背单词 首字母 2023年11月

infinite, firewood, hysterical, subsidize, eel,
delinquent, defendant, fossil, capitalism, prose,
expressive, handout, brood, briefcase, diplomacy
We live in an infinite universe that has no boundaries.
Firewood is wood that has been cut into small pieces to be burned in fires.
Whenever she is furious, she becomes hysterical.
The government subsidizes housing costs for those with low income.
The angry eel came out from its home because we disturbed it as we swam by.
This delinquent was arrested and the police took his photo.
The defendant is filled with regret in the court.
There is a fossil of an ancient fish in the ground.
Capitalism works for making money, but it doesn't help the poor very much.
This piece of prose is famous for its beautiful language.
His expressive face showed great anger.
The rabbit was distributing handouts in the street.
The brood of young birds are waiting for their mother to feed them.
My new briefcase is made from brown leather.
Diplomacy is an important method of solving problems between two countries.
orient, turnover, eagle, marathon, solitary,
doctrine, tuna, undesirable, bronze, carrier,
stadium, rugged, cask, scapegoat, occupation
I used a compass to orient myself.
The cafe's turnover for September was in excess of one million yuan.
A huge eagle is flying high in the sky.
To win a marathon, you need super-human endurance levels.
A solitary man is standing in the cold wind alone.
The girl is transcribing the doctrine from that book.
The fisherman caught a big tuna.
Well, I certainly think it's undesirable to get fired from my job.
The lion is made of bronze.
The carrier takes the goods towards his truck.
This is a very famous stadium in Beijing.
They walked along the rugged path to reach the summit.
We store forty liters of wine in each wooden cask.
He was made the scapegoat and took the blame for the mistake.
These people have different occupations.

steadfast, utility, deputy, primitive, motion,
spark, marsh, cellular, vicious, detached,
chronic, disposition, drip, precaution, cordial
If you remain steadfast in your belief, you have a higher chance of succeeding.
A Swiss Army knife isn't a thing of beauty, but it does have its utility.
The deputy of the drug company is chatting with the doctors.
Primitive men made fire by themselves since they had no electricity.
The slow motion clearly shows how he dodges the bullets.
There are many sparks coming out during the work.
Make sure to wear boots if you go to the marsh.
My cellular phone lets me call anybody, anywhere, anytime.
Crocodiles are vicious animals. Stay away from them if you can.
The beautiful detached house has a red front door and garage.
He's suffering from chronic neck and back pain.
He has an unhealthy disposition; he gets angry so easily.
The tap is dripping. Please turn it off.
We wear masks as a precaution against catching a cold.
Our boss is cordial and kind with us.
swathe, hail, diverse, pendulum, craftsman,
anxiously, standpoint, accompaniment, laser, entitle,
verbal, sauce, sympathetic, sow, supreme
The baby is swathed in a blanket.
He lifts up the basin to protect his head from the hail.
A diverse team can cooperate with each other and achieve a common goal.
The pendulum of the clock swung back and forth.
He is such a skilled craftsman! The plate looks so amazing.
She acts anxiously because she doesn't know what to do.
The two ministers held conflicting standpoints on war issue.
The boy sings a song to the accompaniment of his mum's piano.
His laser-like eyes saw right through me.
The book is entitled The Journey to the West.
Thanks to her great verbal skills, she delivered a brilliant presentation.
Each bowl on the table contains a different sauce.
The lady feels sympathetic towards the beggar, so she gives him some money.
He is sowing seeds into soil.
The king has supreme power in his country.

disintegration, lobster, dressing gown, lofty, motive,
smuggle, segment, miner, bundle, aftermath,
characterize, interfere, reed, bachelor, predecessor
The disintegration of the rocket shocked the audience.
Lobster is a delicious kind of seafood.
I just wear a dressing gown at home on the weekend.
The mountain's lofty peak towers through the clouds.
His motive for participating in the competition was to win the championship.
He smuggled phones by hiding them underneath his coat.
Obviously, this is only a segment of the entire pizza.
The miner is working underground.
Here is a bundle of wheat.
In the aftermath of the war, these poor villagers were homeless.
Pinocchio was characterized by his long nose.
Let it fall. Don't interfere with the process.
My boat is stuck in the reeds. Please help me move it.
After four years of hard work, I finally got my bachelor's degree.
He learned a lot from his experienced predecessor.

disgrace, nuisance, resolve, electromagnet, intellectual,
flatter, earnings, casual, resent, aerial,
entertain, obstruction, cite, conduct, conditioner
The athlete disgraced himself by doping during the games.
The boy who keeps pulling the girl's hair is really a nuisance.
Noting shakes his resolve of passing the test!
This electromagnet can pick up a ton of steel and drop it again.
The intellectual girl is familiar with all the math formulas.
"Thank you for your kind words. I'm flattered."
A rise in his online business earnings made him excited.
She prefers casual clothing when hanging out on the street.
After quarreling over and over, the couple resented each other.
This is an aerial view of our city.
The woman plays the clown to entertain kids on the party.
You can find another way around the obstruction in your path.
He cited a sentence said by a famous writer to start his speech.
He is conducting an orchestra.
She's applying conditioner on the girl's hair.

individualism, inverse, proprietor, eminent, footnote,
oppose, dramatize, fascinate, chariot, mastery,
prime, radium, intrude, sanction, symphony
His strong sense of individualism kept him from joing the rest of the crowd.
Good is the inverse of evil just like angels and demons.
When a business runs well, its proprietor can be proud.
Beethoven is an eminent musician.
Footnotes give more detailed background information.
The boy opposes his father's smoking and tells him to stop.
The manga story has been dramatized into a TV series.
The girl is fascinated by the delicious dishes.
Soldiers rode in chariots on the battlefield in ancient times.
Her mastery of several foreign languages is remarkable.
"Our prime task is to reduce the pollution." said the mayor.
Marie Curie discovered the element of radium.
A cat intruded into the classroom and studied with these students.
The installation of air conditioners received sanction from the boss.
A symphony needs many musicians to play different instruments.

flaw, defective, Puritan, enquiry, republican,
reunion, dwarf, snob, detention, narrator,
stammer, ignorant, devotion, compile, premise
There is a small flaw in the blue and white porcelain vase.
The young woman received a parcel with defective goods.
Puritan women would often pray to God to save them from impure thoughts.
Hello, I'd like to make an enquiry about your room availability.
Ancient Rome had a republican form of government.
The whole family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve.
The Seven Dwarfs were happy when staying with Snow White.
He drives the latest car for a snob value.
He was kept in detention by the police.
Bill was a born narrator who loved to tell scary stories.
My stammer embarrassed me when I was dating a girl.
The ignorant man has been bothered by a simple math question.
Because of his devotion to the sport, he never stops playing.
This book compiles thousands of love stories.
This is the movie's premise: two people are trapped on an island and they end up failing in love.

dominant, stun, slate, scrutiny, chick,
fundamental, subdue, mayor, massacre, badminton,
attorney, ward, shed, conjunction, repel
He achieved a dominant position by occupying the majority of the market share.
The man was wide-eyed and stunned.
The boy loves to make chalk drawings on the slate.
The exam was going on under the scrutiny of the teacher.
These yellow baby chicks look so cute!
In modern society, Wi-Fi is the most fundamental need.
The police subdue the criminal and pin him to the ground.
The mayor is giving a speech on the stage.
No rabbits survived the massacre under the authority of the fox king.
These kids are playing badminton in the park.
The attorney is defending his client in the courtroom.
There is no patient in the ward.
Tears shed down her face like pouring rain.
Conjunctions such as "and", "or", and "but" can join words, phrases or clauses.
Like poles repel; unlike poles attract.

viewpoint, allowance, countess, undertake, cannon,
antiquity, reckon, lane, influence, discontent,
arrogant, strip, tackle, extravagant, hostile
The monument looks beautiful from this viewpoint.
He has an allowance of 3000 dollars every month.
The countess in this portrait clearly lived a comfortable life.
He undertook the task of designing the bridge.
The cannons are aimed at the pirate ship.
The palace is a famous Chinese antiquity.
The agent reckoned the house was worth about 500,000 yuan.
This lane will lead you to cross the forest.
His mother was a main influence on his becoming a pianist.
From the look on their faces, you could see their discontent at the food they were given.
The arrogant man refused to listen to anyone else's ideas.
Please strip off your clothes for the medical exam.
The firefighters successfully tackled the blaze.
That extravagant lady always buys a lot of things when she goes to the mall.
The two angry men are hostile toward each other.

foreman, layman, recreation, yawn, choke,
conform, situate, occasional, brigade, revelation,
dubious, commentary, arch, sociable, autobiography
I'm the foreman - if you want the workers to do something, talk to me.
He is a layman and doesn't know how to fix the car.
Old people like to play mahjong for recreation.
The cat yawned lying on the grass. So cute!
She is choking as she drinks the water too fast.
Even the donkeys conform the traffic regulations!
Our compass helped us situate ourselves.
The lucky farmer's discovery of the treasure was occasional.
The fire brigade stood in front of the fire engine, all wearing their professional uniforms.
The revelation that he stole from his company was exposed.
The girl was dubious about what the talent agent was saying.
People love the man's commentary on soccer games.
The bridge has five arches.
Human are sociable creatures; we love to spend time with our friends.
The scientist's autobiography inspired me a lot.

alley, monarch, puff, spite, appeal,
intensive, spinach, biography, hindrance, shareholder,
stationary, optimal, restless, dustpan, startle
The narrow alley winds through the old town.
They bowed down before the monarch, who ruled the country.
His car puffed out smoke as it finally broke down.
The dog peed on his master's bed out of spite.
The animal rights group appeals for an end to commercial whaling.
The intensive study for the college entrance exam made him exhausted.
He gains endless strength from the spinach.
On the shelf, you can find many biographies of famous people.
The fallen tree becomes a hindrance on the road.
Shareholders are expecting rapid market growth by next month.
The cars in the traffic jam are stationary.
Chopsticks would be the optimal choice to serve noodles.
The seemingly never-ending workload left him feeling restless.
I sweep all the waste paper into this dustpan.
The exposition of firecrackers startled the chicken.

accordance, propaganda, Arctic, exquisite, buoy,
bulletin, pirate, fruitless, fleet, ingenuity,
suspender, filthy, embargo, dwell, faculty
The little boy wore a helmet in accordance with safety regulations.
The political propaganda is posted onto the lampposts around the city.
Polar bears only live in Arctic areas; you can't find them in farther south.
I've spent all my cash to buy you this exquisite necklace.
This navigation buoy helps ships avoid shallow wasters.
The students are reading some notices posted on the bulletin board.
The pirate found an island to bury the stolen treasure.
His attempts to increase sales had proved fruitless, so he would be fired.
The big fleet of ships always stay together.
Master Wang shows his ingenuity in making handcrafts.
The boy in a white tank top is pulling on his suspenders.
None of the roomates liked to clean, so the place was always filthy.
The country imposed an embargo on the import of oil.
Squirrels often dwell in forests.
The official website of the Law School shows a profile for the faculty.

errand, opener, caretaker, provincial, detach,
socket, democracy, expend, spiced, tumour,
reluctant, grim, indefinite, lame, industrious
In many companies, interns run boring errands for their bosses.
Thanks to this bottle opener, I can now enjoy my drink.
He acts as a caretaker of the warehouse.
Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario province.
I detached the screen protector from my phone.
Hi is putting the plug into the socket.
Voting is an important part of democracy.
A credit card is used when people expend money.
This Indian curry is spiced with curry powder and ginger.
A turmour is a mass of diseased or abnormal cells growing in a person's body.
The dog was reluctant to take a bath.
It's very hard for the patient to accept the grim result.
Which door should he go through? The answer is indefinite.
I'm lame since my accident; I need the help of walking sticks to walk.
This industrious businessman is busy with his work.

fireside, hairspray, sauna, short-circuit, sledge,
sorghum, soya bean, starry, steering-wheel, tinkle,
underachieve, underclass, unplug, viewfinder, charcoal
In the winter, I and my cat both curl up by the fireside.
The hairspray can help to keep this ridiculous shape for a day or two.
You will feel sweaty if you sit in a sauna for long.
The wire has short-circuit and burnt out.
Going downhill on a sledge, you don't need reindeer to pull you.
Fermented sorghum grain is used to make maotai and other expensive liquors.
Lots of tasty things can be made from soya beans, like tofu.
Look at all the stars in the night sky. It's such a starry night!
When you drive, always keep both hands on the steering-wheel.
When you ring them, these tiny bells just make a tiny tinkle.
My teacher says I'm clever but I underachieve - my brother says I'm just stupid.
The underclass often have poor living conditions and live a diffcult life.
I always unplug the TV when I'm not using it to save electricity.
I bought this camera because its viewfinder gives a very accurate idea of how the picture will look.
The charcoal glowed red hot.

tangerine, thriller, tarmac, tipper, Buddhist,
toffee, tsar, franc, sleigh, warhead,
Yank, skylight, backwards, willpower, carcase
Mr. Tangerine hates swimming with Mr. Orange because he moves so slowly.
The thriller is so intense! It has me on the edge of my seat.
The runway tarmac has to be strong and level because the plane is fast and heavy.
I think I'm a good tipper; I usually leave 20% of the bill as a tip.
The Buddhist monk is praying in the temple.
Toffee is a buttery, chewy, sweet candy that kids love to eat.
In Russia, the tsar used to hold the highest authority.
The previous unit of currency in France was the franc.
Do you hear the bells from Santa Claus's sleigh?
The missiles were loaded with red atomic warheads.
I'm a Yank, she's a Yank - we love America, want to make something of it?
The studio is lit mostly by the sun from its many skylights.
When we both bend backwards, we almost make a complete circle.
This time I have the willpower to stick my diet!
A whale carcase has been washed up on the beach.

entrepot, rye, unethical, amiss, shotgun,
karate, whereabouts, athletic, seatbelt, druggist,
outwards, Arabic, settee, strangle, stateroom
This entrepot is for goods from Europe that will be shipped to China by rail.
This rye field will be harvested to make beer.
Forcing employees to work overtime without pay is unethical.
Something's amiss with my email - why is it all in ancient Greek?
The man is holding a shotgun.
He wasn't prepared for the karate kick to his face.
The man anxiously asked if anyone knew whereabouts of his dog.
He is an athletic person who is good at most sports.
Any time you are in a car, always fasten your seatbelt.
The druggist can advise you on which medicines to buy.
Strange things flew outwards from the magic box.
These two Arabic men are talking about business.
Our settee will seat three, or sleep one(my lazy husband).
It appears that the victim was strangled with this rope.
I reserved a stateroom on the yacht with a beautiful ocean view.

schoolmaster, aged, duckling, headwind, lemonade,
horsehair, ostrich, Mexican, baggy, pony,
extracurricular, owing, racecourse, spinster, wick
The schoolmaster is as wise as he was strange.
We may be old and aged, but our lives are great. We've got it made!
This ugly duckling won't grow up to be a swan - just a duck.
The runner had to battle against a strong headwind.
I used lemons, sugar and ice to make a glass of lemonade.
The best quality brushes have horsehair bristles.
The ostrich is running across the field.
The Mexican man sold delicious Mexican food such as tacos.
His pants were so baggy they fell down in the middle of the street!
What a lucky little girl. I wish I had a pony.
I'm a professor of mathematical philosophy. I also have an extracurricular interest: I play the guitar.
The National Debt is the total amount of money borrowed by the government that is still owing.
We cheered our horses on as they ran around the racecourse.
After not marrying, she turned into an old spinster.
The flame burned steady on the candle wick.

honeymoon, semi-skilled, showcase, satin, dry-cleaner,
italics, sneak, hairpin, nobleman, mileometer,
vet, pram, works, gothic, bowling
The newly-weds are on their honeymoon.
He was only a semi-skilled blacksmith and always managed to injure himself.
I'm wondering what will be put in this showcase.
I love the feel of this satin scarf next to my skin.
If your clothes have oil on them, you should probably take them to a dry-cleaner.
These sentences were written in italics.
The boy took off his shoes so he could sneak around.
She kept her hair in place with diamond hairpins.
Can't you tell I'm a nobleman from my handsome clothes?
My mileometer says I've driven almost 100,000 miles!
I ask the vet to check my puppy's health every couple of months.
My little daughter loves it when I take her around the park in her cute pink pram.
On the desk are the great writer's works of literature.
The woman tried a gothic style during her latest photoshoot.
I am teaching my son how to play bowling.

optical, suppression, boot, bookcase, ditch,
tramp, prawn, crate, sulky, flowchart,
margarine, epoch-making, rheumatism, almighty, disinfectant
This optical illusion causes us to see two faces in the photo.
The suppression of the guard's anger takes a lot of willpower.
The person wore a pair of brown boots to hike.
My bookcase contains about a hundred books.
There is a ditch between the two fields.
The homeless tramp needs someone to help him.
I'm in the mood for seafood. How about some prawns for dinner?
He is carrying a crate of vegetables to the truck.
Unwilling to do homework, the child was sulky and moody.
This wedding was well planned in accordance with the flowchart.
We use plant oil to make margarine.
The nineteenth century was a time of many epoch-making inventions.
He suffers from rheumatism and damp weather worsens his condition.
Ancient Greeks thought of Zeus as an almighty being.
She cleaned the toilet with disinfectant.

velvet, radial, slap, crag, ketchup,
grenade, grill, sneeze, mosquito, cuff,
simile, minefield, compassion, pop, staunch
The clothes hanging on the rack are made of velvet.
A bicycle wheel depends on the correct radial construction.
The black cat slapped the other angrily.
Wow, watch him climb that crag. He knows no fear.
Ketchup is my favorite sauce. I put it on everything.
It's OK, these grenades are very old and very unlikely to explode.
The man grills the sausages on top of a hot iron.
I have been sneezing a lot today. I think I'm sick.
I was bitten by a mosquito.
He's buttoning up the cuffs of his shirt.
"You are as beautiful as this rose." What an unoriginal simile!
There's no way I will take this boat through that minefield.
The man gave the girl his shoes because he had great compassion.
Let's pop open the champagne.
We are all staunch supporters of the Spanish football team.

teem, alligator, gut, milestone, marmalade,
ladybird, Mars, glisten, bolt, kidnapper,
activist, assurance, clang, gang, liquor
The Great Wall is always teeming with tourists.
Two cute alligators are standing together.
Gut is the tube in the body where food passes when it leaves the stomach.
He considered achieving a PhD a major milestone in his life.
I'll have some orange marmalade with my toast.
Ladybirds have several spots on their wing convers.
Mars is the fourth closest planet from the sun.
The dewdrop on the green leaves glisten in the morning sun.
The rusty metal bolt securely locked the door.
The bear over there is the kidnapper.
These environmental activists are calling for action to be taken to fight climate change!
He gave me some much needed assurance.
Please don't ring the bell again! Its clang is keeping me awake.
This gang of troublesome young men likes to cause trouble.
This bar sells a wide variety of liquor.

anchorwoman, toil, accustom, gunpowder, poisonous,
cartoon, thwart, virgin, tangle, forthcoming,
bureau, desperately, penguin, Persian, awe
It's a tough job being a TV anchorwoman but I love the excitement and the fame!
Workers toiled at the construction site.
He has accustomed himself to using chopsticks.
The gunpowder is in the bullet.
Beware of poisonous things like rat poison and certain mushrooms.
Almost every kid loves to watch cartoons!
The high wire fence thwarted my attempt to enter the property.
They were both virgins until they got married.
That stupid dog got tangled up in our decorations.
The forthcoming movie looks awesome; I can't wait to watch it.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a government agency in the United States investigating crimes.
They looked on desperately as the fire raged in the cathedral.
Penguins live in cold places.
The Persian dress is lovely.
He gazed in awe at the magnificence of the Egyptian pyramids.

boulevard, antic, bulldozer, await, carpenter,
hectare, smelly, signpost, Christian, czar,
booklet, diagnosis, persecute, poetess, obedient
A boulevard is a wide city street lined with trees.
The clowns always think of some antics to show their vitality.
We use this bulldozer when we have to level the ground or bury pipes.
People are awaiting the bus.
The carpenter is making wooden furniture.
There are six hectares of rice fields here.
Eww! Your sock is so smelly.
This signpost tells you the ways to all kinds of different places.
Everyone in this family is a Christian.
The Russian czar looked handsome in his military uniform.
This little booklet will explain everything you want to know.
My diagnosis is that you have a minor heart problem.
Jewish people were persecuted by fascists in the past.
She is regarded as the greatest poetess throughout Chinese history.
The dog is obedient, and does whatever the boy wants.

saint, emerald, tan, bilingual, hoop,
monarchy, carcass, mahogany, aeronautics, eloquence,
bully, bitterly, gramophone, phonetic, sly
Saints are often depicted with a circle of light above them to show their holiness.
Emeralds are such a beautiful green color. It's too bad they are so expensive.
I can get a tan while lying in the sun.
My mother is bilingual. She can speak Spanish and English.
Keep spinning that hoop around. Don't let it touch the ground.
In a monarchy, the country is ruled by a king or a queen.
The scientists found a carcass of an ancient fish.
The table is made of fine quality mahogany.
Aeronautics is the science of designing, making, and operating an aircraft.
He delivers speeches with great eloquence.
The school bully is always giving other kids a hard time.
He was bitterly disappointed after being rejected by her again.
The antique gramophone still plays the old records it came with.
Phonetic symbols help us to pronounce different words properly.
He distracts my attention in order to steal from me. How sly!

unwind, foodstuff, conceit, swerve, polar,
evidently, ruthless, bookstall, liner, tuck,
whip, nausea, foyer, calf, liberalism
Finally, I have time to unwind at the end of a busy day.
Look at these foodstuffs! How fresh!
The cat's conceit deluded him into believing he is as strong as a lion.
The car swerved to avoid hitting the dog.
Polar animals can live in cold conditions well.
Evidently, it was my cat who ate my dinner.
Instead of saving his friend, the ruthless lion tried to kill him.
You can buy many books at the neighborhood bookstall.
The way she uses liner on her eyes is very strange.
I tucked my blouse into my skirt to look presentable.
The guy whips his horses to make them run faster.
I feel a little nausea today; maybe it was something I ate.
We were totally amazed at the magnificence of the foyer when we entered the hotel.
The calves are playing with their mother in the field.
Political liberalism is the idea that people should be free of the government in their personal lives, but that government can help economically.

boycott, principle, civilisation, commence, missile,
toss, ransom, chronicle, ravage, overseas,
knuckle, thresh, fellowship, mat, grandstand
The office workers are putting up a boycott.
Our business success is based on four fundamental principles.
Many relics from the ancient Egyptian civilisation have been discovered.
We were about to commence the race.
Missiles are used to attack enemies from a long distance.
This coin toss will decide who goes first.
The evil man kidnapped a boy and held him for ransom.
This ancient Chinese chronicle is a record of past events.
The ravages of the earthquake were devastating.
We export the goods overseas.
To make a strong fist, fold all your knuckles as tight as you can.
Peasants thresh their grain using simple tools.
These young sporty women had a strong fellowship.
The floor was convered with a gray furry mat.

The grandstand is full of excited spectators watching the football match.


torpedo, cocktail, botany, tick, sore,
charity, aspirin, reel, flask, thoughtless,
democratic, clearway, annul, irrational, beetle
The shark-shaped submarine launched a torpedo.
Colorful cocktails are served on the table.
Botany is the study of plants.
I am ticking the boxes one by one.
Ugh! My back feels so sore!
The charity aims to help people in need.
I take an aspirin whenever I have a headache.
She is winding cotton thread onto a reel.
You can pour the chemicals from these flasks.
It was a thoughtless act by the driver to leave the scene of the accident.
In a democratic society, everyone has the right to vote.
You're not allowed to stop on the clearway across the bridge.
She annulled our marriage and tore up the marriage certificate.
It seems irrational to spend all your money on new shoes.
The boy is looking at the beetle specimens on the wall.


referee, squander, cement, intestine, cardboard,
garment, seal, lean, housekeeper, spoonful,
refugee, refuge, crocodile, discriminate, flyover
The referee whistled to stop the game.
The man in the sports card squanders his money just for fun.
They are adding water to the cement.
Your large and small intestine absorb energy from your food as it passes through them.
We will send it to you in a cardboard box.
Which garment should I choose to wear today?
He is sealing the envelope before posting the letter.
Those two men are leaning forward.
I hired her to be my housekeeper since I'm too busy to clean my house.
Take a spoonful of pumpkin porridge from the bowl and have a taste.
The refugees have to leave their home country because of war.
This is a wetland refuge for birds.
Have you ever seen a crocodile with such a nice smile?
Discriminating against others is a bad behavior.
It will be faster if we take the flyover.



honey, exposition, gasp, parish, cradle,

famed, dyke, impeach, dependant, straighten,

oppress, deport, autobiographical, savage, metric

Mr. Bee served up a big jar of sweet honey.

The professor is giving a clear exposition of the theory.

The old man is gasping while going upstairs.

Priests and nuns both live and work in a parish.

The adorable baby is lying in the cradle.

This famed fountain in Rome attracts a lot of tourists.

Workers were constructing the dyke to prevent flooding.

All four of us impeached him for his betrayal; he is no longer our leader.

My daughter is my dependant.

The young man straighten his tie before leaving for work.

The poor employees are oppressed by their cruel boss.

The tiger is being deported to his homeland because he broke the law.

"The life of Han Shan" is an autobiographical account of Han Shan's life, written by himself.

Their wordy conversation made me feel like a total savage.

Centimeters are a main feature of the metric system.


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