英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年07月 ChatGPT
背单词 首字母 2023年07月 - ChuckLu - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
unplug, underachieve, tinkle, backwards, short-circuit,
carcase, fireside, sledge, sauna, starry,
underworld, willpower, arrow, underclass, sorghum
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | unplug | /ʌnˈplʌɡ/ | verb | to disconnect or remove a plug or power supply | 拔掉插头;断开电源 |
2 | underachieve | /ˌʌndərəˈtʃiːv/ | verb | to perform below expectations or to achieve less than one's potential | 表现不佳;成绩不理想 |
3 | tinkle | /ˈtɪŋkəl/ | verb | to make a light, high-pitched, tinkling sound, like a bell or small bells | 叮当作响;发出铃铛声 |
4 | backwards | /ˈbækwərdz/ | adverb | in the direction opposite to the usual or forward direction | 向后;倒退地 |
5 | short-circuit | /ˌʃɔːrtˈsɜːrkɪt/ | verb | to cause an electrical circuit to become complete or closed prematurely, causing a flow of current | 短路;电路短路 |
6 | carcase | /ˈkɑːrkeɪs/ | noun | the dead body of an animal, especially a large one | 尸体;动物的尸体 |
7 | fireside | /ˈfaɪrsaɪd/ | noun | the area near a fire or fireplace | 炉边;壁炉旁 |
8 | sledge | /sledʒ/ | noun | a vehicle typically used on snow or ice, with runners or metal blades instead of wheels | 雪橇;雪橇车 |
9 | sauna | /ˈsɔːnə/ | noun | a room or small building designed to provide dry heat, often used for relaxation and cleansing the body | 桑拿;蒸汽浴 |
10 | starry | /ˈstɑːri/ | adjective | full of stars; characterized by stars shining in the sky | 星光璀璨的;布满星星的 |
11 | underworld | /ˈʌndərwɜːrld/ | noun | a hidden or secret world, especially one of crime or illegal activities | 下层社会;地下世界 |
12 | willpower | /ˈwɪlpaʊər/ | noun | the ability to control one's impulses and emotions to achieve a goal | 意志力;毅力 |
13 | arrow | /ˈæroʊ/ | noun | a thin, pointed shaft with a sharp tip, shot from a bow | 箭;箭状物 |
14 | underclass | /ˈʌndərklæs/ | noun | a social group below the working class, often experiencing poverty and deprivation | 贫困阶层;下层社会 |
15 | sorghum | /ˈsɔːrɡəm/ | noun | a cereal grass that is grown for its grain, used as food for humans and livestock | 高粱;高粱谷 |
Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled in the starry
[10] countryside, there was a mysterious sauna
[9] hidden deep within the heart of the underworld
[11]. Legend spoke of an ancient arrow
[13], which, when possessed by a chosen hero, could make even the strongest adversaries underachieve
[2] in their endeavors.
The village was home to a young and curious lad named Tim. Tim was often drawn to the soothing tinkle
[3] of the distant sledge
[8], which was used by the locals to transport goods. While the village bustled with life, Tim felt a sense of being held backwards
[4], yearning for something greater beyond the familiar surroundings.
One fateful day, as Tim wandered near the outskirts of the village, he stumbled upon the concealed entrance to the legendary sauna
[9]. As he approached, he felt an inexplicable urge to unplug
[1] from his doubts and explore the secrets that lay within. With a deep breath, Tim stepped inside the ancient structure, his heart pounding in anticipation.
Inside the sauna
[9], Tim encountered the spirit of an old sage who had guarded the place for centuries. The sage spoke of the willpower
[12] required to harness the full potential of the enchanted arrow
[13]. He warned Tim of the trials he must face to prove himself worthy of such immense power.
Determined to overcome these trials and break free from the constraints of the underclass
[14], Tim embarked on a transformative journey. Each challenge tested his resolve, demanding he resist the temptation to take a short-circuit
[5] route. Along the way, he discovered a sense of belonging and warmth by the fireside
[7] of the sauna.
As days turned into weeks, Tim's perseverance paid off. The sage acknowledged his growth and bestowed upon him the fabled arrow
[13], intricately carved from the grain of sorghum
[15]. Tim could feel the magic coursing through him, ready to be unleashed for the betterment of his world.
With newfound confidence and wisdom, Tim returned to his village, holding the arrow
[13] with pride. He vowed to utilize its power responsibly, to bring prosperity and fairness
to all. Tim's journey from a young, uncertain boy to a formidable hero exemplified the essence of courage and the rewards it could yield.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
stateroom, thriller, Buddhist, franc, outwards,
Arabic, Yank, warhead, tarmac, tangerine,
toffee, tsar, self-respect, tipper, soya bean
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | stateroom | /ˈsteɪtˌrum/ | noun | a private cabin or compartment on a ship, train, or other means of transportation, often reserved for passengers of a higher class | 客舱;包房 |
2 | thriller | /ˈθrɪlər/ | noun | a book, film, or play that has an exciting or suspenseful plot, often involving crime, mystery, or espionage | 惊险小说(电影、戏剧) |
3 | Buddhist | /ˈbʊdɪst/ | noun | a person who follows Buddhism, a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) | 佛教徒 |
4 | franc | /fræŋk/ | noun | the former basic monetary unit of several countries, including France, Belgium, and Switzerland; it is also used as the name of various currencies in some African countries | 法郎 |
5 | outwards | /ˈaʊtwərdz/ | adverb | toward the outside or away from the center; in an outward direction | 向外;向外部 |
6 | Arabic | /ˈærəbɪk/ | noun | the Semitic language spoken by Arabs, written in an alphabet script from right to left | 阿拉伯语 |
7 | Yank | /jæŋk/ | noun | informal term for an American person, especially one from the Northern United States | 美国人;美国佬 |
8 | warhead | /ˈwɔrˌhɛd/ | noun | the explosive part of a missile, rocket, or torpedo that is designed to detonate upon impact or in proximity to a target | 弹头;战斗部 |
9 | tarmac | /ˈtɑrmæk/ | noun | a hard, smooth surface of asphalt or concrete on a road, runway, or other paved area | 柏油路面;停机坪 |
10 | tangerine | /ˈtændʒəˌrin/ | noun | a small, sweet citrus fruit similar to an orange but with a thinner, loose peel that is easy to remove | 柑橘;橘子 |
11 | toffee | /ˈtɔfi/ | noun | a type of hard candy made from sugar and butter, often flavored with nuts or other ingredients | 太妃糖 |
12 | tsar | /zɑr/ | noun | a title used for an emperor or king in some Slavic and Eastern European countries, especially in Russia before 1917 | 沙皇;皇帝 |
13 | self-respect | /sɛlf rɪˈspɛkt/ | noun | a feeling of pride and confidence in oneself; a sense of one's own worth and dignity | 自尊;自重 |
14 | tipper | /ˈtɪpər/ | noun | a vehicle or machine with a tipping container or platform used for transporting and unloading bulk materials, such as gravel or waste | 自卸车 |
15 | soya bean | /ˈsɔɪə ˈbin/ | noun | another term for soybean, a leguminous plant native to East Asia, grown for its edible beans used in various food products | 大豆;黄豆 |
In a luxurious cruise ship, a grand stateroom
[1] was reserved for Mr. Johnson, a renowned writer of thriller
[2] mysteries. Despite being a Buddhist
[3], he always carried a bag of franc
[4] coins to tip the hardworking crew members.
As the ship sailed outwards
[5] to the vast ocean, Mr. Johnson had a chance encounter with Captain Ahmed, an Arabic
[6] seafarer with a captivating story of his own. The Captain shared tales of his adventures across the Seven Seas, from encounters with daring Yank
[7] sailors to defusing live warhead
[8] bombs on the tarmac
[9] of foreign airports.
During one sunset, they sat together, peeling tangerine
[10] and relishing the sweetness of toffee
[11] while discussing the responsibilities of being a leader. Captain Ahmed spoke of the challenges faced by a tsar
[12], while Mr. Johnson shared his thoughts on the importance of self-respect
[13] and how he used his writing as a tipper
[14] for readers' minds.
As the days passed, they discovered a shared love for soya bean
[15] recipes, and they exchanged their favorite dishes. In this unexpected friendship, they found solace, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of each other's cultures and values.
Their journey became a tale of unity and diversity, where words transcended boundaries, and human connections were woven like a tapestry of unique experiences. The stateroom
[1] that initially represented luxury now symbolized the richness of bonds formed between individuals from diverse backgrounds.
And so, as the ship continued its voyage, it carried with it not just passengers but the essence of this remarkable encounter, proving that even in the vast expanse of the ocean, meaningful connections could be made, cherished, and remembered forever.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
adapter, whereabouts, rye, karate, entrepot,
embarrassing, spinster, seatbelt, fatten, skylight,
cyclist, sleigh, strangle, nightclub, settee
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | adapter | /əˈdæptər/ | noun | a device or piece of equipment that allows different systems or devices to be connected or used together | 适配器;转接器 |
2 | whereabouts | /ˈwɛrəˌbaʊts/ | noun | the location or position of someone or something; the place where someone or something is | 行踪;下落 |
3 | rye | /raɪ/ | noun | a type of cereal plant that produces grains used for making flour, bread, and whiskey | 黑麦 |
4 | karate | /kəˈrɑːti/ | noun | a Japanese martial art that focuses on striking techniques using punches, kicks, knee strikes, and elbow strikes | 空手道 |
5 | entrepot | /ˈɑːntrəˌpoʊ/ | noun | a port, city, or warehouse where goods are received and stored for distribution; a trading center | 转口贸易港;集散地 |
6 | embarrassing | /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ | adjective | causing feelings of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness; uncomfortable or distressing | 尴尬的;令人难堪的 |
7 | spinster | /ˈspɪnstər/ | noun | an old-fashioned term used to refer to an unmarried woman, typically one who is beyond the usual age of marriage | 老处女;未婚女子 |
8 | seatbelt | /ˈsiːtbɛlt/ | noun | a safety belt or harness worn in a vehicle to secure and protect occupants in case of a sudden stop or accident | 安全带 |
9 | fatten | /ˈfætn/ | verb | to make someone or something fat or plump by feeding or adding weight | 使发胖;喂肥 |
10 | skylight | /ˈskaɪˌlaɪt/ | noun | a window or opening in a roof or ceiling that allows natural light to enter a building | 天窗;顶窗 |
11 | cyclist | /ˈsaɪklɪst/ | noun | a person who rides a bicycle | 骑自行车的人 |
12 | sleigh | /sleɪ/ | noun | a vehicle typically used for travel over snow or ice, usually pulled by horses or reindeer | 雪橇 |
13 | strangle | /ˈstræŋɡl/ | verb | to choke or suffocate someone by squeezing their neck tightly; to suppress, stifle, or inhibit something | 勒死;扼杀;抑制 |
14 | nightclub | /ˈnaɪtˌklʌb/ | noun | an establishment or venue where people gather in the evening to socialize, dance, and often enjoy live music or entertainment | 夜总会;俱乐部 |
15 | settee | /sɛˈtiː/ | noun | a long upholstered seat with a back and arms, typically for two or more people; a small sofa or couch | 长靠背软椅;小沙发 |
In a small town, there was an adapter
[1] shop owned by Mr. Smith. He had no idea about the whereabouts
[2] of his old friend, who had moved away years ago.
One day, while strolling through the countryside, he saw vast fields of golden rye
[3] swaying gracefully in the wind. He passed by a dojo where young kids were learning karate
[4] from a skilled sensei.
Mr. Smith continued his journey, and after a long walk, he reached a busy entrepot
[5]. There, he witnessed an embarrassing
[6] moment when a delivery person stumbled and dropped a crate of fragile goods.
He moved on to the neighboring village, known for its tradition of matchmaking. At a local fair, he met an elderly spinster
[7] who shared her wisdom about love and relationships.
On the way back, he fastened his seatbelt
[8] while riding a sleigh
[12] during the winter season. The snow-covered landscape looked picturesque beneath the skylight
[10] of stars.
As he returned home, he noticed a cyclist
[11] struggling to fix a flat tire by the side of the road. Mr. Smith offered a helping hand and invited the cyclist to his cozy home.
Once inside, the cyclist was amazed by the unique collection of antiques displayed on the settee
[15]. They shared stories late into the night, and Mr. Smith offered to fatten
[9] up his guest with a delicious homemade meal.
With their bellies full and hearts warmed, they gazed at the beautiful view of the nearby nightclub
[14] bustling with people. Mr. Smith realized that even in his small corner of the world, there was always something exciting to discover.
The strangle
[13] of time could never diminish the joy of new experiences and meaningful connections. From that day forward, Mr. Smith cherished every moment and eagerly awaited the next adventure life had in store for him.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
lemonade, nobleman, vet, bookmark, trademark
wick, racecourse, foreleg, shotgun, unethical,
owing, athletic, druggist, secondhand, amiss
ndex | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | lemonade | /ˌlɛməˈneɪd/ | noun | a sweet and tart beverage made from lemon juice, water, and sugar | 柠檬水 |
2 | nobleman | /ˈnoʊblˌmæn/ | noun | a man of high rank or social status, often with a title such as a duke, earl, or baron | 贵族;贵族男子 |
3 | vet | /vɛt/ | noun | short for "veterinarian," a person who is trained and qualified to treat and care for animals, especially pets and livestock | 兽医 |
4 | bookmark | /ˈbʊkˌmɑrk/ | noun | a strip of paper, cardboard, or other material used to mark a place in a book so that it can be easily found again | 书签 |
5 | trademark | /ˈtreɪdˌmɑrk/ | noun | a distinctive symbol, design, word, or phrase used to identify and distinguish products or services of a particular brand or company | 商标 |
6 | wick | /wɪk/ | noun | a piece of cord or material in a candle or lamp that is lit to provide a flame for illumination | 蜡烛芯;灯芯 |
7 | racecourse | /ˈreɪsˌkɔrs/ | noun | a track or course where races, especially horse races, are held | 赛马场;赛车场 |
8 | foreleg | /ˈfɔrˌlɛɡ/ | noun | the front leg of a four-legged animal, such as a horse or dog | 前腿 |
9 | shotgun | /ˈʃɑtˌɡʌn/ | noun | a type of firearm that is fired from the shoulder and shoots a spread of pellets, making it effective for hunting birds and small game at close range | 猎枪 |
10 | unethical | /ʌnˈɛθɪkəl/ | adj | not conforming to accepted moral principles; not morally right or proper | 不道德的 |
11 | owing | /ˈoʊɪŋ/ | adjective | currently due or payable, typically referring to money that is owed | 应付的;欠款的 |
12 | athletic | /æθˈlɛtɪk/ | adjective | relating to or characteristic of athletes or sports activities; physically strong, fit, and active | 运动的;体育的;强壮的 |
13 | druggist | /ˈdrʌɡɪst/ | noun | an old-fashioned term for a pharmacist or person who prepares and sells drugs and medications | 药剂师;药店店主 |
14 | secondhand | /ˈsɛkəndˌhænd/ | adjective | previously owned or used by someone else; not new | 二手的 |
15 | amiss | /əˈmɪs/ | adjective | not quite right; out of place; incorrect | 出差错的;不对劲的 |
In a small and fairytale-like town, a young girl named Alice lived with her father, a kind-hearted nobleman[2]
. He had a peculiar hobby of collecting old books, and he cherished an ancient veterinary[3]
manuscript, which he had carefully bookmarked[4]
One day, while exploring the attic, Alice discovered a mysterious bottle filled with sparkling liquid. The label read "Magical lemonade[1]
." Curious and adventurous, she took a sip and felt an instant surge of energy.
Alice decided to participate in the local racecourse[7]
competition, where she encountered hurdles and a tricky wick[6]
she had to handle carefully. With her newfound athletic[12]
abilities, she impressed everyone by finishing the racecourse[7]
Word of her victory spread, catching the attention of a cunning and unethical[10]
businessman named Mr. Greedmore. He was infamous for infringing on others' trademarks[5]
and employing dishonest tactics to amass wealth. Greedmore set his sights on Alice's magical lemonade[1]
, believing it could bring him immense profits.
Approaching Alice's father, Mr. Greedmore proposed a deal - he would sponsor Alice in various athletic[12]
events in exchange for access to the magical lemonade[1]
. Unaware of Greedmore's true intentions, Alice's father agreed, thinking it would benefit his daughter's owing[11]
Thankfully, Alice's loyal foreleg[8]
, a talking parrot named Polly, overheard Greedmore's plans and warned her. Determined to outsmart Greedmore, Alice challenged him to a friendly shooting competition, using an antique shotgun[9]
as the prize, along with her father's druggist[13]
knowledge and the magical lemonade[1]
With her exceptional shooting skills and her father's secondhand[14]
advice, Alice won the competition, and Greedmore learned a valuable lesson about honesty and fair play, realizing the amiss[15]
nature of his previous actions.
In the end, Alice and her father continued to live a content life, cherishing the magical lemonade[1]
and the lessons they learned. Their story of adventure, courage, and moral values became a timeless legend in the town, inspiring generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
gothic, hardness, bowling, works, ostrich,
headwind, schoolmaster, duckling, baggy, Mexican,
pony, aged, pram, extracurricular, mileometer
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | gothic | /ˈɡɒθɪk/ | adj | relating to the Goths, a Germanic people, or their architectural style characterized by pointed arches and ribbed vaults; can also refer to a literary style characterized by a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere | 哥特式的;哥特风格的 |
2 | hardness | /ˈhɑːrdnəs/ | noun | the quality or state of being hard; the ability to withstand pressure, wear, or abrasion | 硬度 |
3 | bowling | /ˈboʊlɪŋ/ | noun | a sport or recreational activity in which players roll a heavy ball down a lane to knock down pins arranged in a triangular formation | 保龄球 |
4 | works | /wɜːrks/ | noun | a place where industrial or manufacturing processes are carried out; can also refer to a literary or musical creation | 工厂;作品 |
5 | ostrich | /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/ | noun | a large flightless bird native to Africa, known for its long neck, long legs, and ability to run at high speeds | 鸵鸟 |
6 | headwind | /ˈhɛdwɪnd/ | noun | a wind that blows directly against the direction of travel, creating resistance and making it more challenging to move forward | 逆风 |
7 | schoolmaster | /ˈskuːlˌmæstər/ | noun | a male teacher, especially one in charge of a school or a class of students | 校长;男教师 |
8 | duckling | /ˈdʌklɪŋ/ | noun | a young duck | 小鸭;幼鸭 |
9 | baggy | /ˈbæɡi/ | adj | loose-fitting and sagging, often used to describe clothing that is too large for the wearer | 宽松的;松垮垮的 |
10 | Mexican | /ˈmɛksɪkən/ | noun | a person from Mexico or of Mexican descent | 墨西哥人;墨西哥的 |
11 | pony | /ˈpoʊni/ | noun | a small horse, especially one that is below 14.2 hands in height; can also refer to a small and compact version of something | 小马;小型的东西 |
12 | aged | /ˈeɪdʒd/ | adj | having reached old age; often used to describe a person who is elderly | 年老的;年龄大的 |
13 | pram | /præm/ | noun | a baby carriage or stroller, typically with a collapsible hood to protect the baby from the sun | 婴儿车;婴儿推车 |
14 | extracurricular | /ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlər/ | adj | referring to activities, clubs, or programs that take place outside of the regular academic curriculum of a school | 课外的;课外活动的 |
15 | mileometer | /maɪˈlɒmɪtər/ | noun | an instrument or device that measures and indicates the distance traveled in miles | 英里计;英里计数器 |
In a mysterious and ancient village lived a gothic
[1] castle, surrounded by an air of eerie hardness
[2]. The villagers often engaged in traditional activities such as bowling
[3], which held a special significance in their culture.
Within the village, there was a peculiar inventor named Victor, who spent his days and nights in his small workshop, tinkering with strange works
[4]. He once claimed to have seen a giant ostrich
[5] flying against the powerful headwind
[6] that swept through the village.
The local schoolmaster
[7] was known for his odd fascination with raising ducklings
[8]. He believed that they held the secret to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
One day, a traveler arrived in the village, dressed in baggy
[9] clothes with a sombrero, clearly a Mexican
[10] in origin. He rode a magnificent pony
[11] and carried a cane that seemed to have been aged
[12] through centuries. The villagers were in awe of his presence, for they rarely had outsiders visit their secluded home.
The traveler brought news of a grand event taking place in a neighboring town—a lively pram
[13] race that featured thrilling extracurricular
[14] activities. He invited the villagers to join in the festivities and witness the spectacle.
Excited by the prospect of adventure, the villagers prepared for the journey. Victor fine-tuned his latest mileometer
[15] invention to measure the distance they would travel. They set off together, leaving their gothic village behind.
As they ventured into the unknown, the villagers encountered various challenges and mysteries, but they faced them with bravery and determination. Throughout their journey, they learned the value of unity and the beauty of exploring the world beyond their comfort zone.
And so, the villagers returned home, forever changed by their extraordinary expedition. They realized that life was full of hardness
[2] and wonder, and they vowed to embrace every ostrich
[5] of opportunity that came their way, forever cherishing the memories of their unforgettable adventure.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
almighty, sneak, overweight, satin, crate,
disinfectant, dry-cleaner, rheumatism, honeymoon, semi-skilled,
hairpin, sulky, flowchart, drummer, horsehair
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | almighty | /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ | adj | having unlimited power; all-powerful | 全能的;万能的 |
2 | sneak | /sniːk/ | verb | to move quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed | 潜行;偷偷摸摸地走 |
3 | overweight | /ˌoʊvərˈweɪt/ | adj | heavier than the standard weight range for a particular height and build | 超重的;过重的 |
4 | satin | /ˈsætɪn/ | noun | a smooth, glossy fabric, typically woven from silk or synthetic fibers, and often used for luxurious clothing | 缎子;绸缎 |
5 | crate | /kreɪt/ | noun | a rugged box or container, typically made of wood, used for packing, storing, or transporting goods | 板条箱;包装箱 |
6 | disinfectant | /ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛktənt/ | noun | a chemical substance that is used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on surfaces or objects | 消毒剂 |
7 | dry-cleaner | /ˈdraɪ ˌkliːnər/ | noun | a business or establishment that professionally cleans clothes and fabrics using a chemical solvent rather than water | 干洗店 |
8 | rheumatism | /ˈruːməˌtɪzəm/ | noun | a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissues, often caused by various forms of arthritis | 风湿病 |
9 | honeymoon | /ˈhʌnimuːn/ | noun | a vacation or trip taken by a newly married couple to celebrate their marriage and spend time together | 蜜月 |
10 | semi-skilled | /ˌsɛmɪ ˈskɪld/ | adj | having some level of skill or training, but not highly skilled | 半熟练的 |
11 | hairpin | /ˈhɛrˌpɪn/ | noun | a thin piece of metal or other material bent into the shape of a pin used to hold hair in place | 发夹;发簪 |
12 | sulky | /ˈsʌlki/ | adj | moody, silent, or bad-tempered, especially in a childish or petulant way | 生气的;愠怒的 |
13 | flowchart | /ˈfloʊˌtʃɑrt/ | noun | a diagram that uses symbols and arrows to represent a process or system, often used to visualize and understand complex workflows | 流程图 |
14 | drummer | /ˈdrʌmər/ | noun | a musician who plays the drums, typically in a band or musical group | 鼓手 |
15 | horsehair | /ˈhɔːrsˌhɛr/ | noun | hair from the mane or tail of a horse, often used in the making of upholstery and brushes | 马毛;马尾毛 |
Once upon a time in a kingdom ruled by an almighty
[1] king, there was a mischievous sneak
[2] named Jack. Despite being overweight
[3], he could move as silently as satin
[4] sliding on polished marble floors.
One day, Jack discovered a mysterious crate
[5] hidden deep within the castle's secret chamber. Inside the crate, he found a powerful disinfectant
[6] that could cure any illness, even the dreaded rheumatism
[8] that plagued the elderly in the kingdom.
With the disinfectant in his possession, Jack embarked on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encountered a peculiar dry-cleaner
[7] who offered to launder Jack's clothes. However, Jack declined, fearing the dry-cleaner might steal his precious find.
During his travels, Jack stumbled upon a remote village where a young couple was celebrating their honeymoon
[9]. They welcomed Jack with open arms and shared their joyous feast. In return, Jack shared a bit of the miraculous disinfectant, and the villagers rejoiced.
As Jack continued his journey, he encountered a group of semi-skilled
[10] workers struggling with a broken wagon. With a drop of the disinfectant, Jack miraculously mended the wagon, earning the admiration and gratitude of the workers.
One evening, while resting by a riverbank, Jack noticed a beautiful hairpin
[11] floating in the water. He fished it out and decided to keep it as a memento of his adventures.
Eventually, Jack arrived at the kingdom's capital, where a sulky
[12] magistrate had been causing trouble for the townspeople. Using the power of the disinfectant, Jack managed to create a clever flowchart
[13] that exposed the magistrate's deceitful schemes, leading to his swift removal from power.
News of Jack's deeds spread, and he became known as the drummer
[14] of justice, bringing hope and fairness to the kingdom. Even the king himself heard of Jack's bravery and invited him to the palace.
Upon meeting Jack, the king was impressed by his selflessness and noble heart. He recognized the true potential that lay within Jack, beyond his reputation as a sneak
[2]. The king appointed Jack as the royal adviser, and Jack's horsehair
[15] quill became his symbol of wisdom and counsel.
From that day forward, Jack served the kingdom with wisdom and integrity, using the power of the disinfectant to heal and protect his fellow citizens. The once mischievous sneak
[2] had transformed into a respected and honorable figure, all thanks to the magical gift he had found in the hidden crate
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
cuff, sneeze, staunch, cash, cooler,
compassion, ketchup, crag, prawn, showcase,
bin, epoch-making, lecturer, margarine, italics
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | cuff | /kʌf/ | noun/verb | A fold or band at the end of a sleeve. | 袖口;手铐 |
2 | sneeze | /sniːz/ | verb/noun | To make a sudden, involuntary exhalation through the nose. | 打喷嚏;喷嚏 |
3 | staunch | /stɔːntʃ/ | adjective/verb | Loyal, strong, and committed. | 坚定的;忠诚的;阻止 |
4 | cash | /kæʃ/ | noun/verb | Money in the form of coins or banknotes. | 现金;付款;兑现 |
5 | cooler | /ˈkuːlər/ | noun | A container or device used to keep things cool. | 冷却器;冷藏柜 |
6 | compassion | /kəmˈpæʃən/ | noun | Sympathetic concern for the suffering of others. | 同情;怜悯 |
7 | ketchup | /ˈketʃəp/ | noun | A thick, tangy sauce made from tomatoes, vinegar, and spices. | 番茄酱;番茄膏 |
8 | crag | /kræɡ/ | noun | A steep or rugged cliff or rock face. | 峭壁;悬崖 |
9 | prawn | /prɔːn/ | noun | A large shrimp or similar crustacean. | 大虾;明虾 |
10 | showcase | /ˈʃoʊkeɪs/ | noun/verb | A glass case used to display objects in a store or exhibition. | 展示柜;橱窗 |
11 | bin | /bɪn/ | noun | A container for storing things. | 垃圾箱;容器 |
12 | epoch-making | /ˈiːpɒk ˌmeɪkɪŋ/ | adjective | Having a highly significant and transformative impact. | 划时代的;具有重大意义的 |
13 | lecturer | /ˈlektʃərər/ | noun | A person who gives lectures, especially in a university. | 讲师;演讲者 |
14 | margarine | /ˈmɑːrdʒərɪn/ | noun | A butter substitute made from vegetable oils. | 人造黄油;人造奶油 |
15 | italics | /ɪˈtælɪks/ | noun | A style of typeface with slanted letters. | 斜体字 |
In a quaint little town nestled between a crag
[8] and a serene showcase
[10], there lived a lecturer
[13] named Professor Alexander. He was known for his compassion
[6] towards his students and his staunch
[3] belief in nurturing their minds.
One bright morning, as the sun cast its golden rays over the town, Professor Alexander decided to take a leisurely stroll down the cobblestone streets. He carried a small bin
[11] to pick up any litter he might come across, for cleanliness was a virtue he held dear.
As he walked, he noticed a young boy with a cooler
[5] selling freshly caught prawns
[9] by the river. The boy's bright smile caught the professor's attention, and he stopped to chat with the lad. The boy shared his dreams of becoming a successful businessman, and Professor Alexander listened with genuine interest.
Feeling inspired by the boy's enthusiasm, the professor decided to support him by purchasing some prawns
[9]. He reached into his pocket for some cash
[4], but to his surprise, he found only an empty wallet. With an apologetic smile, he explained the situation to the boy.
Just as Professor Alexander was about to leave, he felt an abrupt sneeze
[2] coming on. He hurriedly covered his nose with the sleeve of his cuff
[1], trying to suppress the sneeze. The young boy chuckled at the professor's antics, offering him a bottle of ketchup
[7] to cure the sneezing spell.
Grateful for the boy's kindness, the professor declined the ketchup but praised the young entrepreneur's quick thinking. As they continued to chat, the boy handed the professor a slice of bread, generously smeared with margarine
[14], from his cooler.
"I noticed you haven't eaten anything yet," the boy said with a warm smile. "Please have this."
Touched by the boy's thoughtfulness, Professor Alexander accepted the simple yet heartfelt meal. They sat together by the riverbank, enjoying the prawns
[9] and the delicious margarine
-spread bread. Amidst the chatter and laughter, an unbreakable bond formed between the two.
From that day on, Professor Alexander became a regular customer at the young boy's prawn
[9] stall, and they formed an unexpected friendship. The professor mentored the boy, guiding him on his journey to success. In return, the boy taught the professor how to appreciate the simple joys of life, like sharing a delicious meal by the riverbank.
As the years passed, the boy's showcase
[10] of achievements grew, and he credited his success to the compassion
[6] and encouragement of his beloved mentor. Their story became an italics
[15] in the town's history, a tale of how a small act of kindness and a pinch of determination could change lives for the better.
And so, in this little town, the legend of Professor Alexander and the prawn
[9] seller boy, their shared margarine
[14]-spread bread, continues to be a timeless tale of inspiration, reminding everyone that even the smallest acts of goodness can create ripples of positive change.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
ditch, dual, radial, graphics, slap,
storage, suppression, grill, velvet, bodyguard,
marked, simile, grenade, mosquito, tramp
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | ditch | /dɪtʃ/ | noun | A narrow channel dug into the ground to carry water. | 水沟;渠道 |
2 | dual | /ˈduːəl/ | adjective | Involving or consisting of two parts or elements. | 双重的;双的 |
3 | radial | /ˈreɪdiəl/ | adjective | Arranged like rays or lines that radiate from a center. | 放射状的;径向的 |
4 | graphics | /ˈɡræfɪks/ | noun | Visual images or designs displayed on a screen or paper. | 图像;图表;制图 |
5 | slap | /slæp/ | verb | To strike someone or something with the palm of the hand. | 掴;拍击 |
6 | storage | /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/ | noun | The action or method of storing something. | 存储;仓储 |
7 | suppression | /səˈpreʃən/ | noun | The act of suppressing or restraining something. | 镇压;抑制 |
8 | grill | /ɡrɪl/ | noun/verb | A metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire. | 烧烤架;烤炉;烤烧 |
9 | velvet | /ˈvelvɪt/ | noun | A type of fabric with a soft and smooth surface. | 天鹅绒 |
10 | bodyguard | /ˈbɒdiɡɑːrd/ | noun | A person or group that protects someone from harm. | 保镖;护卫 |
11 | marked | /mɑːrkt/ | adjective | Clearly noticeable or evident. | 显著的;明显的 |
12 | simile | /ˈsɪməli/ | noun | A figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as". | 明喻;直喻 |
13 | grenade | /ɡrəˈneɪd/ | noun | A small explosive device that is thrown by hand. | 手榴弹;手雷 |
14 | mosquito | /məˈskiːtəʊ/ | noun | A small flying insect that bites humans and animals. | 蚊子;蚊虫 |
15 | tramp | /træmp/ | noun/verb | A person who travels from place to place on foot, often with no permanent home. | 流浪者;跋涉;步行 |
In a distant land, there existed a peculiar village surrounded by a massive ditch
[1]. The villagers lived a simple life, divided between two groups - the dual
[2] tribe and the radial
[3] tribe. Each tribe had unique customs, and their differences often led to lively debates.
The graphics
[4] in the village were extraordinary. They were known for their exceptional ability to create stunning artwork that left visitors in awe. One day, a talented artist decided to paint a magnificent slap
[5] of colors on the walls, depicting the harmony between the two tribes.
Deep within the heart of the village, there stood an ancient storage
[6] house that held mysterious artifacts from the past. Legend had it that this place had the power of suppression
[7], capable of calming the fiercest storms and conflicts.
Near the central square, a mouthwatering aroma emanated from a sizzling grill
[8] where a skilled chef prepared the most delectable dishes. Among them, the crowd's favorite was the juicy and tender velvet
[9] steak, a true culinary masterpiece.
The bodyguard
[10] of the village was a formidable warrior who protected the inhabitants from any external threats. His prowess was unmatched, and even the bravest admired his courage.
As dusk fell, the village echoed with laughter and joy, as the villagers gathered around a bonfire, sharing stories and marked
[11] experiences of their ancestors. They took pride in their heritage and treasured their roots.
Within this village, words were often spoken with creative eloquence, using poetic devices like metaphor and simile
[12]. One villager likened the blossoming of a flower to a tiny grenade
[13] exploding into a beautiful display of colors.
But not all was peaceful in this idyllic village. The warm nights also attracted pesky mosquito
[14] swarms, causing the villagers to engage in a constant battle to protect themselves from the little pests.
In the outskirts of the village, there lived a mysterious wanderer, a tramp
[15] who roamed from place to place, sharing intriguing tales of the outside world. Though some saw him as an outcast, others regarded him as a source of knowledge and wisdom.
As the days turned into months, the village continued to thrive, embracing the uniqueness of each word and celebrating their differences. For in this extraordinary village, words held the power to shape narratives and foster understanding among its diverse inhabitants. And so, the tale of the village with its ditch
[1], dual
[2], radial
[3], and other fascinating words continued to be told for generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
awe, misunderstand, gut, kidnapper, sponsor,
desperately, ladybird, milestone, Persian, optical,
bookcase, boot, correction, minefield, pop
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | awe | /ɔː/ | noun, verb | a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder; to inspire or fill with awe | 敬畏;惊叹;使敬畏 |
2 | misunderstand | /ˌmɪsʌndərˈstænd/ | verb | to fail to understand someone or something correctly; to interpret incorrectly | 误解;误会 |
3 | gut | /ɡʌt/ | noun, verb | the digestive tract or intestines; to remove the guts or internal organs from something | 肠;内脏;取出内脏 |
4 | kidnapper | /ˈkɪdnæpər/ | noun | a person who abducts or captures someone, usually for ransom | 绑架者;拐骗者 |
5 | sponsor | /ˈspɒnsər/ | noun, verb | a person or organization that provides financial support or takes responsibility for something; to support or fund something | 赞助商;资助;发起者 |
6 | desperately | /ˈdɛspərətli/ | adverb | in a way that shows despair or extreme need; with great urgency or intensity | 绝望地;拼命地;非常 |
7 | ladybird | /ˈleɪdibɜːrd/ | noun | a small beetle with a domed back and typically red or orange coloration, often considered lucky | 瓢虫 |
8 | milestone | /ˈmaɪlstoʊn/ | noun | a significant event or stage in the development or progress of something; a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place | 里程碑;重要阶段 |
9 | Persian | /ˈpɜːrʒən/ | adjective, noun | relating to Persia (Iran) or its people, language, or culture | 波斯的;波斯人;波斯语 |
10 | optical | /ˈɒptɪkl/ | adjective | relating to sight, especially the sense of vision; of or relating to optics or optical instruments | 光学的;视觉的 |
11 | bookcase | /ˈbʊkkeɪs/ | noun | a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books | 书架 |
12 | boot | /buːt/ | noun | a type of footwear that covers the foot and ankle, typically made of leather or rubber | 靴子 |
13 | correction | /kəˈrɛkʃən/ | noun | the action or process of correcting something; a change made to rectify an error | 纠正;修改;更正 |
14 | minefield | /ˈmaɪnfiːld/ | noun | an area or situation fraught with potential dangers or difficulties | 雷区;有潜在危险的场所 |
15 | pop | /pɒp/ | noun, verb | a sudden, explosive sound; to make a short, sharp sound like a small explosion | 啪的一声;发出爆破声 |
In a small, quaint village, young Emma had a unique sense of awe
[1]. She saw wonder and magic in everything around her, from the tiniest ladybird
[7] to the vast night sky.
One day, Emma encountered a puzzling situation. There was a misunderstanding
[2] between her best friends, Jack and Lily. Determined to help them, she decided to unravel the mystery.
She went to Jack first, who seemed to have a knot in his gut
[3] about the whole matter. With patience and kindness, Emma listened to his feelings, and together, they found a way to clear up the misunderstanding
Next, she approached Lily and discovered that a kidnapper
[4] of joy had stolen Lily's favorite art book. Emma immediately offered to be the sponsor
[5] of a new book, which brought back a smile to Lily's face.
Emma was known as the village's problem-solver. Whenever someone was in need, she would rush to their aid desperately
[6]. The villagers adored her and considered her a milestone
[8] of unity and compassion.
One sunny afternoon, while Emma was reading about ancient Persian
[9] legends, she received an urgent request. The village's optical
[10] lenses, necessary for their astronomy studies, had been damaged in a playful accident. The bookcase
[11] they were stored in had fallen due to an unstable boot
[12]. Emma was determined to find a solution to this predicament.
She gathered the village children to help her with the correction
[13]. They formed a human chain, passing precious lenses safely to one another, carefully navigating the minefield
[14] of scattered books and materials.
The news of Emma's efforts spread like pop
[15]corn popping in excitement. The villagers praised her resourcefulness, and they all pitched in to restore the bookcase
[11] and create a safer storage space.
From that day on, Emma's legend grew. She became a symbol of unity, problem-solving, and kindness. The village celebrated her birthday every year as a day of community service, where everyone would come together to help others.
And so, Emma's awe
[1]-inspiring journey continued, leaving a trail of happiness wherever she went. Her heartwarming story would be told for generations, reminding everyone that a single act of kindness could create ripples of joy throughout a whole village.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bureau, digit, teem, alligator, assurance,
penguin, mist, gang, marmalade, get-together,
glisten, Mars, liquor, microcomputer, forthcoming
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | bureau | /ˈbjʊroʊ/ | noun | an office or agency, usually dealing with specific administrative functions; a chest of drawers or writing desk | 办公处;局;写字橱 |
2 | digit | /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ | noun | any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially when forming part of a number | 数字;数位 |
3 | teem | /tiːm/ | verb | to be full of or swarming with; to pour heavily or rain heavily | 充满;大量涌现;倾盆大雨 |
4 | alligator | /ˈælɪɡeɪtər/ | noun | a large reptile with a long body, short legs, and a broad snout, native to America and China | 短吻鳄;鳄鱼 |
5 | assurance | /əˈʃʊrəns/ | noun | a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a guarantee or promise | 保证;确保;自信 |
6 | penguin | /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ | noun | a flightless bird found in the Southern Hemisphere, having flipper-like wings and adapted to life in the water | 企鹅 |
7 | mist | /mɪst/ | noun, verb | a cloud of tiny water droplets in the air near the ground; to cover or become covered with mist | 薄雾;使变模糊 |
8 | gang | /ɡæŋ/ | noun | a group of people, especially young people or criminals, who associate closely and often engage in criminal activities | 团伙;一帮;一伙人 |
9 | marmalade | /ˈmɑːrməleɪd/ | noun | a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially oranges, boiled with sugar until it forms a thick, spreadable jam | 果酱;橘子酱 |
10 | get-together | /ˌɡɛt.təˈɡɛð.ɚ/ | noun | a social gathering or informal meeting of people | 聚会;聚会的活动 |
11 | glisten | /ˈɡlɪsən/ | verb | to shine with sparkling light; to reflect light in small, bright flashes | 闪烁;闪耀 |
12 | Mars | /mɑːrz/ | noun | the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system, often referred to as the "Red Planet" | 火星 |
13 | liquor | /ˈlɪkər/ | noun | any alcoholic drink, especially distilled spirits | 酒;烈性酒 |
14 | microcomputer | /ˈmaɪkroʊkəmˌpjuːtər/ | noun | a small computer that uses a microprocessor chip for its central processing unit | 微型计算机 |
15 | forthcoming | /ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ/ | adjective | planned or scheduled to happen in the near future; willing to cooperate or provide information | 即将到来的;乐于合作的 |
In a bustling city, there was a secret bureau
[1] hidden away from the public eye. This bureau
[1] was unlike any other; it housed a powerful supercomputer with a vast digit
[2] database, containing information on everything from the tiniest teem
[3] of insects to the most dangerous alligator
[4] lurking in the wild.
Every day, agents with unwavering assurance
[5] in their skills gathered at the bureau
[1] to embark on thrilling missions. One day, they received an urgent call for help from a colony of adorable penguins
[6] stranded in a dense mist
[7] near the icy shores.
The agents, known as the "Gang"[8], quickly assembled for a daring rescue mission. They packed jars of sweet marmalade
[9], believing its allure would bring the penguins
[6] together for a get-together
[10]. As they set off, the sun began to glisten
[11] on the horizon, reflecting off the vast landscape of Mars
Their journey was arduous, but the agents remained steadfast, fueled by their camaraderie and a splash of celebratory liquor
[13] upon reaching their destination. With the help of their trusty microcomputer
[14], they navigated through the treacherous mist
[7], finally finding the colony of stranded penguins
The penguins
[6] were overjoyed at the sight of their rescuers and the delectable marmalade
[9] treat. With renewed hope, the agents guided the penguins
[6] back to safety, and the get-together
[10] became a symbol of their triumph.
Back at the bureau
[1], they celebrated their successful mission, cherishing the memory of the courageous gang
[8] and their unforgettable adventure. The story of their bravery and resourcefulness spread throughout the city, making them legends in the eyes of all.
As days passed, the bureau
[1] continued to stand as a beacon of hope, always forthcoming
[15] with new challenges for the agents, who were ever ready to face them with determination and unity.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
poisonous, toil, learned, bitterly, virgin,
carpenter, obedient, hyphen, poetess, activist,
racist, tangle, unreasonable, bolt, clang
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | poisonous | /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ | adjective | containing or producing poison that is harmful or deadly when ingested or touched | 有毒的;有害的 |
2 | toil | /tɔɪl/ | noun, verb | hard and continuous work; to work extremely hard or laboriously | 辛苦;努力工作 |
3 | learned | /ˈlɜːrnɪd/ | adjective | having much knowledge acquired through study and experience; scholarly | 有学问的;博学的 |
4 | bitterly | /ˈbɪtərli/ | adverb | in a way that shows strong negative emotions, such as anger, disappointment, or resentment | 苦涩地;悲痛地 |
5 | virgin | /ˈvɜːrdʒɪn/ | noun, adjective | a person who has never had sexual intercourse; untouched, pure, or in a natural state | 处女;未使用过的;纯洁的 |
6 | carpenter | /ˈkɑːrpəntər/ | noun | a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures | 木匠;木工 |
7 | obedient | /oʊˈbiːdiənt/ | adjective | complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive | 顺从的;服从的 |
8 | hyphen | /ˈhaɪfən/ | noun, verb | a punctuation mark (-) used to join words or to divide a word at the end of a line; to connect or separate words using a hyphen | 连字符(短线);用连字符连接或分隔单词 |
9 | poetess | /ˈpoʊɪtəs/ | noun | a female poet | 女诗人 |
10 | activist | /ˈæktɪvɪst/ | noun | a person who campaigns for social or political change and justice | 活动家;积极分子 |
11 | racist | /ˈreɪsɪst/ | noun, adjective | a person who believes in the superiority of one race over others and discriminates against or mistreats people based on their race | 种族主义者;种族主义的 |
12 | tangle | /ˈtæŋɡl/ | noun, verb | a confused mass of something twisted together; to become twisted together or cause something to become twisted together | 纠结;缠结;纠缠 |
13 | unreasonable | /ˌʌnˈriːznəbl/ | adjective | not guided by reason; not fair, sensible, or appropriate | 不合理的;不公正的 |
14 | bolt | /boʊlt/ | noun, verb | a type of metal pin used for fastening objects together; to fasten or secure with a bolt | 螺栓;用螺栓固定 |
15 | clang | /klæŋ/ | noun, verb | a loud, resonant metallic sound; to make a loud, ringing sound like metal hitting metal | 铿锵声;发出铿锵声 |
Once upon a time in a quaint village, there lived a hardworking and poisonous
[1] toad. This toad had toil
[2] day and night, trying to learn the ways of the world. It had heard stories from a wise and learned
[3] owl about the beauty of the outside world, and it yearned to experience it for itself.
One day, the toad came across a group of chatty and bitterly
[4] complaining ants. They had just returned from a journey to the neighboring forest. The toad, being a virgin
[5] traveler, listened eagerly to their tales of adventure. They spoke of the marvelous creations made by the talented carpenter
[6] bees and the obedient
[7] teamwork of the tiny insects.
Intrigued by the story, the toad decided to venture into the forest, despite the potential hyphen
[8] between itself and the other creatures. It believed in its heart that it could become a skilled poetess
[9] of its own fate, proving that even a toad could be an activist
[10] for change.
As the toad explored the forest, it encountered various creatures. Some welcomed its presence with open arms, while others displayed racist
[11] behavior, fearing the unknown. Still, the toad remained determined, tangle
[12] any conflict that arose along its path.
At times, it faced unreasonable
[13] challenges and obstacles that seemed as difficult as a bolt
[14] of lightning. But every time it encountered such difficulties, the toad's spirit would rise, and its determination would clang
[15] like the sound of a resonating bell.
As the seasons changed, the toad became known throughout the forest for its kindness and wisdom. It had grown from a mere poisonous toad into a symbol of hope and unity.
And so, the toad's journey continued, as it embraced the ever-unfolding tale of its life, step by step, word by word, leaving a legacy of courage and resilience for all the creatures in the enchanted forest to cherish and emulate.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
signpost, hectare, bulldozer, thwart, accustom,
smelly, boulevard, persecute, antic, booklet,
phonetic, diagnosis, gramophone, cartoon, source
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | signpost | /ˈsaɪnpəʊst/ | noun | a post with a sign on it, especially at a roadside, to provide information or directions | 路标;指示牌 |
2 | hectare | /ˈhɛktɛər/ | noun | a metric unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters or 2.471 acres | 公顷 |
3 | bulldozer | /ˈbʊldoʊzər/ | noun | a powerful tractor with a large blade at the front, used for moving earth, rocks, or other materials | 推土机;铲车 |
4 | thwart | /θwɔːrt/ | verb, noun | to prevent someone from accomplishing something; a cross-seat in a boat or a canoe | 阻挠;挫败;横板 |
5 | accustom | /əˈkʌstəm/ | verb | to make someone or something familiar with something by frequent exposure | 使习惯;使适应 |
6 | smelly | /ˈsmɛli/ | adjective | having a strong, unpleasant odor; malodorous | 臭的;有臭味的 |
7 | boulevard | /ˈbuːləvɑːrd/ | noun | a wide street in a town or city, often lined with trees | 林荫大道;大街 |
8 | persecute | /ˈpɜːrsɪˌkjuːt/ | verb | to subject someone to hostility or ill-treatment, especially because of their race, religion, or political beliefs | 迫害;虐待 |
9 | antic | /ˈæntɪk/ | noun | a playful or funny act; a ludicrous or extravagant gesture | 滑稽可笑的动作;滑稽表演 |
10 | booklet | /ˈbʊklɪt/ | noun | a small book consisting of a few sheets of paper, typically with information about a specific topic | 小册子;手册 |
11 | phonetic | /fəˈnɛtɪk/ | adjective | related to the sounds used in speech; representing speech sounds with symbols | 语音的;表示语音的 |
12 | diagnosis | /ˌdaɪəɡˈnoʊsɪs/ | noun | the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem through examination of the symptoms | 诊断;判断 |
13 | gramophone | /ˈɡræməfoʊn/ | noun | an early sound-reproducing machine that plays records with a needle and a horn | 留声机;唱机 |
14 | cartoon | /kɑːrˈtuːn/ | noun | a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way; an animated film or television program | 漫画;动画片 |
15 | source | /sɔːrs/ | noun | a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained; a supply of something | 来源;源头 |
Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by vast hectares[2]
of lush farmland, there stood an old signpost[1]
at the crossroads. The villagers had accustom[5]
themselves to its presence, as it became a symbol of guidance for travelers passing through.
One day, a group of outsiders arrived with bulldozers[3]
and a seemingly grand plan to build a modern boulevard[7]
that would connect their city to others. The villagers were divided in their opinions, as some saw it as progress, while others feared it would thwart[4]
their peaceful way of life.
As the construction began, the loud noises and smelly[6]
exhaust fumes from the bulldozers filled the air, causing a fair amount of discontent among the villagers. A few villagers tried to stand up against the project, but they were persecuted[8]
by the outsiders who held the power.
Feeling desperate, the villagers organized an antic[9]
in the form of a colorful booklet[10]
, illustrating the beauty and harmony of their traditional lifestyle. They hoped that by showing the outsiders the phonetic[11]
richness of their language and the depth of their cultural heritage, they could change their minds.
The village healer, known for her expertise in medical diagnosis[12]
, also joined the cause. She emphasized the importance of preserving the community's health in the face of potential disruptions caused by the boulevard's construction.
One night, as the villagers were sharing stories around a gramophone[13]
, they heard a mysterious cartoon[14]
playing on the radio. The cartoon's moral about the importance of preserving the source[15]
of one's identity struck a chord with the villagers.
In the end, the outsiders were moved by the villagers' efforts and the cartoon's message. They decided to modify their plans, redirecting the boulevard away from the heart of the village. The signpost[1]
that once represented the villagers' humble beginnings now became a symbol of their victory in preserving their way of life.
And so, the small village continued to thrive, maintaining its uniqueness amidst the changing world. The power of words, both spoken and unspoken, had triumphed, leaving a legacy that would be remembered for generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
emerald, nausea, ruthless, lawful, aeronautics,
monarchy, mixture, household, eloquence, sly,
czar, anchorwoman, gunpowder, Christian, await
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | emerald | /ˈɛmərəld/ | noun, adjective | a precious stone of rich green color; bright green in color | 翡翠;翠绿色的 |
2 | nausea | /ˈnɔːziə/ | noun | a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit; extreme disgust or repugnance | 恶心;厌恶 |
3 | ruthless | /ˈruːθlɪs/ | adjective | showing no pity or compassion; cruel and merciless | 无情的;残忍的 |
4 | lawful | /ˈlɔːfʊl/ | adjective | in accordance with the law; legal; permitted by law | 合法的;法定的 |
5 | aeronautics | /ˌɛroʊˈnɔːtɪks/ | noun | the science or art of aircraft design, construction, and operation | 航空学;航空术 |
6 | monarchy | /ˈmɒnərki/ | noun | a form of government with a monarch as the head; a state or nation ruled by a monarch | 君主制;君主国 |
7 | mixture | /ˈmɪkstʃər/ | noun | a combination or blend of different elements, substances, or qualities | 混合;混合物 |
8 | household | /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ | noun, adjective | a person or group of people living together in a single residence; relating to a household or the running of a household | 家庭;家庭的;家庭用的 |
9 | eloquence | /ˈɛləkwəns/ | noun | the ability to speak or write fluently and persuasively; persuasive and articulate expression of thoughts or ideas | 雄辩;口才 |
10 | sly | /slaɪ/ | adjective, adverb | having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature; in a cunning or deceitful manner | 狡猾的;偷偷地 |
11 | czar | /zɑːr/ | noun | an emperor of Russia before 1917; a person with great authority or power in a particular area or organization | 沙皇;权威人士 |
12 | anchorwoman | /ˈæŋkərwʊmən/ | noun | a woman who presents or hosts a news program and is responsible for delivering news stories | 女主播;女新闻主持人 |
13 | gunpowder | /ˈɡʌnpaʊdər/ | noun | an explosive substance used in firearms and fireworks; a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate | 火药;黑火药 |
14 | Christian | /ˈkrɪstʃən/ | noun, adjective | a person who follows or believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ; relating to Christianity or its adherents | 基督教徒;基督教的 |
15 | await | /əˈweɪt/ | verb | to wait for or expect something | 等待;期待 |
Once upon a time in a household
[8] filled with treasured possessions, there lived a ruthless
[3] czar
[11]. His eyes shimmered like an emerald
[1], but his heart was as cold as gunpowder
[13]. The monarchy
[6] he ruled over was plagued by nausea
[2], for his oppressive rule showed no fairness
or respect for lawful
[4] conduct.
Within the kingdom, a group of aeronautics
[5] enthusiasts yearned for freedom and justice. They were led by a courageous anchorwoman
[12] known for her eloquence
[9] and sly
[10] tactics. Together, they devised a mixture
[7] that could overthrow the tyrant and restore hope to the people.
The day of reckoning awaited
[15]. As the Christian
[14] sun rose over the horizon, the rebels launched their plan, infiltrating the czar's
[11] palace. The air was thick with anticipation, and the kingdom held its breath, unsure of the outcome.
In the heart of the palace, the household
[8] staff had mixed loyalties. Some aided the rebels in secret, while others remained loyal to the czar
[11] out of fear. The clash of ideals echoed through the hallways, intertwining with the scent of rebellion and the taste of impending change.
In a final act of eloquence
[9], the anchorwoman addressed the czar
[11]. She spoke of fairness
and justice, appealing to his dwindling humanity. The ruthless
[3] ruler, torn between power and redemption, pondered her words.
At that moment, the emerald
[1] gleam in the czar's
[11] eyes softened. He realized the true price of his reign—a kingdom suffocating in nausea
[2] and despair. With a heavy heart, he relinquished his crown, allowing a new era of lawful
[4] governance to take root.
The gunpowder
[13] of the rebellion was replaced with the aeronautics
[5] of progress and innovation. The kingdom, now free from the monarchy
[6], flourished under a just and compassionate rule. The people rejoiced, and the awaited
[15] dawn of a new age cast its warm light upon them all.
And so, from the depths of darkness, emerged a brighter future—an era where eloquence
[9] triumphed over brute force, where the emerald
[1] of hope shone through despair. The scars of the past became reminders of the resilience of the human spirit, forever etched in the annals of history.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
mature, tan, liner, calf, tuck,
bookstall, liberalism, hoop, bilingual, biological,
pizza, joint, solve, bully, terrorist
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | mature | /məˈtʊr/ | adjective, verb | fully developed physically or mentally; to reach full development or growth | 成熟的;发育成熟;成熟 |
2 | tan | /tæn/ | noun, verb, adjective | a light brown color resulting from exposure to the sun; to cause skin to become brown by exposure to the sun; having a light brown color | 棕褐色;晒黑;棕褐色的 |
3 | liner | /ˈlaɪnər/ | noun | a ship or airplane engaged in regular scheduled service along a particular route; a protective or decorative covering applied to the inside of something | 班轮;内衬;内衬船 |
4 | calf | /kæf/ | noun | the young of a cow or other bovine animal; the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee | 小牛;小腿;小腿肚 |
5 | tuck | /tʌk/ | verb, noun | to fold, gather, or contract a part of a garment or material; a fold or pleat in a garment or fabric | 卷起;收拢;褶饰 |
6 | bookstall | /ˈbʊkstɔːl/ | noun | a stall or stand where books are sold, typically in a street market or train station | 书摊;书摊主;小书店 |
7 | liberalism | /ˈlɪbərəlɪzəm/ | noun | a political philosophy or worldview advocating individual liberty, equality, and a limited role of government in economic affairs; open-mindedness or tolerance in opinions or behavior | 自由主义;开明;自由主义思潮 |
8 | hoop | /huːp/ | noun, verb | a circular band or ring; to form or make into a hoop shape | 环;圈;围住 |
9 | bilingual | /baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ | adjective, noun | able to speak or using two languages fluently; a person who is fluent in two languages | 双语的;会两种语言的人 |
10 | biological | /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | adjective | relating to biology or living organisms; connected with the study of living organisms and their vital processes | 生物学的;生物学上的 |
11 | pizza | /ˈpiːtsə/ | noun | a savory dish consisting of a flat, round base of dough topped with cheese, tomatoes, and various other ingredients, baked in an oven | 比萨饼;披萨 |
12 | joint | /dʒɔɪnt/ | noun, adjective | a point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined; shared by or involving two or more entities or participants | 关节;接头;共同的;联合的 |
13 | solve | /sɑːlv/ | verb | to find an answer or solution to a problem or puzzle; to resolve or settle a dispute or difficulty | 解决;求解;解答 |
14 | bully | /ˈbʊli/ | noun, verb | a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable; to use superior strength or influence to intimidate or force someone to do something | 恶霸;欺凌;恶霸 |
15 | terrorist | /ˈtɛrərɪst/ | noun | a person who uses violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims; a radical or extremist who employs terror as a means of coercion | 恐怖分子;恐怖主义者 |
Once upon a time in a small coastal town, there lived a mature
[1] man named Henry. Henry was known for his deep tan
[2] and friendly demeanor. He worked at the local port as a liner
[3] operator, carefully guiding cargo ships into their berths.
One day, while Henry was performing his duties, he noticed a commotion near the water's edge. Curiosity piqued, he hurriedly made his way towards the crowd gathering around a stranded calf
[4]. The poor creature had somehow gotten separated from its mother and was now helplessly stranded on the shore.
Without hesitation, Henry sprung into action. He tucked
[5] his sleeves and waded through the shallow waters to reach the frightened calf. With gentle coaxing, he managed to guide the young animal back to safety, reuniting it with its worried mother.
News of Henry's heroic deed spread like wildfire through the town. The local bookstall
[6] owner, Mary, was deeply moved by the story and decided to feature Henry's act of kindness in the town's newspaper, known for its commitment to liberalism
[7] and promoting positive community initiatives.
Mary interviewed Henry and wrote an article highlighting his selflessness and compassion. The story quickly caught the attention of a hoop
[8] manufacturer, who saw an opportunity to collaborate with Henry. They created a line of eco-friendly basketball liners
made from recycled materials, aiming to promote a bilingual
[9] understanding of sustainable practices and a biological
[10] approach to preserving the environment.
The product gained popularity, and soon, the eco-friendly liners
adorned courts across the country. Henry's act of kindness and the subsequent collaboration became an inspiring example of how small gestures could create a ripple effect, positively impacting both people and the planet.
To celebrate their success, Henry and Mary decided to have a well-deserved break and treated themselves to a delicious pizza
[11] at the local joint
[12]. As they enjoyed their meal, they discussed the power of unity and how acts of kindness could solve
[13] even the most complex problems in society.
Little did they know, their conversation caught the attention of a notorious bully
[14] who happened to be sitting at a nearby table. The bully, intrigued by their positive message, had a change of heart and decided to abandon his disruptive ways.
As time passed, Henry's story continued to inspire others, transcending borders and cultures. It even reached the ears of a former terrorist
[15], who, moved by Henry's compassion, denounced violence and sought redemption, dedicating his life to promoting peace and understanding among different communities.
And so, the tale of Henry, the mature
[1] man with a golden tan
[2] and a heart full of kindness, became a legend that exemplified the transformative power of empathy, unity, and the indomitable human spirit.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
thresh, ransom, principle, foodstuff, chronicle,
fellowship, knuckle, swerve, civilisation, mahogany,
carcass, whip, syntax, foyer, saint
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | thresh | /θrɛʃ/ | verb | to separate the grain from the husks or straw by beating or trampling | 脱粒;打谷 |
2 | ransom | /ˈrænsəm/ | noun, verb | a sum of money or payment demanded or paid for the release of a captive; to pay a sum of money to secure the release of a captive | 赎金;赎回;赎身 |
3 | principle | /ˈprɪnsɪpl̩/ | noun | a fundamental truth, law, or assumption; a moral or ethical standard; a guiding belief or idea | 原则;原理;准则 |
4 | foodstuff | /ˈfuːdstʌf/ | noun | any substance that is used as food or can be converted into food | 食品;食物 |
5 | chronicle | /ˈkrɒnɪkəl/ | noun, verb | a factual written account of historical events in chronological order; to record or narrate historical events in a detailed and chronological manner | 编年史;记录;史实 |
6 | fellowship | /ˈfɛloʊʃɪp/ | noun | friendly association or companionship; a group of people who share common interests or goals; a financial grant or support for research or study | 友谊;团体;研究奖学金 |
7 | knuckle | /ˈnʌkəl/ | noun, verb | the bony joint between the finger and the hand; to hit or press with the knuckles | 指节;拳头;用指节敲打 |
8 | swerve | /swɜːrv/ | verb, noun | to change direction suddenly or sharply; a sudden or sharp change in direction | 转弯;突然改变方向 |
9 | civilisation | /ˌsɪvɪlɪˈzeɪʃən/ | noun | the stage of human social development and organization that is considered advanced; the process of bringing a society to an advanced stage of development | 文明;文化;社会制度 |
10 | mahogany | /məˈhɒɡəni/ | noun | a reddish-brown hardwood used for making furniture; a color resembling the reddish-brown wood | 桃花心木;桃花心木色 |
11 | carcass | /ˈkɑːrkəs/ | noun | the dead body of an animal, especially a large one; the structural framework of a building or vehicle | 尸体;残骸;架构 |
12 | whip | /wɪp/ | noun, verb | a strip of leather or cord used for striking or flogging; to strike or beat with a whip; to move or drive forcefully and quickly | 鞭子;鞭打;鞭策 |
13 | syntax | /ˈsɪntæks/ | noun | the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language; the rules governing the structure and combination of words in a language | 句法;语法;语法规则 |
14 | foyer | /ˈfɔɪər/ | noun | an entrance hall or lobby, typically in a theater or hotel | 门厅;大堂 |
15 | saint | /seɪnt/ | noun | a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous, typically recognized by a religious institution; a person of exceptional kindness, goodness, or wisdom | 圣人;圣徒;贤人 |
In a village named Thresh
[1], the inhabitants lived by a strict principle
[3] of fairness and equality. Their fellowship
[6] and the bountiful foodstuff
[4] they shared created a strong sense of community. Over time, their stories and history became a treasured chronicle
[5] that spoke of their values and traditions.
Within this village, a carpenter named Benjamin worked diligently, his knuckles
[7] rough from years of crafting wooden furniture. His workshop, filled with the scent of mahogany
[10], was a place of creativity and skill.
One day, as Benjamin was walking home from his workshop, a sudden swerve
[8] by a passing carriage narrowly missed him. Startled, he realized that a terrible accident had occurred. Rushing towards the scene, he discovered a horse lying motionless on the ground, its lifeless carcass
[11] a heartbreaking sight.
With a heavy heart, Benjamin approached the horse and noticed a small note attached to its mane. It was a ransom
[2] demand, indicating that this magnificent creature had been taken captive. Filled with compassion, Benjamin vowed to save the horse from its plight.
Over the following weeks, Benjamin dedicated himself to nursing the horse back to health. With gentle strokes and a firm but kind hand, he attended to its wounds, providing the best care and nourishment. The horse, named Swift, soon regained its strength under Benjamin's watchful eye.
As time passed, Swift became a loyal companion to Benjamin. Together, they explored the vast lands beyond their village, marveling at the wonders of nature and the intricacies of civilisation
[9]. Swift's grace and speed were matched only by Benjamin's steadfastness and gentle demeanor.
One day, while riding through a dense forest, Benjamin's keen eye and understanding of syntax
[13] alerted him to a hidden danger. Swift swiftly swerved
[8], narrowly avoiding a hidden trap. Grateful for their escape, Benjamin patted Swift's sleek coat, appreciating the trust they had built together.
News of Benjamin and Swift's adventures spread throughout the village. The villagers admired Benjamin's courage and recognized the profound fellowship
[6] that existed between him and his loyal companion. They saw in him the qualities of a saint
[15], an embodiment of selflessness and compassion.
The foyer
[14] of Benjamin's home became a gathering place for the villagers, eager to hear tales of their extraordinary journeys. Benjamin, ever humble, shared his experiences and the lessons he had learned through his bond with Swift. He emphasized the importance of unity and the strength that can be found in embracing diversity.
As the years passed, Benjamin's actions and the stories of Swift and Thresh's chronicle
[5] became a source of inspiration for generations to come. The village flourished, its principle
[3] of fairness and the spirit of fellowship
[6] guiding its inhabitants towards a harmonious existence.
And so, the tale of Benjamin and Swift lived on, a testament to the enduring power of compassion and the profound impact that one individual, marked by the knuckles
[7] of hard work, can have on an entire civilisation
[9]. Their story continues to remind us of the strength that lies within the bonds we forge and the beauty that can emerge from unexpected encounters.
patience, commence, imaginable, tighten, boycott,
edit, grandstand, ravage, mat, evidently,
missile, independence, polar, toss, centimetre
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | patience | /ˈpeɪʃəns/ | noun | the ability to wait, endure, or persevere without becoming annoyed or upset | 耐心 |
2 | commence | /kəˈmɛns/ | verb | to begin, start, or initiate something | 开始;着手 |
3 | imaginable | /ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl̩/ | adjective | able to be imagined or conceived; possible to imagine | 可以想象的;可想象到的 |
4 | tighten | /ˈtaɪtn̩/ | verb | to make something tighter or more secure; to become tighter or more constricted | 使变紧;变得紧 |
5 | boycott | /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ | verb, noun | to refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a form of protest or punishment; an organized refusal to do business or have dealings with a person, group, or country | 抵制;杯葛 |
6 | edit | /ˈɛdɪt/ | verb, noun | to prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; the process of making changes to a text, film, or other piece of content | 编]辑;修订 |
7 | grandstand | /ˈɡrændstænd/ | verb, noun | to behave ostentatiously or show off in an attempt to impress others; the main seating area in a stadium or theater | 卖弄风情;看台 |
8 | ravage | /ˈrævɪdʒ/ | verb, noun | to cause severe damage or destruction; extensive damage or destruction | 破坏;毁坏;荒废 |
9 | mat | /mæt/ | noun, verb | a flat piece of material used as a protective covering or surface; to become entangled or knotted together | 垫子;地垫;打结 |
10 | evidently | /ˈɛvɪdəntli/ | adverb | in a way that is clearly or obviously apparent; clearly; obviously | 显然;明显地 |
11 | missile | /ˈmɪsaɪl/ | noun | an object that is thrown, shot, or launched as a weapon; a projectile | 导弹;飞弹 |
12 | independence | /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns/ | noun | freedom from the control, influence, or support of others; self-reliance; sovereignty | 独立;自主 |
13 | polar | /ˈpoʊlər/ | adjective | relating to or near the North or South Pole; characterized by extreme opposites or contrasts | 极地的;两极的;截然相反的 |
14 | toss | /tɔːs/ | verb, noun | to throw or fling with a sudden motion; a throwing or flipping motion; a random or arbitrary choice between two options | 扔;抛;投掷 |
15 | centimetre | /ˈsɛntɪˌmiːtər/ | noun | a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter | 厘米 |
Once upon a time in a small village, the virtues of patience
[1] and independence
[12] were held in high regard. The villagers, known for their tighten
[4]-knit community, decided to commence
[2] a grand event to celebrate the spirit of independence
[12]. It was a festival that was beyond imaginable
[3], with colorful decorations adorning every street corner.
As preparations began, the villagers gathered to tighten
[4] the bonds of camaraderie. However, a peculiar situation arose when one of the villagers suggested a boycott
[5] of the festival. He believed that it would be an appropriate moment to edit
[6] the traditions and bring about fairness
for all. His grandstand
[7] speeches attracted attention and divided the villagers.
The division caused a ravage
[8] of opinions, as some wanted to preserve the festival in its traditional form, while others sought change. The village mat
[9], where important decisions were made, became a battleground of conflicting ideas. Evidently
[10], it was a difficult time for the village.
Amidst the chaos, a young boy named Liam watched the events unfold. With a missile
[11]-like determination, he took it upon himself to bridge the gap and bring unity to the village. With his centimeter
[15] approach, he spoke to each villager, highlighting the importance of understanding and respect.
His words had an impact, and slowly but surely, the village began to come together once again. The festival was saved from being tossed
[14] aside, and the village returned to its polar
[13] state of harmony. The villagers realized that true independence
[12] comes from embracing diversity and working together towards a common goal.
In the end, the festival was a resounding success. It became a symbol of unity and celebration, reminding everyone of the power of patience
[1] and the beauty of communal spirit. The village thrived, and the lessons learned during that turbulent time remained etched in the hearts of all its inhabitants, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
clearway, crocodile, bookseller, fulfill, discriminate,
tick, numeral, beetle, purity, bypass,
conceit, irrelevant, environmental, overseas, unwind
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | clearway | /ˈklɪərweɪ/ | noun | a road or stretch of road where vehicles are not allowed to stop or park, typically to ensure smooth traffic flow | 禁止停车的道路;畅行道 |
2 | crocodile | /ˈkrɑːkədaɪl/ | noun | a large reptile with a long snout, a muscular tail, and sharp teeth, typically found in tropical regions | 鳄鱼 |
3 | bookseller | /ˈbʊksɛlər/ | noun | a person or establishment that sells books | 书商 |
4 | fulfill | /fʊlˈfɪl/ | verb | to carry out or achieve (a task, duty, or role); to satisfy (a requirement or condition) | 履行;完成;满足 |
5 | discriminate | /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ | verb | to recognize and understand the difference between things or people; to show prejudice or bias against certain groups or individuals | 区别对待;歧视 |
6 | tick | /tɪk/ | noun, verb | 1. a regular short sound, typically made by a clock; 2. to mark or check off with a tick or a similar mark | 1. 嘀嗒声;2. 打勾;标记 |
7 | numeral | /ˈnjuːmərəl/ | noun | a figure, symbol, or group of figures or symbols used to represent a number | 数字;数字符号 |
8 | beetle | /ˈbiːtəl/ | noun | an insect of the order Coleoptera, typically having hard wing covers and chewing mouthparts | 甲虫 |
9 | purity | /ˈpjʊrɪti/ | noun | the state or quality of being pure; freedom from contamination or adulteration | 纯净;纯洁 |
10 | bypass | /ˈbaɪˌpæs/ | noun, verb | 1. a road or passage that avoids a congested or obstructed area; 2. to avoid or go around (something) | 1. 绕行;旁道;2. 避开;绕过 |
11 | conceit | /kənˈsiːt/ | noun | excessive pride or vanity; an elaborate or exaggerated metaphor or comparison | 自负;自大;巧妙的比喻 |
12 | irrelevant | /ɪˈrɛləvənt/ | adjective | not connected or relevant to the subject or situation; not important or significant | 不相关的;不重要的 |
13 | environmental | /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl/ | adjective | relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition; pertaining to the environment | 环境的;环保的 |
14 | overseas | /ˌoʊvərˈsiːz/ | adverb, adjective | to or in a foreign country, especially one across the sea; situated or originating in a foreign country | 海外的;在国外的 |
15 | unwind | /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ | verb | to relax and release tension; to undo or untangle something that is wound or twisted | 放松;解开;放下 |
Once upon a time, in a small town called clearway
[1], there lived a diligent and hardworking bookseller
[3] named Mr. Thompson. He was known for his unwavering dedication to fulfill
[4] the literary needs of the townsfolk. Mr. Thompson's quaint bookstore was filled with shelves upon shelves of books, covering a myriad of topics from tick
[6]-borne illnesses to the mysterious habits of the elusive crocodile
One sunny morning, as Mr. Thompson was organizing his collection, a peculiar customer entered his store. It was a renowned explorer, Dr. Alexander Everest, who had just returned from an adventurous journey overseas
[14]. Dr. Everest was known for his love of numeral
[7] puzzles and his conceit
[11] regarding his environmental
[13] research.
"Good day, sir," greeted Mr. Thompson, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "What brings you to my humble bookstore today?"
"I am in dire need of a book that explores the irrelevant
[12] yet captivating topic of beetle
[8] behavior," replied Dr. Everest, his eyes scanning the shelves.
Mr. Thompson's face lit up, and he swiftly guided the explorer to a section dedicated to entomology. Among the myriad of titles, he handed Dr. Everest a book titled "Beetles and Beyond: A Journey into the World of Insects."
As the explorer delved into the captivating world of beetles, Mr. Thompson's mind began to unwind
[15]. He contemplated the importance of purity
[9] and how discriminate
[5] was like an insidious crocodile
[2] lurking in the waters of society. His belief in the purity
[9] of knowledge propelled him to create a haven for intellectual pursuits, bypassing
[10] any constraints imposed by prejudice.
As the days passed, Mr. Thompson's bookstore became a symbol
[not in the given word list] of inclusivity and acceptance. People from all walks of life would gather to peruse the books and engage in thoughtful conversations, fostering an environment where everyone's voice was heard and respected.
It was in this very bookstore that Mr. Thompson encountered a young writer named Emily, who harbored a deep passion for words and the power they held. Inspired by Mr. Thompson's dedication and the spirit of his store, Emily embarked on a personal journey to write a collection of stories that would challenge societal norms and promote the values of fairness
[not in the given word list] and equality.
Together, Mr. Thompson, Dr. Everest, and Emily worked tirelessly to fulfill
[4] their vision. Their collaboration blossomed into a series of books that celebrated the beauty of diversity and encouraged readers to question the biases ingrained in society.
In the end, it was not just the stories within those books that made a difference. It was the clearway
[1] they had paved towards a brighter and more equitable future, reminding everyone that discrimination
[5] was a burden best left behind.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sore, annul, aspirin, slavery, flyover,
unlock, thoughtless, flask, torpedo, botany,
measurement, helmet, fate, existent, charity
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | sore | /sɔːr/ | noun, adjective | 1. a painful or sensitive area on the body; 2. causing emotional pain or distress | 1. 痛处;疼痛的;2. 痛心的;伤感的 |
2 | annul | /əˈnʌl/ | verb | to declare invalid or void; to cancel or revoke | 废除;取消;作废 |
3 | aspirin | /ˈæsprɪn/ | noun | a common medication used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and lower fever | 阿司匹林 |
4 | slavery | /ˈsleɪvəri/ | noun | the state or condition of being a slave; the practice or system of owning slaves | 奴隶制度;奴隶身份 |
5 | flyover | /ˈflaɪˌoʊvər/ | noun | a bridge or elevated roadway that crosses over another road or obstacle | 立交桥;高架桥 |
6 | unlock | /ʌnˈlɒk/ | verb | to open or release by lifting a lock or removing a barrier | 打开;解锁 |
7 | thoughtless | /ˈθɔːtləs/ | adjective | lacking consideration or thought for others; careless or inconsiderate | 粗心的;轻率的;不顾他人的 |
8 | flask | /flæsk/ | noun | a small container, typically made of metal or glass, used for holding liquids | 烧瓶;烧瓶状容器 |
9 | torpedo | /tɔːrˈpiːdoʊ/ | noun | a self-propelled underwater missile used for attacking ships and submarines | 鱼雷 |
10 | botany | /ˈbɒtəni/ | noun | the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, and classification | 植物学 |
11 | measurement | /ˈmɛʒərmənt/ | noun | the process of determining the size, length, or quantity of something | 测量;衡量 |
12 | helmet | /ˈhɛlmɪt/ | noun | a protective head covering, often made of hard material, worn by people engaged in certain activities or professions | 头盔 |
13 | fate | /feɪt/ | noun | the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power | 命运;天数 |
14 | existent | /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/ | adjective | having actual being or existence; existing | 存在的;实际的 |
15 | charity | /ˈtʃærɪti/ | noun | generous actions or donations to aid those in need; an organization or institution set up to provide help and support to those in need | 慈善;慈善团体 |
Once upon a time, in a land plagued by sore
[1] and injustices, a brave soul named Edward dared to challenge the chains of slavery
[4]. His heart burned with a desire to annul
[2] the oppressive system that held his people captive.
With a mind as sharp as an aspirin
[3], Edward devised a plan to strike at the heart of the slave trade. He knew that merely freeing a few souls wouldn't be enough; he needed to dismantle the entire structure. His thoughts raced like a flyover
[5] over troubled waters, seeking the weak spots in the system.
After months of careful deliberation, Edward unlocked
[6] the key to his plan—a thoughtless
[7] oversight made by the slave traders. They had left behind a flask
[8] filled with incriminating documents, like a torpedo
[9] waiting to explode their nefarious operations.
Edward, well-versed in the ways of botany
[10], used his knowledge to disguise himself as a measurement
[11] expert, skilled in gauging the value of goods. He infiltrated the slave traders' den, wearing a helmet
[12] of confidence and determination.
[13] seemed to smile upon him that day, for he discovered a ledger detailing the names and locations of all the enslaved individuals. With the evidence of their existent
[14], he knew he could expose the truth and rally support for their cause.
Word of Edward's mission spread like charity
[15], capturing the hearts of kind-hearted souls who yearned for justice. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, marching against the tides of oppression. Their battle cry became a symbol of hope and fairness, echoing through the streets as they fought for the liberation of their fellow human beings.
Through their unwavering dedication and unwavering spirit, they achieved the impossible. The chains of slavery
[4] were shattered, and a new era of freedom emerged. Edward's name became synonymous with courage and justice, forever etched in the annals of history.
And so, the sore
[1] wounds of the past slowly healed, giving way to a brighter future where the scars of injustice were replaced by the blossoms of equality and compassion. The words "annul
[2], aspirin
[3], slavery
[4], flyover
[5], unlock
[6], thoughtless
[7], flask
[8], torpedo
[9], botany
[10], measurement
[11], helmet
[12], fate
[13], existent
[14], fair
[15], charity
[16]" served as a reminder of the struggles faced and overcome, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
graveyard, oppress, press, refuge, insistent,
spoonful, relationship, inequality, savage, irrational,
cocktail, payment, reel, newly, democratic
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | graveyard | /ˈɡreɪvˌjɑrd/ | noun | a place where dead bodies are buried; a cemetery | 墓地;公墓 |
2 | oppress | /əˈprɛs/ | verb | to keep someone in a state of subjection and control by unjust use of force or authority; to burden or weigh heavily on someone | 压迫;欺压 |
3 | press | /prɛs/ | noun, verb | 1. a machine used to apply pressure or force to something; 2. to push or squeeze forcefully | 1. 压榨机;印刷机;2. 压;挤 |
4 | refuge | /ˈrɛfjuːdʒ/ | noun | a place of shelter or protection from danger or distress; a sanctuary | 避难所;庇护所 |
5 | insistent | /ɪnˈsɪstənt/ | adjective | demanding or requiring attention or immediate action; persistent | 坚持的;执意的 |
6 | spoonful | /ˈspunˌfʊl/ | noun | the amount that a spoon can hold | 一匙之量 |
7 | relationship | /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ | noun | the way in which two or more people or things are connected or the state of being connected | 关系;关联 |
8 | inequality | /ɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti/ | noun | the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities | 不平等;不均衡 |
9 | savage | /ˈsævɪdʒ/ | adjective, noun | 1. fierce, violent, and uncontrolled; 2. a person regarded as primitive or uncivilized | 1. 野蛮的;凶猛的;2. 野蛮人;未开化的人 |
10 | irrational | /ɪˈræʃənl/ | adjective | not logical or reasonable; lacking reason or sound judgment | 非理性的;不合理的 |
11 | cocktail | /ˈkɒkˌteɪl/ | noun | a mixed drink typically consisting of a distilled liquor (such as whiskey or vodka) along with other ingredients such as soda, fruit juice, or flavorings | 鸡尾酒 |
12 | payment | /ˈpeɪmənt/ | noun | the action or process of paying someone or something, or the state of being paid | 付款;支付 |
13 | reel | /riːl/ | noun, verb | 1. a cylindrical device on which something flexible is wound; 2. to lose one's balance or feel dizzy | 1. 卷轴;卷筒;2. 蹒跚;眩晕 |
14 | newly | /ˈnjuːli/ | adverb | recently or just now; not long ago | 新近;刚刚 |
15 | democratic | /ˌdɛməˈkrætɪk/ | adjective | relating to or supporting democracy, which is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through elected representatives | 民主的;民主制度的 |
In a graveyard
[1] nestled on the outskirts of a small town, an aura of oppress
[2] hung in the air. The weight of history seemed to press
[3] down upon the worn tombstones. It was here that Rachel sought refuge
[4] from the insistent
[5] demands of everyday life.
With each step she took, memories of the relationship
[7] she once cherished flooded back. A pang of inequality
[8] gnawed at her soul, for she longed for the days when fairness prevailed. The world could be a savage
[9] place, with its relentless pursuit of power and its irrational
[10] ways.
One evening, Rachel found solace in a local tavern, where the bartender skillfully mixed her favorite cocktail
[11]. With a spoonful
[6] of nostalgia and a dash of hope, she raised her glass to toast the promise of a better tomorrow. It was a small payment
[12] she made to herself, a reminder that life could still have moments of joy amidst the chaos.
As the night wore on, she found herself drawn to a reel
[13] of old movies playing in the corner. The flickering images transported her to a time when the world was still innocent and full of possibilities. It was a time when the notion of a newly
[14] minted future seemed within reach.
Rachel yearned for a more democratic
[15] society, one that valued compassion and empathy over greed and self-interest. With insistent
[5] determination, she vowed to keep fighting for a world where every individual had a voice and every heart felt heard.
In that humble tavern, amidst the dim lights and the clinking of glasses, Rachel found a glimmer of hope. And as she stepped out into the night, the weight of the world no longer felt insurmountable.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
combat, cement, cardboard, streamline, lean,
insurance, squander, via, rumor, deport,
intestine, seal, housekeeper, violate, referee
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | combat | /ˈkɑːmbæt/ | noun, verb | a fight or struggle between individuals or groups; to engage in a fight or battle | 战斗;搏斗 |
2 | cement | /sɪˈmɛnt/ | noun, verb | a powdery substance that hardens when mixed with water and is used to bind materials together; to join or unite firmly | 水泥;巩固 |
3 | cardboard | /ˈkɑːrdˌbɔrd/ | noun | a stiff, thick paper used for making boxes and other forms of packaging | 硬纸板 |
4 | streamline | /ˈstriːmlaɪn/ | verb, adjective | to design or make something in a way that provides a smooth flow and minimizes resistance; designed or shaped to offer minimal resistance to flow | 使成流线型;流线型的 |
5 | lean | /liːn/ | verb, adjective | to incline or bend in a particular direction; having little excess fat or flesh; thin | 倾斜;瘦的 |
6 | insurance | /ɪnˈʃʊrəns/ | noun | a contract in which an individual or entity pays a premium to an insurer in exchange for financial protection against specified risks | 保险 |
7 | squander | /ˈskwɑːndər/ | verb | to spend or use something extravagantly, wastefully, or without careful consideration | 挥霍;浪费 |
8 | via | /ˈvaɪə/ | preposition, adverb | by way of; through; passing through a particular place | 通过;经由 |
9 | rumor | /ˈruːmər/ | noun | unverified information or stories that are widely circulated and passed from person to person | 谣言;传闻 |
10 | deport | /dɪˈpɔrt/ | verb | to expel or banish someone from a country; to force someone to leave a place | 驱逐;流放 |
11 | intestine | /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/ | noun, adjective | the lower part of the digestive system, consisting of the small intestine and the large intestine; relating to the intestines | 肠;肠道的 |
12 | seal | /siːl/ | noun, verb | a device or substance used to close or secure something tightly; to close or fasten securely | 印章;密封 |
13 | housekeeper | /ˈhaʊsˌkiːpər/ | noun | a person employed to manage and maintain a household, typically responsible for cleaning, cooking, and other domestic tasks | 管家;家政服务员 |
14 | violate | /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ | verb | to break or disregard a law, rule, or agreement; to infringe upon someone's rights or personal boundaries | 违反;侵犯 |
15 | referee | /ˌrɛfəˈriː/ | noun, verb | an official in sports who ensures that the rules are followed and arbitrate disputes; to act as a referee in a sports competition | 裁判;仲裁 |
In a world of fierce combat
[1] and unyielding cement
[2], a lone warrior emerged. Armed with nothing but a shield made of sturdy cardboard
[3], he sought to streamline
[4] his movements and become as agile as a lean
[5] predator. His battles were fraught with danger, but he found solace in the knowledge that his insurance
[6] would protect him in times of need.
Yet, despite his financial security, the warrior couldn't help but squander
[7] his resources on unnecessary luxuries. He traveled via
[8] exotic lands, indulging in lavish feasts and spreading rumors
[9] of his heroic conquests. Little did he know that his actions would catch the attention of the kingdom's rulers, who deemed him a threat and decided to deport
[10] him from their realm.
As he left his homeland behind, the warrior embarked on a journey that would test the strength of his intestine
[11] and the resilience of his spirit. Along the way, he encountered ancient seals
[12] guarding hidden treasures, sought refuge in the humble abode of a kind-hearted housekeeper
[13], and witnessed the devastating consequences of those who chose to violate
[14] the laws of nature.
Finally, after years of wandering, the warrior found himself in a grand arena, where a fierce referee
[15] presided over battles of epic proportions. Here, he would have one last chance to prove his worth, to redeem himself for past mistakes, and to find the true meaning of honor and courage.
In the end, it was not the clashing of swords or the roar of the crowd that defined the warrior's legacy. It was the lessons he learned along the way, the friendships he forged, and the realization that true victory lies not in conquest, but in the ability to fight for what is right and just.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
gasp, parish, curse, bishop, disguise,
bat, vineyard, feeler, expose, sincere,
autobiographical, garment, establish, refugee, metric
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | gasp | /ɡæsp/ | verb, noun | to inhale suddenly and sharply due to surprise, shock, or difficulty in breathing; a sudden intake of breath | 喘气;倒抽一口气 |
2 | parish | /ˈpærɪʃ/ | noun | a small administrative district typically governed by a church, often referring to a local area or community | 教区;地方行政区 |
3 | curse | /kɜrs/ | verb, noun | to invoke or wish evil or misfortune upon someone or something; a solemn utterance intended to bring harm or punishment | 诅咒;咒骂 |
4 | bishop | /ˈbɪʃəp/ | noun | a senior member of the Christian clergy who oversees a diocese and is typically in charge of multiple churches | 主教 |
5 | disguise | /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ | verb, noun | to alter one's appearance or behavior to conceal one's identity or true intentions; a means of hiding or changing one's identity | 伪装;假扮 |
6 | bat | /bæt/ | noun, verb | a nocturnal flying mammal; to strike or hit with a bat or a similar object | 蝙蝠;用球棒击打 |
7 | vineyard | /ˈvɪnjərd/ | noun | a piece of land where grapes are grown, typically for wine production | 葡萄园 |
8 | feeler | /ˈfiːlər/ | noun | a slender, sensitive appendage on certain animals used for touching or sensing the environment | 触角;触须 |
9 | expose | /ɪkˈspoʊz/ | verb | to make something visible or known; to reveal or uncover something that was hidden or secret | 暴露;揭露 |
10 | sincere | /sɪnˈsɪr/ | adjective | genuine, honest, and without deceit or pretense | 真诚的;诚挚的 |
11 | autobiographical | /ˌɔːtoʊbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/ | adjective | relating to or based on one's own life or experiences, especially as written by oneself | 自传的;自传体的 |
12 | garment | /ˈɡɑːrmənt/ | noun | an item of clothing; a piece of fabric that is worn to cover the body | 衣服;服装 |
13 | establish | /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ | verb | to set up or create; to bring into existence or make firm and stable | 建立;确立 |
14 | refugee | /ˌrɛfjuˈdʒiː/ | noun | a person who has been forced to leave their country due to war, persecution, or other life-threatening circumstances | 难民;流亡者 |
15 | metric | /ˈmɛtrɪk/ | adjective, noun | relating to the metric system of measurement; a system of measurement based on the meter, gram, and liter | 公制的;度量衡制度 |
Once upon a time in a small village, there was a gasp
[1] of anticipation as the annual parish
[2] fair approached. The villagers eagerly awaited the festivities, hoping for a momentary escape from the curse
[3] of their mundane lives.
The fair was held in the courtyard of the grand bishop
[4] Thomas. However, this year, the bishop
had a secret plan. He decided to attend the fair in disguise
[5], wanting to experience the joy and merriment without the weight of his ecclesiastical responsibilities.
On the day of the fair, the village square transformed into a vibrant carnival. The air was filled with the delightful scents of cotton candy and freshly baked treats. Children giggled as they swung on a makeshift bat
[6] and tried their luck at various games.
In a corner of the square, there stood a humble vineyard
[7]. It was owned by an elderly man known as Mr. Gallagher, who took great pride in his vineyard's exquisite wines. As the villagers savored the rich flavors, a sense of warmth and contentment spread through the crowd.
Among the attendees was a peculiar character named Mrs. Abernathy, who possessed a remarkable ability. With her extraordinary feeler
[8], she could sense the true nature of people, seeing through their disguises and revealing their innermost thoughts and intentions.
As the day progressed, the disguised bishop
walked through the fairgrounds, observing the genuine joy and camaraderie of the villagers. He was deeply moved by their sincere
[10] efforts and the passion they put into establishing
[13] an event that brought the community together.
While wandering through the fair, the bishop
encountered a young refugee
[14] girl named Maria. She had fled her war-torn homeland, seeking solace and a new beginning. The bishop
recognized her pain and offered her comfort and guidance, promising to help her find her place in this unfamiliar metric
At the end of the fair, as the sun set behind the village, the bishop
removed his disguise
, revealing his true identity. The gasp
[1] of surprise and admiration rippled through the crowd. He stood before them, his autobiographical
[11] tale intertwined with their own stories.
The fair had not only provided a day of laughter and delight but also reminded the villagers of the power of compassion and unity. It became an emblem of hope and a testament to the enduring human spirit.
As the years passed, the fair became a cherished tradition, celebrated with the utmost sincerity
[10] and enthusiasm. People gathered in their finest garments
[12] to enjoy the festivities. The fair also helped establish
[13] the village as a welcoming place for those seeking refuge, embracing refugees
[14] and offering them a chance at a new beginning.
And so, the parish
[2] fair continued to weave its magic, bringing people together and instilling a sense of joy and community for generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
straighten, honey, abridge, inquire, dependant,
linguist, cradle, exposition, plus, wharf,
impeach, convey, trout, famed, rower
index | word | pronunciation | parts of speech | explanation | translation in Chinese |
1 | straighten | /ˈstreɪtn̩/ | verb | to make or become straight; to correct or adjust | 整理;使变直 |
2 | honey | /ˈhʌni/ | noun | a sweet, sticky substance produced by bees from flower nectar | 蜂蜜 |
3 | abridge | /əˈbrɪdʒ/ | verb | to shorten or condense a piece of writing or speech | 缩短;删节 |
4 | inquire | /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ | verb | to ask for information; to seek knowledge or investigation | 询问;打听 |
5 | dependant | /dɪˈpendənt/ | noun | a person who relies on another for financial or emotional support | 受抚养者;依赖他人的人 |
6 | linguist | /ˈlɪŋɡwɪst/ | noun | a person skilled in the study or knowledge of languages | 语言学家 |
7 | cradle | /ˈkreɪdl/ | noun | a baby's bed or a framework used to support something | 摇篮;支架 |
8 | exposition | /ˌɛkspəˈzɪʃən/ | noun | a comprehensive explanation or presentation of a subject or theme | 阐述;解释;展览会 |
9 | plus | /plʌs/ | adjective, noun | added to; positive or advantageous; a positive quantity; an advantage or benefit | 正的;加号;正数;优势 |
10 | wharf | /wɔrf/ | noun | a structure built along a shore or bank where ships can be loaded or unloaded | 码头;停泊处 |
11 | impeach | /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ | verb | to accuse or charge a public official with misconduct in office | 控告;弹劾 |
12 | convey | /kənˈveɪ/ | verb | to transport, carry, or transmit; to make an idea or feeling known | 传达;运输 |
13 | trout | /traʊt/ | noun | a type of freshwater fish, often found in rivers and streams | 鳟鱼 |
14 | famed | /feɪmd/ | adjective | famous; well-known | 著名的;有名的 |
15 | rower | /ˈroʊər/ | noun | a person who rows a boat or participates in rowing as a sport | 划手;赛艇选手 |
Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there was a renowned linguist
[6] named Amelia. She had a passion for unraveling the mysteries of ancient languages. Amelia's days were spent poring over ancient texts, seeking to convey
[12] their forgotten wisdom to the present.
One sunny morning, as Amelia strolled along the wharf
[10] with a sense of purpose, she noticed a trout
[13] fisherman struggling to straighten
[1] his fishing rod. Curiosity piqued, she approached him and offered her assistance.
"Good sir, may I be of aid?" Amelia inquired
[4] politely.
The fisherman, surprised by her presence, gratefully accepted her help. As they worked together, he couldn't help but notice Amelia's genuine kindness and infectious honey
[2]-like charm.
"I must say, your linguistic skills are impressive," the fisherman remarked, his admiration evident.
Amelia's cheeks blushed with modesty. "Thank you kindly," she replied. "Language is my cradle
[7] of knowledge, and I strive to share it with others."
News of Amelia's famed
[14] linguistics prowess quickly spread throughout the village, drawing the attention of scholars from far and wide. They were captivated by her ability to abridge
[3] complex concepts and provide clear expositions
[8] on intricate linguistic matters.
One day, an important event was scheduled at the village's central square. Amelia was invited to give a plus
[9] lecture on the historical significance of language in society. The anticipation among the villagers was palpable, as they eagerly gathered to listen to her words.
Amelia took the stage, her presence commanding respect. She spoke with eloquence and impeached
[11] the common misconceptions about the nature of language. Her speech was like a river, flowing effortlessly and carrying her audience along.
As she concluded her conveyance
[12] of knowledge, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. Amelia's impact on their understanding of language was immeasurable, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts.
From that day forward, Amelia's name became synonymous with linguistic brilliance and her rowing
[15] pursuit of promoting language as a means of connection and understanding. She remained a dependant
[5] advocate for the power of words, forever changing the way people perceived the world around them.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
disposable, baptize, hockey, premier, maiden,
youngster, freeway, disobey, porch, genius,
repeal, Antarctic, dyke, aggressor, toll
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | disposable | dɪˈspoʊzəbəl | adjective | designed to be used once or only a few times and then thrown away | 一次性的;可任意处理的 |
2 | baptize | bæpˈtaɪz | verb | to perform the act of baptism, usually by immersing in water or sprinkling | 给...施洗;洗礼 |
3 | hockey | ˈhɑki | noun | a fast-paced team game played on ice or field, involving hitting a puck or ball with sticks | 曲棍球;冰球;草地曲棍球 |
4 | premier | prɪˈmɪr | adjective/noun | first in importance, rank, or position; the leader of a government or other administrative body | 首要的;总理;首相 |
5 | maiden | ˈmeɪdən | adjective/noun | (adj.) unmarried; (n.) a young unmarried girl or woman | 未婚的;处女;少女 |
6 | youngster | ˈjʌŋstər | noun | a young person, typically a child or teenager | 年轻人;年少者;少年 |
7 | freeway | ˈfriːˌweɪ | noun | a high-speed road, typically with multiple lanes, for rapid travel between distant places | 高速公路;高速道路 |
8 | disobey | ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ | verb | to fail or refuse to obey (rules, orders, or someone in authority) | 违抗;不服从;不听命令 |
9 | porch | pɔrtʃ | noun | a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building | 门廊;走廊;阳台;前廊 |
10 | genius | ˈdʒinjəs | noun | exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability | 天才;天赋;天资 |
11 | repeal | rɪˈpiːl | verb/noun | to officially revoke or abolish (a law or regulation); the act of revoking or annulling a law | 废除;撤销;废止 |
12 | Antarctic | æntˈɑrktɪk | adjective/noun | relating to or characteristic of the region around the South Pole; (n.) the southernmost continent of the Earth | 南极的;南极洲 |
13 | dyke | daɪk | noun/verb | (noun) a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding; (verb) to strengthen or hold back with a dike | 堤坝;围堤;筑堤;修筑堤防 |
14 | aggressor | əˈɡrɛsər | noun | a person or country that attacks first or initiates hostilities | 侵略者;侵犯者;攻击者 |
15 | toll | toʊl | noun/verb | (noun) a charge payable for the use of a particular bridge or road; (verb) to charge a toll or exact payment | 过路费;通行费;征税;收费 |
Generate the short story and mark words: Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a youngster
[6] named Emily. She was known for her adventurous spirit and undeniable curiosity. Emily's favorite pastime was exploring the world around her, eager to uncover hidden treasures and unravel the mysteries of life.
One sunny afternoon, as she walked along the bustling freeway
[7], Emily stumbled upon a discarded disposable
[1] camera. The camera appeared old and worn, but its potential for capturing memories intrigued her. With a mischievous smile, Emily decided to baptize
[2] the camera as her own, embarking on a journey to document her extraordinary adventures.
Equipped with her newfound companion, Emily set off to explore the uncharted territories of her imagination. She ventured into enchanted forests, where mystical creatures danced among ancient dykes
[13] and shimmering ponds. She climbed the highest mountain peaks, gazing upon majestic vistas and feeling the cool embrace of the Antarctic
[12] winds.
One day, while passing by a quaint house with a cozy porch
[9], Emily encountered a group of children playing hockey
[3]. Their laughter filled the air as they showcased their skills on the makeshift rink. Mesmerized by their energy and talent, Emily couldn't help but be captivated by the youngsters
[6]' determination and teamwork.
As the seasons changed, Emily's adventures took her to different corners of the world. She found herself in the bustling metropolis of a premier
[4] city, surrounded by towering skyscrapers and bustling streets. Here, she witnessed the relentless pursuit of dreams and the relentless spirit of the people.
Emily's journey wasn't without its challenges. There were moments when she was tempted to disobey
[8] the rules and take paths less traveled. But she realized that true genius
[10] lies in understanding the importance of fairness and embracing the world with open arms.
Years passed, and Emily grew into a wise and compassionate young woman. She became an advocate for positive change, using her experiences to inspire others to make a difference. She fought for the repeal
[11] of unjust laws, seeking to create a world where the aggressor
[14] would be replaced with understanding and compassion.
As Emily's story unfolded, her maiden
[5] journey had come full circle. She had embarked on a grand adventure, embracing the unknown and transforming it into her own beautiful tale. And through it all, she learned that life is a journey best cherished, captured, and shared with the world.
And so, with a heart filled with gratitude and a camera filled with memories, Emily continued to explore, forever chasing the essence of life, one toll
[15] at a time.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
furnace, mainstream, canal, clearance, clench,
unexpected, roundabout, footstep, bacon, pathetic,
grit, booth, reality, cursor, spade
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | furnace | ˈfɜrnɪs | noun | an enclosed structure in which heat is produced, especially for heating a building or for melting metals | 炉子;熔炉 |
2 | mainstream | ˈmeɪnˌstrim | noun/adjective | the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional | 主流;主要的;流行的 |
3 | canal | kəˈnæl | noun | an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships | 运河;水道 |
4 | clearance | ˈklɪrəns | noun | the action or process of clearing or the state of being cleared, typically from an area or place | 清理;清除;空地;许可 |
5 | clench | klɛntʃ | verb/noun | to close tightly, especially with the fingers or teeth; the act of tightly closing or gripping something | 紧握;咬紧;咬牙;攥紧 |
6 | unexpected | ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd | adjective | not expected or anticipated; surprising | 意外的;出乎意料的 |
7 | roundabout | ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt | noun/adjective | a road junction at which traffic moves in one direction around a central island before joining another road | 环形交叉路口;绕行的;拐弯抹角 |
8 | footstep | ˈfʊtˌstɛp | noun | the sound or action of a person walking; a step taken by a person's foot | 脚步;足迹 |
9 | bacon | ˈbeɪkən | noun | meat from the back or sides of a pig, cured and typically smoked | 培根;熏肉 |
10 | pathetic | pəˈθɛtɪk | adjective | arousing pity, sympathy, or sorrow; pitiful, feeble, or weak | 可怜的;可悲的;悲哀的 |
11 | grit | ɡrɪt | noun/verb | small, loose particles of stone or sand; to clench or grind together, typically between the teeth | 沙粒;坚韧;毅力;磨擦 |
12 | booth | buθ | noun | a small temporary tent or structure at a fair, market, or exhibition | 亭子;摊位;电话亭 |
13 | reality | riˈæləti | noun | the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined | 现实;实际情况;真实性 |
14 | cursor | ˈkɜrsər | noun | a movable indicator on a computer screen, showing the position at which the next character will be inserted | 光标;游标 |
15 | spade | speɪd | noun | a tool with a sharp-edged, typically rectangular, metal blade and a long handle, used for digging or cutting | 铲子;铁锹;黑桃 |
As I walked through the bustling streets, the heat of the summer sun seemed to radiate from every corner. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as I made my way towards the old industrial district. The sound of clanging metal and whirring machinery filled the air, merging with the chorus of voices from the nearby furnace
The old factory, once a mainstream
[2] source of employment, now stood abandoned and forgotten. As I walked along the dried-up canal
[3] that ran parallel to the decaying buildings, a sense of eerie tranquility settled over me. The empty shells of factories served as a haunting reminder of a bygone era.
With a surge of curiosity, I approached one of the factory entrances, hoping for a glimpse of the past. To my surprise, the rusty gates swung open with ease, granting me clearance
[4] to explore the remnants of this forgotten world. Stepping inside, I felt a strange sensation clench
[5] at my heart, a mix of excitement and trepidation.
As I ventured further into the maze of abandoned machinery, the atmosphere grew more unexpected
[6]. Shadows danced on the walls, and the occasional gust of wind whispered secrets from the past. I found myself at a peculiar intersection, a roundabout
[7] of forgotten dreams. Each path seemed to beckon me, promising untold stories.
With every footstep
[8] I took, the past came alive. The faint aroma of burnt wood and remnants of dust filled the air, evoking memories of a time long gone. I imagined the workers who once toiled here, their faces etched with exhaustion and determination.
Lost in my reverie, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the scent of sizzling bacon
[9]. It was as if time had folded upon itself, and I had stumbled upon a hidden corner where a simple meal was being prepared. The image was both comforting and pathetic
[10], a reminder of the fleeting nature of human existence.
With renewed vigor, I continued my exploration. A layer of grit
[11] coated every surface, a testament to the perseverance of those who had labored here. I came across an old booth
[12], its windows cracked but still intact. Through the dusty glass, I caught a glimpse of the past—a tired face illuminated by the glow of a computer cursor
As I moved closer, I noticed a worn-out deck of cards resting on a nearby table. I picked up a weathered spade
[15] and held it in my hand, feeling a connection to the forgotten souls who once sought solace in these walls. Their stories, etched in the very fabric of this place, were now a part of me.
Leaving the old factory behind, I carried with me the echoes of a bygone era. The reality
[13] of what once was mingled with my own experiences, reminding me of the fragile nature of existence. As I stepped back into the bustling streets, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty in the ordinary, knowing that beneath the surface, hidden in forgotten corners, lay a world waiting to be discovered.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
testament, suburban, shrewd, biochemistry, emigration,
whistle, valiant, den, brewery, spice,
haughty, acrobat, bind, chauffeur, worship
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | testament | ˈtɛstəmənt | noun | a person's will, especially the legal declaration of how they wish their property to be disposed of after their death | 遗嘱;证明 |
2 | suburban | səˈbɜrbən | adjective | relating to or characteristic of a suburb, a residential area on the outskirts of a city | 郊区的;近郊的 |
3 | shrewd | ʃrud | adjective | having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute | 精明的;机灵的 |
4 | biochemistry | ˌbaɪoʊˈkɛmɪstri | noun | the branch of science that deals with the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms | 生物化学 |
5 | emigration | ˌɛməˈɡreɪʃən | noun | the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another | 移民;迁出 |
6 | whistle | ˈwɪsəl | noun/verb | a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth; to produce such a sound | 口哨;吹口哨 |
7 | valiant | ˈvæljənt | adjective | possessing or showing courage or determination | 勇敢的;英勇的 |
8 | den | dɛn | noun | a small, comfortable room or secluded area used for relaxation or private activities | 小房间;巢穴 |
9 | brewery | ˈbrʊəri | noun | a place where beer is produced commercially | 啤酒厂 |
10 | spice | spaɪs | noun/verb | a pungent or aromatic substance used to flavor food; to add flavor or interest to something | 香料;调味;增添乐趣 |
11 | haughty | ˈhɔti | adjective | arrogantly superior and disdainful | 傲慢的;目中无人的 |
12 | acrobat | ˈækrəˌbæt | noun | an entertainer who performs spectacular gymnastic feats | 杂技演员 |
13 | bind | baɪnd | verb | to fasten or secure with a rope, cord, or similar material; to tie together | 捆绑;约束 |
14 | chauffeur | ʃoʊˈfɜr | noun/verb | a person employed to drive a private or hired car; to drive someone in a car as a chauffeur | 司机;开车接送 |
15 | worship | ˈwɜrʃɪp | noun/verb | the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity; to show reverence or adoration | 崇拜;敬仰 |
The testament
[1] of the suburban
[2] shrewd
[3] businessman was full of biochemistry
[4] terms. He had emigrated from Europe in the emigration
[5] wave of the 1920s, and his whistle
[6] still had a bit of an accent. He was a valiant
[7] fighter for social justice, and he often spoke out against haughty
[11] people who looked down on others. He was also a skilled acrobat
[12], and he loved to perform in the den
[8] of his brewery
[9]. He was always looking for new ways to use spice
[10] in his cooking, and he was a devout worshipper
[15] of the testament
[1]. He was also a bind
[13] of the brewery
, and he was responsible for making sure that the beer was brewed to perfection. He was also a chauffeur
[14], and he drove the businessman around town in his fancy car.
One day, the businessman was walking through the suburban
[2] streets when he saw a group of children playing. They were playing a game of whistle
[6], and they were having a lot of fun. The businessman stopped to watch them, and he smiled. He remembered when he was a child, and he used to play the same game.
The businessman then walked into a brewery
[9], and he ordered a beer. As he was drinking his beer, he started to think about his testament
[1]. He realized that he had not been living up to his own words. He had been too focused on his work, and he had not been spending enough time with his family and friends.
The businessman decided that he needed to make a change. He started spending more time with his family and friends, and he started volunteering at a local soup kitchen. He also started to write a book about his life, and he hoped that his story would inspire others to live a more meaningful life.
The businessman died a few years later, but his legacy lives on. He is remembered as a kind and compassionate man who dedicated his life to helping others.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
jet, toothpaste, tactical, means, consolidate,
mattress, radioactive, half-time, dedicate, displease,
duly, salute, grief, follower, ruby
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | jet | dʒɛt | noun/verb | a rapid stream of liquid or gas propelled forcefully | 喷射;喷气式飞机 |
2 | toothpaste | ˈtuθˌpeɪst | noun | a paste used for cleaning and maintaining oral hygiene | 牙膏 |
3 | tactical | ˈtæktɪkəl | adjective | relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain an advantage | 战术的;策略的 |
4 | means | minz | noun | a method or way of doing something; financial resources or income | 方法;手段;财富 |
5 | consolidate | kənˈsɑləˌdeɪt | verb | to combine or bring together into a single whole or unit | 巩固;合并 |
6 | mattress | ˈmætrəs | noun | a large pad filled with resilient material, used as a bed or part of a bed | 床垫;褥子 |
7 | radioactive | ˌreɪdiəˈæktɪv | adjective | emitting or relating to the emission of ionizing radiation | 放射性的;有放射性的 |
8 | half-time | hæf taɪm | noun/adjective | the period of rest or break in the middle of a game or performance | 半场休息;中场休息 |
9 | dedicate | ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪt | verb | to devote time, effort, or oneself to a particular purpose or cause | 奉献;致力于 |
10 | displease | dɪsˈpliz | verb | to cause dissatisfaction or annoyance to someone | 使不悦;使不满 |
11 | duly | ˈduli | adverb | in accordance with what is required or appropriate; properly | 恰当地;适时地 |
12 | salute | səˈlut | verb/noun | to greet or show respect with a gesture or action; a gesture of respect or honor | 敬礼;致敬 |
13 | grief | ɡrif | noun | deep sorrow or sadness, especially caused by someone's death | 悲伤;悲痛 |
14 | follower | ˈfɑloʊər | noun | a person who supports, admires, or imitates someone or something | 追随者;信徒 |
15 | ruby | ˈruːbi | noun | a precious stone, typically red in color | 红宝石 |
Once upon a time, there was a young pilot named Jack who dreamed of flying a jet
[1]. He spent hours studying aerodynamics and learning the tactical
[3] maneuvers required for combat missions.
Jack's dedication paid off when he was selected for a half-time
[8] position in a prestigious military squadron. He duly
[11] completed his training and was ready to dedicate
[9] himself to serving his country.
During his first mission, Jack's jet encountered a radioactive
[7] storm. The electromagnetic interference caused his instruments to malfunction, and he lost communication with his team. It was a grief
[13]-stricken moment as he realized he was alone in enemy territory.
With limited means
[4] and a damaged aircraft, Jack had to rely on his training and instincts to survive. He used his tactical
[3] knowledge to evade enemy radar and find shelter. In the darkness, he stumbled upon an abandoned building with a mattress
[6] on the floor.
Exhausted and wounded, Jack collapsed onto the mattress
[6] and reflected on his situation. He knew he had to consolidate
[5] his resources and dedicate
[9] himself to making a plan to escape. However, the constant threat of enemy patrols and the harsh conditions began to displease
[10] him.
Nevertheless, Jack remained determined and pressed on. He dedicated
[9] every ounce of his energy to devising a clever strategy that utilized his knowledge of enemy movements and weaknesses. With calculated precision, he executed his plan, neutralizing threats and making his way closer to friendly lines.
Days turned into weeks, and Jack's resilience never wavered. His unwavering dedication
[9] to the mission fueled his drive to overcome every obstacle in his path. He refused to let setbacks displease
[10] him and remained focused on his objective.
Finally, after a grueling journey, Jack emerged from the enemy territory and was greeted by his fellow soldiers. They saluted
[12] him for his extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. Jack's story became legendary, inspiring others to face adversity with courage and determination.
In recognition of his outstanding service, Jack was awarded a ruby
[15]-encrusted medal, symbolizing his valor and resilience. His name became synonymous with triumph over adversity, reminding everyone that even in the darkest of times, one can find strength and emerge victorious.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
shit, jolly, mediterranean, courteous, bleat,
pavement, contribution, dough, function, gallon,
guardian, grime, armpit, takeover, zip code
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | shit | /ʃɪt/ | noun/verb | "Shit" is a vulgar term that refers to feces or excrement. It is a coarse and informal word used to describe waste material that is eliminated from the body. It is considered a profane term and is generally used in casual or informal contexts. It is important to note that "shit" is considered offensive and inappropriate in many formal or polite settings. | 屎 |
2 | jolly | ˈdʒɑli | adjective/verb | cheerful, happy; to act or be jolly | 快乐的;欢乐地 |
3 | mediterranean | ˌmɛdɪtəˈreɪniən | adjective/noun | of or relating to the Mediterranean Sea region; a person from a Mediterranean country | 地中海的;地中海国家的人 |
4 | courteous | ˈkɜrtiəs | adjective | polite, well-mannered | 有礼貌的;谦恭的 |
5 | bleat | blit | verb/noun | to make the cry of a sheep or goat; the cry of a sheep or goat | 咩咩叫;绵羊叫声 |
6 | pavement | ˈpeɪvmənt | noun | a hard, level surface, typically made of concrete or asphalt | 人行道;铺装道路 |
7 | contribution | ˌkɑntrɪˈbjuʃən | noun | a gift, donation, or payment made towards a common cause or goal | 贡献;捐款 |
8 | dough | doʊ | noun | a thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid | 面团;生面团 |
9 | function | ˈfʌŋkʃən | noun/verb | a purpose or role; to work or operate in a specified way | 功能;起作用 |
10 | gallon | ˈɡælən | noun | a unit of measurement for liquids, equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters | 加仑;液量单位 |
11 | guardian | ˈɡɑrdiən | noun/adjective | a person who protects or looks after someone or something | 监护人;保护的 |
12 | grime | ɡraɪm | noun/verb | dirt or filth; to make dirty or grimy | 污垢;弄脏 |
13 | armpit | ˈɑrmpɪt | noun | the hollow area under the arm where it meets the shoulder | 腋窝 |
14 | takeover | ˈteɪkˌoʊvər | noun | an act of assuming control or possession, especially of a company | 接管;收购 |
15 | zip code | zɪp koʊd | noun | a system of postal codes used to facilitate mail delivery | 邮政编码;邮编 |
On a sunny day in the bustling city, a rather jolly
[2] man named John found himself strolling along the Mediterranean
[3] coast. The gentle sea breeze brushed against his face as he walked, admiring the picturesque scenery. Suddenly, he heard a loud bleat
[5] and turned his head to see a herd of sheep grazing by the pavement
John, always courteous
[4] and compassionate, approached the shepherd and inquired about their journey. The shepherd explained that they were making their contribution
[7] to the local farmers' market, where their delicious sheep's milk would be turned into savory cheese. Intrigued, John decided to lend a helping hand.
Together, they walked towards the market, and as they approached, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. The bakers were kneading dough
[8] and preparing the doughnuts for the morning rush. John's stomach grumbled at the delightful scent, and he couldn't resist buying a warm, sugary treat.
Continuing their journey, John and the shepherd noticed a group of people gathered around a street performer. The performer was juggling colorful balls and entertaining the crowd with his impressive balancing function
[9]. Laughter filled the air, making the atmosphere even more jolly
As they reached the market, John was amazed by the vibrant array of fruits and vegetables on display. Stacks of fresh produce, including juicy watermelons and plump tomatoes, were being sold by the gallon
[10]. It was a true feast for the eyes.
After bidding farewell to the shepherd, John decided to explore further. He entered a small bookstore and was immediately captivated by the shelves filled with books on various topics. The friendly store owner, a guardian
[11] of knowledge, recommended a novel that would transport John to faraway lands.
Leaving the bookstore, John found himself in a less glamorous part of town. The streets were filled with grime
[12], and the scent of garbage hung heavily in the air. With a concerned expression, he observed a group of volunteers organizing a cleanup to rid the neighborhood of the filth
. He joined them, rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty, determined to make a difference.
As evening approached, John felt a sudden itch under his arm. He realized it was due to the sweat caused by the day's activities. He chuckled to himself, knowing that his efforts to create positive change often required getting out of his comfort zone.
Reflecting on his experiences, John came to the realization that every individual had the power to initiate a takeover
[14] of kindness and compassion. He believed that small acts of goodness, like cleaning a street or supporting local businesses, could ripple through society, fostering a sense of community.
As John made his way back home, he couldn't help but notice the colorful flags adorning the houses. Each house had its own unique zip code
[15], symbolizing the diversity and interconnectedness of the neighborhood. With a renewed sense of hope, John embraced the spirit of unity and envisioned a future where kindness would prevail.
And so, the jolly
[2] man continued his journey, cherishing the memories of his Mediterranean
[3] adventure and carrying with him the belief that even the smallest actions could make a world of difference.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
revenue, murmur, basis, gild, channel,
voucher, shortage, characterise, hateful, desktop,
adverb, input, suggestive, elect, ghostly
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | revenue | ˈrɛvənjuː | noun | income, especially when of a company or organization | 收入;财政收入 |
2 | murmur | ˈmɜrmər | noun/verb | a low, indistinct, continuous sound; to speak in a low voice | 低语;喃喃而语 |
3 | basis | ˈbeɪsɪs | noun | the underlying support or foundation for something | 基础;根据 |
4 | gild | ɡɪld | verb | to cover with a thin layer of gold or a gold-colored substance | 镀金;粉饰 |
5 | channel | ˈtʃænəl | noun/verb | a passage for conveying fluids or transmitting information; to direct or guide along a particular course | 渠道;引导 |
6 | voucher | ˈvaʊtʃər | noun | a document serving as evidence for a transaction or receipt | 凭证;优惠券 |
7 | shortage | ˈʃɔrtɪdʒ | noun | a state or condition of not having enough of something | 短缺;不足 |
8 | characterise | ˈkærɪktəraɪz | verb | to describe the distinctive features or qualities of something | 描述...的特征;以...为特点 |
9 | hateful | ˈheɪtfəl | adjective | arousing or deserving hate or intense dislike | 令人憎恶的;可恨的 |
10 | desktop | ˈdɛsktɑːp | noun | the working surface of a desk or computer screen | 桌面;电脑桌面 |
11 | adverb | ˈædvɜrb | noun | a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb | 副词 |
12 | input | ˈɪnpʊt | noun/verb | data or information that is entered into a computer or system; to enter data or information | 输入;输入数据 |
13 | suggestive | səˈdʒɛstɪv | adjective | tending to suggest or imply something indirectly | 含蓄的;暗示的 |
14 | elect | ɪˈlɛkt | verb/adjective | to choose someone for a position by voting; chosen or designated by election | 选举;当选 |
15 | ghostly | ˈɡoʊstli | adjective | resembling or characteristic of a ghost; eerie or supernatural | 幽灵般的;诡异的 |
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled by the rolling hills, the villagers lived a peaceful life. Their main source of revenue
[1] came from the fertile lands that they toiled with dedication and love. Every morning, as the first rays of sunlight painted the sky, a soft murmur
[2] filled the air as the villagers woke up and prepared for their day.
The village operated on a communal basis
[3], where everyone supported each other in times of need. Their collective efforts and the sense of unity that bound them together seemed to gild
[4] every aspect of their lives.
One day, news arrived through a nearby channel
[5] that a traveler was passing through the village. This traveler, known for his generosity, carried with him vouchers
[6] for various goods and services. The villagers, filled with excitement and anticipation, lined up eagerly, hoping to obtain these vouchers
[6] that could alleviate their occasional shortages
[7] and bring some extra joy to their lives.
As the traveler interacted with the villagers, he began to characterize
[8] them based on their interactions. He noticed their unwavering kindness, their strong work ethic, and their determination to overcome obstacles. The traveler couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the villagers and their relentless spirit.
However, there was one villager who stood out among the rest. His name was Oliver, and he harbored a hateful
[9] nature towards his fellow villagers. Oliver, always secluded in his little desktop
[10] corner, rarely participated in community activities. His words were often laced with sarcasm and disdain, and his actions carried a bitter undertone.
The traveler, with his acute sense of observation, picked up on Oliver's negative demeanor. It was as if Oliver's words were adorned with a poisonous adverb
[11] that spread negativity wherever it went. The traveler realized that the true beauty of a community lies not only in its resources but also in the positive input
[12] and support from its members.
As the traveler prepared to depart from the village, he left Oliver with a suggestive
[13] message. He urged Oliver to reflect on his behavior and make a conscious choice to become a catalyst for positive change within the community. The traveler believed that Oliver had the potential to transform his elect
[14] attitude into one that uplifts others and fosters harmony.
Days turned into weeks, and the village flourished under the guidance of its compassionate villagers. They elected new leaders, who fostered an environment of inclusivity and fairness. Oliver, inspired by the traveler's message, embarked on a journey of self-discovery, slowly shedding his ghostly
[15] demeanor and embracing the warmth and love that surrounded him.
And so, the village thrived, not only in terms of its revenue
[1] and resources but also in the richness of its unity and the bonds that tied its inhabitants together. The legacy of the traveler and the impact he had on the village's collective spirit would be remembered for generations to come.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
defiance, overnight, plenary, alongside, stoneware,
insecticide, herb, maltreat, speciality, adherence,
prey, abruptly, admiral, messenger, paperwork
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | defiance | dɪˈfaɪəns | noun | open resistance; bold disobedience | 违抗;抵抗 |
2 | overnight | ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt | adverb/adjective | during or throughout the night; happening or done suddenly | 一夜间;过夜;突然发生的 |
3 | plenary | ˈplinəri | adjective | complete in every way; full and thorough | 完全的;全体的 |
4 | alongside | əˈlɔŋˌsaɪd | preposition/adverb | next to or parallel with; together with | 在旁边;与...一起 |
5 | stoneware | ˈstoʊnˌwɛər | noun | hard, opaque pottery fired at a high temperature | 瓦器;炻器 |
6 | insecticide | ɪnˈsɛktaɪˌsaɪd | noun | a substance used for killing insects | 杀虫剂 |
7 | herb | ɜrb | noun | a plant or a part of a plant used for its flavor or medicinal properties | 草本植物;香草 |
8 | maltreat | mælˈtrit | verb | to treat someone cruelly or with violence | 虐待;折磨 |
9 | specialty | ˈspɛʃəlti | noun | a pursuit, area of study, or skill to which someone has devoted much time and effort | 专长;特长 |
10 | adherence | ədˈhɪrəns | noun | the act of following closely or sticking to something | 坚持;依附 |
11 | prey | preɪ | noun/verb | an animal that is hunted and killed by another animal/ to hunt and kill for food | 猎物;捕食 |
12 | abruptly | əˈbrʌptli | adverb | suddenly and unexpectedly | 突然地;意外地 |
13 | admiral | ˈædmərəl | noun | the supreme commander of a fleet; a senior naval officer | 海军上将;舰队司令 |
14 | messenger | ˈmɛsɪndʒər | noun | a person who carries and delivers messages | 信使;使者 |
15 | paperwork | ˈpɛɪpərˌwɜrk | noun | routine work involving documents, records, etc. | 文书工作;文件处理 |
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep within the countryside, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her strong spirit and defiance
[1] against injustice. Lily's parents owned a plenary
[3] farm, where they cultivated various crops overnight
[2] to support their livelihood.
[4] their farm, they had a little shop that showcased beautiful stoneware
[5] crafted by local artisans. These delicate pieces were adorned with intricate designs and were highly sought after by collectors. Lily took pride in displaying the artwork and ensuring their safekeeping.
Every morning, Lily would wake up before sunrise and embark on her chores. She would carefully spray insecticide
[6] on the crops to protect them from harmful pests, including the occasional herb
[7] that threatened their growth. Despite her distaste for using insecticides, she understood the necessity of safeguarding the farm's produce.
Lily's speciality
[9], however, was her exceptional treatment of animals. She never maltreat
[8] any creature and took it upon herself to provide a nurturing environment for all the farm animals. Whether it was feeding the chickens or grooming the horses, Lily showed unwavering adherence
[10] to the principle of kindness.
One day, while tending to the animals, Lily noticed a wounded bird lying in the meadow. She gently approached the bird, speaking softly to provide solace. With utmost care, she nursed the bird back to health, patiently waiting for it to regain its strength.
As the bird flew off into the sky, a messenger
[14] arrived at the farm, carrying a bundle of paperwork
[15]. The messenger was none other than the admiral
[13] of the neighboring town, who sought Lily's advice on matters of fairness and justice. Impressed by her wisdom and compassion, the admiral often sought her guidance.
Lily's small village soon became known for its adherence
[10] to principles of fairness and equality, spreading the message far and wide. People would travel from afar to witness the magic that unfolded within those humble walls. The village flourished, and its fame grew overnight
In the years that followed, Lily's legacy endured, inspiring generations to come. Her story became a plenary
[3] reminder of the power of kindness and the impact one individual can have on the world.
As the tale concludes, let us remember the importance of every word within this narrative. Each word holds a unique place, contributing to the tapestry of this story. Let us cherish the defiance
[1], overnight
[2] transformations, plenary
[3] dedication, companionship alongside
[4] stoneware
[5] art, conscious choices regarding insecticide
[6] and herb
[7], the maltreatment
[8]-free environment, speciality
[9] in kindness, unwavering adherence
[10] to principles, the well-being of prey
[11], abrupt
[12] changes, the arrival of an admiral
[13] messenger
[14], and the paperwork
[15] that brought important messages.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
climax, loyalty, airtight, workshop, inducement,
preface, aristocrat, heartily, twilight, longitude,
omen, snicker, subordinate, televise, marker
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | climax | ˈklaɪmæks | noun/verb | the most intense, exciting, or important point of something/ to reach a climax or highest point | 高潮;顶点 |
2 | loyalty | ˈlɔɪəlti | noun | faithfulness or allegiance to a person, group, or cause | 忠诚;忠实 |
3 | airtight | ˈɛərˌtaɪt | adjective | having no noticeable cracks or openings; sealed tightly | 密封的;无懈可击 |
4 | workshop | ˈwɜrkˌʃɑp | noun | a room or building where work, especially manual work, is done | 车间;工作坊 |
5 | inducement | ɪnˈduːsmənt | noun | a thing that persuades or influences someone to do something | 诱因;动机 |
6 | preface | ˈpriːfəs | noun/verb | an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims/ to provide a preface or introduction | 前言;序言 |
7 | aristocrat | ˈærɪstəˌkræt | noun | a member of the highest social class, typically the nobility | 贵族;贵族阶级 |
8 | heartily | ˈhɑrtɪli | adverb | in a hearty or wholehearted manner | 诚挚地;热诚地 |
9 | twilight | ˈtwaɪlaɪt | noun | the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, occurring before sunrise and after sunset/ the period of the evening when twilight occurs | 黄昏;暮光 |
10 | longitude | ˈlɒŋɡɪˌtjuːd | noun | the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object | 经度;经线 |
11 | omen | ˈoʊmən | noun | an event regarded as a sign or a warning of something to come | 预兆;征兆 |
12 | snicker | ˈsnɪkər | verb/noun | to laugh in a suppressed, partly stifled manner/ a smothered or half-suppressed laugh | 窃笑;咯咯声 |
13 | subordinate | səˈbɔrdənət | adjective/noun | lower in rank or position/ a person under the authority or control of another | 下级的;下属 |
14 | televise | ˈtɛləˌvaɪz | verb | to broadcast or be broadcast on television | 在电视上播放;转播 |
15 | marker | ˈmɑrkər | noun | a device or object used to indicate a position, place, or route/ a person or thing that marks something | 标记;记号 |
In the quaint village of Windshire, nestled in the heart of the countryside, there was a small workshop
[4] where the townsfolk gathered to create exquisite handmade crafts. The workshop
[4] was owned by an elderly aristocrat
[7] named Mr. Harrington, who took great pride in his craftsmanship and the loyalty
[2] of his apprentices.
One evening, as the twilight
[9] bathed the village in its gentle glow, a group of strangers arrived. They were emissaries from a distant city, offering an inducement
[5] to Mr. Harrington to televise
[14] a grand competition. This event was to be the climax
[1] of a reality show, showcasing the skills of artisans from all corners of the realm.
At first, Mr. Harrington was hesitant. He cherished the intimacy and airtight
[3] privacy of his workshop
[4], and the thought of exposing his craftsmanship to the world seemed daunting. However, the excitement and curiosity within him soon won over his reservations. He saw this as an opportunity to showcase the beauty of Windshire's crafts and inspire others.
The news spread like an omen
[11] throughout the village, filling the hearts of the townsfolk with anticipation. The apprentices, who had always worked in the shadow of their master, now felt a surge of ambition and determination. They snickered
[12] nervously, imagining themselves on the grand stage, demonstrating their skills to a wide audience.
Under Mr. Harrington's guidance, the workshop
[4] buzzed with activity. The apprentices worked heartily
[8], each knowing their role as a subordinate
[13] to their master's vision. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut wood, the sound of hammers striking metal, and the marker
[15] lines meticulously drawn on their creations.
As the day of the competition approached, the village of Windshire transformed into a bustling hub of excitement. Visitors from far and wide flocked to witness the talents that lay hidden within its borders. The anticipation was palpable, and the townsfolk gathered in the town square, hearts pounding in unison.
Finally, the moment arrived. The cameras rolled, capturing every detail, every emotion. Mr. Harrington's heart swelled with pride as he watched his apprentices showcase their skills with a flair that could only come from their love for their craft. The climax
[1] of the competition was breathtaking, and the audience erupted in applause and awe.
Windshire's artisans had left an indelible mark
[15] on the hearts of all who witnessed their artistry. The village, once hidden in the twilight
[9] of obscurity, had now become a beacon of creativity and talent. And amidst the cheers and accolades, Mr. Harrington knew that it was the loyalty
[2] and dedication of his apprentices that had brought them this far.
As the sun set, painting the sky in vibrant hues, Mr. Harrington stood in the square, his heart filled with gratitude. The journey had been long, but the rewards were beyond measure. In this moment, amidst the applause and admiration, the longitude
[10] of Windshire's legacy had been forever changed.
The preface
[6] to this remarkable tale, written heartily
[8] by the hands of artisans, spoke of loyalty, dedication, and the power of a dream.
Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
shoemaker, debut, flutter, dryer, machinery,
analyse, bourgeoisie, recreate, super, psychiatry,
agony, complacent, vendor, gist, doom
Index | Word | Pronunciation | Parts of Speech | Explanation | Translation in Chinese |
1 | shoemaker | ˈʃumˌeɪkər | noun | a person who makes or repairs shoes | 鞋匠 |
2 | debut | dɪˈbjuː | noun/verb | the first public appearance or performance of something/someone | 初次亮相;首演 |
3 | flutter | ˈflʌtər | verb/noun | to fly unsteadily or with quick, light movements/flapping | 飘动;振翼 |
4 | dryer | ˈdraɪər | noun | a machine or device used to remove moisture or dry something | 烘干机;吹风机 |
5 | machinery | məˈʃinəri | noun | machines collectively or a system of machines | 机械设备;机器组 |
6 | analyse | ˈænəˌlaɪz | verb | to examine or study something in detail | 分析;细致研究 |
7 | bourgeoisie | ˌbʊrʒwɑːˈziː | noun | the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes | 中产阶级;资产阶级 |
8 | recreate | ˌriːkrɪˈeɪt | verb | to create or experience something again | 重新创造;重现 |
9 | super | ˈsuːpər | adjective/noun | excellent; of high quality/ a supervisor or superintendent | 极好的;超级;主管 |
10 | psychiatry | saɪˈkaɪətri | noun | the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders | 精神病学 |
11 | agony | ˈæɡəniː | noun | extreme physical or mental pain or suffering | 极度痛苦;苦恼 |
12 | complacent | kəmˈpleɪsnt | adjective | showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements | 自满的;得意洋洋的 |
13 | vendor | ˈvɛndər | noun | a person or company that sells goods or services | 卖主;小贩 |
14 | gist | ʤɪst | noun | the main or essential part of a matter or speech | 要点;主旨 |
15 | doom | duːm | noun/verb | death, destruction, or some other terrible fate/ to destine someone or something to a terrible fate | 厄运;毁灭;注定 |
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a talented shoemaker
[1]. He dedicated himself to his craft, spending hours meticulously crafting footwear that made people's hearts flutter
[3] with delight. In his workshop, the air was filled with the gentle whir of machinery
[5], and the scent of fresh leather mingled with the warmth of a nearby dryer
Despite his skill, the shoemaker had never made his debut
[2] beyond the village. He yearned for recognition, to share his creations with the world, but he remained hidden, overshadowed by the demands of the bourgeoisie
[7] and the machinery of the fashion industry.
One day, a curious vendor
[13] stumbled upon the shoemaker's hidden abode. Intrigued by the quality of his work, the vendor recognized the potential. Together, they embarked on a mission to recreate
[8] the shoemaker's designs on a larger scale, to break free from the limitations of their small village.
They meticulously analysed
[6] market trends, paying close attention to the desires of the bourgeoisie
. The shoemaker's hands skillfully operated the machinery
[5], bringing his visions to life, while the vendor worked tirelessly to promote his creations to a wider audience.
Their collaboration was a success, and soon, the shoemaker's talent was no longer hidden away. His debut
[2] on the fashion scene was met with great acclaim, his creations adorning the feet of the fashionable elite. The sound of applause drowned out the hum of the machinery
, and the shoemaker's name echoed through the corridors of the fashion world.
As his reputation grew, the shoemaker found himself wrestling with a new challenge. The pressure to maintain his success brought moments of agony
[11], as he grappled with self-doubt and the fear of becoming complacent
[12]. He turned to psychiatry
[10] to navigate the complexities of his mind, seeking balance amidst the whirlwind of the fashion industry.
Through it all, the shoemaker remained true to his art, never losing sight of the gist
[14] of his creations. His shoes were not just objects of beauty, but vessels that carried the essence of his passion and dedication. The shoemaker's work became a symbol of perseverance, inspiring others to chase their dreams, regardless of the doom
[15] that may lurk on their path.
And so, the story of the super
[9] shoemaker, his dryer
[4], and the transformative power of his art reminds us that greatness can emerge from the humblest of beginnings. It teaches us to embrace collaboration, to analyse
[6] our strengths and the demands of the world, and to recreate ourselves in the pursuit of our true potential.
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
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