英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年09月 ChatGPT


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
liking, thaw, poise, scripture, don,
ecology, congregation, moonlight, artery, hasty,
imperial, resistor, horsewhip, operator, dome

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 liking ˈlaɪkɪŋ noun A preference or fondness for something or someone. 喜好,爱好
2 thaw θɔ verb/noun Verb: To melt or cause to melt from a solid to a liquid state, usually as a result of warmth. 融化,解冻
        Noun: The action or process of thawing. 融化,解冻
3 poise pɔɪz noun/verb Noun: Graceful and elegant bearing; composure. 镇定,优雅
        Verb: To hold or carry in a balanced and steady manner. 使平衡,使稳定
4 scripture ˈskrɪptʃər noun Sacred writings or texts of a particular religion, especially of Christianity. 圣经,宗教经典
5 don dɒn noun/verb Noun: A university teacher, especially a senior member of a college or university. 大学教师,教授
        Verb: To put on (clothing). 穿上
6 ecology ɪˈkɑlədʒi noun The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. 生态学
7 congregation ˌkɑŋɡrɪˈɡeɪʃən noun A group of people assembled for religious worship. 信徒,教众
8 moonlight ˈmuːnlaɪt noun/verb Noun: The light of the moon. 月光
        Verb: To work at a second job, especially at night. 兼职(尤指夜间工作)
9 artery ˈɑrtəri noun Any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body. 动脉
10 hasty ˈheɪsti adjective Done or made with excessive speed or urgency; hurried. 匆忙的,草率的
11 imperial ɪmˈpɪriəl adjective/noun Adjective: Relating to an empire or emperor. 帝国的,皇帝的
        Noun: A piece of luggage, typically cylindrical in shape, that is carried on the shoulder. 圆筒形肩背箱
12 resistor rɪˈzɪstər noun A device having a designed resistance to the passage of an electric current. 电阻器
13 horsewhip ˈhɔrsˌhwɪp noun/verb Noun: A whip for urging on horses. 鞭子,马鞭
        Verb: To beat or chastise with a horsewhip. 用马鞭抽打,责罚
14 operator ˈɑpəˌreɪtər noun A person who operates a machine, vehicle, or other equipment. 操作员,运营者
15 dome doʊm noun A rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure. 圆顶,穹顶

Under the serene moonlight[8], a sense of poise[3] filled the air. The congregation[7] gathered in silent appreciation of the scripture[4] being read aloud.

In the distance, an operator[14] worked with hasty[10] precision, adjusting the resistor[12] on the dome[15] structure. A gentle thaw[2] spread through the landscape, signaling the arrival of a new season.

Amidst this scene of natural ecology[6], a don[5]key grazed peacefully, embodying the liking[1] for the simplicity of rural life, where every beat of the artery[9] of the community was in harmony with the cycles of nature. An imperial[11] air pervaded the scene, reminiscent of a bygone era. Nearby, a horsewhip[13] leaned against a wooden post, a testament to the hardworking spirit of the community.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
tart, lad, pastry, spear, cashier,
corpse, hardy, twinkle, distil, stroll,
jaw, bandit, alumnus, carol, overhead

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 tart tɑrt noun/adjective Noun: A small, open pastry containing sweet or savory filling. 水果馅饼,果馅点心
        Adjective: Having a sharp, sour, or acid taste. 酸的,尖刻的
2 lad læd noun A boy or a young man. 小伙子,年轻人
3 pastry ˈpeɪstri noun A dough of flour, shortening, and water, used as a base and covering in baked dishes. 面团,糕点
4 spear spɪr noun/verb Noun: A weapon with a pointed, usually metal, tip and a long shaft, used for thrusting or throwing. 矛,长矛
        Verb: To pierce or strike with a spear. 用矛刺,刺中
5 cashier kæʃɪər noun/verb Noun: A person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, or other business. 收银员,出纳员
        Verb: To dismiss someone from employment, typically for reasons of economy or redundancy. 开除,解雇
6 corpse kɔrps noun A dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal. 尸体,尸首
7 hardy ˈhɑrdi adjective Capable of enduring difficult conditions; robust; tough. 强壮的,能吃苦耐劳的
8 twinkle ˈtwɪŋkl verb/noun Verb: To shine with a flickering or sparkling light. 闪烁,闪耀
        Noun: A brief, glimmering or sparkling light. 闪烁,闪光
9 distil dɪ'stɪl verb To purify or extract the essential elements of something by heating or evaporating. 蒸馏,提取
10 stroll stroʊl verb/noun Verb: To walk in a leisurely, relaxed way. 散步,漫步
        Noun: A leisurely walk. 散步,漫步
11 jaw dʒɔ noun/verb Noun: Each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth. 颚,下颌
        Verb: To talk incessantly, especially in a noisy or boastful manner. 喋喋不休,絮絮叨叨
12 bandit ˈbændɪt noun A robber or outlaw belonging to a gang, especially one operating in mountainous areas. 强盗,土匪
13 alumnus əˈlʌmnəs noun A male graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university. 男校友,男毕业生
14 carol ˈkærəl noun/verb Noun: A religious song or hymn, typically of joy and celebration, often associated with Christmas. 颂歌,赞美诗
        Verb: To sing or say carols. 唱颂歌,唱赞美诗
15 overhead ˌoʊvərˈhɛd adjective/adverb Adjective: Situated above one's head; in the sky or ceiling. 在头顶上的,在天空的
        Adverb: Above one's head; in the sky. 在头顶上,在天空中

One day, a young lad[2] decided to try his hand at baking. He chose to make a delicious fruit tart[1] using a cherished family recipe. As he kneaded the dough, he couldn't help but notice the twinkle[8] in his mother's eyes, a sure sign of her approval.

While the pastry[3] was in the oven, he took a stroll[10] through the nearby woods. There, he stumbled upon an old, weathered spear[4], half-buried in the earth. Its blade was still surprisingly hardy[7], a testament to its craftsmanship.

As he continued his walk, he encountered a weary cashier[5] from the local store. They struck up a conversation about the alumnus[13] event at the university, reminiscing about their own college days.

Suddenly, they heard a strange noise, like a distant carol[14]. They followed the sound and came across an abandoned building with an overhead[15] sign swaying in the breeze. They cautiously entered, only to find a surprising sight - a life-sized figure made entirely of marzipan, resembling a corpse[6] but with a mischievous jaw[11] that seemed to be perpetually grinning.

Unnerved but intrigued, they decided to investigate further. Little did they know, they were about to unravel a mystery involving a notorious bandit[12] and a secret distil[9] operation hidden within the heart of their quiet town.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
zinc, horsepower, feast, symposium, owl,
sermon, snapshot, slack, enlighten, trunk,
newsletter, seniority, sociology, sprain, rack

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 zinc zɪŋk noun A bluish-white metal used for galvanizing iron and other metals to prevent corrosion.
2 horsepower ˈhɔrspaʊər noun A unit of power equal to 745.7 watts, often used to measure the power of engines. 马力
3 feast fiːst noun/verb Noun: A large and elaborate meal, often in celebration of a special occasion. 盛宴,宴会
        Verb: To eat and drink sumptuously. 盛宴,大吃大喝
4 symposium sɪmˈpoʊziəm noun A conference or meeting for the discussion of some subject, especially a scholarly topic. 座谈会,讨论会
5 owl aʊl noun A nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes, a facial disc, and a distinctive hooting call. 猫头鹰,枭
6 sermon ˈsɜrmən noun A talk on a religious or moral subject, typically given during a church service. 布道,讲道
7 snapshot ˈsnæpˌʃɑt noun A photograph taken quickly and informally, often with a handheld camera. 快照,抓拍照片
8 slack slæk noun/adjective/verb Noun: A loose and unused part of something that hangs down. 松弛,懒散,宽松
        Adjective: Lacking in activity or energy; not tense or taut. 懒散的,松弛的,不活跃的
        Verb: To relax or take things easy. 放松,懒散
9 enlighten ɪnˈlaɪtn̩ verb To give someone greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation. 启发,开导,教导
10 trunk trʌŋk noun The main stem of a tree, typically without its branches; a large, sturdy box for storage. 树干,躯干,大衣箱
11 newsletter ˈnuzˌlɛtər noun A printed or digital report containing news, articles, and other informational content. 时事通讯,新闻简报
12 seniority siːniˈɔrəti noun The fact or state of being older or higher in rank or status, especially in a group. 资历,辈分,前辈地位
13 sociology ˌsoʊsiˈɑlədʒi noun The study of human society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture. 社会学
14 sprain spreɪn verb/noun Verb: To wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) by a sudden twist. 扭伤,扭筋
        Noun: An injury to a joint caused by the ligaments being stretched too much. 关节扭伤,扭筋
15 rack ræk noun/verb Noun: A framework, typically with rails, bars, hooks, etc., for holding or storing things. 架子,挂架,搁板
        Verb: To cause extreme physical or mental suffering to; torment. 折磨,使受苦

At the annual symposium[4], experts discussed the future of zinc[1] production and its impact on the industry. The keynote sermon[6] emphasized the importance of sustainability in the horsepower[2] race.

During the feast[3] that followed, an owl[5] perched nearby, observing the lively discussions. A sudden snapshot[7] captured the moment, forever preserving the memory of that enlightening[9] evening.

As the night grew late, participants began to slack[8] in conversation, reflecting on the insights gained. The event's trunk[10] of knowledge expanded, leaving attendees eager for next year's newsletter[11].

With seniority[12] came wisdom, and the field of sociology[13] was forever changed by the ideas shared at this gathering. Even a minor sprain[14] suffered by one of the speakers couldn't dampen the spirit of intellectual exchange that permeated the air.

As the last rack[15] of dishes was cleared away, participants departed, their minds brimming with newfound knowledge and connections forged during this remarkable symposium[4].


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bale, enamel, dining, Christianity, holder,
fare, tablet, terror, dash, plunder,
shovel, tummy, landlord, statutory, settler

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 bale beɪl noun A large bundle of something tightly compressed and bound with cords or wire, typically of hay or paper. 大包裹,捆
2 enamel ɪˈnæməl noun/verb Noun: A hard, glossy substance, typically fired onto metal, used for decorative or protective coating. 珐琅,搪瓷
        Verb: To coat or decorate with enamel. 上釉,涂搪瓷
3 dining ˈdaɪnɪŋ adjective Relating to eating or the area in which one eats. 用餐的,餐厅的
4 Christianity ˌkrɪstiˈænəti noun The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. 基督教
5 holder ˈhoʊldər noun A person or thing that holds something. 持有者,支架,托架
6 fare fɛr noun The money a passenger on public transportation has to pay. 车费,票价
7 tablet ˈtæblət noun A flat slab or surface, especially one intended for writing or engraving. 平板,药片
8 terror ˈtɛrər noun Extreme fear; intense, overwhelming fear. 恐惧,恐怖
9 dash dæʃ noun/verb Noun: A small quantity of something; a sudden, rapid movement. 少许,破折号,冲撞
        Verb: To move quickly or suddenly. 冲撞,猛冲
10 plunder ˈplʌndər verb/noun Verb: To steal goods from a place, typically during a war or riot. 掠夺,抢劫
        Noun: Stolen goods. 掠夺物,战利品
11 shovel ˈʃʌvəl noun/verb Noun: A tool with a broad flat blade and typically a slightly turned-up edge, used for moving coal, earth, snow, or other material. 铲子,铁锹
        Verb: To lift and throw (a substance) with a shovel. 用铲子挖,铲
12 tummy ˈtʌmi noun Informal term for the stomach or belly. 肚子,胃
13 landlord ˈlændˌlɔrd noun A person who owns land or property and leases or rents it to others. 房东,地主
14 statutory stəˈtjutəri adjective Relating to or created by statutes (laws) as opposed to common law. 法定的,法定制定的
15 settler ˈsɛtlər noun A person who settles in an area, typically claiming land and establishing a community. 定居者,殖民者

One day, in a quaint village, a weary traveler stumbled upon a small bale[1] of hay near the entrance. The enamel[2] sign of a local dining[3] establishment caught their eye, promising a warm meal and a respite from the road.

As they entered, they noticed a sense of Christianity[4] permeating the walls, with subtle symbols and verses adorning the room. The innkeeper, a kind holder[5] of wisdom, welcomed them warmly.

After a hearty fare[6], the traveler retired to their room, finding a tablet[7] left on the nightstand. Curiosity piqued, they touched it and were filled with a mixture of terror[8] and wonder as it displayed ancient runes and mysterious patterns.

In the morning, with a dash[9] of determination, the traveler resumed their journey, carrying with them the promise of adventure and the memory of a plunder[10] of newfound knowledge.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they reached a clearing and spotted an abandoned shovel[11], a relic of the past. Nearby, a playful tummy[12] growl reminded them of their hunger.

Further down the path, they encountered a landlord[13] who shared tales of the statutory[14] customs of the land, and the enduring spirit of its settler[15] inhabitants.

And so, the traveler continued, each step a testament to the rich tapestry of experiences that awaited them on their journey.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
opening, celluloid, poker, daybreak, vacate,
nest, forth, brew, merciless, undue,
soar, forestry, bushel, throat, stoop

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 opening ˈoʊpənɪŋ noun An aperture or gap; a space or hole through which something may pass. 开口,孔道,开始
2 celluloid ˈsɛljəˌlɔɪd noun A type of plastic material often used in the past for making photographic film and other items. 环保塑料,赛璐珞
3 poker ˈpoʊkər noun A metal rod used for poking or stirring a fire. 火钳
4 daybreak ˈdeɪˌbreɪk noun The first light of day; dawn. 破晓,黎明
5 vacate veɪˈkeɪt verb To leave a place, especially a building, room, or piece of land, empty or unoccupied. 空出,腾出,放弃
6 nest nɛst noun/verb Noun: A structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young. 巢,窝
        Verb: To build and maintain a nest. 筑巢
7 forth fɔrθ adverb Out into view or consideration; forward. 向前,向外
8 brew bru verb/noun Verb: To make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops. 酿造,醞釀
        Noun: A beverage made by brewing. 酿造的饮料,啤酒
9 merciless ˈmɜrsɪləs adjective Showing no mercy or pity; cruel and unrelenting. 无情的,残忍的
10 undue ʌnˈdu adjective Unwarranted or excessive; beyond what is reasonable or appropriate. 过度的,不适当的
11 soar sɔr verb To fly or rise high in the air; to increase rapidly and to a great height. 高飞,猛增
12 forestry ˈfɔrɪstri noun The science or practice of planting, managing, and caring for forests. 林业
13 bushel ˈbʊʃəl noun A unit of dry measure equivalent to 8 gallons or 32 quarts. 蒲式耳
14 throat θroʊt noun The passage inside the neck through which food and air pass on their way into the body. 喉咙,咽喉
15 stoop stup noun/verb Noun: A small porch, staircase, or platform at the entrance of a building. 门廊,门阶,小平台
        Verb: To bend the upper part of the body forward and downward. 弯腰,俯身

At the opening[1] of the celluloid[2] curtains, the poker[3] of the daybreak[4] sun began its gentle intrusion. It was time to vacate[5] the dreams of night and embrace the awakening world.

In a nearby nest[6], a family of sparrows stirred, preparing to venture forth[7] into the new day. The brew[8] of life was already in motion, weaving its intricate tapestry.

Yet, in the heart of the forestry[9], a bushel[10] of secrets lay hidden. Deep within the underbrush, nature's own game of poker unfolded, where survival was often merciless[11] and undue[12] advantage could be the key to thriving.

With a sudden burst of energy, a hawk took flight, soaring[13] above the canopy, surveying the landscape below. Its keen eyes focused on a potential target, a plump rabbit unaware of the danger that lurked above.

Meanwhile, a wise old owl perched on a stoop[14], observing the world with a sense of ancient knowing. Its throat[15] let out a haunting hoot, echoing through the trees, a reminder that even in the serenity of nature, the laws of life and death held sway.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
scorch, bid, reconnaissance, turf, civilize,
make-up, awaken, raspberry, suckle, glue,
vocal, skim, hideous, nobility, dissect

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 scorch skɔrtʃ verb/noun Verb: To burn the surface of something with a sudden, intense heat; to singe. 烧焦,烤焦
        Noun: A mark or discoloration caused by burning. 烧焦痕迹,焦痕
2 bid bɪd verb/noun Verb: To offer a particular amount of money for something, especially at an auction. 出价,投标
        Noun: An offer to do work or provide a service for a specific price. 出价,投标
3 reconnaissance rɪˈkɑnɪsəns noun The process of obtaining information about the activities and resources of an opponent or enemy. 侦察,勘察
4 turf tɜrf noun A layer of matted earth formed by grass and plant roots. 草皮,草地
        Also used to refer to one's territory or domain. 领域,势力范围
5 civilize ˈsɪvəˌlaɪz verb To bring culture, refinement, and social organization to a society or group of people. 文明化,使文化进步
6 make-up ˈmeɪkʌp noun Cosmetics applied to the face, especially makeup products such as lipstick and foundation. 化妆品,组成部分
7 awaken əˈweɪkən verb To rouse from sleep; to become aware of something. 唤醒,觉醒
8 raspberry ˈræzˌbɛri noun An edible fruit that is typically red, composed of many small drupelets. 覆盆子
9 suckle ˈsʌkəl verb To feed (a baby or young animal) with milk from the breast or udder. 哺乳,吸吮
10 glue glu noun/verb Noun: A sticky substance used for joining things together. 胶水,粘合剂
        Verb: To join or attach something using glue. 粘合,胶合
11 vocal ˈvoʊkəl adjective/noun Adjective: Relating to the voice or speech. 声音的,嗓音的
        Noun: A musical sound produced by the human voice. 声音,嗓音
12 skim skɪm verb To remove a substance from the surface of a liquid, often by using a utensil. 撇去,掠过
13 hideous ˈhɪdiəs adjective Extremely ugly or unpleasant in appearance. 丑陋的,可怕的
14 nobility noʊˈbɪləti noun The quality or state of being noble; a class of people of high social or political status. 高贵,贵族
15 dissect dɪˈsɛkt verb To cut open and examine the internal structure of something, especially a dead body or plant. 解剖,剖析

In the midst of a scorch[1] landscape, a lone figure placed a cautious bid[2] for control over the barren turf[4]. This was no ordinary venture; it was a reconnaissance[3] mission to reclaim and civilize[5] what had been lost to nature's wrath.

The make-up[6] of the land was rugged and unforgiving, yet there was an inherent beauty in its desolation. As the first light of dawn began to awaken[7] the horizon, a faint scent of wild raspberry[8] lingered in the air, a testament to the resilience of life.

Amidst the ruins, a mother and her child, their bond unbreakable, clung to one another. The infant, too young to feed on solid sustenance, was gently suckle[9]d, finding comfort in the embrace of its mother.

With a determination that could rival the strongest glue[10], the community began to rebuild. Each vocal[11] chords, once strained, now harmonized in a chorus of hope. As they worked, they would occasionally skim[12] the horizon, drawing inspiration from the ever-changing landscape.

Over time, the hideous[13] scars of the land began to fade, replaced by a testament to the nobility[14] of the human spirit. The once desolate terrain was dissect[15]ed and transformed into a thriving sanctuary, a testament to the indomitable will of humanity.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
assuredly, refrain, motel, reflex, grimace,
noted, fiddle, motorist, Negro, sentiment,
persimmon, gale, almanac, fulfillment, audio

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 assuredly əˈʃʊrɪdli adverb In a confident and certain manner; without a doubt. 毫无疑问地,确信地
2 refrain rɪˈfreɪn noun/verb Noun: A repeated phrase or verse in a song or poem. 副歌,重复句
        Verb: To stop oneself from doing something. 克制,抑制自己
3 motel moʊˈtɛl noun A roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having rooms that open directly onto a parking area. 汽车旅馆
4 reflex ˈriːflɛks noun/adjective Noun: An action or movement that is performed automatically and without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus. 反射动作,条件反射
        Adjective: Relating to or produced by a reflex action. 反射的,条件反射的
5 grimace ɡrɪˈmeɪs noun/verb Noun: A facial expression usually indicating disgust, pain, or contempt, characterized by a twisting of the facial features. 鬼脸,扮鬼脸
        Verb: To contort one's face in a grimace. 扮鬼脸,做鬼脸
6 noted noʊtɪd adjective Widely recognized or known; well-known or famous. 著名的,知名的
7 fiddle ˈfɪdl noun/verb Noun: A violin, especially when used in folk music. 小提琴,斯拉夫小提琴
        Verb: To play the violin or to handle something in a casual or aimless manner. 拨弄,胡乱动弄
8 motorist ˈmoʊtərɪst noun A person who drives a car or is skilled in the operation of motor vehicles. 开车者,驾车者
9 Negro ˈniɡroʊ noun/adjective Noun: A person of African descent, often used historically. 黑人,非洲裔
        Adjective: Relating to black people or African culture. 黑人的,非洲的
10 sentiment ˈsɛntɪmənt noun A view, attitude, or opinion, especially one based on emotions or feelings rather than on reason or evidence. 感情,情绪
11 persimmon pərˈsɪmən noun An orange or reddish fruit resembling a large tomato, often sweet when fully ripe. 柿子
12 gale ɡeɪl noun A very strong wind. 强风,狂风
13 almanac ˈɔlməˌnæk noun A book or table containing a calendar of the days, weeks, and months of the year, often with additional information. 年历
14 fulfillment fʊlˈfɪlmənt noun The achievement or realization of something desired or anticipated. 实现,完成
15 audio ˈɔdiˌoʊ adjective/noun Adjective: Relating to sound or the transmission or reception of sound. 声音的,音频的
        Noun: Sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced. 声音,音频

I assuredly[1] refrain[2] from playing the fiddle[7] in the noisy motel[3] room. The sudden reflex[4] of the motorist[8] outside made me grimace[5] with surprise. I noted[6] the strong gale[12] through the pages of the almanac[13]. The Negro[9] gentleman nearby shared a warm sentiment[10] as we both enjoyed a ripe persimmon[11] from the nearby tree. The evening was a fulfillment[14] of peaceful moments, punctuated only by the distant hum of audio[15] equipment.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
smokestack, kidnap, blister, transistor, manuscript,
scant, mint, hippie, confiscate, tram,
trailer, ape, delusion, annals, exploratory

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 smokestack /ˈsmoʊkˌstæk/ noun A tall chimney or pipe on a factory or ship used to expel smoke or steam from the engine. 烟囱
2 kidnap /ˈkɪdnæp/ verb To abduct or seize someone, often for ransom or as a hostage, against their will. 绑架,劫持
3 blister /ˈblɪstər/ noun/verb Noun: A small swelling on the skin filled with fluid, typically caused by friction or burning. 水疱
        Verb: To cause blisters to form on the skin. 使起水泡
4 transistor /trænˈzɪstər/ noun A semiconductor device that can act as an amplifier, switch, or signal modulator in electronic circuits. 晶体管
5 manuscript /ˈmænəˌskrɪpt/ noun A handwritten or typed text, especially a document that has not been published. 手稿
6 scant /skænt/ adjective/verb Adjective: Barely sufficient or not enough in quantity or degree. 不足的,缺乏的
      Verb: To provide or give something in insufficient amounts. 不足,缺乏  
7 mint /mɪnt/ noun/verb Noun: A place where coins are produced; also refers to a type of candy. 造币厂,薄荷糖
      Verb: To produce coins by stamping metal. 铸造硬币  
8 hippie /ˈhɪpi/ noun A person, typically young, who rejects conventional values and embraces an alternative lifestyle often characterized by love, peace, and nonviolence. 嬉皮士
9 confiscate /ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt/ verb To seize or take possession of something, often as a penalty or as a legal authority. 没收,查抄
10 tram /træm/ noun A vehicle on rails, typically used for carrying passengers or goods within a city or factory area. 有轨电车,缆车
11 trailer /ˈtreɪlər/ noun A wheeled vehicle pulled by a motor vehicle, used for transporting goods or as temporary accommodation. 拖车,预告片
12 ape /eɪp/ noun/verb Noun: A large primate, resembling humans and found in forests of Africa and Asia. 猿猴
      Verb: To imitate or mimic someone's behavior or actions, often in a mocking or exaggerated manner. 模仿,效仿  
13 delusion /dɪˈluːʒən/ noun A false belief or opinion that is strongly held despite evidence to the contrary. 错觉,幻觉
14 annals /ˈænəlz/ noun Historical records or chronicles of events, often arranged in yearly sequences. 编年史
15 exploratory /ɪkˈsplɒrətəri/ adjective Pertaining to or concerned with exploration, often involving the investigation of new areas or ideas. 勘探的,探索的

In a bustling city, there stood a towering smokestack[1], billowing plumes of white against the gray sky. One fateful day, a notorious criminal decided to kidnap[2] the mayor's beloved dog, sending shockwaves through the community.

The pup's paws, now covered in blister[3]s from the rough escape, desperately scratched at the cold ground. Meanwhile, in a secret hideout, the thief examined a peculiar transistor[4], puzzled by its mysterious functions.

Unbeknownst to the criminal, a diligent detective was piecing together a manuscript[5] of clues that would lead straight to their lair. The evidence was scant[6] but promising, offering a glimmer of hope for the missing canine.

As the city buzzed with speculation, a mint[7] coin, dropped in haste during the daring heist, became a key clue. It was a rare find, reminiscent of a time when hippie[8] communes flourished nearby.

In a bold move, the authorities decided to confiscate[9] all known possessions of the suspect, hoping to unravel the truth. Meanwhile, the thief, now desperate and cornered, sought refuge aboard a speeding tram[10], blending in with the evening crowd.

The chase continued onto the busy streets, through the alleys, and eventually, into an abandoned trailer[11] park on the outskirts of town. There, amid the rusted metal and forgotten memories, a plan was hatched.

With the agility of an ape[12], the thief leaped from rooftop to rooftop, leading the pursuit deeper into their delusion[13]. It was a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with both sides leaving their mark on the annals[14] of the city's history.

In a final, exploratory[15] move, the detective uncovered a hidden passage that led to the heart of the abandoned park. The scene was set for a climactic showdown between law and disorder, with the fate of the mayor's beloved companion hanging in the balance.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
humiliating, dean, glasshouse, heroine, avenge,
plume, fabulous, manpower, holdup, initiative,
quart, monk, fatalism, recede, sanity

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 humiliating /hjuːˈmɪliˌeɪtɪŋ/ adjective Causing someone to feel ashamed or embarrassed, often by injuring their dignity or self-respect. 使受羞辱的
2 dean /diːn/ noun The head or senior official of a college or university faculty. 院长
3 glasshouse /ˈɡlæsˌhaʊs/ noun A building with glass walls and roof, used for growing plants that need protection from the weather. 温室
4 heroine /ˈhɛr.oʊ.ɪn/ noun A woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. 女英雄
5 avenge /əˈvɛndʒ/ verb To seek revenge on behalf of oneself or someone else, typically in response to a wrongdoing or injustice. 报仇
6 plume /pluːm/ noun/verb Noun: A long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used for decoration. Verb: To preen or adorn oneself with pride. 羽毛;使显得自豪
7 fabulous /ˈfæbjələs/ adjective Extraordinarily good or remarkable; incredible; mythical. 极好的;寓言般的
8 manpower /ˈmænˌpaʊər/ noun The total supply of workers or labor available in a particular industry or country. 人力资源
9 holdup /ˈhoʊldʌp/ noun A delay or obstacle in progress; often used to refer to a robbery where someone is held at gunpoint. 延误;抢劫
10 initiative /ɪˈnɪʃiətɪv/ noun The ability to take charge or initiate actions independently; a plan or strategy to solve a problem. 主动性;倡议
11 quart /kwɔrt/ noun A unit of volume equivalent to a quarter of a gallon or two pints. 夸脱
12 monk /mʌŋk/ noun A member of a religious community, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 修道士;僧侣
13 fatalism /ˈfeɪtəˌlɪzəm/ noun The belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable, often leading to passive acceptance. 宿命论
14 recede /rɪˈsiːd/ verb To move back or away from a previous position; to diminish or fade gradually. 后退;减弱
15 sanity /ˈsænəti/ noun The state of being mentally healthy and rational; soundness of mind. 神志清楚;健全

Dean[2] stood in the courtyard of the prestigious university, feeling a sense of initiative[10] wash over him. He was determined to avenge[5] the holdup[9] of progress caused by the recent fatalism[13] that had befallen the institution.

Inside the glasshouse[3], a monk[12] diligently tended to an array of fabulous[7] plants, each with its own unique plume[6]. The scene was both humiliating[1] and inspiring, a testament to the manpower[8] required to maintain such a delicate ecosystem.

As the days passed, Dean[2] watched as the clouds seemed to recede[14] from the horizon, a metaphor for the return of sanity[15] to the once-troubled campus. The heroine[4] of this story was not a single person, but rather the collective initiative[10] of those who refused to succumb to fatalism[13].

In the end, it was clear that every quart[11] of effort poured into this endeavor was well worth it. The fabulous[7] transformation of the university was a testament to the power of determination and the refusal to be held hostage by circumstance.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sulphur, merciful, recitation, squad, electrician,
falsehood, parliament, rhetorical, crisp, fore,
sever, sperm, spit, thunder, sob

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 sulphur /ˈsʌlfər/ noun A chemical element (S) with the symbol 'S' and atomic number 16. It is yellow in color and is often found in its elemental form near volcanic regions.
2 merciful /ˈmɜrsɪfəl/ adjective Showing compassion or forgiveness, especially towards those who are in one's power or care. 仁慈的
3 recitation /ˌrɛsɪˈteɪʃən/ noun The action of repeating something aloud from memory, often in a formal or ritualistic manner. 背诵
4 squad /skwɒd/ noun A small group of people organized for a particular purpose, often in a military or police context. 小队
5 electrician /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪʃən/ noun A person who specializes in the installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment. 电工
6 falsehood /ˈfɔːls.hʊd/ noun A false statement or assertion; a lie. 谬误;虚假
7 parliament /ˈpɑːrləmənt/ noun The highest legislative body in a country, consisting of elected representatives who make and pass laws. 议会
8 rhetorical /rɪˈtɒrɪkəl/ adjective Relating to the art of persuasive speaking or writing, often using techniques to influence or impress an audience. 修辞的;夸张的
9 crisp /krɪsp/ adjective (Of food) pleasantly firm and making a sharp sound when bitten or crushed. 松脆的
10 fore /fɔːr/ adjective/noun Adjective: Situated or placed in front. Noun: The front part of something. 前面的;前部
11 sever /ˈsɛvər/ verb To cut off or separate from a whole, often with force or decisiveness. 切断;分离
12 sperm /spɜːrm/ noun The male reproductive cell, typically small and mobile, that fertilizes the female egg. 精子
13 spit /spɪt/ verb/noun Verb: To expel saliva or mucus from the mouth. Noun: A rod or bar on which meat is impaled for roasting. 吐(唾液等);烤肉的杆子
14 thunder /ˈθʌndər/ noun/verb Noun: The loud rumbling sound produced by the rapid expansion of air along an electrical strike. Verb: To make a loud, rumbling sound. 雷声;打雷
15 sob /sɒb/ verb/noun Verb: To cry noisily, making a series of convulsive gasps. Noun: A convulsive gasp made while crying. 啜泣;抽噎

In a small town, a diligent electrician[5] named Sam was known for his merciful[2] nature. He was often seen offering a helping hand to anyone in need. One day, a squad[4] of workers arrived to repair the parliament[7] building's rhetorical[8] lighting.

As they worked, a sudden thunder[13] echoed through the sky, causing a sob[15] of surprise from the workers. Sam, however, remained crisp[9] and focused on his task. He knew the importance of a swift repair, as a falsehood[6] had spread that the building was unsafe.

Amidst the recitation[3] of instructions and the spit[14] of rain, Sam's skills shone through. With precision, he managed to sever[10] the faulty wires and replaced them with new ones. It was as if he had the sulphur[1] of a storm within him, yet he channeled it into his work.

By the end of the day, the fore[11] of the parliament building was once again illuminated, and the sperm[12] of doubt had been dispelled. The electrician[5] had not only restored power but also faith in his abilities.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
ceramic, shorthand, sicken, almond, muffle,
seminar, coral, houseboat, cosmos, monastery,
lass, pint, breast, constable, mineral

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 ceramic /səˈræmɪk/ noun/adjective Noun: Objects made of clay or similar materials, often hardened by heat. Adjective: Relating to ceramics or the making of ceramic products. 陶瓷;陶器的;陶艺的
2 shorthand /ˈʃɔːrthænd/ noun/adjective Noun: A system of writing that uses abbreviated or symbolic forms to represent words or phrases. Adjective: Using or written in shorthand. 速记;速记的
3 sicken /ˈsɪkən/ verb To become or make someone feel physically unwell or disgusted. 恶心;作呕
4 almond /ˈælmənd/ noun The edible kernel of a drupe, typically elongated and usually with a single seed. 杏仁
5 muffle /ˈmʌfəl/ verb/noun Verb: To wrap or cover for warmth. Noun: A device to deaden the sound of an engine. 蒙住;消音器
6 seminar /ˈsɛmɪnɑːr/ noun A meeting for discussion or training on a particular subject, often in an academic or business setting. 研讨会;讲习班
7 coral /ˈkɒrəl/ noun/adjective Noun: A hard substance formed from the skeletons of marine polyps. Adjective: Having a pinkish-orange color like that of coral. 珊瑚;珊瑚色的
8 houseboat /ˈhaʊsboʊt/ noun A boat that has been designed or modified for use primarily as a dwelling. 游艇住宅;水上小屋
9 cosmos /ˈkɒzməs/ noun The universe seen as a well-ordered whole. Also, a particular complex or organized system. 宇宙;秩序井然的整体
10 monastery /ˈmɒnəstəri/ noun A building or complex of buildings where monks or nuns live and work, often secluded from the outside world. 修道院;寺院
11 lass /læs/ noun A girl or young woman. 少女;年轻女子
12 pint /paɪnt/ noun A unit of liquid or dry capacity equal to one-eighth of a gallon. 品脱(液量单位)
13 breast /brɛst/ noun The front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the stomach. 胸部
14 constable /ˈkʌnstəbəl/ noun A peace officer with limited policing authority, typically in a small town or rural area. 警官;治安官
15 mineral /ˈmɪnərəl/ noun/adjective Noun: A naturally occurring inorganic substance with a characteristic chemical composition. Adjective: Relating to minerals. 矿物质;矿物的

In a quaint monastery[10] nestled amidst the vibrant cosmos[9], a wise lass[11] carefully arranged an assortment of ceramic[1] figurines. Each piece, lovingly crafted, held its own story - a shorthand[2] for the dedicated hands that had molded them.

As she worked, a constable[14] passed by, pausing to admire the delicate almond[4] blossoms in the courtyard. Their fragrance seemed to muffle[5] the everyday worries of the world.

Meanwhile, aboard a coral[7] houseboat[8], a seminar[6] on the mysteries of the deep sea was underway. The participants marveled at the intricacies of the marine life, from the smallest mineral[15] formations to the grandest breast[13] of the ocean.

In the distance, the lass could hear the waves gently lapping against the boat, their rhythm seeming to sicken[3] with the passage of time.

With each passing moment, the interconnectedness of all things became clearer, like the threads that held together a finely woven pint[12] of wisdom.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
manifest, condolence, barbarian, eyebrow, scarcity,
holy, load, naughty, trophy, cafeteria,
incapable, tread, lap, denial, apartment

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 manifest /ˈmænɪˌfɛst/ verb/noun Verb: To display or show a quality or feeling by one's acts or appearance. Noun: A list of cargo or passengers on a ship or plane. 显现;清单
2 condolence /kənˈdoʊləns/ noun An expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death. 哀悼;吊唁
3 barbarian /bɑːˈbɛəriən/ noun/adjective Noun: A person who is considered to be uncivilized or primitive, often used historically to refer to non-Roman peoples. Adjective: Relating to a culture or society seen as uncivilized. 野蛮人;未开化的
4 eyebrow /ˈaɪbraʊ/ noun The strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person's eye socket. 眉毛
5 scarcity /ˈskɛr.sə.ti/ noun The state of being in short supply; a shortage or insufficiency of something. 缺乏;稀缺
6 holy /ˈhoʊli/ adjective Regarded as having a unique and special significance, often associated with religious or sacred qualities. 圣洁的;神圣的
7 load /loʊd/ noun/verb Noun: A heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried. Verb: To fill or put a load into something. 负载;装载
8 naughty /ˈnɔti/ adjective Behaving in a disobedient, mischievous, or improper way, especially in a playful or cheeky manner. 淘气的;顽皮的
9 trophy /ˈtroʊfi/ noun A cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or achievement. 奖品;战利品
10 cafeteria /ˌkæfəˈtɪriə/ noun A self-service restaurant in which customers select various dishes from a counter and pay before eating. 自助餐厅;大堂食堂
11 incapable /ɪnˈkeɪpəbl̩/ adjective Lacking the ability, capacity, or strength to do something. 无能力的;不能胜任的
12 tread /trɛd/ verb/noun Verb: To walk in a specified way. Noun: The action or sound of stepping or walking. 步行;踩踏
13 lap /læp/ noun/verb Noun: The flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person. Verb: To lick or drink with a scooping motion. 大腿内侧;舔;喝
14 denial /dɪˈnaɪəl/ noun The action of declaring something to be untrue, or the refusal of something requested or desired. 否认;拒绝
15 apartment /əˈpɑːrtmənt/ noun A suite of rooms forming one residence, typically in a building containing a number of these. 公寓;房间

In the bustling city, a manifest[1] of emotions lingered in the air. People exchanged condolences[2] for their losses, bridging the gap between grief and solace.

Amidst this sea of sentiment, a barbarian[3] figure emerged, challenging societal norms with every furrowed eyebrow[4]. His presence, though met with scarcity[5] of understanding, carried an air of profound purpose.

In a nearby church, a holy[6] relic, heavy with history, waited patiently. It carried the load[7] of centuries, whispering secrets only the devout could comprehend.

Meanwhile, in a naughty[8] corner of the schoolyard, mischievous laughter echoed. A group of children plotted to seize the coveted trophy[9], their eyes gleaming with determination.

In the heart of the cafeteria[10], the scent of camaraderie mingled with the aroma of comfort food. Here, conversations flowed, unearthing hidden stories within the seemingly incapable[11] walls.

With each tread[12] up the stairwell, echoes of a thousand footsteps resonated. Each step held the weight of countless dreams, aspirations, and moments of denial[14].

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle glow on the city, a lone figure sat on the lap[13] of the world. Contemplation filled the air, merging the realms of apartment[15] life with the boundless expanse beyond.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
trot, bakery, critic, cloak, mercy,
reassemble, sacrifice, bribery, Jesus, squat,
repent, strife, pub, frail, airway

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 trot /trɒt/ noun/verb Noun: A pace faster than a walk, but slower than a run. Verb: To move at a pace faster than a walk. 小跑;慢跑
2 bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ noun A place where bread and cakes are made and sold. 面包店;糕点店
3 critic /ˈkrɪtɪk/ noun A person who judges the merits and faults of something, especially works of art or literature. 评论家;批评家
4 cloak /kloʊk/ noun/verb Noun: A loose outer garment that is worn over other clothes. Verb: To conceal or hide. 斗篷;掩饰
5 mercy /ˈmɜrsi/ noun Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. 仁慈;怜悯
6 reassemble /ˌriːəˈsɛmbəl/ verb To put back together the parts of something that has been taken apart. 重新组装;重聚
7 sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ noun/verb Noun: The act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else. Verb: To offer something as a sacrifice. 牺牲;献祭
8 bribery /ˈbraɪbəri/ noun The act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for influence or action in return. 贿赂;行贿
9 Jesus /ˈdʒizəs/ noun In Christian belief, the central figure of Christianity, considered to be the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. 耶稣
10 squat /skwɒt/ verb/adjective Verb: To crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks. Adjective: Short and broad in build or appearance. 蹲下;蹲着的;矮胖的
11 repent /rɪˈpɛnt/ verb To feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin. 悔过;忏悔
12 strife /straɪf/ noun Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict or struggle. 冲突;争端
13 pub /pʌb/ noun A public house or tavern where alcoholic beverages are sold and sometimes served with food. 酒吧;小酒馆
14 frail /freɪl/ adjective/noun Adjective: Weak or delicate. Noun: A basket, typically made of wicker, used for carrying goods. 虚弱的;脆弱的;篮子
15 airway /ˈɛrˌweɪ/ noun A passage by which air reaches a person's lungs. It can also refer to a designated route for aircraft to travel through. 气道;航线

In a small village, nestled between rolling hills, there was a quaint bakery[2] known for its delicious pastries. One sunny morning, a local farmer's son decided to take his beloved horse for a gentle trot[1] through the village square.

As they passed by, a discerning critic[3] happened to be sipping tea outside the bakery[2]. The sight of the majestic horse and its young rider was a delightful sight indeed. The critic[3] couldn't help but be captivated.

The young rider, wrapped in a vibrant cloak[4], waved cheerfully at the onlookers. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated joy. The baker, known for his mercy[5] and warm heart, watched the scene unfold with a smile.

Little did they know, this encounter would reassemble[6] the threads of the community in a way no one could have anticipated. It became a symbol of sacrifice[7] and unity that would forever be etched in the village's history.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the village, a web of bribery[8] and deceit was slowly unraveling. Those who thrived on exploitation and manipulation were beginning to feel the tremors of change.

It was said that even the spirit of Jesus[9] himself would have been moved by the events that transpired. The simple act of a trot[1] through the village had ignited a spark that would light the way for many to follow.

In the days that followed, the village became a sanctuary for all who sought refuge from the squat[10] of tyranny. It was a place of repentance[11] for some, a battleground for others, but most importantly, it was a home for those who believed in the power of community.

Through the inevitable strife[12] that comes with any great transformation, the people found strength in each other. They gathered in the familiar embrace of the local pub[13], where laughter and camaraderie echoed through the night.

And so, in the end, it was the frail[14] but unbreakable bonds forged through adversity that became the true airway[15] of life in the village. The legacy of that fateful trot[1] lived on, a testament to the extraordinary things that can happen when a community comes together.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
brutal, stuff, counter, conducive, maid,
daze, enlist, commonwealth, jug, sandstone,
hare, bungalow, truant, implicate, usher

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 brutal /ˈbruːtl̩/ adjective Extremely cruel, harsh, or violent. It describes actions or behaviors that cause great physical or emotional harm. 残忍的;野蛮的
2 stuff /stʌf/ verb/noun Verb: To fill or pack tightly with something. Noun: Various unspecified things or material. 填充;材料;东西
3 counter /ˈkaʊntər/ noun/verb Noun: A long flat surface in a kitchen or bar at which food is prepared. Verb: To respond to an action with another action. 柜台;反击
4 conducive /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ adjective Making a situation or outcome more likely to happen; tending to produce a particular result. 有助于的;有益的
5 maid /meɪd/ noun A female domestic worker who is typically responsible for housekeeping tasks. 女仆;女佣人
6 daze /deɪz/ noun/verb Noun: A state of stunned confusion or bewilderment. Verb: To overwhelm or stupefy with a shock or surprise. 惊愕;使迷糊
7 enlist /ɪnˈlɪst/ verb To formally join or sign up for a particular cause, organization, or military service. 入伍;参军
8 commonwealth /ˈkɒmənˌwɛlθ/ noun A political community founded for the common good, often used to refer to a state or nation. 联邦;共和国
9 jug /dʒʌɡ/ noun/verb Noun: A container with a narrow neck and a handle, typically used for holding liquids. Verb: To put something into a jug. 壶;瓶子;关押
10 sandstone /ˈsændˌstoʊn/ noun A sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized minerals or rock grains, often used in construction. 砂岩;沙岩
11 hare /hɛər/ noun A fast-running mammal similar to a rabbit, with longer ears and legs. 野兔;快跑的人
12 bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡəloʊ/ noun A small, one-story house with a low-pitched roof, often with a veranda. 平房;小屋
13 truant /ˈtruənt/ noun/adjective Noun: A student who stays away from school without permission. Adjective: Being absent without permission. 逃学者;逃避的
14 implicate /ˈɪmplɪˌkeɪt/ verb To show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing. 牵涉;涉及
15 usher /ˈʌʃər/ verb/noun Verb: To show or guide someone to a seat or destination. Noun: An attendant who leads or shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at an event. 引领;招待员

In a small bungalow[12] nestled amidst a picturesque commonwealth[8], a maid[5] named Emily toiled diligently. One day[6], while cleaning, she discovered a hidden counter[3] made of exquisite sandstone[10]. It was a brutal[1] realization that this seemingly ordinary home held a secret of great value.

Emily's enlist[7]ment of the services of an appraiser revealed that the jug[9] found on the counter[3] was an artifact of significant historical importance, potentially implicate[14]ing the previous owners in a long-forgotten event.

As the news spread, scholars and historians from across the commonwealth[8] gathered to examine this conducive[4] environment for unravelling the past. The hare[11], once considered a mere curiosity, now symbolized the interconnectedness of lives across generations.

Amidst the truant[13] whispers of the ancient walls, Emily stood as an usher[15] of this newfound knowledge, forever changing the perception of the unassuming bungalow[12]. The stuff[2] of legends and mysteries now filled every nook and cranny, giving the old house a life of its own.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
designation, sunburn, offend, equity, pod,
gutter, cavalry, kettle, honorable, head-on,
closure, applause, marrow, alliance, photocopy

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 designation /ˌdɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ noun The action of choosing or assigning a particular name or title to something or someone. It can also refer to a specific role, position, or status. 指定;任命
2 sunburn /ˈsʌnbərn/ noun/verb Noun: Redness, pain, and swelling of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun. Verb: To cause the skin to become sunburned. 晒伤;晒黑
3 offend /əˈfɛnd/ verb To cause displeasure, anger, or resentment in someone by a perceived insult, wrongdoing, or inappropriate behavior. 冒犯;触怒
4 equity /ˈɛkwɪti/ noun The quality of being fair and impartial; justice or fairness in the distribution of resources or opportunities. It can also refer to the value of a property after all debts and charges have been paid. 公正;公平
5 pod /pɒd/ noun A long, narrow, flat part of a plant that contains seeds. It's typically found in groups on a stem or branch. 豆荚;荚果
6 gutter /ˈɡʌtər/ noun/verb Noun: A shallow trough at the edge of a road or roof to carry away rainwater. Verb: To flow in a stream or small stream. 排水沟;流淌
7 cavalry /ˈkævəlri/ noun A branch of an army that fights on horseback. 骑兵;装甲部队
8 kettle /ˈkɛtəl/ noun A metal or ceramic container with a lid, handle, and spout, used for boiling water or cooking liquids. 水壶;炊具
9 honorable /ˈɒnərəbəl/ adjective Worthy of respect, honesty, and high moral principles; deserving of honor and esteem. 值得尊敬的;光荣的
10 head-on /ˌhɛdˈɒn/ adjective/adverb Adjective: Directly facing or opposing. Adverb: With a collision or impact directly from the front. 对头的;迎头相撞地
11 closure /ˈkloʊʒər/ noun The act of closing or the state of being closed. It can also refer to the feeling of finality or resolution in an emotional process. 关闭;结束
12 applause /əˈplɔːz/ noun The sound of many people clapping their hands together to show approval, praise, or appreciation. 掌声;喝彩
13 marrow /ˈmæroʊ/ noun The soft, fatty substance found in the cavities of bones, where blood cells are produced. It can also refer to the innermost or essential part of something. 骨髓;精髓
14 alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ noun A formal agreement or union between groups, nations, or individuals for mutual benefit, especially in politics or war. 联盟;同盟
15 photocopy /ˈfoʊtəˌkɑpi/ noun/verb Noun: A reproduction of a document or image made by using a photocopying machine. Verb: To make a photocopy of something. 复印;影印

The sunburn[2] on my shoulders was a painful reminder of the day's relentless heat. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of offend[3] when I saw how unevenly the workload was distributed, a clear breach of equity[4].

In the distance, a pod[5] of dolphins danced in the waves, a sight that never failed to bring a smile to my face. Meanwhile, I heard the rhythmic drumming of rain on the gutter[6], a comforting sound that echoed in the quiet village.

As the kettle[8] whistled merrily, indicating that the water was ready for tea, the cavalry[7] rode towards the horizon, their honorable[9] banners billowing in the wind. They were on a mission of alliance[14], fighting for equity[4] and justice.

Suddenly, the thundering hooves of the cavalry[7] pierced the tranquility. Their arrival was both honorable[9] and awe-inspiring, a true display of strength and unity. They had come to face a head-on[10] challenge, a mission they embraced with courage and determination.

As the day drew to a close, the closure[11] of the village fair brought a round of applause[12] from the gathered crowd. The marrow[13] from the harvest were proudly displayed, a symbol of the community's hard work and cooperation.

In the end, the alliance[14] of individuals, each with their own unique designation[1], proved to be the village's greatest strength. A photocopy[15] of the community's success would be cherished for generations to come.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
airhostess, runner-up, exile, territory, dustbin,
masculinity, idle, disadvantaged, heap, disciple,
doze, flattery, deduct, pudding, lonesome

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 airhostess /ˈɛərˌhoʊstɪs/ noun A woman who serves as a host or attendant on an aircraft. 乘务员;空中小姐
2 runner-up /ˈrʌnərʌp/ noun The person or team that finishes in second place in a competition. 亚军
3 exile /ˈɛksaɪl/ noun/verb Noun: The state of being barred from one's native country. Verb: To expel or banish someone from their home or country. 放逐;流亡
4 territory /ˈtɛrɪtəri/ noun An area of land under the jurisdiction of a particular government or ruler. It can also refer to an area of knowledge or activity. 领土;领域
5 dustbin /ˈdʌstbɪn/ noun A container for holding waste or garbage; a trash can or garbage bin. 垃圾箱;垃圾桶
6 masculinity /ˌmæskjʊˈlɪnəti/ noun The qualities, characteristics, or attributes traditionally associated with males or the state of being male. 男子气概;男性特征
7 idle /ˈaɪdəl/ adjective/verb Adjective: Not active or in use; not engaged in work or activity. Verb: To spend time doing nothing. 闲置的;懒散的;空转
8 disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒd/ adjective Lacking the necessary advantages or resources for success; facing social or economic difficulties. 弱势的;处于不利地位的
9 heap /hiːp/ noun/verb Noun: A pile or mass of things placed on top of each other. Verb: To gather or arrange something in a pile. 堆;堆积;堆起来
10 disciple /dɪˈsaɪpəl/ noun A person who follows or learns from a particular teacher, leader, or philosophy. It often implies a strong commitment to their teachings. 信徒;门徒
11 doze /doʊz/ verb/noun Verb: To sleep lightly or for a short period. Noun: A short period of light sleep. 打瞌睡;小睡
12 flattery /ˈflætəri/ noun Excessive or insincere praise or compliments, often given to gain favor or influence. 奉承;阿谀
13 deduct /dɪˈdʌkt/ verb To subtract or take away (an amount or part) from a total or a sum. 扣除;减去
14 pudding /ˈpʊdɪŋ/ noun A sweet or savory dish typically made from a mixture of ingredients such as milk, eggs, sugar, and flavorings. 布丁;甜点
15 lonesome /ˈloʊnsəm/ adjective Feeling lonely or isolated; having no company or companionship. 孤独的;寂寞的

In a distant land, far from his homeland, an exile[3] found himself on an idle[7] afternoon, pondering over the territory[4] he now called home. He was once a disciple[10] of a wise teacher, but now he was merely a runner-up[2] in the game of life.

As he sat by a heap[9] of old books, memories of his past life filled the room. He recalled the airhostess[1] who had once been his neighbor, always full of flattery[12] and kind words. Now, he was lonesome[15], with only the sound of the wind to keep him company.

Suddenly, he noticed a peculiar item in the corner of the room - an old dustbin[5] filled with discarded papers. Among the clutter, he found a recipe for a delightful pudding[14], a taste of comfort from his childhood.

With a sense of purpose, he decided to deduct[13] the time he spent in doze[11] and put his masculinity[6] to good use. He would create the perfect pudding, a symbol of resilience in his disadvantaged[8] circumstances.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
botanist, first-rate, prophet, reflexion, apart,
empire, mug, geology, flea, deceitful,
empress, pepper, outlaw, malaria, radius

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 botanist /ˈbɒtənɪst/ noun A scientist who specializes in the study of plants. 植物学家
2 first-rate /ˌfɜːstˈreɪt/ adjective Of the highest quality or standard; excellent. 一流的;优秀的
3 prophet /ˈprɒfɪt/ noun A person who is believed to have the ability to see or predict the future. 预言家;先知
4 reflection /rɪˈflɛkʃən/ noun The throwing back of light, sound, or heat by a surface. It can also refer to careful thought or consideration. 反射;反思;映像
5 apart /əˈpɑːrt/ adverb/adjective Adverb: Separated by distance or space. Adjective: Having distinct qualities or characteristics. 分开;相异;除了
6 empire /ˈɛmpaɪər/ noun A group of territories or countries under a single, centralized authority or government. 帝国;王权
7 mug /mʌɡ/ noun/verb Noun: A large cup for hot drinks. Verb: To attack someone in order to rob them. 马克杯;打劫
8 geology /dʒiˈɒlədʒi/ noun The scientific study of the Earth's structure, composition, and processes, including rocks, minerals, and landforms. 地质学
9 flea /fliː/ noun A small, wingless insect known for its jumping ability, often found on mammals and birds, and capable of biting. 跳蚤
10 deceitful /dɪˈsiːtfəl/ adjective Acting dishonestly or intending to mislead or deceive. 欺诈的;虚伪的
11 empress /ˈɛmprɪs/ noun The female ruler of an empire or the wife of an emperor. 皇后;女皇
12 pepper /ˈpɛpər/ noun/verb Noun: A pungent spice derived from dried berries of the pepper plant. Verb: To sprinkle or season with pepper. 胡椒;撒胡椒粉于
13 outlaw /ˈaʊtlɔː/ noun/verb Noun: A person who has been declared illegal or outside the protection of the law. Verb: To prohibit or make illegal. 罪犯;宣布...为不合法
14 malaria /məˈlæriə/ noun A potentially deadly disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. 疟疾
15 radius /ˈreɪdiəs/ noun The distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge. It can also refer to a bone in the forearm. 半径;腕骨

In a distant land, a botanist[1] embarked on a journey to study geology[8] and the reflexion[4] of natural landscapes. This botanist[1] was known for their first-rate[2] expertise in understanding the intricate web of life.

One day, while examining a peculiar rock formation, the botanist[1] discovered a hidden mug[7] tucked away in the crevice. It seemed that a mischievous flea[9] had sought refuge there, creating a small empire[6] of its own.

As the botanist[1] continued their exploration, a prophet[3] from a nearby village sought their guidance. The prophet[3], revered for their wisdom, was intrigued by the botanist[1]'s unique insights into the natural world.

Meanwhile, rumors spread of an outlaw[13] who was sowing deceitful[10] chaos in the peaceful kingdom. The empress[11], known for her strong resolve, sought the botanist[1]'s assistance in bringing the outlaw[13] to justice.

Together, with a sprinkle of pepper[12] for good luck, the empress[11] and the botanist[1] devised a cunning plan. They tracked the outlaw[13] to the radius[15] of the kingdom, where a final confrontation awaited.

The outlaw[13], realizing the odds were against them, surrendered and vowed to mend their ways. However, the malaria[14] outbreak that followed presented an even greater challenge.

The botanist[1], drawing upon their knowledge of plants, worked tirelessly to find a solution. With the help of the empress[11] and the wisdom of the prophet[3], they were able to devise a cure, bringing an end to the epidemic.

The kingdom, now free from the threat of malaria[14], celebrated the triumph of knowledge, unity, and compassion. This chapter in their history served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, humanity's collective efforts could overcome the greatest challenges.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
filament, hymn, indulge, eagerness, stereo,
groan, invert, geometric, corrupt, ideological,
wage, sieve, sleeve, trifle, criterion

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 filament /ˈfɪləmənt/ noun A fine thread-like fiber or wire, typically found in light bulbs or other electrical devices, that emits light when heated. 灯丝;细丝
2 hymn /hɪm/ noun A religious song or poem of praise to a deity or a divine being, often sung in a worship service or religious ceremony. 赞美诗;圣歌
3 indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ verb To allow oneself to enjoy a particular pleasure or desire, often without restraint. 放纵;纵容
4 eagerness /ˈiːɡərnɪs/ noun Enthusiastic or keen interest and willingness to do something. 渴望;热切
5 stereo /ˈstɛrioʊ/ noun/adjective Noun: A sound system that creates the illusion of three-dimensional sound. Adjective: Relating to or producing sound in stereo. 立体声;立体声的
6 groan /ɡroʊn/ verb/noun Verb: To make a low, mournful sound, often expressing pain or discomfort. Noun: The sound itself. 呻吟;呻吟声
7 invert /ɪnˈvɜrt/ verb To reverse the position, order, or condition of something, turning it upside down or inside out. 颠倒;倒置
8 geometric /ˌdʒiəˈmɛtrɪk/ adjective Relating to or using the principles and methods of geometry, which involves shapes, sizes, and properties of space. 几何的;几何学的
9 corrupt /kəˈrʌpt/ verb/adjective Verb: To act dishonestly, often for personal gain or to cause harm. Adjective: Having a tendency to be dishonest or immoral. 腐败;堕落
10 ideological /ˌaɪdɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ adjective Relating to or based on a system of ideas and beliefs, especially those pertaining to politics, society, or philosophy. 思想意识形态的
11 wage /weɪdʒ/ noun/verb Noun: A fixed regular payment for work, typically paid on a monthly or weekly basis. Verb: To carry on or engage in (a war, conflict, etc.). 工资;进行(战争等)
12 sieve /sɪv/ noun/verb Noun: A utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining liquids or sifting dry ingredients. Verb: To strain or filter through a sieve. 滤网;筛子;过滤
13 sleeve /sliːv/ noun The part of a garment that covers and protects the arm, typically sewn together with the bodice of a shirt, dress, or jacket. 袖子;套管
14 trifle /ˈtraɪfəl/ noun/verb Noun: A small, unimportant, or insignificant thing or amount. Verb: To treat someone or something without seriousness or respect. 小事;琐事;糕点
15 criterion /kraɪˈtɪəriən/ noun A standard or principle used to judge or evaluate something, often used as a basis for making decisions or comparisons. 标准;准则

In a small town, there was a curious inventor who was known for creating intricate gadgets. One day, he found an old, dusty filament[1] hidden away in his workshop. The discovery filled him with a sense of eagerness[4] as he knew this filament[1] held the key to his next great invention.

As he worked tirelessly, he couldn't help but indulge[3] in the sweet melodies of a hymn[2] playing softly in the background. The stereo[5] emitted the tune with perfect clarity, inspiring him further.

Late into the night, the inventor let out a groan[6] of both frustration and triumph. He had managed to invert[7] the geometric[8] pattern of the filament[1], unlocking its true potential.

As the days passed, rumors spread about the inventor's creation. Some praised it as a masterpiece, while others labeled it corrupt[9] and ideological[10]. The townsfolk were divided, unable to agree on the true value of the invention.

The inventor, however, paid little attention to the wage[11] of opinions. He was lost in his work, using a sieve[12] of logic to refine his creation. With each adjustment, he felt a sense of satisfaction, as if he was carefully slipping a sleeve[13] onto a precious artifact.

To many, the invention seemed like a trifle[14], a mere plaything. But to the inventor, it was the culmination of years of effort, a criterion[15] by which he would be remembered for generations to come.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
equator, canary, snooker, brake, incompetent,
vapour, saunter, clue, pearl, deduce,
moth, soot, slang, placid, observatory

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 equator /ɪˈkweɪtər/ noun An imaginary line encircling the Earth, equidistant from the North and South Poles, dividing the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres. 赤道
2 canary /kəˈnɛri/ noun A small, typically yellow songbird of the finch family, native to the Canary Islands. 金丝雀
3 snooker /ˈsnʊkər/ noun/verb Noun: A cue sport similar to pool but played with 21 colored balls and a cue ball. Verb: To put someone in a difficult situation. 斯诺克;使陷入困境
4 brake /breɪk/ noun/verb Noun: A device used to slow down or stop the motion of a vehicle. Verb: To slow down or stop a vehicle or machine. 刹车;减速;阻止
5 incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ adjective Not having the necessary skills or abilities to do something effectively or properly. 无能力的;不称职的
6 vapour /ˈveɪpər/ noun A visible mass of fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the air, typically seen as mist, fog, or steam. 蒸汽;水汽
7 saunter /ˈsɔntər/ verb/noun Verb: To walk in a slow, relaxed manner, often with a casual or aimless attitude. Noun: A leisurely stroll or walk. 闲逛;漫步;漫游
8 clue /kluː/ noun A piece of evidence or information that helps in the solving of a problem or mystery. 线索;暗示
9 pearl /pɜrl/ noun A smooth, round object produced by certain mollusks, often valued as a gem. It is formed by layers of nacre around an irritant. 珍珠;珍珠色
10 deduce /dɪˈdjuːs/ verb To arrive at a conclusion or inference through logical reasoning based on available information or evidence. 推断;演绎
11 moth /mɒθ/ noun A nocturnal insect with broad wings, often attracted to light sources, and typically with a powdery appearance. 蛾;蛀虫
12 soot /sut/ noun A black, powdery substance consisting largely of carbon particles, typically produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. 煤烟;油烟
13 slang /slæŋ/ noun Informal language or vocabulary used by a particular group or community, often characterized by its uniqueness and informality. 俚语;行话
14 placid /ˈplæsɪd/ adjective Calm and peaceful, with a gentle and tranquil demeanor. 宁静的;温和的
15 observatory /əbˈzɜːrvətɔːri/ noun A facility equipped for observing and studying celestial phenomena, often equipped with telescopes or other instruments. 天文台;观测站

On a particularly placid[14] afternoon, I decided to visit the observatory[15]. As I made my way there, I noticed a saunter[7] of canaries[2] flitting about, their wings catching the golden rays of the sun. Along the path, a clue[8] caught my eye - a small, iridescent pearl[9] nestled among the pebbles. It seemed like a message from the universe, inviting me to deduce[10] its meaning.

Inside the observatory[15], a peculiar sight awaited me. A moth[11], inexplicably drawn to the brilliant lights, fluttered against the glass, leaving trails of vapour[6] in its wake. The room echoed with the soft clicks and clacks of a snooker[3] game being played in the corner.

As I gazed through the telescopes, I couldn't help but ponder the mysteries of the universe. How does the equator[1] divide our world so distinctly? What clues[8] lie beyond the stars, waiting to be unraveled? It was a moment of serene contemplation, a pause in the rush of life.

Suddenly, a sharp sound pierced the stillness. The screech of a brake[4] echoed through the observatory[15], shattering the tranquility. I turned to see an incompetent[5] janitor struggling to maneuver a cleaning cart.

In that moment, I realized that even in the most peaceful places, the everyday world has its way of intruding. Slang[13] hung in the air as the janitor grumbled to himself. Soot[12] clung to his uniform, evidence of his tireless efforts. And so, with a final glance at the observatory[15], I left, carrying with me a new sense of wonder and a valuable clue[8] to the beauty of our existence.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
densely, flannel, lid, showdown, fame,
pastime, rotational, fin, tariff, wreath,
maternal, caravan, therapist, cricket, setback

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 densely /ˈdɛnsli/ adverb In a way that is closely compacted or crowded together. 密集地;稠密地
2 flannel /ˈflænəl/ noun A soft, woven fabric, typically made of wool or cotton, often used for clothing or bedding. 绒布;法兰绒
3 lid /lɪd/ noun A removable or hinged cover for the top of a container. 盖子;蓬帽
4 showdown /ˈʃoʊdaʊn/ noun A final, decisive confrontation or contest, often dramatic or intense. 决战;决定性对决
5 fame /feɪm/ noun The state of being widely recognized and celebrated for achievements or notoriety. 名声;声誉
6 pastime /ˈpæstaɪm/ noun An activity that provides enjoyment or entertainment during leisure time. 消遣活动;娱乐
7 rotational /roʊˈteɪʃənl/ adjective Relating to or characterized by rotation or revolving around an axis. 旋转的;轮流的
8 fin /fɪn/ noun A flattened appendage on various parts of an animal's body, often used for stability or locomotion. 鳍;鳍状物
9 tariff /ˈtærɪf/ noun A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports. 关税;税率
10 wreath /riθ/ noun An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems, often in a circular shape, used as decoration or as a tribute. 花环;花圈
11 maternal /məˈtɜrnl/ adjective Relating to a mother, motherhood, or characteristic of a mother's care or nurturing. 母亲的;母性的
12 caravan /ˈkærəvæn/ noun A group of travelers, typically in a line of vehicles, journeying together for mutual support, often across a desert or hostile region. 旅行队;车队
13 therapist /ˈθɛrəpɪst/ noun A professional trained to provide therapy or treatment, especially in the fields of psychology or physical rehabilitation. 专业治疗师;理疗师
14 cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/ noun A game played with a ball and bat, typically on a flat field, between two teams of 11 players each. 板球;蟋蟀
15 setback /ˈsɛtbæk/ noun A reversal or check in progress; a delay or hindrance in achieving a goal or objective. 挫折;倒退

In a densely[1] wooded forest, a group of friends gathered around a flannel[2] blanket spread on the ground. They were preparing for a lid[3]-flipping showdown[4] to see who would gain fame[5] as the champion of this unusual pastime[6]. The rules were rotational[7], ensuring each participant got a shot.

As the competition began, the first to flip a lid[3] was surprised to find a tiny fin[8] underneath. Laughter echoed through the woods as they realized they were not alone in this game. The others quickly followed suit, discovering a range of unexpected treasures.

Meanwhile, in a distant town, there was a heated debate over a new tariff[9] proposal. A wreath[10] of concern hung in the air as citizens discussed its potential impact. The maternal[11] instincts of the leaders were put to the test as they tried to balance economic growth with the well-being of their constituents.

Back in the forest, a passing caravan[12] of travelers stumbled upon the revelry. Their therapist[13] had advised them to seek moments of joy, and this impromptu cricket[14] lid-flipping competition provided just the distraction they needed.

As the day came to a close, there was a collective sigh of contentment. Despite the occasional setback[15], it had been a day filled with unexpected discoveries and shared laughter, leaving memories that would be cherished for years to come.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
generosity, statesman, casino, biographical, cot,
treaty, temperament, triumphant, syllabus, conical,
gray, wrestling, stifle, fuss, undercover

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 generosity /ˌdʒɛnəˈrɒsəti/ noun The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish; willingness to give money, help, or time freely. 慷慨,大方
2 statesman /ˈsteɪtsmən/ noun A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure. 政治家,政治家的品质
3 casino /kəˈsiːnoʊ/ noun A public building or room where people play games of chance for money. 赌场,娱乐场
4 biographical /ˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/ adjective Relating to the account of a person's life, especially in the form of a written account or a documentary. 传记的,传记体的
5 cot /kɒt/ noun A simple, portable bed, typically one without a headboard or footboard. 简易床,折叠床
6 treaty /ˈtriːti/ noun A formal agreement or contract between two or more countries, outlining terms and conditions for mutual benefits. 条约,协议
7 temperament /ˈtɛmpərəmənt/ noun A person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior. 气质,性情
8 triumphant /traɪˈʌmfənt/ adjective Experiencing or celebrating victory or success; having achieved a notable triumph. 胜利的,成功的
9 syllabus /ˈsɪləbəs/ noun An outline or summary of the main points of a course of study, curriculum, or seminar. 教学大纲,课程提要
10 conical /ˈkɒnɪkəl/ adjective Shaped like a cone; having the form or shape of a three-dimensional geometric cone. 圆锥形的
11 gray /ɡreɪ/ adjective/noun Adjective: Of a color intermediate between black and white. Noun: A color or pigment of this kind. 灰色,灰色的
12 wrestling /ˈrɛslɪŋ/ noun A sport or activity in which two people grapple with each other, trying to throw or force their opponent to the ground. 摔跤,搏击运动
13 stifle /ˈstaɪfəl/ verb To suppress, restrain, or suffocate something, especially a feeling, sound, or reaction. 抑制,压制,扼杀
14 fuss /fʌs/ noun/verb Noun: A display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or worry. Verb: To make a big deal out of something relatively unimportant. 忙乱,小题大做,小题大做
15 undercover /ˌʌndərˈkʌvər/ adjective/adverb Adjective: Acting or working secretly, especially for investigative purposes. Adverb: In a secret or hidden way. 秘密的,暗中进行的,暗中

In a small town, there lived a man known for his exceptional generosity[1]. He was considered a true statesman[2] by everyone who knew him. One day, he decided to organize a charity event at the local casino[3], an unconventional choice that raised many eyebrows.

This event aimed to raise funds for a biographical[4] project documenting the lives of influential figures in the town. The event's theme was as unique as the man himself, with cots[5] set up for guests to rest between games and discussions.

During the event, a historic treaty[6] was unveiled, symbolizing unity and cooperation among the townspeople. The temperament[7] of the attendees, initially skeptical, shifted towards a spirit of camaraderie as they learned about the project's noble cause.

As the night progressed, a triumphant[8] feeling enveloped the room. The unconventional syllabus[9] of the event had led to unexpected connections and collaborations.

In a corner, a group of intellectuals discussed the conical[10] shape of a nearby sculpture, a testament to the town's unique artistic inclinations. The once gray[11] atmosphere had transformed into one of vibrancy and inspiration.

Amidst the intellectual discourse, a spontaneous wrestling[12] match broke out, a moment of levity in the midst of serious discussions. Laughter and excitement filled the air, momentarily stifling[13] any remaining doubts or fuss[14].

Little did they know, an undercover[15] journalist was among them, documenting every moment of this extraordinary evening. The story of this event would soon reach far and wide, inspiring similar acts of generosity and unity in towns around the world.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
glimmer, revolver, telex, boiler, salon,
liable, laughter, despise, intent, asphalt,
imperialism, aborigine, cork, dissident, tumult

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 glimmer /ˈɡlɪmər/ noun/verb Noun: A faint or wavering light. Verb: To shine with a faint, unsteady light. 微光;闪烁;发微光
2 revolver /rɪˈvɒlvə(r)/ noun A type of pistol with a revolving cylinder that holds bullets and allows them to be fired in succession. 左轮手枪;转转球手枪
3 telex /ˈtiːleks/ noun/verb Noun: An obsolete telecommunications system used for sending typed messages over long distances. Verb: To send a message using the telex system. 电报;电传;发送电传消息
4 boiler /ˈbɔɪlə(r)/ noun A closed vessel in which water is heated, steam is generated, and the steam is used to power machinery or for heating purposes. 锅炉;热水器;蒸锅
5 salon /səˈlɒn/ noun A gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine taste and increase their knowledge of the participants through conversation. 沙龙;客厅;画廊
6 liable /ˈlaɪəbl/ adjective Likely to experience or do something unpleasant or unfortunate; responsible or likely to be affected by something. 有责任的;有义务的;易遭受的
7 laughter /ˈlɑːftə(r)/ noun The action or sound of laughing; the expression or manifestation of mirth, amusement, or joy. 笑声;欢笑;笑容
8 despise /dɪˈspaɪz/ verb To feel contempt or a deep repugnance for; to regard with intense dislike or aversion. 鄙视;厌恶;蔑视
9 intent /ɪnˈtent/ noun/adjective Noun: The purpose or aim of something. Adjective: Determined or resolved to do something; concentrating one's attention or mind on a particular purpose or goal. 意图;目的;专心致志的
10 asphalt /ˈæsfælt/ noun/verb Noun: A black, sticky substance derived from petroleum, used for surfacing roads and other areas. Verb: To cover with asphalt. 沥青;柏油;铺柏油于
11 imperialism /ɪmˌpɪəriˈælɪzəm/ noun A policy or ideology of extending a nation's power and influence through diplomacy or military force, often by acquiring territories or establishing colonies. 帝国主义
12 aborigine /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪniːn/ noun An indigenous inhabitant of a place; the original or earliest known inhabitants of a region. 土著;土人;原住民
13 cork /kɔːk/ noun/verb Noun: The outer bark of an oak tree, used for making stoppers for bottles. Verb: To close or seal with a cork. 软木;软木塞;软木栓
14 dissident /ˈdɪsɪdənt/ noun/adjective Noun: A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. Adjective: In opposition to official policy. 持不同政见者;反对派的
15 tumult /ˈtjuːmʌlt/ noun A loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people; a state of commotion, confusion, or disorder. 喧哗;骚动;混乱

In the heart of the city, amidst the constant glimmer[1] of neon lights, there was a hidden revolver[2] tucked away in the shadows. It was a relic of a time long past, a testament to a history marked by intrigue and danger.

Inside the cramped telex[3] office nearby, messages from distant lands clattered through the old machines like a chorus of staccato beats. The boiler[4] in the corner chugged along, its rhythmic hiss providing a backdrop to the urgent dispatches.

Meanwhile, in the elegant salon[5] down the street, conversations danced on the edge of scandal. The patrons, liable[6] to both charm and controversy, reveled in the laughter[7] that echoed off the opulent walls.

Yet, hidden behind this façade of sophistication, there lay a undercurrent of despise[8]. The intent[9] of some was veiled in secrecy, their motives as impenetrable as the night.

As the clock struck midnight, the asphalt[10] streets outside bore witness to a clash of ideologies. On one side, the imposing edifice of imperialism[11], unyielding and dominant. On the other, the quiet strength of the aborigine[12], rooted in the land that had always been their home.

In a nearby alley, a lone cork[13] bobbed in a puddle, a symbol of defiance against the prevailing currents. A dissident[14] voice, unyielding in its opposition, ready to challenge the established order.

The night was filled with a tumult[15] of conflicting energies, each word a piece of the intricate mosaic that composed the city's soul.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
funnel, distillation, subconscious, plentiful, bewilder,
mere, paradox, cane, shiver, crafty,
sickle, effusive, inseparable, shady, botanical

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 funnel /ˈfʌn.əl/ noun/verb Noun: A cone-shaped utensil with a tube at the apex for pouring substances into containers with a small opening. Verb: To channel or direct something through a narrow passage. 漏斗;(使)集中;导管
2 distillation /ˌdɪs.tɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ noun The process of purifying or separating a liquid mixture by heating it to create vapor and then cooling it to create a liquid. 蒸馏;精馏;提炼
3 subconscious /ˌsʌb.kənˈʃiː.əs/ adjective/noun Adjective: Operating or existing in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness. Noun: The part of the mind that contains thoughts and feelings not currently in conscious awareness. 潜意识的;下意识的;潜意识
4 plentiful /ˈplentɪfəl/ adjective Existing in great quantity; abundant or ample in supply. 丰富的;大量的;充足的
5 bewilder /bɪˈwɪl.dər/ verb To confuse or puzzle someone, often by a complexity or disorder of things. 使迷惑;使糊涂;使不知所措
6 mere /mɪər/ adjective/noun Adjective: Used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is. Noun: A lake or pond. 仅仅的;只不过;湖泊
7 paradox /ˈpær.ə.dɒks/ noun A statement, proposition, or situation that appears to contradict itself but may actually be true. 悖论;似乎矛盾而却正确的说法
8 cane /keɪn/ noun/verb Noun: A long, thin, and often flexible stick, often made of bamboo or rattan. Verb: To beat with a cane as a form of punishment. 手杖;细长的茎;鞭打;罚以鞭刑
9 shiver /ˈʃɪv.ər/ verb/noun Verb: To shake slightly and quickly due to cold, fear, or excitement. Noun: A small, rapid shaking movement, often due to cold or emotion. 颤抖;哆嗦;碎裂;抖动
10 crafty /ˈkræf.ti/ adjective Clever in a deceptive or cunning way; skillful in using deceit or trickery. 狡猾的;狡诈的;熟练的
11 sickle /ˈsɪk.əl/ noun A curved, sharp-edged farming tool with a short handle, used for cutting grain or tall grass. 镰刀;镰形物;月牙儿
12 effusive /ɪˈfjuː.sɪv/ adjective Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or excessive manner. 感情横溢的;感情奔放的
13 inseparable /ɪnˈsepərəbl/ adjective Unable to be separated or treated separately; always together or connected. 不能分开的;形影不离的
14 shady /ˈʃeɪ.di/ adjective Providing or casting shade; characterized by a lack of light. Also, morally or legally questionable; dishonest or deceitful. 阴凉的;有树荫的;靠不住的
15 botanical /bəˈtæn.ɪ.kəl/ adjective Relating to plants or the study of plants; of or pertaining to the science of botany. 植物(学)的;植物学的

In a quaint village nestled at the edge of a dense forest, there stood an old mill with a towering funnel[1]. This mill was known for its ancient distillation[2] techniques, passed down through generations. The secrets of the process were said to lie in the subconscious[3] understanding of the elements involved.

The village was blessed with plentiful[4] harvests, and the people attributed their prosperity to the mill's operations. Yet, there was a bewilder[5] that hung in the air, for the simplicity of the ingredients seemed mere[6] compared to the intricate results.

This mill was a paradox[7] in itself, where a humble cane[8] was transformed into a potion that could make even the bravest men shiver[9]. The miller was known to be a crafty[10] individual, whose knowledge of the process was as sharp as a sickle[11].

As the years passed, the mill and the village became effusive[12] topics of discussion among travelers. The inseparable[13] bond between the mill and the prosperity of the village was evident to all who visited.

The mill, shaded by ancient oaks, held a certain shady[14] mystique. The botanical[15] secrets that lay within its walls were guarded with utmost care, for they held the very essence of the village's life.

And so, the mill continued to stand tall, its secrets known to only a chosen few. The funnel[1] at its heart remained a symbol of both mystery and abundance, a testament to the wonders that could emerge from the most plentiful[4] but seemingly mere[6] of resources.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
earnest, exhaustive, embassy, mill, algebra,
calculus, esteem, hypocrite, indignity, pedlar,
buck, reactionary, antagonism, coma, dissent

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 earnest /ˈɜːrnɪst/ adjective/noun Adjective: Showing sincere and intense conviction or seriousness. Noun: A serious and sincere attitude or intention. 认真的;诚恳的;热心的;认真态度
2 exhaustive /ɪɡˈzɔːs.tɪv/ adjective Thorough and comprehensive, leaving nothing out; covering all aspects or details of a subject. 彻底的;详尽无遗的;极其详细的
3 embassy /ˈem.bə.si/ noun The official residence and offices of an ambassador and diplomatic staff in a foreign country, or the group of people who represent a country abroad. 大使馆;使馆外交团;大使职务
4 mill /mɪl/ noun/verb Noun: A building or factory where raw materials, especially grains, are processed into finished products. Verb: To grind or process something in a mill. 磨坊;磨粉厂;工厂;制造厂
5 algebra /ˈæl.dʒɪ.brə/ noun A branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols to solve equations and analyze relationships. 代数;代数学;代数式
6 calculus /ˈkælk.jə.ləs/ noun A branch of mathematics that focuses on rates of change and accumulation, involving derivatives and integrals. 微积分;微分学;求积学
7 esteem /ɪˈstiːm/ noun/verb Noun: Respect and admiration for someone or something. Verb: To hold someone or something in high regard or respect. 尊敬;尊重;敬意;看重
8 hypocrite /ˈhɪp.ə.krɪt/ noun A person who pretends to have moral or religious beliefs or virtues that they do not actually possess; a person who is insincere or deceptive. 伪君子;伪善者;假冒者;伪装者
9 indignity /ɪnˈdɪɡ.nə.ti/ noun Treatment or behavior that causes a person to feel shame or loss of dignity; an offensive or humiliating action or remark. 侮辱;轻蔑;羞辱;无礼
10 pedlar /ˈped.lər/ noun A person who travels from place to place selling goods, often in a small quantity and without a fixed store or location; a street vendor. 小贩;流动摊贩;走街串巷销售者
11 buck /bʌk/ noun/verb Noun: A male deer, especially a male of various species, including the white-tailed deer. Verb: To resist or oppose something. 雄鹿;雄兽;美元;反抗;抵抗
12 reactionary /riˈæk.ʃəˌner.i/ adjective/noun Adjective: Opposing political or social progress and advocating for the preservation of traditional values or systems. Noun: A person holding such views. 反动的;保守的;反对改革的;反动分子
13 antagonism /ænˈtæɡ.ən.ɪ.zəm/ noun Active hostility or opposition between individuals or groups; a state of being in conflict or opposition. 敌意;对抗;反抗;敌对状态
14 coma /ˈkoʊ.mə/ noun A deep state of unconsciousness in which a person is unable to respond to external stimuli, often caused by injury or illness. 昏迷;昏睡;麻木;昏厥
15 dissent /dɪˈsent/ noun/verb Noun: A difference of opinion or disagreement with a prevailing view or authority. Verb: To express disagreement or opposition. 不同意见;持异议;反对;异议

Once upon a time, in the small town of mill[4], there lived an earnest[1] and exhaustive[2] scholar named Professor Smith. Professor Smith was known for his esteem[7] in the field of algebra[5] and calculus[6], and he was often invited to international embassy[3] events to share his knowledge.

One day, as Professor Smith was walking through the town, he encountered a pedlar[10] who claimed to possess a miraculous buck[11] that could solve any mathematical problem instantly. Intrigued, Professor Smith engaged in a spirited antagonism[13] of ideas with the pedlar[10], suspecting that the pedlar[10] might be a hypocrite[8].

Their intellectual dissent[15] continued for hours, with both sides presenting indignity[9] and challenging each other's theories. The townspeople gathered around, watching the passionate debate unfold.

In the end, it was evident that Professor Smith's calculus[6] and algebra[5] expertise far surpassed the pedlar[10]'s claims. The pedlar[10] had no choice but to admit defeat and slipped into a coma[14] of embarrassment.

The townspeople, now with even greater esteem[7] for Professor Smith, cheered for his earnest[1] dedication to the truth. The reactionary[12] claims of the pedlar[10] had been debunked, and the town continued to value the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual antagonism[13].

In this small town, the embassy[3] of learning and the esteem[7] for genuine scholarship prevailed, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and truth.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
gorge, sift, devil, quantify, sewage,
hexagon, shudder, lily, prune, Marxist,
caption, generator, marshal, wig, inland

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 gorge /ɡɔːrdʒ/ noun/verb Noun: A narrow, steep-sided valley, often with a stream or river running through it. Verb: To eat greedily and to excess. 峡谷;峡;狭谷;狭隘的通道
2 sift /sɪft/ verb To separate or refine something by passing it through a sieve or filter, often to remove impurities or unwanted elements. 筛选;过滤;检查;细查
3 devil /ˈdev.əl/ noun/verb Noun: A supernatural being associated with evil and often depicted as a malevolent spirit. Verb: To torment or harass persistently. 恶魔;魔鬼;恶棍;厉鬼
4 quantify /ˈkwɑːn.tə.faɪ/ verb To express or measure the quantity or extent of something, often using numbers or units of measurement. 量化;确定数量;标定量
5 sewage /ˈsuː.ɪdʒ/ noun Waste matter, including human waste and wastewater, that is carried away and disposed of through a sewer or drainage system. 污水;下水道;排污系统;污物
6 hexagon /ˈhek.sə.ɡɑːn/ noun A polygon with six sides and six angles, typically having six equal sides and six equal angles. 六边形;六角形;六边形形状
7 shudder /ˈʃʌd.ər/ verb/noun Verb: To tremble or shake involuntarily, often due to fear, cold, or strong emotions. Noun: A sudden shaking or trembling. 颤抖;战栗;发抖;颤动
8 lily /ˈlɪl.i/ noun A flowering plant of the genus Lilium, known for its often fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers. 百合;百合花;百合类植物
9 prune /pruːn/ verb/noun Verb: To trim or cut away unnecessary or excess parts, such as branches from a tree or unwanted portions from food. Noun: A dried plum. 修剪;剪枝;修整;删节
10 Marxist /ˈmɑːr.kɪst/ noun/adjective Noun: A follower of Marxism, an ideology based on the writings of Karl Marx, advocating for a classless society. Adjective: Relating to Marxism. 马克思主义者;马克思主义的
11 caption /ˈkæp.ʃən/ noun/verb Noun: A title or brief explanation accompanying an illustration, photograph, or diagram. Verb: To provide a caption for. 标题;字幕;说明;题词
12 generator /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪ.t̬ɚ/ noun A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, often used to produce electricity. 发电机;发生器;产生器;生成器
13 marshal /ˈmɑːr.ʃəl/ noun/verb Noun: A high-ranking officer in the military or law enforcement. Verb: To arrange or organize in a systematic or orderly manner. 元帅;司令;法警;整顿;排列
14 wig /wɪɡ/ noun A covering for the head made of artificial or real hair, often worn to conceal hair loss or for theatrical purposes. 假发;假头发;假发束;假发制品
15 inland /ˈɪn.lænd/ adjective/adverb Adjective: Located away from the coast or seashore, often referring to areas within a country. Adverb: Toward or into the interior, away from the coast. 内陆的;内地的;内陆地区;向内地

In a small inland[15] village, nestled within a hexagon[6]-shaped valley, there was a lily[8] pond known for its pristine beauty. The locals often gathered near the pond to marshal[13] their thoughts and enjoy the caption[11]-worthy scenery.

One day, a mischievous devil[3] decided to play a prank on the villagers. He cast a hexagon[6]-shaped wig[14] over the village, causing a collective shudder[7] among the residents. The devil[3] then attempted to quantify[4] the fear he had instilled, but fear, like the flow of sewage[5], proved difficult to measure precisely.

Amidst the chaos, a generator[12] of ideas emerged, a Marxist[10] thinker who sought to address the underlying issues that allowed such malevolence to exist. They believed that to prune[9] out the roots of evil, it was essential to foster unity among the villagers and create a society where beauty and harmony could gorge[1] the hearts of all.

As the villagers tried to make sense of the situation, they began to sift[2] through their emotions, separating the genuine concerns from the baseless fears. In the end, the devil[3] learned that even the most cunning tricks couldn't overshadow the resilience of a close-knit community. And the hexagon[6] of fear was replaced by the lily[8] of hope, reminding everyone that in the face of adversity, the human spirit could always marshal[13] its strength.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
dung, pharmacist, sceptical, hardback, guillotine,
hound, revitalize, rib, gleam, insulator,
bun, lighthouse, adore, rehearsal, punctuation

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 dung /dʌŋ/ noun The excrement of animals, particularly herbivores, often used as fertilizer for agricultural purposes. 动物粪便;粪肥;粪
2 pharmacist /ˈfɑːr.mə.sɪst/ noun A healthcare professional who is trained to prepare and dispense medications, often working in a pharmacy. 药剂师;药商;药店店主
3 skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ adjective Having doubts or reservations about something, often questioning the validity or truth of claims or beliefs. 怀疑的;持怀疑态度的;多疑的
4 hardback /ˈhɑːrd.bæk/ noun/adjective Noun: A book with a rigid, hardcover binding. Adjective: Referring to such a hardcover book. 硬皮书;精装书;硬皮装订;硬皮的
5 guillotine /ˈɡɪl.əˌtiːn/ noun/verb Noun: A device used for beheading, especially during the French Revolution. Verb: To execute by beheading with a guillotine. 断头台;断头刀;绞刑;用断头台处决
6 hound /haʊnd/ noun/verb Noun: A type of hunting dog bred for tracking and pursuing game. Verb: To relentlessly pursue or harass someone. 猎犬;猎狗;狗;猎狐狗;追逐
7 revitalize /ˌriːˈvaɪ.t̬əl.aɪz/ verb To renew or restore vitality, energy, or strength to something, often with the goal of making it more active or productive. 使恢复生气;使复苏;使振兴
8 rib /rɪb/ noun/verb Noun: One of the long, curved bones that form the chest wall. Verb: To tease or make fun of someone in a playful manner. 肋骨;排骨;肋条;犬齿
9 gleam /ɡliːm/ noun/verb Noun: A brief, faint, or dim light or reflection. Verb: To emit or shine with a brief, bright light. 闪光;微光;闪烁;发微光
10 insulator /ˈɪn.sə.leɪ.t̬ər/ noun A material or device that prevents the passage of electricity, heat, or sound, often used to protect or isolate. 绝缘体;绝热体;隔热器;隔音体
11 bun /bʌn/ noun A small, usually round bread roll, often sweet or savory, commonly used as a base for sandwiches or burgers. 小圆面包;圈发髻;圈头发
12 lighthouse /ˈlaɪt.haʊs/ noun A tall tower with a light at the top, used to guide ships and boats at sea and warn them of hazards or coastlines. 灯塔;航标塔;灯楼;灯房
13 adore /əˈdɔːr/ verb To have deep affection, love, or admiration for someone or something; to worship or venerate. 崇拜;敬慕;热爱;爱慕
14 rehearsal /rɪˈhɜːr.sl̩/ noun A practice session or run-through of a performance, play, or musical piece before the actual presentation. 排练;排演;练习;复述
15 punctuation /ˌpʌŋk.tʃuˈeɪ.ʃən/ noun The use of symbols, such as periods, commas, and question marks, to clarify the meaning and structure of written language. 标点符号;标点;点标;断句

In a quaint village, there lived a pharmacist[2] named Alice. She was known for her sceptical[3] nature, always questioning the effectiveness of various medicines. One day, she came across an old hardback[4] book that contained ancient remedies.

As she flipped through the pages, her skepticism began to wane. The book described a peculiar contraption, a medical guillotine[5], that was said to cure ailments through precise incisions. Alice was intrigued but cautious.

Near her pharmacy, a faithful hound[6] named Max always accompanied her. Max's presence seemed to revitalize[7] her spirits, especially during long nights at the pharmacy. One evening, while reading about the dung[1] beetle and its role as a natural insulator[10] in some cultures, a rib[8] of light from the setting sun hit the book, causing it to gleam[9] with an otherworldly glow.

Alice decided to experiment with the guillotine but used it only as an insulator[10] to hold herbs for her remedies. Surprisingly, the herbs' effectiveness increased, and soon, people from all over sought her unique treatments. She became the talk of the village, and her small pharmacy turned into a lighthouse[12] of hope.

People came to adore[13] her and her faithful Max. Alice's pharmacy became a place of rehearsal[14] for the healing arts, and her fame spread like wildfire. Her success even caught the attention of a renowned medical journal, which added a special punctuation[15] to her story.

In the end, Alice's hardback[4] book, though not a guillotine for flesh, had become a guiding light in the world of medicine. And so, in this story, the pharmacist[2] with a sceptical[3] mind, a loyal hound[6], and a glowing gleam[9] of inspiration, found her path to greatness through an unexpected insulator[10] and the wisdom of the dung[1] beetle's bun[11].


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
detain, psychologist, robe, partition, sinful,
dominion, heave, watertight, flute, calendar,
pickpocket, lavatory, satire, sin, martyr

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 detain /dɪˈteɪn/ verb To keep someone in official custody, often by the police or authorities, for a period of time. 扣留;拘留;扣押;羁押
2 psychologist /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ noun A person who specializes in the study of the human mind and behavior, often providing therapy or counseling. 心理学家;心理医生;精神科医生
3 robe /roʊb/ noun A long, loose-fitting garment, often worn for ceremonial, religious, or formal occasions. 长袍;礼服;袈裟;法衣
4 partition /pɑːrˈtɪʃ.ən/ noun/verb Noun: A dividing wall or barrier that separates or divides a space into distinct areas. Verb: To divide or separate using partitions. 分隔;隔墙;隔断;隔开
5 sinful /ˈsɪn.fəl/ adjective Characterized by or involving sin; morally wrong or wicked according to religious or ethical standards. 罪恶的;有罪的;邪恶的;恶贯满盈的
6 dominion /dəˈmɪn.jən/ noun Sovereign control, authority, or rule over a territory or domain; a territory under the rule of a sovereign power. 统治;主权;领土;疆土
7 heave /hiːv/ verb/noun Verb: To lift or pull something with effort and force. Noun: A lifting or throwing movement. 举起;投掷;拼力举;用力拉
8 watertight /ˈwɔː.tər.taɪt/ adjective Completely sealed or impervious to the passage of water; preventing the entry of water. 防水的;不透水的;严密的;水密的
9 flute /fluːt/ noun/verb Noun: A musical instrument made of a tube with holes that are played by blowing air across them. Verb: To play a flute or create a flutelike sound. 长笛;笛子;横笛;吹奏长笛
10 calendar /ˈkæl.ən.dər/ noun A system for organizing and measuring time, typically divided into days, weeks, months, and years, often used for scheduling and dating purposes. 日历;历法;时间表;行事历
11 pickpocket /ˈpɪk.pɑː.kɪt/ noun/verb Noun: A person who steals from the pockets or belongings of others, especially in crowded places. Verb: To engage in pickpocketing. 扒手;扒窃;偷窃者;行窃
12 lavatory /ˈlæv.ə.tɔːr.i/ noun A room or facility equipped with toilet and washing facilities, often found in public or private buildings. 厕所;盥洗室;卫生间;洗手间
13 satire /ˈsæt.aɪr/ noun A literary or artistic work that uses humor, irony, or sarcasm to criticize or mock individuals, society, or institutions. 讽刺;讽刺作品;讽刺文学;讽刺艺术
14 sin /sɪn/ noun/verb Noun: An immoral or wrongful act, often violating religious or moral principles. Verb: To commit a sin. 罪;罪孽;罪过;犯罪
15 martyr /ˈmɑːr.tər/ noun/verb Noun: A person who suffers or dies for their beliefs, often in a religious or political context. Verb: To kill or persecute someone for their beliefs. 烈士;殉道者;受难者;殉道;为信仰牺牲

In a distant land ruled by a stern psychologist[2], a curious flute[9] player decided to organize a satire[13] festival. However, the sinful[5] acts depicted in the satire caused a stir in the dominion[6]. The ruler, wearing a majestic robe[3], decided to detain[1] those involved and ordered the construction of a partition[4] to keep the festival-goers away from the rest of the kingdom.

As the days passed, tensions heaved[7], and the atmosphere became less watertight[8]. A local pickpocket[11] took advantage of the chaos to ply their trade, adding another layer of sin[14] to the situation. The calendar[10] marked the days until the festival's conclusion, while the lavatory[12] facilities became inadequate for the growing crowd.

In the end, the satire festival, although met with controversy and sin[14], turned one individual into a martyr[15] for free expression, forever remembered in the annals of history.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
locust, deceit, tile, incidence, phobia,
suspension, fractional, complacency, hypocritical, dissolution,
apron, drizzle, duel, macho, lump

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 locust /ˈloʊ.kəst/ noun A type of large, migratory grasshopper known for its swarming behavior and crop-damaging effects. 蝗虫;蚂蚱;蚂蟥;蝗虫性质
2 deceit /dɪˈsiːt/ noun The act of deceiving or misleading someone, often through trickery, falsehoods, or dishonesty. 欺骗;欺诈;骗局;诡计
3 tile /taɪl/ noun/verb Noun: A flat, often square or rectangular, piece of ceramic, stone, or other material used for covering surfaces. Verb: To cover or adorn with tiles. 瓷砖;瓦片;平铺;瓷砖铺盖
4 incidence /ˈɪn.sɪ.dəns/ noun The frequency or occurrence of something, often used in the context of events, incidents, or diseases. 发生率;发生次数;事件发生
5 phobia /ˈfoʊ.bi.ə/ noun An extreme and irrational fear or aversion to a particular object, situation, or activity. 恐惧症;畏惧症;病态恐惧
6 suspension /səˈspen.ʃən/ noun The act of temporarily ceasing or delaying something; a state of being hung or suspended in the air. 暂停;悬浮;停职;悬挂
7 fractional /ˈfrækʃənl/ adjective Relating to a fraction, which is a part or portion of a whole; characterized by being in parts or fragments. 分数的;部分的;碎片的;小部分的
8 complacency /kəmˈpleɪ.sən.si/ noun A feeling of self-satisfaction or contentment, often accompanied by unawareness of potential danger or problems. 自满;满足;沾沾自喜;自以为是
9 hypocritical /ˌhɪ.pəˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ adjective Behaving in a way that contradicts one's stated beliefs or values; pretending to have moral principles that one does not truly possess. 虚伪的;伪善的;假意的;伪装的
10 dissolution /ˌdɪs.əˈluː.ʃən/ noun The process of breaking down, disintegrating, or ending, often used in the context of organizations, relationships, or substances. 解散;溶解;解体;瓦解
11 apron /ˈeɪ.prən/ noun A protective garment worn over clothing, often covering the front of the body, especially in cooking or work settings. 围裙;工作服;停机坪;飞机库
12 drizzle /ˈdrɪz.əl/ noun/verb Noun: Light rain in fine, misty droplets. Verb: To rain lightly in fine droplets. 细雨;毛毛雨;下细雨;细雨般滴下
13 duel /ˈduːəl/ noun/verb Noun: A formal combat between two individuals, typically with swords or pistols. Verb: To engage in such a combat. 决斗;对决;双打;争斗
14 macho /ˈmɑː.tʃoʊ/ adjective/noun Adjective: Characterized by an exaggerated sense of masculinity or toughness. Noun: A man who displays such traits. 大男子主义的;威武的;大胆的;大男人主义者
15 lump /lʌmp/ noun/verb Noun: A small mass of solid matter with no regular shape. Verb: To group together without distinction or separation. 块;肿块;疙瘩;一块

I once witnessed the locust[1] swarm that stretched across the horizon, a sight both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The deceit[2] in the eyes of those who sought to exploit the vulnerable was evident, like a dark stain on society. As I walked through the corridor, the cold tile[3] underfoot sent shivers down my spine, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of life.

The incidence[4] of my childhood phobia[5] haunted my dreams, each night a battle against the monsters lurking in the shadows. I felt a sense of suspension[6], like a pendulum between courage and fear, as I faced my deepest fears head-on.

In the world of finance, I learned about the fractional[7] reserve system, a concept that often masked the fragility of our economic structures. The complacency[8] of those in power was both frustrating and dangerous, as it hindered progress and change.

It was a world filled with hypocritical[9] leaders who preached one thing but practiced another, leaving me disillusioned and questioning their motives. The dissolution[10] of trust in institutions seemed inevitable, like a storm gathering on the horizon.

In my grandmother's kitchen, the smell of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, and her old apron[11] bore the stains of countless delicious meals. Outside, the gentle drizzle[12] of rain painted a serene picture, a stark contrast to the duel[13] of egos in the competitive world.

Some believed that being macho[14] meant suppressing emotions, but I found strength in vulnerability. Life had taught me that beneath the tough exterior, there often lay a lump[15] of untold stories and unspoken feelings.

作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
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