英语背单词 专四词汇 2024年05月 ChatGPT
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | dissent | dɪˈsɛnt | verb/noun | to hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed; the expression or holding of such opinions | 异议;持不同意见 |
2 | buck | bʌk | noun/verb | a male deer; to resist or oppose something | 雄鹿;反抗 |
3 | wig | wɪɡ | noun | a covering for the head made of real or artificial hair, typically worn to conceal baldness or as part of a costume | 假发 |
4 | sickle | ˈsɪkəl | noun | a short-handled farming tool with a semicircular blade, used for cutting grain, lopping, or trimming | 镰刀 |
5 | disclosure | dɪsˈkloʊʒər | noun | the action of making new or secret information known | 披露 |
6 | impress | ɪmˈprɛs | verb | to make someone feel admiration and respect | 给人深刻印象 |
7 | botanical | bəˈtænɪkəl | adjective | relating to plants or plant life | 植物的 |
8 | scanner | ˈskænər | noun | a device for examining, reading, or monitoring something, in particular | 扫描仪 |
9 | glimmer | ˈɡlɪmər | noun/verb | a faint or wavering light; to shine faintly with a wavering light | 微光;闪烁 |
10 | plentiful | ˈplɛntɪfəl | adjective | existing in or yielding great quantities; abundant | 丰富的 |
11 | revolver | rɪˈvɒlvər | noun | a type of pistol with a revolving cylinder containing several chambers for bullets | 左轮手枪 |
12 | onion | ˈʌnjən | noun | a round vegetable with a brown, white, or red skin and many layers inside that has a strong flavor and smell | 洋葱 |
13 | telex | ˈtɛlɛks | noun | a communication system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive printed messages | 电传打字机 |
14 | boiler | ˈbɔɪlər | noun | a fuel-burning apparatus or container for heating water | 锅炉 |
15 | salon | səˈlɒn | noun | an establishment where a hairdresser, beautician, or couturier conducts business | 沙龙 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | pedlar | ˈpɛdlər | noun | a person who goes from place to place selling small goods | 小贩 |
2 | reactionary | riˈækʃəˌnɛri | adjective/noun | opposing political or social liberalization or reform; a person with such views | 反动的;反动分子 |
3 | antagonism | ænˈtæɡəˌnɪzəm | noun | active hostility or opposition | 敌对 |
4 | refusal | rɪˈfjuzəl | noun | the act of refusing something | 拒绝 |
5 | coma | ˈkoʊmə | noun | a state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period | 昏迷 |
6 | paradox | ˈpærəˌdɒks | noun | a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement that, when investigated, may prove to be well founded or true | 悖论 |
7 | funnel | ˈfʌnəl | noun/verb | a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom; to guide or channel something | 漏斗;引导 |
8 | bewilder | bɪˈwɪldər | verb | to cause someone to become perplexed and confused | 使困惑 |
9 | calculus | ˈkælkjʊləs | noun | the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions | 微积分 |
10 | subconscious | sʌbˈkɒnʃəs | adjective/noun | concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings | 潜意识的;潜意识 |
11 | inseparable | ɪnˈsɛprəbəl | adjective | unable to be separated or treated separately | 不可分割的 |
12 | distillation | ˌdɪstɪˈleɪʃən | noun | the action of purifying a liquid by a process of heating and cooling | 蒸馏 |
13 | depressing | dɪˈprɛsɪŋ | adjective | causing a feeling of sad and low spirits | 令人沮丧的 |
14 | insurer | ɪnˈʃʊrər | noun | a person or company that underwrites an insurance risk | 保险公司 |
15 | cane | keɪn | noun | the stem of a tall grass, especially bamboo or sugarcane, or a walking stick | 甘蔗;手杖 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | lighthouse | ˈlaɪthaʊs | noun | a tower with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators | 灯塔 |
2 | adore | əˈdɔːr | verb | to love and respect someone deeply | 崇拜;爱慕 |
3 | prune | pruːn | verb/noun | to trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches; a dried plum | 修剪;西梅干 |
4 | detector | dɪˈtɛktər | noun | a device or instrument designed to detect the presence of a particular object or substance | 探测器 |
5 | rehearsal | rɪˈhɜːrsəl | noun | a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance | 排练 |
6 | punctuation | ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃən | noun | the marks used in writing that separate sentences and their elements and clarify meaning | 标点符号 |
7 | gorge | ɡɔːrdʒ | noun/verb | a narrow valley between hills or mountains; to eat a large amount greedily | 峡谷;狼吞虎咽 |
8 | sift | sɪft | verb | to put (a fine or loose substance) through a sieve to remove lumps or large particles | 筛 |
9 | quantify | ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ | verb | to measure or express the amount of something | 量化 |
10 | Marxist | ˈmɑːrksɪst | adjective/noun | relating to the political and economic theories of Karl Marx; a follower of Marxism | 马克思主义的;马克思主义者 |
11 | sewage | ˈsuːɪdʒ | noun | waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers | 污水 |
12 | hexagon | ˈhɛksəɡɒn | noun | a six-sided polygon | 六边形 |
13 | grammatical | ɡrəˈmætɪkəl | adjective | relating to grammar or the rules of syntax | 语法的 |
14 | caption | ˈkæpʃən | noun | a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon, or poster | 标题;字幕 |
15 | creation | kriˈeɪʃən | noun | the action or process of bringing something into existence | 创造 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | lighthouse | ˈlaɪthaʊs | noun | a tower with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators | 灯塔 |
2 | adore | əˈdɔːr | verb | to love and respect someone deeply | 崇拜;爱慕 |
3 | prune | pruːn | verb/noun | to trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches; a dried plum | 修剪;西梅干 |
4 | detector | dɪˈtɛktər | noun | a device or instrument designed to detect the presence of a particular object or substance | 探测器 |
5 | rehearsal | rɪˈhɜːrsəl | noun | a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance | 排练 |
6 | punctuation | ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃən | noun | the marks used in writing that separate sentences and their elements and clarify meaning | 标点符号 |
7 | gorge | ɡɔːrdʒ | noun/verb | a narrow valley between hills or mountains; to eat a large amount greedily | 峡谷;狼吞虎咽 |
8 | sift | sɪft | verb | to put (a fine or loose substance) through a sieve to remove lumps or large particles | 筛 |
9 | quantify | ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ | verb | to measure or express the amount of something | 量化 |
10 | Marxist | ˈmɑːrksɪst | adjective/noun | relating to the political and economic theories of Karl Marx; a follower of Marxism | 马克思主义的;马克思主义者 |
11 | sewage | ˈsuːɪdʒ | noun | waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers | 污水 |
12 | hexagon | ˈhɛksəɡɒn | noun | a six-sided polygon | 六边形 |
13 | grammatical | ɡrəˈmætɪkəl | adjective | relating to grammar or the rules of syntax | 语法的 |
14 | caption | ˈkæpʃən | noun | a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon, or poster | 标题;字幕 |
15 | creation | kriˈeɪʃən | noun | the action or process of bringing something into existence | 创造 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | hound | haʊnd | noun/verb | a dog of a breed used for hunting; to harass or pursue relentlessly | 猎犬;追逼 |
2 | cookie | ˈkʊki | noun | a small sweet cake, typically round and flat | 饼干 |
3 | lantern | ˈlæntərn | noun | a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb | 灯笼 |
4 | devil | ˈdɛvəl | noun | (in Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan | 魔鬼 |
5 | sin | sɪn | noun/verb | an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law; to commit such an act | 罪;犯罪 |
6 | dung | dʌŋ | noun | the excrement of animals; manure | 粪便 |
7 | intercontinental | ˌɪntərkɒntɪˈnɛntəl | adjective | relating to or traveling between continents | 洲际的 |
8 | pharmacist | ˈfɑːrməsɪst | noun | a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs | 药剂师 |
9 | finding | ˈfaɪndɪŋ | noun | the action of finding someone or something; a conclusion reached after examination or investigation | 发现;调查结果 |
10 | gleam | ɡliːm | noun/verb | a faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something; to shine with a faint light | 微光;闪烁 |
11 | shudder | ˈʃʌdər | verb/noun | (of a person) to tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion; an act of shuddering | 颤抖;战栗 |
12 | bored | bɔːrd | adjective | feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity | 无聊的 |
13 | insulator | ˈɪnsəˌleɪtər | noun | a material or device that prevents the passage of heat or sound, or an electrical insulator that prevents the flow of electricity | 绝缘体 |
14 | bun | bʌn | noun | a small cake, typically one with dried fruit, or a rounded mass of hair or bread | 小圆面包;发髻 |
15 | lily | ˈlɪli | noun | a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers | 百合花 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | satire | ˈsætaɪər | noun | the use of humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize or mock | 讽刺 |
2 | lump | lʌmp | noun/verb | a compact mass of a substance; to put together indiscriminately | 块;成块 |
3 | martyr | ˈmɑːrtər | noun/verb | a person who is killed for their religious or other beliefs; to kill someone because of their beliefs | 烈士;使殉难 |
4 | revitalize | ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz | verb | to imbue something with new life and vitality | 使复活;使恢复生气 |
5 | partition | pɑːrˈtɪʃən | noun/verb | a division into pieces; to divide into parts | 分隔;分割 |
6 | slim | slɪm | adjective/verb | thin in an attractive way; to make oneself thinner | 苗条的;变苗条 |
7 | sinful | ˈsɪnfəl | adjective | wicked and immoral; committing or characterized by sin | 有罪的;罪孽深重的 |
8 | strategist | ˈstrætədʒɪst | noun | a person skilled in planning action or policy, especially in war or politics | 战略家 |
9 | quote | kwoʊt | verb/noun | to repeat or copy out words from a text or speech; a quotation from a text or speech | 引用;引述 |
10 | flute | fluːt | noun | a wind instrument made from a tube with holes that are stopped by the fingers or keys | 长笛 |
11 | sceptical | ˈskɛptɪkəl | adjective | not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations | 怀疑的 |
12 | calendar | ˈkælɪndər | noun | a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year | 日历 |
13 | hardback | ˈhɑːrdˌbæk | noun | a book bound in stiff covers | 精装书 |
14 | lavatory | ˈlævətɔːri | noun | a room or compartment with a toilet and washbasin; a bathroom | 厕所;洗手间 |
15 | multinational | ˌmʌltiˈnæʃənəl | adjective/noun | including or involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities; a company operating in several countries | 多国的;跨国公司 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | suicidal | ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdəl | adjective | deeply unhappy or depressed and likely to commit suicide | 自杀的;自杀倾向的 |
2 | smash | smæʃ | verb/noun | to break (something) into pieces suddenly, noisily, and violently; a sound of something breaking into pieces | 打碎;粉碎 |
3 | antenna | ænˈtɛnə | noun | a rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals | 天线 |
4 | dominion | dəˈmɪnjən | noun | sovereignty; control; the territory of a sovereign or government | 统治;领土 |
5 | complacency | kəmˈpleɪsənsi | noun | a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements | 自满;自鸣得意 |
6 | heave | hiːv | verb/noun | to lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort; an act of heaving, especially a strong pull | 举起;抛;起伏 |
7 | hypocritical | ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkəl | adjective | behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case | 虚伪的;伪善的 |
8 | dissolution | ˌdɪsəˈluːʃən | noun | the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body | 解散;溶解 |
9 | incidence | ˈɪnsɪdəns | noun | the occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or other undesirable thing | 发生率;影响范围 |
10 | phobia | ˈfəʊbiə | noun | an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something | 恐惧症;厌恶 |
11 | watertight | ˈwɔːtətaɪt | adjective | closely sealed, fastened, or fitted so that no water enters or passes through | 防水的;无懈可击的 |
12 | duel | ˈdjuːəl | noun/verb | a prearranged combat between two people, usually fought with deadly weapons; to engage in such a fight | 决斗;进行决斗 |
13 | guillotine | ˈɡɪləˌtiːn | noun/verb | a machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people; to behead using this device | 断头台;用断头台处决 |
14 | fractional | ˈfrækʃənəl | adjective | relating to or expressed as a fraction, especially a small part | 部分的;分数的 |
15 | pickpocket | ˈpɪkˌpɒkɪt | noun/verb | a person who steals from other people's pockets; to steal from someone's pocket | 扒手;扒窃 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | lichen | ˈlaɪkən | noun | a simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a low crusty, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees | 地衣 |
2 | magnet | ˈmæɡnɪt | noun | a piece of iron or other material that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, such as attracting other iron-containing objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field | 磁铁 |
3 | tile | taɪl | noun | a thin rectangular slab of baked clay or other material, used in overlapping rows for covering roofs or floors | 瓷砖;瓦片 |
4 | pedestrian | pəˈdɛstriən | noun/adjective | a person walking rather than traveling in a vehicle; lacking inspiration or excitement; dull | 行人;乏味的 |
5 | apron | ˈeɪprən | noun | a protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied around the back, typically worn while working in the kitchen or at a job that may dirty one's clothes | 围裙 |
6 | drizzle | ˈdrɪzəl | noun/verb | light rain falling in very fine drops; to rain lightly | 毛毛雨;下毛毛雨 |
7 | fiancée | fiˈɒnseɪ | noun | a woman to whom someone is engaged to be married | 未婚妻 |
8 | macho | ˈmɑːʧəʊ | adjective | having or characterized by qualities considered manly, especially when manifested in an assertive or aggressive manner | 大男子主义的 |
9 | suspension | səˈspɛnʃən | noun | the action of suspending someone or something or the condition of being suspended | 暂停;悬浮 |
10 | shortcoming | ˈʃɔːtˌkʌmɪŋ | noun | a fault or failure to meet a certain standard, typically in a person's character, a plan, or a system | 缺点;短处 |
11 | tradesman | ˈtreɪdzmən | noun | a person engaged in trading or a skilled worker | 商人;工匠 |
12 | linear | ˈlɪnɪər | adjective | arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line | 线性的 |
13 | detain | dɪˈteɪn | verb | to keep (someone) from proceeding; hold back | 扣留;拘留 |
14 | psychologist | saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst | noun | an expert or specialist in psychology | 心理学家 |
15 | robe | rəʊb | noun | a long, loose outer garment | 长袍 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | petty | ˈpɛti | adjective | of little importance; trivial | 琐碎的;小气的 |
2 | revenge | rɪˈvɛnʤ | noun/verb | the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands; to inflict such harm | 报复;复仇 |
3 | nappy | ˈnæpi | noun | a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to absorb and retain urine and feces | 尿布 |
4 | unemployment | ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt | noun | the state of being without a paid job despite being willing to work | 失业 |
5 | larva | ˈlɑːrvə | noun | the active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa | 幼虫 |
6 | diesel | ˈdiːzəl | noun | an internal combustion engine in which heat produced by the compression of air in the cylinder is used to ignite the fuel; a vehicle powered by a diesel engine | 柴油;柴油机 |
7 | burglary | ˈbɜːɡləri | noun | the crime of entering a building unlawfully with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property | 入室盗窃 |
8 | impulsive | ɪmˈpʌlsɪv | adjective | acting or done without forethought | 冲动的 |
9 | prosecution | ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃən | noun | the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge | 起诉 |
10 | locust | ˈləʊkəst | noun | a large, mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight | 蝗虫 |
11 | deceit | dɪˈsiːt | noun | the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth | 欺骗 |
12 | diploma | dɪˈpləʊmə | noun | a certificate awarded by an educational establishment to show that someone has successfully completed a course of study | 文凭 |
13 | corridor | ˈkɒrɪdɔːr | noun | a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms | 走廊 |
14 | disclose | dɪsˈkləʊz | verb | to make (secret or new information) known | 透露;揭露 |
15 | insensitive | ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv | adjective | showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings | 不敏感的;麻木不仁的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | reduction | rɪˈdʌkʃən | noun | the action or fact of making something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size | 减少;缩小 |
2 | quake | kweɪk | noun/verb | a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction; to shake or tremble | 地震;震动 |
3 | transit | ˈtrænsɪt | noun/verb | the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another; to pass across or through | 运输;经过 |
4 | endow | ɛnˈdaʊ | verb | to provide with a quality, ability, or asset | 赋予;捐赠 |
5 | triangular | traɪˈæŋɡjələr | adjective | shaped like a triangle; having three sides and three corners | 三角形的 |
6 | paw | pɔː | noun/verb | the foot of an animal that has claws or nails; to touch or handle clumsily | 爪子;抓 |
7 | calligraphy | kəˈlɪɡrəfi | noun | decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering | 书法 |
8 | dissent | dɪˈsɛnt | noun/verb | the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held; to hold or express such opinions | 异议;持异议 |
9 | dwindle | ˈdwɪndl | verb | to diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength | 减少;缩小 |
10 | best-seller | ˌbɛstˈsɛlər | noun | a book or other product that sells in very large numbers | 畅销书 |
11 | Dutch | dʌtʃ | adjective/noun | relating to the Netherlands or its people or language; the people of the Netherlands | 荷兰的;荷兰人 |
12 | ace | eɪs | noun | a playing card with a single spot on it, ranked as the highest card in its suit; a person who excels at a particular sport or other activity | 王牌;高手 |
13 | growl | ɡraʊl | verb/noun | to make a low guttural sound in the throat, typically as a sign of hostility; a low guttural sound made in the throat | 咆哮;低吼 |
14 | filth | fɪlθ | noun | disgusting dirt; obscene and offensive language or printed material | 污秽;下流话 |
15 | contest | ˈkɒntɛst | noun/verb | an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity; to engage in a competition or dispute | 比赛;争论 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | metropolis | mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs | noun | a very large and densely populated industrial and commercial city | 大都市 |
2 | despot | ˈdɛspɒt | noun | a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way | 暴君;专制者 |
3 | groundwork | ˈɡraʊndwɜːrk | noun | preliminary or basic work or research | 基础工作 |
4 | unconditional | ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl | adjective | not subject to any conditions | 无条件的 |
5 | baseball | ˈbeɪsbɔːl | noun | a ball game played between two teams of nine on a field with a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases | 棒球 |
6 | athletics | æθˈlɛtɪks | noun | physical sports and games of any kind | 体育运动 |
7 | kit | kɪt | noun | a set of articles or equipment needed for a specific purpose | 装备;工具箱 |
8 | successor | səkˈsɛsər | noun | a person or thing that succeeds another | 继任者 |
9 | cactus | ˈkæktəs | noun | a type of plant that typically grows in deserts and has thick, fleshy stems that store water | 仙人掌 |
10 | affix | əˈfɪks | verb/noun | to attach or stick something to something else; an element placed at the beginning or end of a root word to modify its meaning | 附加;词缀 |
11 | dispose | dɪˈspəʊz | verb | to get rid of something, typically by throwing it away | 处理;处置 |
12 | outer | ˈaʊtər | adjective | situated on or toward the outside | 外部的;外面的 |
13 | investor | ɪnˈvɛstər | noun | a person who puts money into a financial scheme, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit | 投资者 |
14 | manly | ˈmænli | adjective | having qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength and bravery | 男子气概的 |
15 | swindler | ˈswɪndlər | noun | a person who uses deception to deprive someone of money or possessions | 骗子 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | poison | ˈpɔɪzən | noun/verb | a substance that can cause death or harm if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed; to administer poison to someone or something | 毒药;毒害 |
2 | ammunition | ˌæmjʊˈnɪʃən | noun | a supply of bullets, shells, missiles, etc., for use in guns or other weapons | 弹药 |
3 | limousine | ˌlɪməˈziːn | noun | a large, luxurious automobile, typically driven by a chauffeur | 豪华轿车 |
4 | dial | ˈdaɪəl | noun/verb | the face of a clock or watch that is marked to show units of time; to operate a phone or other device by rotating a dial or pushing buttons | 刻度盘;拨号 |
5 | legislative | ˈlɛdʒɪˌsleɪtɪv | adjective | having the power to make laws | 立法的 |
6 | vigilant | ˈvɪdʒɪlənt | adjective | keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties | 警惕的 |
7 | stench | stɛntʃ | noun | a strong and very unpleasant smell | 恶臭 |
8 | jealous | ˈdʒɛləs | adjective | feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages | 嫉妒的 |
9 | dummy | ˈdʌmi | noun/adjective | a model or replica of a human being; not real, serving as a substitute | 假人;仿制品 |
10 | muddy | ˈmʌdi | adjective/verb | covered in or full of mud; to make something dirty with mud | 泥泞的;弄脏 |
11 | grin | ɡrɪn | verb/noun | to smile broadly, often showing teeth; a broad smile | 咧嘴笑 |
12 | untie | ʌnˈtaɪ | verb | to unfasten or undo something that is tied or fastened | 解开 |
13 | competitor | kəmˈpɛtɪtər | noun | a person who takes part in a contest or competition | 竞争者 |
14 | abbey | ˈæbi | noun | a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns | 修道院 |
15 | resume | rɪˈzuːm | verb | to begin again or continue after a pause or interruption | 继续 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | brotherhood | ˈbrʌðərˌhʊd | noun | the relationship between brothers; an association or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade | 兄弟关系;手足情 |
2 | arrogance | ˈærəɡəns | noun | an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions | 傲慢;自大 |
3 | gender | ˈdʒɛndər | noun | the state of being male or female, typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones | 性别 |
4 | contestant | kənˈtɛstənt | noun | a person who takes part in a contest or competition | 参赛者 |
5 | squadron | ˈskwɒdrən | noun | an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them | 中队 |
6 | affirmative | əˈfɜːrmətɪv | adjective/noun | agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request; a statement of agreement or consent | 肯定的;肯定 |
7 | banker | ˈbæŋkər | noun | a person who manages or owns a bank or group of banks | 银行家 |
8 | ambulance | ˈæmbjələns | noun | a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital | 救护车 |
9 | brag | bræɡ | verb/noun | to talk about one's achievements or possessions in a proud way; an act of boasting | 吹嘘;自夸 |
10 | hoist | hɔɪst | verb/noun | to raise or lift something, especially by using ropes or machinery; an act of raising or lifting something | 提升;吊起 |
11 | topple | ˈtɒpəl | verb | to fall forward; to cause something to fall | 倒下;推翻 |
12 | stall | stɔːl | noun/verb | a compartment for one domestic animal in a barn or shed; to stop or cause to stop making progress | 货摊;熄火 |
13 | polo | ˈpəʊləʊ | noun | a game of Eastern origin resembling field hockey, played on horseback with a long-handled mallet | 马球 |
14 | footwear | ˈfʊtwɛər | noun | wearing apparel (such as shoes or boots) for the feet | 鞋类 |
15 | worm | wɜːrm | noun | a long, thin, soft-bodied animal without legs, typically living in soil | 蠕虫 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | slaughter | ˈslɔːtər | noun/verb | the killing of animals for food; to kill animals for food | 屠宰;屠杀 |
2 | aesthetics | iːsˈθɛtɪks | noun | a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty | 美学;审美学 |
3 | whisky | ˈwɪski | noun | a spirit distilled from malted grain, especially barley or rye | 威士忌 |
4 | elevation | ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃən | noun | the height of a place above sea level; an elevated place or position | 高度;海拔 |
5 | napkin | ˈnæpkɪn | noun | a piece of cloth or paper used at meals to wipe the mouth and hands | 餐巾 |
6 | firsthand | ˈfɜːstˌhænd | adjective/adverb | obtained directly from an original source | 第一手的;直接的 |
7 | snack | snæk | noun/verb | a small amount of food eaten between meals; to eat a small amount of food | 小吃;点心;吃点心 |
8 | underprivileged | ˌʌndərˈprɪvɪlɪdʒd | adjective | not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society | 贫困的;弱势的 |
9 | pursuit | pərˈsuːt | noun | the action of following or pursuing someone or something; an activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or athletic one | 追求;追赶 |
10 | mute | mjuːt | adjective/noun | silent; unable to speak; a person who is unable to speak | 哑的;哑巴 |
11 | exhibitor | ɪɡˈzɪbɪtər | noun | a person who displays works of art or other items of interest at an exhibition | 展出者;参展商 |
12 | therapy | ˈθɛrəpi | noun | treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder | 治疗;疗法 |
13 | peddle | ˈpɛdəl | verb | to sell goods, especially by traveling from place to place | 兜售;叫卖 |
14 | aristocracy | ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi | noun | the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices | 贵族;贵族阶层 |
15 | dairy | ˈdɛri | noun | a building, room, or establishment for the storage, processing, and distribution of milk and milk products | 乳品店;乳制品 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | trio | ˈtriːəʊ | noun | a group or set of three people or things | 三重奏;三人组 |
2 | deli | ˈdɛli | noun | a store selling cold cuts, cheeses, and a variety of salads, as well as a selection of unusual or foreign prepared foods | 熟食店 |
3 | echo | ˈɛkəʊ | noun/verb | a sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener; to repeat or reverberate after the original sound has stopped | 回声;重复 |
4 | authoritative | ɔːˈθɒrɪtətɪv | adjective | able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable | 权威的;可信的 |
5 | preparatory | prɪˈparətəri | adjective | serving as or carrying out preparation for a task or undertaking | 预备的;准备的 |
6 | prior | ˈpraɪər | adjective | existing or coming before in time, order, or importance | 先前的;优先的 |
7 | bureaucracy | bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi | noun | a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives | 官僚主义;官僚机构 |
8 | ale | eɪl | noun | a type of beer with a bitter flavor and higher alcoholic content | 麦芽酒 |
9 | sarcasm | ˈsɑːkazəm | noun | the use of irony to mock or convey contempt | 讽刺;挖苦 |
10 | sling | slɪŋ | verb/noun | to throw or drop something carelessly; a flexible strap or belt used in the form of a loop to support or raise a hanging weight | 投掷;吊带 |
11 | poetic | pəʊˈɛtɪk | adjective | relating to or used in poetry; having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression | 诗意的;诗歌的 |
12 | villa | ˈvɪlə | noun | a large and luxurious country house in its own grounds | 别墅 |
13 | ivory | ˈaɪvəri | noun | a hard, white material from the tusks (traditionally elephants) and teeth of animals | 象牙 |
14 | emphatic | ɪmˈfætɪk | adjective | showing or giving emphasis; expressing something forcibly and clearly | 强调的;显著的 |
15 | pension | ˈpɛnʃən | noun | a regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to some widows and disabled people | 养老金;退休金 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | expense | ɪkˈspɛns | noun | the cost incurred in or required for something | 费用;花费 |
2 | vitamin | ˈvɪtəmɪn | noun | any of a group of organic compounds essential for normal growth and nutrition, usually required in small quantities in the diet | 维生素 |
3 | lamb | læm | noun | a young sheep; the flesh of a young sheep used as food | 羔羊;羊肉 |
4 | habitation | ˌhæbɪˈteɪʃən | noun | the state or process of living in a particular place; a place of residence | 居住;住所 |
5 | pigeon | ˈpɪdʒən | noun | a stout seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice | 鸽子 |
6 | bacon | ˈbeɪkən | noun | cured meat from the back or sides of a pig | 咸肉;培根 |
7 | auction | ˈɔːkʃən | noun/verb | a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder; to sell something at an auction | 拍卖;拍卖会 |
8 | executioner | ˌɛksɪˈkjuːʃənər | noun | an official who carries out a sentence of death on a legally condemned person | 刽子手;死刑执行人 |
9 | per | pər | preposition | for each (used with units to express a rate) | 每;每一 |
10 | reservation | ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃən | noun | an arrangement to secure accommodations; a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely | 预订;保留意见 |
11 | ponder | ˈpɒndər | verb | to think about something carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion | 仔细考虑;思考 |
12 | idealism | aɪˈdɪəlɪzəm | noun | the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically; the representation of things in ideal or idealized form | 理想主义 |
13 | sumo | ˈsuːmoʊ | noun | a Japanese form of heavyweight wrestling | 相扑 |
14 | comedy | ˈkɒmədi | noun | a genre of dramatic works intended to be humorous or amusing | 喜剧 |
15 | capsule | ˈkæpsəl | noun | a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one; a shell enclosing a dose of medicine | 胶囊;容器 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | nevertheless | ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs | adverb | in spite of that; notwithstanding | 尽管如此;然而 |
2 | comma | ˈkɒmə | noun | a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence or separating items in a list | 逗号 |
3 | Spaniard | ˈspanjəd | noun | a native or inhabitant of Spain | 西班牙人 |
4 | cereal | ˈsɪərɪəl | noun | a grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn; a breakfast food made from roasted grain | 谷物;麦片 |
5 | cellar | ˈsɛlə | noun | a room below ground level in a house, typically one used for storing wine or coal | 地下室;地窖 |
6 | chestnut | ˈtʃɛsnʌt | noun | a large, rounded brown nut that comes from a large tree with serrated leaves | 栗子;栗树 |
7 | bookshelf | ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf | noun | a shelf on which books can be stored | 书架 |
8 | attentive | əˈtɛntɪv | adjective | paying close attention to something; alert or observant | 注意的;留心的 |
9 | sneer | snɪə | verb/noun | to smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner; a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone | 嘲笑;冷笑 |
10 | salmon | ˈsamən | noun | a large fish with pink flesh that is commonly eaten as food | 三文鱼;鲑鱼 |
11 | occupational | ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃənl | adjective | relating to a job or profession | 职业的 |
12 | prostitute | ˈprɒstɪtjuːt | noun | a person, typically a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment | 妓女;娼妓 |
13 | ballot | ˈbælət | noun/verb | a process of voting, in writing and typically in secret; to vote by ballot | 选票;投票 |
14 | worthwhile | ˈwəːθˌwʌɪl | adjective | worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance | 值得的;有价值的 |
15 | sprinkle | ˈsprɪŋkəl | verb/noun | to scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over an object or surface; a small amount of a substance scattered or poured | 撒;洒;少量 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | bridegroom | ˈbraɪdɡruːm | noun | a man on his wedding day or just before and after the event | 新郎 |
2 | pretext | ˈpriːtɛkst | noun | a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason | 借口;托辞 |
3 | ambassador | æmˈbæsədər | noun | an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country | 大使;使节 |
4 | negotiate | nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt | verb | to try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others | 谈判;协商 |
5 | photography | fəˈtɒɡrəfi | noun | the art or practice of taking and processing photographs | 摄影;摄影术 |
6 | feminine | ˈfɛmɪnɪn | adjective | having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women | 女性的;女人味的 |
7 | mixer | ˈmɪksər | noun | a machine or device for mixing things, especially an electrical appliance for mixing foods | 混合器;搅拌机 |
8 | sonnet | ˈsɒnɪt | noun | a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes | 十四行诗 |
9 | pat | pæt | verb/noun | to touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand; a light tap | 轻拍;轻打 |
10 | mole | məʊl | noun | a small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur; a spy who achieves over a long period an important place within the security defences of a country | 鼹鼠;内奸 |
11 | queer | kwɪər | adjective | strange; odd; sometimes used as a slang term for homosexual | 奇怪的;同性恋的 |
12 | snobbish | ˈsnɒbɪʃ | adjective | relating to, characteristic of, or like a snob; having or showing the attitude of people who think they are better than others | 势利的;自命不凡的 |
13 | spanner | ˈspænər | noun | a tool with a shaped opening or jaws for gripping and turning a nut or bolt | 扳手;螺丝扳手 |
14 | inhale | ɪnˈheɪl | verb | to breathe in air, gas, smoke, etc. | 吸入;吸气 |
15 | limp | lɪmp | verb/adjective | to walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot; lacking internal strength or structure | 跛行;柔软的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | meantime | ˈmiːntaɪm | noun/adverb | the intervening time; in the meantime | 期间;其间 |
2 | congruent | ˈkɒŋɡruːənt | adjective | in agreement or harmony; corresponding or consistent | 相符的;一致的 |
3 | jot | dʒɒt | verb/noun | to write briefly or hastily; a small amount of something | 匆匆记下;少量 |
4 | substance | ˈsʌbstəns | noun | a particular kind of matter with uniform properties; the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence | 物质;实质 |
5 | stake | steɪk | noun/verb | a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a plant, form part of a fence, mark a boundary, etc.; to support financially | 标桩;赌注 |
6 | reference | ˈrɛf(ə)rəns | noun/verb | the action of mentioning or alluding to something; a mention or citation of a source of information | 参考;参照 |
7 | romanticism | rəʊˈmæntɪsɪzəm | noun | a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual | 浪漫主义;浪漫精神 |
8 | evergreen | ˈɛvəˌɡriːn | adjective/noun | (of a plant) having green leaves throughout the entire year; a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year | 常青的;常绿植物 |
9 | explanatory | ɪksˈplænəˌtɔːri | adjective | serving to explain; explanatory notes or comments | 解释性的;说明性的 |
10 | informant | ɪnˈfɔːmənt | noun | a person who provides information to the authorities | 通知者;情报提供者 |
11 | stylistic | staɪˈlɪstɪk | adjective | relating to or characterized by style, especially in art, literature, or fashion | 风格的;文体的 |
12 | howl | haʊl | verb/noun | to make a loud wailing cry; a long, loud, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf | 嚎叫;咆哮 |
13 | melt | mɛlt | verb/noun | to change from a solid to a liquid state as a result of heat; the process or result of melting | 融化;熔化 |
14 | dike | daɪk | noun/verb | a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea; to drain or irrigate land with a dike | 堤坝;筑堤 |
15 | uranium | juˈreɪniəm | noun | the chemical element of atomic number 92, a dense gray radioactive metal used as a fuel in nuclear reactors | 铀 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | deaf | dɛf | adjective | lacking the power of hearing; unable to hear | 聋的 |
2 | likelihood | ˈlaɪklɪhʊd | noun | the state or fact of something being likely; probability or chance | 可能性;可能 |
3 | bureaucrat | ˈbjʊərəkræt | noun | an official in a government department, typically one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs | 官僚;官僚主义者 |
4 | frosty | ˈfrɒsti | adjective | very cold with frost; unfriendly or aloof in manner | 冰冷的;冷淡的 |
5 | slot | slɒt | noun/verb | a narrow, elongated hole or groove; to fit (something) into a slot or slots | 槽;插槽 |
6 | allot | əˈlɒt | verb | to give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task | 分配;分派 |
7 | soak | səʊk | verb/noun | to make or allow something to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid; an act of immersing something in liquid for a period of time | 浸泡;浸泡时间 |
8 | lunatic | ˈluːnətɪk | noun/adjective | a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish, or unpredictable; extremely foolish or eccentric | 疯子;疯狂的 |
9 | sharpener | ˈʃɑːpnər | noun | a device or tool used for sharpening pencils or other cutting tools | 磨刀器;铅笔刀 |
10 | notion | ˈnəʊʃən | noun | a conception or belief about something; an impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind | 概念;观念 |
11 | foundation | faʊnˈdeɪʃən | noun | the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level; an underlying basis or principle for something | 基础;基金会 |
12 | hereditary | həˈrɛdɪtəri | adjective | passed on from parent to child; inherited by offspring from their parents | 遗传的;世袭的 |
13 | aggression | əˈɡrɛʃən | noun | hostile or violent behavior or attitudes; readiness to attack or confront | 侵略;攻击 |
14 | delinquency | dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi | noun | minor crime, especially that committed by young people; a tendency to commit minor crimes | 不良行为;犯罪行为 |
15 | delightful | dɪˈlaɪtfʊl | adjective | causing delight; charming, very pleasant, or attractive | 令人愉快的;可喜的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | cockroach | ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ | noun | a large brown insect that is sometimes found in warm buildings and is considered a pest | 蟑螂 |
2 | parlor | ˈpɑːlə | noun | a sitting room in a private house; a store or business providing specified goods or services | 客厅;店铺 |
3 | janitor | ˈdʒænɪtə | noun | a person employed as a caretaker of a building; a custodian | 看门人;管理员 |
4 | chuckle | ˈtʃʌkəl | verb/noun | to laugh quietly or to oneself; a quiet or suppressed laugh | 轻笑;咯咯笑 |
5 | reluctance | rɪˈlʌktəns | noun | unwillingness or disinclination to do something | 不情愿;勉强 |
6 | serenity | səˈrɛnɪti | noun | the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled | 宁静;安详 |
7 | flap | flæp | noun/verb | a thin piece of material attached at one side only and used to cover or close something; to move (something) up and down or back and forth | 拍打;振动 |
8 | faulty | ˈfɔːlti | adjective | having defects or errors; not perfect or functioning correctly | 有缺陷的;有错误的 |
9 | sniff | snɪf | verb/noun | to inhale air audibly through the nose to detect a smell or to stop it from running; an act or sound of sniffing | 嗅;抽鼻子 |
10 | invaluable | ɪnˈvæljʊəbl | adjective | extremely useful; indispensable | 无价的;非常宝贵的 |
11 | mosque | mɒsk | noun | a Muslim place of worship, typically with a domed roof and a minaret | 清真寺;回教寺 |
12 | halting | ˈhɔːltɪŋ | adjective | hesitant or faltering in speech or action; showing uncertainty or doubt | 犹豫的;踌躇的 |
13 | kaleidoscope | kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp | noun | a toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and pieces of colored glass or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated | 万花筒 |
14 | funfair | ˈfʌnfeə | noun | an outdoor event featuring fairground rides and entertainment | 游乐场;庙会 |
15 | briefing | ˈbriːfɪŋ | noun | a meeting for giving information or instructions | 简报;简讯 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | freezer | ˈfriːzər | noun | a large container, typically made of metal, that is kept very cold and is used to freeze food for storage | 冷冻箱;冷藏库 |
2 | pendent | ˈpɛndənt | adjective/noun | hanging down; a piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn around the neck | 悬挂的;吊坠 |
3 | bless | blɛs | verb | to confer or invoke divine favor upon; to make the sign of the cross over someone or something | 祝福;保佑 |
4 | grave | ɡreɪv | noun/adjective | a place of burial for a dead body, typically a hole dug in the ground and marked by a stone or mound; serious or solemn | 坟墓;严重的 |
5 | Buddhism | ˈbʊdɪzəm | noun | a religion or philosophy based on the teachings of Buddha, characterized by the belief in karma and reincarnation | 佛教;佛法 |
6 | recurrence | rɪˈkʌrəns | noun | the fact of occurring again; a repeated occurrence | 复发;重复出现 |
7 | suntan | ˈsʌntæn | noun/verb | a brown coloration of the skin caused by exposure to the sun's rays; to tan (the skin) | 晒黑;日晒 |
8 | malady | ˈmælədi | noun | a disease or ailment; a serious problem or condition | 疾病;病痛 |
9 | bough | baʊ | noun | a main branch of a tree | 大树枝;主干 |
10 | pornography | pɔːˈnɒɡrəfi | noun | printed or visual material containing explicit descriptions or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement | 色情作品;淫秽书刊 |
11 | pious | ˈpaɪəs | adjective | devoutly religious; making a hypocritical display of virtue | 虔诚的;伪善的 |
12 | rhyme | raɪm | noun/verb | correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry | 押韵;韵脚 |
13 | destined | ˈdɛstɪnd | adjective | intended for or traveling to a specific destination; certain to happen; fated | 命中注定的;预定的 |
14 | disarm | dɪsˈɑːm | verb | to take weapons away from; to remove the fuse from (a bomb) | 缴械;解除武装 |
15 | inference | ˈɪnfərəns | noun | a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning | 推断;推论 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | optimism | ˈɒptɪmɪzəm | noun | hopefulness and confidence about the future | 乐观;乐观主义 |
2 | erase | ɪˈreɪs | verb | to remove or obliterate (written or drawn marks) | 擦掉;抹去 |
3 | versus | ˈvɜːrsəs | preposition | against; in contrast to | 对;相对 |
4 | unrest | ʌnˈrɛst | noun | a state of dissatisfaction or disturbance in a society | 动乱;不安 |
5 | jerk | dʒɜːrk | noun/verb | a quick, sudden movement; to make a quick, sudden movement | 突然动作;猛地移动 |
6 | anchor | ˈæŋkər | noun/verb | a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom; to secure firmly in position | 锚;主播 |
7 | bellow | ˈbɛləʊ | verb | to emit a deep, loud roar, typically in pain or anger | 咆哮;怒吼 |
8 | rebuff | rɪˈbʌf | noun/verb | a rejection of an offer or suggestion; to reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner | 断然拒绝;回绝 |
9 | admirable | ˈædmərəbl | adjective | deserving respect and approval; worthy of admiration | 值得赞美的;可钦佩的 |
10 | melon | ˈmɛlən | noun | the large round fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with sweet pulpy flesh and many seeds | 瓜;甜瓜 |
11 | dazzle | ˈdæzəl | verb | to impress or astonish (someone) greatly | 使目眩;使赞叹 |
12 | gathering | ˈɡaðərɪŋ | noun | an assembly or meeting, especially one for social or cultural purposes | 聚会;集会 |
13 | comedian | kəˈmiːdiən | noun | a person who entertains audiences by acting, telling jokes, or performing comedy routines | 喜剧演员;滑稽演员 |
14 | uproar | ˈʌprɔːr | noun | a loud and impassioned noise or disturbance | 喧哗;骚动 |
15 | airliner | ˈɛəlaɪnər | noun | a large passenger aircraft operated by an airline | 客机;航班 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | emperor | ˈɛmpərər | noun | a sovereign ruler of an empire; a male monarch of a major territorial unit | 皇帝;君主 |
2 | hedge | hɛdʒ | noun/verb | a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs; to limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions | 树篱;避免冒险 |
3 | whisker | ˈwɪskər | noun | any of the long, stiff hairs growing on the face of a cat, mouse, or other mammal | 髭;毛须 |
4 | revolve | rɪˈvɒlv | verb | to move in a circular orbit around a central point; to cause to move in a circular orbit | 旋转;转动 |
5 | dewdrop | ˈdjuːdrɒp | noun | a drop of dew | 露珠;露滴 |
6 | essay | ˈɛseɪ | noun/verb | a short piece of writing on a particular subject; to attempt or try | 散文;论文 |
7 | obvious | ˈɒbvɪəs | adjective | easily perceived or understood; clear, apparent, or self-evident | 明显的;显而易见的 |
8 | fearful | ˈfɪərfʊl | adjective | feeling afraid or anxious; causing fear or apprehension | 可怕的;害怕的 |
9 | slacken | ˈslækən | verb | to make or become slack; to slow down or lessen in intensity | 放慢;松弛 |
10 | sardine | sɑːrˈdiːn | noun | a small oily fish of the herring family, often canned and preserved in oil | 沙丁鱼;沙丁鱼罐头 |
11 | burial | ˈbɛriəl | noun | the action or practice of interring a dead body; the act of burying something | 埋葬;葬礼 |
12 | album | ˈælbəm | noun | a blank book for the insertion of photographs, stamps, or pictures; a collection of recordings issued as a single item | 相册;专辑 |
13 | rotary | ˈrəʊtəri | adjective/noun | moving in a circle; an organization or club where the members take turns to hold various offices or positions | 旋转的;轮换的 |
14 | scooter | ˈskuːtər | noun | a small motor vehicle with a platform for the feet and handlebars for steering | 滑板车;摩托车 |
15 | peril | ˈpɛrəl | noun | serious and immediate danger; exposure to the risk of harm or loss | 危险;风险 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | overhear | ˌoʊvərˈhɪər | verb | to hear (something said by someone else) accidentally or without the speaker's intention | 碰巧听到;偷听 |
2 | blockade | ˈblɒkədeɪd | noun/verb | an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving; to seal off a place to prevent access | 封锁;阻塞 |
3 | eardrum | ˈɪərdrʌm | noun | a membrane of the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves | 鼓膜;耳膜 |
4 | butt | bʌt | noun/verb | the thicker end of something, especially a tool or a weapon; to hit (someone or something) with the head or horns | 粗端;用头或角撞击 |
5 | connexion | kəˈnɛkʃən | noun | a relationship or association; the action of joining or connecting | 联系;连接 |
6 | hobby | ˈhɒbi | noun | an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure | 爱好;业余爱好 |
7 | embark | ɪmˈbɑːrk | verb | to board a ship, aircraft, or vehicle; to begin (a course of action) | 登船;开始 |
8 | pact | pækt | noun | a formal agreement between individuals or parties | 协议;条约 |
9 | firearm | ˈfaɪərɑːm | noun | a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun | 火器;枪械 |
10 | extremist | ɪkˈstriːmɪst | noun/adjective | a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or disruptive action | 极端分子;极端主义的 |
11 | concern | kənˈsɜːrn | noun/verb | a matter of interest or importance to someone; to cause worry or anxiety to | 关心;担忧 |
12 | federal | ˈfɛdərəl | adjective | relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs | 联邦的;联邦制的 |
13 | spearhead | ˈspɪərhɛd | noun/verb | the leading part or vanguard of a military force or an action; to lead or initiate (an attack or action) | 矛头;带头 |
14 | armament | ˈɑːrməmənt | noun | military weapons and equipment | 军备;武器装备 |
15 | envoy | ˈɛnvɔɪ | noun | a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission | 使者;外交使节 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | aural | ˈɔːrəl | adjective | relating to the sense of hearing | 听觉的;听力的 |
2 | hatred | ˈheɪtrɪd | noun | intense dislike or ill will towards someone or something | 憎恶;仇恨 |
3 | obstinate | ˈɒbstɪnət | adjective | stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action | 固执的;顽固的 |
4 | olive | ˈɒlɪv | noun/adjective | a small oval fruit with a hard pit and bitter flesh; of a grayish-green or yellowish-green color | 橄榄;橄榄色的 |
5 | annoyance | əˈnɔɪəns | noun | the feeling or state of being annoyed; something or someone that causes irritation or displeasure | 烦恼;恼怒 |
6 | stress | strɛs | noun/verb | pressure or tension exerted on a material object; to emphasize or give importance to something | 压力;强调 |
7 | couch | kaʊtʃ | noun/verb | a long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on; to express something in a particular way | 沙发;表达 |
8 | immortal | ɪˈmɔːtəl | adjective/noun | living forever; not subject to death | 不朽的;不死的 |
9 | stigma | ˈstɪɡmə | noun | a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person | 污名;耻辱 |
10 | princess | ˈprɪnsɪs | noun | the daughter of a monarch; a female member of a royal family, especially one who holds the position by birth | 公主;王妃 |
11 | alas | əˈlæs | interjection | used to express grief, pity, or concern | 唉;哎呀 |
12 | housemaid | ˈhaʊsmeɪd | noun | a female domestic servant who is employed to do housework | 女仆;女佣 |
13 | editorial | ˌɛdɪˈtɔːriəl | adjective/noun | relating to the content of a newspaper or magazine that expresses the editor's opinion or interpretation | 社论的;社论 |
14 | thermostat | ˈθɜːrməstæt | noun | a device that automatically regulates temperature, especially one that activates heating or cooling devices | 温度计;恒温器 |
15 | occurrence | əˈkɜːrəns | noun | an incident or event; the fact or frequency of something happening | 发生;事件 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | stock | stɒk | noun/verb | the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse; to keep a supply of goods | 存货;库存 |
2 | chin | tʃɪn | noun/verb | the protruding part of the face below the mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw; to raise oneself with one's chin | 下巴;抬头 |
3 | torture | ˈtɔːrtʃə | noun/verb | the action or practice of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone; to inflict severe pain or suffering on someone | 折磨;拷打 |
4 | barometer | bəˈrɒmɪtə | noun | an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude | 气压计;晴雨表 |
5 | lipstick | ˈlɪpstɪk | noun | a cosmetic used to color the lips | 口红;唇膏 |
6 | peddler | ˈpɛdlər | noun | a person who sells goods, typically door to door or in public places | 小贩;传播者 |
7 | reasoning | ˈriːzənɪŋ | noun | the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way | 推理;思维 |
8 | kindle | ˈkɪndl̩ | verb | to light or set on fire; to arouse or inspire an emotion or feeling | 点燃;激发 |
9 | goodwill | ˌɡʊdˈwɪl | noun | the friendly or benevolent attitude or support; an intangible asset of a business representing the value of its reputation | 友好;善意 |
10 | bait | beɪt | noun/verb | food used to entice fish or other animals as prey; to entice or lure someone into a trap | 饵料;诱饵 |
11 | disgusting | dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ | adjective | causing a strong feeling of aversion or repugnance; extremely unpleasant or offensive | 令人恶心的;讨厌的 |
12 | earring | ˈɪrɪŋ | noun | a piece of jewelry worn on the ear | 耳环;耳饰 |
13 | treble | ˈtrɛbəl | adjective/noun/verb | consisting of three parts or things; the highest singing or playing voice or part | 三倍的;三倍音;使增加三倍 |
14 | stricken | ˈstrɪkən | adjective | seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant feeling | 受困扰的;受感染的 |
15 | ankle | ˈæŋkəl | noun | the joint connecting the foot with the leg | 脚踝;踝关节 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | reproach | rɪˈproʊtʃ | noun/verb | to express disapproval or disappointment; to address with disapproval or disappointment | 责备;斥责 |
2 | whirl | wɜːrl | noun/verb | a rapid movement in a circular or spiral motion; to move or cause to move rapidly in a circular motion | 旋转;旋风 |
3 | blonde | blɒnd | noun/adjective | a person with fair or pale hair; having fair or pale hair | 金发;白肤金发的 |
4 | herring | ˈhɛrɪŋ | noun | a silvery fish often preserved by smoking, pickling, or salting | 鲱鱼;鲱鱼肉 |
5 | ministry | ˈmɪnɪstri | noun | a government department headed by a minister | 部;部门 |
6 | forefinger | ˈfɔːrˌfɪŋɡər | noun | the finger next to the thumb; the first finger | 食指;大拇指旁的指头 |
7 | equip | ɪˈkwɪp | verb | to provide with the necessary items for a particular purpose | 装备;配备 |
8 | rug | rʌɡ | noun | a floor covering of thick woven material, typically not extending over the entire floor | 地毯;毯子 |
9 | respondent | rɪˈspɒndənt | noun/adjective | a person who replies to something, especially a questionnaire or an interview; replying or responding | 回答者;被告 |
10 | redeem | rɪˈdiːm | verb | to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of something; to gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment | 赎回;挽回 |
11 | traitor | ˈtreɪtər | noun | a person who betrays a friend, country, or principle | 叛徒;卖国贼 |
12 | luncheon | ˈlʌntʃən | noun | a formal meal served in the middle of the day, typically between breakfast and dinner | 午宴;午餐 |
13 | visual | ˈvɪʒuəl | adjective/noun | relating to seeing or sight; a picture, piece of film, or display used to illustrate or accompany something | 视觉的;图像 |
14 | intervene | ˌɪntərˈviːn | verb | to become involved in a situation in order to alter or prevent an action or development | 干涉;介入 |
15 | monstrous | ˈmɒnstrəs | adjective | shockingly hideous or frightful; extraordinarily large or great | 可怕的;庞大的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | drunken | ˈdrʌŋkən | adjective | intoxicated with alcohol | 醉的;酒醉的 |
2 | scroll | skroʊl | noun/verb | a roll of parchment or paper; to move text or graphics up or down on a computer screen | 卷轴;滚动条 |
3 | gadget | ˈɡædʒɪt | noun | a small mechanical device or tool | 小器具;小装置 |
4 | bean sprout | biːn spraʊt | noun | a sprouted bean, typically used in Asian cuisine | 豆芽 |
5 | phoenix | ˈfiːnɪks | noun | a mythical bird that symbolizes rebirth or immortality | 凤凰 |
6 | peg | pɛɡ | noun/verb | a small cylindrical object used to fasten or support things; to fasten or support with a peg | 锥子;钉子 |
7 | ammonia | əˈmoʊniə | noun | a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor, often used in cleaning products | 氨;氨水 |
8 | compartment | kəmˈpɑːrtmənt | noun | a separate section or part of something | 隔间;车厢 |
9 | extinguish | ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ | verb | to put an end to or suppress; to quench or put out | 熄灭;扑灭 |
10 | disc | dɪsk | noun | a flat, thin circular object | 圆盘;光盘 |
11 | radioactivity | ˌreɪdiəʊækˈtɪvəti | noun | the emission of radiation from atomic nuclei | 放射性;放射性物质 |
12 | signature | ˈsɪɡnətʃər | noun | a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification | 签名;签字 |
13 | knob | nɑːb | noun | a rounded handle, typically on a door or drawer | 旋钮;把手 |
14 | backward | ˈbækwərd | adjective/adverb | directed behind or to the rear; in a regressive manner | 向后的;倒退的 |
15 | beware | bɪˈwɛər | verb | to be cautious or careful of; to be wary of | 小心;当心 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | taxation | tækˈseɪʃən | noun | the levying of tax | 征税 |
2 | endeavour | ɪnˈdɛvər | noun/verb | a sincere or serious effort or attempt | 努力;尽力 |
3 | sterility | stəˈrɪləti | noun | the quality or state of being sterile or unable to produce offspring | 不孕;贫瘠 |
4 | ashtray | ˈæʃtreɪ | noun | a receptacle for ash from cigarettes or cigars | 烟灰缸 |
5 | awfully | ˈɔːflɪ | adverb/adjective | in a manner that inspires fear or dread; extremely | 可怕地;非常 |
6 | kneel | niːl | verb | to rest on the knees, usually as a sign of respect or supplication | 跪下;下跪 |
7 | berth | bɜːrθ | noun/verb | a ship's allotted place at a wharf or dock; to moor or anchor a ship | 泊位;停泊 |
8 | midwife | ˈmɪdwaɪf | noun | a person, typically a woman, trained to assist women in childbirth | 助产士;接生婆 |
9 | outward | ˈaʊtwərd | adjective/adverb | relating to or directed toward the outside or exterior | 向外的;外面的 |
10 | tanker | ˈtæŋkər | noun | a ship or aircraft designed to carry liquid cargo | 油船;油罐车 |
11 | upbringing | ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ | noun | the care and training a child receives while growing up | 教养;抚养 |
12 | despatch | dɪˈspætʃ | verb/noun | to send off to a destination; the act of sending off | 发送;派遣 |
13 | inevitable | ɪˈnɛvɪtəbl | adjective | certain to happen; unavoidable | 不可避免的;必然的 |
14 | leather | ˈlɛðər | noun/adjective | material made from the skin of an animal, typically tanned and used to make goods | 皮革;皮制的 |
15 | theological | ˌθiːəˈlɒdʒɪkl | adjective | relating to the study of theology | 神学的;宗教学的 |
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | subway | ˈsʌbweɪ | noun | an underground electric railroad | 地铁 |
2 | slant | slænt | noun/verb | a slope or leaning direction; to incline or bias | 倾斜;斜坡;偏向 |
3 | gin | dʒɪn | noun/verb | a machine for separating cotton from its seeds; to separate or process with a gin | 梳棉机;用梳棉机处理;杜松子酒 |
4 | parcel | ˈpɑːsl | noun/verb | a package or bundle; to wrap into a parcel | 包裹;打包 |
5 | Fahrenheit | ˈfærənhaɪt | noun/adjective | a temperature scale where water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F | 华氏度 |
6 | enroll | ɪnˈroʊl | verb | to sign up or register for something | 注册;登记 |
7 | drumstick | ˈdrʌmstɪk | noun | the stick used to play a drum; the lower joint of the leg of a chicken or turkey | 鼓槌;鸡腿 |
8 | testify | ˈtestɪfaɪ | verb | to give evidence or witness in court | 作证;证明 |
9 | hijack | ˈhaɪdʒæk | verb/noun | to unlawfully seize control of a vehicle or aircraft; the act of doing so | 劫持;劫机 |
10 | pail | peɪl | noun | a bucket, typically with a handle | 桶;水桶 |
11 | hedgerow | ˈhɛdʒroʊ | noun | a line of bushes or trees forming a boundary or fence | 篱笆;灌木丛 |
12 | extreme | ɪkˈstriːm | adjective/noun | of the highest degree; the furthest point | 极端的;极端 |
13 | highway | ˈhaɪweɪ | noun | a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities | 公路;高速公路 |
14 | merry | ˈmɛri | adjective | cheerful and lively | 愉快的;快乐的 |
15 | clash | klæʃ | verb/noun | a violent confrontation; to collide or conflict | 冲突;碰撞 |
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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