 果酱 |
2 | mist | /mɪst/ | n/v | fine droplets of water in the air that limit visibility; to cover with or become obscured by mist | 薄雾;模糊 |
3 | liquor | /ˈlɪkər/ | n | an alcoholic drink, especially distilled spirits | 酒精饮料 |
4 | ladybird | /ˈleɪdibɜːrd/ | n | a small beetle with a domed back, typically red or yellow with black spots | 瓢虫 |
5 | dual | /ˈdjuːəl/ | adj | consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects | 双重的 |
6 | minefield | /ˈmaɪnˌfɪld/ | n | an area planted with explosive mines; a situation full of hidden dangers | 雷区 |
7 | sponsor | /ˈspɒnsər/ | n/v | a person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity; to provide support for a project or activity | 赞助者;赞助 |
8 | desperately | /ˈdɛspərətli/ | adv | in a way that shows despair; with extreme urgency or need | 拼命地;绝望地 |
9 | radial | /ˈreɪdiəl/ | adj | arranged like rays or the radii of a circle; spreading out from a central point | 辐射状的 |
10 | kidnapper | /ˈkɪdnæpər/ | n | a person who abducts someone and holds them captive | 绑架者 |
11 | slap | /slæp/ | v/n | to hit someone or something with the palm of the hand; a blow with the palm of the hand | 掌掴;打耳光 |
12 | Persian | /ˈpɜːrʒən/ | adj/n | relating to Persia (Iran) or its people, language, or culture; a person from Persia | 波斯的;波斯人 |
13 | awe | /ɔː/ | n/v | a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder; to inspire such feelings | 敬畏;使敬畏 |
14 | optical | /ˈɒptɪkəl/ | adj | relating to sight or the science of optics | 视觉的;光学的 |
15 | gut | /ɡʌt/ | n/v | the stomach or belly; to remove the internal organs from a fish or other animal | 肠子;取出内脏 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | learned | /ˈlɜːrnɪd/ | adj | having much knowledge acquired by study | 有学问的 |
2 | virgin | /ˈvɜːrdʒɪn/ | n/adj | a person who has never had sexual intercourse; being in a pure or untouched state | 处女;纯洁的 |
3 | tangle | /ˈtæŋɡl/ | v/n | to twist together in a confused mass; a confused mass of something twisted together | 缠结;混乱 |
4 | forthcoming | /ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ/ | adj | about to happen or appear; willing to divulge information | 即将来临的;乐于提供信息的 |
5 | Mars | /mɑːrz/ | n | the fourth planet from the sun, known for its red appearance | 火星 |
6 | bureau | /ˈbjʊroʊ/ | n | an office or agency that provides services or information on a particular subject | 局;办事处 |
7 | glisten | /ˈɡlɪsən/ | v | to shine with a sparkling light | 闪光 |
8 | penguin | /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ | n | a large flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere, with black upperparts and white underparts | 企鹅 |
9 | bolt | /boʊlt/ | n/v | a metal pin or bar used to fasten objects together; to move or run away suddenly | 螺栓;逃跑 |
10 | racist | /ˈreɪsɪst/ | n/adj | a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races; characterized by or showing prejudice against people of other races | 种族主义者;种族歧视的 |
11 | assurance | /əˈʃʊrəns/ | n | confidence or certainty in one's own abilities; a promise or pledge | 保证;自信 |
12 | clang | /klæŋ/ | n/v | a loud, resonant metallic sound; to make such a sound | 叮当声;发出叮当声 |
13 | teem | /tiːm/ | v | to be full of or swarming with | 充满 |
14 | alligator | /ˈælɪˌɡeɪtər/ | n | a large reptile with a broad snout, native to the Americas and China | 短吻鳄 |
15 | gang | /ɡæŋ/ | n | an organized group of criminals or other people | 帮派 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | hyphen | /ˈhaɪfən/ | n | a short dash used to connect the parts of a compound word or the syllables of a divided word | 连字符 |
2 | diagnosis | /ˌdaɪəɡˈnoʊsɪs/ | n | the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms | 诊断 |
3 | gramophone | /ˈɡræməˌfoʊn/ | n | an old-fashioned term for a record player | 留声机 |
4 | persecute | /ˈpɜːrsɪˌkjuːt/ | v | to subject someone to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race, political or religious beliefs | 迫害 |
5 | poetess | /ˈpoʊɪtɛs/ | n | a female poet | 女诗人 |
6 | activist | /ˈæktɪvɪst/ | n | a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change | 积极分子 |
7 | obedient | /əˈbiːdiənt/ | adj | complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive to another's authority | 顺从的 |
8 | phonetic | /fəˈnɛtɪk/ | adj | relating to the sounds of speech | 语音的 |
9 | boulevard | /ˈbʊləˌvɑrd/ | n | a wide street in a town or city, typically one lined with trees | 林荫大道 |
10 | antic | /ˈæntɪk/ | n/adj | an attention-drawing, often wildly playful or funny act or action; playful, funny, or ludicrous | 滑稽动作;古怪的 |
11 | toil | /tɔɪl/ | v/n | to work extremely hard or incessantly; exhausting physical labor | 辛苦工作;苦工 |
12 | carpenter | /ˈkɑːrpəntər/ | n | a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures | 木匠 |
13 | poisonous | /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ | adj | causing or capable of causing death or illness if taken into the body | 有毒的 |
14 | smelly | /ˈsmɛli/ | adj | having a strong or unpleasant odor | 难闻的 |
15 | cartoon | /kɑːrˈtuːn/ | n | a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way | 卡通;漫画 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | sly | /slaɪ/ | adj | having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature | 狡猾的 |
2 | household | /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ | n/adj | a house and its occupants regarded as a unit; relating to a house or to a household | 家庭;家庭的 |
3 | anchorwoman | /ˈæŋkərˌwʊmən/ | n | a female television news anchor | 女主持人 |
4 | bulldozer | /ˈbʊlˌdoʊzər/ | n | a powerful tractor with a broad upright blade at the front for clearing ground | 推土机 |
5 | eloquence | /ˈɛləkwəns/ | n | fluent or persuasive speaking or writing | 口才;雄辩 |
6 | hectare | /ˈhɛktɛər/ | n | a metric unit of square measure, equal to 100 ares (2.471 acres) | 公顷 |
7 | accustom | /əˈkʌstəm/ | v | to make someone or something accept something as normal or usual | 使习惯 |
8 | gunpowder | /ˈɡʌnˌpaʊdər/ | n | an explosive powder made of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, used in gunnery | 火药 |
9 | emerald | /ˈɛmərəld/ | n/adj | a bright green precious stone; bright green in color | 翡翠;翠绿色的 |
10 | Christian | /ˈkrɪstʃən/ | n/adj | a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity; relating to Christianity or its teachings | 基督徒;基督教的 |
11 | thwart | /θwɔːrt/ | v | to prevent someone from accomplishing something | 阻挠 |
12 | czar | /zɑːr/ | n | an emperor of Russia before 1917; a person appointed by government to advise on and coordinate policy in a particular area | 沙皇;专制者 |
13 | monarchy | /ˈmɒnəki/ | n | a form of government with a monarch at the head | 君主制 |
14 | booklet | /ˈbʊklɪt/ | n | a small book or pamphlet containing information about a particular subject | 小册子 |
15 | bitterly | /ˈbɪtəli/ | adv | in an angry, hurt, or resentful way | 苦涩地 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | whip | /wɪp/ | n/v | a strip of leather or cord used for flogging or beating; to strike with a whip | 鞭子;抽打 |
2 | foyer | /ˈfɔɪeɪ/ | n | an entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, especially a hotel or theater | 门厅 |
3 | joint | /dʒɔɪnt/ | n/adj | a point where two or more things are connected; shared, held, or made by two or more people | 关节;联合的 |
4 | calf | /kæf/ | n | the young of a cow, or the fleshy back part of the human leg below the knee | 小牛;小腿 |
5 | liberalism | /ˈlɪbərəlɪzəm/ | n | a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law | 自由主义 |
6 | saint | /seɪnt/ | n | a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death | 圣人 |
7 | biological | /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | adj | relating to biology or living organisms | 生物的;生物学的 |
8 | tan | /tæn/ | n/v | a golden-brown color that skin may acquire after exposure to the sun; to become brown or browner after exposure to the sun | 晒成棕褐色;棕褐色 |
9 | bilingual | /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ | adj | speaking two languages fluently | 双语的 |
10 | hoop | /huːp/ | n | a circular band of metal, wood, or other stiff material used especially for holding together the staves of containers or as a plaything | 箍;环 |
11 | bully | /ˈbʊli/ | n/v | a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable; to seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce | 欺凌者;欺负 |
12 | ruthless | /ˈruːθlɪs/ | adj | having or showing no pity or compassion for others | 无情的 |
13 | aeronautics | /ˌɛrəˈnɔːtɪks/ | n | the science or practice of building or flying aircraft | 航空学 |
14 | nausea | /ˈnɔːziə/ | n | a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit | 恶心 |
15 | lawful | /ˈlɔːfʊl/ | adj | conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules | 合法的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | missile | /ˈmɪsaɪl/ | n | an object that is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon | 导弹 |
2 | toss | /tɒs/ | v | to throw something lightly or carelessly | 抛;扔 |
3 | ransom | /ˈrænsəm/ | n/v | a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner; to pay such a sum | 赎金;赎回 |
4 | chronicle | /ˈkrɒnɪkl/ | n/v | a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence; to record in such a manner | 编年史;记录 |
5 | ravage | /ˈrævɪdʒ/ | v/n | to cause severe and extensive damage to; the severely damaging or destructive effects | 毁坏;蹂躏 |
6 | swerve | /swɜːv/ | v | to change or cause to change direction abruptly | 突然转向 |
7 | polar | /ˈpoʊlər/ | adj | relating to the North or South Pole; characterized by opposite extremes | 极地的;两极的 |
8 | evidently | /ˈɛvɪdəntli/ | adv | clearly; obviously | 明显地 |
9 | knuckle | /ˈnʌkl/ | n | a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand | 指关节 |
10 | thresh | /θrɛʃ/ | v | to separate grain from a plant, typically with a flail or by the action of a revolving mechanism | 打谷 |
11 | carcass | /ˈkɑːrkəs/ | n | the dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered for food | 尸体;畜体 |
12 | syntax | /ˈsɪntæks/ | n | the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language | 句法 |
13 | bookstall | /ˈbʊkstɔːl/ | n | a stall or stand where books are sold, typically at a railway station or a market | 书报摊 |
14 | liner | /ˈlaɪnər/ | n | a large ship or aircraft for transporting passengers or goods regularly | 班轮;客轮 |
15 | tuck | /tʌk/ | v/n | to push, fold, or turn (the edges or ends of something) so as to hide them or hold them in place; a flattened or folded part | 塞进;褶 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | bookseller | /ˈbʊkˌsɛlər/ | n | a person or company that sells books, especially as a retail business | 书商 |
2 | conceit | /kənˈsiːt/ | n | excessive pride in oneself | 自负 |
3 | overseas | /ˌoʊvərˈsiːz/ | adj/adv | in or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea | 海外的/在海外 |
4 | clearway | /ˈklɪərˌweɪ/ | n | a road or street on which stopping or parking is prohibited | 快速通道 |
5 | fulfill | /fʊlˈfɪl/ | v | to bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize | 履行;实现 |
6 | tick | /tɪk/ | n/v | a mark (✓) used to indicate that something is correct or has been selected; to make such a mark | 勾号;打勾 |
7 | patience | /ˈpeɪʃəns/ | n | the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset | 耐心 |
8 | beetle | /ˈbiːtl/ | n | an insect of the order Coleoptera, having biting mouthparts and hard forewings that cover and protect the hind wings when at rest | 甲虫 |
9 | mahogany | /məˈhɒɡəni/ | n | a durable, reddish-brown wood used for high-quality furniture | 红木 |
10 | fellowship | /ˈfɛloʊˌʃɪp/ | n | friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests | 友谊;团契 |
11 | mat | /mæt/ | n | a piece of material placed on a floor or other surface to protect it or as a decoration | 垫子 |
12 | principle | /ˈprɪnsəpl/ | n | a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior | 原则 |
13 | civilisation | /ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃən/ | n | the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced | 文明 |
14 | grandstand | /ˈɡrændˌstænd/ | n | the main seating area, usually roofed, commanding the best view at a racecourse or stadium | 大看台 |
15 | foodstuff | /ˈfuːdˌstʌf/ | n | a substance suitable for consumption as food | 食品 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | torpedo | /tɔːrˈpiːdoʊ/ | n | a cigar-shaped self-propelled underwater missile designed to be fired from a ship, submarine, or aircraft | 鱼雷 |
2 | existent | /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/ | adj | having existence; living or occurring | 存在的 |
3 | cocktail | /ˈkɒkteɪl/ | n | an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or several spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice, lemonade, or cream | 鸡尾酒 |
4 | annul | /əˈnʌl/ | v | to declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result) | 废除;取消 |
5 | botany | /ˈbɒtəni/ | n | the scientific study of plants | 植物学 |
6 | helmet | /ˈhɛlmɪt/ | n | a hard or padded protective hat, various types of which are worn by soldiers, police officers, firefighters, motorcyclists, athletes, and others | 头盔 |
7 | sore | /sɔːr/ | adj | painful or aching | 疼痛的 |
8 | charity | /ˈtʃærɪti/ | n | an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need | 慈善;慈善机构 |
9 | aspirin | /ˈæsprɪn/ | n | a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation | 阿司匹林 |
10 | crocodile | /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ | n | a large predatory semiaquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin | 鳄鱼 |
11 | boycott | /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ | v | to withdraw from commercial or social relations with a country, organization, or person as a punishment or protest | 抵制 |
12 | discriminate | /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ | v | to make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things | 歧视 |
13 | commence | /kəˈmɛns/ | v | to begin; start | 开始 |
14 | unwind | /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ | v | to relax after a period of work or tension | 放松 |
15 | purity | /ˈpjʊrɪti/ | n | the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that contaminates | 纯净 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | graveyard | /ˈɡreɪvjɑːrd/ | n | a burial ground, especially one beside a church | 墓地 |
2 | spoonful | /ˈspuːnfʊl/ | n | the amount a spoon can hold | 一匙 |
3 | referee | /ˌrɛfəˈriː/ | n | an official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to | 裁判 |
4 | squander | /ˈskwɒndər/ | v | to waste something, especially money or time, in a reckless and foolish manner | 浪费 |
5 | refuge | /ˈrɛfjuːdʒ/ | n | a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble | 避难所 |
6 | irrational | /ɪˈræʃənl/ | adj | not logical or reasonable | 不理性的 |
7 | rumor | /ˈruːmər/ | n | a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth | 谣言 |
8 | reel | /riːl/ | n | a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound | 卷轴 |
9 | newly | /ˈnuːli/ | adv | recently | 最近 |
10 | fate | /feɪt/ | n | the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power | 命运 |
11 | slavery | /ˈsleɪvəri/ | n | the state of being a slave | 奴隶制 |
12 | flyover | /ˈflaɪˌoʊvər/ | n | a bridge carrying one road or railway line over another | 立交桥 |
13 | flask | /flæsk/ | n | a container or bottle, in particular | 烧瓶;长颈瓶 |
14 | thoughtless | /ˈθɔːtləs/ | adj | not showing consideration for the needs of other people | 欠考虑的 |
15 | democratic | /ˌdɛməˈkrætɪk/ | adj | relating to or supporting democracy or its principles | 民主的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | sincere | /sɪnˈsɪər/ | adj | free from pretense or deceit; genuine | 真诚的 |
2 | streamline | /ˈstriːmlaɪn/ | v | to make an organization or system more efficient and effective | 使效率更高;简化 |
3 | cement | /sɪˈmɛnt/ | n | a powdery substance made with calcined lime and clay that hardens when mixed with water | 水泥 |
4 | combat | /ˈkɒmbæt/ | n | fighting between armed forces | 战斗 |
5 | bat | /bæt/ | n | a nocturnal flying mammal capable of sustained flight | 蝙蝠 |
6 | oppress | /əˈprɛs/ | v | to keep someone in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority | 压迫 |
7 | intestine | /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/ | n | the lower part of the alimentary canal from the end of the stomach to the anus | 肠 |
8 | insistent | /ɪnˈsɪstənt/ | adj | insisting on or demanding something; not allowing refusal | 坚持的 |
9 | violate | /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ | v | to break or fail to comply with a rule or formal agreement | 违反 |
10 | deport | /dɪˈpɔːrt/ | v | to expel a foreigner from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime | 驱逐出境 |
11 | savage | /ˈsævɪdʒ/ | adj | fierce, violent, and uncontrolled | 野蛮的 |
12 | seal | /siːl/ | n | a marine mammal that comes on land to breed, typically living in cold seas | 海豹 |
13 | insurance | /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/ | n | a practice or arrangement by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium | 保险 |
14 | housekeeper | /ˈhaʊskiːpər/ | n | a person, typically a woman, employed to manage a household | 管家;女佣 |
15 | inequality | /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/ | n | difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality | 不平等 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | straighten | /ˈstreɪtən/ | v | to make or become straight | 弄直;变直 |
2 | wharf | /wɔːrf/ | n | a structure on the shore of a harbor where ships may dock to load and unload cargo | 码头 |
3 | trout | /traʊt/ | n | a common name for a number of species of freshwater fish | 鳟鱼 |
4 | disguise | /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ | v | to give someone or oneself a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity | 伪装;掩饰 |
5 | feeler | /ˈfiːlər/ | n | an animal organ, such as an antenna or tentacle, used for testing things by touch | 触角;触须 |
6 | vineyard | /ˈvɪnjərd/ | n | a plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking | 葡萄园 |
7 | autobiographical | /ˌɔːtəˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/ | adj | (of a written work) dealing with the writer's own life | 自传的 |
8 | garment | /ˈɡɑːrmənt/ | n | an item of clothing | 衣服 |
9 | gasp | /ɡæsp/ | v | to inhale suddenly with the mouth open, out of pain or astonishment | 喘气;喘息 |
10 | curse | /kɜːrs/ | n | a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment | 诅咒 |
11 | lean | /liːn/ | v | to incline or bend from a vertical position | 倾斜;依靠 |
12 | bishop | /ˈbɪʃəp/ | n | a senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders | 主教 |
13 | parish | /ˈpærɪʃ/ | n | a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor | 教区 |
14 | metric | /ˈmɛtrɪk/ | adj | relating to or based on the meter as a unit of length; relating to the metric system | 公制的 |
15 | refugee | /ˌrɛfjʊˈdʒiː/ | n | a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster | 难民 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | convey | /kənˈveɪ/ | v | to transport or carry to a place; to communicate or make known | 传达;运输 |
2 | abridge | /əˈbrɪdʒ/ | v | to shorten a text without losing the essence | 删节;缩短 |
3 | honey | /ˈhʌni/ | n | a sweet, viscous substance produced by bees | 蜂蜜 |
4 | exposition | /ˌɛkspəˈzɪʃən/ | n | a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory | 展览;说明 |
5 | aggressor | /əˈɡrɛsər/ | n | a person or country that attacks another first | 侵略者 |
6 | linguist | /ˈlɪŋɡwɪst/ | n | a person skilled in foreign languages or the study of linguistics | 语言学家 |
7 | inquire | /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ | v | to ask for information | 询问;调查 |
8 | Antarctic | /ænˈtɑːrktɪk/ | adj | relating to the south polar region | 南极的 |
9 | cradle | /ˈkreɪdəl/ | n | a small bed for an infant, usually on rockers | 摇篮 |
10 | toll | /toʊl/ | n | a charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road | 通行费;钟声 |
11 | rower | /ˈroʊər/ | n | a person who rows a boat | 划船者 |
12 | famed | /feɪmd/ | adj | known about by many people; renowned | 著名的 |
13 | dyke | /daɪk/ | n | a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea | 堤坝 |
14 | impeach | /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ | v | to charge (a public official) with misconduct | 弹劾;控告 |
15 | dependant | /dɪˈpɛndənt/ | n | a person who relies on another, especially a family member, for financial support | 受抚养人 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | hockey | /ˈhɒki/ | n | a sport played on ice or a field with sticks and a ball or puck | 曲棍球 |
2 | roundabout | /ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt/ | n | a circular traffic intersection | 环岛;绕行路线 |
3 | reality | /riˈæləti/ | n | the state of things as they actually exist | 现实;实际情况 |
4 | disobey | /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/ | v | to refuse to follow commands or rules | 违抗;不服从 |
5 | genius | /ˈdʒiːniəs/ | n | exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability | 天才;天赋 |
6 | unexpected | /ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/ | adj | not anticipated or predicted | 意外的;未预料到的 |
7 | pathetic | /pəˈθɛtɪk/ | adj | arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness | 可悲的;可怜的 |
8 | premier | /ˈprɛmɪər/ | n | the head of government in many countries | 总理;首相 |
9 | cursor | /ˈkɜːrsər/ | n | a movable indicator on a computer screen | 光标;指针 |
10 | porch | /pɔːrtʃ/ | n | a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building | 门廊;走廊 |
11 | booth | /buːθ/ | n | a small, enclosed space for a particular purpose | 小隔间;展位 |
12 | clench | /klɛntʃ/ | v | to close tightly, especially in anger or determination | 紧握;咬紧 |
13 | baptize | /bæpˈtaɪz/ | v | to administer the Christian rite of baptism | 施洗;命名 |
14 | spade | /speɪd/ | n | a tool for digging, with a sharp-edged, typically rectangular metal blade | 铲子;铁锹 |
15 | repeal | /rɪˈpiːl/ | v | to revoke or annul a law or act of parliament | 废除;撤销 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | emigration | /ˌɛmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ | n | the act of leaving one's country to live in another | 移民;移居国外 |
2 | whistle | /ˈwɪsəl/ | n | a high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small opening | 口哨;哨子 |
3 | acrobat | /ˈækrəbæt/ | n | an entertainer who performs gymnastic feats | 杂技演员 |
4 | bind | /baɪnd/ | v | to tie or fasten something tightly | 捆绑;约束 |
5 | spice | /spaɪs/ | n | a substance used to add flavor to food | 香料;调味品 |
6 | biochemistry | /ˌbaɪoʊˈkɛmɪstri/ | n | the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms | 生物化学 |
7 | chauffeur | /ʃoʊˈfɜːr/ | n | a person employed to drive a private or rented automobile | 司机 |
8 | haughty | /ˈhɔːti/ | adj | arrogantly superior and disdainful | 傲慢的;自大的 |
9 | furnace | /ˈfɜːrnɪs/ | n | an enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures | 炉子;熔炉 |
10 | valiant | /ˈvæljənt/ | adj | possessing or showing courage or determination | 英勇的;勇敢的 |
11 | footstep | /ˈfʊtˌstɛp/ | n | the sound or mark of a step made by someone walking | 脚步声;足迹 |
12 | grit | /ɡrɪt/ | n | small, loose particles of stone or sand; also, courage and resolve | 砂砾;勇气 |
13 | disposable | /dɪˈspoʊzəbəl/ | adj | intended to be used once or for a short time and then thrown away | 一次性的;可丢弃的 |
14 | maiden | /ˈmeɪdən/ | n | an unmarried girl or young woman | 少女;处女 |
15 | youngster | /ˈjʌŋstər/ | n | a child or young person | 年轻人;小孩 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | displease | /dɪsˈpliːz/ | v | to cause dissatisfaction or annoyance | 使不悦;使不满 |
2 | guardian | /ˈɡɑːrdiən/ | n | a person who protects or looks after someone | 监护人;守护者 |
3 | radioactive | /ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv/ | adj | emitting radiation; dangerous due to radiation | 放射性的 |
4 | gallon | /ˈɡælən/ | n | a unit of liquid capacity equal to 4 quarts | 加仑 |
5 | tactical | /ˈtæktɪkəl/ | adj | relating to actions carefully planned to achieve a specific end | 战术的;策略的 |
6 | mattress | /ˈmætrəs/ | n | a large pad used as a bed or part of a bed | 床垫 |
7 | canal | /kəˈnæl/ | n | a man-made waterway used for transportation or irrigation | 运河;沟渠 |
8 | testament | /ˈtɛstəmənt/ | n | a will, especially one that relates to the disposition of personal property | 遗嘱;证明 |
9 | den | /dɛn/ | n | a wild animal’s hidden home or a small, comfortable room | 洞穴;书房 |
10 | clearance | /ˈklɪərəns/ | n | the act of removing or getting rid of something; a discount | 清除;清仓 |
11 | worship | /ˈwɜːrʃɪp/ | v | to show reverence and adoration for a deity | 崇拜;敬奉 |
12 | ruby | /ˈruːbi/ | n | a precious red gemstone | 红宝石 |
13 | shrewd | /ʃruːd/ | adj | having or showing sharp judgment and intelligence | 精明的;敏锐的 |
14 | brewery | /ˈbrʊəri/ | n | a place where beer is produced | 酿酒厂 |
15 | suburban | /səˈbɜːrbən/ | adj | related to a suburb or the outer areas of a city | 郊区的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | suggestive | /səɡˈdʒɛstɪv/ | adj | indicating or hinting at something; evocative | 暗示的;引起联想的 |
2 | characterise | /ˈkærɪktəraɪz/ | v | to describe or define the distinctive qualities of something | 表征;描述 |
3 | shit | /ʃɪt/ | n | vulgar term for feces; also used as an expletive | 屎;废话 |
4 | ghostly | /ˈɡoʊstli/ | adj | resembling or characteristic of a ghost; eerie | 幽灵般的;鬼魅的 |
5 | jet | /dʒɛt/ | n | a type of black lignite used as a gemstone; also a type of aircraft | 喷气式飞机;黑玉 |
6 | duly | /ˈdjuːli/ | adv | in accordance with what is required or appropriate | 适当地;按时 |
7 | consolidate | /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/ | v | to make something stronger or more solid | 巩固;合并 |
8 | takeover | /ˈteɪkˌoʊvər/ | n | the act of taking control of a company or organization | 接管;收购 |
9 | toothpaste | /ˈtuːθˌpeɪst/ | n | a paste used for cleaning and polishing teeth | 牙膏 |
10 | grime | /ɡraɪm/ | n | dirt or soot that has collected on a surface | 污垢;灰尘 |
11 | half-time | /ˈhæfˌtaɪm/ | n | the interval between the first and second halves of a sports game | 中场休息 |
12 | salute | /səˈluːt/ | v | to show respect or greet someone, especially with a gesture | 致敬;敬礼 |
13 | armpit | /ˈɑːrmpɪt/ | n | the cavity beneath the shoulder joint | 腋窝 |
14 | dedicate | /ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪt/ | v | to devote time, effort, or oneself to a particular task or purpose | 奉献;致力于 |
15 | grief | /ɡriːf/ | n | deep sorrow, especially caused by someone's death | 悲伤;哀悼 |
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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