英语背单词 专四词汇 2024年03月 ChatGPT
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | miniature | /ˈmɪnɪtʃə/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, very small; as a noun, a thing that is much smaller than normal, especially a small replica or model. | 微型的(形容词);微缩模型(名词) |
2 | overturn | /ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to turn (something) over so that the bottom is on top; to cause (a vehicle) to overturn; as a noun, the action of overthrowing a ruler or government. | 推翻(动词);翻转(名词) |
3 | extraordinary | /ɪkˈstrɔːd(ə)n(ə)ri/ | adjective | Very unusual or remarkable; beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established. | 非凡的;特别的 |
4 | expertise | /ˌɛkspəˈtiːz/ | noun | Expert skill or knowledge in a particular field; expertness. | 专业知识;专门技能 |
5 | nourish | /ˈnʌrɪʃ/ | verb | To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition; to keep (a feeling or belief) in one's mind, typically for a long time. | 滋养;养育 |
6 | civilian | /sɪˈvɪljən/ | noun/adjective | A person not in the armed services or the police force; as an adjective, relating to civil affairs. | 平民(名词);民用的(形容词) |
7 | supervision | /ˌsuːpəˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ | noun | The action of supervising someone or something; the process of ensuring compliance with regulations or standards. | 监督;管理 |
8 | flint | /flɪnt/ | noun | A hard gray rock consisting of nearly pure chert, occurring chiefly as nodules in chalk. | 燧石 |
9 | combustion | /kəmˈbʌstʃ(ə)n/ | noun | The process of burning something; a chemical process in which a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen and releases heat and light. | 燃烧;燃烧过程 |
10 | expel | /ɪkˈspɛl/ | verb | To deprive (someone) of membership of or involvement in a school or other organization. | 驱逐;开除 |
11 | medium | /ˈmiːdɪəm/ | noun/adjective | As a noun, an agency or means of doing something; as an adjective, about halfway between two extremes of size or another quality; average. | 媒介(名词);中等的(形容词) |
12 | economics | /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks/ | noun | The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. | 经济学 |
13 | loosen | /ˈluːs(ə)n/ | verb | To make something less tight or firm; to free (something) from attachment or connection. | 松开;解开 |
14 | footpath | /ˈfʊtˌpɑːθ/ | noun | A narrow path for walkers only, especially one through the countryside. | 小路;人行道 |
15 | personnel | /ˌpɜːsəˈnɛl/ | noun | The people employed by a company, organization, or institution. | 人员;员工 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | ore | /ɔː/ | noun | A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted. | 矿石 |
2 | subsidy | /ˈsʌbsɪdi/ | noun | A sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive. | 补贴;津贴 |
3 | craze | /kreɪz/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a sudden and widespread enthusiasm or fashion; as a verb, to cause (someone) to become insane or foolish. | 狂热(名词);使疯狂(动词) |
4 | descent | /dɪˈsɛnt/ | noun | An action of moving downward, dropping, or falling; the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality. | 下降;血统 |
5 | freight | /freɪt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, goods transported in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft; as a verb, to transport goods by truck, train, ship, or aircraft. | 货物(名词);装货(动词) |
6 | famine | /ˈfæmɪn/ | noun | Extreme scarcity of food in a particular geographic area, leading to widespread hunger, starvation, and death. | 饥荒;饥馑 |
7 | investigate | /ɪnˈvɛstɪɡeɪt/ | verb | To carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth. | 调查;研究 |
8 | complement | /ˈkɒmplɪm(ə)nt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a thing that completes or brings to perfection a larger whole; as a verb, to add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect. | 补足物(名词);补充(动词) |
9 | glorify | /ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪ/ | verb | To praise and worship (God) with the great respect or reverence; to represent or depict in an exalted or heroic manner. | 赞美;美化 |
10 | conceive | /kənˈsiːv/ | verb | To become pregnant with (a child); to form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind. | 怀孕;构思 |
11 | stumble | /ˈstʌmb(ə)l/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to trip or momentarily lose one's balance; as a noun, an act of stumbling. | 绊倒(动词);失足(名词) |
12 | dictate | /ˈdɪkteɪt/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to give orders authoritatively; to prescribe (a course of action) authoritatively; as a noun, an order or principle that must be obeyed. | 口述(动词);命令(名词) |
13 | awkward | /ˈɔːkwəd/ | adjective | Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with; lacking skill or dexterity; embarrassing or inconvenient. | 尴尬的;笨拙的 |
14 | rational | /ˈræʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ | adjective | Based on or in accordance with reason or logic; sensible, reasonable. | 理性的;合理的 |
15 | boredom | /ˈbɔːdəm/ | noun | The state of being bored; a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of interest, activity, or excitement. | 无聊;厌烦 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | proofread | /ˈpruːfriːd/ | verb | To read and correct errors in (a text or manuscript). | 校对 |
2 | reservoir | /ˈrɛzəvwɑː/ | noun | A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply; a receptacle or container for holding a liquid or fluid. | 水库;储水池 |
3 | cultivate | /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ | verb | To prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening; to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention; to develop or improve (a skill, quality, or habit). | 耕作;培养;发展 |
4 | endure | /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/ | verb | To suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently; to remain in existence; to tolerate or put up with. | 忍受;持续;容忍 |
5 | deficient | /dɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt/ | adjective | Not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient; inadequate in amount or degree. | 不足的;有缺陷的 |
6 | patriot | /ˈpeɪtriət/ | noun | A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. | 爱国者 |
7 | overcast | /ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, (of the sky) covered with clouds; as a verb, to cause (the sky) to become overcast. | 阴天的;使阴暗 |
8 | astronomy | /əˈstrɒnəmi/ | noun | The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. | 天文学 |
9 | accuse | /əˈkjuːz/ | verb | To charge (someone) with an offense or crime. | 控告;指责 |
10 | controversy | /ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi/ | noun | Prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion; a debate or discussion about a matter of opinion. | 争议;论战 |
11 | coincide | /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/ | verb | To occur at or during the same time; to correspond in nature, position, or function. | 同时发生;一致 |
12 | pregnant | /ˈprɛɡnənt/ | adjective | Carrying developing offspring within the body; full of meaning or significance. | 怀孕的;意味深长的 |
13 | tough | /tʌf/ | adjective/noun | Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling; difficult to do or deal with. | 强硬的;艰难的 |
14 | expedition | /ˌɛkspɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ | noun | A journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, scientific research, or war. | 远征;探险 |
15 | prevail | /prɪˈveɪl/ | verb | To prove more powerful or superior; to be widespread or current in a particular area or at a particular time. | 流行;盛行 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | conservatism | /kənˈsɜːvətɪz(ə)m/ | noun | A commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. | 保守主义 |
2 | graze | /ɡreɪz/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to feed on grass or pastureland; to touch or scrape lightly in passing; as a noun, a scrape or abrasion. | 放牧(动词);擦伤(动词);擦伤痕迹(名词) |
3 | continuity | /kɒntɪˈnjuːɪti/ | noun | The unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time. | 连续性;连贯性 |
4 | depreciation | /dɪˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ | noun | A reduction in the value of an asset over time due to wear and tear, obsolescence, or market conditions. | 贬值;折旧 |
5 | rooster | /ˈruːstə/ | noun | A male domestic fowl; a cock. | 公鸡 |
6 | asset | /ˈæsɛt/ | noun | A useful or valuable thing or person; a valuable quality, possession, or attribute. | 资产;优点 |
7 | enclose | /ɪnˈkləʊz/ | verb | To surround or close off on all sides; to include something as part of a package or letter. | 围住;附上 |
8 | embrace | /ɪmˈbreɪs/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection; to accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically; as a noun, an act of holding someone closely in one's arms. | 拥抱(动词);接受(动词);拥抱(名词) |
9 | screwdriver | /ˈskruːˌdraɪvə/ | noun | A tool with a flattened or cross-shaped tip that fits into the head of a screw to turn it. | 螺丝刀 |
10 | diplomatic | /ˌdɪpləˈmatɪk/ | adjective | Of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations; employing tact and conciliation in handling sensitive matters. | 外交的;圆滑的 |
11 | reef | /riːf/ | noun/verb | A ridge of jagged rock, coral, or sand just above or below the surface of the sea; to reduce the sail area of a ship by lowering the sail and securing it tightly. | 暗礁(名词);缩帆(动词) |
12 | emission | /ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ | noun | The production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation. | 排放;散发 |
13 | feeble | /ˈfiːb(ə)l/ | adjective | Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness; weak. | 虚弱的;无力的 |
14 | embroidery | /ɪmˈbrɔɪd(ə)ri/ | noun | The art of working raised and ornamental designs in threads of silk, cotton, gold, silver, or other material, upon any woven fabric, leather, paper, etc., with a needle. | 刺绣 |
15 | versatile | /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ | adjective | Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. | 多功能的;多才多艺的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | exploration | /ˌɛkspləˈreɪʃən/ | noun | The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it; thorough analysis or study of a subject or situation. | 探索;考察 |
2 | waterproof | /ˈwɔːtəpruːf/ | adjective/noun/verb | Impervious to water; something that does not allow water to pass through it; to make something resistant to water. | 防水的(形容词);防水材料(名词);防水处理(动词) |
3 | inspector | /ɪnˈspɛktə/ | noun | A person who is authorized to examine or oversee goods, equipment, or installations to ensure they comply with regulations or standards. | 检查员;视察者 |
4 | boom | /buːm/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a loud, deep, resonant sound; a period of rapid economic growth; as a verb, to make a deep, resonant sound; to prosper or flourish suddenly. | 繁荣(名词);繁荣发展(动词) |
5 | heir | /ɛː/ | noun | A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death. | 继承人;后嗣 |
6 | angular | /ˈaŋɡjʊlə/ | adjective | Having angles or sharp corners; (of a person) lean and having prominent bones; (of a movement or system) awkward; not smooth or flowing. | 有角的;瘦骨嶙峋的 |
7 | walnut | /ˈwɔːlnʌt/ | noun | The large wrinkled edible seed of a deciduous tree, consisting of two halves contained within a hard shell that is enclosed in a green fruit. | 核桃;胡桃木 |
8 | amenable | /əˈmiːnəb(ə)l/ | adjective | Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled. | 顺从的;易于说服的 |
9 | dart | /dɑːt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a small pointed missile that can be thrown or fired; as a verb, to move suddenly and quickly. | 镖(名词);猛冲(动词) |
10 | headquarters | /ˌhɛdkwɔːtəz/ | noun | The place from which a commander or commander's staff observes, directs, and controls operations or exercises. | 总部;司令部 |
11 | fashionable | /ˈfæʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/ | adjective | Characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or style. | 时髦的;流行的 |
12 | clockwise | /ˈklɒkwaɪz/ | adjective/adverb | In the same direction as the rotation of the hands of a clock; in the direction that the hands of a clock move. | 顺时针方向的(形容词);顺时针地(副词) |
13 | contradict | /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt/ | verb | To assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone); to deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite. | 反驳;否认 |
14 | picturesque | /ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/ | adjective | Attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned or quaint way. | 风景如画的;美丽的 |
15 | fragment | /ˈfraɡm(ə)nt/ | noun/verb | A small part broken or separated off something; to break or cause to break into fragments. | 碎片(名词);使成碎片(动词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | nourishment | /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt/ | noun | Food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition; the action of nourishing someone or something. | 营养;滋养品 |
2 | collision | /kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n/ | noun | An instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another. | 碰撞;冲突 |
3 | violent | /ˈvaɪələnt/ | adjective | Using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something; extremely forceful in its effect or intent. | 暴力的;猛烈的 |
4 | fuse | /fjuːz/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a safety device consisting of a strip of wire that melts and breaks an electric circuit if the current exceeds a safe level; as a verb, to join or blend to form a single entity. | 保险丝(名词);融合(动词) |
5 | blast | /blɑːst/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion; as a verb, to explode or destroy something with explosives. | 爆炸(名词);炸毁(动词) |
6 | carnival | /ˈkɑːnɪv(ə)l/ | noun | A period of public revelry at a regular time each year, typically during the week before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, involving processions, music, dancing, and the use of masquerade. | 狂欢节;嘉年华会 |
7 | juicy | /ˈdʒuːsi/ | adjective | Full of juice; succulent. | 多汁的;多水分的 |
8 | chronological | /ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ | adjective | Arranged in the order it happened. | 按时间顺序的;年代学的 |
9 | withdraw | /wɪðˈdrɔː/ | verb | To remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position; to leave or cause to leave a place or situation. | 撤回;取回 |
10 | persevere | /ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə/ | verb | To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. | 坚持;不屈不挠 |
11 | genetics | /dʒɪˈnɛtɪks/ | noun | The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. | 遗传学 |
12 | consultant | /kənˈsʌlt(ə)nt/ | noun/adjective | A person who provides expert advice professionally; as an adjective, relating to or engaged in consultation. | 顾问(名词);咨询的(形容词) |
13 | humanitarian | /hjuːˌmænɪˈtɛːrɪən/ | adjective/noun | Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare; a person who seeks to promote human welfare. | 人道主义的(形容词);人道主义者(名词) |
14 | outlook | /ˈaʊtlʊk/ | noun | A person's point of view or general attitude to life; the prospect for the future. | 观点;前景 |
15 | emit | /ɪˈmɪt/ | verb | To produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation). | 发出;散发 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | assume | /əˈsjuːm/ | verb | To suppose to be the case, without proof; to take or begin to have (power or responsibility). | 假设;承担 |
2 | trial | /ˈtraɪəl/ | noun/adjective | As a noun, a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings; as an adjective, relating to a trial. | 审判(名词);试验的(形容词) |
3 | evident | /ˈɛvɪdənt/ | adjective | Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood. | 明显的;显而易见的 |
4 | extinct | /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ | adjective | (Of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members; no longer in existence. | 灭绝的;绝种的 |
5 | comprehend | /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnd/ | verb | To understand or grasp the nature or significance of; to include or contain (something) within a larger category or concept. | 理解;包括 |
6 | torrent | /ˈtɒrənt/ | noun | A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid; a sudden, violent, and copious outpouring of (something, typically words or feelings). | 急流;洪流 |
7 | naked | /ˈneɪkɪd/ | adjective | (Of a person or part of the body) without clothes; (of something such as feelings or behavior) without any attempt to hide; plain and undisguised. | 裸体的;无遮盖的 |
8 | modest | /ˈmɒdɪst/ | adjective | Unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements; not overly proud or confident. | 谦虚的;适度的 |
9 | trash | /traʃ/ | noun/verb | As a noun, waste material; as a verb, to damage or destroy (something). | 垃圾(名词);毁坏(动词) |
10 | monster | /ˈmɒnstə/ | noun/adjective | An imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening; as an adjective, huge. | 怪物(名词);巨大的(形容词) |
11 | massive | /ˈmæsɪv/ | adjective | Large and heavy or solid; imposingly large or solid; bulky. | 巨大的;庞大的 |
12 | everlasting | /ˌevərlˈæstɪŋ/ | adjective | Lasting forever or for a very long time; eternal. | 永恒的;永远的 |
13 | organic | /ɔːˈɡænɪk/ | adjective | Relating to or derived from living matter; of, relating to, or denoting compounds containing carbon (other than simple binary compounds and salts) and chiefly or ultimately of biological origin. | 有机的;有机化合物的 |
14 | rhythm | /ˈrɪðəm/ | noun | A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound; the systematic arrangement of musical sounds, according to duration and periodical stress. | 节奏;韵律 |
15 | component | /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ | noun/adjective | A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle; as an adjective, being a part of a larger whole. | 组件(名词);组成的(形容词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | buzz | /bʌz/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound; as a verb, to make a continuous humming sound. | 嗡嗡声(名词);发出嗡嗡声(动词) |
2 | patent | /ˈpeɪtənt/ | noun/verb/adjective | As a noun, a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention; as a verb, to obtain a patent for (an invention); as an adjective, protected by a patent; not copied or imitated. | 专利(名词);申请专利(动词);专利的(形容词) |
3 | marine | /məˈriːn/ | adjective/noun | Relating to the sea; living in or produced by the sea; a member of the marine corps. | 海的(形容词);海军陆战队员(名词) |
4 | curiosity | /ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪti/ | noun | A strong desire to know or learn something; a strange or unusual object or fact. | 好奇心;古怪的东西 |
5 | voluntary | /ˈvɒləntəri/ | adjective/noun | Done, given, or acting of one's own free will; given or done willingly, without any legal obligation; an organization or project supported by volunteers. | 自愿的(形容词);志愿者(名词) |
6 | rainfall | /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ | noun | The amount of rain that falls during a period of time. | 降雨量 |
7 | detriment | /ˈdɛtrɪmənt/ | noun | The state of being harmed or damaged; a cause of harm or damage. | 损害;伤害 |
8 | chamber | /ˈtʃeɪmbə/ | noun | A large room used for formal or public events; an enclosed space or cavity; a legislative assembly or the members of such an assembly. | 室;议院 |
9 | opponent | /əˈpəʊnənt/ | noun/adjective | A person who opposes another in a contest, game, or argument; as an adjective, situated on the other side of something. | 对手(名词);对立的(形容词) |
10 | suburbanization | /səˌbɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ | noun | The growth and expansion of suburban areas. | 郊区化 |
11 | pursue | /pəˈsjuː/ | verb | To follow or chase (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them; to continue or proceed along (a path or route). | 追求;追逐 |
12 | refine | /rɪˈfaɪn/ | verb | To remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process; to improve (something) by making small changes. | 精炼;提炼 |
13 | assure | /əˈʃʊər/ | verb | To tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have; to make (something) certain to happen. | 保证;确信 |
14 | fruitful | /ˈfruːtfʊl/ | adjective | Producing good or helpful results; productive. | 富有成效的;多产的 |
15 | ascent | /əˈsɛnt/ | noun | The action of rising or climbing up; an upward slope or path. | 上升;攀登 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | vibrant | /ˈvaɪbrənt/ | adjective | Full of energy and life; bright and striking. | 充满活力的;鲜艳的 |
2 | solicit | /səˈlɪsɪt/ | verb | To ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone. | 征求;请求 |
3 | stiff | /stɪf/ | adjective | Rigid or firm; difficult to bend or move. | 僵硬的;呆板的 |
4 | cherish | /ˈtʃɛrɪʃ/ | verb | To protect and care for (someone) lovingly; to hold (something) dear. | 珍惜;怀有……的感情 |
5 | bland | /blænd/ | adjective | Lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting. | 清淡的;无趣的 |
6 | voter | /ˈvəʊtə/ | noun | A person who has the right to vote in an election. | 选民;投票者 |
7 | abundance | /əˈbʌndəns/ | noun | A very large quantity of something; the state or condition of having a copious amount of something. | 充裕;丰富 |
8 | transparent | /trænsˈpærənt/ | adjective | Allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen; easy to perceive or detect. | 透明的;清澈的 |
9 | carve | /kɑːv/ | verb | To cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription. | 雕刻;刻画 |
10 | encyclopedia | /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdɪə/ | noun | A book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically. | 百科全书 |
11 | resolute | /ˈrɛzəluːt/ | adjective | Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. | 坚决的;果断的 |
12 | gulf | /ɡʌlf/ | noun | A deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth; a wide divergence between two people or groups. | 海湾;鸿沟 |
13 | daring | /ˈdɛərɪŋ/ | adjective/noun | Willing to take risks; adventurous; bold or audacious action. | 大胆的(形容词);冒险(名词) |
14 | ambitious | /æmˈbɪʃəs/ | adjective | Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed. | 有雄心的;有抱负的 |
15 | rivalry | /ˈraɪvəlri/ | noun | Competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. | 竞争;对抗 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | perceive | /pəˈsiːv/ | verb | To become aware or conscious of (something); to interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way. | 察觉;感知 |
2 | erosion | /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ | noun | The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents; the gradual destruction or diminution of something. | 侵蚀;腐蚀 |
3 | sharpen | /ˈʃɑːpən/ | verb | To make or become sharper; to improve or enhance the quality or effectiveness of something. | 磨快;加强 |
4 | identification | /aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | noun | The action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of being identified. | 辨认;识别 |
5 | commerce | /ˈkɒməs/ | noun | The activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale; social dealings between people. | 商业;贸易 |
6 | ornament | /ˈɔːnəmənt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a thing used to adorn something but usually having no practical purpose; as a verb, to make (something) look more attractive by adding decorative items. | 装饰(名词);装饰(动词) |
7 | welfare | /ˈwɛlfeə/ | noun | The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group; financial support given to people in need. | 福利;幸福 |
8 | attendance | /əˈtɛndəns/ | noun | The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event. | 出席;出勤 |
9 | recollection | /ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən/ | noun | The action or faculty of remembering something; the ability to recall past events or experiences. | 回忆;记忆 |
10 | slumber | /ˈslʌmbə/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a state of sleep; as a verb, to sleep lightly or briefly, especially during the day. | 睡眠(名词);打盹(动词) |
11 | decent | /ˈdiːs(ə)nt/ | adjective | Conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior; of an acceptable standard of quality. | 正派的;体面的 |
12 | classification | /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | noun | The action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics; a category into which something is put. | 分类;分类法 |
13 | junction | /ˈdʒʌŋkʃən/ | noun | A point where two or more things are joined; a connection or joining together of two or more routes or lines. | 连接;交叉点 |
14 | inaugurate | /ɪˈnɔːɡjʊreɪt/ | verb | To formally begin or introduce (a system, policy, or period); to ceremonially admit (someone) into public office. | 开始;就职 |
15 | slander | /ˈslɑːndə/ | noun/verb | As a noun, the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation; as a verb, to make false and damaging statements about (someone). | 诽谤(名词);诽谤(动词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | strain | /streɪn/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a force tending to pull or stretch something to an extreme or damaging degree; as a verb, to force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make a strenuous or unusually great effort. | 拉紧(名词);拉紧(动词) |
2 | bald | /bɔːld/ | adjective | Having no hair on the scalp; lacking a natural or usual covering. | 秃头的;无覆盖的 |
3 | postage | /ˈpəʊstɪdʒ/ | noun | The charge for mailing a letter or package; the adhesive stamps used to pay such a charge. | 邮资;邮费 |
4 | ridicule | /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ | noun/verb | As a noun, the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior; as a verb, to subject (someone or something) to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior. | 嘲笑(名词);嘲笑(动词) |
5 | industrial | /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ | adjective | Relating to or characterized by industry; engaged in or associated with industrial work or processes. | 工业的;产业的 |
6 | faint | /feɪnt/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, barely perceptible; lacking strength or clarity; as a verb, to lose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. | 微弱的(形容词);昏厥(动词) |
7 | supplement | /ˈsʌplɪmənt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, something that completes or enhances something else when added to it; as a verb, to add an extra element or amount to. | 补充品(名词);补充(动词) |
8 | sympathize | /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ | verb | To feel or express sympathy or compassion; to understand and care about someone else's suffering or difficulties. | 同情;体谅 |
9 | mate | /meɪt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a partner in marriage; a friend or companion; as a verb, to join together as a pair for breeding. | 配偶(名词);交配(动词) |
10 | elasticity | /ˌɪlæstɪˈsɪtɪ/ | noun | The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed; flexibility. | 弹性;柔韧性 |
11 | deceive | /dɪˈsiːv/ | verb | To cause someone to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage; to deliberately mislead or trick. | 欺骗;欺诈 |
12 | mold | /məʊld/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens; as a verb, to shape or form (something) in a mold. | 模具(名词);浇铸(动词) |
13 | sticky | /ˈstɪki/ | adjective | Tending or designed to stick to things on contact; adhesive or gummy. | 粘的;黏的 |
14 | journalist | /ˈdʒɜːrnəlɪst/ | noun | A person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast. | 记者;新闻工作者 |
15 | compromise | /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ | noun/verb | As a noun, an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions; as a verb, to settle a dispute by mutual concession. | 妥协(名词);妥协(动词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | provocative | /prəˈvɒkətɪv/ | adjective | Causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately. | 挑衅的;煽动的 |
2 | band | /bænd/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a flat, thin strip or loop of material used as a fastener or decoration; as a verb, to fasten or secure with a band. | 带子(名词);用带子系住(动词) |
3 | comparative | /kəmˈpærətɪv/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, estimated by comparison; relative; as a noun, the comparative form of an adjective or adverb. | 比较的(形容词);比较级(名词) |
4 | extinction | /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ | noun | The state or process of a species, family, or larger group becoming extinct. | 灭绝;消亡 |
5 | consecutive | /kənˈsɛkjʊtɪv/ | adjective | Following each other continuously; successive. | 连续的;连贯的 |
6 | administer | /ədˈmɪnɪstər/ | verb | To manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.); to dispense or apply (a remedy or drug). | 管理;实施 |
7 | horizontal | /ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntəl/ | adjective/noun | Parallel to the plane of the horizon; level; as a noun, a horizontal line, plane, etc. | 水平的(形容词);水平线(名词) |
8 | acid | /ˈæsɪd/ | noun/adjective | A chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; having a pH of less than 7; sour. | 酸(名词);酸性的(形容词) |
9 | civil | /ˈsɪvəl/ | adjective | Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters; courteous and polite. | 文明的;有礼貌的 |
10 | perpendicular | /ˌpɜːpənˈdɪkjʊlə/ | adjective/noun | At an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface; upright; as a noun, a line at right angles to a given line, plane, or surface. | 垂直的(形容词);垂直线(名词) |
11 | postpone | /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ | verb | To defer or delay an event or action until a later time or date. | 推迟;延期 |
12 | transplant | /trænsˈplɑːnt/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to move or transfer (something) to another place or situation, typically with some effort or upheaval; as a noun, an operation in which an organ or tissue is transplanted. | 移植(动词);移植手术(名词) |
13 | crucial | /ˈkruːʃəl/ | adjective | Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something; extremely important. | 关键的;至关重要的 |
14 | plumber | /ˈplʌmə/ | noun | A person who installs and repairs the fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems. | 水管工 |
15 | decline | /dɪˈklaɪn/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to become smaller, fewer, or less; to politely refuse (an invitation or offer); as a noun, a gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value. | 下降(动词);拒绝(动词);衰退(名词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | plague | /pleɪɡ/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium; as a verb, to cause continual trouble or distress to. | 瘟疫(名词);折磨(动词) |
2 | circuit | /ˈsɜːrkɪt/ | noun | A roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place; a closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current. | 电路;环道 |
3 | attendant | /əˈtɛndənt/ | noun/adjective | As a noun, a person employed to provide a service or give assistance, especially in a public place; as an adjective, accompanying or attending as a circumstance or result. | 服务员(名词);随之而来的(形容词) |
4 | hostility | /hɒˈstɪlɪti/ | noun | Hostile behavior; unfriendliness or opposition. | 敌意;敌对行为 |
5 | smog | /smɒɡ/ | noun | Fog or haze combined with smoke and other atmospheric pollutants. | 烟雾;煤烟雾霾 |
6 | affectionate | /əˈfɛkʃənət/ | adjective | Feeling or showing fondness or tenderness; warmly loving. | 充满感情的;亲切的 |
7 | monopolize | /məˈnɒpəlaɪz/ | verb | To have or take exclusive possession or control of something; to dominate or take over. | 垄断;独占 |
8 | genetic | /dʒɪˈnɛtɪk/ | adjective | Relating to genes or heredity; relating to the study or science of genetics. | 遗传的;基因的 |
9 | sensible | /ˈsɛnsɪbl/ | adjective | Chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; showing good judgment. | 明智的;合情合理的 |
10 | glamorous | /ˈɡlæmərəs/ | adjective | Having glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way. | 迷人的;富有魅力的 |
11 | depart | /dɪˈpɑːt/ | verb | To leave, typically in order to start a journey. | 离开;动身 |
12 | prosperous | /ˈprɒspərəs/ | adjective | Successful in material terms; flourishing financially. | 繁荣的;成功的 |
13 | dietary | /ˈdaɪətəri/ | adjective | Relating to the diet or to the regulation of the diet. | 饮食的;膳食的 |
14 | slip | /slɪp/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a small, thin piece of material, typically paper, for wrapping or covering something; as a verb, to slide unintentionally for a short distance. | 滑动(动词);滑动(名词) |
15 | verdict | /ˈvɜːdɪkt/ | noun | A decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest. | 裁决;判决 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | cling | /klɪŋ/ | verb | To hold on tightly to something; to adhere or stick firmly to something. | 紧贴;依附 |
2 | spawn | /spɔːn/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to produce or generate offspring, especially in large numbers; as a noun, the eggs of fish, amphibians, or shellfish, especially when laid in water. | 产卵(动词);卵(名词) |
3 | memorize | /ˈmɛməraɪz/ | verb | To learn something by heart; to commit to memory. | 记住;熟记 |
4 | astronomical | /ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkəl/ | adjective | Extremely large or involving astronomical phenomena; relating to astronomy. | 天文的;庞大的 |
5 | willow | /ˈwɪləʊ/ | noun | A tree or shrub of temperate climates that typically has narrow leaves, bears catkins, and grows near water. | 柳树 |
6 | elliptical | /ɪˈlɪptɪkəl/ | adjective | In the shape of an ellipse; having an oval or oblong outline. | 椭圆形的 |
7 | equality | /ɪˈkwɒlɪti/ | noun | The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. | 平等;相等 |
8 | fort | /fɔːt/ | noun | A fortified building or strategic position; a fortified military camp or post. | 堡垒;要塞 |
9 | metropolitan | /ˌmɛtrəˈpɒlɪtən/ | adjective/noun | Relating to or denoting a metropolis, often inclusive of its surrounding areas; a resident of a metropolis. | 大都市的;大都市居民 |
10 | confine | /kənˈfaɪn/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits or boundaries; as a noun, the borders or boundaries of something. | 限制(动词);边界(名词) |
11 | proceed | /prəˈsiːd/ | verb | To move forward or onward, especially after stopping or waiting; to take a course of action. | 继续进行;前进 |
12 | porcelain | /ˈpɔːrsəlɪn/ | noun/adjective | A white vitrified translucent ceramic; as a noun, objects made from this material; as an adjective, made of porcelain. | 瓷;瓷器的 |
13 | pierce | /pɪəs/ | verb | To make a hole in or through something with a sharp object; to penetrate or enter suddenly or forcefully. | 刺穿;穿透 |
14 | injustice | /ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs/ | noun | Lack of fairness or justice; an unfair act or occurrence. | 不公正;不公平 |
15 | irrigation | /ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃən/ | noun | The supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels. | 灌溉 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | distract | /dɪˈstrækt/ | verb | To prevent someone from giving full attention to something; to divert or draw away attention. | 分心;使分心 |
2 | contaminate | /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ | verb | To make something impure or unsuitable by contact with something unclean, polluted, or harmful. | 污染;弄脏 |
3 | triumph | /ˈtraɪəmf/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a great victory or achievement; as a verb, to achieve a victory or success. | 胜利(名词);取得胜利(动词) |
4 | rural | /ˈrʊərəl/ | adjective | Relating to or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town. | 乡村的;农村的 |
5 | affordable | /əˈfɔːdəbl/ | adjective | Inexpensive; reasonably priced; within one's financial means. | 负担得起的;价格合理的 |
6 | carbon | /ˈkɑːrbən/ | noun | A nonmetallic chemical element with symbol 'C' and atomic number 6; it is the basis of all known life and forms many compounds. | 碳 |
7 | swell | /swɛl/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to increase in size or volume, typically as a result of internal pressure; as a noun, a slow, regular movement of the sea in rolling waves that do not break. | 膨胀(动词);波浪(名词) |
8 | imaginative | /ɪˈmædʒɪˌneɪtɪv/ | adjective | Having or showing creativity or inventiveness; able to think of new and interesting ideas. | 富于想象力的;有创造力的 |
9 | simultaneous | /ˌsaɪməlˈteɪniəs/ | adjective | Occurring, operating, or done at the same time; simultaneous events or actions happen or exist at the same time. | 同时的;同时发生的 |
10 | weep | /wiːp/ | verb | To express sorrow or grief by shedding tears; to cry. | 哭泣;流泪 |
11 | congressman | /ˈkɒŋɡrɛsmən/ | noun | A member of the United States Congress, especially of the House of Representatives. | 国会议员 |
12 | renovation | /ˌrɛnəˈveɪʃən/ | noun | The action of renovating or restoring something, especially a building. | 翻新;修复 |
13 | flexibility | /ˌflɛksɪˈbɪlɪti/ | noun | The quality of bending easily without breaking; the ability to be easily modified or adapted. | 灵活性;柔韧性 |
14 | expressly | /ɪkˈsprɛsli/ | adverb | In a clear and explicit manner; specifically or specially. | 明确地;特意地 |
15 | ideology | /ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi/ | noun | A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. | 意识形态;思想体系 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | prosperity | /prɒˈspɛrɪti/ | noun | The state of being prosperous; wealth, success, or economic well-being. | 繁荣;成功 |
2 | cabin | /ˈkæbɪn/ | noun | A small, simple house, especially one built of wood; a private room or compartment on a ship or aircraft. | 小屋;舱 |
3 | petroleum | /pəˈtrəʊliəm/ | noun | A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is present in certain rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including petrol, diesel, and paraffin oil. | 石油 |
4 | nickel | /ˈnɪkəl/ | noun | A silvery-white metal that is often used to make coins, magnets, and various alloys. | 镍 |
5 | vein | /veɪn/ | noun | A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart; a narrow deposit of minerals that is sharply separated from the surrounding rock. | 静脉;矿脉 |
6 | insult | /ɪnˈsʌlt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a disrespectful or offensive remark or action; as a verb, to speak to or treat with disrespect or scorn. | 侮辱(名词);侮辱(动词) |
7 | obscure | /əbˈskjʊər/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, not discovered or known about; uncertain; as a verb, to keep from being seen; conceal. | 模糊的(形容词);隐藏(动词) |
8 | promising | /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/ | adjective | Showing signs of future success or achievement; likely to be successful or productive in the future. | 有前途的;有希望的 |
9 | excursion | /ɪkˈskɜːrʒən/ | noun | A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity; a deviation from a regular course or activity. | 远足;短途旅行 |
10 | commit | /kəˈmɪt/ | verb | To carry out or perpetrate (a mistake, crime, or immoral act); to pledge or bind to a certain course or policy. | 承诺;犯(罪) |
11 | motivation | /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃən/ | noun | The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way; the general desire or willingness to do something. | 动机;积极性 |
12 | residential | /ˌrɛzɪˈdɛnʃəl/ | adjective | Suitable for or used as a residence; relating to the places where people live. | 住宅的;居住的 |
13 | remote | /rɪˈməʊt/ | adjective | Situated far away from other places; distant in space or time; feeling or showing a lack of warmth or sympathy. | 遥远的;偏僻的 |
14 | restrain | /rɪˈstreɪn/ | verb | To prevent someone or something from doing something; to keep under control or within limits. | 抑制;控制 |
15 | cider | /ˈsaɪdər/ | noun | An alcoholic drink made from the fermented juice of apples. | 苹果酒 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | ancestry | /ˈænsɛstri/ | noun | The lineage or descent of a person or animal; one's ancestors collectively. | 祖先;血统 |
2 | engrave | /ɪnˈɡreɪv/ | verb | To carve, cut, or etch into a hard surface; to impress or delineate deeply. | 雕刻;刻上 |
3 | microscope | /ˈmaɪkrəˌskoʊp/ | noun | An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, typically magnified several hundred times. | 显微镜 |
4 | colonel | /ˈkɜːrnəl/ | noun | A senior military officer ranking above a major and below a brigadier general. | 上校 |
5 | inhabit | /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ | verb | To live or dwell in; to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat. | 居住;栖息 |
6 | skeleton | /ˈskɛlɪtən/ | noun | The framework of bones supporting a body; a very basic or minimal framework. | 骨架;骨骼 |
7 | imprisonment | /ɪmˈprɪzənmənt/ | noun | The state of being confined or incarcerated; the action of putting someone in prison. | 监禁;关押 |
8 | manipulate | /məˈnɪpjʊˌleɪt/ | verb | To handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.) in a skilful manner; to control or influence cleverly or unscrupulously. | 操纵;控制 |
9 | sculptor | /ˈskʌlptər/ | noun | A person who creates sculptures, especially by carving or shaping materials such as wood, stone, or metal. | 雕塑家;雕刻家 |
10 | counselor | /ˈkaʊnsələr/ | noun | A person who gives advice, especially professionally; a legal adviser or someone who gives guidance in personal or psychological matters. | 顾问;辅导员 |
11 | scissors | /ˈsɪzərz/ | noun | A cutting instrument with two blades pivoted in the middle, used for cutting paper, cloth, etc. | 剪刀 |
12 | merit | /ˈmɛrɪt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward; as a verb, to deserve or be worthy of. | 优点(名词);值得(动词) |
13 | conventional | /kənˈvɛnʃənl/ | adjective | Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed; lacking originality or individuality. | 传统的;常规的 |
14 | dependence | /dɪˈpɛndəns/ | noun | The state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else; the state of needing something for support or survival. | 依赖;依存 |
15 | definite | /ˈdɛfɪnɪt/ | adjective | Clearly defined or determined; having distinct limits or boundaries; certain or sure. | 明确的;确定的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | sway | /sweɪ/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to move or swing back and forth or from side to side; as a noun, influence or power over someone or something. | 摇摆(动词);影响(名词) |
2 | commentator | /ˈkɒmənteɪtər/ | noun | A person who provides a spoken description or analysis of an event, especially as a sports commentator or political commentator. | 评论员;解说员 |
3 | shuttle | /ˈʃʌtl/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a device used in weaving to carry the weft thread back and forth; as a verb, to move back and forth rapidly between two places. | 往返穿梭;穿梭机 |
4 | feasible | /ˈfiːzəbəl/ | adjective | Possible to do easily or conveniently; likely to succeed or be effective. | 可行的;可实行的 |
5 | exclusive | /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ | adjective | Excluding or not admitting other things; restricted or limited to a specific person, group, or area. | 独占的;排外的 |
6 | prestigious | /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/ | adjective | Inspiring respect and admiration; having high status or reputation. | 有声望的;享有声望的 |
7 | blessing | /ˈblɛsɪŋ/ | noun | A prayer asking for divine favor and protection; the act of invoking divine favor or approval. | 祝福;恩赐 |
8 | sue | /suː/ | verb | To institute legal proceedings against someone; to take legal action against in a court of law. | 起诉;控告 |
9 | proficient | /prəˈfɪʃənt/ | adjective/noun | Competent or skilled in doing or using something; as an adjective, having great skill or competence; as a noun, a person who is proficient in a particular skill or activity. | 熟练的(形容词);能手(名词) |
10 | suspense | /səˈspɛns/ | noun | A state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen; the quality of being uncertain but exciting. | 悬念;悬念感 |
11 | obstacle | /ˈɒbstəkəl/ | noun | A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress; a barrier or impediment. | 障碍;阻碍 |
12 | scent | /sɛnt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant; as a verb, to perceive or detect by the sense of smell. | 香味(名词);嗅到(动词) |
13 | stationery | /ˈsteɪʃənəri/ | noun/adjective | Writing and other office materials; as a noun, materials such as paper, pens, and envelopes used for writing letters or notes; as an adjective, relating to stationery. | 文具(名词);文具的(形容词) |
14 | syllable | /ˈsɪləbəl/ | noun | A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word. | 音节 |
15 | provision | /prəˈvɪʒən/ | noun | The action of providing or supplying something for use; a clause in a legal instrument, a law, or a regulation providing for a particular matter; a supply of food, drink, or other necessities. | 供应;条款;食品 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | fatigue | /fəˈtiːɡ/ | noun/verb | As a noun, extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion; as a verb, to tire or weary greatly. | 疲劳(名词);使疲劳(动词) |
2 | executive | /ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv/ | noun/adjective | As a noun, a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business; as an adjective, relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect. | 执行者;行政的 |
3 | cosmopolitan | /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures; as a noun, a person who is cosmopolitan in outlook. | 世界主义的;世界性的;四海为家的 |
4 | dimension | /dɪˈmɛnʃən/ | noun | A measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height; a particular aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing. | 尺寸;维度 |
5 | amid | /əˈmɪd/ | preposition | Surrounded by; in the middle of; among. | 在...中间;在...之中 |
6 | chaotic | /keɪˈɒtɪk/ | adjective | In a state of complete confusion and disorder; disorganized or messy. | 混乱的;无秩序的 |
7 | refinement | /rɪˈfaɪnmənt/ | noun | The process of making small changes to improve something; the quality of being elegant, cultured, or polished. | 改进;精炼 |
8 | miraculous | /mɪˈrækjʊləs/ | adjective | Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention; extremely fortunate or unlikely. | 奇迹的;奇迹般的 |
9 | sacred | /ˈseɪkrɪd/ | adjective | Connected with God or dedicated to a religious purpose; deserving veneration or respect. | 神圣的;庄严的 |
10 | correspond | /ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd/ | verb | To have a close similarity; to match or agree almost exactly. | 符合;相符 |
11 | overcrowd | /ˌoʊvərˈkraʊd/ | verb | To fill beyond the safe or comfortable capacity; to crowd excessively. | 拥挤过度;过度填塞 |
12 | craft | /kræft/ | noun/verb | As a noun, skill in doing or making something, especially with the hands; as a verb, to make or manufacture with skill and care. | 工艺;手艺;制作(动词) |
13 | rescue | /ˈrɛskjuː/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to save someone or something from danger or harm; as a noun, an act of saving or being saved from danger. | 拯救(动词);营救(名词) |
14 | sector | /ˈsɛktər/ | noun | A distinct part or branch of a nation's economy or society; a segment or subdivision of an area or sphere. | 部门;领域 |
15 | irregular | /ɪˈrɛɡjʊlər/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, not following a regular or predictable pattern; as a noun, a soldier who does not belong to a regular military unit. | 不规则的(形容词);非正规军人(名词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | appreciate | /əˈpriːʃɪˌeɪt/ | verb | To recognize and enjoy the value or significance of something; to be grateful for or thankful. | 感激;欣赏 |
2 | accommodate | /əˈkɒməˌdeɪt/ | verb | To provide lodging or space for; to fit in with the needs or desires of someone. | 容纳;适应 |
3 | informative | /ɪnˈfɔːrmətɪv/ | adjective | Providing useful or interesting information; conveying knowledge or facts. | 提供信息的;增长见识的 |
4 | hazard | /ˈhæzərd/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a danger or risk; as a verb, to expose to a risk or danger. | 危险(名词);冒险(动词) |
5 | sphere | /sfɪər/ | noun | A three-dimensional round-shaped object; an area of activity, experience, or knowledge. | 球体;领域 |
6 | poster | /ˈpoʊstər/ | noun | A large printed notice or advertisement, often displayed on a wall or other flat surface. | 海报;宣传画 |
7 | prairie | /ˈprɛri/ | noun | A large open area of grassland, often with few trees; a plains region. | 大草原;大平原 |
8 | oval | /ˈoʊvəl/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, having the shape of an egg; as a noun, a figure or object that is oval in shape. | 椭圆形的(形容词);椭圆形(名词) |
9 | extensive | /ɪkˈstɛnsɪv/ | adjective | Covering a large area; having a wide range or scope; thorough or comprehensive. | 广泛的;大范围的 |
10 | radiate | /ˈreɪdieɪt/ | verb/adjective | As a verb, to emit rays of light or heat; as an adjective, having rays or lines extending outward. | 辐射(动词);放射状的(形容词) |
11 | ventilation | /ˌvɛntɪˈleɪʃən/ | noun | The provision of fresh air or the circulation of air in a space, typically through mechanical systems or natural means. | 通风 |
12 | humanist | /ˈhjuːmənɪst/ | noun/adjective | As a noun, a person with a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity; as an adjective, relating to humanism. | 人文主义者(名词);人文主义的(形容词) |
13 | microwave | /ˈmaɪkrəˌweɪv/ | noun | An electromagnetic wave with a wavelength in the range of one millimeter to one meter; as a noun, an appliance that uses microwaves for cooking. | 微波(名词);微波炉 |
14 | fume | /fjum/ | noun/verb | As a noun, smoke or gas that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale; as a verb, to be in a state of agitation or annoyance. | 烟雾(名词);冒烟(动词) |
15 | discipline | /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a branch of knowledge or training; as a verb, to train or develop by instruction and exercise. | 学科;纪律(名词);训练(动词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | oyster | /ˈɔɪstər/ | noun | A marine mollusk with a rough irregular shell, often valued as a delicacy; the flesh of this mollusk when eaten. | 牡蛎 |
2 | slope | /sloʊp/ | noun/verb | As a noun, an inclined plane or surface; as a verb, to have or take an inclined direction. | 斜坡(名词);倾斜(动词) |
3 | solemn | /ˈsɒləm/ | adjective | Formal, dignified, and serious; characterized by deep sincerity or earnestness. | 庄重的;庄严的 |
4 | ample | /ˈæmpəl/ | adjective | More than enough, abundant; fully sufficient for the purpose or needs. | 充足的;丰富的 |
5 | vacant | /ˈveɪkənt/ | adjective | Not occupied, empty; having no incumbent or occupant. | 空的;空缺的 |
6 | overdue | /ˌoʊvərˈduː/ | adjective | Not having been paid, received, or done by the expected or agreed-upon time. | 迟到的;过期的 |
7 | acupuncture | /ˈækjʊˌpʌŋktʃər/ | noun | A traditional Chinese medicine technique involving the insertion of thin needles into the body at specific points. | 针灸 |
8 | canyon | /ˈkænjən/ | noun | A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. | 峡谷 |
9 | parachute | /ˈpærəʃuːt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a device used to slow the descent of a person or object through the air; as a verb, to descend using a parachute. | 降落伞(名词);用降落伞降落(动词) |
10 | renaissance | /ˌrɛnəˈsɑːns/ | noun | A revival or renewed interest in something; specifically, the period of renewed interest in art, learning, and culture in Europe during the 14th-17th centuries. | 文艺复兴;复兴时期 |
11 | convict | /ˈkɒnvɪkt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a person found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence; as a verb, to declare someone guilty of a criminal offense. | 罪犯(名词);宣告有罪(动词) |
12 | cello | /ˈtʃɛloʊ/ | noun | A large, four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, played with a bow. | 大提琴 |
13 | dramatic | /drəˈmætɪk/ | adjective | Of or relating to drama; characterized by strong, expressive, and striking features. | 戏剧的;引人注目的 |
14 | popularity | /ˌpɒpjʊˈlærəti/ | noun | The state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by a large number of people. | 受欢迎;流行 |
15 | pamphlet | /ˈpæmflɪt/ | noun | A small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject. | 小册子;宣传册 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | idiom | /ˈɪdiəm/ | noun | A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words; a specialized expression or phrase. | 成语;习语 |
2 | acquaintance | /əˈkweɪntəns/ | noun | A person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend; familiarity with someone or something. | 相识;熟悉 |
3 | pledge | /plɛdʒ/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a solemn promise or undertaking; as a verb, to commit to a pledge or promise. | 保证(名词);保证(动词) |
4 | thunderstorm | /ˈθʌndərˌstɔrm/ | noun | A storm with thunder and lightning, often accompanied by heavy rain or hail. | 雷暴风雨 |
5 | supervisor | /ˈsuːpərˌvaɪzər/ | noun | A person who oversees or directs the work of others; a manager or overseer. | 督导;主管 |
6 | tumble | /ˈtʌmbəl/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to fall suddenly and uncontrollably; as a noun, a sudden and uncontrolled fall. | 摔倒(动词);摔跤(名词) |
7 | adventurous | /ædˈvɛntʃərəs/ | adjective | Willing to take risks or engage in new and exciting activities; daring and bold. | 爱冒险的;大胆的 |
8 | spacecraft | /ˈspeɪsˌkræft/ | noun | A vehicle designed for travel or operation in outer space; a manned or unmanned vehicle designed to travel beyond Earth's atmosphere. | 宇宙飞船 |
9 | significance | /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns/ | noun | The quality of being worthy of attention or importance; the meaning or importance of something. | 重要性;意义 |
10 | weld | /wɛld/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to join together (metal pieces) by heating and hammering; as a noun, a joint formed by welding. | 焊接(动词);焊缝(名词) |
11 | inflation | /ɪnˈfleɪʒən/ | noun | The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, leading to a decrease in purchasing power. | 通货膨胀 |
12 | splash | /splæʃ/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to cause liquid to scatter in small drops; as a noun, the sound or action of something hitting a liquid surface. | 溅(动词);溅泼声(名词) |
13 | optimistic | /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ | adjective | Having a positive outlook on the future; expecting the best possible outcome. | 乐观的;乐观主义的 |
14 | dime | /daɪm/ | noun | A coin worth ten cents in the United States; a small amount of money. | 十美分硬币;少量钱 |
15 | timidity | /tɪˈmɪdəti/ | noun | Lack of self-confidence or courage; shyness or fearfulness in social situations. | 胆怯;羞怯 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | rifle | /ˈraɪfl̩/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a firearm designed for accurate long-range shooting; as a verb, to search through something quickly and thoroughly. | 步枪(名词);搜寻(动词) |
2 | spiral | /ˈspaɪrəl/ | noun/verb/adjective | As a noun, a curve that winds around a central point; as a verb, to take a spiral shape; as an adjective, having a spiral form. | 螺旋(名词);螺旋形的(动词);螺旋的(形容词) |
3 | refreshment | /rɪˈfrɛʃmənt/ | noun | A light snack or drink, often served as a quick break or during an activity. | 点心;提神之物 |
4 | threshold | /ˈθrɛʃhoʊld/ | noun | The level or point at which something would start or cease to happen or exist; the entrance or doorway of a building. | 门槛;界限 |
5 | tuition | /tuˈɪʃən/ | noun | The fee charged for instruction, especially at a formal institution of learning. | 学费;教学 |
6 | defect | /ˈdiːfɛkt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a flaw or imperfection; as a verb, to abandon one's allegiance, loyalty, or duty. | 缺陷(名词);背叛(动词) |
7 | destruction | /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/ | noun | The action or process of causing great damage or harm; the state of being destroyed. | 毁灭;破坏 |
8 | comprise | /kəmˈpraɪz/ | verb | To consist of or be made up of; to include or contain. | 包含;由...组成 |
9 | gaseous | /ˈɡæsiəs/ | adjective | Relating to or having the characteristics of a gas; existing in the form of gas. | 气体的;含气的 |
10 | debtor | /ˈdɛtər/ | noun | A person or entity that owes money; someone in debt. | 债务人;欠债者 |
11 | reception | /rɪˈsɛpʃən/ | noun | The action or process of receiving something; a formal social gathering or celebration. | 接收;招待会 |
12 | soloist | /ˈsoʊloʊɪst/ | noun | A musician, especially a singer, who performs alone or as the featured performer. | 独奏者;独唱者 |
13 | scout | /skaʊt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a person sent out to obtain information; as a verb, to explore an area or observe for the purpose of gathering information. | 童子军(名词);侦查(动词) |
14 | unearth | /ʌnˈɜrθ/ | verb | To dig up or bring to the surface something buried or hidden; to uncover or discover. | 挖出;发掘 |
15 | terrific | /təˈrɪfɪk/ | adjective | Extremely good or impressive; causing extreme fear or dread. | 极好的;可怕的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | merchandise | /ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪz/ | noun/verb | Goods to be bought and sold, especially products for trade; as a verb, to engage in the trade of goods. | 商品(名词);经营贸易(动词) |
2 | erupt | /ɪˈrʌpt/ | verb | To burst out or explode suddenly, often referring to a volcano or other natural phenomena. | 爆发;喷发 |
3 | scratch | /skrætʃ/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to mark or cut a surface with a sharp object; as a noun, a mark or injury made by scratching. | 刮(动词);抓痕(名词) |
4 | irritable | /ˈɪrɪtəbl/ | adjective | Easily annoyed or provoked to anger; showing a tendency to be easily upset or irritated. | 易怒的;急躁的 |
5 | soluble | /ˈsɒljəbl/ | adjective | Capable of being dissolved, often in a liquid; able to be solved or explained. | 可溶解的;可解决的 |
6 | compose | /kəmˈpoʊz/ | verb | To create or form by putting together different parts; to write or create a piece of music. | 组成;创作 |
7 | weave | /wiːv/ | verb | To form fabric by interlacing threads or yarn; to create something by combining various elements. | 编织;编排 |
8 | mason | /ˈmeɪsən/ | noun | A person who works with stone, brick, or concrete, often as a builder or craftsman. | 泥瓦匠;石匠 |
9 | detrimental | /ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛntəl/ | adjective | Causing harm or damage; having a negative effect on something. | 有害的;不利的 |
10 | shallow | /ˈʃæloʊ/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, having little depth; as a noun, a shallow place, especially in water. | 浅的(形容词);浅滩(名词) |
11 | hoe | /hoʊ/ | noun/verb | A gardening tool with a thin flat blade used for cultivating and weeding; to use a hoe in gardening. | 锄头(名词);用锄头锄地(动词) |
12 | receptive | /rɪˈsɛptɪv/ | adjective | Willing to listen or accept new ideas, suggestions, or experiences; open-minded and responsive. | 善于接受的;能接纳的 |
13 | respective | /rɪˈspɛktɪv/ | adjective | Belonging or relating separately to each of the items mentioned; considered individually. | 各自的;各个的 |
14 | migration | /maɪˈɡreɪʃən/ | noun | The regular movement of animals, birds, or people from one region or habitat to another. | 迁徙;移民 |
15 | creditor | /ˈkrɛdɪtər/ | noun | A person or entity to whom money is owed; someone who is owed money. | 债权人;贷方 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | resort | /rɪˈzɔːt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a place frequented for vacations or recreation; as a verb, to turn to or adopt as a last resort. | 度假胜地(名词);求助(动词) |
2 | feminism | /ˈfɛmɪnɪzəm/ | noun | The advocacy of women's rights and equality based on the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. | 女权主义 |
3 | apt | /æpt/ | adjective | Suitable or appropriate in the circumstances; having a tendency to do something. | 恰当的;易于的 |
4 | aquatic | /əˈkwætɪk/ | adjective/noun | Relating to water; living in or near water; as a noun, an aquatic plant or organism. | 水生的(形容词);水生生物(名词) |
5 | odd | /ɒd/ | adjective | Strange or unusual; differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected. | 奇怪的;不同寻常的 |
6 | dilute | /daɪˈluːt/ | verb/adjective | As a verb, to make a substance thinner or weaker by adding another substance; as an adjective, having a low concentration. | 稀释(动词);稀薄的(形容词) |
7 | stimulus | /ˈstɪmjʊləs/ | noun | Something that incites or rouses to action; a stimulus can be physical or psychological. | 刺激;激励 |
8 | supervise | /ˈsuːpərvaɪz/ | verb | To oversee, manage, or direct activities, especially to ensure that they are carried out correctly. | 监督;管理 |
9 | plump | /plʌmp/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, pleasantly plump or rounded in form; as a verb, to make or become plump. | 圆胖的(形容词);使变丰满(动词) |
10 | charitable | /ˈʧærɪtəbl/ | adjective | Kind and generous in giving money or help to those in need; relating to or involved in charity. | 慈善的;慷慨的 |
11 | irritate | /ˈɪrɪteɪt/ | verb | To provoke or annoy, causing displeasure, anger, or impatience. | 激怒;使恼火 |
12 | reliability | /rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ | noun | The quality of being trustworthy or dependable; the extent to which something is reliable. | 可靠性;可信赖性 |
13 | appoint | /əˈpɔɪnt/ | verb | To assign a duty, task, or responsibility to someone; to designate or set officially. | 任命;指定 |
14 | authentic | /ɔːˈθɛntɪk/ | adjective | Genuine, real, or true; conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief. | 真实的;可信的 |
15 | autonomous | /ɔːˈtɒnəməs/ | adjective | Having self-governance or independence; existing or functioning independently. | 自主的;自治的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | vigorous | /ˈvɪɡərəs/ | adjective | Strong, active, and full of energy; characterized by physical or mental strength. | 精力充沛的;有活力的 |
2 | scatter | /ˈskætər/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to disperse or distribute widely; as a noun, a small, dispersed amount or group. | 散开(动词);零星的(名词) |
3 | frightening | /ˈfraɪtənɪŋ/ | adjective | Causing fear or terror; alarming or terrifying. | 令人恐惧的;吓人的 |
4 | raid | /reɪd/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a sudden attack or surprise assault; as a verb, to conduct a sudden attack. | 袭击(名词);袭击(动词) |
5 | gasoline | /ˈɡæsəliːn/ | noun | A volatile flammable liquid used as fuel in internal combustion engines; often referred to as "gas" in informal language. | 汽油 |
6 | marvel | /ˈmɑːvl/ | noun/verb | As a noun, something that causes wonder or astonishment; as a verb, to be amazed at something. | 奇迹(名词);惊奇(动词) |
7 | latent | /ˈleɪtənt/ | adjective | Present but not visible, apparent, or active; existing in potential form. | 潜在的;隐藏的 |
8 | volcano | /vɒlˈkeɪnoʊ/ | noun | A mountain or hill with a vent in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt. | 火山 |
9 | bean | /biːn/ | noun | A seed or seedpod of various leguminous plants; often used as a source of food. | 豆子 |
10 | tunnel | /ˈtʌnl̩/ | noun/verb | An underground passage; to make a tunnel or travel through one. | 隧道(名词);挖隧道(动词) |
11 | relic | /ˈrɛlɪk/ | noun | An object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest. | 遗物;古物 |
12 | axis | /ˈæksɪs/ | noun | An imaginary line about which a body rotates; a central or principal line of action, movement, or development. | 轴;中心线 |
13 | contention | /kənˈtɛnʃən/ | noun | A heated disagreement or argument; a point asserted as part of an argument. | 争论;争执 |
14 | lace | /leɪs/ | noun/verb | A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern; to fasten or decorate with lace. | 蕾丝(名词);用蕾丝装饰(动词) |
15 | zealous | /ˈzɛləs/ | adjective | Filled with zeal; enthusiastic, eager, or fervent in pursuing a cause or goal. | 热情的;热心的 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | assert | /əˈsɜːt/ | verb | To state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. | 断言;肯定地说 |
2 | loom | /luːm/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening; as a noun, a device for weaving. | 隐约出现(动词);织布机(名词) |
3 | annoy | /əˈnɔɪ/ | verb | To irritate or disturb, causing slight anger or displeasure. | 打扰;惹恼 |
4 | radar | /ˈreɪdɑːr/ | noun | A system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, using radio waves. | 雷达 |
5 | genuine | /ˈdʒɛnjʊɪn/ | adjective | Truly what something is said to be; authentic or real. | 真实的;真正的 |
6 | monument | /ˈmɒnjʊmənt/ | noun | A structure, typically a building, erected to commemorate a person or event; a lasting tribute. | 纪念碑;纪念物 |
7 | pore | /pɔː/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to read or study attentively; as a noun, a small opening, especially in the skin. | 专心研读(动词);毛孔(名词) |
8 | acquire | /əˈkwaɪə/ | verb | To gain or come into possession of something, often through one's efforts or actions. | 获得;取得 |
9 | solicitor | /səˈlɪsɪtə/ | noun | In the UK, a lawyer who advises clients on legal matters and may represent them in lower courts. | 律师;法律顾问 |
10 | residual | /rɪˈzɪdjʊəl/ | adjective/noun | As an adjective, remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone; as a noun, a residual quantity. | 剩余的(形容词);残留物(名词) |
11 | trustworthy | /ˈtrʌstˌwɜːði/ | adjective | Worthy of trust and confidence; reliable and dependable. | 值得信赖的;可靠的 |
12 | refrigerator | /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə/ | noun | An appliance or compartment that is artificially cooled and used to store food and beverages. | 冰箱 |
13 | clay | /kleɪ/ | noun | A naturally occurring material composed of fine particles of minerals, often used for pottery and ceramics. | 黏土;陶土 |
14 | finance | /faɪˈnæns/ | noun/verb | As a noun, the management of money and other assets; as a verb, to provide funding for. | 财务(名词);为...提供资金(动词) |
15 | pillar | /ˈpɪlər/ | noun | A tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, typically used as a support or decoration. | 柱子;支持物 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | nonsense | /ˈnɒnsəns/ | noun | Meaningless or absurd language, behavior, or ideas; something lacking sense or meaning. | 胡言乱语;无意义的事物 |
2 | trim | /trɪm/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to make something neat or orderly; as a noun, decoration or ornamentation. | 整理(动词);装饰(名词) |
3 | dump | /dʌmp/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to discard or dispose of something; as a noun, a site for depositing waste. | 倾倒(动词);垃圾场(名词) |
4 | sect | /sɛkt/ | noun | A group of people with a particular religious or political belief, often viewed as extreme or exclusive. | 宗派;教派 |
5 | apologetic | /əˌpɒləˈdʒɛtɪk/ | adjective | Expressing regret or apology; showing a willingness to make amends. | 道歉的;歉意的 |
6 | regulation | /ˌrɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən/ | noun | A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority; the action or process of controlling or maintaining order. | 规定;管理 |
7 | bounce | /baʊns/ | verb/noun | As a verb, to spring back after hitting a surface; as a noun, a sudden bound or rebound. | 弹起(动词);弹跳(名词) |
8 | blacksmith | /ˈblæksmɪθ/ | noun | A person who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil. | 铁匠 |
9 | intricate | /ˈɪntrɪkət/ | adjective | Complicated or detailed; having many interconnected parts. | 复杂的;错综复杂的 |
10 | sufficient | /səˈfɪʃənt/ | adjective | Adequate or enough to meet the needs of a situation; satisfactory. | 充足的;足够的 |
11 | envision | /ɪnˈvɪʒən/ | verb | To imagine or foresee something as a future possibility; to picture in one's mind. | 想象;展望 |
12 | weary | /ˈwɪəri/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, feeling tired or fatigued; as a verb, to cause someone to feel tired or exhausted. | 疲倦的(形容词);使疲劳(动词) |
13 | voltage | /ˈvəʊltɪdʒ/ | noun | The electric potential difference or electric tension between two points, measured in volts. | 电压 |
14 | dissolve | /dɪˈzɒlv/ | verb | To become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid; to bring to an end or disband. | 溶解;解散 |
15 | domestic | /dəˈmɛstɪk/ | adjective/noun | Relating to the home or family; as a noun, a person employed in household services. | 家庭的(形容词);家仆(名词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | aloof | /əˈluːf/ | adjective/adverb | Distant, reserved, or indifferent in manner; at a distance. | 冷漠的;疏远的 |
2 | wax | /wæks/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a solid substance often used for making candles; as a verb, to become larger or more intense. | 蜡(名词);增大(动词) |
3 | crack | /kræk/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a narrow opening or fissure; as a verb, to break open or cause to break with a sharp sound. | 裂缝(名词);破裂(动词) |
4 | commissioner | /kəˈmɪʃənər/ | noun | A person with the official authority to supervise or administer certain activities or duties. | 委员;官员 |
5 | peer | /pɪə/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a person of the same age, status, or ability; as a verb, to look keenly or with difficulty. | 同龄人(名词);凝视(动词) |
6 | panel | /ˈpænəl/ | noun | A flat or curved component, typically rectangular, that forms or is set into a surface; a group of people gathered for discussion. | 面板;小组 |
7 | responsive | /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ | adjective | Reacting quickly and positively; sensitive to changes or stimuli. | 反应迅速的;敏感的 |
8 | leopard | /ˈlɛpəd/ | noun | A large, carnivorous feline with a distinctive spotted coat. | 豹 |
9 | approximate | /əˈprɒksɪmət/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, close to the actual, but not completely accurate; as a verb, to estimate or come close to. | 近似的(形容词);估算(动词) |
10 | orbit | /ˈɔːbɪt/ | noun/verb | The curved path of a celestial object around a star, planet, or moon; to revolve around. | 轨道(名词);绕轨道运行(动词) |
11 | beam | /biːm/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a long, sturdy piece of timber or metal; as a verb, to emit light or a radiant smile. | 梁(名词);发光(动词) |
12 | athlete | /ˈæθliːt/ | noun | A person who is trained or skilled in sports or physical exercise. | 运动员 |
13 | digestion | /daɪˈdʒɛsʧən/ | noun | The process of breaking down food in the digestive system for absorption and assimilation. | 消化 |
14 | crust | /krʌst/ | noun | The outer layer of something, often referring to the Earth's crust; a hard outer layer or surface. | 外壳;地壳 |
15 | tenant | /ˈtɛnənt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord; as a verb, to occupy as a tenant. | 租户(名词);租赁(动词) |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | suppress | /səˈprɛs/ | verb | To prevent the development, action, or expression of something; to restrain or subdue. | 镇压;抑制 |
2 | compliment | /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a polite expression of praise or admiration; as a verb, to express admiration or praise. | 称赞(名词);恭维(动词) |
3 | critical | /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ | adjective | Involving careful judgment or evaluation; expressing adverse or disapproving comments. | 批评的;关键的 |
4 | gossip | /ˈɡɒsɪp/ | noun/verb | Casual or idle talk, especially about other people's private affairs; to engage in such talk. | 闲聊;流言 |
5 | questionable | /ˈkwɛstʃənəbl/ | adjective | Open to doubt or dispute; doubtful; dubious. | 可疑的;值得怀疑的 |
6 | deception | /dɪˈsɛpʃən/ | noun | The action of deceiving someone; the state of being deceived. | 欺骗;欺诈行为 |
7 | molecule | /ˈmɒlɪkjuːl/ | noun | The smallest unit of a chemical compound, consisting of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. | 分子 |
8 | shiny | /ˈʃaɪni/ | adjective | Reflecting light brightly; having a smooth, glossy surface that reflects light. | 闪亮的;有光泽的 |
9 | longevity | /lɒnˈdʒɛvɪti/ | noun | Long life; the duration of a person's life or the service life of something. | 长寿;寿命 |
10 | hover | /ˈhʌvə/ | verb | To remain in one place in the air, typically by moving the wings quickly; to linger or stay nearby. | 盘旋;徘徊 |
11 | lease | /liːs/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a contract granting use or occupation of property for a specified period; as a verb, to grant the use of property under the terms of a lease. | 租赁(名词);租用(动词) |
12 | lettuce | /ˈlɛtɪs/ | noun | A leafy green vegetable often used in salads. | 生菜 |
13 | electron | /ɪˈlɛktrɒn/ | noun | A subatomic particle carrying a negative electric charge and orbiting the nucleus of an atom. | 电子 |
14 | skull | /skʌl/ | noun | The bony structure forming the head of a vertebrate, enclosing the brain. | 颅骨;头骨 |
15 | speck | /spɛk/ | noun | A tiny spot or mark; a small, distinct, or visible particle. | 斑点;微粒 |
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | inert | /ɪˈnəːt/ | adjective | Lacking the ability to move or react; inactive. | 惰性的;不活跃的 |
2 | anticipation | /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃən/ | noun | The act of looking forward to or expecting something; excitement or tension before an event. | 期待;预期 |
3 | peninsula | /pəˈnɪnsjʊlə/ | noun | A landmass surrounded by water on three sides, projecting into a body of water. | 半岛 |
4 | proficiency | /prəˈfɪʃənsi/ | noun | A high level of skill or expertise in a particular activity or subject. | 熟练;精通 |
5 | congress | /ˈkɒŋɡres/ | noun | A formal assembly of representatives, especially in a legislative body; e.g., the U.S. Congress. | 国会;议会 |
6 | semester | /sɪˈmɛstə/ | noun | A half-year academic term during which classes are conducted. | 学期 |
7 | scrap | /skræp/ | noun/verb | As a noun, a small piece or fragment; as a verb, to discard or get rid of something. | 碎片;废弃 |
8 | newscast | /ˈnjuːzkɑːst/ | noun | A broadcast or presentation of news, typically on radio or television. | 新闻广播 |
9 | vent | /vɛnt/ | noun/verb | As a noun, an opening through which air or gas can escape; as a verb, to express feelings or release pressure. | 通风孔;发泄 |
10 | recipe | /ˈrɛsɪpi/ | noun | A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including ingredients and directions. | 食谱 |
11 | elimination | /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ | noun | The act of removing or getting rid of something; in competitions, disqualifying or excluding participants. | 淘汰;消除 |
12 | steep | /stiːp/ | adjective/verb | As an adjective, describing a sharp incline; as a verb, to immerse in a liquid for extracting flavors. | 陡峭的;浸泡 |
13 | arithmetic | /əˈrɪθmətɪk/ | noun | A branch of mathematics dealing with numbers and basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. | 算术 |
14 | density | /ˈdɛnsɪti/ | noun | The degree of compactness of a substance, often defined as mass per unit volume. | 密度 |
15 | portray | /pɔːˈtreɪ/ | verb | To depict or represent someone or something in a particular way, often through art or literature. | 描绘;表现 |
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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