英语背单词 专四词汇 2024年07月 ChatGPT


Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 blacken /ˈblækən/ verb To make or become black or dark. 使变黑;变黑
2 frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/ adjective Feeling afraid or anxious. 害怕的;受惊的
3 temptation /tɛmpˈteɪʃən/ noun The desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. 诱惑
4 exceedingly /ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli/ adverb Extremely; to a great extent. 非常地;极度地
5 heating /ˈhiːtɪŋ/ noun The system or process that supplies heat to a building. 供暖;加热
6 warrant /ˈwɔːrənt/ noun / verb A document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action; to justify or necessitate (a certain course of action). 授权令;保证
7 decade /ˈdɛkeɪd/ noun A period of ten years. 十年
8 pistol /ˈpɪstəl/ noun A small firearm designed to be held in one hand. 手枪
9 baker /ˈbeɪkər/ noun A person who makes bread and cakes, especially commercially. 面包师;烘焙师
10 taboo /təˈbuː/ noun / adjective A social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing; prohibited or restricted by social custom. 禁忌;忌讳的
11 taper /ˈteɪpər/ verb / noun To diminish or reduce in thickness toward one end; a gradual narrowing. 逐渐变细;锥形
12 axle /ˈæksəl/ noun A rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the center of a wheel or group of wheels.
13 hedgehog /ˈhɛdʒˌhɒɡ/ noun A small nocturnal Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense. 刺猬
14 bowler /ˈboʊlər/ noun A player who delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket. 投球手
15 drown /draʊn/ verb To die through submersion in and inhalation of water. 溺死;淹没



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 interviewer /ˈɪntərˌvjuːər/ noun A person who asks questions to obtain information, especially in a professional setting. 采访者;面试官
2 snatch /snætʃ/ verb / noun To quickly seize something in a rude or eager way; a brief period or fragment. 抢夺;片段
3 outskirts /ˈaʊtskɜːrts/ noun The outer parts of a town or city. 郊区;市郊
4 bristle /ˈbrɪsəl/ noun / verb A short, stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal's skin, a man's face, or a plant; to react angrily or defensively. 鬃毛;发怒
5 hull /hʌl/ noun / verb The main body of a ship or other vessel, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, and other fittings; to remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed. 船体;外壳
6 vomit /ˈvɒmɪt/ verb / noun To eject matter from the stomach through the mouth; the matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth. 呕吐;呕吐物
7 advertisement /ədˈvɜːrtɪsmənt/ noun A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy. 广告
8 gross /ɡroʊs/ adjective / noun / verb Very obvious and unacceptable; blatant; total, before any deductions; to produce or earn an amount of money as a total before tax or other deductions. 明显的;总的;总收入
9 materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ noun A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. 唯物主义;物质主义
10 bacteria /bækˈtɪəriə/ noun Microscopic single-celled organisms that can be beneficial or harmful. 细菌
11 stew /stjuː/ noun / verb A dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan; to cook slowly in liquid. 炖菜;炖
12 gene /dʒiːn/ noun A unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring. 基因
13 habitual /həˈbɪtʃuəl/ adjective Done or doing constantly or as a habit. 习惯性的
14 finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ adjective Having limits or bounds. 有限的
15 left-handed /ˌlɛftˈhændɪd/ adjective Using the left hand more naturally than the right. 左撇子的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 swindle /ˈswɪndl/ verb / noun To use deception to deprive someone of money or possessions; a fraudulent scheme or action. 诈骗;骗局
2 proverb /ˈprɒvɜːrb/ noun A short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice. 谚语
3 formality /fɔːrˈmælɪti/ noun A thing that is done simply to comply with conventions or etiquette. 正式;礼节
4 producer /prəˈduːsər/ noun A person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale. 生产者;制片人
5 coconut /ˈkoʊkənʌt/ noun A large seed of a tropical palm tree, which has a hard shell, edible white flesh, and a clear liquid inside. 椰子
6 mentality /mɛnˈtælɪti/ noun The characteristic way of thinking of a person or group. 心态
7 clown /klaʊn/ noun A comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup. 小丑
8 inscription /ɪnˈskrɪpʃən/ noun Words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book. 题词;铭文
9 discord /ˈdɪskɔːrd/ noun Disagreement between people; lack of harmony between notes sounding together. 不和;不一致
10 syringe /sɪˈrɪndʒ/ noun A tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream. 注射器
11 finalist /ˈfaɪnəlɪst/ noun A competitor or team that has reached the final stage of a competition. 决赛选手
12 goodness /ˈɡʊdnɪs/ noun The quality of being morally good or virtuous. 善良
13 standstill /ˈstændˌstɪl/ noun A situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity. 停顿
14 hop /hɑːp/ verb / noun To move by jumping on one foot; a short jump or leap. 跳跃
15 amber /ˈæmbər/ noun / adjective A hard, translucent, fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees; yellowish-brown in color. 琥珀;琥珀色的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 corporate /ˈkɔːrpərɪt/ adjective Relating to a corporation, especially a large company or group. 公司的;企业的
2 transmission /trænzˈmɪʃən/ noun The action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted. 传输;传播
3 county /ˈkaʊnti/ noun A territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration. 郡;县
4 making /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ noun The process of producing or forming something. 制作;形成
5 damn /dæm/ verb / interjection To condemn someone to a certain fate; expressing anger, frustration, or surprise. 诅咒;该死
6 cornea /ˈkɔːrniə/ noun The transparent layer forming the front of the eye. 角膜
7 arise /əˈraɪz/ verb To emerge, become apparent, or come into being. 出现;发生
8 spokesman /ˈspoʊksmən/ noun A person who speaks on behalf of a group or an organization. 发言人
9 chartered /ˈtʃɑːrtərd/ adjective Officially recognized or certified. 特许的;注册的
10 widow /ˈwɪdoʊ/ noun A woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not remarried. 寡妇
11 antecedent /ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt/ noun A thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another. 前情;先例
12 boxing /ˈbɒksɪŋ/ noun A sport in which two competitors fight by hitting each other with their hands, typically wearing protective gloves. 拳击
13 insure /ɪnˈʃʊr/ verb To arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of property, or injury to or the death of someone. 投保;保证
14 shark /ʃɑːrk/ noun A long-bodied chiefly marine fish with a cartilaginous skeleton, a prominent dorsal fin, and toothlike scales. 鲨鱼
15 assertion /əˈsɜːrʃən/ noun A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. 断言;主张



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 pluck /plʌk/ verb To take hold of something and quickly remove it from its place; to pull off. 采摘;拔
2 denture /ˈdɛntʃər/ noun An artificial replacement for one or more teeth. 假牙
3 cosmetic /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/ noun / adjective A product applied to the body to improve its appearance; relating to treatment intended to improve a person's appearance. 化妆品;美容的
4 champagne /ʃæmˈpeɪn/ noun A sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France. 香槟酒
5 stir /stɜːr/ verb To mix a substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern. 搅拌
6 nun /nʌn/ noun A member of a religious community of women, especially a cloistered one, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 修女
7 hush /hʌʃ/ verb / noun To make (someone) be quiet or stop talking; a silence or stillness, especially after noise. 使安静;安静
8 criticize /ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz/ verb To indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. 批评;指责
9 punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ adjective Happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time. 准时的
10 conquer /ˈkɒŋkər/ verb To take control of (a place or people) by use of military force. 征服;战胜
11 aperture /ˈæpərtʃər/ noun An opening, hole, or gap, especially one that lets in light. 孔;缝隙
12 isle /aɪl/ noun An island or peninsula, especially a small one.
13 parrot /ˈpærət/ noun A bird, often vividly colored, with a curved beak and the ability to mimic sounds. 鹦鹉
14 orthodox /ˈɔːrθədɒks/ adjective Conforming to established doctrine especially in religion; traditional. 正统的;传统的
15 infect /ɪnˈfɛkt/ verb To affect (a person, organism, cell, etc.) with a disease-causing organism. 感染;传染



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 sawmill /ˈsɔːˌmɪl/ noun A factory in which logs are sawn into lumber by machine. 锯木厂
2 fortitude /ˈfɔːrtɪˌtjuːd/ noun Courage in pain or adversity. 坚韧;刚毅
3 sterling /ˈstɜːrlɪŋ/ adjective / noun Of excellent or valuable quality; British money. 优秀的;英镑
4 attic /ˈætɪk/ noun The space or room at the top of a building, under the roof. 阁楼
5 council /ˈkaʊnsəl/ noun An advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly. 委员会;议会
6 anode /ˈænəʊd/ noun The positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave an electrical device. 阳极
7 blueprint /ˈbluːˌprɪnt/ noun A detailed plan or program of action. 蓝图;详细计划
8 democrat /ˈdɛməˌkræt/ noun An advocate or supporter of democracy. 民主党人
9 shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ noun / verb A liquid preparation containing detergent or soap for washing the hair; to wash or clean with shampoo. 洗发水;洗头
10 modem /ˈmoʊdəm/ noun A device that connects a computer to the internet. 调制解调器
11 intonation /ˌɪntəˈneɪʃən/ noun The rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as this affects the meaning and emotion conveyed. 语调;声调
12 apparatus /ˌæpəˈreɪtəs/ noun The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose. 设备;装置
13 flatten /ˈflætən/ verb To make or become flat or flatter. 使变平
14 well-to-do /ˌwɛl tə ˈduː/ adjective Wealthy; prosperous. 富裕的
15 RAM /ræm/ noun Random Access Memory; a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly. 随机存取存储器



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 beacon /ˈbiːkən/ noun A fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration. 灯塔;信标
2 radiator /ˈreɪdiˌeɪtər/ noun A device for heating a room, consisting of a series of pipes through which hot water or steam circulates. 散热器;暖气片
3 hostage /ˈhɒstɪdʒ/ noun A person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition. 人质
4 fiance /fiˈɒnseɪ/ noun A man to whom someone is engaged to be married. 未婚夫
5 fearless /ˈfɪərləs/ adjective Without fear; brave. 无畏的;勇敢的
6 rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ noun A classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance. 等级;评分
7 hell /hɛl/ noun A place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth. 地狱
8 heater /ˈhiːtər/ noun A device for warming the air or water. 加热器;暖炉
9 commandment /kəˈmændmənt/ noun A divine rule, especially one of the Ten Commandments. 戒律;命令
10 mischievous /ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/ adjective Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way. 调皮的;恶作剧的
11 tertiary /ˈtɜːrʃəri/ adjective Third in order or level. 第三的;第三位的
12 peony /ˈpiːəni/ noun A flowering plant with large, showy blossoms. 牡丹
13 curb /kɜːrb/ verb / noun To restrain or keep in check; a stone or concrete edging to a street or path. 抑制;路缘
14 amuse /əˈmjuːz/ verb To cause (someone) to find something funny; to entertain. 娱乐;逗乐
15 mustard /ˈmʌstərd/ noun A pungent yellow or brown paste made from the crushed seeds of certain plants, used as a condiment or in cooking. 芥末



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 advertise /ˈædvərˌtaɪz/ verb To describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium to promote sales or attendance. 宣传;广告
2 cruise /kruːz/ verb / noun To travel smoothly at a moderate or economical speed; a sea voyage taken for pleasure. 巡航;游轮旅行
3 ass /æs/ noun A donkey; a foolish or stupid person. 驴;傻瓜
4 steamer /ˈstiːmər/ noun A ship, boat, or locomotive powered by steam. 汽船;蒸笼
5 butler /ˈbʌtlər/ noun The chief manservant of a household, usually in charge of the wine cellar, dining room, and serving meals. 管家
6 plot /plɒt/ noun / verb The main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work; to plan secretly to do something illegal or harmful. 情节;密谋
7 disgraceful /dɪsˈɡreɪsfəl/ adjective Shockingly unacceptable; causing shame. 可耻的
8 tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adjective Causing or characterized by extreme distress or sorrow. 悲剧的;悲惨的
9 intensity /ɪnˈtɛnsɪti/ noun The quality of being intense; extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling. 强度;剧烈
10 ashore /əˈʃɔːr/ adverb To or on the shore from the direction of the sea. 上岸;在岸上
11 obedience /oʊˈbiːdiəns/ noun Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority. 服从;顺从
12 greyhound /ˈɡreɪhaʊnd/ noun A dog of a tall, slender breed having a narrow head and long legs, used in hunting and racing. 灰狗;猎犬
13 sleet /sliːt/ noun / verb A form of precipitation consisting of ice pellets, often mixed with rain or snow; to fall as sleet. 雨夹雪;冻雨
14 mutton /ˈmʌtn/ noun The flesh of a fully grown sheep, used as food. 羊肉
15 anchorman /ˈæŋkərˌmæn/ noun A person who presents and coordinates a live television or radio program involving other contributors. 主持人



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 derelict /ˈdɛrəlɪkt/ adjective / noun In a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect; a person without a home, job, or property. 被遗弃的;流浪汉
2 inscribe /ɪnˈskraɪb/ verb To write or carve (words or symbols) on something, especially as a formal or permanent record. 题写;刻
3 fowl /faʊl/ noun A bird, such as a hen, duck, or other domesticated bird kept for its eggs or flesh. 家禽
4 circular /ˈsɜːrkjələr/ adjective / noun Having the form of a circle; a letter or advertisement that is distributed to a large number of people. 圆形的;传单
5 innkeeper /ˈɪnˌkipər/ noun A person who runs an inn. 旅馆老板
6 demanding /dɪˈmændɪŋ/ adjective Requiring much skill or effort. 苛求的;要求高的
7 visionary /ˈvɪʒəˌnɛri/ adjective / noun Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom; a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like. 有远见的;梦想家
8 bracelet /ˈbreɪslɪt/ noun An ornamental band, hoop, or chain worn on the wrist or arm. 手镯
9 formalize /ˈfɔːrməˌlaɪz/ verb To give a definite structure or shape to something, making it official. 使正式;形式化
10 deposition /ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃən/ noun The action of deposing someone, especially a monarch; a formal, usually written, statement to be used as evidence. 罢免;宣誓作证
11 gracious /ˈɡreɪʃəs/ adjective Courteous, kind, and pleasant. 亲切的;仁慈的
12 homely /ˈhoʊmli/ adjective (Of a person) unattractive in appearance; simple but cozy and comfortable, as in one's own home. 朴素的;家常的
13 farewell /ˌfɛrˈwɛl/ noun / interjection An expression of good wishes at parting; used to express good wishes on parting. 告别;再见
14 despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ preposition Without being affected by; in spite of. 尽管;不顾
15 psychological /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkəl/ adjective Of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person. 心理的;精神的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 enforce /ɪnˈfɔːrs/ verb To compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation). 执行;强制
2 mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ noun A person who repairs and maintains machinery. 技工;机械师
3 constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ adjective Serving a useful purpose; tending to build up. 建设性的;有助益的
4 delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/ noun The action of delivering letters, parcels, or goods. 交付;分娩
5 grieve /ɡriːv/ verb To feel intense sorrow. 悲痛;哀悼
6 van /væn/ noun A medium-sized motor vehicle with a boxy shape, used for transporting goods or passengers. 货车
7 ghetto /ˈɡɛtoʊ/ noun A part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups. 贫民区;聚居区
8 continuous /kənˈtɪnjuəs/ adjective Forming an unbroken whole; without interruption. 连续的;持续的
9 discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ noun The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. 歧视;区别对待
10 military /ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri/ adjective / noun Relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces; the armed forces of a country. 军事的;军队
11 simultaneously /ˌsaɪməlˈteɪniəsli/ adverb At the same time. 同时地
12 modesty /ˈmɒdɪsti/ noun The quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities. 谦虚;端庄
13 brow /braʊ/ noun The forehead; the summit of a hill or pass. 额头;山脊
14 ferocious /fəˈroʊʃəs/ adjective Savagely fierce, cruel, or violent. 凶猛的;残忍的
15 halve /hæv/ verb To divide into two equal parts. 减半;对分



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 proportional /prəˈpɔːrʃənl/ adjective Corresponding in size or amount to something else. 成比例的
2 cruiser /ˈkruːzər/ noun A large, fast warship; a yacht or motorboat with passenger accommodation. 巡洋舰;游艇
3 agency /ˈeɪdʒənsi/ noun A business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group. 代理;机构
4 rag /ræɡ/ noun A piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things. 抹布;破布
5 inviolable /ɪnˈvaɪələbl/ adjective Never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored. 不可侵犯的
6 peacock /ˈpiːkɒk/ noun A male peafowl, noted for its large fan-like tail marked with iridescent eyespots. 孔雀
7 misery /ˈmɪzəri/ noun A state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort. 痛苦;悲惨
8 fluency /ˈfluːənsi/ noun The ability to express oneself easily and articulately. 流利;流畅
9 analytical /ˌænəˈlɪtɪkəl/ adjective Relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. 分析的;解析的
10 reminiscence /ˌrɛmɪˈnɪsəns/ noun A story told about a past event remembered by the narrator. 回忆;怀旧
11 lieutenant /lɛfˈtɛnənt/ noun A deputy or substitute acting for a superior; a rank in the military. 中尉;副手
12 cosy /ˈkoʊzi/ adjective / noun Giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation; a cover to keep a teapot, boiled egg, etc., hot. 舒适的;保温罩
13 brilliant /ˈbrɪliənt/ adjective Exceptionally clever or talented; very bright or radiant. 杰出的;明亮的
14 heading /ˈhɛdɪŋ/ noun A title at the head of a page or section of a book. 标题
15 moreover /mɔːrˈoʊvər/ adverb As a further matter; besides. 此外;而且



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 detachment /dɪˈtætʃmənt/ noun The state of being objective or aloof; a group of troops, ships, etc., sent away on a separate mission. 超然;分离
2 prayer /prɛər/ noun A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity. 祈祷;祷告
3 attitude /ˈætɪˌtjuːd/ noun A settled way of thinking or feeling about something; a position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state. 态度;姿势
4 bull /bʊl/ noun An uncastrated male bovine animal; a person who believes that share prices will increase (opposite of "bear"). 公牛;股市看涨的人
5 consulate /ˈkɒnsjʊlɪt/ noun The place or building in which a consul's duties are carried out. 领事馆
6 dock /dɒk/ noun / verb A structure extending alongshore or out from the shore into a body of water, to which boats may be moored; to reduce or cut. 码头;削减
7 persuasion /pərˈsweɪʒən/ noun The action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something. 说服;信念
8 indignant /ɪnˈdɪɡnənt/ adjective Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. 愤慨的;义愤的
9 crouch /kraʊtʃ/ verb / noun To bend one's body close to the ground, typically in order to be closer to something or to protect oneself; a crouching stance or posture. 蹲下;蹲伏
10 rid /rɪd/ verb To make someone or something free of (an unwanted person or thing). 摆脱
11 curry /ˈkɜri/ noun / verb A dish of meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in an Indian-style sauce of strong spices and typically served with rice; to prepare or flavor with curry powder. 咖喱;用咖喱烹调
12 beast /biːst/ noun An animal, especially a large or dangerous one. 野兽
13 alumna /əˈlʌmnə/ noun A female former student of a particular school, college, or university. 女校友
14 offset /ˈɔːfsɛt/ noun / verb A consideration or amount that diminishes or balances the effect of an opposite one; to counteract by having an equal and opposite force or effect. 抵消;补偿
15 melancholy /ˈmɛlənˌkɒli/ noun / adjective A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause; having a feeling of melancholy; sad and pensive. 忧郁;悲哀



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 atmospheric /ˌætməsˈfɛrɪk/ adjective Relating to the atmosphere of the earth or (occasionally) another planet; creating a distinctive mood, typically of romance, mystery, or nostalgia. 大气的;有氛围的
2 microprocessor /ˌmaɪkroʊˈprɑsɛsər/ noun An integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. 微处理器
3 mercury /ˈmɜrkjəri/ noun A heavy silvery-white metallic element that is liquid at room temperature; a Roman god who served as a messenger to the other gods. 汞;水银;墨丘利
4 triple /ˈtrɪpəl/ adjective / verb / noun Consisting of three parts; to increase threefold; a set of three things. 三倍的;使增至三倍;三倍数
5 glint /ɡlɪnt/ noun / verb A small flash of light, especially as reflected from a shiny surface; to give out or reflect small flashes of light. 闪光;闪烁
6 reputation /ˌrɛpjəˈteɪʃən/ noun The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. 名誉;声望
7 painkiller /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlər/ noun A drug or a medicine for relieving pain. 止痛药
8 certainty /ˈsɜrtənti/ noun Firm conviction that something is the case; the quality of being reliably true. 确定性;必然
9 nationwide /ˈneɪʃənˈwaɪd/ adjective / adverb Extending across or throughout the whole nation; across the whole nation. 全国范围的;在全国范围内
10 glow /ɡloʊ/ noun / verb A steady radiance of light or heat; to give out a steady light. 发光;发热
11 angle /ˈæŋɡəl/ noun / verb The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet; to direct or incline at an angle. 角度;倾斜
12 composer /kəmˈpoʊzər/ noun A person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation. 作曲家
13 liaison /liˈeɪzɒn/ noun Communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations. 联络;联系
14 good-humored /ɡʊdˈhjumərd/ adjective Cheerful and pleasant in disposition. 心情愉快的
15 royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ adjective / noun Having the status of a king or queen or a member of their family; a member of the royal family. 皇家的;王室成员



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 clamor /ˈklæmər/ noun / verb A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting; to shout loudly and insistently. 喧嚣;大声要求
2 checkpoint /ˈtʃɛkpɔɪnt/ noun A place along a route where people are stopped for inspection or identification. 检查站
3 generalize /ˈdʒɛnərəˌlaɪz/ verb To make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases. 概括;推广
4 overthrow /ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ/ verb / noun To remove forcibly from power; the removal of a government or person in power. 推翻;颠覆
5 bibliography /ˌbɪbliˈɒɡrəfi/ noun A list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix. 参考书目
6 greenery /ˈɡriːnəri/ noun Green foliage, growing plants, or vegetation. 绿色植物;绿化
7 glitter /ˈɡlɪtər/ noun / verb Bright, shimmering, reflected light; to shine with a bright, shimmering, reflected light. 闪光;闪耀
8 choir /ˈkwaɪər/ noun An organized group of singers, typically one that takes part in church services or performs in public. 合唱团
9 mean /miːn/ verb / adjective To signify or intend; unkind or malicious. 意味着;刻薄的
10 shrug /ʃrʌɡ/ verb / noun To raise and lower the shoulders, often expressing uncertainty or indifference; the act of shrugging. 耸肩;耸肩表示
11 shrine /ʃraɪn/ noun A place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity, a sacred person, or a relic, typically marked by a building or other construction. 圣地;神龛
12 credible /ˈkrɛdəbəl/ adjective Able to be believed; convincing. 可信的;可靠的
13 imminent /ˈɪmɪnənt/ adjective About to happen; impending. 即将来临的
14 alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk/ noun / adjective A person suffering from alcoholism; containing or relating to alcoholic liquor. 酗酒者;含酒精的
15 sacking /ˈsækɪŋ/ noun / verb Termination of employment, especially as a punishment; plundering a city or town; to dismiss from employment; to pillage. 解雇;洗劫



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 raider /ˈreɪdər/ noun A person or group that makes a sudden attack or surprise assault on an enemy or opponent. 袭击者;侵略者
2 tropic /ˈtrɒpɪk/ noun / adjective Either of the two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator; of or occurring in the region between the tropics. 热带;热带的
3 liar /ˈlaɪər/ noun A person who tells lies. 说谎者
4 rotten /ˈrɒtən/ adjective Decayed; decomposed; morally corrupt or dishonest. 腐烂的;堕落的
5 sleepy /ˈsliːpi/ adjective Feeling tired and wanting to sleep; causing sleepiness. 困倦的;欲睡的
6 chrysanthemum /krɪˈsænθəməm/ noun A popular plant of the daisy family, having brightly colored ornamental flowers and existing in many cultivated varieties. 菊花
7 zipper /ˈzɪpər/ noun / verb A device consisting of two flexible strips of metal or plastic with interlocking projections closed or opened by pulling a slide along them, used to fasten garments, bags, and other items; to fasten or close with a zipper. 拉链;拉上拉链
8 eyelid /ˈaɪˌlɪd/ noun Each of the upper and lower folds of skin that cover the eye when closed. 眼皮
9 silvery /ˈsɪlvəri/ adjective Resembling silver in color, brightness, or other qualities. 银白色的
10 theatrical /θiˈætrɪkəl/ adjective Relating to the theater or acting; exaggerated and excessively dramatic. 戏剧的;夸张的
11 disinfect /dɪsɪnˈfɛkt/ verb To cleanse (something), especially with a chemical substance that kills or prevents the growth of bacteria. 消毒
12 diplomat /ˈdɪpləmæt/ noun An official representing a country abroad; a person who deals tactfully with others. 外交官;圆滑的人
13 glory /ˈɡlɔːri/ noun / verb High renown or honor won by notable achievements; to take great pride or pleasure in. 荣耀;光荣;赞美
14 strait /streɪt/ noun / adjective A narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two large areas of water; (of a place) of limited spatial capacity; restricted; confined. 海峡;狭窄的
15 conscientiously /ˌkɒnʃiˈɛnʃəsli/ adverb In a thorough, careful, and honest manner; doing things carefully and correctly. 良心地;认真地



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 landlady /ˈlændˌleɪdi/ noun A woman who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant. 女房东
2 pager /ˈpeɪdʒər/ noun A small electronic device that receives messages and signals the user by beeping or vibrating. 传呼机
3 halfway /ˈhæfˌweɪ/ adverb / adjective At or to a point equidistant between two others; partial or almost. 中途;部分地
4 challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ noun / verb A task or situation that tests someone's abilities; to dispute the truth or validity of. 挑战;质疑
5 deeply /ˈdiːpli/ adverb To a great depth; intensely. 深深地;强烈地
6 compass /ˈkʌmpəs/ noun / verb An instrument for determining direction by using a magnetic needle; to go around or surround (something). 指南针;包围
7 flee /fliː/ verb To run away from a place or situation of danger. 逃跑;逃离
8 schoolmistress /ˈskuːlˌmɪstrɪs/ noun A female teacher in a school. 女教师
9 profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ noun / verb A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent; to gain financially. 利润;收益;获利
10 shoplift /ˈʃɒplɪft/ verb To steal goods from a store. 在商店行窃
11 stray /streɪ/ verb / noun / adjective To move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place; a person or thing that is lost or has no home; not in the right place. 迷路;走失;流浪的
12 disciplinary /ˈdɪsɪplɪnəri/ adjective Concerning or enforcing discipline. 纪律的;惩戒性的
13 guidance /ˈɡaɪdəns/ noun Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty. 指导;引导
14 chew /tʃuː/ verb To bite and work food in the mouth with the teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow. 咀嚼
15 bondage /ˈbɒndɪdʒ/ noun The state of being a slave; sexual practice that involves the tying up or restraining of one partner. 奴役;束缚



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 drum /drʌm/ noun / verb A percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands; to play a drum or drums. 鼓;击鼓
2 turnip /ˈtɜːrnɪp/ noun A round root vegetable with white flesh and a purple top. 萝卜
3 hitchhike /ˈhɪtʃˌhaɪk/ verb To travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles. 搭便车
4 uphold /ʌpˈhoʊld/ verb To support or maintain (something); to confirm or support (something that has been questioned). 支持;维护
5 sophomore /ˈsɒfəmɔːr/ noun A second-year student in a U.S. college or high school. 大二学生;高中二年级学生
6 concession /kənˈsɛʃən/ noun A thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a preferential allowance or rate given by an organization. 让步;特许
7 ampere /ˈæmpɪər/ noun The base unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI), equal to one coulomb per second. 安培
8 handcuff /ˈhændkʌf/ noun / verb A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists; to put handcuffs on someone. 手铐;给...戴上手铐
9 malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ adjective Intending or intended to do harm. 恶意的;恶毒的
10 disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ adjective Failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations. 令人失望的
11 satirical /səˈtɪrɪkəl/ adjective Using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to criticize people's stupidity or vices. 讽刺的
12 scorn /skɔːrn/ noun / verb The feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; to feel or express contempt or disdain for someone or something. 轻蔑;蔑视
13 groom /ɡruːm/ noun / verb A person employed to take care of horses; a bridegroom; to look after the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal) by brushing and cleaning it. 新郎;马夫;打扮
14 occasion /əˈkeɪʒən/ noun / verb A particular event or the time at which it happens; to cause (something). 场合;时机;引起
15 prostitution /ˌprɒstɪˈtuːʃən/ noun The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. 卖淫



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 intentionally /ɪnˈtɛnʃənəli/ adverb Done on purpose; deliberate. 故意地;有意地
2 remains /rɪˈmeɪnz/ noun The parts left over after other parts have been removed, used, or destroyed; a person's body after death. 残余;遗体
3 tar /tɑːr/ noun / verb A thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns; to cover with tar. 沥青;焦油;涂沥青
4 slay /sleɪ/ verb To kill (someone or something) in a violent way. 杀害;残杀
5 pilgrim /ˈpɪlɡrɪm/ noun A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. 朝圣者;香客
6 utmost /ˈʌtˌmoʊst/ adjective / noun Most extreme; greatest; the greatest or most extreme extent or amount. 最大的;极度的;最大限度
7 enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ verb To ask for information from someone. 询问;查问
8 claw /klɔː/ noun / verb A curved, pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and some mammals; to scratch or tear something with claws or fingernails. 爪;抓
9 misapprehension /ˌmɪsæprɪˈhɛnʃən/ noun A misunderstanding or mistaken belief. 误解;误会
10 foam /foʊm/ noun / verb A mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation; to form or produce foam. 泡沫;起泡沫
11 paddle /ˈpædl/ noun / verb A short pole with a broad blade at one or both ends, used for propelling and steering a canoe or other small boat; to move through the water in a boat using a paddle or to walk through shallow water. 桨;划桨;涉水
12 zebra /ˈziːbrə/ noun An African wild horse with black-and-white stripes and an erect mane. 斑马
13 drugstore /ˈdrʌɡstɔːr/ noun A retail store where medicines and miscellaneous articles are sold. 药房;药店
14 tuberculosis /tjuːˌbɜːkjʊˈloʊsɪs/ noun An infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially the lungs. 结核病
15 exclamation /ˌɛkskləˈmeɪʃən/ noun A sudden cry or remark, especially expressing surprise, anger, or pain. 感叹;惊叫



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 syndrome /ˈsɪndrəʊm/ noun A group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms. 综合症;症候群
2 thrash /θræʃ/ verb To beat or strike repeatedly and violently; to move in a violent or convulsive way. 鞭打;猛烈摆动
3 malice /ˈmælɪs/ noun The intention or desire to do evil or cause harm. 恶意;怨恨
4 tranquility /træŋˈkwɪlɪti/ noun The quality or state of being calm and peaceful. 宁静;平静
5 administrate /ədˈmɪnɪstreɪt/ verb To manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.). 管理;执行
6 fluid /ˈfluːɪd/ noun / adjective A substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; relating to or characterized by fluidity. 流体;流动的
7 fretful /ˈfrɛtfʊl/ adjective Feeling or expressing distress or irritation. 烦躁的;焦虑的
8 harry /ˈhæri/ verb To persistently carry out attacks on an enemy or an enemy's territory; to harass. 不断骚扰;掠夺
9 stealthy /ˈstɛlθi/ adjective Behaving, done, or made in a cautious and surreptitious manner, so as not to be seen or heard. 隐秘的;鬼鬼祟祟的
10 maximum /ˈmæksɪməm/ noun / adjective The greatest amount, extent, or intensity possible, permitted, or recorded; as great, high, or intense as possible or permitted. 最大限度;最大的
11 electronic /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɒnɪk/ adjective Relating to or using devices or systems that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles. 电子的
12 pessimistic /ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk/ adjective Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. 悲观的
13 distraction /dɪˈstrækʃən/ noun A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. 分心;干扰
14 slight /slaɪt/ adjective / verb / noun Small in degree; to insult someone by treating or speaking of them without proper respect or attention; an insult caused by a failure to show someone proper respect or attention. 轻微的;轻视;轻蔑
15 digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/ adjective Involving or relating to the use of computer technology; representing data as a series of numerical digits. 数字的;电子的



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 parenthood /ˈpɛərənthʊd/ noun The state of being a parent and the responsibilities involved. 父母身份;亲子关系
2 aboriginal /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnəl/ adjective / noun Relating to the original inhabitants of a country; an indigenous person. 土著的;土著居民
3 hostess /ˈhəʊstɪs/ noun A woman who receives or entertains guests. 女主人;女主持人
4 deafen /ˈdɛfən/ verb To make someone unable to hear, either temporarily or permanently. 使耳聋;震耳欲聋
5 withhold /wɪðˈhəʊld/ verb To refuse to give something that is due to or desired by someone. 扣留;拒绝给予
6 groove /ɡruːv/ noun / verb A long, narrow cut or depression in a hard material; to make a groove or grooves in. 槽;沟;开槽
7 tend /tɛnd/ verb To take care of or look after someone or something. 照料;照顾
8 fusion /ˈfjuːʒən/ noun The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity. 融合;熔合
9 recollect /ˌrɛkəˈlɛkt/ verb To remember something; to recall. 回忆;回想
10 gown /ɡaʊn/ noun A long dress worn on formal occasions or as an academic or professional robe. 长袍;礼服
11 chemist /ˈkɛmɪst/ noun A person engaged in chemical research or experiments; a pharmacist. 化学家;药剂师
12 aluminium /ˌæljʊˈmɪniəm/ noun A light, silvery-gray metal, often used in the manufacturing of cans, foil, and other products.
13 clone /kləʊn/ noun / verb An organism or cell produced asexually from one ancestor to which it is genetically identical; to make an identical copy of. 克隆;复制
14 circus /ˈsɜːrkəs/ noun A traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent. 马戏团
15 fairy /ˈfɛəri/ noun A small imaginary being of human form that has magical powers, especially a female one. 仙女;精灵



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 bugle /ˈbjuːɡl/ noun A brass instrument similar to a trumpet, typically used in military settings. 军号;喇叭
2 mow /maʊ/ verb To cut down (grass or crops) with a machine or tool. 割草;收割
3 robin /ˈrɒbɪn/ noun A small bird with a red breast, known for its singing. 知更鸟
4 ease /iːz/ noun / verb Absence of difficulty or effort; to make something less severe or more comfortable. 容易;减轻
5 Catholic /ˈkæθəlɪk/ adjective / noun Relating to the Roman Catholic Church; a member of the Roman Catholic Church. 天主教的;天主教徒
6 coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/ noun A long, narrow box in which a dead body is buried or cremated. 棺材
7 smear /smɪər/ verb / noun To spread a substance over a surface in a messy way; a mark made by smearing. 涂抹;污迹
8 kidney /ˈkɪdni/ noun Either of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity that filter waste products from the blood and excrete them as urine. 肾脏
9 profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ adjective Very great or intense; having or showing great knowledge or insight. 深刻的;深奥的
10 stink /stɪŋk/ verb / noun To have a strong, unpleasant smell; a strong, unpleasant smell. 发臭;恶臭
11 sterile /ˈsteraɪl/ adjective Free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean; unable to produce offspring. 无菌的;不育的
12 conceited /kənˈsiːtɪd/ adjective Excessively proud of oneself; vain. 自负的;自大的
13 improper /ɪmˈprɒpər/ adjective Not in accordance with accepted standards, especially of morality or honesty. 不适当的;不合适的
14 needy /ˈniːdi/ adjective Lacking the necessities of life; very poor. 贫困的;贫穷的
15 fleece /fliːs/ noun / verb The woolly covering of a sheep or goat; to obtain a great deal of money from someone, typically by overcharging or swindling them. 羊毛;欺诈



Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 badge /bædʒ/ noun A small object, typically round, that signifies membership, achievement, or authority. 徽章;证章
2 milky /ˈmɪlki/ adjective Resembling or containing milk; whitish in color. 乳状的;乳白色的
3 toad /təʊd/ noun A tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs, typically having dry warty skin that can exude toxins. 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆
4 smith /smɪθ/ noun A person who works in metal, especially one who shapes metal by hammering. 铁匠;工匠
5 yacht /jɒt/ noun A medium-sized sailboat equipped for cruising or racing. 游艇;帆船
6 blot /blɒt/ noun / verb A spot or stain, especially of ink on paper; to spot, stain, or blemish. 污点;涂抹
7 closet /ˈklɒzɪt/ noun / verb A small room or cupboard used for storing things, especially clothes. 壁橱;储藏室
8 junk /dʒʌŋk/ noun Old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value; also refers to a type of Chinese sailing ship. 垃圾;废物
9 spruce /spruːs/ adjective / verb Neat and smart in appearance; to make oneself or something neat and smart in appearance. 整洁的;云杉
10 blond /blɒnd/ adjective / noun (Blonde for female) Fair or light-colored in hair or complexion. 金黄色的;白肤金发的
11 symbolic /sɪmˈbɒlɪk/ adjective Representing something else; having a particular meaning that is different from the literal sense. 象征性的;符号的
12 capitalist /ˈkæpɪtəlɪst/ noun / adjective A person who owns and invests in business enterprises for profit; relating to capitalism. 资本家;资本主义的
13 greed /ɡriːd/ noun An intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. 贪婪;贪心
14 artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ adjective Having or revealing natural creative skill; relating to art or artists. 艺术的;有艺术天分的
15 peep /piːp/ verb / noun To look quickly and furtively at something, especially through a narrow opening; a brief and usually high-pitched sound. 窥视;窥探;啁啾声


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