英语背单词 专四词汇 2024年06月 ChatGPT
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | historical | /hɪˈstɒrɪkəl/ | adj | relating to the study or representation of past events | 历史的 |
2 | transportation | /ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃən/ | noun | the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported | 运输 |
3 | ratio | /ˈreɪʃioʊ/ | noun | the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other | 比率 |
4 | headline | /ˈhɛdlaɪn/ | noun | a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine | 标题 |
5 | verge | /vɜːrdʒ/ | noun/verb | an edge or border; approach something closely | 边缘;接近 |
6 | apostrophe | /əˈpɒstrəfi/ | noun | a punctuation mark (’) used to indicate either possession or the omission of letters or numbers | 撇号 |
7 | reaction | /riˈækʃən/ | noun | a response to a particular process or situation | 反应 |
8 | mast | /mæst/ | noun | a tall upright post on a ship or boat, carrying a sail or sails | 桅杆 |
9 | retort | /rɪˈtɔːrt/ | verb/noun | say something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner; a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive reply | 反驳;反驳 |
10 | slogan | /ˈsloʊɡən/ | noun | a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising | 口号 |
11 | satellite | /ˈsætəlaɪt/ | noun | an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet to collect information or for communication | 卫星 |
12 | thesaurus | /θɪˈsɔːrəs/ | noun | a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts | 同义词词典 |
13 | gaily | /ˈɡeɪli/ | adv | in a cheerful or lighthearted way | 快乐地 |
14 | fussy | /ˈfʌsi/ | adj | fastidious about one's needs or requirements; hard to please | 挑剔的 |
15 | photographer | /fəˈtɒɡrəfər/ | noun | a person who takes photographs, especially as a job | 摄影师 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | criminal | /ˈkrɪmɪnəl/ | noun/adj | a person who has committed a crime; relating to crime | 罪犯;刑事的 |
2 | offender | /əˈfɛndər/ | noun | a person who commits an illegal act | 违法者 |
3 | goalkeeper | /ˈɡoʊlˌkiːpər/ | noun | a player whose special role is to stop the ball from entering the goal | 守门员 |
4 | lighter | /ˈlaɪtər/ | noun | a device for lighting a fire, cigarette, etc. | 打火机 |
5 | carriage | /ˈkærɪdʒ/ | noun | a vehicle, typically one with four wheels, pulled by horses | 马车 |
6 | stool | /stuːl/ | noun | a seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs | 凳子 |
7 | lizard | /ˈlɪzərd/ | noun | a small reptile with a long body, tail, and four legs, often with the ability to change color | 蜥蜴 |
8 | combatant | /ˈkɒmbətənt/ | noun | a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war | 战斗员 |
9 | submission | /səbˈmɪʃən/ | noun | the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person | 屈服;提交 |
10 | motorway | /ˈmoʊtərˌweɪ/ | noun | a large, fast road for traveling long distances, especially one connecting major cities | 高速公路 |
11 | concentration | /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən/ | noun | the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort | 集中 |
12 | confrontation | /ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃən/ | noun | a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties | 对峙 |
13 | essence | /ˈɛsəns/ | noun | the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character | 本质 |
14 | foil | /fɔɪl/ | noun/verb | metal hammered or rolled into a thin flexible sheet; to prevent from succeeding | 箔;挫败 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | sober | /ˈsoʊbər/ | adj | not affected by alcohol; serious, sensible, and solemn | 清醒的;严肃的 |
2 | discrepancy | /dɪsˈkrɛpənsi/ | noun | an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts | 差异 |
3 | falter | /ˈfɔːltər/ | verb | to start to lose strength or momentum | 动摇;蹒跚 |
4 | aptitude | /ˈæptɪtjuːd/ | noun | a natural ability to do something | 才能;资质 |
5 | academy | /əˈkædəmi/ | noun | a place of study or training in a special field | 学院;学会 |
6 | gipsy | /ˈdʒɪpsi/ | noun | a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling | 吉普赛人 |
7 | bonus | /ˈboʊnəs/ | noun | an extra payment given as a reward | 奖金;额外津贴 |
8 | surgical | /ˈsɜːrdʒɪkl/ | adj | relating to or used in surgery | 外科的;手术的 |
9 | ripple | /ˈrɪpl/ | noun/verb | a small wave on the surface of a liquid; to form or cause to form small waves | 涟漪;起涟漪 |
10 | chatter | /ˈtʃætər/ | noun/verb | rapid talk about trivial matters; to talk rapidly about trivial matters | 喋喋不休;闲聊 |
11 | coastal | /ˈkoʊstl/ | adj | of or relating to the coast | 沿海的 |
12 | stab | /stæb/ | verb/noun | to thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into someone; an act of stabbing | 刺;刺伤 |
13 | tenancy | /ˈtɛnənsi/ | noun | possession of land or property as a tenant | 租赁 |
14 | shilling | /ˈʃɪlɪŋ/ | noun | a former British coin and monetary unit equal to one twentieth of a pound | 先令 |
15 | hardship | /ˈhɑːrdʃɪp/ | noun | severe suffering or privation | 艰难;困苦 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | operator | /ˈɒpəreɪtər/ | noun | a person who operates equipment or a machine; a person or company that runs a business | 操作员;经营者 |
2 | biotechnology | /ˌbaɪəʊtɛkˈnɒlədʒi/ | noun | the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms | 生物技术 |
3 | pictorial | /pɪkˈtɔːriəl/ | adj | of or expressed in pictures; illustrated | 绘画的;有插图的 |
4 | inertia | /ɪˈnɜːrʃə/ | noun | a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged | 惯性;惰性 |
5 | commend | /kəˈmɛnd/ | verb | to praise formally or officially | 表扬 |
6 | renowned | /rɪˈnaʊnd/ | adj | known or talked about by many people; famous | 著名的 |
7 | assassinate | /əˈsæsɪneɪt/ | verb | to murder (an important person) in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons | 暗杀 |
8 | practitioner | /prækˈtɪʃənər/ | noun | a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine | 从业者 |
9 | meadow | /ˈmɛdəʊ/ | noun | a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay | 草地 |
10 | forgery | /ˈfɔːrdʒəri/ | noun | the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art | 伪造 |
11 | lime | /laɪm/ | noun | a citrus fruit which is typically round, green, 3–6 centimeters in diameter, and contains acidic juice vesicles | 酸橙 |
12 | wartime | /ˈwɔːrtaɪm/ | noun | a period during which a war is taking place | 战时 |
13 | competitive | /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ | adj | relating to or characterized by competition | 竞争的 |
14 | disdain | /dɪsˈdeɪn/ | noun/verb | the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; to regard or treat with haughty contempt | 鄙视;轻视 |
15 | cod | /kɒd/ | noun | a large marine fish with a small barbel on the chin, important as a food fish | 鳕鱼 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | dome | /doʊm/ | noun | a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base | 圆顶 |
2 | precise | /prɪˈsaɪs/ | adj | marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail | 精确的 |
3 | thaw | /θɔː/ | verb/noun | (of ice, snow, or another frozen substance) to become liquid or soft as a result of warming; a period of warmer weather that thaws ice and snow | 解冻;融化 |
4 | resistor | /rɪˈzɪstər/ | noun | a device having a designed resistance to the passage of an electric current | 电阻 |
5 | scripture | /ˈskrɪptʃər/ | noun | the sacred writings of Christianity contained in the Bible | 经文 |
6 | downcast | /ˈdaʊnˌkæst/ | adj | (of a person's eyes) looking downward; feeling despondent | 沮丧的 |
7 | horsewhip | /ˈhɔːrsˌwɪp/ | noun/verb | a long whip used for driving and controlling horses; to whip with a horsewhip | 马鞭;鞭打 |
8 | conquest | /ˈkɒŋkwɛst/ | noun | the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force | 征服 |
9 | congregation | /ˌkɒŋɡrɪˈɡeɪʃən/ | noun | a group of people assembled for religious worship | 会众 |
10 | moonlight | /ˈmuːnˌlaɪt/ | noun/verb | the light of the moon; to have a second job in addition to one's regular employment | 月光;兼职 |
11 | reversible | /rɪˈvɜːrsəbl/ | adj | able to be turned the other way around | 可逆的 |
12 | knowledgeable | /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/ | adj | intelligent and well informed | 知识渊博的 |
13 | hasty | /ˈheɪsti/ | adj | done or acting with excessive speed or urgency; hurried | 仓促的 |
14 | impractical | /ɪmˈpræktɪkəl/ | adj | not adapted for use or action; not sensible or realistic | 不切实际的 |
15 | criticism | /ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm/ | noun | the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes | 批评 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | poise | /pɔɪz/ | noun/verb | graceful and elegant bearing in a person; to be or cause to be balanced or suspended | 平衡;姿态 |
2 | don | /dɒn/ | verb | to put on (an item of clothing) | 穿上 |
3 | cashier | /kæˈʃɪər/ | noun | a person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, or other business | 收银员 |
4 | ecology | /ɪˈkɒlədʒi/ | noun | the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings | 生态学 |
5 | artery | /ˈɑːrtəri/ | noun | any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body | 动脉 |
6 | twinkle | /ˈtwɪŋkəl/ | verb/noun | to shine with a flickering or sparkling light; a flickering or sparkling light | 闪烁;闪光 |
7 | distil | /dɪˈstɪl/ | verb | purify (a liquid) by vaporizing it, then condensing it by cooling the vapor, and collecting the resulting liquid | 蒸馏 |
8 | stroll | /stroʊl/ | verb/noun | to walk in a leisurely way; a short leisurely walk | 散步;闲逛 |
9 | imperial | /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ | adj | relating to an empire | 帝国的 |
10 | burden | /ˈbɜːrdn/ | noun/verb | a load, typically a heavy one; to load heavily | 负担;使负重 |
11 | omission | /oʊˈmɪʃən/ | noun | someone or something that has been left out or excluded | 遗漏 |
12 | bandit | /ˈbændɪt/ | noun | a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area | 土匪 |
13 | alumnus | /əˈlʌmnəs/ | noun | a former pupil or student, especially a male one, of a particular school, college, or university | 校友 |
14 | discretion | /dɪˈskrɛʃən/ | noun | the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing confidential information | 谨慎 |
15 | carol | /ˈkærəl/ | noun/verb | a religious folk song or popular hymn, particularly one associated with Christmas; to sing carols | 颂歌;唱颂歌 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | intentional | /ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl/ | adj | done on purpose; deliberate | 故意的 |
2 | spear | /spɪər/ | noun/verb | a weapon with a long shaft and a pointed tip; to pierce or strike with a spear | 矛;用矛刺 |
3 | corpse | /kɔːrps/ | noun | a dead body, especially of a human being | 尸体 |
4 | hardy | /ˈhɑːrdi/ | adj | robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions | 强壮的;能吃苦耐劳的 |
5 | snapshot | /ˈsnæpˌʃɒt/ | noun | a casual photograph | 快照 |
6 | fairness | /ˈfɛrnɪs/ | noun | impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination | 公平 |
7 | enlighten | /ɪnˈlaɪtn/ | verb | give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation | 启发;开导 |
8 | jaw | /dʒɔː/ | noun | each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth | 下巴 |
9 | newsletter | /ˈnjuːzˌlɛtər/ | noun | a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or organization | 通讯;简报 |
10 | overhead | /ˌoʊvərˈhɛd/ | adv/adj/noun | above the level of the head; situated or operating above the level of the head; the costs of running a business that are not related to producing goods or services | 在头顶上;头顶上的;经常费用 |
11 | embarrassment | /ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ | noun | a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness | 尴尬 |
12 | liking | /ˈlaɪkɪŋ/ | noun | a feeling of regard or fondness | 喜爱 |
13 | sociology | /ˌsoʊsiˈɒlədʒi/ | noun | the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society | 社会学 |
14 | rack | /ræk/ | noun/verb | a framework, typically with rails, bars, hooks, or pegs, for holding or storing things; to cause extreme physical or mental pain to | 架子;折磨 |
15 | tart | /tɑːrt/ | noun/adj | a small pie filled with fruit or custard; having a sharp or sour taste | 果馅饼;酸的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | vacate | /vəˈkeɪt, ˈveɪkeɪt/ | verb | leave (a place that one previously occupied) | 腾出 |
2 | slack | /slæk/ | adj/noun/verb | not tight or taut; looseness or relaxation; to loosen | 松弛的;松弛;放松 |
3 | bra | /brɑː/ | noun | an undergarment worn by women to support the breasts | 胸罩 |
4 | terror | /ˈtɛrər/ | noun | extreme fear | 恐惧 |
5 | frontier | /ˈfrʌntɪər, frʌnˈtɪər/ | noun | a line or border separating two countries; the extreme limit of settled land beyond which lies wilderness | 边界 |
6 | seniority | /ˌsiːniˈɒrɪti, ˌsiːˈnɪɒrɪti/ | noun | the fact or state of being older or higher in position or status than someone else | 资历 |
7 | plunder | /ˈplʌndər/ | verb/noun | steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force; the violent and dishonest acquisition of property | 掠夺;战利品 |
8 | shovel | /ˈʃʌvl/ | noun/verb | a tool with a broad flat blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow, or other material; to move (coal, earth, snow, or similar) with a shovel | 铲子;铲 |
9 | tummy | /ˈtʌmi/ | noun | a person’s stomach or abdomen | 肚子 |
10 | landlord | /ˈlændlɔːrd/ | noun | a person, especially a man, who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant | 房东 |
11 | sprain | /spreɪn/ | verb/noun | wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) violently so as to cause pain and swelling but not dislocation; the result of such a twist | 扭伤 |
12 | horsepower | /ˈhɔːrsˌpaʊər/ | noun | a unit of power equal to 550 foot-pounds per second (745.7 watts) | 马力 |
13 | symposium | /sɪmˈpoʊziəm/ | noun | a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject | 研讨会 |
14 | lad | /læd/ | noun | a boy or young man (often as a form of address) | 小伙子 |
15 | pastry | /ˈpeɪstri/ | noun | a dough of flour, water, and shortening, that may be savory or sweetened | 糕点 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | fare | /fɛər/ | noun/verb | the money a passenger on public transportation has to pay; to perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period | 费用;表现 |
2 | statutory | /ˈstætʃʊtəri/ | adj | fixed or required by law | 法定的 |
3 | settler | /ˈsɛtlər/ | noun | a person who settles in a new country or area | 移民;定居者 |
4 | zinc | /zɪŋk/ | noun | a bluish-white metal used as a protective coating for iron and steel and in alloys such as brass and bronze | 锌 |
5 | brew | /bruː/ | noun/verb | to make beer or tea by mixing hot water with malted grain or tea leaves; beer or tea made by brewing | 酿造;酿造的饮料 |
6 | tablet | /ˈtæblɪt/ | noun | a small flat surface with something written on it, especially one that can be carried around and used without needing paper | 平板电脑;药片 |
7 | feast | /fiːst/ | noun/verb | a large meal, typically one in celebration of something; to eat and drink sumptuously | 盛宴;宴请 |
8 | dining | /ˈdaɪnɪŋ/ | adj/noun | relating to eating or the place where people eat | 用餐的;餐饮 |
9 | stoop | /stuːp/ | verb/noun | bend one's head or body forwards and downwards; a small porch at the front door of a house | 弯腰;门廊 |
10 | merciless | /ˈmɜːrsɪlɪs/ | adj | showing no mercy or pity | 无情的 |
11 | owl | /aʊl/ | noun | a nocturnal bird of prey with large forward-facing eyes surrounded by facial disks, a hooked beak, and typically a loud call | 猫头鹰 |
12 | bale | /beɪl/ | noun/verb | a large bundle of hay, straw, cotton, etc., tightly wrapped and bound with cords or hoops; to make something into bales | 大包;打包 |
13 | sermon | /ˈsɜːrmən/ | noun | a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service | 布道;讲道 |
14 | Christianity | /ˌkrɪstʃiˈænɪti/ | noun | the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ | 基督教 |
15 | forestry | /ˈfɔːrɪstri/ | noun | the science or practice of planting and taking care of trees and forests | 林业 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | holder | /ˈhoʊldər/ | noun | a person or thing that holds something | 持有者 |
2 | bushel | /ˈbʊʃəl/ | noun | a unit of capacity equal to 8 gallons, used for dry goods | 蒲式耳(容量单位) |
3 | raspberry | /ˈræzbəri/ | noun | a small, soft, red fruit with many seeds | 覆盆子 |
4 | glue | /ɡluː/ | noun/verb | a substance used to stick things tightly together; to stick with glue | 胶水;粘贴 |
5 | vocal | /ˈvoʊkəl/ | adj | relating to the voice; expressing opinions freely | 声音的;直言不讳的 |
6 | air-conditioned | /ˈɛər kənˌdɪʃənd/ | adj | having air conditioning | 空调的 |
7 | throat | /θroʊt/ | noun | the passage that leads from the back of the mouth of a person or animal | 喉咙 |
8 | undue | /ˌʌnˈdjuː/ | adj | unwarranted or inappropriate because excessive or disproportionate | 过度的 |
9 | skim | /skɪm/ | verb | remove a substance from the surface of a liquid; read quickly to get the main points | 撇去;浏览 |
10 | nobility | /noʊˈbɪlɪti/ | noun | the quality of being noble in character, mind, birth, or rank | 贵族 |
11 | opening | /ˈoʊpənɪŋ/ | noun | an open space or gap; the beginning or first part of something | 开口;开始 |
12 | celluloid | /ˈsɛljʊˌlɔɪd/ | noun | a transparent flammable plastic made in sheets from camphor and nitrocellulose, formerly used for cinematographic film | 赛璐珞 |
13 | soar | /sɔːr/ | verb | fly or rise high in the air | 翱翔 |
14 | enamel | /ɪˈnæməl/ | noun | an opaque or semi-transparent glassy substance applied to metallic or other hard surfaces for ornament or protection | 搪瓷 |
15 | dash | /dæʃ/ | verb/noun | run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; a small quantity of something | 猛冲;少量 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | individuality | /ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuˈæləti/ | noun | the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind | 个性 |
2 | motorist | /ˈmoʊtərɪst/ | noun | a person who drives a car | 驾驶者 |
3 | Negro | /ˈniːɡroʊ/ | noun | a term formerly used to refer to a person of Black African origin | 黑人 |
4 | hideous | /ˈhɪdiəs/ | adj | extremely ugly or unpleasant | 丑陋的 |
5 | creature | /ˈkriːtʃər/ | noun | an animal, as distinct from a human being | 生物 |
6 | persimmon | /pərˈsɪmən/ | noun | an edible fruit that resembles a large tomato and has very sweet flesh | 柿子 |
7 | gale | /ɡeɪl/ | noun | a very strong wind | 大风 |
8 | dissect | /dɪˈsɛkt/ | verb | methodically cut up (a body or plant) in order to study its internal parts | 解剖 |
9 | poker | /ˈpoʊkər/ | noun | a card game in which players bet on the value of their cards | 扑克 |
10 | audio | /ˈɔːdiˌoʊ/ | noun/adj | sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced; relating to sound or its reproduction | 音频 |
11 | daybreak | /ˈdeɪˌbreɪk/ | noun | the time in the morning when daylight first appears; dawn | 黎明 |
12 | nest | /nɛst/ | noun | a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young | 巢 |
13 | reconnaissance | /rɪˈkɑːnɪsns/ | noun | military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features | 侦察 |
14 | turf | /tɜːrf/ | noun | grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots; a person's territory or area of activity | 草皮;地盘 |
15 | make-up | /ˈmeɪkʌp/ | noun | cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance | 化妆品 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | confiscate | /ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt/ | verb | take or seize (someone's property) with authority | 没收 |
2 | almanac | /ˈɔːlmənæk/ | noun | an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information | 年鉴 |
3 | fulfillment | /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ | noun | the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted | 实现 |
4 | trailer | /ˈtreɪlər/ | noun | an unpowered vehicle towed by another, used for carrying goods or other items | 拖车 |
5 | ape | /eɪp/ | noun | a large primate that lacks a tail, including gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons | 猿 |
6 | forum | /ˈfɔːrəm/ | noun | a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged | 论坛 |
7 | scorch | /skɔːrtʃ/ | verb | burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat | 烧焦 |
8 | annals | /ˈænəlz/ | noun | a record of events year by year; historical records | 年报;历史记录 |
9 | bid | /bɪd/ | verb/noun | offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction; an offer made | 出价;投标 |
10 | exploratory | /ɪkˈsplɔːrətɔːri/ | adj | relating to or involving exploration or investigation | 探索的 |
11 | assuredly | /əˈʃʊərɪdli/ | adv | confidently; without a doubt | 确实地 |
12 | civilize | /ˈsɪvəlaɪz/ | verb | bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced | 使文明 |
13 | awaken | /əˈweɪkən/ | verb | rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping | 唤醒 |
14 | suckle | /ˈsʌkl/ | verb | feed (a baby or young animal) from the breast or teat | 哺乳 |
15 | reflex | /ˈriːflɛks/ | noun | an action that is performed as a response to a stimulus and without conscious thought | 反射 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | quart | /kwɔːrt/ | noun | a unit of liquid capacity equal to two pints, one-fourth of a gallon | 夸脱 |
2 | tram | /træm/ | noun | a passenger vehicle powered by electricity conveyed by overhead cables, running on rails laid in a public road | 电车 |
3 | fatalism | /ˈfeɪtəlɪzəm/ | noun | the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable | 宿命论 |
4 | delusion | /dɪˈluːʒən/ | noun | an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of a mental disorder | 错觉 |
5 | recede | /rɪˈsiːd/ | verb | go or move back or further away from a previous position | 后退 |
6 | refrain | /rɪˈfreɪn/ | verb | stop oneself from doing something | 克制 |
7 | motel | /moʊˈtɛl/ | noun | a roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside | 汽车旅馆 |
8 | sanity | /ˈsænɪti/ | noun | the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health | 精神健全 |
9 | grimace | /ˈɡrɪməs/ | noun/verb | an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement; to make such a face | 鬼脸;做鬼脸 |
10 | noted | /ˈnoʊtɪd/ | adj | well known; famous | 著名的 |
11 | fiddle | /ˈfɪdl/ | noun/verb | a violin, especially when used to play folk music; to touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way | 小提琴;拨弄 |
12 | transistor | /trænˈzɪstər/ | noun | a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power | 晶体管 |
13 | manuscript | /ˈmænjʊskrɪpt/ | noun | a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer's first version of a book before it is published | 手稿 |
14 | sentiment | /ˈsɛntɪmənt/ | noun | a view or opinion that is held or expressed; a feeling or emotion | 情感 |
15 | hippie | /ˈhɪpi/ | noun | a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs | 嬉皮士 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | sperm | /spɜːrm/ | noun | the male reproductive cell; semen | 精子 |
2 | smokestack | /ˈsmoʊkstæk/ | noun | a chimney or funnel for discharging smoke from a locomotive, ship, factory, etc. | 烟囱 |
3 | glasshouse | /ˈɡlæsˌhaʊs/ | noun | a building made largely of glass, typically for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions | 玻璃温室 |
4 | chess | /tʃɛs/ | noun | a board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a checkered board | 国际象棋 |
5 | statistical | /stəˈtɪstɪkəl/ | adj | relating to, based on, or employing the principles of statistics | 统计的 |
6 | avenge | /əˈvɛndʒ/ | verb | inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another) | 报仇 |
7 | kidnap | /ˈkɪdnæp/ | verb | abduct (someone) and hold them captive, typically to obtain a ransom | 绑架 |
8 | sidewalk | /ˈsaɪdˌwɔːk/ | noun | a paved path for pedestrians at the side of a road | 人行道 |
9 | engineering | /ˌɛnʤɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ | noun | the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures | 工程学 |
10 | blister | /ˈblɪstər/ | noun/verb | a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage; form blisters on the skin or other surface | 水泡;起水泡 |
11 | enthusiast | /ɪnˈθjuːziæst/ | noun | a person who is highly interested in a particular activity or subject | 爱好者 |
12 | holdup | /ˈhoʊldʌp/ | noun | a situation that causes delay; a robbery conducted with the use of threats or violence | 延迟;抢劫 |
13 | scant | /skænt/ | adj | barely sufficient or adequate | 不足的 |
14 | mint | /mɪnt/ | noun/verb | an aromatic plant; to produce money by stamping metal | 薄荷;铸造 |
15 | initiative | /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/ | noun | the ability to assess and initiate things independently; a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem | 主动性;倡议 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | dean | /diːn/ | noun | the head of a college or university faculty or department | 院长 |
2 | constable | /ˈkɒnstəbl/ | noun | a peace officer with limited policing authority, typically in a small town | 警察 |
3 | mineral | /ˈmɪnərəl/ | noun | a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance | 矿物 |
4 | heroine | /ˈhɛroʊɪn/ | noun | a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities | 女英雄 |
5 | plume | /pluːm/ | noun | a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament | 羽毛 |
6 | fabulous | /ˈfæbjələs/ | adj | extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large; wonderful | 极好的 |
7 | sulphur | /ˈsʌlfər/ | noun | a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16 | 硫磺 |
8 | merciful | /ˈmɜːrsɪfəl/ | adj | showing or exercising mercy | 仁慈的 |
9 | manpower | /ˈmænˌpaʊər/ | noun | the number of people working or available for work or service | 人力 |
10 | recitation | /ˌrɛsɪˈteɪʃən/ | noun | the action of repeating something aloud from memory | 背诵 |
11 | squad | /skwɒd/ | noun | a small group of people having a particular task | 小队 |
12 | falsehood | /ˈfɔːlsˌhʊd/ | noun | the state of being untrue | 谎言 |
13 | analytic | /ˌænəˈlɪtɪk/ | adj | relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning | 分析的 |
14 | monk | /mʌŋk/ | noun | a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience | 僧侣 |
15 | crisp | /krɪsp/ | adj/noun | firm, dry, and brittle; a thin slice of fried or baked potato | 脆的;薯片 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | ceramic | /səˈræmɪk/ | noun/adj | made of clay and hardened by heat; a product such as pottery | 陶瓷 |
2 | shorthand | /ˈʃɔːrthænd/ | noun | a method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols, used especially for taking dictation | 速记 |
3 | muffle | /ˈmʌfəl/ | verb | wrap or cover for warmth; to deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping | 抑制 |
4 | electrician | /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪʃən/ | noun | a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment | 电工 |
5 | parliament | /ˈpɑːrləmənt/ | noun | the supreme legislative body in a country | 议会 |
6 | coral | /ˈkɔːrəl/ | noun | a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas | 珊瑚 |
7 | houseboat | /ˈhaʊsˌboʊt/ | noun | a boat that is or can be moored for use as a dwelling | 船屋 |
8 | rhetorical | /rɪˈtɔːrɪkəl/ | adj | relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric | 修辞的 |
9 | airmail | /ˈɛrˌmeɪl/ | noun | the transportation of mail by aircraft | 航空邮件 |
10 | fore | /fɔːr/ | adj/adv/noun | situated or placed in front; the front part of something | 前部的;在前 |
11 | sever | /ˈsɛvər/ | verb | to cut off (something) or divide by cutting; to put an end to (a connection or relationship) | 切断 |
12 | spit | /spɪt/ | verb/noun | eject saliva forcibly from one's mouth; a small point of land especially of sand or gravel running into a body of water | 吐痰;沙嘴 |
13 | thunder | /ˈθʌndər/ | noun/verb | a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air; to make a loud, deep resounding noise | 雷;打雷 |
14 | sob | /sɒb/ | verb/noun | cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps; an act or sound of sobbing | 啜泣 |
15 | humiliating | /hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪŋ/ | adj | causing someone to feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect | 羞辱的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | holy | /ˈhoʊli/ | adj | dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred | 神圣的 |
2 | almond | /ˈɑːmənd/ | noun | the edible seed of a tree (Prunus dulcis) of the rose family, widely cultivated in warm climates | 杏仁 |
3 | historic | /hɪˈstɔːrɪk/ | adj | famous or important in history, or potentially so | 历史性的 |
4 | seminar | /ˈsɛmɪnɑːr/ | noun | a conference or other meeting for discussion or training | 研讨会 |
5 | naughty | /ˈnɔːti/ | adj | (especially of children) disobedient; badly behaved | 调皮的 |
6 | employment | /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ | noun | the condition of having paid work | 就业 |
7 | coastline | /ˈkoʊstlaɪn/ | noun | the outline of a coast, especially with regard to its shape and appearance | 海岸线 |
8 | cosmos | /ˈkɒzmɒs/ | noun | the universe seen as a well-ordered whole | 宇宙 |
9 | incapable | /ɪnˈkeɪpəbəl/ | adj | unable to do or achieve (something) | 无能力的 |
10 | monastery | /ˈmɒnəˌstɛri/ | noun | a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows | 修道院 |
11 | lass | /læs/ | noun | a girl or young woman | 少女 |
12 | lap | /læp/ | noun/verb | the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person; to overtake (a competitor in a race) to become one or more laps ahead | 膝部;超越一圈 |
13 | pint | /paɪnt/ | noun | a unit of liquid or dry capacity equal to one half of a quart | 品脱 |
14 | apartment | /əˈpɑːrtmənt/ | noun | a suite of rooms forming one residence, typically on one floor and within a larger building containing a number of such residences | 公寓 |
15 | breast | /brɛst/ | noun/verb | either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body that secrete milk after childbirth; to confront boldly | 胸部;勇敢面对 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | relativity | /ˌrɛləˈtɪvɪti/ | noun | the absence of standards of absolute and universal application; (in physics) the dependence of various physical phenomena on relative motion of the observer and the observed objects | 相对论 |
2 | repent | /rɪˈpɛnt/ | verb | feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin | 忏悔 |
3 | strife | /straɪf/ | noun | angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict | 冲突 |
4 | trophy | /ˈtroʊfi/ | noun | a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success | 奖杯 |
5 | cafeteria | /ˌkæfəˈtɪriə/ | noun | a restaurant in which customers serve themselves from a counter and pay before eating | 自助餐厅 |
6 | airway | /ˈɛrˌweɪ/ | noun | the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs | 气道 |
7 | tread | /trɛd/ | verb/noun | walk in a specified way; a manner or the sound of someone walking | 踩;步态 |
8 | manifest | /ˈmænɪˌfɛst/ | adj/verb | clear or obvious to the eye or mind; to display or show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance | 明显的;显示 |
9 | barbarian | /bɑːrˈbɛəriən/ | noun/adj | a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person; uncivilized, primitive | 野蛮人;野蛮的 |
10 | diagnostic | /ˌdaɪəɡˈnɒstɪk/ | adj/noun | concerned with the diagnosis of illness or other problems; a distinctive symptom or characteristic | 诊断的;诊断 |
11 | denial | /dɪˈnaɪəl/ | noun | the action of declaring something to be untrue; refusal of something requested or desired | 否认 |
12 | doubtless | /ˈdaʊtlɪs/ | adv | without doubt; certainly | 无疑 |
13 | ancient | /ˈeɪnʃənt/ | adj | belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence | 古老的 |
14 | enroll | /ɪnˈroʊl/ | verb | officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course | 注册 |
15 | sicken | /ˈsɪkən/ | verb | make someone feel disgusted or appalled | 使恶心 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | squat | /skwɒt/ | verb/noun/adj | to crouch or sit with one's knees bent and heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs; a position adopted by squatting; short and thickset | 蹲坐;蹲姿;矮胖的 |
2 | invisible | /ɪnˈvɪzɪbəl/ | adj | unable to be seen | 看不见的 |
3 | pub | /pʌb/ | noun | a tavern or bar | 酒馆 |
4 | frail | /freɪl/ | adj | weak and delicate | 脆弱的 |
5 | implicate | /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt/ | verb | to show someone to be involved in a crime | 牵连 |
6 | addiction | /əˈdɪkʃən/ | noun | the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity | 上瘾 |
7 | condolence | /kənˈdoʊləns/ | noun | an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death | 哀悼 |
8 | eyebrow | /ˈaɪbraʊ/ | noun | the strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person's eye socket | 眉毛 |
9 | bullet | /ˈbʊlɪt/ | noun | a projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm | 子弹 |
10 | bakery | /ˈbeɪkəri/ | noun | a place where bread and cakes are made or sold | 面包店 |
11 | mercy | /ˈmɜːrsi/ | noun | compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm | 仁慈 |
12 | promotion | /prəˈmoʊʃən/ | noun | the action of raising someone to a higher position or rank | 提升 |
13 | sacrifice | /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ | noun/verb | an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy; to give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations | 牺牲 |
14 | bribery | /ˈbraɪbəri/ | noun | the giving or offering of a bribe | 贿赂 |
15 | charm | /tʃɑːrm/ | noun/verb | the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration; to delight greatly | 魅力;使陶醉 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | brutal | /ˈbruːtəl/ | adj | savagely violent | 残忍的 |
2 | usher | /ˈʌʃər/ | noun/verb | a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding; to show or guide someone somewhere | 引座员;引导 |
3 | trot | /trɒt/ | verb/noun | (of a horse or other quadruped) to proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately; a trotting pace | 小跑;小跑的步伐 |
4 | stuff | /stʌf/ | noun/verb | matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied; to fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something | 东西;填满 |
5 | conducive | /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ | adj | making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible | 有助于 |
6 | poetry | /ˈpoʊɪtri/ | noun | literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm | 诗歌 |
7 | critic | /ˈkrɪtɪk/ | noun | a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something | 批评家 |
8 | maid | /meɪd/ | noun | a female domestic servant | 女仆 |
9 | cloak | /kloʊk/ | noun/verb | a sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders; to hide, cover, or disguise something | 斗篷;掩盖 |
10 | eyewitness | /ˈaɪˌwɪtnəs/ | noun | a person who has personally seen something happen and so can give a first-hand description of it | 目击者 |
11 | enlist | /ɪnˈlɪst/ | verb | to enroll or be enrolled in the armed services | 征募 |
12 | reassemble | /ˌriːəˈsɛmbl/ | verb | to come or bring together again | 重新组装 |
13 | commonwealth | /ˈkɒmənˌwɛlθ/ | noun | an independent country or community, especially a democratic republic | 联邦 |
14 | Jesus | /ˈdʒiːzəs/ | noun | the central figure of Christianity, believed to be the son of God by Christians | 耶稣 |
15 | similarity | /ˌsɪməˈlærɪti/ | noun | the state or fact of being similar | 相似 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | counter | /ˈkaʊntər/ | noun/verb | a long flat-topped fixture in a store or bank; to speak or act in opposition to | 柜台;反对 |
2 | equity | /ˈɛkwɪti/ | noun | the quality of being fair and impartial; the value of the shares issued by a company | 公平;权益 |
3 | pod | /pɒd/ | noun | a long, thin, flat case containing seeds in a plant such as the pea or bean | 荚 |
4 | gutter | /ˈɡʌtər/ | noun | a shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a roof for carrying off rainwater | 排水沟 |
5 | daze | /deɪz/ | noun/verb | a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment; to make someone unable to think or react properly | 迷乱;使茫然 |
6 | cavalry | /ˈkævəlri/ | noun | soldiers who fought on horseback | 骑兵 |
7 | kettle | /ˈkɛtəl/ | noun | a container or device in which water is boiled, having a lid, spout, and handle | 水壶 |
8 | honorable | /ˈɒnərəbl/ | adj | bringing or worthy of honor | 光荣的 |
9 | closure | /ˈkloʊʒər/ | noun | the act or process of closing something, especially an institution, thoroughfare, or frontier | 关闭 |
10 | jug | /dʒʌɡ/ | noun | a large container for liquids, with a narrow mouth and typically a stopper or cap | 壶 |
11 | sandstone | /ˈsændˌstoʊn/ | noun | a clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized mineral particles or rock fragments | 砂岩 |
12 | hare | /hɛr/ | noun | a fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit | 野兔 |
13 | consent | /kənˈsɛnt/ | noun/verb | permission for something to happen or agreement to do something; to give permission | 同意 |
14 | bungalow | /ˈbʌŋɡəˌloʊ/ | noun | a low house having only one story or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows | 平房 |
15 | truant | /ˈtruːənt/ | noun/adj/verb | a student who stays away from school without leave or explanation; wandering; to play truant | 逃学者;逃学的;逃学 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | radius | /ˈreɪdiəs/ | noun | a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle or sphere | 半径 |
2 | rate | /reɪt/ | noun/verb | a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against some other quantity or measure; to assign a standard or value to (something) according to a particular scale | 比率;评价 |
3 | runner-up | /ˌrʌnərˈʌp/ | noun | a competitor or team that finishes in second place | 亚军 |
4 | head-on | /ˌhɛdˈɒn/ | adj/adv | with or involving a direct confrontation | 迎面地;正面的 |
5 | exile | /ˈɛɡzaɪl/ | noun/verb | the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons; to expel and bar (someone) from their native country | 流放 |
6 | applause | /əˈplɔːz/ | noun | approval or praise expressed by clapping | 掌声 |
7 | dustbin | /ˈdʌstˌbɪn/ | noun | a container for household refuse, especially one kept outside | 垃圾桶 |
8 | masculinity | /ˌmæskjʊˈlɪnɪti/ | noun | qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men | 男性气概 |
9 | disadvantaged | /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/ | adj | lacking the basic resources or conditions believed to be necessary for an equal position in society | 处于不利地位的 |
10 | heap | /hiːp/ | noun/verb | an untidy collection of things piled up haphazardly; to put (objects or a loose substance) in a heap | 堆;堆积 |
11 | disciple | /dɪˈsaɪpəl/ | noun | a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher | 弟子 |
12 | marrow | /ˈmæroʊ/ | noun | a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced; the essential part of something | 骨髓 |
13 | alliance | /əˈlaɪəns/ | noun | a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations | 联盟 |
14 | photocopy | /ˈfoʊtoʊˌkɒpi/ | noun/verb | a paper copy of a document or picture made with a photocopier; to make a copy of (a document or picture) using a photocopier | 复印件;复印 |
15 | doze | /doʊz/ | verb/noun | to sleep lightly; a short, light sleep | 打盹;小憩 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | empire | /ˈɛmˌpaɪər/ | noun | an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority | 帝国 |
2 | geology | /dʒiˈɒlədʒi/ | noun | the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance | 地质学 |
3 | idle | /ˈaɪdəl/ | adj | avoiding work; lazy | 闲置的;懒惰的 |
4 | deceitful | /dɪˈsiːtfəl/ | adj | guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others | 欺骗的 |
5 | empress | /ˈɛmprɪs/ | noun | a female emperor or the wife of an emperor | 女皇 |
6 | priceless | /ˈpraɪslɪs/ | adj | so precious that its value cannot be determined | 无价的 |
7 | flattery | /ˈflætəri/ | noun | excessive and insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests | 奉承 |
8 | deduct | /dɪˈdʌkt/ | verb | to subtract or take away (an amount or part) from a total | 扣除 |
9 | outlaw | /ˈaʊtˌlɔː/ | noun/verb | a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large; to make illegal | 歹徒;禁止 |
10 | pudding | /ˈpʊdɪŋ/ | noun | a dessert with a soft, spongy, or creamy consistency | 布丁 |
11 | lonesome | /ˈloʊnsəm/ | adj | solitary or lonely | 寂寞的 |
12 | malaria | /məˈlɛriə/ | noun | a fever caused by a protozoan parasite transmitted by mosquitoes | 疟疾 |
13 | designation | /ˌdɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ | noun | the action of choosing a person or thing for a particular purpose | 指定 |
14 | sunburn | /ˈsʌnˌbɜrn/ | noun | reddening, inflammation, and in severe cases, blistering of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun's rays | 晒伤 |
15 | offend | /əˈfɛnd/ | verb | to cause someone to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful | 冒犯 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | apart | /əˈpɑːrt/ | adv | separated by a distance; to one side | 分开地 |
2 | groan | /ɡroʊn/ | noun/verb | a deep, inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair; to make such a sound | 呻吟 |
3 | mug | /mʌɡ/ | noun/verb | a large cup with a handle; to attack and rob someone | 杯子;行凶抢劫 |
4 | flea | /fliː/ | noun | a small, wingless, bloodsucking insect that lives on animals and humans | 跳蚤 |
5 | observatory | /əbˈzɜːrvəˌtɔːri/ | noun | a building or place equipped for observing astronomical or meteorological phenomena | 天文台 |
6 | filament | /ˈfɪləmənt/ | noun | a slender threadlike object or fiber, especially one found in animal or plant structures | 细丝 |
7 | tomb | /tuːm/ | noun | a large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead | 坟墓 |
8 | pepper | /ˈpɛpər/ | noun/verb | a pungent hot-tasting spice; to sprinkle or cover with small particles or objects | 胡椒;使布满 |
9 | wage | /weɪdʒ/ | noun/verb | a fixed regular payment for work; to carry on (a war or campaign) | 工资;进行 |
10 | criterion | /kraɪˈtɪriən/ | noun | a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided | 标准 |
11 | guilty | /ˈɡɪlti/ | adj | responsible for a specified wrongdoing | 有罪的 |
12 | prophet | /ˈprɒfɪt/ | noun | a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God | 先知 |
13 | airhostess | /ˈeərˌhoʊstɪs/ | noun | a female flight attendant | 空姐 |
14 | territory | /ˈtɛrɪˌtɔːri/ | noun | an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state | 领土 |
15 | reflexion | /rɪˈflɛkʃən/ | noun | another term for reflection, particularly the return of light or sound waves from a surface | 反射 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | caravan | /ˈkærəvæn/ | noun | a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays | 大篷车 |
2 | therapist | /ˈθɛrəpɪst/ | noun | a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy, especially psychotherapy | 治疗师 |
3 | hymn | /hɪm/ | noun | a religious song or poem of praise to God or a god | 赞美诗 |
4 | ideological | /ˌaɪdiəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | adj | based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy | 意识形态的 |
5 | sieve | /sɪv/ | noun | a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids, separating coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft solids to a pulp | 筛子 |
6 | sleeve | /sliːv/ | noun | the part of a garment that wholly or partly covers a person's arm | 袖子 |
7 | clue | /kluː/ | noun | a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery | 线索 |
8 | trifle | /ˈtraɪfəl/ | noun | a thing of little value or importance | 琐事 |
9 | deduce | /dɪˈdjuːs/ | verb | to arrive at a fact or a conclusion by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion | 推断 |
10 | indulge | /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ | verb | to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of | 放纵 |
11 | soot | /sʊt/ | noun | a black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter | 烟灰 |
12 | botanist | /ˈbɒtənɪst/ | noun | an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants | 植物学家 |
13 | first-rate | /ˌfɜːrstˈreɪt/ | adj | of the best class or quality; excellent | 一流的 |
14 | placid | /ˈplæsɪd/ | adj | (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited | 平静的 |
15 | tickle | /ˈtɪkəl/ | verb | to touch (someone) lightly so as to cause laughter | 搔痒 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | vapour | /ˈveɪpər/ | noun | a substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid | 蒸汽 |
2 | saunter | /ˈsɔːntər/ | verb | walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort | 闲逛 |
3 | cricket | /ˈkrɪkɪt/ | noun | a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of eleven players; a small, chirping insect | 板球;蟋蟀 |
4 | equator | /ɪˈkweɪtər/ | noun | an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres | 赤道 |
5 | pearl | /pɜːrl/ | noun | a hard, lustrous spherical mass, typically white or bluish-gray, formed within the shell of a pearl oyster or other bivalve mollusk | 珍珠 |
6 | heroic | /hɪˈroʊɪk/ | adj | having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave | 英雄的 |
7 | moth | /mɔːθ/ | noun | an insect with two pairs of broad wings covered in microscopic scales, typically dull in color | 蛾 |
8 | eagerness | /ˈiːɡərnɪs/ | noun | enthusiasm to do or to have something; keenness | 渴望 |
9 | slang | /slæŋ/ | noun | informal words or expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language | 俚语 |
10 | alienate | /ˈeɪliəˌneɪt/ | verb | to cause someone to feel isolated or estranged | 疏远 |
11 | stereo | /ˈstɛrioʊ/ | noun | a sound system with speakers that reproduces sound from two or more independent audio channels | 立体声 |
12 | invert | /ɪnˈvɜːrt/ | verb | to put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement | 倒置 |
13 | geometric | /ˌdʒiːəˈmɛtrɪk/ | adj | of or relating to geometry, or according to its methods | 几何的 |
14 | wreath | /riːθ/ | noun | an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave | 花环 |
15 | award | /əˈwɔːrd/ | noun/verb | a prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement; to give such a prize | 奖;授予 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | rotational | /roʊˈteɪʃənl/ | adj | relating to or causing rotation | 旋转的 |
2 | setback | /ˈsɛtbæk/ | noun | a reversal or check in progress | 挫折 |
3 | fin | /fɪn/ | noun | a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates | 鳍 |
4 | federation | /ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən/ | noun | a group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs | 联邦 |
5 | pyjamas | /pəˈdʒɑːməz/ | noun | a suit of loose pants and jacket or shirt for sleeping in | 睡衣 |
6 | publication | /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən/ | noun | the preparation and issuing of a book, journal, or other work for public sale | 出版物 |
7 | canary | /kəˈnɛri/ | noun | a small, typically yellow bird that is often kept as a pet | 金丝雀 |
8 | snooker | /ˈsnuːkər/ | noun | a game played with cues on a table covered in green cloth, in which the players use a white ball to pocket the other balls | 斯诺克 |
9 | comparison | /kəmˈpærɪsən/ | noun | the act or instance of comparing | 比较 |
10 | tariff | /ˈtærɪf/ | noun | a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports | 关税 |
11 | strategy | /ˈstrætədʒi/ | noun | a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim | 策略 |
12 | brake | /breɪk/ | noun/verb | a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle; to make a moving vehicle slow down or stop by using a brake | 刹车 |
13 | modernize | /ˈmɒdənaɪz/ | verb | adapt to modern needs or habits, typically by installing modern equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods | 现代化 |
14 | maternal | /məˈtɜːrnəl/ | adj | relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth | 母亲的 |
15 | incompetent | /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ | adj | not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully | 无能的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | fuss | /fʌs/ | noun/verb | unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest; to show unnecessary excitement | 大惊小怪 |
2 | biographical | /ˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/ | adj | relating to the story of a person's life | 传记的 |
3 | conclusion | /kənˈkluːʒən/ | noun | the end or finish of an event, process, or text; a judgment or decision reached by reasoning | 结论 |
4 | undercover | /ˌʌndərˈkʌvər/ | adj/adv | involving secret work within a community or organization, especially for the purposes of police investigation or espionage | 秘密的;卧底的 |
5 | treaty | /ˈtriːti/ | noun | a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries | 条约 |
6 | densely | /ˈdɛnslɪ/ | adv | in a closely compacted or crowded manner; thickly | 密集地 |
7 | readiness | /ˈrɛdinɪs/ | noun | the state of being fully prepared for something | 准备就绪 |
8 | flannel | /ˈflænəl/ | noun | a kind of soft-woven fabric, typically made of wool or cotton and slightly milled and raised | 法兰绒 |
9 | temperament | /ˈtɛmpərəmənt/ | noun | a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior | 性情 |
10 | lid | /lɪd/ | noun | a removable or hinged cover for the top of a container | 盖子 |
11 | showdown | /ˈʃoʊdaʊn/ | noun | an event, especially a confrontation, that forces an issue to a conclusion | 摊牌 |
12 | triumphant | /traɪˈʌmfənt/ | adj | having won a battle or contest; victorious | 胜利的 |
13 | syllabus | /ˈsɪləbəs/ | noun | an outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching | 课程纲要 |
14 | fame | /feɪm/ | noun | the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements | 名声 |
15 | gray | /ɡreɪ/ | adj/noun | of a color intermediate between black and white; having a neutral tone | 灰色 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | reform | /rɪˈfɔːrm/ | verb/noun | make changes in something in order to improve it; the action of reforming | 改革 |
2 | coupon | /ˈkuːpɒn/ | noun | a voucher entitling the holder to a discount for a particular product | 优惠券 |
3 | musician | /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ | noun | a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession | 音乐家 |
4 | tumult | /ˈtjuːmʌlt/ | noun | a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people | 骚动 |
5 | conical | /ˈkɒnɪkəl/ | adj | having the shape of a cone | 圆锥形的 |
6 | generosity | /ˌdʒɛnəˈrɒsɪti/ | noun | the quality of being kind and generous | 慷慨 |
7 | intent | /ɪnˈtɛnt/ | noun/adj | intention or purpose; resolved or determined to do something | 意图;专注的 |
8 | asphalt | /ˈæsfælt/ | noun | a mixture of dark bituminous pitch with sand or gravel, used for surfacing roads | 沥青 |
9 | pastime | /ˈpɑːstaɪm/ | noun | an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby | 消遣 |
10 | enthusiastic | /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ | adj | having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval | 热情的 |
11 | imperialism | /ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪzəm/ | noun | a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force | 帝国主义 |
12 | stifle | /ˈstaɪfəl/ | verb | make someone unable to breathe properly; suffocate; restrain a reaction or stop oneself acting on an emotion | 扼杀 |
13 | earplug | /ˈɪəplʌɡ/ | noun | a piece of material that you put into your ear to keep out noise or water | 耳塞 |
14 | statesman | /ˈsteɪtsmən/ | noun | a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure | 政治家 |
15 | casino | /kəˈsiːnoʊ/ | noun | a public room or building where gambling games are played | 赌场 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | liable | /ˈlaɪəbl/ | adj | responsible by law; legally answerable | 有责任的;有义务的 |
2 | mere | /mɪər/ | adj | that is solely or no more or better than what is specified | 仅仅的;只不过的 |
3 | laughter | /ˈlæftər/ | noun | the action or sound of laughing | 笑声 |
4 | aborigine | /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪni/ | noun | a person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times | 土著居民 |
5 | dissident | /ˈdɪsɪdənt/ | noun | a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state | 持不同政见者 |
6 | maple | /ˈmeɪpl/ | noun | a tree or shrub with lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage | 枫树 |
7 | shiver | /ˈʃɪvər/ | verb | to shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited | 颤抖 |
8 | crafty | /ˈkræfti/ | adj | clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods | 狡猾的 |
9 | raw | /rɔː/ | adj | (of food) not cooked; in its natural state; not processed or refined | 生的;未加工的 |
10 | effusive | /ɪˈfjuːsɪv/ | adj | expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner | 热情洋溢的 |
11 | watershed | /ˈwɔːtərʃed/ | noun | an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas | 分水岭 |
12 | shady | /ˈʃeɪdi/ | adj | situated in or full of shade; giving shade | 阴凉的 |
13 | cot | /kɒt/ | noun | a small bed with high barred sides for a baby or very young child | 婴儿床 |
14 | cork | /kɔːrk/ | noun | a buoyant, light brown substance obtained from the outer layer of the bark of the cork oak | 软木 |
15 | despise | /dɪˈspaɪz/ | verb | feel contempt or a deep repugnance for | 鄙视 |
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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