英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年08月 ChatGPT
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
burglary, prosecution, ace, antenna, diploma,
corridor, growl, lichen, petty, revenge,
nappy, larva, diesel, impulsive, suicidal
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | burglary | /ˈbɜːr.ɡlə.ri/ | noun | The act of unlawfully entering a building with the intent to commit theft, vandalism, or another crime. | 入室盗窃;入室行窃;夜盗 |
2 | prosecution | /ˌprɑː.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən/ | noun | The legal process of charging and pursuing a person for a crime, often involving court proceedings. | 起诉;诉讼;实行;执行 |
3 | ace | /eɪs/ | noun/verb | Noun: A playing card with a single pip or a high value. Verb: To excel or perform exceptionally well. | 王牌;杰出人才;突出表现;成功 |
4 | antenna | /ænˈten.ə/ | noun | A slender, flexible appendage on an insect's head or a device used for sending and receiving signals. | 天线;触角;触须;触角状物 |
5 | diploma | /dɪˈpləʊ.mə/ | noun | A certificate or document awarded to a person upon completion of an educational program or course. | 毕业文凭;学位证书;奖状 |
6 | corridor | /ˈkɒr.ɪ.dɔːr/ | noun | A narrow passage or hallway connecting different rooms or areas, often within a building or structure. | 走廊;通道;回廊;甬道 |
7 | growl | /ɡraʊl/ | verb/noun | Verb: To emit a low, guttural sound like an animal. Noun: A deep, threatening sound similar to a growl. | 咆哮;低声咆哮;咕哝声;咆哮声 |
8 | lichen | /ˈlaɪ.kən/ | noun | A symbiotic organism consisting of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium, often found on rocks or trees. | 青苔;地衣;苔藓;地皮 |
9 | petty | /ˈpet.i/ | adjective | Of little importance or significance; trivial or minor. Also refers to behaviors that are mean or unimportant. | 小的;琐碎的;细微的;卑鄙的 |
10 | revenge | /rɪˈvendʒ/ | noun/verb | Noun: Retaliation or punishment for a perceived wrong or injury. Verb: To seek retribution or vengeance. | 报仇;复仇;报复;复仇行为 |
11 | nappy | /ˈnæp.i/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Referring to a baby's diaper. Noun: A diaper or cloth used to cover and protect a baby's bottom. | 尿布;纸尿裤;短毛的;起毛的 |
12 | larva | /ˈlɑː.və/ | noun | The early, immature stage of an insect that undergoes metamorphosis, often resembling a worm or grub. | 幼虫;幼体;幼虫状态;蛹 |
13 | diesel | /ˈdiː.zəl/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A type of internal combustion engine that uses diesel fuel. Adjective: Relating to diesel fuel or engines. | 柴油;柴油机;柴油车;柴油动力的 |
14 | impulsive | /ɪmˈpʌl.sɪv/ | adjective | Acting or reacting quickly without careful thought; characterized by sudden decisions or actions. | 冲动的;易冲动的;心血来潮的;脉冲的 |
15 | suicidal | /ˌsuː.ɪˈsaɪ.dəl/ | adjective | Involving or related to the intention or act of taking one's own life; potentially leading to suicide. | 自杀的;自杀式的;自取灭亡的 |
In a dimly lit corridor
[6], a faint growl
[7] echoed, unsettling the otherwise quiet atmosphere. The lichen
[8] clinging to the walls seemed to absorb even the slightest sound. It was a petty
[9] annoyance, a revenge
[10] of sorts from an old grudge.
The history of this burglary
[1] was still fresh in the minds of those involved. The accused faced prosecution
[2] for their actions, but they held an ace
[3] up their sleeve—a hidden antenna
[4] that intercepted crucial evidence.
Amidst the tension, a larva
[12] crawled along the ground, its journey unnoticed by the anxious onlookers. The situation felt impulsive
[14], decisions made in haste, like the desperate flicker of a dying diesel
[13] engine. Emotions ran high, the air heavy with a sense of the suicidal
[15] risk they were taking.
In the end, it was a diploma
[5] of all things that unraveled the truth, exposing the burglary
[1] for what it was—a desperate act born from a combination of petty
[9] grievances and misguided revenge
[10]. The accused's actions weren't so much premeditated as they were a culmination of circumstances.
And so, within the shadows of that dim corridor
[6], a discarded nappy
[11] lay crumpled in a corner, forgotten amid the unfolding drama. The tale unfolded, a reminder that even the most unexpected events can lead to a series of consequential choices.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
cactus, filth, grin, paw, manly,
transit, dwindle, groundwork, swindler, athletics,
quake, best-seller, Dutch, pedestrian, contest
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | cactus | /ˈkæk.təs/ | noun | A type of succulent plant often found in arid regions, known for its fleshy stems and spines. | 仙人掌;仙人球;仙人掌科植物 |
2 | filth | /fɪlθ/ | noun | Dirt, impurities, or disgusting matter; something that is very dirty or morally offensive. | 污秽;肮脏;猥亵;粗鄙 |
3 | grin | /ɡrɪn/ | verb/noun | Verb: To smile widely, often showing the teeth. Noun: A wide smile. | 咧嘴笑;露齿笑;咧嘴笑脸 |
4 | paw | /pɑː/ | noun/verb | Noun: The foot of an animal with claws or nails. Verb: To touch or handle clumsily or roughly. | 爪子;脚爪;用爪抓;用手拙劣地摆弄 |
5 | manly | /ˈmæn.li/ | adjective | Having qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength, courage, or virility. | 有男子气概的;有阳刚之气的;男子汉的 |
6 | transit | /ˈtrænz.ɪt/ | noun/verb | Noun: The act of passing through or across a place. Verb: To pass or move through a place. | 运输;通过;运输系统;运输方式 |
7 | dwindle | /ˈdwɪn.dəl/ | verb | To gradually become smaller, weaker, or less in number; to diminish or decrease over time. | 减少;缩小;逐渐减少;衰落 |
8 | groundwork | /ˈɡraʊnd.wɜːrk/ | noun | The foundation or fundamental basis for something; the initial or essential preparation. | 基础工作;铺垫;根基;准备工作 |
9 | swindler | /ˈswɪnd.lɚ/ | noun | A person who engages in fraudulent or deceitful activities, especially for financial gain. | 骗子;欺诈者;行骗者;诈骗犯 |
10 | athletics | /æθˈlet.ɪks/ | noun | Sports and physical activities involving strength, endurance, and skill, often in a competitive context. | 田径运动;体育运动;运动项目;运动技能 |
11 | quake | /kweɪk/ | verb/noun | Verb: To shake or tremble, often due to an earthquake. Noun: A shaking or trembling movement. | 震动;颤抖;地震;震荡 |
12 | best-seller | /ˌbest ˈsel.ər/ | noun | A book, product, or item that sells extremely well and achieves high sales volumes. | 畅销书;畅销品;畅销商品 |
13 | Dutch | /dʌtʃ/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Relating to the Netherlands or its people or language. Noun: The people of the Netherlands. | 荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的;荷兰人 |
14 | pedestrian | /pəˈdes.tri.ən/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A person walking in a town or city, often a term for a person on foot. Adjective: Common, ordinary, lacking excitement. | 行人;步行者;行人的;乏味的 |
15 | contest | /ˈkɑːn.test/ | noun/verb | Noun: A competition or challenge in which people or teams compete. Verb: To engage in a contest. | 竞赛;比赛;竞争;提出异议 |
In a land of cacti
[1] and dusty paths, a sense of filth
[2] seemed to cling to everything. Despite the harsh conditions, the people of this place always had a grin
[3] on their faces, displaying a resilience as sturdy as a desert paw
[4]. Their determined and manly
[5] spirits were truly admirable.
The town was a hub of transit
[6], a meeting point for travelers from distant lands. However, over the years, the number of visitors began to dwindle
[7], and the once bustling streets started to lose their liveliness. The community decided it was time to lay the groundwork
[8] for a brighter future.
Little did they know, a cunning swindler
[9] had infiltrated their midst. This fraudster posed as a supporter of local athletics
[10], organizing events that garnered attention. Yet, beneath the surface, his intentions were as shaky as an impending quake
[11]. He was, in fact, the author of a deceptive best-seller
[12], hiding behind a mask of fabricated success.
As the truth unraveled, the community realized they had been taken in by this Dutch
[13] charlatan. They united against his schemes, refusing to be mere pedestrians
[14] on the path of his deceit. A contest
[15] of wits ensued, where honesty and determination prevailed over falsehood.
Through trials and revelations, the town learned that true strength lay not in appearances, but in the integrity of their actions. And so, they transformed the once dusty landscape into a garden of prosperity, where the flowers of truth and trust bloomed in abundance.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
successor, affix, dummy, brag, stall,
polo, despot, ammunition, legislative, vigilant,
stench, endow, reduction, calligraphy, kit
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | successor | /səkˈses.ɚ/ | noun | A person who follows another in a position or role, often inheriting responsibilities or authority. | 继任者;继承人;接任者;继承权 |
2 | affix | /əˈfɪks/ | noun/verb | Noun: A linguistic element added to a word to create derived or inflected forms. Verb: To attach or add. | 词缀;附加成分;附加;黏贴 |
3 | dummy | /ˈdʌm.i/ | noun/adjective | Noun: An imitation or representation of something. Adjective: Non-functioning or fake. | 假人;傀儡;仿制品;哑巴 |
4 | brag | /bræɡ/ | verb/noun | Verb: To boast or talk proudly about one's achievements or possessions. Noun: A boastful statement. | 吹嘘;夸耀;炫耀;自夸 |
5 | stall | /stɑːl/ | noun/verb | Noun: A small compartment for a vendor's goods. Verb: To stop or cause to stop due to lack of progress. | 货摊;畜栏;货摊间;耽搁 |
6 | polo | /ˈpoʊ.loʊ/ | noun | A team sport played on horseback, with players using mallets to hit a ball into the opposing team's goal. | 马球;水球 |
7 | despot | /ˈdes.pɑːt/ | noun | A ruler or leader who exercises absolute and often oppressive power; a tyrant. | 暴君;专制者;暴虐者;独裁者 |
8 | ammunition | /ˌæm.jəˈnɪʃ.ən/ | noun | Projectiles and explosives used in firearms or cannons; resources used for supporting an argument or cause. | 弹药;军火;炮弹;资料;论据 |
9 | legislative | /ˈledʒ.ɪˌsleɪ.t̬ɪv/ | adjective | Relating to the making of laws; pertaining to a legislative body or process. | 立法的;有立法权的;立法机构的;立法上的 |
10 | vigilant | /ˈvɪdʒ.ɪ.lənt/ | adjective | Watchful, alert, and attentive to potential danger or problems; staying on guard. | 警觉的;警惕的;警戒的;提防的 |
11 | stench | /stentʃ/ | noun | A strong, foul, and unpleasant smell or odor. | 恶臭;难闻的气味;臭味 |
12 | endow | /ɪnˈdaʊ/ | verb | To provide with a gift, quality, or resource; to grant or bequeath money or property for a purpose. | 赋予;天生具有;捐赠;资助 |
13 | reduction | /rɪˈdʌk.ʃən/ | noun | The act of making something smaller, less, or simpler; the amount by which something is reduced. | 减少;削减;缩减;降低 |
14 | calligraphy | /kəˈlɪɡ.rə.fi/ | noun | The art of beautiful and decorative handwriting, often with a focus on intricate lettering and flourishes. | 书法;字体艺术;笔迹;笔法 |
15 | kit | /kɪt/ | noun | A set of items or equipment needed for a specific purpose; a collection of tools or clothing for a particular activity. | 工具包;成套工具;设备;全套装备 |
In a world where the legacy of a powerful despot
[7] lingered, the people were ever vigilant
[10] to ensure that legislative
[9] changes brought fairness and justice. A bragging
[4] dummy
[3] prince aspired to be the successor
[1] of the throne, but his empty words carried as much weight as a polo
[6] ball made of mere calligraphy
His attempts to endow
[12] himself with authority reeked of the stench
[11] of deceit, much like an old kit
[15] of expired ammunition
[8]. His schemes to stall
[5] progress were like attempts to halt a charging reduction
[13] of progress. The people, armed with the knowledge of history, wouldn't be fooled by his attempts to affix
[2] himself to power.
As the legislative
[9] winds blew, a vigilant
[10] artist used the brush of truth to paint a future free from the stench
[11] of corruption. In this tale, the successor
[1] was not determined by birthright but by merit, and the dummy
[3] prince's bragging
[4] dissolved like mist in the morning sun.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
jealous, hoist, underprivileged, pursuit, therapy,
peddle, dairy, brotherhood, squadron, muddy,
untie, abbey, metropolis, baseball, dial
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | jealous | /ˈdʒel.əs/ | adjective | Feeling or showing envy or resentment toward someone's possessions, achievements, or advantages. | 嫉妒的;羡慕的;妒忌的;不满的 |
2 | hoist | /hɔɪst/ | verb/noun | Verb: To lift or raise something, often using a pulley or mechanical device. Noun: The act of hoisting. | 升起;吊起;升高;举起;吊起物 |
3 | underprivileged | /ˌʌn.dɚˈprɪv.əl.ɪdʒd/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Lacking the advantages and opportunities enjoyed by others in society. Noun: Those who are disadvantaged. | 弱势的;贫困的;弱小的;弱者 |
4 | pursuit | /pəˈsjuːt/ | noun | The act of chasing or seeking something, such as a goal, interest, or occupation. | 追求;追逐;追求的事物;事业 |
5 | therapy | /ˈθer.ə.pi/ | noun | Treatment aimed at improving a person's physical or mental health, often involving counseling or medical interventions. | 治疗;疗法;理疗;心理疗法 |
6 | peddle | /ˈped.əl/ | verb | To sell or offer goods, often traveling from place to place; to promote or spread ideas or beliefs. | 兜售;叫卖;宣扬;散布 |
7 | dairy | /ˈder.i/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A place where milk and milk products are produced, processed, and sold. Adjective: Relating to milk products. | 乳品;乳制品;乳业;奶酪;奶类的 |
8 | brotherhood | /ˈbrʌð.ɚ.hʊd/ | noun | The feeling of kinship and unity among a group of people; an association or organization of people united by common goals. | 兄弟关系;兄弟会;友爱团体 |
9 | squadron | /ˈskwɑː.drən/ | noun | A military unit typically consisting of aircraft, ships, or vehicles, often organized for specific tasks. | 中队;小队;战斗机队;舰队 |
10 | muddy | /ˈmʌd.i/ | adjective/verb | Adjective: Covered in or resembling mud; not clear or distinct. Verb: To make something dirty or turbid. | 泥泞的;模糊不清的;混浊的;使变脏 |
11 | untie | /ˌʌnˈtaɪ/ | verb | To undo a knot or fastening; to free something from being tied, bound, or restrained. | 解开;松开;解除;解救 |
12 | abbey | /ˈæb.i/ | noun | A building or complex used by monks or nuns for religious purposes, often consisting of a church and living quarters. | 大修道院;隐修院;女修道院 |
13 | metropolis | /məˈtrɑː.pə.lɪs/ | noun | A large and important city, often the capital of a region or country, known for its cultural and economic significance. | 大都市;首府;大城市;大中心 |
14 | baseball | /ˈbeɪs.bɑːl/ | noun | A sport played with a bat and ball, involving two teams aiming to score runs by hitting the ball and running bases. | 棒球;垒球 |
15 | dial | /ˈdaɪ.əl/ | noun/verb | Noun: A round, flat, or circular plate used for selecting settings on a device. Verb: To set or operate a dial. | 刻度盘;钟面;拨号;打电话 |
In a bustling metropolis
[13], a group of children from diverse backgrounds came together in the pursuit
[4] of a common goal. They formed a squadron
[9] with the mission of promoting brotherhood
[8] and unity among the residents of their underprivileged
[3] neighborhood.
The squadron
[9] decided to organize a baseball
[14] tournament to raise funds for a local therapy
[5] center that provided much-needed support to those struggling with their mental health. The children worked hard to peddle
[6] homemade snacks and dairy
[7] products, determined to hoist
[2] the banner of compassion and care in their community.
As the tournament day approached, the skies turned muddy
[10] due to unexpected rain. However, this setback didn't dampen their spirits. They continued to untie
[11] the knots of obstacles, displaying a level of determination that was truly inspiring.
On the day of the tournament, families from all walks of life gathered at the local abbey
[12] grounds. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and a sense of brotherhood
[8]. The scoreboard's dial
[15] spun as teams competed passionately, showcasing their skills and teamwork.
Amidst the cheering crowd, a young girl named Emily watched the games with jealous
[1] eyes, feeling a mixture of longing and admiration. She yearned to be a part of the action, to overcome her fears and join the brotherhood
[8] that these children had formed. Her heart swelled with hope as she realized that with therapy
[5] and support, she too could join the pursuit
[4] of her dreams.
In this metropolis
[13], the power of unity, compassion, and the pursuit
[4] of common goals had the ability to transform even the muddiest
[10] of challenges into opportunities for growth. The story of this underprivileged
[3] neighborhood and its determined squadron
[9] stood as a testament to the strength that can emerge when people come together for a shared purpose.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
napkin, prior, poetic, villa, ivory,
emphatic, pension, whisky, contestant, topple,
footwear, exhibitor, limousine, aristocracy, arrogance
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | napkin | /ˈnæp.kɪn/ | noun | A cloth or paper used to protect clothing or wipe the mouth and hands while eating. | 餐巾;餐巾纸;纸巾;手巾 |
2 | prior | /ˈpraɪ.ɚ/ | adjective/noun/verb | Adjective: Existing or occurring before something else. Noun: A previous job or position. Verb: To prioritize or give precedence. | 之前的;优先的;前任;优先权 |
3 | poetic | /poʊˈet̬.ɪk/ | adjective | Relating to poetry or characterized by a literary and imaginative use of language. | 诗歌的;富有诗意的;诗人的;浪漫的 |
4 | villa | /ˈvɪl.ə/ | noun | A large, often luxurious, country house or residence, typically located in a rural or suburban area. | 别墅;乡间大屋;城郊住宅 |
5 | ivory | /ˈaɪ.vər.i/ | noun/adjective | Noun: Hard white material from the tusks of elephants and other animals. Adjective: Of a creamy white color. | 象牙;象牙制品;乳白色;象牙色 |
6 | emphatic | /ɪmˈfæt̬.ɪk/ | adjective | Expressing something forcibly and clearly; done with emphasis or strong conviction. | 强调的;着重的;坚决的;强有力的 |
7 | pension | /ˈpen.ʃən/ | noun/verb | Noun: A regular payment made to a person, often after retirement. Verb: To grant a pension. | 养老金;退休金;津贴;抚恤金 |
8 | whisky | /ˈwɪs.ki/ | noun | A type of alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash, typically aged in wooden casks. | 威士忌;威士忌酒;威士忌酒精饮料 |
9 | contestant | /kənˈtes.tənt/ | noun | A person who participates in a contest or competition. | 参赛者;竞争者;角逐者;选手 |
10 | topple | /ˈtɑː.pəl/ | verb | To fall or push over suddenly; to cause to fall or overturn. | 推翻;倒塌;颠覆;使倒下 |
11 | footwear | /ˈfʊt.wer/ | noun | Items worn on the feet, such as shoes, boots, or sandals. | 鞋类;鞋;袜子 |
12 | exhibitor | /ɪɡˈzɪb.ɪ.t̬ɚ/ | noun | A person or organization that displays items, products, or art in an exhibition. | 展览者;参展者;展示者;陈列者 |
13 | limousine | /ˈlɪm.ə.ziːn/ | noun | A large, luxurious car, often driven by a chauffeur, used for transportation, especially for special occasions. | 豪华轿车;豪华轿车服务 |
14 | aristocracy | /ˌær.ɪˈstɑː.krə.si/ | noun | The highest social class in some societies, consisting of noble and privileged individuals. | 贵族;贵族阶级;上层社会精英 |
15 | arrogance | /ˈær.ə.ɡəns/ | noun | The quality of being excessively proud, haughty, or displaying a sense of superiority. | 傲慢;自大;狂妄;骄傲态度 |
In a secluded villa
[4] nestled among rolling hills, the air was infused with the scent of blooming flowers. The owner of this poetic
[3] retreat was known for his aristocracy
[14] and a certain air of arrogance
[15] that accompanied his every step. The grand entrance was adorned with marble statues and intricate ivory
[5] carvings, showcasing the extent of his opulence.
One morning, a contestant
[9] arrived at the villa's gates, ready to take part in a pension
[7] of wit and wisdom. The owner, a man of emphatic
[6] gestures, greeted the contestant
[9] with a flourish of his silk napkin
[1]. The competition was to be fierce, a battle of words that would topple
[10] even the most skillful linguists.
As the sun set, the villa's gardens were illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns. Guests mingled, sipping on rare whisky
[8] and discussing the day's events. An exhibitor
[12] showcased intricate footwear
[11] crafted by artisans from distant lands, an ode to both fashion and culture.
A limousine
[13] awaited the owner, ready to take him on a journey to a nearby city. Despite his arrogance
[15], he carried himself with a prior
[2] sense of responsibility, recognizing the need to tend to his business affairs.
In the end, the contestant
[9] emerged victorious, the words he spoke more emphatic
[6] and compelling than any others. The villa's walls echoed with applause, a celebration of the power of language and the artistry of expression.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
lamb, auction, idealism, sprinkle, authoritative,
preparatory, bureaucracy, ale, sarcasm, sling,
sumo, slaughter, aesthetics, elevation, affirmative
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | lamb | /læm/ | noun | A young sheep; often used to refer to a gentle, innocent, or naive person. | 小羊;羔羊;天真无邪的人 |
2 | auction | /ˈɑːk.ʃən/ | noun/verb | Noun: A public sale in which items are sold to the highest bidder. Verb: To sell items at an auction. | 拍卖;拍卖会;拍卖制度;竞价 |
3 | idealism | /aɪˈdiː.əl.ɪ.zəm/ | noun | The belief in pursuing noble ideals and principles, often involving a vision of a better world. | 理想主义;唯心主义;唯心论 |
4 | sprinkle | /ˈsprɪŋ.kəl/ | verb/noun | Verb: To scatter or distribute small drops or particles over a surface. Noun: A small amount scattered. | 撒;洒;撒播;轻洒;少量;点缀 |
5 | authoritative | /əˌθɔːr.əˈteɪ.t̬ɪv/ | adjective | Having authority or the right to make decisions; commanding respect and confidence. | 权威性的;有权威的;命令式的 |
6 | preparatory | /prɪˈper.ə.tɔːr.i/ | adjective | Relating to preparation; serving as a preliminary or introductory step. | 预备的;准备的;预科的;初步的 |
7 | bureaucracy | /bjʊˈrɑː.krə.si/ | noun | A system of government or administration characterized by complex procedures and strict hierarchies. | 官僚制度;官僚主义;官僚机构 |
8 | ale | /eɪl/ | noun | A type of beer that is brewed using a top-fermenting yeast and is typically bitter in flavor. | 麦芽酒;淡色啤酒;淡啤酒;小麦啤酒 |
9 | sarcasm | /ˈsɑːr.kæz.əm/ | noun | The use of irony to mock or convey contempt; saying one thing while meaning the opposite. | 讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦;讽刺的言辞 |
10 | sling | /slɪŋ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A flexible strap or bandage used to support or carry something. Verb: To throw or hang loosely. | 吊带;抛掷;吊索;吊钩;投掷 |
11 | sumo | /ˈsuː.moʊ/ | noun | A Japanese style of competitive wrestling with ritualized rules, often involving very large wrestlers. | 相扑;日本式摔跤;体重级摔跤 |
12 | slaughter | /ˈslɑː.t̬ɚ/ | noun/verb | Noun: The killing of animals for food; a massacre. Verb: To kill animals for food; to massacre. | 屠宰;宰杀;杀戮;大屠杀;惨败 |
13 | aesthetics | /esˈθet.ɪks/ | noun | The branch of philosophy dealing with beauty, art, and the principles of taste and artistic appreciation. | 美学;审美学;审美观;美的原理 |
14 | elevation | /ˌel.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ | noun | The act of raising something to a higher level or position; the height above a given level. | 提升;海拔;高度;升高;抬高 |
15 | affirmative | /əˈfɜːr.mə.tɪv/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Expressing agreement or confirmation. Noun: A statement that affirms or confirms. | 肯定的;赞同的;肯定语;肯定词 |
In a small village nestled among rolling hills, there was a yearly tradition known as the Spring Festival. This festival was like no other, combining the idealism
[3] of the community with a touch of good-natured sarcasm
[9]. The main event of the festival was an auction
[2] where villagers would gather to bid on unique items.
This year's star item was a prized lamb
[1], raised by the local shepherd. Its elevation
[14] in the community was significant, as it represented the unity and affirmative
[15] spirit of the village. To add an aesthetic
[13] touch, the organizers decided to sprinkle
[4] colorful flowers around the auction venue.
The authoritative
[5] figure in the village, the mayor, played the role of sumo
[11] wrestler to kick off the festivities. With a sling
[10] adorned with ribbons, the mayor showcased both strength and grace, reflecting the village's unique blend of tradition and modernity.
Behind the scenes, a preparatory
[6] committee worked tirelessly, dealing with the bureaucratic challenges that inevitably arose. The bureaucracy
[7] was navigated with skill, ensuring that the festival's spirit remained intact.
As the sun set, the aroma of hearty ale
[8] filled the air. Laughter and cheers echoed through the village square as the auction began. Playful sarcasm
[9] accompanied each bid, turning the event into a lighthearted spectacle.
The final item up for auction was a beautifully crafted sarcasm
[9]-laden sumo
[11] sculpture, a nod to the event's unique character. Bidding was fierce, and eventually, the sumo
[11] sculpture was won with an affirmative
[15] nod from the crowd.
The festival concluded with a grand feast that featured a slaughter
[12] of a ceremonial animal, a tribute to the village's traditions and the ale
[8]-induced camaraderie. As the night fell, the aesthetics
[13] of the festival remained etched in the memories of all who attended.
This Spring Festival was not just an event; it was a celebration of community, elevation
[14], and the affirmative
[15] bonds that held the village together. The idealism
[3] of the villagers and their ability to sprinkle
[4] every moment with a touch of magic truly made this festival a one-of-a-kind experience.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
queer, occupational, habitation, pigeon, executioner,
Spaniard, ponder, cellar, chestnut, comedy,
capsule, trio, ballot, expense, vitamin
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | queer | /kwɪr/ | adjective/noun/verb | Adjective: Strange or unusual. Noun: A homosexual person. Verb: To spoil or ruin. | 奇怪的;古怪的;不舒服的;同性恋者;破坏;败坏;变质 |
2 | occupational | /ˌɑː.kjəˈpeɪ.ʃənl/ | adjective | Relating to a person's job, profession, or trade. | 职业的;职业性的;占有的;职务的 |
3 | habitation | /ˌhæb.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | A place in which people live; a dwelling or residence. | 居住;居所;栖身;住处;栖息地 |
4 | pigeon | /ˈpɪdʒ.ən/ | noun | A type of bird, often used as a symbol of peace. | 鸽子;信鸽;鸽派;宽宏大量的人 |
5 | executioner | /ˌek.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən.ɚ/ | noun | A person who carries out a death sentence or execution. | 行刑者;刽子手;处决者;执行者 |
6 | Spaniard | /ˈspæn.jərd/ | noun | A person from Spain, a country in Europe. | 西班牙人;西班牙语;西班牙居民 |
7 | ponder | /ˈpɑːn.dɚ/ | verb | To think deeply or carefully about something. | 沉思;考虑;衡量;考虑;估量 |
8 | cellar | /ˈsel.ɚ/ | noun | An underground room, often used for storage of food or wine. | 地窖;酒窖;地下室;地下仓库 |
9 | chestnut | /ˈtʃes.nʌt/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A type of tree or the edible nut it produces. Adjective: Of a reddish-brown color. | 栗树;栗子;栗色;栗毛马;老掉牙的笑话 |
10 | comedy | /ˈkɑː.mə.di/ | noun | A genre of entertainment that aims to amuse and provoke laughter through humorous situations. | 喜剧;喜剧性;喜剧作品;滑稽行为 |
11 | capsule | /ˈkæp.suːl/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A small container with medication or other substances. Adjective: Brief and concise. | 胶囊;太空舱;胶囊剂;舱;舱内仪器 |
12 | trio | /ˈtriː.oʊ/ | noun | A group of three people or things; a musical composition written for three performers. | 三重奏;三重唱;三重曲;三部曲 |
13 | ballot | /ˈbæl.ət/ | noun/verb | Noun: A method of voting by secret, written or electronic means. Verb: To vote by ballot. | 投票;选票;投票总数;无记名投票 |
14 | expense | /ɪkˈspens/ | noun | The cost or charge of something; an expenditure. | 费用;开支;代价;花费;奢侈 |
15 | vitamin | /ˈvaɪ.tə.mɪn/ | noun | An essential nutrient needed by the body for various functions, often obtained through diet. | 维生素;维他命;维生素类药物 |
In a bustling city, lived a rather queer
[1] individual named Sam. Sam had an unusual occupational
[2] choice – training homing pigeons
[4] for a living. Many considered him the city's avian executioner
[5], as he skillfully trained his feathered companions to perform intricate flights.
One day, a Spaniard
[6] named Eduardo visited Sam's humble habitation
[3], intrigued by the spectacle of pigeons
[4] soaring around. Eduardo, a philosopher by heart, couldn't help but ponder
[7] the deeper meaning behind Sam's peculiar career
[12]. As they sat in Sam's underground cellar
[8], surrounded by the cozy scent of roasting chestnuts
[9], they engaged in conversations that oscillated between comedy
[10] and introspection.
Amidst the discussions, Sam shared his latest project – a tiny capsule
[11] that contained a trio
[12] of vitamins capable of enhancing the pigeons' navigational skills. Eduardo found this idea fascinating and even suggested a creative ballot
[13] system for the pigeons to select their preferred routes, though the potential expense
[14] of such an endeavor was a concern.
Their conversations deepened, and as the night advanced, Eduardo's mind became a canvas for ideas that sparkled like stars. He realized that the realm of the mind was as diverse as the city itself, much like the varied vitamins
[15] that nourished both pigeons and philosophies.
In the end, as they bid farewell, Sam gifted Eduardo a bag of chestnuts
[9] to remember their unique encounter. Walking away from the underground habitation
[3], Eduardo couldn't help but appreciate the comedy
[10] of life, where two seemingly unrelated lives converged in a cellar
[8], leading to a tapestry of thoughts as rich and vibrant as the city they inhabited.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sonnet, evergreen, pretext, cereal, feminine,
sneer, snobbish, prostitue, spanner, inhale,
howl, limp, uranium, attentive, salmon
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | sonnet | /ˈsɑːn.ɪt/ | noun | A poem consisting of 14 lines, often following a specific rhyme scheme and meter, typically associated with themes of love. | 十四行诗;声音诗;情诗;十四行抒情诗 |
2 | evergreen | /ˈev.ər.ɡriːn/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Retaining green leaves throughout the year. Noun: A plant that remains green all year round. | 常青的;四季常绿的;常青树;常绿植物 |
3 | pretext | /ˈpriː.tekst/ | noun | A reason or excuse given to conceal the real motive or intention behind an action. | 借口;托辞;假设;借故 |
4 | cereal | /ˈsɪr.i.əl/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A type of grass cultivated for its edible grains (e.g., wheat, rice). Adjective: Related to these grains. | 谷物;谷类植物;谷类的;谷物的 |
5 | feminine | /ˈfem.ɪ.nɪn/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Relating to or characteristic of women or girls. Noun: The grammatical gender associated with female. | 女性的;女人气的;女性化的;阴性的 |
6 | sneer | /snɪr/ | noun/verb | Noun: A contemptuous or mocking smile, expression, or remark. Verb: To smile or speak in a mocking or scornful manner. | 冷笑;讥笑;嘲笑;嘲弄;鄙视;讽刺 |
7 | snobbish | /ˈsnɑː.bɪʃ/ | adjective | Displaying attitudes of snobbery, showing disdain for those perceived as socially inferior. | 势利的;假充绅士的;势力的;势利小人 |
8 | prostitute | /ˈprɑːs.tɪ.tuːt/ | noun/verb | Noun: A person who engages in sexual activity for payment. Verb: To use something in a way that sacrifices integrity for personal gain. | 妓女;卖淫者;卖弄风骚者;卖身;滥用 |
9 | spanner | /ˈspæn.ər/ | noun | A tool with a shaped end, used to grip and turn nuts or bolts; also known as a wrench in American English. | 扳手;螺母扳手;扭紧器;净空量 |
10 | inhale | /ɪnˈheɪl/ | verb | To breathe in air or gas into the lungs; to draw something into the respiratory system. | 吸入;吸气;吸;纳入;吸取;吸收 |
11 | howl | /haʊl/ | verb/noun | Verb: To make a loud, prolonged, mournful cry or sound. Noun: A loud, prolonged cry or sound. | 嚎叫;嚎哭;嚎声;怒吼;狼嚎 |
12 | limp | /lɪmp/ | verb/noun/adjective | Verb: To walk with difficulty, favoring one leg. Noun: A slight, uneven walk. Adjective: Lacking firmness or vigor. | 跛行;无力地走;蹒跚;跛子;软弱的;无力的 |
13 | uranium | /jʊˈreɪ.ni.əm/ | noun | A radioactive chemical element often used in nuclear reactors and weapons, symbolized as "U" on the periodic table. | 铀;元素U;铀的元素符号 |
14 | attentive | /əˈten.tɪv/ | adjective | Paying close attention, observant, or considerate of others' needs or feelings. | 注意的;专心的;周到的;体贴的 |
15 | salmon | /ˈsæl.mən/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A large fish with pink flesh, often used for food. Adjective: Of a pale pinkish-orange color. | 鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑鱼肉;鲑红色的 |
In a tranquil grove, where the air was thick with the scent of evergreen
[2] trees, a young poet found his muse. Inspired by the rustling leaves and the gentle breeze, he composed a sonnet
[1] that captured the essence of nature's beauty.
However, his friends teased him mercilessly, claiming he was using nature as a mere pretext
[3] to impress others. They would gather for breakfast, sharing stories over a bowl of cereal
[4], and exchange sneers
[6] at his perceived attempts to be poetic.
Undeterred by their snobbish
[7] attitudes, the poet continued to pour his heart into his verses. He wrote about the strength he saw in the feminine
[5] spirit, challenging societal norms with his words.
One day, he met a woman with a mysterious air about her. She held a spanner
[9] in one hand and seemed to inhale
[10] the world's secrets with every breath. Her eyes held a wild and untamed fire that could make a wolf howl
[11] in envy.
Despite her unconventional demeanor, the poet found himself drawn to her. He noticed a slight limp
[12] in her step, a testament to the battles she had fought. She shared stories of her travels to lands rich in uranium
[13] and her encounters with attentive
[14] souls who craved knowledge.
As their connection deepened, he realized she was not just a wanderer; she was a seeker of truth, a prostitute
[8] of conventions, and a guardian of hidden realms. Together, they embarked on a journey, much like a pair of salmon
[15] swimming upstream against the currents of conformity.
And so, their intertwined stories unfolded, a blend of poetry and adventure, echoing the harmonious chaos of nature itself.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
reluctance, allot, soak, hereditary, delinquency,
ambassador, meantime, congruent, jot, substance,
pat, mole, informant, notion, stake
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | reluctance | /rɪˈlʌk.təns/ | noun | The state of being unwilling or hesitant to do something. | 不情愿;勉强;犹豫;不愿意;不乐意 |
2 | allot | /əˈlɑːt/ | verb | To allocate, distribute, or assign a portion or share of something to someone. | 分配;分派;分摊;分发;划拨;拨给 |
3 | soak | /soʊk/ | verb/noun | Verb: To immerse something in liquid for a period of time. Noun: An instance of soaking. | 浸泡;浸透;吸收;泡湿;湿透;湿气 |
4 | hereditary | /ˌher.ɪˈder.ə.t̬i/ | adjective | Passed down from one generation to another through genetic inheritance. | 遗传的;世袭的;家族的;世代相传的 |
5 | delinquency | /dɪˈlɪŋ.kwən.si/ | noun | A minor offense or wrongdoing, often referring to juvenile misconduct. | 不良行为;犯罪行为;失职;违法行为 |
6 | ambassador | /æmˈbæs.ə.dɚ/ | noun | An official representative or envoy, often serving in a foreign country to represent their own. | 大使;使节;特使;使者;代表;使者国 |
7 | meantime | /ˈmiːntaɪm/ | noun/adverb | Noun: The period of time between two events. Adverb: Meanwhile; in the meantime. | 其间;其时;同时;当时;其间 |
8 | congruent | /ˈkɑːŋ.ɡruː.ənt/ | adjective | In agreement, harmony, or correspondence; having the same size and shape. | 一致的;和谐的;全等的;同模的;符合的 |
9 | jot | /dʒɑːt/ | noun/verb | Noun: A tiny amount; a small note or mark. Verb: To write something quickly. | 少量;一点;迹;记号;草稿;急速记下 |
10 | substance | /ˈsʌb.stəns/ | noun | The material or physical matter of which something is composed; significance or importance. | 物质;实质;主旨;内容;要点 |
11 | pat | /pæt/ | verb/noun/adverb | Verb: To touch or stroke gently with the hand. Noun: A light stroke or tap. Adverb: Exactly. | 轻拍;轻击;轻抚;恰好;正好 |
12 | mole | /moʊl/ | noun | A small, dark spot or blemish on the skin; also, a small burrowing mammal with velvety fur. | 痣;胎记;鼹鼠;纹身;化工摩尔 |
13 | informant | /ɪnˈfɔːr.mənt/ | noun | A person who provides information or intelligence, often to authorities or researchers. | 通知人;提供情报者;线人;告密者 |
14 | notion | /ˈnoʊ.ʃən/ | noun | An idea, belief, or concept; a conception or understanding of something. | 概念;观念;看法;打算;想法 |
15 | stake | /steɪk/ | noun/verb | Noun: A pointed stick or post driven into the ground; an interest, share, or investment. Verb: To risk or bet. | 桩;标;赌注;股份;风险;用桩支撑;下赌注 |
In the peaceful town of Willowbrook, a sense of reluctance
[1] hung in the air. The townspeople had decided to allot
[2] a portion of their time each day to soak
[3] in the beauty of the natural world that was hereditary
[4] to their region. This initiative was taken to curb the delinquency
[5] among the youth, as they believed that connecting with their roots would instill a sense of responsibility.
As an ambassador
[6] of goodwill, Lily worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between cultures. In the meantime
[7], she found that the key to understanding different societies lay in finding congruent
[8] values. Every interaction, every jot
[9] of information, contributed to her mission of promoting peace and cooperation.
The substance
[10] of their efforts became evident over time. People began to pat
[11] each other on the back for their achievements, much like a supportive community should. The local park, once plagued by mischievous acts, was now a sanctuary for children to play without a mole
[12] of trouble. A reformed informant
[13] shared stories of positivity that quickly spread, altering the notion
[14] that only negativity prevailed.
With each passing day, it became clear that the stake
[15] in maintaining these newfound bonds was invaluable. The town's transformation showcased the remarkable power of unity and understanding. It proved that even the most complex challenges could be overcome through collective determination and a shared vision.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
serenity, flap, faulty, invaluable, mosque,
funfair, pious, bureaucrat, lunatic, sharpener,
halting, bough, kaleidoscope, briefing, addition
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | serenity | /səˈren.ə.t̬i/ | noun | The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. | 宁静;平静;宁谧;安详;沉着 |
2 | flap | /flæp/ | verb/noun | Verb: To move up and down or back and forth rapidly. Noun: A quick, repeated movement. | 拍动;拍打;振翅;扑打;挥动;翻飞;突然的移动 |
3 | faulty | /ˈfɑːl.t̬i/ | adjective | Having defects or errors; not functioning correctly. | 有缺陷的;有错误的;有毛病的;有缺点的 |
4 | invaluable | /ɪnˈvæl.ju.ə.bəl/ | adjective | Extremely valuable or precious; of inestimable worth. | 无价的;非常宝贵的;极为重要的;非常有用的 |
5 | mosque | /mɑːsk/ | noun | A place of worship for followers of Islam. | 清真寺;伊斯兰寺院;礼拜堂;回教寺 |
6 | funfair | /ˈfʌn.feər/ | noun | An outdoor event with rides, games, and entertainment, often held for public amusement. | 游乐场;露天游园会;嘉年华;游艺场 |
7 | pious | /ˈpaɪ.əs/ | adjective | Devoutly religious or reverent; showing strong religious beliefs and behaviors. | 虔诚的;虔敬的;敬神的;孝顺的 |
8 | bureaucrat | /ˈbjʊr.ə.kræt/ | noun | An official in a government or administrative position, often associated with red tape and bureaucracy. | 官僚;官僚主义者;官吏;机构官员 |
9 | lunatic | /ˈluː.nə.t̬ɪk/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A person who is mentally ill, especially one who behaves in a bizarre or dangerous manner. Adjective: Extremely foolish or irrational. | 疯子;狂人;精神病患者;极愚蠢的;荒唐的 |
10 | sharpener | /ˈʃɑːr.pən.ɚ/ | noun | A tool or device used to make the edge of a blade or point sharper. | 磨刀器;削尖者;磨刀石;磨削工;削尖机 |
11 | halting | /ˈhɔːl.tɪŋ/ | adjective | Hesitant or faltering in speech or movement. | 犹豫的;吞吞吐吐的;结结巴巴的;停顿的 |
12 | bough | /baʊ/ | noun | A main branch of a tree, especially a large or prominent one. | 大树枝;主枝;大树干;大分支;大树杈 |
13 | kaleidoscope | /kəˈlaɪ.də.skəʊp/ | noun | A optical instrument with mirrors and colorful pieces, creating changing patterns when rotated. | 万花筒;千变万化的事物;瞬息万变的事物 |
14 | briefing | /ˈbriː.fɪŋ/ | noun | A concise explanation or summary of important information; a meeting to provide such information. | 简报;情况介绍;指示;简明扼要的报告 |
15 | addition | /əˈdɪʃ.ən/ | noun | The process of adding something to something else; a new item or element that is added. | 添加;增加;附加;加法;新添加的事物 |
In a world filled with serenity
[1], a gentle breeze caused a slight flap
[2] in the leaves of the trees. Unfortunately, a faulty
[3] wire caused the lights to flicker, disrupting the otherwise invaluable
[4] tranquility of the scene.
Nearby, a mosque
[5] stood as a symbol of spiritual unity. It was a serene place, where even amidst the excitement of a local funfair
[6], people found moments of pious
[7] reflection.
A diligent bureaucrat
[8] worked tirelessly to ensure that even the most intricate processes were smooth, never allowing any chaotic tendencies to turn the office into a lunatic
[9] asylum. A nearby sharpener
[10] diligently maintained the tools needed for precision.
The halting
[11] speech of an elder echoed like the creaking of a wise old bough
[12], offering advice that was a kaleidoscope
[13] of experiences. The day concluded with a briefing
[14], during which the latest developments were shared, and an addition
[15] to the team was welcomed with open arms.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
airliner, cockroach, janitor, chuckle, grave,
recurrence, suntan, malady, gathering, uproar,
rhyme, destined, dip, inference, parlor
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | airliner | /ˈɛrˌlaɪnər/ | noun | A large commercial aircraft designed for transporting passengers and cargo over long distances. | 客机;班机;民航班机;民航飞机 |
2 | cockroach | /ˈkɒk.roʊtʃ/ | noun | A type of large, brown insect known for its resilience and ability to infest buildings. | 蟑螂;蠊虫;卑鄙小人;鲁钝愚蠢之人 |
3 | janitor | /ˈdʒæn.ɪ.t̬ɚ/ | noun | A person employed to clean and maintain a building, often responsible for minor repairs. | 看门人;管理员;门卫;守卫;管理人 |
4 | chuckle | /ˈtʃʌk.əl/ | verb/noun | Verb: To laugh quietly or inwardly. Noun: A quiet or suppressed laugh. | 轻声笑;咯咯笑;窃笑;咯咯声;轻笑 |
5 | grave | /ɡreɪv/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A place for the burial of a dead body; a tomb. Adjective: Serious or solemn in manner. | 墓;坟墓;重大;严重;严肃;庄重 |
6 | recurrence | /rɪˈkɜːr.əns/ | noun | The act of happening again, especially at regular intervals; a repeated occurrence. | 复发;再现;重现;循环;重复出现 |
7 | suntan | /ˈsʌn.tæn/ | noun | A darkening of the skin caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. | 晒黑;晒成棕褐色;晒黑的皮肤;日晒 |
8 | malady | /ˈmæl.ə.di/ | noun | A disease, disorder, or ailment, often used to refer to a general feeling of discomfort. | 疾病;弊病;病;弊端;损害;不适 |
9 | gathering | /ˈɡæð.ər.ɪŋ/ | noun | The act of collecting or coming together; an assembly or group of people gathered for a purpose. | 聚集;聚会;集会;收集;收集物;聚集者 |
10 | uproar | /ˈʌp.rɔːr/ | noun | A state of noisy confusion or excitement; a tumultuous or chaotic situation. | 喧闹;骚动;骚乱;大混乱;骚扰 |
11 | rhyme | /raɪm/ | noun/verb | Noun: A correspondence in the sounds of the endings of two or more words. Verb: To form a rhyme. | 押韵;韵律;诗韵;诗歌;诗文 |
12 | destined | /ˈdes.tɪnd/ | adjective | Intended or predetermined to be or do something; often used to describe a future event. | 注定的;预定的;命定的;决定去做的 |
13 | dip | /dɪp/ | verb/noun | Verb: To lower briefly into a liquid or substance. Noun: A downward or brief movement. | 浸;蘸;蘸水;倾斜;暂时下降;低谷 |
14 | inference | /ˈɪn.fɚ.əns/ | noun | The act of deriving logical conclusions from evidence or reasoning; a deduction or conclusion. | 推论;推断;推理;结论;屈尊 |
15 | parlor | /ˈpɑːr.lɚ/ | noun | A room in a private house or establishment used for conversation, entertainment, or relaxation. | 客厅;接待室;沙龙;起居室;茶馆 |
In a quaint little town, nestled amidst rolling hills and a serene countryside, there existed an old and charming parlor
[15]. The parlor
[15] was run by a kind and wise janitor
[3], who had seen countless gatherings
[9] of people over the years, all coming in search of laughter, solace, and a touch of magic.
One sunny afternoon, as the warm rays of the sun kissed the town, a group of children burst into the parlor
[15]. Their excitement filled the air, much like the uproar
[10] of a bustling market square. The janitor
[3] watched with a chuckle
[4] as the children marveled at the curious trinkets that adorned the parlor
[15]'s shelves.
One of the children, with a suntan
[7] acquired from hours spent playing outdoors, approached a dusty bookshelf. There, among the old tomes, they found a weathered book of rhymes
[11]. As they flipped through its pages, their eyes widened with every recurrence
[6] of enchanting verses that transported them to distant lands and whimsical adventures.
[12] to discover the hidden treasures of the parlor
[15], the children soon stumbled upon a peculiar painting. In it, an airliner
[1] soared through the sky, leaving behind a trail of dreams and aspirations. The painting sparked an intriguing dip
[13] into their imaginations, as they contemplated the journey of the people aboard the airliner
As the day turned to evening and the hues of twilight embraced the town, a gentle sense of malady
[8] settled upon the parlor
[15]. The children knew it was time to bid their farewells, but not before leaving behind the echo of their laughter and the memory of their inquisitive gathering
The parlor
[15] stood there, its walls echoing with the stories of countless visitors who had left their mark, just like the somber grave
[5] stones in the nearby cemetery, each bearing a tale of its own.
And so, the parlor
[15] continued to stand, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life's stories, each one as unique and precious as the grave
[5] stones that graced the landscape.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
scooter, peril, optimism, pendent, dewdrop,
rebuff, melon, comedian, album, versus,
jerk, anchor, Buddhism, dazzle, disarm
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | scooter | /ˈskuː.t̬ɚ/ | noun | A small, motorized vehicle with two wheels and a platform for the rider's feet. | 滑板车;踏板车;速可达;小型摩托车 |
2 | peril | /ˈper.əl/ | noun | Serious and immediate danger or risk. | 危险;风险;危险因素;冒险;危险的事物 |
3 | optimism | /ˈɑːp.tɪ.mɪzəm/ | noun | A hopeful and positive outlook or attitude towards the future. | 乐观;乐观主义;乐观态度;积极看待 |
4 | pendent | /ˈpendənt/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Hanging down or suspended. Noun: A hanging ornament or piece of jewelry. | 下垂的;悬挂的;悬吊的;吊坠;垂饰;吊灯 |
5 | dewdrop | /ˈduːdrɑːp/ | noun | A small drop of moisture that forms on surfaces during the night or early morning. | 露珠;水滴;小水滴;眼泪 |
6 | rebuff | /rɪˈbʌf/ | noun/verb | Noun: A blunt or abrupt rejection or refusal. Verb: To reject or refuse in a blunt or abrupt manner. | 拒绝;回绝;断然拒绝;粗暴回绝;冷落 |
7 | melon | /ˈmel.ən/ | noun | A juicy, fleshy fruit with a thick rind and seeds in the center, such as a watermelon or cantaloupe. | 瓜;甜瓜;西瓜;香瓜;一种藤本植物 |
8 | comedian | /kəˈmiː.di.ən/ | noun | A person who entertains an audience through comedy, humor, and jokes. | 喜剧演员;喜剧作家;滑稽演员;滑稽剧作家 |
9 | album | /ˈæl.bəm/ | noun | A collection of recorded music tracks or photographs, typically on a physical or digital medium. | 相册;专辑;集子;影集;大学年刊 |
10 | versus | /ˈvɝː.səs/ | preposition | Used to indicate a contrast or opposition between two things or concepts. | 对;与...相对;对抗;比赛;对垒;与之相反 |
11 | jerk | /dʒɝːk/ | noun/verb | Noun: A sudden, sharp movement or pull. Verb: To make a quick, sudden movement. | 抽筋;痉挛;急拉;牵引;顿挫;粗鲁的人 |
12 | anchor | /ˈæŋ.kɚ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A heavy device dropped to the bottom of a body of water to hold a vessel in place. Verb: To secure or stabilize. | 锚;主持人;精神支柱;扎根;抛锚;系泊 |
13 | Buddhism | /ˈbʊd.ɪz.əm/ | noun | A major world religion and philosophical system founded in India, focusing on spiritual enlightenment and mindfulness. | 佛教;佛教思想;佛教信仰;佛教哲学 |
14 | dazzle | /ˈdæz.əl/ | verb/noun | Verb: To blind temporarily with a bright light. Noun: A brilliant display of light or color. | 使眼花;使惊奇;耀眼;目眩;震惊;耀斑 |
15 | disarm | /dɪsˈɑːrm/ | verb | To deprive of weapons or the means of attack or defense; to reduce hostility or tension. | 解除武装;缓解敌意;使息怒;除去武装;安抚 |
In a world where scooters
[1] zipped through neon-lit streets, the boundary between peril
[2] and optimism
[3] was often as thin as a pendent
[4] thread. The city's spirit was akin to a delicate dewdrop
[5], ready to embrace the morning sun's warm dazzle
In the heart of this urban tapestry, a seasoned comedian
[8] took to the stage, armed with jokes that could disarm
[15] even the toughest critic. Laughter, like the strumming of an album
[9], filled the air, contrasting the world's constant rebuff
[6] with an unstoppable optimism
The city's rhythm was a dance of versus
[10], where the old gracefully faced the new, and the weight of tradition met the momentum of progress. Somewhere, an ancient anchor
[12] stood as a silent sentinel, a reminder of the enduring teachings of Buddhism
[13] that grounded the chaos in introspection.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city's energy took on a different hue. It was a time when darkness met light in a timeless jerk
[11] of transition. The night revealed its own charm, as the streets illuminated with a quiet melon
[7] glow, a reflection of the city's ever-present resilience.
And so, in this intricate weave of life, each word is a signpost, a unique hue contributing to the city's vibrant mosaic. This is a tale of a city where optimism
[3] swings like a pendulum and where even in the face of peril
[2], there's an ever-present chance to dazzle
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
envoy, whisker, essay, slacken, embark,
pact, firearm, rotary, spearhead, bellow,
revolve, admirable, sardine, burial, razor
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | envoy | /ˈɛnvɔɪ/ | noun | A diplomatic representative, often sent by a government on a specific mission or task. | 使者;外交官;特使;代表;信使 |
2 | whisker | /ˈwɪskər/ | noun | A long, coarse hair or bristle growing near the mouth of certain animals, or a very small distance or margin. | 腮须;胡须;晶须;须毛;极短距离;胡子毛 |
3 | essay | /ˈɛseɪ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A short piece of writing on a specific topic. Verb: To attempt or try something. | 散文;随笔;小品文;尝试;试图;企图 |
4 | slacken | /ˈslækən/ | verb | To become less tight or intense; to slow down or decrease in speed, effort, or tension. | 放松;减缓;松懈;变松;减轻;减弱 |
5 | embark | /ɪmˈbɑːrk/ | verb | To board a ship, aircraft, or vehicle, often for a journey or adventure; to start or undertake something new. | 登上;上船(飞机、车等);开始;着手;使上船 |
6 | pact | /pækt/ | noun | A formal agreement or treaty between individuals, groups, or nations; a compact. | 协定;条约;契约;协议;合同;约定 |
7 | firearm | /ˈfaɪərɑːrm/ | noun | A portable weapon that uses projectiles or bullets, such as a gun. | 火器;火器械;枪炮;火枪;射击器 |
8 | rotary | /ˈroʊtəri/ | adjective/noun | Adjective: Relating to or characterized by rotation or circular movement. Noun: A rotating mechanism or device. | 旋转的;转动的;环行的;旋转机构;循环机构 |
9 | spearhead | /ˈspɪrˌhɛd/ | noun/verb | Noun: The leading position in a campaign or movement. Verb: To lead or initiate a campaign or effort. | 矛头;矛尖;领导;发起;做先锋;开创 |
10 | bellow | /ˈbɛloʊ/ | verb/noun | Verb: To emit a deep, loud roar or shout. Noun: A deep, resonant sound or roar. | 咆哮;吼叫;大声叫嚷;吼声;咆哮声 |
11 | revolve | /rɪˈvɒlv/ | verb | To move or turn around a central point or axis; to rotate in a circular or orbital path. | 旋转;绕轴转动;围绕;使循环;反复思考 |
12 | admirable | /ˈæd.mər.ə.bəl/ | adjective | Worthy of admiration, respect, or approval; commendable. | 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的;可敬的;令人赞美的 |
13 | sardine | /sɑːrˈdiːn/ | noun | A small, oily fish that is often packed tightly in cans or tins for preservation. | 沙丁鱼;沙丁鱼肉;小鱼;拥挤的地方;拥挤 |
14 | burial | /ˈbɛriəl/ | noun | The act or ceremony of placing a dead body in a grave or tomb; interment. | 埋葬;葬礼;埋藏;安葬;掩埋 |
15 | razor | /ˈreɪzər/ | noun | A sharp-edged tool or instrument used for shaving hair from the face or body. | 剃刀;刮刀;剃须刀;剃毛刀;刮胡刀 |
Once upon a time, an envoy
[1] named Eleanor embarked on a journey to a distant land. Her long, silver whiskers
[2] fluttered in the wind as she set sail. She carried with her an essay
[3] that contained the secrets of a pact
[6] between two ancient civilizations.
As the ship began to slacken
[4] its pace, Eleanor's excitement grew. She was about to embark
[5] on a quest that would change the course of history. Little did she know, the firearm
[7] she carried for protection would soon become a symbol of unity rather than violence.
The ship's rotary
[8] wheel turned steadily, guiding them through uncharted waters. Eleanor was the spearhead
[9] of this expedition, leading her crew with determination and courage. Their voices echoed in a mighty bellow
[10] as they faced the challenges of the open sea.
The world seemed to revolve
[11] around Eleanor and her mission. Her leadership was nothing short of admirable
[12], and her dedication inspired those around her. Even when they faced a scarcity of food, they found solace in the occasional sardine
[13] catch.
After months of exploration, they discovered an island with a mysterious burial
[14] site. Among the ancient artifacts lay a finely crafted razor
[15], hinting at a civilization's advanced skills even in the afterlife.
Eleanor's journey was marked by both triumphs and challenges, but her legacy lived on. The envoy
[1] who had set out with a simple essay
[3] had become a legendary figure, celebrated for her courage, wisdom, and the unity she brought to a divided world.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
couch, goodwill, immortal, stigma, princess,
thermostat, occurrence, blockade, aural, eardrum,
butt, unrest, emperor, hedge, armament
ndex | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | couch | /kaʊtʃ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A long piece of furniture for seating. Verb: To express something in a particular way. | 长沙发;睡椅;表达;躺下;装饰 |
2 | goodwill | /ˌɡʊdˈwɪl/ | noun | A friendly or helpful attitude towards others; also, the value of a business beyond its tangible assets. | 善意;友好;信誉;好意;商业信誉 |
3 | immortal | /ɪˈmɔːr.t̬əl/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A being who lives forever; often a deity or legendary figure. Adjective: Living forever; enduring. | 不朽的;长生的;不灭的;神仙;不朽之人 |
4 | stigma | /ˈstɪɡ.mə/ | noun | A mark of disgrace or shame associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. | 耻辱;污名;特征;柱头 |
5 | princess | /ˈprɪn.ses/ | noun | A female royal, often the daughter of a monarch or a person of high rank. | 公主;王妃;王公的女儿;宗主国君主的女儿 |
6 | thermostat | /ˈθɝː.mə.stæt/ | noun | A device that regulates temperature by turning a heating or cooling system on or off. | 恒温器;自动温控装置;温控器;恒温系统 |
7 | occurrence | /əˈkɜːr.əns/ | noun | An event or incident that happens; something that takes place. | 事件;发生;出现;事故;存在 |
8 | blockade | /blɒˈkeɪd/ | noun/verb | Noun: The act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. Verb: To obstruct or prevent movement. | 封锁;阻塞;包围;阻止;禁运 |
9 | aural | /ˈɔːr.əl/ | adjective | Relating to the sense of hearing or the ear. | 听觉的;耳的;听力的;声音的 |
10 | eardrum | /ˈɪr.drʌm/ | noun | A thin membrane in the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves, transmitting them to the inner ear. | 鼓膜;耳膜;耳鼓;耳瞼 |
11 | butt | /bʌt/ | noun/verb | Noun: The thicker or blunt end of something. Verb: To hit or push something with the head or horns. | 臀部;烟蒂;靶垛;推撞;撞击 |
12 | unrest | /ʌnˈrest/ | noun | A state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, or agitation, often in a community or among a group of people. | 动荡;不安;骚乱;不安定;不稳定 |
13 | emperor | /ˈempərər/ | noun | A male monarch or ruler of an empire. | 皇帝;君主;元首;大帝;帝王 |
14 | hedge | /hedʒ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees. Verb: To limit or protect against risk. | 树篱;防护措施;限制;用树篱围;回避;避免 |
15 | armament | /ˈɑːr.mə.mənt/ | noun | Military weapons and equipment; also, the process of arming for war. | 军备;装备;兵戈;军备竞赛;武装 |
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a magnificent couch
[1] adorned with intricate patterns, a symbol of comfort and luxury. The villagers believed that anyone who rested upon it would be blessed with goodwill
[2] and kindness in their hearts, as if touched by an immortal
[3] force.
However, there was a stigma
[4] associated with the princess
[5] who lived in the grand castle nearby. She was known for adjusting the thermostat
[6] of her emotions, sometimes radiating warmth and at other times exuding coldness, an occurrence
[7] that puzzled her subjects.
A blockade
[8] of sorts separated the castle from the enchanted forest, its aural
[9] beauty filled with whispers of secrets that could only be heard with a keen eardrum
[10]. Beyond the trees, a mischievous imp with a playful butt
[11] would often cause unrest
[12] among the creatures of the realm.
One day, an emperor
[13] from a neighboring kingdom arrived, seeking an alliance to hedge
[14] against external threats. He brought with him an armament
[15] of powerful words and promises, sparking debates among the people about whether such actions were necessary.
As the events unfolded, the interplay of words and actions weaved a tapestry of intrigue, showcasing the complexity of human interactions and the varied meanings that words can carry.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
peddler, rug, ankle, luncheon, stress,
alas, stricken, housemaid, editorial, overhear,
hatred, obstinate, olive, annoyance, extremist
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | peddler | /ˈped.lər/ | noun | A person who travels from place to place selling goods, often door to door. | 小贩;沿街叫卖者;商贩;推销员 |
2 | rug | /rʌɡ/ | noun | A piece of fabric, often with a thick pile, used as a floor covering. | 地毯;毛毯;毛绒玩具;被单;车毯 |
3 | ankle | /ˈæŋ.kəl/ | noun | The joint connecting the foot to the leg; also, the area around this joint. | 踝;脚踝;踝关节;踝部 |
4 | luncheon | /ˈlʌn.tʃən/ | noun | A midday meal, typically less formal than dinner; also referred to as "lunch." | 午餐;便餐;小餐;午宴 |
5 | stress | /stres/ | noun/verb | Noun: Pressure or strain on something. Verb: To emphasize or give importance to. | 压力;重要性;应力;强调;重读;重音 |
6 | alas | /əˈlæs/ | interjection | An expression of sorrow, regret, or pity. | 唉;哎呀;哀哉;遗憾地说;哀嚎声 |
7 | stricken | /ˈstrɪk.ən/ | adjective | Seriously affected or afflicted by something. | 遭受的;受打击的;受影响的;罹难的 |
8 | housemaid | /ˈhaʊs.meɪd/ | noun | A female domestic servant who works in a household. | 女仆;家庭女佣;女佣人;女家政 |
9 | editorial | /ˌed.ɪˈtɔːr.i.əl/ | noun/adjective | Noun: An article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the editor's opinion. Adjective: Related to an editor or an opinion piece. | 社论;编撰的;主编的;社论式的 |
10 | overhear | /ˌoʊ.vərˈhɪr/ | verb | To accidentally hear a conversation not intended for one's ears. | 无意中听到;偷听;偶然听到;偷听 |
11 | hatred | /ˈheɪ.trɪd/ | noun | Intense dislike or hostility towards someone or something. | 憎恶;仇恨;厌恶;敌意;充满敌意 |
12 | obstinate | /ˈɒb.stɪ.nət/ | adjective | Refusing to change one's opinion, attitude, or course of action; stubborn. | 固执的;顽固的;倔强的;难治的;难以改变的 |
13 | olive | /ˈɑː.lɪv/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A small, oval fruit with a hard pit and green or black skin. Adjective: Of a greenish-yellow color. | 橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色;绿黄色的 |
14 | annoyance | /əˈnɔɪ.əns/ | noun | The feeling of being slightly angry or bothered. | 恼怒;烦恼;讨厌的事;令人恼怒的事 |
15 | extremist | /ɪkˈstriː.mɪst/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A person who holds extreme political or religious views. Adjective: Relating to extreme views. | 极端分子;极端主义者;激进分子;激进分子的;过激的 |
Once upon a time, a weary peddler
[1] laid out his colorful rug
[2] to attract the attention of passersby. He had twisted his ankle
[3] earlier in the day but was determined to make enough sales to afford a hearty luncheon
[4]. Despite the pain and stress
[5] in his ankle
[3], he smiled and greeted everyone warmly.
[6], a stricken
[7] expression appeared on the face of a passing housemaid
[8] as she glanced at the rug
[2]. An editorial
[9] in the local newspaper had warned about the tactics of rug
[2] peddlers, and she had overheard
[10] tales of their deceitful practices. A sense of hatred
[11] for such swindlers rose within her, yet her obstinate
[12] nature led her to investigate further.
Spotting an olive
[13] branch nearby, she picked it up and pretended to examine the rug
[2]. This feigned interest masked her growing annoyance
[14] at the peddler
[1]'s attempts to convince her of the rug
[2]'s worth. Sensing her skepticism, the peddler
[1] went to an extremist
[15] to prove the quality and authenticity of his wares.
In the end, the housemaid
[8]'s suspicions were put to rest as the peddler
[1] demonstrated the craftsmanship of his rug
[2]. She admitted her initial misjudgment and even purchased one. This encounter taught her a valuable lesson about not letting preconceived notions cloud her judgment.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
gadget, bean sprout, phoenix, compartment, intervene,
monstrous, reproach, herring, kindle, bait,
redeem, chin, torture, knob, barometer
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | gadget | /ˈɡædʒɪt/ | noun | A small, cleverly designed mechanical device or tool. | 小器具;小装置;小工具 |
2 | bean sprout | /biːn spraʊt/ | noun | A young shoot that grows from a germinating bean seed, often used in cooking. | 豆芽;嫩芽 |
3 | phoenix | /ˈfiː.nɪks/ | noun | A mythical bird said to be cyclically reborn from its own ashes. Also, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. | 凤凰;涅槃鸟;不屈鸟;重生象征 |
4 | compartment | /kəmˈpɑːrt.mənt/ | noun | A separate section or division within a larger space or container. | 隔间;舱;区划;隔膜 |
5 | intervene | /ˌɪn.təˈviːn/ | verb | To come between or interrupt in order to alter, prevent, or modify an action or process. | 干预;介入;调停;干涉 |
6 | monstrous | /ˈmɒn.strəs/ | adjective | Extremely large, unusually unnatural, or morally reprehensible in a shocking way. | 巨大的;怪异的;骇人的 |
7 | reproach | /rɪˈproʊtʃ/ | noun/verb | Noun: An expression of disapproval or disappointment. Verb: To express disapproval or criticism. | 责备;批评;责骂;指责 |
8 | herring | /ˈher.ɪŋ/ | noun | A small, silvery fish often used for food, especially when smoked or pickled. | 鲱鱼;青鱼;鲱鱼肉;鱼肉 |
9 | kindle | /ˈkɪn.dəl/ | verb | To ignite, start a fire, or arouse a feeling or emotion. | 点燃;燃起;激发;引起;唤起 |
10 | bait | /beɪt/ | noun/verb | Noun: Food used to attract and catch animals, especially for fishing. Verb: To entice or lure. | 饵;引诱;诱饵;欺骗;欺负 |
11 | redeem | /rɪˈdiːm/ | verb | To compensate for or make amends for a wrongdoing or a financial obligation. | 赎回;补偿;救赎;履行(诺言等) |
12 | chin | /tʃɪn/ | noun/verb | Noun: The protruding part of the lower face. Verb: To raise or rest one's chin on something. | 下巴;颏;提高下巴;枕着下巴 |
13 | torture | /ˈtɔːr.tʃər/ | noun/verb | Noun: The act of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone. Verb: To cause severe pain or suffering. | 折磨;拷问;酷刑;使痛苦;磨难 |
14 | knob | /nɒb/ | noun | A rounded handle or projection used to open or close something. Also, a rounded protuberance. | 旋钮;球形把手;圆形突起 |
15 | barometer | /bəˈrɒm.ɪ.tər/ | noun | An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure and predict weather changes. | 气压计;晴雨表;标尺;晴雨计 |
In a realm where the boundaries of reality and fantasy intertwine, an enigmatic gadget
[1] was uncovered by a team of intrepid explorers. This extraordinary gadget
combined the essence of a humble bean sprout
[2] with the resplendent beauty of a mythical phoenix
Safeguarded within an ancient compartment
[4], the gadget
[1] beckoned those who dared to intervene
[5] with its mysteries. Yet, with each revelation, an undercurrent of unease and reproach
[7] seemed to accompany the unfolding of its powers.
Within the vibrant walls of a bustling laboratory, a group of brilliant scientists deciphered the gadget
's secrets. Manipulating its knob
[14], they harnessed its capabilities—summoning the elegance of a silvery herring
[8] or sparking the flames of creativity with a mere kindle
Amid debates about its potential for transformation and the monstrous
[6], the gadget
became a moral barometer
[15]. The furrow of the scientists' chin
[12] revealed the weight of their choices as they navigated the uncharted waters of innovation and responsibility.
Amidst discussions, one scientist emerged with a groundbreaking idea. Instead of using the gadget
as bait
[10] for personal gain, they proposed a path of redemption—to redeem
[11] the world from its afflictions. The gadget
's potential for both creation and torture
[13] could be harnessed for the greater good.
And so, the legend of the mysterious gadget
and its profound impact on human decisions was woven into the fabric of history. It stood as a testament to the intricate balance between progress and ethics, a reminder that the growth of knowledge, much like the growth of a bean sprout
[2], requires careful tending.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
awfully, berth, midwife, outward, radioactivity,
upbringing, inevitable, whirl, ministry, respondent,
ammonia, disc, tanker, theological, blonde
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | awfully | /ˈɔː.fəl.i/ | adverb | In a manner that inspires awe, dread, or great admiration. Also, to a very great degree. | 极其;非常;令人畏惧地 |
2 | berth | /bɜːrθ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A sleeping space on a ship or train. Verb: To bring a ship to a berth or dock. | 铺位;停泊处;船位;睡觉地方;泊位 |
3 | midwife | /ˈmɪd.waɪf/ | noun/verb | Noun: A person, typically a woman, who assists in childbirth. Verb: To assist in childbirth. | 助产士;接生员;辅助(分娩);助产 |
4 | outward | /ˈaʊ.t.wərd/ | adjective/adverb | Adjective: Relating to the outside; external. Adverb: Toward the outside. | 向外的;外表的;外界的;向外地;外面地 |
5 | radioactivity | /ˌreɪ.di.oʊ.ækˈtɪv.ə.ti/ | noun | The property of certain substances to emit radiation, such as alpha, beta, or gamma particles. | 放射性;放射性物质;放射现象;射线 |
6 | upbringing | /ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ/ | noun | The care and training received during childhood that shapes a person's character and behavior. | 教养;抚育;培养;养育方式 |
7 | inevitable | /ɪnˈev.ɪ.tə.bl̩/ | adjective | Certain to happen; unavoidable. | 不可避免的;必然发生的;必然存在的 |
8 | whirl | /wɜːrl/ | noun/verb | Noun: A rapid circular movement or spin. Verb: To spin or move rapidly in a circular manner. | 旋转;急速旋转;漩涡;使旋转 |
9 | ministry | /ˈmɪn.ɪ.stri/ | noun | The work or office of a minister, especially in a government or religious context. | 部;职务;部门;(政府的)部;教牧;事工 |
10 | respondent | /rɪˈspɑːn.dənt/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A person who responds to a survey or questionnaire. Adjective: Responding to something. | 回答者;答复者;响应者;答案;反应的;回应的 |
11 | ammonia | /əˈmoʊ.ni.ə/ | noun | A colorless gas with a pungent smell, often used in cleaning products and fertilizers. | 氨;氨水;阿摩尼亚;氨气 |
12 | disc | /dɪsk/ | noun | A flat, thin, round object, typically used for storing data or playing music. | 圆盘;唱片;光盘;碟片;轮盘 |
13 | tanker | /ˈtæŋ.kər/ | noun | A ship or vehicle designed for transporting liquid cargo, such as oil or chemicals. | 油船;油罐车;大坦克;运油车;槽车 |
14 | theological | /ˌθiː.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ | adjective | Relating to the study of theology, the nature of the divine, and religious beliefs. | 神学的;宗教学的;神学上的 |
15 | blonde | /blɒnd/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A person with fair or light-colored hair. Adjective: Of a light, golden color. | 金发人;金发的;白肤金发的;浅黄色的 |
In a whirl
[8] of events, a young woman named Emily found herself aboard an enormous tanker
[13] headed toward a distant ministry
[9] on the outskirts of the city. The tanker's disc
[12]-like shape was designed for radioactivity
[5] containment, ensuring utmost safety. Emily's upbringing
[6] in a coastal town had sparked her curiosity about the berth
[2] of such massive vessels, and she had always dreamed of working as a midwife
[3] to the mysteries of the sea.
As the journey continued, Emily began to notice the outward
[4] signs of life aboard the tanker. The crew, consisting of individuals with a variety of hair colors, included a blonde
[15] engineer, a theological
[14] scholar, and a respondent
[10] responsible for maintaining communication. Despite the awfully
[1] demanding conditions, camaraderie flourished among the crew members. Emily marveled at the inevitable
[7] connections formed in the face of adversity.
One day, while examining a sample of seawater for ammonia
[11] levels, Emily's radioactivity
[5] detector beeped erratically. Alarmed but determined, she reported her findings to the ministry
[9] staff. They reassured her that their advanced systems would contain any potential hazards. The incident sparked discussions about the intersection of theology
[14] and science, leading to insightful conversations during whirl
[8] breaks from their tasks.
Months passed, and the tanker
[13] reached its destination, guided by the ministry's
[9] instructions. The crew's shared experiences had forged deep bonds, and the tanker's
[13] disc
-like hull was now a symbol of their resilience. Emily, now seen as a respondent
[10] herself, reflected on the journey's challenges and triumphs, grateful for the chance to contribute to a mission of such significance.
In this tale of adventure and unity, the words have been woven together to illustrate a unique narrative that highlights their meanings and significance, as indicated by the use of the ```` symbols
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
enrol, plaza, drumstick, despatch, hijack,
hedgerow, peg, clash, sterility, extinguish,
testify, leather, pail, merry, ashtray
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | enrol | /ɪnˈroʊl/ | verb | To formally register or sign up for a course, membership, or program. | 登记;注册;入学 |
2 | plaza | /ˈplɑː.zə/ | noun | A public square or open space in a city, often surrounded by buildings and used for gatherings or events. | 广场;露天市场;购物中心 |
3 | drumstick | /ˈdrʌm.stɪk/ | noun | The lower part of a bird's leg, often used as food. Also, a stick used to play a drum. | 鸡腿;鼓槌 |
4 | despatch | /dɪˈspætʃ/ | noun/verb | Noun: The act of sending something for delivery. Verb: To send something off for delivery. | 发送;派遣;急件;公文;新闻报道 |
5 | hijack | /ˈhaɪ.dʒæk/ | verb/noun | Verb: To seize control of a vehicle or aircraft by force. Noun: The act of hijacking. | 劫持;劫机;抢劫;绑架 |
6 | hedgerow | /ˈhedʒ.roʊ/ | noun | A line of bushes, shrubs, or trees forming a boundary or fence. | 灌木篱笆;树篱 |
7 | peg | /peɡ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A small cylindrical or tapered piece used for holding things together. Verb: To fasten with a peg. | 桩;夹子;钉子;印;固定;夯 |
8 | clash | /klæʃ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A violent conflict or collision. Verb: To collide or conflict with a loud noise. | 冲突;碰撞;不协调;冲突声 |
9 | sterility | /stəˈrɪləti/ | noun | The condition of being sterile or unable to produce offspring. Also, the absence of life or vitality. | 不育;贫瘠;无菌;死气沉沉 |
10 | extinguish | /ɪkˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ | verb | To put out, quench, or suppress, especially a fire or light. | 扑灭;熄灭;消除;淡忘 |
11 | testify | /ˈtestɪfaɪ/ | verb | To provide evidence or make a statement in a court of law or as a witness. | 作证;证明;表明 |
12 | leather | /ˈleð.ər/ | noun/adjective | Noun: Material made from the skin of animals, often used for clothing or accessories. Adjective: Made of leather. | 皮革;皮制品;皮质的;皮制的 |
13 | pail | /peɪl/ | noun | A typically cylindrical container with a handle, used for carrying liquids or other materials. | 桶;提桶;水桶;铲斗;斗 |
14 | merry | /ˈmer.i/ | adjective | Full of cheerfulness, gaiety, or happiness. | 愉快的;欢乐的 |
15 | ashtray | /ˈæʃ.treɪ/ | noun | A receptacle used for collecting ash and cigarette butts, typically placed in a smoking area. | 烟灰缸;烟灰碟 |
In a bustling city, there was a grand and vibrant plaza
[2] at the heart of the metropolis. Every day, people would enrol
[1] in various activities and events that took place there. One sunny morning, a group of musicians set up near the plaza, playing lively tunes on their instruments, including a rhythmic drumstick
As the day progressed, a company needed to despatch
[4] urgent documents to another city. However, their plans were disrupted when a group of individuals attempted to hijack
[5] the delivery vehicle. Amid the chaos, a passerby noticed a small hedgerow
[6] and decided to hide behind it, witnessing the whole ordeal.
Meanwhile, in a nearby workshop, a skilled artisan was crafting a wooden peg
[7] to fix a wobbly table. While working, they heard a sudden clash
[8] of metal from outside. Concerned, they looked out the window, only to see the commotion caused by the attempted hijacking.
Back at the plaza, a scientist gave a talk about the importance of preventing the sterility
[9] of ecosystems. They explained how various factors could extinguish
[10] certain species and disrupt the delicate balance of nature. The attendees were moved by the scientist's passionate testify
[11] and pledged to work towards environmental conservation.
In the midst of the excitement, a young artist sat on a bench, sketching the intricate patterns on a piece of leather
[12] they found in their bag. Next to them, a child played with a small pail
[13] of water, splashing it with merry
[14] delight. Nearby, someone carelessly dropped an ashtray
[15] on the ground, causing a clinking sound that echoed through the plaza.
As the day drew to a close, the city returned to its usual rhythm, the plaza once again becoming a hub of activity. The incidents of the day served as a reminder of the diverse and interconnected nature of human experiences, all within the backdrop of a single plaza
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
subway, slant, organ, gin, endeavour,
flick, hillside, flush, elapse, hawk,
onlooker, gallop, violet, parcel, Fahrenheit
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | subway | /ˈsʌb.weɪ/ | noun | An underground electric railway system for urban transportation, also known as a metro. | 地铁;地下通道 |
2 | slant | /slænt/ | noun/verb | Noun: A slope or angle that deviates from the horizontal or vertical. Verb: To tilt or incline. | 斜坡;倾斜;观点;态度 |
3 | organ | /ˈɔːr.ɡən/ | noun | Noun: A part of the body with a specific function. Also, a musical instrument with pipes and keyboards. | 器官;机构;风琴;管风琴 |
4 | gin | /dʒɪn/ | noun/verb | Noun: A strong alcoholic drink flavored with juniper berries. Verb: To separate seeds or fibers from cotton or other materials. | 杜松子酒;精餾酒;提取;装置;净化器 |
5 | endeavour | /ɪnˈdev.ər/ | noun/verb | Noun: An effort, attempt, or undertaking. Verb: To make an effort or attempt. | 努力;尝试;事业;尽力 |
6 | flick | /flɪk/ | noun/verb | Noun: A light, quick movement. Verb: To make a quick, light movement. | 轻弹;轻拂;电影;电影院 |
7 | hillside | /ˈhɪl.saɪd/ | noun | The side or slope of a hill. | 山腰;山坡;斜坡 |
8 | flush | /flʌʃ/ | verb/noun/adjective | Verb: To cause to blush or redden. Noun: A reddening of the skin. Adjective: Even with a surface or level. | 脸红;奔流;冲洗;洗涤;红晕;齐平;丰富 |
9 | elapse | /ɪˈlæps/ | verb | To pass or go by, as in time. | 逝去;流逝 |
10 | hawk | /hɔːk/ | noun/verb | Noun: A bird of prey with a hooked beak. Verb: To carry goods from place to place for selling. | 鹰;老鹰;叫卖;兜售 |
11 | onlooker | /ˈɒn.lʊk.ər/ | noun | A person who watches an event or activity without participating. | 旁观者;围观者 |
12 | gallop | /ˈɡæl.əp/ | noun/verb | Noun: A fast gait of a horse, faster than a canter. Verb: To move or ride at a gallop. | 飞奔;飞跑;疾驰;飞速发展 |
13 | violet | /ˈvaɪ.ə.lət/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A small, fragrant flower with purple or blue petals. Adjective: Of a bluish-purple color. | 紫罗兰;紫色的 |
14 | parcel | /ˈpɑːr.sl̩/ | noun/verb | Noun: A package or object wrapped in paper. Verb: To wrap something in paper for mailing. | 包裹;包邮;一批;划分;地契 |
15 | Fahrenheit | /ˈfær.ən.haɪt/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A temperature scale used in the United States, also known as the imperial system. | 华氏度;华氏温标 |
In the heart of the bustling city, the subway
[1] carried people from one end to the other, its tunnels carving a path beneath the urban landscape. As I gazed out the window, I noticed the slant
[2] of the sun's rays casting long shadows on the buildings above.
Deep within, our bodies function like a well-tuned organ
[3], each part working harmoniously to sustain life. Just like how a mixologist carefully combines gin
[4] and various ingredients to create a balanced cocktail, our bodies orchestrate countless processes to maintain equilibrium.
Embarking on a new endeavour
[5], I decided to learn a new skill. With a flick
[6] of the wrist, I brushed aside doubts and began my journey. The path ahead was like a hillside
[7], full of challenges to conquer, but I was determined to reach the summit.
A feeling of warmth suddenly washed over me, and a flush
[8] spread across my cheeks. Time seemed to elapse
[9] faster as I engrossed myself in the task at hand. Just as a hawk
[10] soars gracefully through the sky, I was focused and unwavering.
As I worked, an onlooker
[11] observed from a distance, curiosity evident in their eyes. The rhythm of their gaze was like the rhythmic gallop
[12] of a horse, steady and unyielding. The violet
[13] hues of twilight began to paint the sky, signaling the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.
With my work completed, I carefully packaged it, like a parcel
[14] ready for its journey. The temperature outside had dropped, and I could see my breath in the Fahrenheit
[15] air. The city's energy never ceased, just like the beating of a heart.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
shorts, ego, brunch, precis, troop,
rear, wretched, oats, narrate, engagement,
ether, shrimp, pharmacy, cord, entrant
sample in html table format
index|word|pronunciation|parts of speech|explanation|translation in Chinese
1|fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ |adj| feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious|恐惧的;吓人的
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | shorts | /ʃɔːrts/ | noun | Clothing worn on the lower part of the body, typically covering the hips and thighs. | 短裤;运动裤 |
2 | ego | /ˈiː.ɡoʊ/ | noun | A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. | 自我;自尊 |
3 | brunch | /brʌntʃ/ | noun | A meal that combines elements of breakfast and lunch, often eaten in late morning or early afternoon. | 早午餐;早午饭 |
4 | precis | /ˈpreɪ.si/ | noun/verb | Noun: A summary or abstract of a text. Verb: To make a summary or concise version of something. | 摘要;大纲;概括;简化版本 |
5 | troop | /truːp/ | noun/verb | Noun: A group of soldiers or other people. Verb: To move or gather in a group. | 军队;队伍;一群人;集合 |
6 | rear | /rɪr/ | noun/verb/adjective | Noun: The back part of something. Verb: To bring up or raise (children). Adjective: At the back. | 后部;抚养;养育;后面的;背面的 |
7 | wretched | /ˈreʃ.ɪd/ | adj | Extremely unhappy or unfortunate; in a miserable state. | 极不幸的;可怜的;糟糕的 |
8 | oats | /oʊts/ | noun | A type of cereal grain used as food for humans and livestock. | 燕麦;麦片 |
9 | narrate | /ˈnær.eɪt/ | verb | To give a spoken or written account of an event or story. | 叙述;讲述 |
10 | engagement | /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ.mənt/ | noun | Noun: A formal agreement to get married. Also, involvement or participation in an activity. | 订婚;约定;参与;参战 |
11 | ether | /ˈiː.θər/ | noun | A clear, colorless, highly flammable liquid often used as a medical anesthetic. Also, the upper regions of space. | 醚;乙醚;天空 |
12 | shrimp | /ʃrɪmp/ | noun | A small, edible crustacean with a slender body and long antennae. | 虾;小虾;小海鲜 |
13 | pharmacy | /ˈfɑːr.mə.si/ | noun | The science and practice of preparing and dispensing drugs. Also, a place where drugs are sold or dispensed. | 药学;药房;药剂 |
14 | cord | /kɔːrd/ | noun | A thick string or thin rope made of twisted strands. Also, a flexible, insulated electrical cable. | 绳子;线绳;电缆;绝缘电线 |
15 | entrant | /ˈen.trənt/ | noun | A person or group that enters a competition or becomes a participant in an activity. | 参赛者;新成员;投稿者;新入学生 |
In a world where individuality and ego
[2] were celebrated, a unique troop
[5] gathered every brunch
[3] to share their stories. Each member had a distinct precis
[4] style, adding a touch of creativity to the discussions.
At the center of the group was Sarah, known for her uncanny ability to narrate
[9] even the most complex tales. Her words had the power to transport everyone to different realms of imagination.
One day, as the sun dipped below the rear
[6] horizon, a wretched
[7] figure named Ethan joined the gathering. His presence, though seemingly gloomy, added a layer of depth to the conversations.
The group sat on a patch of oats
[8], enjoying their entrance
[15] into a world of shared experiences. Amidst laughter and thoughtful exchanges, a pharmacy
[13] owner named Mia discussed the ether
[11] that binds science and spirituality.
As discussions continued, a talented shrimp
[12] cook named Leo presented a cord
[14] of unity. He emphasized that despite their differences, the members of the troop
[5] were connected by their passion for storytelling.
The engagement
[10] among the members grew stronger with each gathering. The diverse perspectives enriched their understanding of the world and fostered a sense of belonging.
In this world of words and ideas, the shorts
[1] stories shared were like windows into each person's soul. As the brunch
[3] came to an end, the members departed with a renewed appreciation for the power of narratives and the beauty of human connection.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
indoor, stump, clasp, fury, sheriff,
Saturn, hind, heartless, vow, yearn,
midst, alphabet, volt, oven, brink
Index | Word | Phonetic Symbol | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | indoor | /ˈɪn.dɔːr/ | adj | Relating to or suited for the inside; not outdoors. | 室内的;户内的 |
2 | stump | /stʌmp/ | noun/verb | Noun: The bottom part of a tree left projecting from the ground after most of the trunk has fallen or been cut down. Verb: To walk or tread heavily. | 树桩;树墩;(走路时)重踩地面 |
3 | clasp | /klæsp/ | noun/verb | Noun: A fastening device, typically a metal or plastic buckle used to hold things together. Verb: To grasp firmly. | 扣子;别针;握紧 |
4 | fury | /ˈfjʊəri/ | noun | Uncontrollable anger or rage. | 愤怒;狂怒 |
5 | sheriff | /ˈʃer.ɪf/ | noun | An elected officer in a county who is responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the law. | 县治安官;警长 |
6 | Saturn | /ˈsæt.ɜːn/ | noun | The sixth planet from the sun in the solar system, known for its prominent rings. | 土星 |
7 | hind | /haɪnd/ | adj/noun | Adj: Situated at the back; posterior. Noun: A female red deer. | 后部的;后面的;雌鹿 |
8 | heartless | /ˈhɑːrt.ləs/ | adj | Showing a lack of compassion or empathy; cruel. | 无情的;冷酷的 |
9 | vow | /vaʊ/ | noun/verb | Noun: A solemn promise or pledge. Verb: To solemnly promise or commit to something. | 誓约;发誓;许愿 |
10 | yearn | /jɜːrn/ | verb | To have a strong desire or longing for something. | 渴望;向往 |
11 | midst | /mɪdst/ | noun | The middle part or point; the center. | 中间;当中 |
12 | alphabet | /ˈæl.fə.bet/ | noun | A set of letters arranged in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language. | 字母表;基本事物 |
13 | volt | /voʊlt/ | noun | The SI unit of electromotive force, potential difference, and voltage. | 伏特(电压单位) |
14 | oven | /ˈʌv.ən/ | noun | A kitchen appliance used for baking or cooking food. | 烤箱;炉灶 |
15 | brink | /brɪŋk/ | noun | The edge or margin of a steep place; the point at which something is about to happen. | 边缘;临界点;濒临 |
In the midst
[11] of a heartless
[8] winter, Sheriff
[5] Johnson stood by the oven
[14] in the old indoor
[1] kitchen, his clasp
[3] holding a worn recipe card. Outside, the fury
[4] of the snowstorm raged, yet his determination was unwavering. With a vow
[9] to make his grandmother's famous pie
[9], he carefully followed each step of the alphabet
[12]ically-ordered instructions. The scent of cinnamon filled the air, mingling with the hind
[7]rance of burnt wood from the stump
[2] he used for firewood.
As the oven
[14] warmed, Sheriff
[5] Johnson gazed out at the Saturn
[6]ine glow of the snowy landscape, yearning
[10] for the warmth and comfort that this pie
[9] represented. The clasp
[3] on his sheriff
[5]'s badge glinted in the dim light, a reminder of the responsibilities he held. With every passing minute, his anticipation grew like a volt
[13]age building before a lightning strike.
Finally, as the timer on the oven
[14] chimed, he carefully removed the pie
[9]. Its golden crust and sweet aroma brought a sense of accomplishment that even his most intense pursuits of justice had never matched. With a sense of triumph, Sheriff
[5] Johnson cut a slice and savored each bite, feeling a sense of satisfaction that pushed the fury
[4] of the storm to the brink
[15] of his mind.
In that moment, the heartless
[8] cold of the world outside seemed to fade, replaced by the warmth of tradition and the embrace of family memories. As he enjoyed his slice of pie
[9], he made a silent vow
[9] to preserve these moments of simple joy, even in the midst
[11] of life's most challenging circumstances.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
atlas, poke, oak, Jupiter, gypsy,
nursery, fodder, Celsius, trough, resentment,
indignation, pedal, tease, greengrocer, singular
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | atlas | /ˈæt.ləs/ | noun | A book of maps or charts, often used for reference. | 地图集;世界地图 |
2 | poke | /poʊk/ | verb/noun | Verb: To push or prod something with a finger. Noun: A jab or prod. | 戳;戳击;戏弄;窥视 |
3 | oak | /oʊk/ | noun | A type of large tree that produces acorns. | 橡树 |
4 | Jupiter | /ˈdʒuː.pɪ.tər/ | noun | The largest planet in our solar system. | 木星 |
5 | gypsy | /ˈdʒɪp.si/ | noun/adjective | Noun: A member of a traveling people with a nomadic lifestyle. Adjective: Relating to this lifestyle. | 吉卜赛人;流浪的 |
6 | nursery | /ˈnɜːrsəri/ | noun | A room or area where plants are grown or children are cared for. | 托儿所;苗圃 |
7 | fodder | /ˈfɑː.dər/ | noun | Food, especially dried hay or feed, for livestock. | 饲料;(比喻)素材 |
8 | Celsius | /ˈsel.siəs/ | adjective | Relating to the Celsius temperature scale. | 摄氏度的 |
9 | trough | /trɔːf/ | noun | A long, narrow container used to hold liquids or feed animals. Also, a low point in a cycle. | 槽;低谷 |
10 | resentment | /rɪˈzent.mənt/ | noun | Bitter indignation or anger at a perceived unfairness. | 愤恨;怨恨 |
11 | indignation | /ˌɪn.dɪɡˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | Strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, or insulting. | 愤怒;义愤 |
12 | pedal | /ˈped.əl/ | noun/verb | Noun: A foot-operated lever used for controlling a machine. Verb: To operate a pedal. | 踏板;踩踏 |
13 | tease | /tiːz/ | verb/noun | Verb: To make fun of or provoke someone playfully. Noun: A person who teases. | 戏弄;逗乐 |
14 | greengrocer | /ˈɡriːnˌɡroʊ.sər/ | noun | A person who sells fresh vegetables and fruits. | 蔬菜水果商;菜贩 |
15 | singular | /ˈsɪŋ.ɡjə.lər/ | adjective | Unique, exceptional, or standing out from the rest. | 单一的;异常的;奇特的 |
In a cozy nursery
[6] nestled beneath a mighty oak
[3] tree, young children gathered around an enchanting atlas
[1]. This remarkable atlas
[1] depicted distant lands, each page an invitation to explore the unknown. One child, a curious gypsy
[5] at heart, traced the intricate lines with a finger, dreaming of traversing the world like the wanderers of old.
Outside, the wind whispered secrets through the leaves of the ancient oak
[3], and a mischievous squirrel decided to poke
[2] its head out from a cozy hollow. Playfully, it engaged in a gentle tease
[13] with a nearby bird, their antics a source of joy for anyone fortunate enough to witness them.
As the day waned, the sky painted itself in shades of orange and pink, resembling the swirling storms of Jupiter
[4], the mighty planet that stood guard over the universe. In a nearby trough
[9], farm animals enjoyed their evening fodder
[7], while a diligent greengrocer
[14] arranged colorful produce in a shop window, each singular
[15] fruit a work of art.
Meanwhile, in the heart of the village, a brewing storm of resentment
[10] and indignation
[11] threatened to disrupt the harmony. Yet, like a musician finding solace in a pedal
[12] note, a wise elder stepped forward, using gentle words to guide hearts back to unity.
And so, under the vast canopy of stars, where the temperature measured in Celsius
[8] degrees hinted at the mysteries of the universe, this small community found balance once again, like a delicate dance performed on the edge of a trough
[9] of dreams and reality.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
xerox, eyelash, humane, artillery, vain,
bladder, pajamas, physicist, sinner, regiment,
moor, lever, cornerstone, caliber, stretcher
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | xerox | /ˈzɪərɒks/ | verb/noun | (v) to make a copy of a document using a photocopier; (n) a copy made using a photocopier | 复印;复印件 |
2 | eyelash | /ˈaɪlæʃ/ | noun | any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eyelids | 睫毛 |
3 | humane | /hjuːˈmeɪn/ | adjective | having or showing compassion, kindness, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering | 仁慈的;人道的 |
4 | artillery | /ɑːrˈtɪləri/ | noun | large-caliber guns used in warfare on land; a branch of the military that operates these guns | 炮兵;大炮 |
5 | vain | /veɪn/ | adjective | having an excessively high opinion of oneself; producing no result; without success | 虚荣的;徒劳的 |
6 | bladder | /ˈblædər/ | noun | a membranous sac in humans and animals that stores and expels urine | 膀胱 |
7 | pajamas | /pəˈdʒɑːməz/ | noun | loose-fitting clothing worn for sleeping or lounging, typically consisting of a top and pants | 睡衣;宽松便服 |
8 | physicist | /ˈfɪzɪsɪst/ | noun | a person who specializes in the study of physics, which deals with the properties and interactions of matter and energy | 物理学家 |
9 | sinner | /ˈsɪnər/ | noun | a person who has committed a sin, which is considered a violation of religious or moral principles | 罪人;有罪者 |
10 | regiment | /ˈredʒɪmənt/ | noun | a permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a colonel and divided into battalions or companies | 团;军团 |
11 | moor | /mʊər/ | noun/verb | (n) a tract of open uncultivated land, often wet or marshy; (v) to secure a ship by attaching it to a fixed object | 荒地;停泊 |
12 | lever | /ˈliːvər/ | noun/verb | (n) a rigid bar that pivots on a fulcrum and is used to transmit force; (v) to move or lift with a lever | 杠杆;撬动 |
13 | cornerstone | /ˈkɔːrnərstoʊn/ | noun | a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, often inscribed and laid with ceremony; a fundamental principle or element | 基石;基础 |
14 | caliber | /ˈkælɪbər/ | noun | the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel; the quality or level of someone's ability or character | 口径;能力水准 |
15 | stretcher | /ˈstretʃər/ | noun | a framework of bars, strips, or ropes used to carry a sick, injured, or dead person; a device used to make something wider or longer | 担架;伸缩器 |
On a misty moor
[11] stood a small regiment
[10] of soldiers, their determination as unwavering as the foundation of a sturdy cornerstone
[13]. Among them was Lieutenant Morgan, a physicist
[8] by training, known for his caliber
[14] of intellect and his humane
[3] approach to warfare.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the pajamas
[7] of the soldiers, an urgent message arrived. The enemy had positioned a fearsome artillery
[4] unit on the distant hill, threatening to rain destruction upon the regiment. Lieutenant Morgan, driven not by vain
[5] glory but by a sense of duty, devised a brilliant plan.
Using a combination of wit and makeshift materials like a lever
[12] crafted from fallen branches and a stretcher
[15] repurposed from their own tents, Lieutenant Morgan and his comrades embarked on a daring mission. Under the cover of darkness, they crept through the moor, avoiding enemy patrols and treacherous terrain.
As they reached the base of the hill, they observed the towering artillery
[4] guns, their barrels glinting in the moonlight. With meticulous precision, they used the lever to carefully adjust the caliber
[14] of the cannons, ensuring they would misfire when the enemy attempted to fire upon the regiment's camp.
With their ingenious plan in place, the soldiers retreated to the safety of the moor, their bladders
[6] of excitement held in check by their disciplined resolve. The following morning, as the enemy fired their artillery
[4], a symphony of misfires echoed through the hills, sparing the regiment from harm.
Lieutenant Morgan's brilliance and humane
[3] leadership earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow soldiers. The eyelash
[2] of hope he had provided in their darkest hour had transformed the outcome of the battle. His story, a testament to the power of innovation and compassion, spread like a xerox
[1] across the land, inspiring generations to come.
And so, beneath the open skies of the moor, the regiment
[10] continued their journey, united by the unwavering bonds of camaraderie and guided by the legacy of a physicist whose actions had forever altered the course of history.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
fern, hairdresser, tribunal, moss, lick,
disembark, ambiguous, banister, moustache, vitality,
senate, perpetual, garlic, incline, legitimate
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | fern | /fɜːrn/ | noun | a type of green, leafy plant that reproduces via spores and does not produce flowers or seeds | 蕨类植物;蕨 |
2 | hairdresser | /ˈheərˌdresər/ | noun | a person whose profession is cutting, styling, and arranging hair | 理发师;发型师 |
3 | tribunal | /traɪˈbjuːnl/ | noun | a court or forum where legal matters are heard and judged; a place of judgment or decision-making | 法庭;仲裁庭 |
4 | moss | /mɒs/ | noun | a small, soft, green plant that typically grows in damp or shady environments and often forms a velvety covering on surfaces | 苔藓;青苔 |
5 | lick | /lɪk/ | verb/noun | (v) to pass the tongue over something or someone; (n) an act of licking | 舔;舔食 |
6 | disembark | /ˌdɪsɪmˈbɑːrk/ | verb | to go ashore from a ship or aircraft | 下船;离机 |
7 | ambiguous | /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ | adjective | having more than one possible meaning or interpretation; unclear or vague | 含糊不清的;有歧义的 |
8 | banister | /ˈbænɪstər/ | noun | a handrail and its supporting posts at the side of a staircase | 栏杆;扶手 |
9 | moustache | /məˈstæʃ/ | noun | facial hair grown above the upper lip | 胡子;小胡子 |
10 | vitality | /vaɪˈtæləti/ | noun | the state of being strong, active, and full of life and energy; the capacity to live and grow | 活力;生命力 |
11 | senate | /ˈsenət/ | noun | the upper house of a legislative body, such as the U.S. Senate; a similar deliberative assembly in other countries | 参议院;上议院 |
12 | perpetual | /pərˈpɛtʃuəl/ | adjective | never ending or changing; occurring repeatedly over a long period of time | 永久的;不断的 |
13 | garlic | /ˈɡɑːrlɪk/ | noun | a strong-smelling bulbous plant used as a flavoring in cooking | 大蒜;蒜 |
14 | incline | /ɪnˈklaɪn/ | verb/noun | (v) to have a tendency or preference toward something; (n) a slope or slant | 倾向;斜坡 |
15 | legitimate | /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ | adjective/verb | (adj) conforming to the law or rules; valid and accepted; (v) to make lawful or rightful | 合法的;正当的 |
In a land nestled between towering mountains and lush valleys, a fern
[1] stood tall, its delicate fronds swaying in the gentle breeze. At the heart of the village, a skilled hairdresser
[2] plied their trade, creating intricate braids and elegant updos for every occasion.
One day, a dispute arose that could only be settled in the tribunal
[3], an ancient hall where justice was meted out under the watchful gaze of moss
[4]-covered statues. The air was tense as the judges took their seats, their eyes reflecting the weight of their decisions.
As the proceedings began, a mischievous kitten began to lick
[5] its paws, oblivious to the solemnity of the moment. The accused, having just disembark
[6] from a distant land, wore an ambiguous
[7] expression, making it hard to discern their true intentions.
The banister
[8] of the tribunal's grand staircase was worn smooth from the countless hands that had gripped it in anticipation. A wise elder with a magnificent moustache
[9] presided over the proceedings, his words carrying the vitality
[10] of a thousand stories.
In the senate
[11] chamber nearby, the debate over a perpetual
[12] water source raged on. The aroma of roasted garlic
[13] wafted through the air from a nearby market, where vendors extolled the virtues of their wares.
As the sun began to set, casting an incline
[14] of warm hues across the village, the legitimate
[15] heirs to the land's legacy emerged victorious from the tribunal. Harmony was restored, and the land continued to thrive under the watchful eyes of the fern and the dedicated hands of the hairdresser.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
knighthood, dissatisfy, bomber, elastic, lark,
grapevine, knot, subsidiary, memoir, binder,
monologue, infant, yogurt, underwear, oblivious
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | knighthood | /ˈnaɪthʊd/ | noun | the rank or status of a knight; the title, dignity, or profession of a knight | 骑士身份;爵士地位 |
2 | dissatisfy | /ˌdɪsəˈsætɪsfaɪ/ | verb | to cause someone to be unhappy, discontented, or unsatisfied; to fail to meet someone's expectations or desires | 使不满;使不满意 |
3 | bomber | /ˈbɒmər/ | noun | an aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs; a person or thing that drops or plants explosive devices | 轰炸机;投弹者 |
4 | elastic | /ɪˈlæstɪk/ | adjective/noun | (adj) able to stretch and return to its original shape; flexible and adaptable; (n) a stretchy material used for clothing, bands, and other applications | 有弹性的;弹性材料 |
5 | lark | /lɑːrk/ | noun/verb | (n) a small, often brown songbird known for its melodious song; (v) to engage in fun or adventurous activity | 云雀;嬉戏 |
6 | grapevine | /ˈɡreɪpvaɪn/ | noun | a vine on which grapes grow; a informal means of communication or gossip, typically through word of mouth | 葡萄藤;小道消息 |
7 | knot | /nɒt/ | noun/verb | (n) a fastening made by tying together the ends of a piece of string, rope, or other material; (v) to tie in a knot | 结;打结 |
8 | subsidiary | /səbˈsɪdiəri/ | noun/adjective | (n) a company controlled by another company, often through ownership of shares; (adj) less important or secondary | 子公司;附属的 |
9 | memoir | /ˈmemwɑːr/ | noun | a written account or record of a person's own experiences, thoughts, or observations; an autobiographical narrative | 回忆录;自传 |
10 | binder | /ˈbaɪndər/ | noun | a cover or holder for holding loose sheets of paper together; an adhesive substance used to bind things together | 活页夹;粘合剂 |
11 | monologue | /ˈmɒnəlɒɡ/ | noun | a long speech or presentation by one person, often in a play, movie, or performance, revealing their thoughts and feelings | 独白;独角戏 |
12 | infant | /ˈɪnfənt/ | noun/adjective | (n) a very young child or baby; (adj) in an early stage of development | 婴儿;幼儿 |
13 | yogurt | /ˈjoʊɡərt/ | noun | a thick, custard-like dairy product made by fermenting milk with beneficial bacteria; often eaten as a food or used in cooking | 酸奶 |
14 | underwear | /ˈʌndərweər/ | noun | clothing worn under outer clothes, typically close-fitting and next to the skin; undergarments | 内衣;贴身衣物 |
15 | oblivious | /əˈblɪviəs/ | adjective | not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around; forgetful or unaware | 未察觉的;健忘的 |
In a realm where honor and knighthood
[1] were ideals held above all else, a young squire named Percival found himself plagued by a sense of dissatisfaction
[2]. Despite his dedication to his training, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.
Rumors drifted through the kingdom like a whispered grapevine
[6], hinting at the existence of a mysterious bomber
[3] who sought to disrupt the upcoming knighthood ceremony. Percival's determination was as elastic
[4] as the strongest bowstring as he vowed to uncover the truth behind the threat.
On his quest, Percival encountered a joyful lark
[5] that seemed to sing to him with an almost magical quality. Guided by the lark's song, he stumbled upon an ancient knot
[7] tied in a gnarled oak tree, a symbol of some long-forgotten oath.
Buried beneath layers of time and secrecy, Percival discovered a subsidy
[8] of knowledge within a dusty tome. This memoir
[9] recounted the heroic deeds of a legendary knight who had once faced a haunting monologue
[11] of doubt before proving his worth.
In his travels, Percival came across an abandoned infant
[12], left on the doorstep of a humble cottage. With no clue as to the child's origins, Percival took the infant under his care, demonstrating that the heart of a true knight beats with compassion.
During his moments of respite, Percival enjoyed a humble meal of bread and yogurt
[13], savoring the taste of simple pleasures even amidst the chaos that surrounded him.
As the day of the knighthood ceremony approached, Percival's determination remained oblivious
[15] to the doubts that had once clouded his path. He donned his armor, securing each piece, down to his trusty underwear
[14], with unwavering resolve.
Before a grand assembly, Percival faced the sinister bomber
[3], whose plot was now unveiled. With a heart full of valor and a spirit unbroken, Percival emerged victorious, proving that the true essence of knighthood
[1] lay not just in battles won, but in the courage to face inner demons.
And so, Percival's story became a memoir
[9], a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, a knight's legacy is etched not only in grand deeds but also in the small, heartfelt moments that define us.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
clarity, villain, superstition, crisis, saucepan,
rash, Esperanto, elderly, defy, missionary,
hut, scoop, soccer, camel, beaker
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | clarity | /ˈklærəti/ | noun | the quality of being clear, transparent, or easy to understand; the state of being free from ambiguity or confusion | 清晰;透明;明确 |
2 | villain | /ˈvɪlən/ | noun | a wicked or evil person; a character in a story, movie, or play who is typically the antagonist and behaves in an evil or malicious manner | 恶棍;反派角色 |
3 | superstition | /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃən/ | noun | a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or a false conception of cause and effect; often involving irrational or supernatural elements | 迷信 |
4 | crisis | /ˈkraɪsɪs/ | noun | a time of intense difficulty, danger, or uncertainty; a turning point or critical moment in a sequence of events | 危机 |
5 | saucepan | /ˈsɔːspən/ | noun | a deep cooking pot with a handle and often a lid, used for boiling or cooking liquids and foods | 平底锅;炖锅 |
6 | rash | /ræʃ/ | noun/adjective | (n) a series of red, itchy spots on the skin, often due to an allergic reaction or irritation; (adj) acting or done without careful consideration | 疹子;草率的;仓促的 |
7 | Esperanto | /ˌɛspəˈræntoʊ/ | noun | an artificial international language created in the late 19th century to facilitate communication between speakers of different native languages | 世界语(一种人造国际语言) |
8 | elderly | /ˈɛldərli/ | adjective | relating to or characteristic of old age; senior in years | 老年的;年长的 |
9 | defy | /dɪˈfaɪ/ | verb | to openly resist or refuse to obey; to challenge or provoke in a bold or rebellious manner | 违抗;反抗;藐视 |
10 | missionary | /ˈmɪʃəˌnɛri/ | noun | a person sent on a religious mission to spread a particular faith or set of beliefs, usually in a foreign or non-Christian country | 传教士 |
11 | hut | /hʌt/ | noun | a simple, small, and often temporary dwelling; a small, humble shelter or house | 小屋;简陋的房屋 |
12 | scoop | /skuːp/ | noun/verb | (n) a deep shovel or utensil for lifting and moving loose material; (v) to pick up or gather something with a scoop | 铲子;勺子;独家新闻 |
13 | soccer | /ˈsɑːkər/ | noun | a popular team sport played with a round ball between two teams of eleven players, where the objective is to score goals by getting the ball into the opponent's net | 足球 |
14 | camel | /ˈkæməl/ | noun | a large, long-necked mammal with one or two humps on its back, often used as a beast of burden in desert regions | 骆驼 |
15 | beaker | /ˈbiːkər/ | noun | a cylindrical container with a flat bottom and a small pouring lip, used in laboratories for measuring and mixing liquids | 烧杯;烧瓶 |
In a village known for its clarity
[1] and sense of fairness, an unexpected crisis
[4] struck. The villagers, who were typically free from superstition
[3], found themselves facing an enigmatic challenge. A mysterious villain
[2], cloaked in darkness, began spreading rumors that defied the very essence of their beliefs.
The village's elderly
[8], known for their wisdom, gathered in a humble hut
[11] to discuss a plan. They decided to defy
[9] the looming threat and maintain their unwavering commitment to truth and unity. A brave missionary
[10], who had traveled from distant lands, joined their cause, bringing with them the knowledge of an ancient language called Esperanto
Together, the villagers embarked on a journey of discovery, using their collective knowledge to unravel the rash
[6] of confusion that had swept over the community. They collaborated with the camel
[14] herders, who used their unique bond with the desert creatures to search for clues. Meanwhile, a young and talented soccer
[13] player used her skills to metaphorically scoop away the layers of deception, much like removing the froth from a simmering saucepan
As days turned into weeks, the truth began to emerge. The villain
[2] was none other than a manifestation of their own fears and doubts, a mirror reflecting the internal conflicts that can arise during times of uncertainty. The village united, embracing the values of clarity
[1] and resilience to dispel the darkness that had clouded their minds.
With the crisis averted, the villagers celebrated their victory, hoisting a beaker
[15] filled with water from their sacred well. They had not only preserved their own way of life but had also discovered the power that comes from standing together in the face of adversity. The scoop
[12] of unity had proved stronger than any force that sought to divide them, and their story became a testament to the strength of the human spirit.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
barbarous, bandage, shriek, outrageous, pronoun,
aisle, Pope, dose, thumbtack, prejudice,
engulf, mount, wasp, constellation, decree
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | barbarous | /ˈbɑːrbərəs/ | adjective | extremely brutal or cruel; uncivilized; savagely fierce | 野蛮的;残忍的 |
2 | bandage | /ˈbændɪdʒ/ | noun/verb | (n) a strip of material used to bind or wrap a wound; (v) to bind or wrap with a bandage | 绷带;包扎 |
3 | shriek | /ʃriːk/ | verb/noun | (v) to make a high-pitched, loud, and sharp sound, often in a sudden or frightened manner; (n) a high-pitched, loud cry or sound | 尖叫;尖声 |
4 | outrageous | /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/ | adjective | shockingly bad or excessive; extremely offensive or shocking | 骇人听闻的;极无理的 |
5 | pronoun | /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ | noun | a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence, such as "he," "she," "it," or "they" | 代词 |
6 | aisle | /aɪl/ | noun | a passageway between rows of seats in a building such as a church, theater, or airplane; a corridor between sections of a store | 通道;走道;过道 |
7 | Pope | /poʊp/ | noun | the leader of the Roman Catholic Church; the bishop of Rome | 教皇 |
8 | dose | /doʊs/ | noun | a specific amount of medicine or a substance taken at one time; a quantity of something | 剂量;一剂 |
9 | thumbtack | /ˈθʌmtæk/ | noun | a short pin with a large, flat head, used for attaching papers to a wall or other surface | 图钉;别针 |
10 | prejudice | /ˈprɛdʒədɪs/ | noun/verb | (n) a preconceived opinion or judgment about a person or group, usually negative and not based on reason or experience; (v) to pre-judge or hold bias against | 偏见;歧视 |
11 | engulf | /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ | verb | to completely surround or cover; to overwhelm or consume | 吞没;淹没 |
12 | mount | /maʊnt/ | verb/noun | (v) to climb or get up onto; to organize and set in position; (n) a high hill or peak | 登上;安装;山 |
13 | wasp | /wɑːsp/ | noun | a flying insect with a slender body and two pairs of wings, often with a stinger | 黄蜂 |
14 | constellation | /ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən/ | noun | a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern or shape in the sky; a configuration or arrangement of things | 星座;一系列 |
15 | decree | /dɪˈkriː/ | noun/verb | (n) an official order or decision issued by a legal authority; (v) to order, command, or decide officially | 法令;命令;决定 |
In a time when the world was filled with a sense of barbarous
[1] behavior, a healer named Elara dedicated herself to mending wounds with gentle bandage
[2] wraps. One day, a piercing shriek
[3] echoed through the village as news spread of an outrageous
[4] incident involving the theft of the sacred relics. The villagers, using gender-neutral pronoun
[5] terms to address each other, gathered in the village aisle
[6] to discuss the situation.
Seeking guidance, they turned to the wise Pope
[7] who prescribed a dose
[8] of unity and cooperation to heal their community. As they pondered, a mischievous child playfully placed a thumbtack
[9] on the Pope's chair, reminding everyone that even subtle prejudice
[10] could cause harm.
Just then, the sky seemed to engulf
[11] the village as dark clouds gathered. Amidst the storm, a group of villagers embarked on a journey to the mount
[12]aintop to seek solace. Along the way, they encountered a determined wasp
[13] buzzing around a constellation
[14] of stars, reminding them that challenges were as constant as the stars' presence in the night sky.
Upon their return, the village leaders declared a decree
[15] that emphasized the importance of understanding, respect, and acceptance. The village began to heal, not only physically but also emotionally, as they embraced the lessons learned from each marked word in their unique journey toward harmony.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
inimitable, splinter, gum, seesaw, interim,
dictator, dine, dismissal, manufacture, bail,
wardrobe, custody, aisle, derivation, encircle
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | inimitable | /ɪˈnɪmɪtəbəl/ | adjective | so unique or exceptional that it cannot be imitated or copied; unmatched | 无与伦比的;独特的 |
2 | splinter | /ˈsplɪntər/ | noun/verb | (n) a small, sharp, and thin piece that has broken off from a larger object; (v) to break or split into small, sharp pieces | 碎片;尖细片;刺 |
3 | gum | /ɡʌm/ | noun/verb | (n) the fleshy tissue surrounding the teeth; (v) to chew or stick together with a sticky substance | 牙床;口香糖;胶 |
4 | seesaw | /ˈsiˌsɔ/ | noun/verb | (n) a plank balanced on a central fulcrum, on which children play by moving alternately up and down; (v) to move up and down like a seesaw | 跷跷板;动摇不定 |
5 | interim | /ˈɪntərɪm/ | noun/adjective | (n) a temporary period between events; an interval; (adj) temporary or provisional | 间歇;过渡期;暂时的 |
6 | dictator | /ˈdɪkteɪtər/ | noun | a ruler with absolute power and authority; a person who behaves in a domineering or oppressive manner | 独裁者;专政者 |
7 | dine | /daɪn/ | verb | to have dinner or eat a meal, especially in a formal or elegant setting | 用餐;进餐 |
8 | dismissal | /dɪsˈmɪsəl/ | noun | the act of being sent away or removed from a position or employment; the act of disregarding or rejecting something | 解雇;驳回 |
9 | manufacture | /ˌmænjuˈfækʧər/ | noun/verb | (n) the process of making goods on a large scale using machinery; (v) to produce or create something using machinery or labor | 制造;制造业;生产 |
10 | bail | /beɪl/ | noun/verb | (n) money or property pledged as security to ensure the release of a person from custody; (v) to release someone from custody by providing bail | 保释金;保释;偿付 |
11 | wardrobe | /ˈwɔrˌdroʊb/ | noun | a collection of clothes and accessories that a person owns or wears; a large cupboard for storing clothes | 衣橱;全部服装 |
12 | custody | /ˈkʌstədi/ | noun | the legal right or responsibility to care for and protect someone or something, often involving guardianship or imprisonment | 监管;保护;拘留 |
13 | aisle | /aɪl/ | noun | a passageway between rows of seats in a building such as a church, theater, or airplane; a corridor between sections of a store | 通道;走道;过道 |
14 | derivation | /ˌdɛrəˈveɪʃən/ | noun | the process of obtaining something from a source or origin; the origin or source of something | 衍生;起源;派生词 |
15 | encircle | /ɪnˈsɜrkl/ | verb | to form a circle around something; to surround | 包围;环绕 |
In an interim
[5] between rulers, a tiny village stood beneath the shadow of an inimitable
[1] mountain. The villagers often gathered to dine
[7] together, sharing stories and laughter under the ancient trees that lined the village aisle
At the heart of the village, there lived a skilled carpenter named Mara. Her ability to manufacture
[9] intricate pieces of furniture was as renowned as the mountain's splintered
[2] peaks. She had a particular fondness for crafting unique chairs that resembled seesaws
[4], allowing those who sat upon them to experience a playful balance.
One day, as Mara carved a piece of gum
[3] wood, a tiny splinter
[2] pricked her finger. Curiously, she noticed that the splinter
[2] seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. She placed it on the ground, and to her amazement, it began to encircle
[15] her like a miniature, sentient hoop.
News of Mara's enchanted discovery reached the ears of the village dictator
[6], a man known for his dismissal
[8] of anyone or anything that he deemed a threat. Consumed by jealousy over Mara's talent and the newfound attention she received, he ordered her custody
[12], imprisoning her within a towering wardrobe
[11] in his palace.
Mara's friends and fellow villagers refused to accept her unjust bail
[10], and they hatched a plan to free her. Under the moonlit sky, they assembled a massive wooden seesaw
[4], carefully calculating its weight and dimensions. With determined hearts, they placed the seesaw near the palace walls and used their combined strength to launch themselves over the imposing barrier.
Inside the palace, chaos erupted as villagers stormed the halls, demanding Mara's release and an end to the dictator's
[6] reign. The splinter
[2], which had been carried by Mara's side, began to resonate with the collective energy of the villagers. Its shimmering glow intensified, and with a burst of radiant light, it transformed into a key, unlocking Mara's cell and dispelling the dismissal
[8] that had plagued the land.
With the dictator
[6] overthrown and Mara's inimitable
[1] spirit inspiring the people, the village flourished once again. The enchanted splinter
[2], now a symbol of unity and liberation, was carefully encased and placed in a central location as a reminder of the power of resilience and the pursuit of fairness
in the face of oppression.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
settlement, stainless, emergency, ginger, phenomenon,
homecoming, illiteracy, reciprocal, outline, flagstaff,
reactor, interpreter, freshwater, breadth, foreword
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | settlement | /ˈsɛtəlmənt/ | noun | an agreement or arrangement that ends a dispute or conflict; a place where people establish a community or colony | 解决;定居点 |
2 | stainless | /ˈsteɪnlɪs/ | adjective | free from stains, blemishes, or tarnishes; not easily affected or corrupted | 无污点的;不锈的 |
3 | emergency | /ɪˈmɜrdʒənsi/ | noun | a sudden, unexpected situation that requires immediate action or attention, often involving danger or crisis | 紧急情况;突发事件 |
4 | ginger | /ˈdʒɪndʒər/ | noun/adjective | (n) a pungent, aromatic root used as a spice; (adj) having a reddish-brown color | 姜;红褐色的 |
5 | phenomenon | /fəˈnɑmɪnən/ | noun | a remarkable or extraordinary event or occurrence, often of a nature that is difficult to explain or understand | 现象;非凡的事情 |
6 | homecoming | /ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ/ | noun | the act of returning home, often after a period of absence; a festive celebration or event to welcome back those who have been away | 归来;欢迎会 |
7 | illiteracy | /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ | noun | the inability to read or write; a lack of education or literacy skills | 文盲;无知 |
8 | reciprocal | /rɪˈsɪprəkəl/ | adjective/noun | (adj) given, felt, or done in return; mutual; (n) a reciprocal term or expression in mathematics | 互惠的;倒数的;相互的 |
9 | outline | /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ | noun/verb | (n) a general plan or description; a summary; (v) to give a general overview or description | 轮廓;概述;略述 |
10 | flagstaff | /ˈflæɡstæf/ | noun | a tall pole or mast from which a flag is flown; a flagpole | 旗杆;旗杆 |
11 | reactor | /riˈæktər/ | noun | a device or container in which a chemical reaction or nuclear process takes place; a device that controls the release of energy in a nuclear power plant | 反应器;反应堆 |
12 | interpreter | /ɪnˈtɜrprɪtər/ | noun | a person who translates spoken or sign language from one language to another; a device or program that converts code or data into a form that can be executed or understood | 口译员;解释程序 |
13 | freshwater | /ˈfrɛʃˌwɔtər/ | adjective/noun | (adj) relating to water that contains very little salt; (n) bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers, that contain fresh water | 淡水的;淡水 |
14 | breadth | /brɛdθ/ | noun | the measure of the extent or width of something; the range or scope of something | 宽度;幅度;广度 |
15 | foreword | /ˈfɔrˌwɜrd/ | noun | an introductory statement or preface to a book or other written work, typically written by someone other than the author | 前言;序言 |
In a distant land, a unique phenomenon
[5] was unfolding. A settlement
[1] nestled between towering mountains, its charm as enduring as stainless
[2] steel. One day, an emergency
[3] struck when a powerful reactor
[11] malfunctioned, and an urgent solution was needed.
The leaders of the settlement
[1] sought help from an interpreter
[12] who could decipher the intricate language of machines. They also discovered a cache of freshwater
[13] that eased the hardships of their situation. This act of reciprocal
[8] kindness was a testament to the community's spirit.
As the illiteracy
[7] of fear faded, the people's courage shone brighter than ever. They united under the flagstaff
[10] to face the challenge head-on. The ginger
[4] roots that grew nearby symbolized their resilience, a reminder that even in adversity, they could find strength.
With an outline
[9] of a plan in place, they worked tirelessly to restore the settlement
[1] to its former glory. The breadth
[14] of their skills was truly remarkable, encompassing everything from engineering to diplomacy. A homecoming
[6] celebration was planned to honor their triumphant journey.
In the foreword
[15] of a new chapter for the settlement
[1], their achievements stood as a beacon of hope. The tale of their perseverance spread far and wide, proving that even in the face of the most daunting challenges, humanity's spirit could shine brilliantly.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
ramp, highland, headmistress, smash, misty,
oily, grocer, crest, fiancee, banquet,
heartfelt, captive, moan, hood, zoology
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | ramp | /ræmp/ | noun | a sloping surface that connects different levels, often used for vehicles or pedestrians | 坡道;斜坡 |
2 | highland | /ˈhaɪlənd/ | noun | an elevated area of land, usually with hills and mountains; a region of high ground | 高地;山地 |
3 | headmistress | /ˈhɛdˌmɪstrɪs/ | noun | a female principal or head of a school | 女校长;女校长 |
4 | smash | /smæʃ/ | verb/noun | (v) to break or shatter violently; (n) a loud, violent collision or impact | 打碎;粉碎;砸碎;碰撞声 |
5 | misty | /ˈmɪsti/ | adjective | characterized by or filled with mist; having limited visibility due to moisture in the air | 多雾的;有雾的 |
6 | oily | /ˈɔɪli/ | adjective | covered with or containing oil; slippery or greasy in texture | 油的;多油的 |
7 | grocer | /ˈɡroʊsər/ | noun | a person who sells food and other household supplies; a shop that sells groceries | 杂货商;食品商 |
8 | crest | /krɛst/ | noun | the highest point of a hill or wave; a decorative emblem on a helmet or shield; a tuft of feathers on a bird's head | 山顶;波峰;顶饰;鸟冠 |
9 | fiancee | /fiˌɑnˈseɪ/ | noun | a woman who is engaged to be married | 未婚妻 |
10 | banquet | /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ | noun | a large and elaborate meal or feast, often in celebration of a special occasion | 宴会;盛宴 |
11 | heartfelt | /ˈhɑrtˌfɛlt/ | adjective | deeply and sincerely felt; genuine and earnest | 由衷的;衷心的 |
12 | captive | /ˈkæptɪv/ | noun/adjective | (n) a person who is imprisoned or confined; (adj) being held as a prisoner or under someone's control | 俘虏;被俘虏的;被控制的 |
13 | moan | /moʊn/ | verb/noun | (v) to make a low, mournful sound of pain or grief; (n) a sound of complaint or suffering | 呻吟;抱怨;悲叹声 |
14 | hood | /hʊd/ | noun | a covering or garment for the head and neck; a protective covering or canopy; a neighborhood or community | 头巾;罩;风帽;衣帽间 |
15 | zoology | /zoʊˈɑlədʒi/ | noun | the scientific study of animals, their behavior, classification, and distribution | 动物学 |
Generate the short story and mark words: In a remote highland
[2], nestled at the base of a crest
[8], a mysterious misty
[5] haze shrouded the land, creating an air of enchantment. The village's headmistress
[3], a wise and gentle woman, was as revered as the hooded
[14] figures who occasionally appeared, performing acts of magic that left the villagers in awe.
One day, as the sun began its slow descent, a curious grocer
[7] named Elric ventured into the misty
[5] depths. There, he stumbled upon a captive
[12] creature—a creature of zoology
[15] unknown to him. Its scales glistened with an oily
[6] sheen, reflecting the colors of the mist.
Elric's heart was filled with both fear and heartfelt
[11] curiosity. He couldn't resist approaching the creature, his steps echoing on the damp ground. With a gentle touch, he managed to free the captive
[12] being from its restraints. It let out a soft, grateful moan
[13] that resonated through the misty
[5] air.
As evening fell, the mist lifted, revealing a hidden banquet
[10] hall carved into the very rock of the highland
[2]. Elric and the creature feasted together, a silent understanding passing between them. Little did Elric know, this creature was the guardian of the ramp
[1] to another realm, a realm where ancient secrets and unimaginable wonders awaited those with the courage to step beyond the misty
[5] veil.
And so, beneath the moonlit crest
[8], a fiancee
[9] and a once-captive creature forged an unbreakable bond, proving that even in the most smash
[4] of circumstances, the magic of the highland
[2] could bring forth the most extraordinary of friendships.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
viewfinder, townsfolk, steering-wheel, hairspray, troubleshooter,
opener, treasure-house, spiced, tumour, shortsighted, reassessment,
histogram, deli
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | viewfinder | /ˈvjuːˌfaɪndər/ | noun | a device on a camera that helps the photographer frame and focus the picture | 取景器;取景窗 |
2 | townsfolk | /ˈtaʊnzfoʊk/ | noun | the people who live in a town or city; the residents of a town | 市民;镇民 |
3 | steering-wheel | /ˈstɪrɪŋ wiːl/ | noun | the wheel or handle used to steer a vehicle | 方向盘 |
4 | hairspray | /ˈhɛrˌspreɪ/ | noun | a cosmetic product used to keep hair in place and styled | 发胶;定型喷雾 |
5 | troubleshooter | /ˈtrʌbəlˌʃuːtər/ | noun | a person who identifies and solves problems or difficulties | 问题解决者;排除故障者 |
6 | opener | /ˈoʊpnər/ | noun | a device or tool used to open something, such as a bottle opener | 开瓶器;开启器 |
7 | treasure-house | /ˈtrɛʒərˌhaʊs/ | noun | a place where valuable items or treasures are stored or kept | 宝库;财宝库 |
8 | spiced | /spaɪst/ | adjective | seasoned or flavored with spices or herbs | 加入香料的;调味的 |
9 | tumour | /ˈtuːmər/ | noun | an abnormal mass of tissue in the body, typically a swelling associated with cancer | 肿瘤;瘤 |
10 | shortsighted | /ˌʃɔːrtˈsaɪtɪd/ | adjective | unable to see distant objects clearly; lacking foresight or planning for the future | 近视的;目光短浅的 |
11 | reassessment | /ˌriːəˈsɛsmənt/ | noun | the act of evaluating or reconsidering something, often to make a new judgment or analysis | 重新评估;再次考虑 |
12 | histogram | /ˈhɪstəˌɡræm/ | noun | a graphical representation of the distribution of data using bars to show the frequency of each value | 直方图 |
13 | deli | /ˈdɛli/ | noun | a shop or section of a store that sells delicatessen items, such as prepared meats, cheeses, and salads | 熟食店;熟食部 |
Once upon a time in a small village, the townsfolk
[2] lived a peaceful and content life. Among them was a curious young girl named Lily. She loved exploring her surroundings with her viewfinder
[1], capturing the beauty of nature.
One day, as Lily was wandering around, she came across an old abandoned house at the outskirts of the village. It was said to be a mysterious treasure-house
[7] filled with long-forgotten relics and valuable items. However, the locals were too shortsighted
[10] to pay much attention to the rumors.
Driven by curiosity, Lily decided to act as a little opener
[6]. She sneaked into the treasure-house, and to her surprise, she found various intriguing objects coated in spiced
[8] dust. Among them was an ancient map that pointed to a hidden location within the village. It was a clue to a legendary treasure buried beneath a tree with an unusual tumour
[9] growth.
As Lily embarked on her quest to find the treasure, she encountered some challenges. Solving the puzzles and overcoming obstacles required the skills of a true troubleshooter
[5]. Fortunately, her determination and cleverness helped her prevail.
During her journey, she came across a friendly townsfolk
[2] who offered assistance. They were fascinated by her adventure and joined her in deciphering the map's clues, leading them to the final destination. Along the way, they discovered the significance of the peculiar steering-wheel
[3] symbol on the map, indicating a hidden mechanism to unlock the treasure's secret.
With the combined effort of the villagers, they finally unearthed the hidden treasure. It was a magical histogram
[12] that contained knowledge and wisdom from the village's ancestors. They realized that the true treasure was not material wealth but the shared experiences and bonds formed throughout their lives.
Filled with gratitude and joy, the villagers celebrated their victory with a grand feast at the local deli
[13]. Lily was praised for her bravery and resourcefulness, and she humbly acknowledged the support of her fellow townsfolk.
From that day onward, the village flourished with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. They no longer overlooked the potential around them, understanding the importance of being open-minded and far-sighted. And so, the tale of Lily's adventure became a legend, inspiring future generations to embrace curiosity and work together for the betterment of their community.
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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