英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年06月 ChatGPT

背单词 首字母 2023年06月 - ChuckLu - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
database, absolve, mood, sampan, deflect,
investigator, legion, suffering, erroneous, roller,
assassin, ribbon, impression, siege, droop

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 database ˈdeɪtəbeɪs noun a structured set of data held in a computer 数据库
2 absolve æbˈzɑːlv verb to free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility 赦免;宣告...无罪
3 mood muːd noun a temporary state of mind or feeling 心情;情绪
4 sampan ˈsæmpæn noun a small Asian flat-bottomed boat used for transportation 舢舨;小船
5 deflect dɪˈflɛkt verb to cause something to change direction or avoid 偏斜;使转向
6 investigator ɪnˈvɛstɪɡeɪtər noun a person who carries out investigations or inquiries 调查员;研究者
7 legion ˈliːdʒən noun a large group of people or things 军团;大批
8 suffering ˈsʌfərɪŋ noun the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship 痛苦;苦难
9 erroneous ɪˈroʊniəs adjective incorrect; mistaken 错误的;不正确的
10 roller ˈroʊlər noun a cylindrical tool or machine used for flattening or shaping 滚筒;滚轴
11 assassin əˈsæsɪn noun a person who murders someone, usually for political reasons 刺客;暗杀者
12 ribbon ˈrɪbən noun a long, narrow strip of fabric, used for decoration or tying 缎带;丝带
13 impression ɪmˈprɛʃən noun an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone 印象;感觉
14 siege siːdʒ noun a military operation in which a place is surrounded and cut off to force surrender 围困;包围
15 droop druːp verb to bend or hang downward 下垂;垂落

In a small coastal town, there existed a peculiar library filled with ancient books and scrolls. This library served as a vast database[1] of knowledge, accessible to anyone seeking answers or indulging in tales of the past. The librarian, Mr. Thompson, possessed a rare ability to absolve[2] the worries and troubles of those who entered his domain.

On a gloomy afternoon, Jane, a young woman haunted by a melancholic mood[3], decided to pay a visit to the library in hopes of finding solace. As she entered, the sound of rain pattering against the windows created a soothing ambiance. She approached Mr. Thompson, who sat behind an antique desk, and shared her heartache.

Mr. Thompson listened attentively, his wrinkled face reflecting a deep sense of empathy. He reached for an old book, seemingly unremarkable, but holding within its pages the power to transport souls. The book revealed a tale of a faraway land where sampans[4] sailed peacefully along the river, carrying the hopes and dreams of its inhabitants.

As Jane delved into the story, she felt her worries begin to deflect[5] like raindrops against an umbrella. Her mind wandered through the vivid descriptions of the landscape and the vibrant characters that inhabited the narrative. For a moment, her suffering[8] was overshadowed by the captivating story unfolding before her.

Unknown to Jane, an investigator[6] from a distant realm had been observing her. The investigator, Agent Westwood, had been sent to this town to unravel the mystery surrounding the ancient library. Legend had it that the library held the key to an erroneous[9] account of history, capable of altering the course of nations.

Agent Westwood joined forces with a legion[7] of like-minded individuals, each driven by their own curiosity and desire for truth. Together, they embarked on a journey, collecting clues and piecing together fragments of forgotten knowledge.

Their pursuit led them through perilous landscapes, akin to riding a roller[10] coaster of emotions. Along the way, they encountered a shadowy assassin[11], relentless in their pursuit to protect the secrets hidden within the library's walls. The team fought valiantly, each member utilizing their unique skills like threads in a delicate ribbon[12], weaving a tapestry of determination and resilience.

Their relentless efforts made an impression[13] on the forces seeking to keep the truth concealed. Slowly but surely, the library became the center of a grand siege[14], with opposing factions battling for control of the knowledge it contained. The clash of ideologies intensified, causing the weight of uncertainty to droop[15] over the town.

Amidst the chaos, Jane continued her personal journey, drawn to the library's mystique. The stories she discovered within its depths became her sanctuary, an escape from the turbulence of the world. Through each book she read, she found a renewed sense of hope, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, knowledge possessed the power to illuminate the path ahead.

And so, the tale of the ancient library unfolded, intertwining the lives of its visitors, the investigators, and the mysterious guardian who absolved their troubles. It became a testament to the enduring quest for truth, a testament to the transformative nature of words, forever etched within the pages of history.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
beet, legislation, buffalo, Venus, surveillance,
muscle, locker, envisage, adjective, offence,
wink, defender, superiority, minus, immoral

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 deceased dɪˈsiːstɪd adjective no longer alive; dead 已故的;去世的
2 testimony ˈtɛstɪmoʊni noun a formal statement, usually oral or written, given in a court of law or other legal proceedings 证词;证言
3 insured ɪnˈʃʊrd adjective covered by an insurance policy 被保险的;被保险人的
4 Scandinavian ˌskændɪˈneɪviən noun/adjective a person from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) or relating to Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚人;斯堪的纳维亚的
5 horrify ˈhɔːrɪfaɪ verb to cause someone to feel horror or shock 使恐怖;使震惊
6 imagination ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən noun the faculty or action of forming new ideas or images in the mind 想象力;幻想
7 inhumane ɪnˈhjuːˌmeɪn adjective without compassion or consideration for the well-being of others 不人道的;残忍的
8 mob mɑːb noun a large, disorganized crowd of people 人群;暴民
9 hog hɔːɡ noun a domesticated pig 猪;肥猪
10 token ˈtoʊkən noun a small object or symbol representing something else 象征;标志
11 handle ˈhændəl noun/verb a part of an object designed for gripping, holding, or controlling it 把手;处理
12 mischief ˈmɪstʃɪf noun playful misbehavior or troublemaking 恶作剧;顽皮行为
13 rim rɪm noun the outer edge or border of something 边缘;轮缘
14 maintain meɪnˈteɪn verb to cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue 维持;保持
15 calcium ˈkælsiəm noun a chemical element that is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth 钙;钙质

In a small town called Willowbrook, nestled on the outskirts of a vast prairie, there lived a young girl named Emily. She had a deep fascination for nature and spent most of her time exploring the fields and forests that surrounded her home. One sunny afternoon, while wandering near a babbling brook, Emily stumbled upon a peculiar-looking vegetable patch. To her surprise, among the rows of familiar greens, she discovered a vibrant purple beet[1].

Intrigued by this unusual find, Emily carefully plucked the beet from the ground and decided to bring it back home. As she walked back, a strong gust of wind carried a piece of paper towards her. It turned out to be a leaflet, announcing new legislation[2] regarding the protection of wildlife in the area. Emily's heart swelled with joy as she realized her beloved natural surroundings would be preserved for future generations.

Arriving home, Emily placed the beet in a jar on her windowsill, where it would receive ample sunlight to thrive. Little did she know that her humble beet had a surprise in store for her. One morning, as she approached the windowsill, Emily gasped in astonishment. The beet had sprouted into a magical miniature buffalo[3], with majestic horns and shimmering fur.

She named her newfound companion Venus[4], after the beautiful goddess of love and beauty. Venus soon became Emily's constant companion, and together they embarked on countless adventures. However, Emily couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched. The ever-present feeling of surveillance[5] unsettled her, and she couldn't understand its source.

As days turned into weeks, Emily noticed a significant change within herself. Carrying Venus around, her muscles[6] grew stronger, and her confidence soared. She was no longer the shy girl who hid in the school locker[7] during recess. Instead, she began to envisage[8] a world where kindness and compassion would prevail.

Inspired by her newfound courage, Emily started a movement in her school, encouraging her classmates to use positive adjectives[9] when addressing one another. The transformation was remarkable. The once prevalent culture of bullying and offence[10] began to fade away, replaced by understanding and empathy.

News of Emily's incredible journey spread, reaching the ears of a renowned defender[12] of fairness and justice. Impressed by her unwavering spirit, the defender offered to mentor Emily, teaching her the ways of advocacy and the pursuit of truth. Under the defender's guidance, Emily learned the true meaning of superiority[13] - not in dominance but in uplifting others.

Emily's story took a twist when she encountered a challenging situation. She found herself caught in a difficult equation, where the answer seemed just out of reach. Frustration crept in as she pondered over the problem, trying to find a solution. But then, a sudden realization struck her—she needed to approach the situation from a different angle. With a moment of clarity, Emily subtracted the unnecessary complexities and focused on the essential elements. It was a "minus"[14] that led her towards the path of resolution.

Years passed, and Emily, now a young woman, continued her crusade for positive change. Her voice echoed through every corner of the world, advocating for a society where differences were celebrated, not subtracted. Her campaigns against injustice and immorality[15] reached far and wide, inspiring generations to fight for a brighter future.

And so, with a wink[11] and a smile, Emily's story goes on, forever engraved in the hearts of those who believe in the power of one person to make a difference, just like a humble beet[1] that blossomed into something extraordinary.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
deceased, testimony, insured, Scandinavian, horrify,
imagination, inhumane, mob, hog, token,
handle, mischief, rim, maintain, calcium

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 deceased dɪˈsiːstɪd adjective no longer alive; dead 已故的;去世的
2 testimony ˈtɛstɪmoʊni noun a formal statement, usually oral or written, given in a court of law or other legal proceedings 证词;证言
3 insured ɪnˈʃʊrd adjective covered by an insurance policy 被保险的;被保险人的
4 Scandinavian ˌskændɪˈneɪviən noun/adjective a person from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) or relating to Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚人;斯堪的纳维亚的
5 horrify ˈhɔːrɪfaɪ verb to cause someone to feel horror or shock 使恐怖;使震惊
6 imagination ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən noun the faculty or action of forming new ideas or images in the mind 想象力;幻想
7 inhumane ɪnˈhjuːˌmeɪn adjective without compassion or consideration for the well-being of others 不人道的;残忍的
8 mob mɑːb noun a large, disorganized crowd of people 人群;暴民
9 hog hɔːɡ noun a domesticated pig 猪;肥猪
10 token ˈtoʊkən noun a small object or symbol representing something else 象征;标志
11 handle ˈhændəl noun/verb a part of an object designed for gripping, holding, or controlling it 把手;处理
12 mischief ˈmɪstʃɪf noun playful misbehavior or troublemaking 恶作剧;顽皮行为
13 rim rɪm noun the outer edge or border of something 边缘;轮缘
14 maintain meɪnˈteɪn verb to cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue 维持;保持
15 calcium ˈkælsiəm noun a chemical element that is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth 钙;钙质

In a small town, there was a recently deceased[1] man named Edward. He had always been known for his eccentricity, but nobody expected the shocking testimony[2] he left behind. It turned out that Edward had secretly insured[3] his life for a substantial amount of money. The whole town, including the local Scandinavian[4] community, was horrify[5] and puzzled by this revelation.

Rumors began to spread like wildfire, capturing the imagination[6] of the townsfolk. Some speculated that Edward's death was not natural, suspecting inhumane[7] actions or even a mob[8] involvement. Others believed it was simply a scheme concocted by Edward himself to hog[9] all the attention, treating it as a mere token[10] of his mischief[11].

The police were called in to handle[12] the investigation, but they faced challenges at every turn. Clues were scattered around like rim[13] fragments, and maintaining[14] order became increasingly difficult. It was as if the town had descended into chaos, with calcium[15] deposit-like tension in the air.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
trolley, succession, tyrant, impossibility, carton,
serpent, nylon, firework, vanity, kangaroo,
convince, oar, hip, inlet, boxer

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 trolley ˈtrɒli noun a wheeled cart or basket used for transporting goods or luggage 手推车;购物车
2 succession səkˈsɛʃ(ə)n noun the action or process of following one after another 继任;连续
3 tyrant ˈtaɪrənt noun a cruel and oppressive ruler or leader 暴君;独裁者
4 impossibility ɪmˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪti noun the state or quality of being impossible 不可能;无法实现
5 carton ˈkɑːtn noun a light box or container, typically made of cardboard or paper 纸盒;纸板箱
6 serpent ˈsɜːrpənt noun a large snake or snake-like creature 蛇;巨蟒
7 nylon ˈnaɪlɒn noun a tough, lightweight, synthetic polymer fiber 尼龙;合成纤维
8 firework ˈfaɪəwɜːk noun a device containing gunpowder and other chemicals that explode to produce a visual or auditory display 烟花;爆竹
9 vanity ˈvænɪti noun excessive pride or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements 虚荣;自负
10 kangaroo kæŋɡəˈruː noun a large, herbivorous marsupial native to Australia 袋鼠
11 convince kənˈvɪns verb to cause someone to believe firmly in the truth or validity of something 使相信;说服
12 oar ɔːr noun a long pole with a flat blade used for rowing a boat 桨;划桨
13 hip hɪp noun the area on each side of the body between the top of the thigh and the waist 臀部;髋部
14 inlet ˈɪnlət noun a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river 进口;入口
15 boxer ˈbɒksə noun a person who participates in the sport of boxing 拳击手;拳师

In a bustling city, a trolley[1] rolled along the tracks, carrying passengers from one destination to another. The trolley driver was known for his long succession[2] of safe journeys, making him a beloved figure among the commuters.

But one day, a tyrant[3] seized power in the city and imposed numerous restrictions on the use of trolleys. The people felt trapped, as the impossibility[4] of using this convenient mode of transport hindered their daily lives.

Amidst the chaos, a curious carton[5] arrived at the city's outskirts. Inside the carton, a mysterious serpent[6] slithered in anticipation of its newfound freedom. The serpent had been transported from a faraway land, concealed within layers of protective nylon[7].

As night fell, the city's skyline erupted with vibrant firework[8] displays, designed to distract the citizens from their sense of vanity[9]. The grand spectacle aimed to instill a false sense of joy and divert attention from the trolley's absence.

Unbeknownst to the city dwellers, a nimble kangaroo[10] hopped from rooftop to rooftop, observing the tyrant's oppressive regime. Determined to convince[11] the people of their power, the kangaroo sought allies in the most unexpected places.

With an oar[12] in hand, the kangaroo rallied a group of rebels, united in their quest for justice. Together, they hatched a plan to expose the tyrant's deceit and bring the trolleys back to the city streets.

Under the cover of darkness, the kangaroo and his companions discreetly distributed flyers, spreading the word about their cause. The rebellion grew, gaining momentum like a powerful wave crashing against the rocky hip[13] of the city.

In a hidden inlet[14], far from prying eyes, the rebels gathered for a clandestine meeting. Their determination burned bright, fueled by the boxer[15] spirit within each of them. They knew that the fight for the trolleys was a fight for the city's soul.

(Note: The story above is a work of fiction and does not promote or condone any form of rebellion or violence in real-life situations.)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
hedgehog, admission, drown, salvation, label,
overdose, acre, fission, triangle, cannery,
motto, housebreaker, throng, sociologist, conceivable

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 hedgehog ˈhɛdʒhɒɡ noun a small nocturnal mammal with a coat of sharp spines on its back 刺猬;豪猪
2 admission ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n noun the act or process of being allowed to enter or join something 入场;准许进入
3 drown draʊn verb to die from immersion in liquid, typically by suffocation 淹死;溺水
4 salvation sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n noun the act of saving or being saved, especially from harm or danger 拯救;救赎
5 label ˈleɪb(ə)l noun/verb a small piece of paper, fabric, or similar material attached to an object to provide information or instructions 标签;贴标签
6 overdose ˈoʊvərdoʊs noun/verb an excessive or dangerous amount of a substance 过量服用;过量
7 acre ˈeɪkər noun a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards or 43,560 square feet 英亩;公亩
8 fission ˈfɪʃ(ə)n noun the process of splitting or dividing something into two or more parts 核裂变;分裂
9 triangle ˈtraɪˌæŋɡ(ə)l noun a closed plane figure with three straight sides and three angles 三角形
10 cannery ˈkænəri noun a factory where food is canned and preserved 罐头厂;食品加工厂
11 motto ˈmɒtəʊ noun a short statement or phrase expressing the guiding principles or beliefs of a person, group, or institution 座右铭;格言
12 housebreaker ˈhaʊsˌbreɪkər noun a person who breaks into houses to steal 入室盗窃者;闯入者
13 throng θrɒŋ noun/verb a large, densely packed crowd of people 人群;挤满
14 sociologist ˌsoʊsiˈɒlədʒɪst noun a person who studies and analyzes human society and social behavior 社会学家
15 conceivable kənˈsiːvəbl adjective capable of being imagined or understood 可想象的;可以理解的

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a peculiar creature called a hedgehog[1]. It had quills all over its body, making it look like a tiny, spiky ball. The villagers were always intrigued by this unique little animal.

One day, an admission[2] fair was held in the village, and people from all around gathered to showcase their talents and skills. The hedgehog, eager to participate, decided to showcase its swimming abilities. Everyone was skeptical, thinking that a hedgehog would surely drown[3] in the water.

But to everyone's surprise, the hedgehog proved them wrong. It swam gracefully, showcasing its talent as if it had found its salvation[4] in the water. The villagers were amazed, and the hedgehog became the talk of the town.

As the fame of the hedgehog spread, people started calling it the "Aquatic Hedgehog[1]," giving it a new label[5] that reflected its incredible swimming skills. The hedgehog became a symbol of resilience and determination.

However, one day tragedy struck. The hedgehog accidentally came across a bottle of spilled liquid, unaware that it contained a harmful substance. Curiosity got the better of it, and it took a tiny overdose[6] of the toxic liquid. The hedgehog's health deteriorated rapidly, and the villagers feared for its life.

Desperate to save the hedgehog, the villagers searched for a cure. They scoured every acre[7] of the land, seeking a solution to reverse the effects of the poison. Finally, they stumbled upon a secret remedy hidden deep within the fission[8] of nature. With great care, they prepared the antidote and administered it to the hedgehog.

Miraculously, the hedgehog's condition improved, and it regained its strength. It was like witnessing the triangle[9] of life: survival, resilience, and hope.

In honor of the hedgehog's miraculous recovery, the villagers decided to organize a grand celebration at the local cannery[10]. They displayed banners with the motto, "Never underestimate the power of the Hedgehog[1]," as a reminder of the creature's incredible journey.

The celebration was filled with joy and laughter, as the villagers came together to celebrate the life of their beloved hedgehog. The tiny creature had become an inspiration to many, proving that even the smallest beings can overcome immense challenges.

In the midst of the throng[13], a renowned sociologist[14] observed the events unfolding. Intrigued by the hedgehog's story, the sociologist decided to study the impact of adversity and resilience on individuals and communities.

Years later, the sociologist published a groundbreaking book titled "Beyond the Conceivable[15]: The Hedgehog's Tale," which became a bestseller worldwide. The story of the hedgehog's triumph continued to inspire people across generations, reminding them that even in the face of adversity, salvation and resilience can prevail.

And so, the legend of the remarkable hedgehog lived on, forever etched in the hearts and minds of those who believed in the power of determination and hope.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
realistic, cable, waterfront, lens, credulous,
batter, bowler, poultry, hearty, stylish,
necessity, policy, canteen, ambiguity, skirmish

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 realistic rɪəˈlɪstɪk adjective having or showing a sensible and practical understanding of life 现实的;实际的
2 cable ˈkeɪbəl noun a thick strong rope made of wires 电缆;缆索
3 waterfront ˈwɔːtəfrʌnt noun the land or area along the edge of a body of water 滨水地带;水边
4 lens lɛnz noun a piece of glass or other transparent material used to focus light and form an image 透镜;镜片
5 credulous ˈkrɛdjʊləs adjective too willing to believe or trust someone or something without enough evidence 轻信的;易受骗的
6 batter ˈbætər noun a thick liquid mixture used in cooking, typically made by combining flour, eggs, and milk 面糊;糊状物
7 bowler ˈboʊlər noun a person who bowls, especially in the game of cricket 玩保龄球的人;击球手
8 poultry ˈpoʊltri noun domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs 家禽;家养鸟类
9 hearty ˈhɑːrti adjective genuine, sincere, and heartfelt 真挚的;衷心的
10 stylish ˈstaɪlɪʃ adjective fashionable or elegant in style or appearance 时尚的;别致的
11 necessity nəˈsɛsəti noun something that is necessary or indispensable 必需品;必要性
12 policy ˈpɒləsi noun a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual 政策;方针
13 canteen kænˈtiːn noun a small container used for carrying liquids, typically used by soldiers or campers 水壶;饭堂
14 ambiguity æmbɪˈɡjuːɪti noun the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness 模棱两可;含糊不清
15 skirmish ˈskɜːrmɪʃ noun a short, quick fight between small groups of soldiers or other combatants 小规模战斗;小冲突

At the picturesque waterfront[3], a stylish[10] couple strolled hand in hand. The realistic[1] view of the bustling harbor, with ships anchored and seagulls soaring overhead, captivated their senses. As they walked, they noticed a group of people gathered around a small stand, eagerly watching a street performer.

The performer, wearing a hearty[9] smile, held a cable[2] in one hand and a camera with a powerful lens[4] in the other. He approached the couple, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness a remarkable illusion!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with credulous[5] excitement.

Intrigued, the couple paused to observe. The street performer began his act, skillfully manipulating the cable[2] in various mesmerizing patterns. With each movement, the realistic[1] illusions he created left the crowd in awe.

The batter[6] of applause echoed through the air as the performer executed his tricks flawlessly. He then announced, "Now, behold the grand finale!" With a swift motion, he released the cable[2], causing it to vanish into thin air, leaving the onlookers astonished.

The couple exchanged glances, impressed by the performer's talent and the stylish[10] spectacle he had put on. They decided to approach the performer, expressing their admiration for his showmanship and skill. The performer, grateful for their kind words, shared his love for the poultry[8] farm he owned on the outskirts of town.

He spoke passionately about the hearty[9] meals he prepared with fresh ingredients from his farm, emphasizing the necessity[11] of good food for a healthy and stylish[10] lifestyle. Intrigued, the couple asked if they could visit his farm and experience his culinary creations firsthand.

The performer happily agreed, providing them with the address of his poultry[8] farm and inviting them to dine at his farm's canteen[13]. They exchanged farewells and promised to meet soon.

Days later, the couple arrived at the farm, greeted by the aromatic scents of poultry[8] dishes being prepared in the canteen[13]. The performer, now wearing an apron, welcomed them with open arms and led them to a stylishly[10] set table.

As they indulged in the hearty[9] feast, the couple realized that beneath the stylish[10] exterior of the street performer lay a passionate chef with an unparalleled culinary talent. Their visit was filled with laughter, ambiguity[14], and delicious food, forging a bond that would last a lifetime.

Little did they know, their encounter with the street performer would be the catalyst for an incredible journey, one that would take them beyond the skirmish[15] of the city and into a world of gastronomic adventures, where the policy[12] of friendship and the realistic[1] pursuit of dreams would intertwine harmoniously.

And so, their story began, driven by a chance meeting, the allure of the waterfront[3], and the belief that life's most extraordinary moments often arise from unexpected encounters.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
noticeable, axle, finite, decade, blacken,
gene, taper, heating, temptation, exceedingly,
left-handed, frightened, pistol, habitual, axiom

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation in Chinese
1 noticeable /ˈnəʊtɪsəbəl/ adjective able to be observed or easily noticed 显而易见的;明显的
2 axle /ˈæksəl/ noun a shaft on which a wheel rotates 轴;车轴
3 finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ adjective having bounds or limits; not infinite 有限的
4 decade /ˈdɛkeɪd/ noun a period of ten years 十年
5 blacken /ˈblækən/ verb to make or become black or dark 变黑;使变黑
6 gene /dʒiːn/ noun a unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring 基因
7 taper /ˈteɪpər/ verb to gradually decrease in thickness or width 逐渐变细;锥形
8 heating /ˈhiːtɪŋ/ noun the action of making something hot or heating a space 加热;供暖
9 temptation /tɛmpˈteɪʃən/ noun the desire to do or have something that is appealing but may be unwise or immoral 诱惑;引诱
10 exceedingly /ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli/ adverb to a very great extent; extremely 非常;极其
11 left-handed /lɛftˈhændɪd/ adjective using the left hand more naturally and easily than the right hand 左撇子的
12 frightened /ˈfraɪtənd/ adjective feeling fear or dread; scared 害怕的;受惊的
13 pistol /ˈpɪstəl/ noun a small firearm designed to be held and fired with one hand 手枪
14 habitual /həˈbɪtʃʊəl/ adjective done or experienced regularly or repeatedly 习惯性的;常规的
15 axiom /ˈæksiəm/ noun a statement or proposition that is regarded as self-evidently true 公理;格言

Once upon a time in a town, there was a noticeable[1] old man named Henry. He had worked as a mechanic his whole life and had become a master at fixing axles[2]. Henry's expertise in the field was finite[3], and he took great pride in his skills. He had seen many changes over the decade[4] he spent working in the industry.

As time went on, Henry noticed that his town was slowly blackening[5] due to pollution. The once green and vibrant surroundings were now covered in a layer of soot. Concerned about the environment, Henry decided to take action. He began researching ways to reduce emissions and promote cleaner energy sources.

During his research, Henry stumbled upon an interesting gene[6] that was responsible for plants' ability to withstand pollution. Intrigued by the potential, he started experimenting with the gene, hoping to develop a plant that could purify the air.

Henry spent countless hours in his workshop, meticulously adjusting the plant's taper[7] to ensure optimal growth. He also designed a unique heating system that provided the ideal temperature for the plant's development. The process was long and challenging, but Henry's determination surpassed any obstacles he encountered.

Throughout his journey, Henry faced numerous temptations[9] to give up. The task seemed exceedingly[10] difficult, and doubts crept into his mind. However, he reminded himself of his purpose: to restore the fairness[1] of nature and create a cleaner environment for future generations.

As the years passed, Henry's left-handed experiment bore fruit. He successfully developed a plant that thrived in polluted environments and purified the air. The plant became a symbol of hope for the town, inspiring others to take action.

Henry's achievements spread far and wide, attracting attention from different corners of the world. He received awards and recognition for his contributions to environmental preservation. But to Henry, the greatest reward was knowing that he had made a positive impact on the world.

In a world where pollution and climate change posed significant challenges, Henry's story became an axiom[15]. His determination, fueled by the habitual[14] desire to protect the planet, showed that individuals could make a difference.

As Henry looked back on his journey, he realized that even a small pistol[13] could bring about significant change. The power lay not in grand gestures but in the persistent pursuit of a better future.

And so, Henry's legacy lived on, inspiring generations to come. The town, once frightened[12] by the dark cloud of pollution, now flourished with hope and a renewed commitment to environmental stewardship. The noticeable transformation was a testament to the indomitable spirit of one man and the impact he had on his community.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
finalist, interviewer, hull, vomit, materialism,
discord, indication, bristle, bacteria, warrant,
stew, taboo, pair, baker, footprint

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 finalist ˈfaɪnəlɪst noun a person who reaches the final stage of a competition or selection 决赛选手;入围者
2 interviewer ˈɪntərˌvjuːər noun a person who conducts an interview 面试官;采访者
3 hull hʌl noun the main body of a ship or boat, excluding the masts, decks, and superstructure 船体;外壳
4 vomit ˈvɒmɪt noun/verb the act of ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth 呕吐;呕吐物
5 materialism məˈtɪərɪəˌlɪzəm noun the belief that only physical matter and its properties exist, and that everything can be explained in terms of material interactions 唯物主义
6 discord ˈdɪskɔːrd noun lack of harmony or agreement in feelings, actions, or opinions 不和;纷争
7 indication ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃən noun a sign or piece of information that indicates something 迹象;指示
8 bristle ˈbrɪsəl noun/verb short, stiff hairs or fibers, typically those of a brush or animal's hair, that are rigid or spiky 刚毛;发怒
9 bacteria bækˈtɪərɪə noun microscopic organisms that can cause disease or aid in various biological processes 细菌
10 warrant ˈwɔːrənt noun/verb a document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice 授权;逮捕令
11 stew stjuː noun/verb a dish made by cooking meat, vegetables, or other ingredients in liquid slowly and at a low temperature 炖菜;炖煮
12 taboo tæˈbuː noun/adjective a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing 禁忌;忌讳
13 pair pɛər noun/verb a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit 一对;成对
14 baker ˈbeɪkər noun a person who bakes bread, cakes, and pastries 面包师傅;糕点师傅
15 footprint ˈfʊtprɪnt noun the impression left by a foot on the ground or a surface 足迹;脚印

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a prestigious cooking competition. The competition had reached its final stage, and the tension was palpable. The two remaining contestants, a talented baker[14] and a masterful stew[11]-maker, anxiously awaited their turn to impress the panel of judges.

The finalist[1]s had to undergo a grueling interviewer[2] before their culinary skills would be put to the test. The interviewer[2], a renowned food critic known for his discerning palate, carefully observed each contestant as they nervously answered his questions.

As the baker[14] answered a question about the importance of using quality ingredients, a sudden discord[6] arose in the hull[3]abaloo of the competition venue. The sound of retching filled the air, and an unfortunate spectator succumbed to an untimely bout of vomit[4]. It was an unfortunate indication[7] of the nerves and pressure that hung heavy in the atmosphere.

Undeterred by the incident, the interviewer[2] continued, and the stew[11]-maker's response to a question about the impact of materialism[5] on the culinary world made the interviewer[2] bristle[8] with curiosity. The stew[11]-maker passionately argued that true artistry in cooking could not be overshadowed by the shallow pursuit of fame and fortune.

Meanwhile, backstage, the competitors prepared their signature dishes, carefully ensuring that no bacteria[9] tainted their creations. The aroma of the baker[14]'s freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the rich fragrance of the stew[11]-maker's herb-infused stew[11].

Finally, it was time for the final showdown. The finalist[1]s presented their dishes, each vying for the prestigious title. The judges took their time to savor each bite, their expressions a mix of concentration and delight.

As the judges deliberated, the tension mounted. The baker[14]'s exquisite pastries left a lasting footprint[15] on the palates of the judges. The stew[11]-maker's dish, though unconventional, was a culinary adventure that challenged the confines of taboo[12].

After what felt like an eternity, the judges returned with their verdict. In a surprising twist, they announced a tie—a decision that warrant[10]ed applause from the crowd. The baker[14] and the stew[11]-maker were declared joint winners, breaking the taboo[12] of having only one champion.

In that moment, the city celebrated the triumph of creativity and diversity in the culinary world. The finalist[1]s, once rivals, now embraced their shared victory, acknowledging that their unique skills had brought them together in a harmonious pair[13].

And so, the cooking competition ended, leaving behind a legacy of innovation, passion, and the recognition that true excellence knows no boundaries.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
antecedent, spokesman, insure, swindle, hop,
amber, cherry, goodness, snatch, syringe,
outskirts, advertisement, inscription, gross, standstill

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 antecedent æntɪˈsiːdənt noun a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another 前例;前身
2 spokesman ˈspəʊksmən noun a person who speaks on behalf of a group or organization 发言人;代言人
3 insure ɪnˈʃʊər verb to provide or arrange for financial protection against risks 保险;确保
4 swindle ˈswɪndl̩ verb/noun to deceive or cheat someone, or an act of deception 骗取;欺诈;诈骗
5 hop hɒp verb/noun to jump or move quickly and lightly on one foot 单脚跳;跳跃;跳跃短途旅行
6 amber ˈæmbər noun/adjective a hard, translucent fossilized resin, or the color orange-yellow 琥珀;琥珀色
7 cherry ˈtʃɛri noun/adjective a small, round fruit, or having the color or flavor of cherries 樱桃;樱桃色
8 goodness ˈɡʊdnɪs noun the quality of being good, virtuous, or morally right 善良;优点;好处
9 snatch snætʃ verb/noun to quickly seize or grab something, or an act of seizing 抓住;攫取;夺取
10 syringe sɪˈrɪndʒ noun/verb a hollow needle-like tube used for injecting or withdrawing fluids 注射器;注射;洗涤器
11 outskirts ˈaʊtskɜːrts noun the outer parts or edges of a town or city 郊区;外围地带
12 advertisement ədˈvɜːrtɪsmənt noun a paid promotion of a product, service, or event 广告;广告业
13 inscription ɪnˈskrɪpʃən noun words inscribed on a surface, such as a monument or coin 铭文;题词;刻印
14 gross ɡrəʊs adjective/noun total, including all parts or elements; or a dozen dozens 总共的;总的;一打(十二个)十二打
15 standstill ˈstændstɪl noun a state of no movement or activity 静止;停顿

Once upon a time in a small town on the outskirts[10], there lived a kind-hearted spokesman[2]. He was known for his goodness[8] and integrity. People trusted him to insure[3] their belongings and protect them from any potential swindle[4].

One sunny day, as the spokesman[2] was taking a hop[5] through the meadow, he stumbled upon a piece of amber[6] shining brightly on the ground. Excited by his discovery, he picked it up and admired its beauty. Little did he know that this amber held a hidden inscription[13] that would change his life forever.

Back in town, the spokesman[2] noticed an advertisement[12] for a missing syringe[10] that contained a valuable medicine. The reward offered was gross[14], and it was a matter of great importance to the antecedent[1] of the medicine. Determined to do good, the spokesman[2] set off on a mission to find the missing syringe[10].

He scoured the town, questioning every snatch[9] of information he could gather. His dedication and relentless search led him to the outskirts, where he uncovered a plot to swindle[4] the valuable medicine for personal gain. With his quick thinking and bravery, he managed to put a standstill[15] to their malicious intentions and returned the syringe[10] to its rightful owner.

The antecedent[1] of the medicine, grateful for the spokesman[2]'s selfless act, expressed their appreciation. The story of the spokesman[2]'s courage and honesty spread throughout the town, turning him into a local hero. His name became synonymous with trust and goodness[8].

From that day forward, the spokesman[2] continued to serve as a beacon of goodness[8] and a spokesman[2] for justice. His actions reminded everyone of the importance of honesty, integrity, and protecting the well-being of others.

And so, the tale of the spokesman[2] and his remarkable journey became an inscription[13] in the town's history, inspiring generations to come.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
widow, clown, arise, evaluation, shark,
coconut, cycle, proverb, lord, assertion,
boxing, formality, producer, mentality, cornea

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 widow /ˈwɪdoʊ/ noun A woman who has lost her spouse through death and has not remarried. 寡妇;丧偶女子
2 clown /klaʊn/ noun A comic entertainer, typically dressed in colorful clothing and exaggerated makeup, who performs slapstick and mime to amuse an audience. 小丑;滑稽角色
3 arise /əˈraɪz/ verb To come into existence or notice; to originate or stem. 出现;产生
4 evaluation /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ noun The act of assessing or appraising something; an examination or analysis of the quality, nature, or value of something. 评估;评价
5 shark /ʃɑːrk/ noun A large predatory fish with a cartilaginous skeleton, a streamlined body, and typically a set of sharp teeth, known for its hunting abilities in the ocean. 鲨鱼
6 coconut /ˈkoʊkəˌnʌt/ noun A large brown fruit with a hard shell, containing white flesh and a watery liquid, which is typically found on palm trees in tropical regions. 椰子
7 cycle /ˈsaɪkəl/ noun A series of events or phenomena that recur in a regular sequence; a period of time necessary for completing a sequence of events or phenomena. 循环;周期
8 proverb /ˈprɑːvɜːrb/ noun A short, well-known saying that expresses a general truth or piece of advice. 谚语;格言
9 lord /lɔːrd/ noun A person who has authority, control, or power over others; a ruler or master. 主;领主
10 assertion /əˈsɜːrʃən/ noun A confident and forceful statement or declaration made without supporting evidence or proof. 断言;声明
11 boxing /ˈbɑːksɪŋ/ noun The sport or practice of fighting with the fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules. 拳击
12 formality /fɔːrˈmæləti/ noun The rigid observance of rules and conventions, especially in social or official contexts; something done as a matter of form, without sincere intent. 例行公事;礼节
13 producer /prəˈduːsər/ noun A person or company responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of the creation, production, or presentation of a film, play, or other entertainment or media product. 制片人;制作人
14 mentality /menˈtæləti/ noun A person's characteristic attitude, mental state, or way of thinking; the mindset or outlook of an individual or a group. 心态;思维方式
15 cornea /ˈkɔːrniə/ noun The transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber, providing most of the eye's optical power. 角膜

Once upon a time, there was a widow[1] who lived in a small village. She was known for her love of laughter and hired a clown[2] to entertain the children in the town. Every morning, the sun would arise[3] and the clown would bring joy to everyone's faces.

One day, the village received an evaluation[4] from a renowned circus. They were seeking a talented performer, and they heard about the incredible shark[5] act that the village clown had developed. The news spread like wildfire, and soon the whole town was buzzing with excitement.

In preparation for the upcoming event, the villagers decided to celebrate by organizing a grand feast. They gathered fresh coconuts[6] from the nearby trees and enjoyed a delightful meal together. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter as they shared stories and proverbs[8] passed down through generations.

As the village prepared for the circus, the lord[9] of the land expressed his assertion[10] that this would be an unforgettable event. The villagers eagerly anticipated the arrival of the circus and the incredible boxing[11] matches they would witness.

To ensure everything went smoothly, the village council emphasized the need for formality[12] and appointed a diligent producer[13] to oversee the logistics. The entire community came together with a unified mentality[14] of creating a memorable experience for all.

Finally, the day of the circus arrived. The villagers gathered in excitement as the performers showcased their incredible skills. The highlight of the show was the clown's remarkable act, which left everyone in awe. His performance was like a shining cornea[15], capturing the imagination of all who watched.

The circus brought immense joy and laughter to the village, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The villagers cherished the experience and the lessons learned, embracing the spirit of unity, entertainment, and the power of a good laugh.

In the end, the village thrived not only because of the incredible widow[1] who brought laughter into their lives but also because of the collective spirit and sense of community they shared. And so, their story became a proverb[8] of resilience, celebration, and the triumph of joy over sorrow.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
infect, pluck, making, aperture, denture,
orthodox, parrot, county, champagne, transmission,
criticize, isle, conquer, damn, chartered

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 infect ɪnˈfɛkt verb to contaminate with a disease or harmful substance 传染;感染
2 pluck plʌk verb to pull or pick off (such as feathers or flowers) 拔掉;摘下
3 making ˈmeɪkɪŋ noun the process or act of creating or forming something 制作;制造
4 aperture ˈæpərtʃər noun an opening or hole, especially in a camera lens or a wall 孔径;光圈
5 denture ˈdɛntʃər noun a set of artificial teeth, typically removable 假牙;义齿
6 orthodox ˈɔːrθədɒks adjective conforming to traditional or established beliefs, customs, or practices 正统的;传统的
7 parrot ˈpærət noun a colorful bird known for its ability to mimic human speech 鹦鹉
8 county ˈkaʊnti noun a political and administrative division of a state or country
9 champagne ʃæmˈpeɪn noun a sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France 香槟(酒)
10 transmission trænzˈmɪʃən noun the act or process of transmitting something, especially signals or information 传输;传递
11 criticize ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz verb to express disapproval or find fault with something or someone 批评;指责
12 isle aɪl noun a small island 小岛
13 conquer ˈkɒŋkər verb to overcome or defeat by force or effort 征服;克服
14 damn dæm verb to condemn or express strong disapproval of someone or something 谴责;诅咒
15 chartered ˈtʃɑːtərd adjective granted or guaranteed by a charter, such as a legal document 特许的;包租的

Once upon a time, in a picturesque isle[12], there was a parrot[7] with colorful feathers. The parrot lived in a chartered[15] house on a hill, overlooking the serene county[8] below. It would often entertain visitors with its ability to infect[1] their laughter, mimicking their words with impeccable intonation[10].

One sunny day, a group of tourists arrived, eager to explore the island's orthodox[6] traditions and stunning aperture[4] views. They were in awe of the parrot's talent and tried to pluck[2] its feathers as souvenirs, unaware of the harm it could cause. The parrot, sensing danger, flapped its wings in protest and managed to transmit[10] a warning to the tourists.

The tourists, realizing their mistake, felt a sense of dissatisfaction in their actions. They understood the importance of respecting nature and vowed to be more punctual[13] in their future behavior. To make amends, they organized a grand feast on the island, serving delectable dishes and bottles of sparkling champagne[9]. They hoped to conquer[13] their past ignorance by spreading awareness about the island's rich biodiversity and the need for protective[5] conservation measures.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the island, the parrot perched on a branch, observing the positive making[3] happening around it. It felt a sense of contentment knowing that its message had been heard and its home preserved. With renewed hope, the parrot let out a satisfied squawk, echoing through the denture[5] of mountains.

The story serves as a reminder that our actions have consequences and it's our responsibility to be criticize[11] and correct our mistakes. By embracing a respectful and orthodox[6] approach towards nature, we can create a harmonious environment for all living beings to thrive.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
well-to-do, displace, presidential, dissatisfaction, protective,
democrat, expert, shampoo, modem, stir,
cosmetic, corporate, punctual, nun, hush

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 well-to-do /ˌwɛl tu ˈduː/ adjective having wealth or a high social status 富有的;富裕的
2 displace /dɪsˈpleɪs/ verb to take the place of someone or something 取代;替换
3 presidential /ˌprɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l/ adjective relating to the position of president 总统的;总统职位的
4 dissatisfaction /ˌdɪsəˈsætɪsˈfækʃ(ə)n/ noun the feeling of being dissatisfied or discontented 不满;不满意
5 protective /prəˈtɛktɪv/ adjective intended or designed to protect someone or something 保护的;防护的
6 democrat /ˈdɛməkræt/ noun a supporter or member of the Democratic Party 民主党人;民主主义者
7 expert /ˈɛkspɜrt/ noun a person who has extensive knowledge or skill in a particular area 专家;能手
8 shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ noun/verb a liquid or cream used for cleaning the hair; to wash the hair with shampoo 洗发水;用洗发水洗头
9 modem /ˈmoʊdəm/ noun a device that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone or cable lines 调制解调器
10 stir /stɜːr/ verb/noun to mix or move slightly; a commotion or excitement 搅动;搅拌;激动;骚乱
11 cosmetic /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/ noun/adjective a product applied to the body to enhance appearance; relating to beauty or appearance 化妆品;美容的
12 corporate /ˈkɔːrpərət/ adjective relating to a large company or corporation 公司的;法人的
13 punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃʊəl/ adjective happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time 准时的;守时的
14 nun /nʌn/ noun a woman who has taken solemn vows to devote herself to religious life 修女;尼姑
15 hush /hʌʃ/ verb/noun to make quiet or silence; a period of silence 安静;嘘声

Once upon a time, there was a well-to-do[1] family who lived in a grand mansion. They were known for their lavish lifestyle and prosperous business ventures. One day, a major storm hit their town and caused severe flooding, which forced them to displace[2] to a temporary shelter.

Amid the chaos, the presidential[3] candidate visited the town to assess the damage and provide support to the affected residents. However, there was a widespread sense of dissatisfaction[4] among the people due to the slow response of the government. They felt the need for more protective[5] measures and immediate relief.

In the midst of this political turmoil, a local democrat[6] leader emerged as the voice of the community. He was an expert[7] in disaster management and swiftly organized relief efforts, ensuring that the affected families received essential supplies, including shampoo[8] and personal care items.

To establish communication in the temporary shelter, they set up a modem[9] to connect to the internet and keep the residents informed about the latest developments. Despite the challenging circumstances, the spirit of unity and resilience began to stir[10] among the affected families.

Recognizing the importance of maintaining a sense of normalcy, volunteers organized small activities to uplift the spirits of the displaced residents. They arranged cosmetic[11] workshops, where women learned simple makeup techniques to boost their confidence.

In the meantime, local businesses and corporate[12] entities stepped forward to provide financial aid and support the rebuilding process. They showed their commitment to the community's well-being by ensuring punctual[13] disbursement of funds and resources.

Among the volunteers, there was a compassionate nun[14] who devoted herself to serving others. Her selflessness and dedication inspired many, and her presence brought a sense of peace and hush[15] to the temporary shelter.

As the days passed, the community came together, transcending differences of status and background. The adversity they faced only strengthened their resolve to rebuild their lives and support one another. It was a testament to the power of unity and the human spirit.

Note: The short story is generated using the provided words, and the word index is marked with square brackets [ ].


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sawmill, attic, amuse, anode, confidential,
apparatus, intonation, RAM, massage, private,
blueprint, flatten, limitation, productivity, invest

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation in Chinese
1 sawmill /ˈsɔːmɪl/ noun a place or facility where logs are processed into lumber 锯木厂;锯木机械
2 attic /ˈætɪk/ noun a space or room just below the roof of a building, often used for storage 阁楼;顶楼
3 amuse /əˈmjuːz/ verb to entertain or provide enjoyment 使愉快;娱乐
4 anode /ˈænoʊd/ noun the positively charged electrode by which electrons leave an electrical device 阳极
5 confidential /ˌkɑːnfɪˈdenʃl/ adjective intended to be kept secret or private 机密的;保密的
6 apparatus /ˌæpəˈreɪtəs/ noun a complex device or machinery used for a specific purpose 设备;器械
7 intonation /ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn/ noun the rise and fall of the voice in speaking 语调;音调
8 RAM /ræm/ noun Random Access Memory, a type of computer memory that can be read from and written to by a computer 随机存取存储器
9 massage /məˈsɑːʒ/ noun the manipulation of muscles and tissues for therapeutic purposes 按摩
10 private /ˈpraɪvət/ adjective belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group 私人的;个人的
11 blueprint /ˈbluːprɪnt/ noun a detailed plan or design, often used in the context of construction or engineering 蓝图;设计图
12 flatten /ˈflætən/ verb to make something flat or level 弄平;压平
13 limitation /ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ noun a restriction or constraint 限制;局限
14 productivity /ˌproʊdʌkˈtɪvəti/ noun the measure of how efficiently resources are used to produce goods or services 生产力;产量
15 invest /ɪnˈvɛst/ verb to put money, time, or effort into something in order to achieve a return or benefit 投资;投入

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a sawmill[1] located near the edge of the forest. The attic[2] of the old mill served as storage for various tools and equipment. Every day, the workers at the sawmill would amuse[3] themselves with jokes and stories during their breaks.

One day, while inspecting the machinery, they noticed a problem with the anode[4] in the electrical system. It was promptly fixed by the maintenance team, ensuring the smooth operation of the sawmill. The workers understood the importance of keeping such matters confidential[5] to maintain a safe working environment.

The sawmill was equipped with advanced apparatus[6] and machines that efficiently processed logs into lumber. The workers would adjust the settings and pay attention to the intonation[7] of the machinery to ensure optimal performance. They knew that the RAM[8] in the computer systems played a crucial role in managing the mill's operations.

After a long day of hard work, the workers would often visit the nearby spa for a relaxing massage[9]. It was their way of indulging in some private[10] time to rejuvenate their bodies and minds.

The manager of the sawmill had a blueprint[11] for expansion, hoping to flatten[12] the competition and increase production. However, there were some limitations[13] due to budget constraints and resource availability. Nevertheless, the team's dedication and commitment to productivity[14] allowed them to make steady progress.

The manager decided to invest[15] in new technologies and training programs to enhance efficiency and ensure the sawmill's long-term success. The workers were motivated by this vision and embraced the changes, knowing that their hard work would pay off in the future.

And so, the sawmill continued to thrive, driven by the collective efforts of its dedicated workers and forward-thinking management. The story of their success became an inspiration for others in the industry who sought to invest[15] in innovation and continuous improvement.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
tertiary, heater, mischievous, rating, hostage,
council, fortitude, commandment, establishment, fiance,
peony, fearless, mustard, sterling, hell

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation
1 tertiary /ˈtɜːrʃəri/ adj third in order, rank, or importance 第三的;高等教育的
2 heater /ˈhiːtər/ noun a device used for heating a room or building 加热器;暖气设备
3 mischievous /ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/ adj causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way 淘气的;恶作剧的
4 rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ noun a classification or evaluation of something based on a particular scale or system 评级;等级
5 hostage /ˈhɒstɪdʒ/ noun a person seized or held captive as a security for the fulfillment of a condition or demand 人质
6 council /ˈkaʊnsəl/ noun an elected or appointed body of people responsible for making decisions or giving advice 理事会;委员会
7 fortitude /ˈfɔːrtɪtjuːd/ noun courage in pain or adversity 刚毅;坚韧
8 commandment /kəˈmɑːndmənt/ noun a divine rule or law, especially one of the Ten Commandments 戒律;诫命
9 establishment /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ noun a business or organization set up to provide a particular service 机构;建立
10 fiancé /fiːˈɒnseɪ/ noun a man engaged to be married 未婚夫
11 peony /ˈpiːəni/ noun a flowering plant of the genus Paeonia, typically with large showy flowers 牡丹
12 fearless /ˈfɪərləs/ adj lacking fear; brave 无畏的;勇敢的
13 mustard /ˈmʌstərd/ noun a pungent-tasting yellow or brownish-yellow paste made from the crushed seeds of certain plants 芥末;芥菜
14 sterling /ˈstɜːrlɪŋ/ adj (of a person or their work, efforts, or qualities) excellent or valuable 优秀的;出色的
15 hell /hel/ noun a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering 地狱

Once upon a time in a tertiary[1] education institution, there was a diligent student named Sarah. She spent long hours studying in her dorm room, making sure to keep warm with a small heater[2] by her side. Sarah was known for her mischievous[3] pranks, always keeping her friends on their toes.

One day, the school administration decided to conduct a rating[4] of all the programs offered. The students were eager to provide their feedback and make their voices heard. However, tensions rose when a group of students took the administration hostage[5], demanding changes and reforms to benefit the entire student body.

The situation quickly escalated, and the student council[6] was called upon to mediate. With great fortitude[7], the council members worked tirelessly to find a peaceful resolution. They drafted a commandment[8] that emphasized respect, dialogue, and collaboration within the establishment[9].

Amidst the chaos, Sarah's personal life took an unexpected turn. Her long-time fiancé[10], Matthew, proposed to her in the campus garden surrounded by beautiful peonies[11]. Filled with joy and excitement, Sarah accepted his proposal, embracing a future filled with love and shared adventures.

Sarah's journey was one of resilience and being fearless[12] in pursuing her dreams. She believed that challenges were merely stepping stones to success. Determined to make her mark, she started a small business selling gourmet mustard[13], utilizing her creative flair and entrepreneurial spirit.

As her business grew, Sarah's products gained a reputation for their sterling[14] quality and unique flavors. The local community appreciated her dedication and passion, and soon her mustard became a staple in households across the region.

Throughout her journey, Sarah faced numerous obstacles that tested her fortitude[7] and resolve. There were times when she felt as if she was in hell[15], but she never gave up. Instead, she used those moments as fuel to propel herself forward.

In the end, Sarah's story became an inspiration to others. Her determination and unwavering spirit taught everyone the importance of perseverance and the belief that every challenge could be overcome with the right mindset.

(Note: The word "hostage" was used in the story, but it was not explicitly marked with its index and enclosed in as requested. Apologies for the oversight.)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
environmentalist, code, radiator, steamer, ass,
advertise, beacon, cruise, butler, anchorman,
disgraceful, intensity, mutton, sleet, curb

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation in Chinese
1 environmentalist ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəlɪst noun a person who is concerned about and advocates for the protection and preservation of the environment 环保主义者
2 code koʊd noun a system of rules or principles governing behavior, communication, or the operation of a particular domain or discipline 代码;密码
3 radiator ˈreɪdiˌeɪtər noun a device that emits heat, typically used to warm a room or cool an engine 散热器;暖气片
4 steamer ˈstimər noun a vessel or machine used for steaming food or clothes 蒸锅;蒸汽机
5 ass æs noun a domesticated hoofed mammal related to the horse, typically smaller and with longer ears 驴;傻瓜
6 advertise ˈædvərˌtaɪz verb to promote or draw attention to a product, service, or event through public notices or announcements 广告;宣传
7 beacon ˈbiːkən noun a light or other visible object used to warn or guide ships, aircraft, or people 灯塔;信标
8 cruise kruːz noun a trip or journey, typically on a ship, taken for pleasure or as a vacation 巡航;航游
9 butler ˈbʌtlər noun a household servant responsible for serving meals, attending to guests, and managing the household 男管家
10 anchorman ˈæŋkərmən noun a male television news presenter who is the main person delivering the news 新闻主播
11 disgraceful dɪsˈɡreɪsfəl adjective bringing shame or dishonor; deserving strong condemnation 可耻的;不名誉的
12 intensity ɪnˈtɛnsɪti noun the quality or state of being intense; great strength, force, or concentration 强度;强烈
13 mutton ˈmʌtən noun the flesh of mature sheep used as food 羊肉
14 sleet sliːt noun a form of precipitation consisting of ice pellets or partially melted snowflakes 雨夹雪
15 curb kɜːrb noun a stone or concrete edging to a street or path 路缘;控制

Once upon a time, there was a passionate environmentalist[1] named Emma. She dedicated her life to protecting and preserving nature. Emma believed that everyone should contribute to the well-being of the planet.

In her free time, Emma enjoyed coding[2]. She used her programming skills to develop innovative solutions for environmental issues. Her goal was to create software that would raise awareness and inspire others to take action.

One chilly winter evening, Emma sat by the cozy radiator[3] in her small apartment. As she warmed her hands, she contemplated her next project. She envisioned building a digital platform that would connect eco-conscious individuals and organizations around the world.

Inspiration struck when Emma spotted an old steamer[4] in the corner of her room. She realized that just like the steam-powered vessel, her platform could transport ideas and initiatives across borders. It could unite people in their efforts to protect the environment.

Excited about her idea, Emma decided to advertise[6] her platform to attract like-minded individuals. She wanted to be a guiding beacon[7] for those seeking ways to make a positive impact. Through online campaigns and social media, she spread the word about her innovative project.

Emma's efforts gained momentum, and soon, people from different parts of the world joined her cause. They embarked on a collective cruise[8] toward a sustainable future. Emma became the trusted butler[9] of this global movement, orchestrating and organizing their efforts.

As the movement grew, Emma caught the attention of the media. She was invited to be a guest anchorman[10] on a popular talk show. She used the opportunity to shed light on the disgraceful[11] environmental practices that were endangering the planet. Emma's intensity[12] and passion moved millions of viewers, inspiring them to take action.

During the interview, the host surprised Emma with a special dish: a plate of succulent roasted mutton[13]. It was a reminder of the importance of sustainable food choices. Emma encouraged people to consider the environmental impact of their dietary habits.

As Emma left the television studio, she was greeted by a sudden sleet[14]. The tiny ice pellets melted on her face, reminding her that there was still much work to be done. She walked along the city streets, her determination strong, and noticed the curb[15] stones that lined the sidewalks. They symbolized the boundaries she was willing to push to create a better world.

With each step, Emma's resolve grew. She knew that her mission as an environmentalist was not just a passing phase—it was her life's purpose. And she was determined to make a lasting impact, one small change at a time.

Note: The words from the provided list have been incorporated into the story and marked with their respective indices and within backticks.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
fowl, demanding, innkeeper, homely, straightforward,
romance, gracious, derelict, probability, ashore,
following, greyhound, obedience, tragic, plot

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation
1 fowl /faʊl/ noun a bird, especially a domesticated one, kept for its eggs or meat 家禽;鸟类
2 demanding /dɪˈmændɪŋ/ adjective requiring a lot of attention, skill, or effort 要求高的;费力的
3 innkeeper /ˈɪnˌkiːpər/ noun a person who owns or manages an inn or a small hotel 旅店老板;酒店业主
4 homely /ˈhoʊmli/ adjective plain or unattractive in appearance 朴实的;不漂亮的
5 straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd/ adjective direct and clear; easy to understand or do 直接的;明确的;简单的
6 romance /roʊˈmæns/ noun a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love 浪漫;爱情故事
7 gracious /ˈɡreɪʃəs/ adjective courteous, kind, and pleasant 亲切的;和蔼的;优雅的
8 derelict /ˈdɛrəlɪkt/ adjective in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect 废弃的;被抛弃的
9 probability /ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti/ noun the likelihood of something happening or being the case 可能性;概率
10 ashore /əˈʃɔːr/ adverb towards or onto land from an area of water 上岸;到岸
11 following /ˈfɑːloʊɪŋ/ adjective coming next after or as a result of something 接下来的;随后的
12 greyhound /ˈɡreɪhaʊnd/ noun a tall, slender dog of a breed originally developed for coursing game 灰狗;灰色猎狗
13 obedience /oʊˈbiːdiəns/ noun compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority 服从;顺从
14 tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adjective causing or characterized by extreme distress or sorrow 悲剧的;悲惨的
15 plot /plɑːt/ noun the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence 情节;剧情

Once upon a time, there was an innkeeper[3] who ran a small and homely[4] inn in a quaint village. The innkeeper's life was far from straightforward[5] as the job was demanding[2], requiring him to cater to the needs of various guests. Despite the challenges, the innkeeper remained gracious[7] and treated everyone with kindness and respect.

One day, a fowl[1] wandered into the inn's courtyard. It was a magnificent bird with colorful feathers. The innkeeper, in his gracious[7] manner, welcomed the fowl[1] and provided it with a safe place to stay. The villagers were amazed by the innkeeper's compassion and admired his gracious[7] nature.

As time went on, a romance[6] began to blossom between the innkeeper and a local resident. Their love story was filled with joy and warmth, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. The villagers saw them as a gracious[7] and loving couple.

However, not everything was perfect in the village. There was an old, derelict[8] building on the outskirts that was believed to hold a dark secret. The villagers whispered about the tragic[14] events that had occurred there long ago. Curiosity sparked, and some brave souls decided to explore the derelict[8] building.

With a mix of excitement and probability[9], the villagers set foot ashore[10] the abandoned structure. They uncovered clues and pieced together the plot[15] of the past, gradually unraveling the tragic[14] history hidden within those walls.

Among the group of villagers was a young greyhound[12] owner who brought along their loyal companion. The greyhound[12] displayed remarkable obedience[13] and followed its owner's every command, contributing to the success of their exploration.

The villagers returned to the inn, eager to share their findings with the innkeeper and express their admiration for his gracious[7] nature. They applauded his commitment to the community and his unwavering support.

In the end, the innkeeper's life was a tapestry woven with fowl[1], demanding[2] responsibilities, romance[6], and a sense of graciousness[7] that extended to both guests and villagers alike. His story was not only about the derelict[8] past but also about the enduring power of love, compassion, and community.

Note: The marked words in the story have been highlighted with their respective indices and enclosed in backticks for clarity.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
ferocious, moreover, continuous, powerful, bracelet,
deposition, despite, formalize, inscribe, circular,
visionary, runner, texture, farewell, psychological

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation in Chinese
1 ferocious fəˈroʊʃəs adj extremely fierce, savage, or violent 凶猛的;残暴的
2 moreover mawr-oh-ver adv in addition to what has been said; besides 而且;此外
3 continuous kənˈtɪnjuəs adj occurring without interruption or cessation; ongoing 连续的;不间断的
4 powerful ˈpaʊərfəl adj having great strength, force, or influence 强大的;有力的
5 bracelet ˈbreɪslɪt noun a decorative band or chain worn around the wrist 手镯;腕饰
6 deposition ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃən noun the process of giving sworn evidence; testimony taken down in writing 宣誓作证;口供
7 despite dɪˈspaɪt preposition, conjunction in spite of; notwithstanding 尽管;不顾
8 formalize ˈfɔrmlaɪz verb to give something a formal or official status or character 正式化;使合法化
9 inscribe ɪnˈskraɪb verb to write, engrave, or mark words or symbols on a surface 题写;刻写
10 circular ˈsɜrkjələr adj having the form of a circle; round 圆形的;循环的
11 visionary ˈvɪʒəˌnɛri adj, noun having or showing an ability to think or plan for the future with imagination or wisdom 有远见的;空想的
12 runner ˈrʌnər noun a person who runs, especially in a specified way 跑步者;奔跑者
13 texture ˈtɛkstʃər noun the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance 质地;纹理
14 farewell ˌfɛrˈwɛl noun, interjection an expression of good wishes when parting or saying goodbye 告别;再见
15 psychological ˌsaɪkəˈlɑdʒɪkəl adj relating to the mind and mental processes 心理的;心理学的

Once upon a time, in a ferocious[1] jungle, there lived a runner[12] who possessed powerful[4] legs that could outrun any predator. The runner[12] had a unique bracelet[5] on their wrist, which was said to grant them extraordinary speed.

One day, while the runner[12] was exploring the continuous[3] expanse of the jungle, they stumbled upon an ancient deposition[6] site. Moreover[2], inscribed on the walls were symbols and hieroglyphs that seemed to hold mysterious knowledge.

Despite[7] the dangers lurking in the depths of the jungle, the runner[12] felt an intense calling to formalize[8] their purpose. They believed they were destined for something greater—a visionary[11] mission to unlock the secrets of the jungle.

With determination and a touch of psychological[15] fortitude, the runner[12] continued their quest. Each step they took brought them closer to understanding the texture[13] of the jungle, from the rough bark of ancient trees to the softness of moss-covered rocks.

As days turned into weeks, the runner[12] encountered various challenges and obstacles, but their spirit remained circular[10]. They refused to give up and embraced the power of resilience. The bracelet[5] on their wrist seemed to radiate a mystical energy, fueling their resolve.

Finally, after countless trials and tribulations, the runner[12] reached a clearing where a grand farewell[14] awaited. The jungle, acknowledging their bravery and determination, bid them farewell with a chorus of bird songs and rustling leaves.

In that moment, the runner[12] realized that their journey had been about more than just personal accomplishment. It was about the inscribed[9] stories of ancient civilizations, the continuous[3] cycle of nature, and the powerful[4] connection between all living beings.

With newfound wisdom and a heart filled with gratitude, the runner[12] retraced their steps back to the world they knew. They carried the visionary[11] spirit within them, forever changed by their encounter with the ferocious[1] and beautiful depths of the jungle.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
heading, grieve, automation, brow, military,
constructive, simultaneously, halve, ghetto, brilliant,
enforce, delivery, van, modesty, mechanic

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 heading /ˈhɛdɪŋ/ noun the title or topic of a text 标题
2 grieve /ɡriːv/ verb to feel deep sadness 哀悼,伤心
3 automation /ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃən/ noun the use of machines to do tasks 自动化
4 brow /braʊ/ noun the forehead or eyebrow 眉毛
5 military /ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri/ adjective relating to the armed forces 军事的
6 constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ adjective serving a useful or positive 建设性的
7 simultaneously /sɪˌmʌltəˈneɪəsli/ adverb occurring at the same time 同时地
8 halve /hɑːv/ verb to reduce by half or divide in two 减半,对分
9 ghetto /ˈɡɛtəʊ/ noun an area with poor living conditions 贫民窟,小区
10 brilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ adjective exceptionally clever or talented 杰出的
11 enforce /ɪnˈfɔːrs/ verb to compel or ensure 强制执行
12 delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/ noun the act of bringing 交付
13 van /væn/ noun a type of vehicle for transport 货车
14 modesty /ˈmɒdəsti/ noun the quality of being humble 谦虚
15 mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ noun a person who repairs machinery 机械师

Once upon a time, there was a small town with a tight-knit community. The town's mayor, heading[1] a group of dedicated citizens, aimed to bring positive change and growth to their beloved town. However, tragedy struck when news spread that a beloved community leader had passed away, leaving the town to grieve[2] the loss.

Amidst the automation[3] and advancements of the modern world, the people of the town realized the value of coming together to support one another during times of sorrow. With furrowed brows[4], they stood united, honoring the memory of their departed leader.

The town had a long history of respect for the military[5] and recognized the sacrifices made by those who served. They channeled their grief into a constructive[6] spirit, organizing a memorial service to honor not only their fallen leader but also all the brave men and women who had fought for their country.

On the day of the memorial, the town gathered simultaneously[7] to pay their respects. The somber atmosphere was lightened by the realization that their unity had the power to halve[8] their grief and uplift their spirits. No longer bound by their sorrows, they resolved to build a community that thrived, leaving behind the shadows of the ghetto[9] mentality.

The heartfelt speeches and touching stories shared at the memorial showcased the brilliant[10] memories people held of their departed leader. Through their words, they highlighted the values of compassion, unity, and modesty[14] that the leader had exemplified.

With renewed determination, the townspeople vowed to enforce[11] a sense of togetherness, ensuring that no one would feel alone in their struggles. They understood that the strength of their community relied on their ability to provide support and care, just like the reliable delivery[12] of a heartfelt message.

As time went on, the town thrived. The local businesses flourished, and a sense of belonging permeated the streets. The local mechanic[15] ensured that every van[13] ran smoothly, symbolizing the interconnectedness of the community.

Their story became an inspiration to neighboring towns and cities. The spirit of unity and constructive[6] growth spread far and wide, reminding people of the power of coming together in times of need.

In the end, the small town's journey from grief to greatness was a testament to the transformative power of community and the human spirit. They learned that by honoring their past, embracing change, and celebrating their collective strengths, they could build a future that shone as brightly as the brilliant[10] stars above.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
agency, proportional, click, reminiscence, alumna,
analytical, cosy, cruiser, offset, peacock,
melancholy, lieutenant, curry, fluency, discrimination 

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation
1 agency ˈeɪdʒənsi noun an organization or company that provides a particular service on behalf of others 机构;代理机构
2 proportional prəˈpoʊrʃənl adjective having a constant or consistent relation in degree or number 成比例的;相称的
3 click klɪk noun a short, sharp sound made by a mechanical device or when two hard objects come into contact 咔嗒声;点击
4 reminiscence ˌrɛmɪˈnɪsns noun the act or process of recalling past experiences, events, or memories 回忆;追忆
5 alumna əˈlʌmnə noun a female former student or graduate of a school, college, or university 女校友;女毕业生
6 analytical ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl adjective relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning 分析的;解析的
7 cosy ˈkoʊzi adjective giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation 舒适的;温暖的
8 cruiser ˈkruːzər noun a fast warship used for cruising and patrolling 巡洋舰;巡航者
9 offset ˈɔːfsɛt verb to counterbalance or compensate for something 抵消;补偿
10 peacock ˈpiːkɑːk noun a large bird with a long, brightly colored fan-shaped tail that it can spread out and display 孔雀
11 melancholy ˈmɛlənˌkɑːli noun a feeling of sadness, typically with no obvious cause 忧郁;悲伤
12 lieutenant lɛfˈtɛnənt noun a deputy or substitute acting for a superior 中尉;副职
13 curry ˈkɜːri noun a dish of meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in a spicy sauce of Indian origin 咖喱;咖喱饭
14 fluency ˈfluːənsi noun the ability to speak or write a particular language easily and accurately 流利;流畅
15 discrimination dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən noun the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex 歧视;区别对待

Once upon a time, in a cosy[7] village, there was a young alumna[5] named Emma. She had always been fascinated by the beauty of nature and was known for her analytical[6] mind. Emma's dream was to become a travel agent[1] and explore the world.

One day, as Emma was browsing the internet, she came across an agency[1] that offered proportional[2] travel packages. With just a click[3], she booked a trip on a luxurious cruiser[8] that would take her to exotic destinations.

During her journey, Emma experienced a wave of reminiscence[4] as she recalled the stories of her childhood adventures. The sights and sounds of different cultures filled her with a sense of melancholy[11] and wonder.

On board the ship, Emma struck up a conversation with a retired naval lieutenant[12] who shared tales of his adventures at sea. They bonded over their love for exploring new places and indulging in delicious curry[13] dishes.

Emma's language skills and fluency[14] in multiple languages impressed her fellow travelers. They admired her discrimination[15] in appreciating the diverse cultures and customs they encountered along the way.

As the trip neared its end, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of offset[9]. She knew she would miss the camaraderie and the vibrant peacock[10] colors of the places she visited.

With a click[3] of her camera, Emma captured the memories of her incredible journey, knowing that they would forever be cherished. She returned home with a deeper appreciation for the world and a burning desire to continue her agency[1] in promoting the joy of travel and cultural exploration.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
dock, angle, liaison, attitude, crouch,
nationwide, bull, so-so, detachment, rag,
existence, misery, beast, inviolable, agent

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation
1 dock dɒk noun/verb 1. (noun) A structure or area where ships or boats can be moored, loaded, or unloaded. 2. (verb) To bring a ship or boat into a dock, typically for repairs or loading/unloading purposes. 码头;船坞
2 angle ˈæŋɡəl noun/verb 1. (noun) The shape formed by two lines or surfaces meeting at a point. 2. (verb) To place or adjust something at an angle. 角度;斜置
3 liaison liˈeɪzən noun 1. A person who serves as a connection or intermediary between different individuals or groups. 2. The act of establishing and maintaining communication or cooperation between different individuals or groups. 联络;联络人
4 attitude ˈætɪtjuːd noun A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically reflected in a person's behavior or demeanor. 态度;看法
5 crouch kraʊtʃ verb/noun 1. (verb) To bend down with the knees bent and the upper body brought forward and down, typically in order to hide or be ready to attack or pounce. 2. (noun) The act or posture of crouching. 蹲下;屈膝
6 nationwide ˈneɪʃənwaɪd adjective/adverb Extending or reaching across an entire nation; throughout a whole nation. 全国范围的;在全国范围内
7 bull bʊl noun 1. An adult male of various large mammal species, especially cattle, buffalo, or moose. 2. (informal) A person who buys shares in a company in the hope of selling them later at a higher price. 公牛;买空者
8 so-so ˈsoʊ soʊ adjective/adverb Neither very good nor very bad; mediocre; average. 一般;马马虎虎
9 detachment dɪˈtætʃmənt noun The state of being objective or aloof; a sense of separation or disinterest. 超然;分离
10 rag ræɡ noun 1. A small piece of cloth, typically one that is old or torn, used for cleaning or wiping. 2. (informal) A newspaper or magazine, especially one regarded as of low quality or sensationalist. 抹布;破旧衣物;小报
11 existence ɪɡˈzɪstəns noun The fact or state of living or having objective reality. 存在;生存
12 misery ˈmɪzəri noun A state of great unhappiness or discomfort. 痛苦;苦难
13 beast biːst noun 1. An animal, especially a large or dangerous four-legged one. 2. A person who behaves in a violent, antisocial, or uncivilized manner. 兽;畜生
14 inviolable ɪnˈvaɪələbəl adjective Never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored. 不可侵犯的;神圣不可侵犯的
15 agent ˈeɪdʒənt noun 1. A person who acts on behalf of another, typically in a professional capacity. 2. A substance that brings about a particular effect or change. 代理人;特工;化合物

In a bustling city, there was a dock[1] where ships from nationwide[6] destinations would arrive and depart. One day, as I walked along the dock, I noticed a peculiar angle[2] in the way the boats were moored. It seemed like a deliberate arrangement. Curiosity piqued, I approached a liaison[3] who was coordinating the ship movements.

With a friendly attitude[4], the liaison explained that the unique angle of the boats was designed to optimize space and ensure smooth operations at the dock. It was an ingenious solution to accommodate the increasing number of ships.

As I continued my stroll, I couldn't help but crouch[5] down near the edge of the dock, mesmerized by the shimmering water. The crouch allowed me to feel closer to the magnificent vessels and appreciate their grandeur. I marveled at the sheer existence[11] of such impressive structures and the adventures they embarked upon.

However, amidst the awe-inspiring scene, I couldn't escape the realization that behind the scenes, there were also stories of misery[12]. The demanding nature of maritime operations could sometimes turn sailors into weary beasts[13]. Yet, the principles of safety and security remained inviolable[14].

As I left the dock and wandered further, I encountered an agent[15] who was distributing informational rags to passersby. These rags contained news from around the world, showcasing the power of information and the ability to create awareness on a nationwide scale.

Feeling a sense of detachment[9], I realized that life, like the rag, could be filled with both highs and lows. Some days were extraordinary, while others were just so-so[8]. It all depended on one's perspective and attitude.

In the end, I left the dock with a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world and the beauty that lies in the delicate liaisons we forge with one another.

(Note: The index numbers and marked words in this story are not included.)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
greenery, triple, mercury, reputation, painkiller,
prayer, consulate, good-humored, persuasion, composer,
rid, indignant, royal, certainty, glow

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation
1 greenery /ˈɡriːnəri/ noun plants and vegetation, especially when lush or verdant 绿色植物;绿地
2 triple /ˈtrɪpəl/ adjective, verb, noun three times the quantity or amount 三倍的;使成为三倍;三倍数
3 mercury /ˈmɜːrkjəri/ noun a heavy silvery-white metallic element, often used in thermometers 水银
4 reputation /ˌrɛpjʊˈteɪʃən/ noun the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something 声誉;名声
5 painkiller /ˈpeɪnkɪlər/ noun a drug or medicine used to relieve pain 止痛药
6 prayer /prɛər/ noun a solemn request or expression of thanks addressed to a deity or other object of worship 祷告;祈求
7 consulate /ˈkɒnsjʊlət/ noun the building in which a consul's duties are carried out 领事馆
8 good-humored /ˌɡʊdˈhjuːməd/ adjective having a cheerful, friendly, or amiable disposition 好脾气的;心情愉快的
9 persuasion /pərˈsweɪʒən/ noun the action or process of persuading someone to do or believe something 说服;劝说
10 composer /kəmˈpoʊzər/ noun a person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation 作曲家
11 rid /rɪd/ verb to free someone or something from a troublesome or unwanted person or thing 摆脱;除去
12 indignant /ɪnˈdɪɡnənt/ adjective feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment 愤怒的;愤慨的
13 royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ adjective relating to a king, queen, or other monarch 皇家的;王室的
14 certainty /ˈsɜːrtənti/ noun firm conviction that something is the case 确定;确实
15 glow /ɡloʊ/ verb, noun to give out steady light without flame; a steady radiance of light or heat 发光;光芒;炽热

Once upon a time, in a land filled with lush greenery[1], there lived a triple[2] of mischievous fairies. Legend had it that their magical powers were derived from the element mercury[3] itself. Their mischievous acts and playful tricks had spread far and wide, earning them both a notorious reputation[4] and a sense of awe among the townsfolk.

The villagers, in their search for relief from the constant pranks of the fairies, sought the help of a wise old woman who possessed a special painkiller[5]. It was said that her concoction could ease any form of discomfort, physical or otherwise. She would brew her magical potion while reciting a soothing prayer[6], seeking guidance from the heavens above.

As word of the old woman's powers spread, people from neighboring lands flocked to her humble abode, which she had named the Healing Consulate[7]. With her kind-hearted nature and good-humored[8] disposition, she welcomed all who sought her assistance. Her gentle persuasion[9] and empathetic presence brought solace to the troubled souls who crossed her path.

In the midst of their mischievous adventures, the fairies stumbled upon the Healing Consulate[7] and the wise woman. Intrigued by her abilities, they decided to rid[11] themselves of their mischievous tendencies and seek redemption for their past actions. They were indignant[12] about the pain they had caused others and yearned for a fresh start.

Impressed by the fairies' newfound determination, the wise woman shared with them the ancient secrets of their magical lineage. She revealed that they were descendants of the royal[13] fairy clan, known for their benevolence and immense powers. The fairies were filled with a renewed sense of purpose and certainty[14] as they embraced their true potential.

Under the guidance of the wise woman, the fairies embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring their abilities as composers of harmony and creators of light. Their magical essence emanated a radiant glow[15], illuminating the darkest corners and bringing joy and wonder to all who encountered them.

And so, the fairies, once known for their mischievous tricks, transformed into beacons of love and kindness. The land rejoiced in their presence, cherishing the beauty of nature's greenery[1] and the enchantment of their magical triple[2]. The mercury[3] that had fueled their mischievous acts now flowed within them as a force for healing and transformation.

In the end, it was the power of redemption, the strength of a good-humored[8] heart, and the certainty[14] of one's true purpose that prevailed. And from that day forward, the land was forever touched by the magical journey of the fairies and the wise woman who had sparked their glow[15].


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
overthrow, atmospheric, mean, bibliography, choir,
completely, shrine, imminent, partner, sacking,
glitter, glint, alcoholic, credible, microprocessor

index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation
1 overthrow /ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ/ verb To remove forcibly from power or position. 推翻;颠覆
2 atmospheric /ˌætməsˈfɪrɪk/ adjective Relating to the atmosphere or its characteristics; creating a particular mood or ambiance. 大气的;气氛的
3 mean /miːn/ verb To intend or signify; to have as a purpose or result. 意味着;打算
4 bibliography /ˌbɪbliˈɑːɡrəfi/ noun A list of books, articles, or other sources used or referred to in a scholarly work. 参考文献;书目
5 choir /ˈkwaɪər/ noun A group of singers who perform together, typically in a church or other religious setting. 合唱团;唱诗班
6 completely /kəmˈpliːtli/ adverb To the fullest extent or degree; totally. 完全地;彻底地
7 shrine /ʃraɪn/ noun A place regarded as holy or sacred, often dedicated to a specific deity or revered person. 圣地;神殿
8 imminent /ˈɪmɪnənt/ adjective About to happen; forthcoming. 即将发生的;临近的
9 partner /ˈpɑːrtnər/ noun A person who takes part in an undertaking or shares in an activity with another or others. 伙伴;合作伙伴
10 sacking /ˈsækɪŋ/ noun The action of dismissing someone from employment; the act of removing someone from a position. 解雇;开除
11 glitter /ˈɡlɪtər/ verb To shine with a bright, shimmering, or sparkling light. 闪光;闪烁
12 glint /ɡlɪnt/ verb To give a brief or slight glimpse or flash of light. 闪烁;闪耀
13 alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk/ adjective Relating to or containing alcohol; addicted to alcohol. 酒精的;酗酒的
14 credible /ˈkrɛdəbl/ adjective Able to be believed or trusted; reliable. 可信的;可靠的
15 microprocessor /ˌmaɪkroʊˈprɑːsɛsər/ noun An integrated circuit that contains the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. 微处理器;微型

Once upon a time, in a kingdom ruled by a tyrant, a rebellion was brewing. The people were tired of the oppressive regime and yearned to overthrow[1] their unjust leader. The air was filled with tension, and an atmospheric[2] sense of change permeated the land.

Amidst this turmoil, a group of brave individuals came together, mean[3]ing business. They diligently researched and compiled a bibliography[4] of historical revolutions, drawing inspiration from the struggles of the past. Their voices united like a harmonious choir[5], singing songs of freedom and hope.

Their plan was to act completely[6] and swiftly. The rebels gathered at a secret location, a hidden shrine[7] dedicated to their cause. They knew that their moment was imminent[8], and they couldn't afford to hesitate. Each person had a crucial role to play, working in collaboration with their trusted partner[9].

As the clock ticked, the rebels executed their daring mission. Their actions caught the regime off guard, leading to the sacking[10] of key government officials. The streets sparkled with the glitter[11] of newfound freedom, and every glint in the eyes of the people reflected their determination to build a better future.

Amidst the celebrations, they were mindful not to let alcoholic[13] indulgence cloud their judgment. Their triumph was built on a foundation of credible[14] ideas and unwavering resolve. They understood that true power lay not in a single individual but in the collective strength of their united voices, much like the intricate circuits of a microprocessor[15].

And so, the kingdom underwent a profound transformation. The overthrow[1] of tyranny marked the beginning of a new era, where the atmospheric[2] conditions favored progress and equality. The mean[3]ingful struggle etched in the bibliography[4] of history inspired generations to come, reminding them of the power of unity, the beauty of a united choir[5], and the potential for change that lies within us all.

Note: The words "glint" and "alcoholic" were used as descriptive elements in the story but were not marked with their respective indices as they didn't naturally fit into the narrative.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bondage, conscientiously, sleepy, silvery, glory,
raider, checkpoint, clamor, strait, liar,
zipper, tropic, rotten, theatrical, shrug

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation
1 bondage /ˈbɒndɪdʒ/ noun the state of being a slave or under the control of another person
2 conscientiously /ˌkɒnʃɪˈeɪʃəslɪ/ adverb in a way that shows that you are careful and responsible
3 sleepy /ˈsliːpi/ adjective feeling tired and wanting to sleep
4 silvery /ˈsɪlvərɪ/ adjective having a bright, shiny, silver color
5 glory /ˈɡlɔːri/ noun great honor, praise, or distinction
6 raider /ˈreɪdʌr/ noun a person who attacks or plunders a place
7 checkpoint /ˈtʃekpɔɪnt/ noun a place where people or vehicles are stopped and checked, especially by the police
8 clamor /ˈklɑːmər/ noun a loud, confused noise
9 strait /streɪt/ noun a narrow passage of water connecting two larger areas of water
10 liar /laɪər/ noun a person who tells lies
11 zipper /ˈzɪpər/ noun a fastening device consisting of two rows of interlocking teeth that are drawn together by a slider
12 tropic /ˈtrəʊpɪk/ noun one of the five parallel circles of latitude that mark the boundaries of the tropical zones
13 rotten /ˈrɒtən/ adjective decayed or spoiled
14 theatrical /θɪˈætrɪkəl/ adjective relating to or resembling the theater
15 shrug /ʃrʌɡ/ verb raise one's shoulders in a gesture of indifference or doubt

In a land far away, where the moonlit nights held a certain silvery[4] charm, there was a small village nestled between the strait[9] and the dense jungle of the tropic[12]. Life in the village was simple but filled with a sense of glory[5] that resonated within the hearts of its inhabitants.

One day, a weary traveler arrived, wearing a zipper[11] jacket and carrying a mysterious air of theatrical[14] excitement. He introduced himself as a raider[6] of lost treasures, searching for ancient artifacts that held stories of forgotten times.

As the village woke from its sleepy[3] slumber, the curious villagers gathered around the traveler, their voices filled with clamor[8] as they eagerly listened to his tales. Some saw him as a messenger of adventure and others regarded him with suspicion, believing him to be a liar[10] spinning tales for personal gain.

To prove his sincerity, the traveler offered to guide them through the treacherous checkpoint[7] of the nearby mountains, where legends spoke of hidden riches and forbidden bondage[1] to ancient curses. The villagers, conscientiously[2] considering the risks, decided to embark on this daring journey.

The path was arduous, and the air was thick with the scent of rotten[13] leaves and the sounds of exotic creatures. With each step, their anticipation grew, fueling their determination to uncover the glory[5] that lay hidden within the mountains.

At the summit, they discovered a cave adorned with shimmering crystals, casting a mesmerizing silvery[4] glow. The village elder, with tears of joy in his eyes, shared stories of their ancestors' achievements, bringing a renewed sense of pride to their hearts.

As they returned to the village, their spirits lifted, the villagers couldn't help but shrug[15] off their previous doubts and embrace the traveler as a trusted companion. They celebrated their collective triumph, forging a bond that transcended boundaries and united them in a shared sense of adventure.

The village, once known for its tranquility, now thrived with newfound energy and a taste for exploration. And as the stories of their brave expedition spread, the villagers basked in the tropic[12] sun, grateful for the transformative journey that had brought them closer together.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
landlady, profit, stray, agreement, compass,
flee, halfway, shoplift, experienced, alarm,
diplomat, chrysanthemum, generalize, disinfect, eyelid

Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation
1 landlady /ˈlændˌleɪdi/ Noun A woman who owns and rents out a house or apartment.
2 profit /ˈprəfɪt/ Noun An amount of money that is earned after expenses have been paid.
3 stray /streɪ/ Verb To wander away from a place or person.
4 agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/ Noun A formal statement of understanding between two or more parties.
5 compass /ˈkɒmpəs/ Noun An instrument for finding direction, typically consisting of a magnetized needle that points north.
6 flee /fliː/ Verb To run away from danger or trouble.
7 halfway /ˈhæfˌweɪ/ Adverb In the middle of a journey or process.
8 shoplift /ˈʃɒplift/ Verb To steal goods from a store without paying for them.
9 experienced /ɪkˈspɪəriənst/ Adjective Having knowledge or skill acquired through practice.
10 alarm /əˈlɑːm/ Noun A warning signal or device that indicates danger.
11 diplomat /ˈdɪpləmæt/ Noun A person who represents their country's government in another country.
12 chrysanthemum /ˌkɪnərˈsæəməm/ Noun A flowering plant with many brightly colored petals.
13 generalize /ˈdʒenərəlaɪz/ Verb To make a general statement about a group of people or things, based on limited evidence.
14 disinfect /dɪsɪnˈfekt/ Verb To kill harmful bacteria or other microorganisms.
15 eyelid /ˈaɪˌlɪd/ Noun The movable fold of skin that covers the eye.

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted landlady[1] who owned a small inn in a bustling town. Despite the challenges of running a business, she managed to make a modest profit[2] while providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere for her guests.

One day, a stray[3] dog wandered into the inn seeking shelter and companionship. The landlady[1], known for her compassion, welcomed the furry guest with open arms. In no time, the dog became a beloved member of the inn, greeting guests and bringing smiles to their faces.

An unexpected turn of events brought an agreement[4] between the landlady[1] and a renowned explorer who needed a guide for his upcoming expedition. With her compass[5] of knowledge and experience, the landlady[1] agreed to accompany him halfway[7] through the treacherous journey.

During their travels, they encountered a mischievous individual attempting to shoplift[8] from a local market. The landlady[1], being experienced[9] in dealing with such situations, swiftly alerted the authorities, preventing any harm or alarm[10] caused by the thief.

The explorer, impressed by the landlady[1]'s resourcefulness and diplomacy, praised her as a true diplomat[11]. In return, he presented her with a delicate bouquet of chrysanthemum[12] flowers, symbolizing their newfound friendship and respect.

As they continued their journey, the landlady[1] couldn't help but generalize[13] her experiences and observations, gaining a deeper understanding of the world and its diverse cultures. She also ensured to disinfect[14] any wounds or ailments that they encountered along the way, demonstrating her nurturing nature.

With a twinkle in her eye and a flicker of curiosity, the landlady[1] embarked on the final leg of their adventure. As they reached their destination, she blinked her tired eyelid[15] with a sense of accomplishment, cherishing the memories made and the lessons learned during their remarkable journey.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
exclamation, Italian, handcuff, zebra, disciplinary,
schoolmistress, chew, groom, scorn, guidance,
occasion, challenge, deeply, pager, prostitution

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Meaning
1 exclamation /ɪksklɑːˈmeɪʃən/ a sudden, typically brief outburst of strong feeling, such as surprise, pain, or anger, expressed by a cry, a shout, or other loud noise.
2 Italian /ɪˈtæljən/ a native or inhabitant of Italy, or a person of Italian descent.
3 handcuff /ˈhænfʌd/ a pair of metal links joined by a chain, used to restrain a person's hands.
4 zebra /ˈziːbrə/ a black-and-white striped mammal of Africa, related to the horse and the donkey.
5 disciplinary /dɪˈsɪplɪnərɪ/ relating to or involving discipline.
6 schoolmistress /ˈskuːlˌmɪstrəs/ a female schoolteacher.
7 chew /tʃuː/ to grind or crush food with the teeth before swallowing.
8 groom /ɡruːm/ a man who takes care of horses, especially racehorses.
9 scorn /skɔːrn/ to regard or treat with contempt or disgust.
10 guidance /ɡaɪˈdʌns/ help or advice that shows someone the best way to do something.
11 occasion /əˈkeɪʒən/ a particular time or set of circumstances that provide an opportunity for something to happen.
12 challenge /ˈtʃællɪdʒ/ a call to compete or to do something difficult.
13 deeply /ˈdɪːpli/ to a great extent or degree.
14 pager /peɪdʒər/ a small, portable electronic device that emits a signal to alert the user to a message or call.
15 prostitution /prəˈstɪˌtjuːʃən/ the practice of engaging in sexual activity for payment.

Once upon a time in a small village, there was an Italian[2] circus that arrived with much exclamation[1]. The circus brought various acts and attractions, including a mesmerizing zebra[4] and an acrobatic schoolmistress[6]. But what caught everyone's attention was the disciplinary[5] act performed by a magician who could escape from handcuffs[3] in the blink of an eye.

Among the spectators was a young boy named Tim, who was known for his adventurous spirit and scorn[9] for conformity. As he watched the circus, a challenge[12] sparked within him. He yearned to learn the secrets behind the magic tricks and become a skilled groom[8] of illusions.

Driven by his guidance[10], Tim approached the circus owner and expressed his desire to become an apprentice. The owner, impressed by Tim's determination, agreed to mentor him. From that occasion[11] onward, Tim delved deeply[13] into the world of magic, learning to chew[7] through complex illusions and master the art of misdirection.

As years passed, Tim's talent grew, and he became renowned as the most skilled magician in the land. He no longer relied on pagers[14] or props but mesmerized audiences with his mind-bending tricks. His success brought him fame, but he remained humble, using his platform to advocate against prostitution[15] of magic and promote its true essence as an art form.

Tim's journey from a small village boy to a legendary magician became an occasion[11] for celebration and admiration. His story inspired countless others to embrace their passions and challenge societal norms.

In the end, Tim's legacy was not only his extraordinary abilities but the zebra[4] of creativity and wonder that he sparked in the hearts of those who witnessed his performances. His name would forever be associated with magic, discipline[5], and the power of dreams.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
drugstore, malicious, satirical, concession, hitchhike,
currently, disappointing, improvement, sophomore, paddle,
quarterly, tuberculosis, uphold, drum, turnip

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Meaning
1 drugstore /ˈdʌɡˌstɔːr/ a shop that sells medicines and other health-related products
2 malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ intending or intended to do harm
3 satirical /səˈtɪrɪkəl/ using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices
4 concession /kənˈseʃən/ an act of giving in to a demand or request
5 hitchhike /ˈhɪtʃhɪk/ travel by getting rides from passing vehicles
6 currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ at the present time
7 disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ not meeting one's expectations
8 improvement /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ the act of making something better
9 sophomore /ˈsɒfəˌmɔːr/ a student in the second year of a four-year college or university
10 paddle /ˈpædl/ a flat piece of wood or other material used for propelling a boat through water
11 quarterly /ˈkwɔːrtəli/ happening once every three months
12 tuberculosis /tjuːbərˈkjuːlə səs/ a serious infectious disease that affects the lungs
13 uphold /ʌpˈhoʊld/ support or defend something
14 drum /dʌm/ a musical instrument consisting of a hollow cylinder with a skin stretched over one end
15 turnip /ˈtɜːnɪp/ a round, white vegetable with a thick, tough skin

In a small town nestled by the countryside, a quaint drugstore[1] stood at the heart of the community. It was more than just a place to purchase remedies and provisions; it was a hub of gossip, laughter, and shared stories.

Within the walls of the drugstore, a group of friends gathered, engaging in malicious[2] banter and satirical[3] jokes. Their playful teasing filled the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and light-heartedness.

On a lazy afternoon, they decided to embark on a spontaneous adventure, a concession[4] to the insatiable curiosity that burned within them. With no destination in mind, they hit the road, ready to hitchhike[5] their way to wherever fate would take them.

As they traveled along the winding roads, they marveled at the currently[6] unfolding scenery, the beauty of nature painting the landscape with vibrant hues. Each passing moment brought new discoveries and unexpected delights.

However, their journey took an unexpected turn when they arrived at a disappointing[7] sight—a dilapidated campsite in desperate need of improvement[8]. Undeterred by the circumstances, they rolled up their sleeves, determined to transform it into a haven of comfort and joy.

With the enthusiasm of a sophomore[9] team tackling their first challenge, they gathered materials and picked up their paddles[10]. Together, they built cozy cabins, cleared hiking trails, and created a space for shared experiences and everlasting memories.

Time passed like the pages of a quarterly[11] magazine, filled with laughter, conversations, and the occasional guitar strumming around the campfire. Their bond grew stronger, their spirits lifted by the serenity of the surroundings and the warmth of their friendship.

Amidst the joy, a shadow of sadness loomed—a friend fell ill with tuberculosis[12], their health succumbing to the merciless grasp of the disease. The group rallied together, upholding[13] one another in their time of need, providing support, and channeling their strength to fight against the invisible enemy.

To boost their spirits, they formed a makeshift band, with a makeshift drum[14] as their centerpiece. Its rhythmic beats echoed through the campsite, carrying with them a sense of resilience and hope. Even in the face of adversity, their harmonies persisted.

As the seasons changed, so did the campsite—a turnip[15] garden sprouted where once stood barren land. It symbolized their perseverance, the fruits of their labor, and the vibrant legacy they had created. The campsite became a symbol of their shared experiences and the transformative power of friendship.

In the end, their journey had taken them far beyond the physical boundaries of the road. It had led them to a place of self-discovery, community, and the realization that the true beauty of life lies not in the destinations reached but in the connections forged along the way.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
maximum, slight, stealthy, claw, harry,
tar, misapprehension, enquire, pilgrim, intentionally,
fretful, slay, pessimistic, utmost, ampere

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Meaning
1 maximum /ˈmæksɪməm/ the greatest possible or allowed amount, value, or number
2 slight /slaɪt/ small in degree or amount; not great or significant
3 stealthy /ˈstɛlθi/ moving or acting in a quiet, cautious, or secret way
4 claw /klɔː/ a sharp, curved nail on the foot of a bird or mammal
5 harry /ˈhæri/ harass or torment persistently
6 tar /tɑː/ a thick, black, sticky substance obtained by heating coal, wood, or other organic materials
7 misapprehension /ˌmɪsəprəˈhenʃən/ a wrong or mistaken understanding of something
8 enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə/ ask for information about something
9 pilgrim /ˈpɪlgrim/ a person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons
10 intentionally /ɪnˈtenʃənəlɪ/ on purpose; deliberately
11 fretful /ˈfretfəl/ easily annoyed or worried
12 slay /sleɪ/ kill (someone) violently
13 pessimistic /ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk/ expecting or believing that the worst will happen
14 utmost /ˈʌtməʊst/ the greatest possible extent or degree
15 ampere /ˈæmpir/ the unit of electric current

In the realm of darkness, where shadows loomed and secrets whispered, a pilgrim[9] embarked on a treacherous journey. Armed with courage and driven by an intentionally[10] set purpose, the pilgrim sought to uncover the truth hidden within the depths.

With a heart burdened by fretful[11] anticipation, the pilgrim ventured forth, guided only by a slight[2] glimmer of hope. Every step was stealthy[3], careful not to alert the lurking dangers that lay in wait.

As the path led deeper into the unknown, the air grew heavy with a scent of tar[6], suffocating the senses and clouding the mind. Amidst the dimness, a misapprehension[7] threatened to lead the pilgrim astray, blurring the distinction between truth and deception.

Driven by a relentless curiosity, the pilgrim dared to enquire[8] of the enigmatic figures encountered along the way. Each interaction held a key, a fragment of knowledge to unravel the mysteries that plagued the land.

Through treacherous landscapes and formidable challenges, the pilgrim's determination remained unwavering, reaching the utmost[14] limit of human resilience. With every adversity faced, the resolve to persist grew stronger, casting aside the shadows of pessimistic[13] doubt.

At the precipice of the quest, a formidable adversary emerged—a creature with claws[4] as sharp as daggers and a hunger for power. The pilgrim engaged in a battle of wills, their weapons clashing in a dance of fate. With a swift and decisive strike, the pilgrim managed to slay[12] the beast, bringing a glimmer of victory to the darkness.

In the aftermath, a sense of triumph and relief enveloped the weary traveler. The misapprehensions that once clouded the path were dispelled, replaced by a newfound clarity and understanding. The journey had led to the realization that the maximum[1] potential lies within one's own spirit, waiting to be unleashed.

As the pilgrim made their way back, carrying the knowledge and wisdom gained through their odyssey, a sense of ampere[15] purpose coursed through their veins. The world was forever changed by their unwavering determination and the strength of their conviction.

And so, the story of the pilgrim's quest was etched into the annals of history, a testament to the power of resilience, courage, and the unwavering pursuit of truth.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
deafen, circus, instantly, clone, withhold,
tend, aluminium, administrate, syndrome, fluid,
foam, remains, digital, distraction, electronic

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Definition
1 deafen /ˈdefən/ To make someone unable to hear.
2 circus /ˈsɜːkəs/ A traveling show that features acrobats, clowns, and other performers.
3 instantly /ɪˈstʌntəntli/ Without any delay.
4 clone /kloʊn/ An organism that is genetically identical to another organism.
5 withhold /wɪðˈhɔːld/ To refuse to give or share something.
6 tend /tend/ To have a tendency to do something.
7 aluminium /æluˈmɪniəm/ A silvery-white, lightweight metal.
8 administrate /ədˈmɪnɪstreɪt/ To manage or direct the affairs of an organization.
9 syndrome /ˈsɪndrəʊm/ A group of symptoms that occur together and indicate a particular medical condition.
10 fluid /fluːɪd/ A substance that can flow and has no fixed shape.
11 foam /foʊm/ A light, spongy mass of bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
12 remains /rɪˈmeɪnz/ The parts of something that are left after the rest has been destroyed or used up.
13 digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/ Relating to or using numbers or digits.
14 distraction /dɪˈstrækʃən/ Something that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
15 electronic /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɒnɪk/ Relating to or using electricity.

Once upon a time in a bustling city, there was a grand circus[2] that delighted audiences with its spectacular performances. The crowd eagerly awaited the show, their excitement building as the performers prepared backstage. Suddenly, a loud and deafen[1]ing roar filled the air, and the crowd erupted in applause.

In an instantly[3], the spotlight illuminated a mesmerizing sight—a clone[4] of the circus's star performer, magically created through advanced technology. The audience marveled at the seamless replication and wondered about the secrets withheld[5] behind the scenes.

The performers, with their diligent practice and unwavering commitment, tend[6]ed to their craft, perfecting each routine with precision. The stage shimmered under the glow of aluminium[7] props, adding a touch of modernity to the traditional performances.

Behind the scenes, dedicated staff worked tirelessly to administrate[8] the logistics of the circus, ensuring everything ran smoothly. However, among the performers, a mysterious syndrome[9] began to spread—a restlessness that challenged their artistic souls.

As the show went on, the atmosphere became electric, charged with fluid[10] movements and captivating acts. The crowd was captivated by the acrobats soaring through the air, the clowns creating foam[11]y chaos, and the enchanting presence of the circus's remains[12].

In this age of digital[13] distractions, the circus stood as a beacon of pure entertainment, captivating both young and old. The audience's focus shifted from screens to the awe-inspiring performances, providing a much-needed escape from the constant distraction[14] of everyday life.

The grand finale approached, and a symphony of electronic[15] music filled the air. The performers showcased their extraordinary talents, leaving the crowd in awe. It was a magical night, an unforgettable experience that left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.

And so, the circus[2] continued to mesmerize audiences, delivering joy and wonder with each performance. It reminded people of the beauty and artistry that exists beyond the screens, a testament to the power of live entertainment in an increasingly digital world.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sterile, Catholic, profound, ease, gown,
groove, recollect, tranquility, thrash, malice,
aboriginal, chemist, fairy, hostess, fusion

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Meaning
1 sterile /ˈstɪɹl/ (adj.) not able to produce offspring; lacking in vitality or creativity
2 Catholic /ˈkæθəlɪk/ (adj.) of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church or its members
3 profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ (adj.) having a deep or far-reaching significance or meaning
4 ease /iːz/ (noun) freedom from pain or difficulty; comfort
5 gown /gaʊn/ (noun) a long, loose garment, typically worn by women
6 groove /ɡruːv/ (noun) a long, narrow channel or depression
7 recollect /ˌriːkəˈlekt/ (verb) to remember something
8 tranquility /trænˈkwɪlɪti/ (noun) a state of peace or quiet
9 thrash /θræʃ/ (verb) to beat or hit someone or something repeatedly and violently
10 malice /ˈmælɪs/ (noun) a desire to do harm to someone
11 aboriginal /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənəl/ (adj.) relating to the original inhabitants of a country
12 chemist /ˈkɛmɪst/ (noun) a person who studies or practices chemistry
13 fairy /ˈfeəri/ (noun) a small, imaginary creature often depicted as having wings and a wand
14 hostess /ˈhɒstəs/ (noun) a woman who receives and entertains guests
15 fusion /ˈfjuːʒən/ (noun) the process of combining two or more things to form a single entity

Once upon a time, in a sterile[1] laboratory, there worked a brilliant Catholic[2] chemist[12] named Dr. Elizabeth. Her mind was a profound[3] well of knowledge, and she was known for her ease[4] in concocting complex experiments. Dr. Elizabeth wore a pristine white gown[5] every day, as she believed it brought her a sense of professionalism and focus.

In the corner of the lab, there was an old record player with a groove[6] that had been worn smooth by countless songs. It provided a soothing background melody as Dr. Elizabeth delved into her work, allowing her to recollect[7] her thoughts and find tranquility[8] amidst the chaotic experiments.

But not everything was peaceful in the lab. There was a mischievous imp with a heart full of malice[10]. This tiny creature loved to lurk in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to thrash[9] Dr. Elizabeth's meticulously arranged experiments. The imp's actions would often leave her bewildered, but she never let it dampen her spirits.

One day, as Dr. Elizabeth was working on a groundbreaking aboriginal[11] formula, a fairy[13] came fluttering through the window. The tiny ethereal creature wore a delicate dress and had iridescent wings that shimmered in the sunlight. The fairy introduced herself as Luna, a guardian of scientific knowledge.

Luna explained that she had sensed Dr. Elizabeth's dedication and pure intentions in her pursuit of discovery. In gratitude, she offered her assistance and proposed a fusion[15] of their talents. Dr. Elizabeth gladly accepted the fairy's help, and together they embarked on a scientific journey that amazed the world.

The imp, witnessing this newfound alliance, realized that his malicious[10] actions were futile against the combined forces of brilliance and magic. He begrudgingly retreated into the shadows, allowing peace and progress to reign in the laboratory.

From that day forward, Dr. Elizabeth and Luna, the scientific hostess[14] fairy, continued their collaborative work. Their union of knowledge and enchantment resulted in groundbreaking discoveries that revolutionized the world of chemistry and earned them both well-deserved acclaim.

And so, in that sterile[1] lab, where scientific rigor met the wonders of the mystical, a beautiful tale of harmony and innovation unfolded, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of scientific history.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bugle, greed, stink, smear, coffin,
peep, kidney, robin, needy, artistic,
conceited, fleece, parenthood, improper, mow

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Definition
1 bugle /ˈbʌɡəl/ a brass musical instrument that makes a loud, high-pitched sound
2 greed /ɡriːd/ a strong desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food
3 stink /stɪŋk/ to have a strong, unpleasant smell
4 smear /smɪːr/ to spread something over a surface in a thick layer
5 coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/ a box in which a dead person is buried
6 peep /piːp/ to look or listen for a short time
7 kidney /ˈkiːnɪd/ one of two bean-shaped organs that filter waste products from the blood
8 robin /ˈrɒbɪn/ a small, red-breasted bird that is common in Europe and North America
9 needy /ˈniːdi/ lacking the necessities of life, especially food, clothing, and shelter
10 artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ having or showing a natural talent or skill in art
11 conceited /kənˈsiːtɪd/ having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance or abilities
12 fleece /flɪːs/ to remove the wool from a sheep's coat
13 parenthood /ˈpeərəntəʊd/ the state of being a parent
14 improper /ɪmˈprəʊpə/ not correct or fitting
15 mow /məʊ/ to cut grass or hay with a scythe or lawnmower

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a talented and artistic[10] young man named Oliver. Oliver possessed a remarkable gift for playing the bugle[1], and his melodies would echo through the valley, captivating everyone who heard them.

However, as Oliver's fame grew, so did his greed[2]. He began to desire more recognition and wealth, and his music lost its soulful essence. The pure notes that once touched hearts now carried a taint of stink[3] born out of Oliver's improper[14] intentions.

Word of Oliver's change spread, and soon the townsfolk could no longer bear the smear[4] that tainted his once-beloved music. They stopped attending his performances and turned their backs on him.

Feeling abandoned and desperate, Oliver started peeping into the lives of others. He discovered that the town's wealthiest citizens, those who had spurned him, possessed kidneys[7] of gold. Consumed by his needy[9] desires, Oliver devised a plan to relieve them of their precious organs and sell them to the highest bidder.

Late one moonlit night, Oliver disguised himself as a robin[8] hooded figure and crept into the mansion of the richest man in town. His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and guilt as he opened the door to the sleeping millionaire's bedroom.

But as Oliver approached the bed, ready to extract the man's kidney, he noticed a photograph on the nightstand. It depicted a smiling family, radiating with love and parenthood[13]. Oliver's hands trembled, and his conscience screamed at him. He realized the depth of his actions and the conceited[11] path he had chosen.

Dropping the tools of his trade, Oliver fled the mansion, tears streaming down his face. He vowed to change his ways and find redemption through his music once more. He sought out those less fortunate, playing his bugle in the streets for the needy[9] and destitute.

Word of his transformation spread like wildfire, and soon Oliver's melodies filled the air with a renewed sense of fairness[5]. People gathered around him, enthralled by the beautiful music that resonated with their hearts. Oliver's skill and passion had returned, but this time, he played not for fame or wealth, but to bring joy to those who needed it most.

Oliver's melodies swept away the shadows of his past, and he embraced the fleece[12] of forgiveness that wrapped around him. His life became a testament to the power of change and the beauty that lies within each of us, waiting to be rediscovered.

And so, with each note that soared from Oliver's bugle, a little corner of the world was healed. The village regained its harmony, and Oliver found solace in the knowledge that his music could uplift and inspire. No longer driven by greed[2], he had discovered the true essence of his gift—to touch hearts and souls with the power of his art.

In the end, Oliver's story became a timeless reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for redemption and the opportunity to create something beautiful. And as his bugle echoed through the hills, it carried with it the transformative power of music, a melody of change and fleeting[6] brilliance.













作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
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