英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年05月 ChatGPT

英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年04月 ChatGPT - ChuckLu - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
closet, satellite, toad, fussy, badge,
spruce, blond, indulgent, junk, milky,
blot, thesaurus, gaily, yacht, capitalist,

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 closet a small, enclosed room for storing clothes and other personal belongings /ˈklɒzɪt/
2 satellite a moon or other celestial body that revolves around a planet /ˈsætəˌlaɪt/
3 toad a small, plump, warty amphibian that lives in damp places /təʊd/
4 fussy particular or demanding about small details /ˈfʌzi/
5 badge a small, metal or plastic disc or pin that is worn to identify the wearer as a member of a particular group or organization /bædʒ/
6 spruce trim or make neat and tidy /spruːs/
7 blond having pale hair /blɒnd/
8 indulgent giving in to one's desires, especially to the point of excess /ɪnˈdʌlɡənt/
9 junk worthless or useless material or objects /dʒʌŋk/
10 milky resembling milk in color or consistency /ˈmɪlki/
11 blot a spot or stain, especially one made by ink or paint /blɒt/
12 thesaurus a book that lists words in alphabetical order and gives their synonyms and antonyms /θɪˈsɒrəs/
13 gaily in a lively and cheerful manner /ɡeɪli/
14 yacht a large, fast sailing or motor boat used for pleasure /jɒt/
15 capitalist a person who believes in the economic system of capitalism /ˈkɑːpɪtəlɪst/

In a quaint little town, tucked away in the countryside, there was a closet[1] that held a secret. The townsfolk had always wondered about its mysterious contents. Some believed it contained a hidden treasure, while others thought it was simply an old storage space. Little did they know that this seemingly ordinary closet[1] housed a magical satellite[2].

The toad[3] that lived nearby, named Franklin, was known for being quite fussy[4]. He always demanded the best and fanciest flies for his meals, hopping from one pond to another in search of the tastiest treats. One day, as Franklin was exploring the outskirts of the town, he stumbled upon the closet[1] with the magical satellite[2] inside.

Curiosity piqued, Franklin hopped closer and noticed a shiny badge[5] attached to the door of the closet[1]. It read, "Guardian of Wishes." The sight of the badge intrigued Franklin, and he couldn't resist opening the door to peek inside. To his surprise, he discovered a spruce[6] and neatly organized room filled with all sorts of wonders.

Among the treasures was a pile of golden locks of hair. Each lock was unique, some blond[7], others raven black, but all shimmering in the soft glow of the room. There was also a jar of indulgent[8] chocolate truffles, a stack of forgotten junk[9] books, and even a pitcher of deliciously milky[10] hot chocolate.

As Franklin explored further, he stumbled upon an old blot[11] of ink that seemed to contain magical powers. Whenever Franklin touched it, it would transform into the object he desired most. One touch turned it into a thesaurus[12], expanding his vocabulary to impress the other toads. Another touch made it morph into a gaily[13] colored kite that soared high in the sky.

With each touch, Franklin's excitement grew. He began to dream of the possibilities. He envisioned himself sailing on a luxurious yacht[14], surrounded by his adoring frog companions. He imagined using his newfound abilities to amass a fortune and become the wealthiest toad in the land, a true capitalist[15].

But as Franklin continued to experiment with the magical blot[11], he realized that these newfound powers brought both joy and consequences. The objects he conjured came with their own set of responsibilities and challenges. He soon understood that true happiness lay not in material possessions but in the simple pleasures of his pond, the company of his fellow toads, and the beauty of nature.

With newfound wisdom, Franklin closed the door of the magical closet[1]. He decided to keep the secret to himself, cherishing the memories and lessons he had gained. From that day forward, Franklin lived a contented life, appreciating the fairness of the world around him and valuing the simplicity that brought him true joy.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
headline, verge, concentration, apostrophe, transportation,
carriage, foil, combatant, essence, slogan,
photographer, smith, disagreement, retort, symbolic

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 headline the title of a news article or story /ˈhedˌlaɪn/
2 verge the edge of something /vɜːdʒ/
3 concentration the act or process of focusing one's attention on something /ˌkɒnˌsɛnˈtrəːʃən/
4 apostrophe a punctuation mark used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters, or to show possession /əˈpɒstrof/
5 transportation the act of transporting something from one place to another /ˌtrænspəˈrɑːtʃən/
6 carriage a vehicle that is used to carry people or goods /ˈkærɪdʒ/
7 foil a material that is used to reflect light or heat, or to prevent something from happening /fɔɪl/
8 combatant a person who takes part in a fight or battle /kəˈmɒbənt/
9 essence the basic nature or quality of something /ˈɛsəns/
10 slogan a short, memorable phrase that is used to advertise or promote something /ˈsloʊɡən/
11 photographer a person who takes photographs /fəˈtɒɡrəfə/
12 smith a person who makes things out of metal /smɪθ/
13 disagreement a difference of opinion /ˌdɪsəˈɡriːmənt/
14 retort a quick, sharp reply /rɪˈtɔːt/
15 symbolic representing something else, especially something abstract /sɪˈmɒbɪk/

In the bustling city of Metroville, the headline[1] of the day's newspaper captured the attention of its residents. "Metroville on the verge[2] of a Transportation Revolution!" it proclaimed, promising an era of innovation and convenience.

Amidst the concentration[3] of traffic, amidst the honking horns and screeching brakes, there was a man named Samuel, a talented photographer[11] who saw beauty in the chaos. Armed with his camera and an eye for the extraordinary, Samuel sought to capture the essence[10] of the city's dynamic spirit.

One sunny afternoon, as Samuel roamed the streets, his attention was caught by an antique carriage[6] that stood out amidst the modern vehicles. It was meticulously preserved, a symbolic[15] reminder of the city's rich history. Samuel, his curiosity piqued, approached the carriage and noticed a small apostrophe[4] delicately etched on its side.

Intrigued by this unusual marking, Samuel sought the assistance of his friend, Smith, a local historian well-versed in Metroville's past. Together, they delved into old records and dusty archives, uncovering the story behind the mysterious carriage.

They discovered that the carriage belonged to a famous combatant[8] named Victoria Foil, a legendary figure known for her bravery and determination. Victoria had fought against injustice and championed the rights of the marginalized. Her carriage was not merely a mode of transportation but a testament to her legacy.

As Samuel and Smith explored further, they stumbled upon a disagreement[13] among historians about Victoria Foil's role in shaping the city's history. Some believed she was merely a footnote, while others hailed her as a catalyst for change. Determined to shed light on her contributions, Samuel decided to create a slogan[10] and a series of photographs that would tell her story.

Through his lens, Samuel captured the essence of Metroville's transformation, intertwining images of the bustling present with glimpses of the city's past. Each photograph depicted Victoria Foil as a symbolic[15] figure, representing the resilience and fortitude that Metroville had come to embody.

With his work complete, Samuel presented his collection to the city's officials, hoping to inspire a new appreciation for the city's history and Victoria Foil's significant role. The images evoked a sense of pride and reflection among the viewers, fostering a connection between the present and the past.

In response to Samuel's photographs, the city unveiled a series of exhibitions and installations that showcased Metroville's rich history and celebrated the indomitable spirit of Victoria Foil. The carriage, once forgotten, became a centerpiece of admiration and reverence.

When confronted with skeptics who questioned Victoria Foil's impact, Samuel had a powerful retort[14]. He highlighted the importance of preserving and acknowledging the stories of those who fought for justice and equality, emphasizing that their influence could not be measured by mere statistics or dates.

Samuel's photographs became a lasting tribute, an artistic transportation[5] of Victoria Foil's legacy into the hearts and minds of the city's inhabitants. They served as a reminder that history is not just a collection of facts but a tapestry of individual stories that shape the present.

Through his lens, Samuel had not only captured the past but had also ignited a newfound appreciation for the city's roots. Metroville, now inspired by the stories of its heroes, continued to evolve and thrive, guided by the lessons learned from those who had come before.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
criminal, falter, shilling, hardship, stool,
ratio, confrontation, submission, lighter, mast,
goalkeeper, historical, motorway, reaction, lizard

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 criminal a person who has committed a crime /ˈkrɪmɪn(ə)l/
2 falter to hesitate or become less confident /ˈfɔːltə/
3 shilling a former British coin worth one-twentieth of a pound /ˈʃɪlɪŋ/
4 hardship a difficult or unpleasant experience /ˈhɑːrdʃɪp/
5 stool a small, low seat without a back /stuːl/
6 ratio the relationship between two quantities /ˈreɪʃiəʊ/
7 confrontation a face-to-face meeting between two people or groups with opposing views /kɒnfrəʊˈteɪnmənt/
8 submission the act of giving in to someone or something /səbˈmɪʃən/
9 lighter a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes, cigars, etc. /ˈlaɪtə/
10 mast a tall pole that supports sails or antennas on a ship or boat /maːst/
11 goalkeeper the player in a team sport who guards the goal /ˈɡoʊlˌkiːpə/
12 historical relating to or belonging to history /hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l/
13 motorway a major road with multiple lanes for traffic /ˈməʊtəweɪ/
14 reaction a response to a stimulus /riˈækʃən/
15 lizard a cold-blooded reptile with a long, slender body and scales /ˈlaɪzərd/

In the small, historical town of Greenwood, the tranquility was shattered by the arrival of a notorious criminal[1] known as "The Shadow." This cunning figure struck fear into the hearts of the townspeople, preying on their vulnerabilities and spreading chaos.

Amidst the hardship[4] that befell Greenwood, there lived a young man named Lucas. Despite the overwhelming sense of fear, Lucas refused to falter[2]. He had always been driven by a strong moral compass and a desire to protect those in need.

One day, as Lucas walked along the bustling town square, he noticed an elderly woman struggling to carry her groceries. Without a second thought, he offered his assistance. Grateful for his kindness, the woman slipped him a shilling[3] as a token of her appreciation.

The encounter with the elderly woman inspired Lucas to take action against The Shadow. Determined to restore peace to Greenwood, he sought information from the local stool[5] pigeons—informants who knew the ins and outs of the criminal underworld.

With each piece of information he gathered, Lucas pieced together the ratio[6] behind The Shadow's activities. It became clear that a confrontation was imminent. Gathering his courage, Lucas vowed to put an end to the reign of this criminal mastermind.

The night of the showdown arrived. Lucas, armed with determination and a lighter[9] heart, made his way to the abandoned warehouse—a notorious meeting place for the criminal underworld. There, he hoped to submit[8] The Shadow to the authorities and restore peace to Greenwood.

As Lucas stepped into the dimly lit warehouse, he was met with the intimidating figure of The Shadow. The room was filled with tension, each second stretching like a taut mast[10] in a storm. The criminal's eyes glinted with malice, confident in his ability to overcome any opposition.

But Lucas, now standing tall as a metaphorical goalkeeper[11], refused to let fear dictate his actions. He confronted The Shadow, exposing his crimes and detailing the harm he had inflicted upon the innocent townspeople.

The room erupted into a fierce confrontation[7], the clash of wills reverberating through the air. The Shadow, initially taken aback by Lucas's bravery, attempted to rally his allies to his side. But the townspeople, inspired by Lucas's unwavering resolve, had joined forces and stood united against the criminal's tyranny.

With each accusation, The Shadow's facade crumbled, revealing a mere mortal beneath the cloak of darkness. His reactions[14] grew increasingly desperate as he realized that his reign of terror was coming to an end.

Finally, cornered and defeated, The Shadow's criminal empire collapsed like a lizard[15] losing its tail. With his capture, the people of Greenwood could breathe a sigh of relief. Their town was finally free from the clutches of fear and chaos.

Lucas's bravery and unwavering determination had brought hope back to the once-suffering town. Greenwood stood as a testament to the power of ordinary individuals rising above adversity, refusing to be crushed by the weight of darkness.

And so, in the wake of Lucas's heroic acts, Greenwood thrived once more. The motorway[13] of progress stretched forward, guided by the light of justice and the resilience of its people. The town transformed into a symbol of unity, reminding all who passed through its borders that even in the face of darkness, there is always a glimmer of hope.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
discrepancy, academy, bonus, aptitude, tenancy,
chatter, coastal, sober, stab, hacker,
gipsy, ripple, participate, offender, surgical

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 discrepancy a difference or disagreement between two or more things /dɪˈskrɪpənsi/
2 academy a school that provides specialized instruction, especially in the arts, sciences, or military /əˈkædəmi/
3 bonus a sum of money paid in addition to wages or salary, typically for good work or as a reward /ˈboʊnəs/
4 aptitude a natural ability or talent for something /ˈæptəˌtjuːd/
5 tenancy the state of being a tenant /ˈtenənsi/
6 chatter to talk rapidly and continuously, especially in a nervous or excited way /ˈtʃætər/
7 coastal situated on or near a coast /ˈkɒsəl/
8 sober not drunk or intoxicated /ˈsoʊbər/
9 stab to pierce or wound with a sharp object, especially a knife /stæb/
10 hacker a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data or systems /ˈhækər/
11 gypsy a member of a nomadic people traditionally living in tents and traveling from place to place /ˈdʒipsi/
12 ripple a small wave or disturbance on the surface of a liquid or solid /ˈrɪpəl/
13 participate to take part in something /pɑːˈtisipəˌteɪt/
14 offender a person who commits a crime or offense /əˈfɛndər/
15 surgical relating to or performed by surgery /ˈsɜːdʒɪkəl/

In the coastal town of Havenbrook, nestled between majestic cliffs and the vast expanse of the sea, there stood a prestigious academy[2]. This institution was known for honing the aptitude[4] and skills of its students, preparing them for a future filled with success and achievements.

Among the students was Ethan, a bright and ambitious young man with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He possessed an innate aptitude[4] for mathematics and excelled in various subjects. However, there was a discrepancy[1] that set him apart from his peers. Ethan had a tenancy to drift into daydreams and engage in chatter[7] with his classmates during lectures.

One fateful day, a renowned professor, Dr. Anderson, decided to address Ethan's lack of focus. He recognized the young man's potential but understood that his aptitude[4] could be hindered by his scattered attention. Dr. Anderson called Ethan to his office, his expression grave and his tone sober[8].

"Ethan," Dr. Anderson began, "your academic journey thus far has been impressive, but I believe there is room for improvement. Your aptitude[4] is unquestionable, but your tendency to engage in chatter[7] during class hampers your progress. I want to help you unleash your full potential."

Ethan, humbled by the professor's words, nodded earnestly. He had always admired Dr. Anderson and respected his guidance. The professor offered Ethan an opportunity to participate in a special program designed to sharpen his focus and discipline.

The program required Ethan to spend his weekends in a coastal retreat, away from the distractions of everyday life. Here, under Dr. Anderson's watchful eye, Ethan would receive additional instruction and personalized mentoring.

As weeks turned into months, Ethan's progress was remarkable. The serene coastal setting and Dr. Anderson's guidance helped him regain his focus. His mind became like a calm ripple[12], undisturbed by unnecessary distractions. Ethan's academic performance soared, and he even discovered a newfound passion for computer programming.

One evening, as Ethan delved into his newfound interest, he stumbled upon a group of hackers wreaking havoc in the digital world. Intrigued, he started learning the intricacies of their craft, but instead of becoming an offender[14], he sought to use his skills for good.

Ethan devised a plan to combat the hackers and protect innocent individuals from their malicious actions. With Dr. Anderson's support, he utilized his aptitude[4] for problem-solving and embarked on a surgical mission to track down the hackers and dismantle their operations.

Through his efforts, Ethan became known as the gipsy[11] hacker, a force to be reckoned with in the digital realm. He left a trail of success, assisting law enforcement agencies in apprehending the criminals behind cybercrimes.

Recognizing his exceptional abilities and dedication, the academy awarded Ethan a bonus[3] scholarship, acknowledging his extraordinary achievements. His journey from a daydreaming student to a brilliant practitioner[7] of computer security became an inspiration for future generations.

Ethan's story spread like wildfire, inspiring others to discover their own talents and embrace their unique aptitudes[4]. The coastal[8] town of Havenbrook became a hub for aspiring intellectuals, drawn by the promise of a nurturing environment that celebrated individual strengths.

And so, with focus restored, a stab[9] at hacking transformed into a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Ethan's remarkable aptitude[4] and unwavering determination had not only shaped his own future but had also left an indelible mark on the world around him.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
biotechnology, meadow, renowned, criticism, forgery,
pictorial, practitioner, lime, disdain, wartime,
investment, cod, commend, assassinate, designer,

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 biotechnology the use of living organisms or biological processes in engineering, medicine, and other fields /ˌbaɪəʊˌtɛkˈnɒlədʒi/
2 meadow an area of grassland, typically with wild flowers /ˈmeɪdəʊ/
3 renowned famous or well-known /rɪˈnaʊnd/
4 criticism the act of criticizing someone or something /krɪˈtɪsɪz(ə)m/
5 forgery a fake or counterfeit document or object /ˈfɔːdʒəri/
6 pictorial relating to or consisting of pictures /pɪˈktʃərəl/
7 practitioner a person who practices a particular profession or skill /ˈpræktɪʃənə/
8 lime a small, green citrus fruit with a sour taste /laɪm/
9 disdain a feeling of disgust or contempt /dɪˈsteɪn/
10 wartime the period of time during which a war is being fought /ˈwɔːrtaɪm/
11 investment the act of putting money into something with the expectation of making a profit /ɪnˈvɛstmənt/
12 cod a large, edible fish with a white flesh /kɒd/
13 commend to praise or express approval of someone or something /kɒˈmɛnd/
14 assassinate to murder someone, especially a public figure, for political reasons /əˈsæsɪneɪt/
15 designer a person who designs things, such as clothes, furniture, or buildings /dɪˈzaɪnər/

In a picturesque meadow[2] nestled on the outskirts of a bustling city, a renowned practitioner[7] of biotechnology[1] named Dr. Amelia Thompson found solace. Her love for nature and her tireless dedication to the field of genetic engineering had earned her international acclaim.

However, with great recognition came the inevitable tide of criticism[4]. Some skeptics accused her of creating monstrous creations, of tampering with the natural order. Others claimed she was nothing more than a forger[5] of life, manipulating organisms to her own whims.

Undeterred by the naysayers, Dr. Thompson sought to change the narrative. She embarked on a mission to showcase the beauty and potential of her work through pictorial[6] exhibitions and public talks. She invited people from all walks of life to witness firsthand the wonders that biotechnology[1] could bring.

One day, as Dr. Thompson was preparing for a groundbreaking exhibition, a visitor arrived unannounced. The visitor, named Henry, was a wealthy investor[11] with a keen eye for groundbreaking scientific endeavors. He had heard whispers of Dr. Thompson's work and was intrigued.

With an air of disdain[9], Henry walked through the meadow, observing the genetically modified plants that thrived under Dr. Thompson's care. He listened to her explanations, raising questions and challenging her ideas. But Dr. Thompson, undeterred, calmly responded to each query, unveiling the immense potential biotechnology[1] held for the future of humanity.

As the exhibition progressed, Henry's skepticism gradually transformed into admiration. He realized that Dr. Thompson was not a forger[5] of life but a designer[15] of possibilities. Her creations held the promise of revolutionizing agriculture, medicine, and even helping to restore ecosystems damaged by wartime[10].

Impressed by Dr. Thompson's passion, Henry decided to commend[13] her work. He offered her the necessary investment[11] to further her research and amplify her impact. With his support, she could unlock even greater breakthroughs in the realm of genetic engineering.

Together, they formed an unlikely partnership—a convergence of scientific ingenuity and financial resources. Driven by their shared vision, they collaborated on projects that focused on sustainable farming practices, disease-resistant crops, and advanced medical treatments.

Dr. Thompson's work became a beacon of hope, challenging the prevailing notions of biotechnology[1] and illuminating its potential for good. The once-critical voices gradually quieted as more and more people witnessed the tangible benefits of her creations.

As time passed, the lime[8] of skepticism turned into a wave of appreciation and admiration. Dr. Thompson's groundbreaking research and ethical approach to biotechnology[1] paved the way for a future where science and nature coexisted harmoniously.

In this new era, the cod[12] of genetic engineering was cracked wide open, revealing endless possibilities. Dr. Thompson's work not only reshaped the field but also challenged society's perception of what it meant to create and manipulate life.

Together, Dr. Thompson and Henry became a force to be reckoned with, fostering a new generation of scientists who would carry the torch of progress forward. Their collaboration stood as a testament to the transformative power of imagination, perseverance, and the boundless potential of biotechnology[1] in shaping a brighter future for all.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
discretion, reversible, knowledgeable, downcast, resistor,
horsewhip, omission, burden, precise, impractical,
operator, inertia, protection, competitive, nickname,

Index Word Definition Phonetic Symbol
1 discretion the ability to make judgments and decisions that are sensible and fair /dɪˈskreʃən/
2 reversible able to be changed back to the original state /rɪˈvɛrsəb(ə)l/
3 knowledgeable having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject /ˈnɒlɪdʒəb(ə)l/
4 downcast feeling sad or disappointed /daʊnˈkast/
5 resistor a device that resists the flow of electric current /rɪˈzɪstə/
6 horsewhip a whip made of a long, flexible lash attached to a handle, used for driving horses /hɔːsˈhwɪp/
7 omission the act of leaving something out /ɒˈmɪʃən/
8 burden something that is difficult or unpleasant to do or deal with /ˈbɜːdən/
9 precise exact or accurate /prɪˈsaɪs/
10 impractical not realistic or feasible /ɪmˈpræktɪkəbl/
11 operator a person who operates something, such as a machine or a vehicle /ˈɒpəreɪtə/
12 inertia the tendency of a body to remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside force /ɪˈnɪərʃə/
13 protection the act of protecting someone or something from harm /prəˈtekʃən/
14 competitive involving competition /kɒmˈpɛtɪtɪv/
15 nickname a name that is used instead of someone's real name, often given for fun or to make someone seem more friendly /ˈnɪkəˌneɪm/

In a small, quiet village nestled amidst rolling green hills, there lived a man named Samuel. Samuel was known for his impeccable discretion[1] and his unwavering dedication to his craft. He was a knowledgeable[3] and skilled blacksmith, capable of forging magnificent weapons and tools.

Despite his remarkable talent, Samuel often appeared downcast[4]. His heart carried a heavy burden[8] caused by a secret that had been tormenting him for years. You see, Samuel had stumbled upon a reversible[2] amulet, a mystical artifact that possessed the power to alter the course of events. This amulet, however, had proven to be an impractical[10] and troublesome possession.

One day, as Samuel toiled away in his workshop, a weary traveler entered. The traveler, named William, was known for his vast knowledge of ancient relics and artifacts. He carried himself with a sense of purpose, his eyes filled with a glimmer of excitement.

William noticed Samuel's inertia[12] and sensed the burden that weighed him down. He struck up a conversation and soon discovered Samuel's predicament. "My friend," William said, "you possess an extraordinary power, but it seems you view it as a resistor[6]. Let me show you the true potential of your amulet."

With hesitation in his eyes, Samuel handed over the amulet to William, who examined it with great care. William explained the intricacies of the amulet, teaching Samuel how to harness its power with precision[9] and control.

As the sun set on that eventful day, Samuel's demeanor transformed. No longer downcast[4], he now stood tall and confident, holding the amulet in his hands. Samuel realized that the amulet was not a burden[8] but a tool for protection[13] and change.

From that moment on, Samuel used the amulet with great care and discretion[1]. He would travel from village to village, offering his services as a blacksmith, but also as an operator[11] of justice. He became known as "The Iron Magician," a nickname[15] that spoke of his mastery over both metal and the mystical.

With his amulet, Samuel would intervene in unjust situations, leveling the playing field against corrupt officials and competitive[14] oppressors. He fought for the rights of the common people, his horse-drawn carriage racing through the countryside, the sound of his horsewhip[5] cracking through the air, a symbol of hope for the oppressed.

However, Samuel's newfound power came with great responsibility. He understood that every decision, every use of the amulet required discretion[1]. He would ponder each situation carefully, analyzing the consequences and potential omissions[7] that might arise.

Years passed, and Samuel's legacy spread far and wide. Tales of his deeds and his legendary amulet echoed through the land, inspiring others to rise against injustice and embrace their own inner power. Samuel became a symbol of hope and an embodiment of the indomitable human spirit.

And so, the story of Samuel, the blacksmith with the knowledge to change the world, lives on. His journey serves as a reminder that even the most impractical[10] possessions can become powerful tools in the hands of those who wield them with wisdom and compassion.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
don, poise, ecology, embarrassment, hasty,
conquest, carol, requirement, bandit, scripture,
congregation, thaw, moonlight, alumnus, dome

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 don to put on clothing /dɒn/
2 poise the ability to remain calm and confident in difficult situations /pɔɪz/
3 ecology the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment /ɪˈkɒlədʒi/
4 embarrassment a feeling of self-consciousness or awkwardness caused by something that is considered to be socially unacceptable /ɪmˈbɑːrəsmənt/
5 hasty acting or done quickly and without careful thought /ˈheɪsti/
6 conquest the act of conquering or the state of being conquered /kɒnˈkwest/
7 carol a joyful song, especially one sung at Christmas /ˈkærəl/
8 requirement something that is necessary or essential /rɪˈkwʌɪrəmənt/
9 bandit a member of a gang of robbers /ˈbændɪt/
10 scripture a sacred text /ˈskrɪptʃə/
11 congregation a group of people who gather together for religious worship /kɒnˈɡrɛɡeɪʃən/
12 thaw to melt or cause to melt /θɔː/
13 moonlight the light of the moon /ˈmʌnˌlaɪt/
14 alumnus a former student of a particular school or college /əˈlʌmnɪs/
15 dome a round roof or ceiling /dəʊm/

In a small town nestled amidst the picturesque countryside, a man named Don[1], known to many as Don, carried himself with an air of poise[2]. His calm demeanor and gentle nature made him a beloved figure in the community.

Don had always been fascinated by the intricate workings of nature and the delicate balance of ecology[3]. He spent his days studying the flora and fauna, seeking to understand their interconnectedness and the impact of human actions on the environment.

One day, as Don was engrossed in his observations, he witnessed an incident that filled him with embarrassment[4]. He watched as a group of children, in their hasty[5] excitement, littered the nearby meadow with candy wrappers and discarded toys.

Determined to educate and inspire change, Don took it upon himself to embark on a mission—a conquest[6] to promote environmental awareness. He organized workshops, led cleanup campaigns, and even composed a heartfelt carol[7] about the beauty of nature.

Don knew that change required effort, and he worked tirelessly to spread his message. He collaborated with local schools, sharing his knowledge and inspiring young minds to become stewards of the environment. He emphasized the requirement[8] for sustainable practices and mindful consumption.

However, every tale of adventure has its villains, and Don's town was no exception. A notorious bandit[9], known for exploiting the land and its resources, posed a significant challenge to Don's efforts. The bandit's disregard for nature's delicate balance threatened the harmony Don sought to preserve.

Undeterred, Don turned to the power of words. He delved into ancient scriptures[10], seeking wisdom and guidance to confront the bandit's destructive ways. Drawing strength from his faith, Don rallied the congregation[11], uniting the townspeople in their shared commitment to protect their beloved environment.

As the seasons changed, so did the landscape. Winter gave way to spring, and the frozen ground began to thaw[12]. Don's relentless efforts bore fruit as the community embraced sustainable practices, leading to a gradual healing of the land.

One enchanting evening, under the shimmering moonlight[13], the town celebrated the fruits of their labor. Don stood before the crowd, his voice filled with gratitude. He recognized the efforts of each person, acknowledging their role in restoring the natural balance that had been disrupted.

Amidst the applause, a familiar face emerged—a distinguished alumnus[14] of the town. Driven by a shared passion for ecology, the alumnus had returned to offer support and expertise. Together, Don and the alumnus unveiled plans for an eco-friendly initiative, building a sustainable future for generations to come.

As the night sky enveloped them, the townspeople gazed up at the grand dome[15] of stars above. Inspired by their collective journey, they realized that the power to create change resided within each of them.

Don's unwavering commitment and the spirit of the community had transformed the town, leaving a lasting legacy of harmony and reverence for the natural world. The lessons they learned would ripple through time, inspiring future generations to embrace their responsibility as caretakers of the Earth.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
stroll, newsletter, sociology, distil, twinkle,
trunk, enlighten, tart, rack, index,
artery, liking, imperial, overhead, jaw

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 stroll to walk slowly and leisurely /strɔːl/
2 newsletter a periodical publication that is sent to subscribers /ˈnuzˌletə/
3 sociology the study of human society and social relationships /səˌsaɪˈɒlədʒi/
4 distil to convert a liquid into a more concentrated form by boiling and condensing the vapor /dɪˈstɪl/
5 twinkle to shine with a flickering light /ˈtwɪŋkəl/
6 trunk a large, strong container for holding luggage or other belongings /tʌŋk/
7 enlighten to give someone greater knowledge or understanding /ɪnˈlaɪtən/
8 tart a small, sweet, baked fruit dish with a crisp crust /tɑːrt/
9 rack a frame with shelves or bars for storing things /ræk/
10 index a list of words or topics in a book or other publication, usually arranged in alphabetical order and giving the page numbers where they can be found /ˈɪndeks/
11 artery a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart /ˈɑːtəri/
12 liking a feeling of fondness or approval /ˈlaɪkɪŋ/
13 imperial relating to an empire or an emperor ɪˈm pɪ rɪ ə l/
14 overhead situated above the head or above the ground /ˌoʊvərˈhed/
15 jaw the bone that forms the lower part of the human face /dʒɔː/

As Sarah took a leisurely stroll[1] through the park, she noticed a small stand with a sign advertising a free community newsletter[2]. Curiosity sparked her interest, and she decided to pick up a copy.

Flipping through the pages, she discovered articles on various topics, including art, sociology[3], and gardening. One particular article caught her eye—it was about the art of distilling[4] essential oils from aromatic plants.

Intrigued by the process, Sarah read on, her eyes twinkling with fascination. The article explained how the oils were carefully extracted from plant materials, capturing their essence and therapeutic properties.

Eager to learn more, Sarah hurried home and delved deeper into the subject. She found books on herbalism and aromatherapy, compiling her own index[10] of knowledge.

One evening, Sarah decided to experiment with creating her own fragrant concoctions. She gathered herbs, flowers, and spices, placing them in a small trunk[6] she had repurposed for her herbal adventures.

As she heated the ingredients, the room filled with delightful scents. Sarah's senses were enlightened[7], and she marveled at the alchemy unfolding before her eyes.

A few weeks later, Sarah hosted a small gathering of friends, serving them homemade treats infused with her aromatic creations. Among the delicacies was a delectable tart[8], with a hint of lavender and citrus.

Her friends were impressed by the flavors and asked for her secret. Sarah gladly shared her knowledge, explaining the rack[9] of herbs she had assembled and the meticulous process of extracting the oils.

Intrigued by Sarah's newfound expertise, her friend Mark, a medical student, inquired about the effects of essential oils on the body. Sarah, eager to enlighten[7] him, explained their potential benefits and the concept of holistic well-being.

Their conversation led them to delve deeper into the world of natural remedies and traditional healing practices. They discussed topics ranging from acupuncture to reflexology, exploring the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

During their discussions, Mark mentioned his recent studies on the circulatory system and the importance of maintaining healthy arteries[11]. Sarah, in turn, shared her knowledge of certain herbs known for their potential positive effects on cardiovascular health.

Their shared liking[12] for uncovering new knowledge led them on a journey of exploration and discovery. Together, they became avid students of ancient healing practices, blending modern science with traditional wisdom.

As their friendship blossomed, Sarah and Mark became imperial[13] partners in spreading awareness about holistic well-being. They organized workshops, wrote articles, and conducted lectures to share their insights with others.

Their efforts didn't go unnoticed. The local community recognized their dedication and invited them to present at an overhead[14] projector at a wellness conference. Sarah and Mark eagerly accepted the opportunity to reach a wider audience with their message of balance and vitality.

On the day of the conference, Sarah stepped on stage, her confidence shining through. As she shared her experiences and knowledge, she couldn't help but notice the nodding heads and engaged expressions in the audience.

With each word, Sarah felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that she was making a positive impact on others. She concluded her presentation, leaving the audience inspired and eager to embark on their own wellness journeys.

As Sarah made her way off the stage, she noticed Mark waiting for her with a wide smile on his face. They embraced, their passion for learning and sharing intertwining like the branches of a mighty tree.

Together, they walked into the future, determined to continue their quest for knowledge and to jaw[15]-dropping transformations through their dedication to holistic well-being.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
fairness, landlord, terror, tummy, seniority,
hardy, lad, spear, pastry, intentional,
bra, corpse, worthy, sprain, cashier

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 fairness the quality of being fair; impartiality /ˈfɛːrnəs/
2 landlord a person who owns and rents out property /ˈlænˌdɔːd/
3 terror intense fear /ˈtɛrə/
4 tummy informal term for stomach /ˈtʌmi/
5 seniority the fact of being older or having been in a job or organization for longer than someone else /sɪˈniərəti/
6 hardy able to survive or live in difficult conditions /ˈhɑːrdi/
7 lad a young man /læd/
8 spear a long, pointed weapon with a sharp point and a long shaft /spiːr/
9 pastry a baked dish made with a dough of flour, water, and fat /ˈpeɪstri/
10 intentional done on purpose /ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl/
11 bra a piece of undergarment that covers and supports the breasts /brə/
12 corpse the dead body of a human being /kɔːps/
13 worthy deserving of respect, admiration, or honor /ˈwɜːði/
14 sprain an injury to a ligament, especially in the ankle or wrist, caused by a sudden twisting movement /spɹeɪn/
15 cashier a person who works in a shop or bank and is responsible for handling money /ˈkeɪʃɪə/

Once upon a time, in a land known for its fairness[1] and justice, there lived a landlord[2] named Mr. Thompson. He was a strict but fair man, always ensuring that his tenants were treated with respect and their concerns were heard.

One day, as the village prepared for its annual fair, a sense of excitement and terror[3] filled the air. The aroma of freshly baked pastries[9] wafted through the streets, enticing young and old alike.

Among the crowd, a lad[7] named Timothy stood tall. With his hardy[6] spirit and unwavering determination, he was always eager to partake in the festivities. His eyes gleamed as he spotted the prize booth, adorned with colorful ribbons and shiny spear[8]-shaped trophies.

Timothy's tummy[4] grumbled, reminding him of the delicious pastries[9] that awaited him at the fair. He hurriedly made his way towards the food stalls, where the aroma grew even stronger. Each bite of the flaky, golden pastry[9] brought him sheer delight.

As Timothy enjoyed his treat, he noticed an intentional[10] commotion near the main stage. Curiosity piqued, he maneuvered through the crowd, his gaze fixed on the unfolding spectacle.

There, lying on the stage, was a life-sized corpse[12] made of straw and cloth. The villagers whispered tales of an ancient tradition, where the fairest and most worthy[13] individual would be chosen to take part in a ceremonial dance with the straw figure.

The dance symbolized unity and the passing of knowledge from one generation to another. It was a tradition that honored those with wisdom and seniority[5], who had dedicated their lives to the well-being of the community.

Timothy watched in awe as the villagers cast their votes, recognizing the contributions of the candidates. The winner, Mrs. Harris, a kind-hearted cashier[15] at the local store, was crowned the fairest of them all. Her warmth and generosity had touched the lives of many, making her a beloved figure in the village.

With a sprain[14] of happiness in his heart, Timothy applauded the choice. He understood that fairness[1] extended beyond physical beauty, encompassing virtues of kindness, compassion, and selflessness.

As the fair came to an end, Timothy returned home, his mind filled with the memories of the day. He realized that true beauty lay within the actions we take and the impact we have on others.

He lay in bed, contemplating the events, while absentmindedly fixing his worn-out bra[11]. In that moment, he made a silent vow to uphold the values of fairness and integrity, just like the hardy[6] villagers who had come before him.

And so, in this quaint village, where seniority[5] and wisdom were revered, Timothy embraced the teachings of his community. He understood that it was his duty to pass on the values of fairness[1] and respect to the next generation, just as the landlord[2], Mr. Thompson, had done for him.

With that, Timothy closed his eyes, his heart filled with gratitude for the lessons he had learned at the fair. In the embrace of a peaceful slumber, he dreamt of a world where fairness[1] reigned, where every lad[7] and lady would be recognized for their true worth, and where the spirit of unity prevailed.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sermon, dash, zinc, owl, host,
slack, settler, feast, statutory, plunder,
symposium, frontier, shovel, snapshot, horsepower

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 sermon a speech or discourse on a religious or moral subject, especially one delivered during a church service /ˈsɜːmən/
2 dash a sudden burst of speed or activity /dæʃ/
3 zinc a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is a soft, silvery-white metal that is used in a variety of applications, including galvanizing steel and making batteries /zɪŋk/
4 owl a nocturnal bird of prey with a large head, forward-facing eyes, and a hooked beak /aʊl/
5 host a person who receives or entertains guests /hoʊst/
6 slack not tight or firm; loose /slæk/
7 settler a person who moves to a new place to live permanently /ˈsɛtlər/
8 feast a large or elaborate meal, especially one held to celebrate a special occasion /fiːst/
9 statutory established by or based on a statute /ˈstætʃəˌtɔːri/
10 plunder to rob or steal (goods or property) from (a place or person) by force /ˈplʌndə/
11 symposium a meeting or conference of people to discuss a particular subject /sɪˈmpəʊziəm/
12 frontier the boundary line between two countries or regions /ˈfrəntɪər/
13 shovel a tool with a broad blade and a long handle, used for lifting and moving loose material /ˈʃʌvəl/
14 snapshot a photograph taken quickly and informally /ˈsnæpʃɒt/
15 horsepower a unit of power equal to 745.7 watts, formerly used to measure the power of a steam engine or other machine /ˈhɔːsˌpaʊə/

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled on the outskirts of a bustling city, the local church buzzed with anticipation. The beloved pastor prepared to deliver a heartfelt sermon[1] on the importance of unity and compassion.

As the congregation gathered, a young boy named Liam felt a sudden dash[2] of excitement. He knew that today's sermon[1] would be special, leaving a lasting impact on his impressionable mind.

The church's aged walls were adorned with antique decorations, including a weathered zinc[3] plaque engraved with biblical verses. Liam admired the craftsmanship, imagining the stories behind its creation.

As the service began, an ethereal silence fell upon the sanctuary. The pastor, with his wise eyes reminiscent of an ancient owl[4], captivated the audience with his words. His voice resonated through the hall, carrying messages of hope and redemption.

After the sermon[1], the congregation made their way to the parish hall for a community gathering. Liam's mother, an enthusiastic host[5], welcomed everyone with warm smiles and open arms. The room brimmed with joyous conversations and the clinking of glasses.

Liam, feeling a bit slack[6] in his duties as a young settler[7], decided to contribute to the festivities. He approached the buffet table, laden with a delectable feast[8] of homemade dishes prepared by the parishioners.

Embracing his role, Liam meticulously arranged the plates, ensuring every dish adhered to the statutory[9] guidelines of the culinary arts. His attention to detail mirrored the commitment of the settlers[7] who built this community from scratch.

The celebration continued with a storytelling symposium[11], where community members gathered to share tales of adventure and triumph. They spoke of brave pioneers who ventured into the frontier[12], conquering the unknown with nothing but determination and a trusty shovel[13].

Liam marveled at the vivid snapshots[14] painted by their words, transporting him to a time long gone. Tales of pirates who would plunder[10] the seas and mythical creatures that guarded hidden treasures filled the air.

As the evening waned, and the stars began to twinkle above the village, Liam realized the significance of his community's history. The plaque, the stories, the tales of resilience—all were woven together, preserving the spirit of unity and perseverance.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Liam embraced his role as a young settler[7], vowing to honor the past and shape a brighter future. He understood that within the confines of a small village, the legacy of the pioneers endured, guiding the present generation.

And so, the village thrived, its foundation built on the lessons of the past. Liam, inspired by the stories of old, carried the torch of his ancestors, eager to carve his own path and leave a mark on the frontier[12] of the world that awaited him beyond the boundaries of his village.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
forth, observe, throat, air-conditioned, fare,
dining, Christianity, brew, stoop, bale,
vacate, merciless, tablet, forestry, unlimited

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 forth forward in space or time /fɔːθ/
2 observe to watch or pay attention to something /əbˈzɜːv/
3 throat the passage leading from the mouth to the stomach /θroʊt/
4 air-conditioned cooled by a system that circulates cool air /eə kənˈdɪʃənd/
5 fare the price paid for something, especially for travel /feə/
6 dining the act of eating a meal /daɪnɪŋ/
7 Christianity the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ /ˌkɹɪstəˈlænɪti/
8 brew to make beer or other alcoholic drinks /bruː/
9 stoop to bend or lean forward /stuːp/
10 bale a large bundle of something, especially hay or straw /beɪl/
11 vacate to leave a place or position /vɪˈkeɪt/
12 merciless showing no mercy or compassion /mɪˈsɜːsələs/
13 tablet a small, flat piece of medicine or other substance /ˈtæblɪt/
14 forestry the science or practice of managing forests /ˈfɔːɹɪstry/
15 unlimited not limited in size, amount, or extent /ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/

In a quaint village nestled in the countryside, life moved forth[1] at a leisurely pace. The villagers, known for their deep-rooted traditions, would often gather to observe[2] the changing seasons and celebrate the simple joys of existence.

On a particularly scorching summer day, as the sun beat down on the village, the air-conditioned[4] comfort of the local tavern became an inviting refuge. Villagers sought respite there, seeking solace from the oppressive heat.

Inside the cool sanctuary, a group of friends sat around a wooden table, sharing stories and laughter. The aroma of freshly brewed[8] coffee filled the air, as they sipped their favored fare[5] and enjoyed the camaraderie of the moment.

Amidst the cheerful dining[6], an elderly man with a gentle demeanor caught their attention. He spoke softly, sharing his wisdom and knowledge of the world. His words carried the weight of his years and were infused with the values of his Christianity[7] faith.

He regaled the attentive listeners with tales of distant lands, of mighty forests, and of the unlimited[15] beauty that nature had bestowed upon the Earth. The villagers were transported to realms they had only dreamed of, their imaginations taking flight.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange hue over the village, the elderly man rose from his stoop[9] and bid[11] his newfound friends farewell. Grateful for his company, the villagers felt a sense of loss as he vacated[11] the tavern.

But the seed he had planted within them continued to grow. Inspired by his words, they embarked on a journey to preserve the local forestry[14], recognizing the importance of protecting the natural beauty that surrounded them.

Their efforts were driven by a deep sense of compassion and respect for the environment. With merciless[12] determination, they organized clean-up campaigns, planted trees, and educated younger generations about the significance of sustainability.

In their pursuit, they discovered a hidden bale[10], inscribed with ancient knowledge passed down through generations. It contained the secrets of harmony between humanity and nature—a guide to coexist in a world of balance.

United by their shared purpose, the villagers worked tirelessly, ensuring that their actions aligned with the teachings of the tablet[13] and their newfound understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things.

Years passed, and the village thrived as a beacon of environmental stewardship. The villagers' commitment to preserving nature had not only enriched their own lives but had also inspired neighboring communities to join their cause.

And so, the village stood as a testament to the transformative power of a single encounter, where the wisdom of an elderly man had kindled a flame of awareness and ignited a community's passion for preserving the Earth's treasures.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
turf, nobility, raspberry, glue, celluloid,
make-up, reconnaissance, skim, opening, enamel,
holder, undue, bushel, nest, soar

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 turf the surface of the ground covered with grass /tɜːf/
2 nobility the quality of being noble; high birth or rank /nɒbɪlɪtɪ/
3 raspberry a red, sweet fruit with a furry skin /ˈrɒzˌbɛri/
4 glue a sticky substance used to stick things together /ɡluː/
5 celluloid a flammable plastic made from cellulose /sɛlˈjuːlɔɪd/
6 make-up cosmetics used to enhance or change one's appearance /ˈmeɪkʌp/
7 reconnaissance the act of gathering information about an enemy or potential enemy /ˌrɛkəˈnaɪsəns/
8 skim to remove the top layer of something, especially liquid /skɪm/
9 opening a hole or gap that allows something to pass through /ˈoʊpənɪŋ/
10 enamel a hard, glossy substance used to coat teeth or other objects /ɪˈnɑːməl/
11 holder a person or thing that holds something /ˈhoʊldə/
12 undue excessive or unwarranted /ʌnˈdjuː/
13 bushel a unit of volume equal to 8 gallons or 48 quarts /ˈbʊʃəl/
14 nest a structure made by a bird or other animal for its eggs or young /nest/
15 soar to fly high in the air /sɔː/

In a bustling city, two rival gangs fought for control over the turf[1]. The first gang, known for their nobility[2] and refined tastes, sported a distinctive raspberry[3] emblem. The second gang, notorious for their cunning and ruthlessness, relied on glue[4] to solidify their grip on power.

Their rivalry was reminiscent of a celluloid[5] drama playing out on the streets. Each gang adorned their members with intricate make-up[6], transforming their faces into masks of intimidation. It was a visual reconnaissance[7] of their loyalty and commitment to their respective factions.

One fateful evening, tensions between the two gangs reached a boiling point. The first gang's leader, known for his ability to skim[8] off profits, challenged the second gang's authority. The challenge was met with defiance, leading to an opening[9] of hostilities.

As the streets filled with chaos and violence, the clash of enamel[10] against enamel reverberated through the night. The holders[11] of power fought relentlessly, unleashing their wrath upon each other. Bloodshed was rampant as both sides sought to prove their dominance.

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure emerged from the shadows. This individual, unaffected by the rivalries and bloodshed, carried a bushel[13] of hope in their heart. They sought not to claim the turf, but to build bridges of understanding.

The figure retreated to a hidden nest[14], a sanctuary far away from the battleground. From there, they contemplated a different path—a path that soared[15] above petty feuds and undue[12] violence.

The figure began to spread their message of unity and peace, transcending the divisions created by the warring factions. Their words resonated with those tired of the endless cycle of conflict. People from both sides of the turf started to question the futility of their strife.

Slowly but surely, the figure's message took hold. The gangs, once consumed by hatred, began to see the irrationality of their feud. They realized that there was strength in unity, and that their true power lay not in territorial control, but in collective progress.

In a remarkable turn of events, the gangs put down their weapons and joined forces. The once-rival factions merged, setting aside their differences and working towards a common goal—a city free from violence and division.

The city, once plagued by the struggles of rival gangs, transformed into a thriving community. With unity as their foundation, they rebuilt the turf, turning it into a haven of peace and prosperity. The figure, once a solitary beacon of hope, became a symbol of transformation and reconciliation.

And so, the city learned that the power of unity and understanding can mend even the deepest wounds. The scars of the past faded, and a new era emerged—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the triumph of peace over conflict.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
reflex, gale, audio, suckle, reading,
hideous, dissect, poker, awaken, civilize,
bid, creature, daybreak, individuality, vocal

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 reflex a quick, involuntary movement in response to a stimulus /ˈrɪfleks/
2 gale a strong, gusty wind /ɡeɪl/
3 audio relating to sound /ˈɔːdɪəʊ/
4 suckle to feed (a baby or young animal) at the breast /ˈsʌkəl/
5 reading the action or skill of reading /ˈriːdɪŋ/
6 hideous very ugly or unpleasant /ˈhaɪdɪəs/
7 dissect to cut open (a dead animal or plant) in order to study its structure /dɪˈsɛkt/
8 poker a long, thin stick used for stirring fires or coals /ˈpəʊkər/
9 awaken to cease to be asleep əˈweɪkən/
10 civilize to make (someone) more cultured or refined /ˈsɪvɪlaɪz/
11 bid an offer to buy something at an auction /bɪd/
12 creature a living being, especially an animal /ˈkriːtʃə/
13 daybreak the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise /deɪbreɪk/
14 individuality the quality of being individual; the state of being a single, separate person /ˌɪndɪvɪdʒʊˈælɪtɪ/
15 vocal able to produce or using the voice /ˈvɒkəl/

As the first rays of daybreak[13] peeked over the horizon, a small creature[12] stirred from its slumber. It stretched its limbs, its reflex[1] response to the awakening world. Little did it know that this day would hold a series of extraordinary events.

A sudden gale[2] swept through the forest, rustling leaves and shaking branches. The creature found solace in a hollow tree, seeking shelter from the hideous[6] storm. As it huddled there, it noticed a peculiar audio[3] emanating from the depths of the trunk.

Intrigued, the creature inched closer, its ears twitching with curiosity. The audio grew louder, like a melodic lullaby, inviting the creature to suckle[4] on the sweet notes. It was the sound of the wind whistling through the treetops, harmonizing with the symphony of nature.

Inspired by this newfound revelation, the creature felt an inexplicable urge to explore further. It ventured out from its hiding place and followed the audio's guiding whispers. The path led to a small clearing, where a group of animals gathered around a wise old owl.

The owl, perched on a branch, was engaged in a captivating reading[5] session, sharing tales of courage and wisdom. The creature, now captivated by the magic of stories, realized the power of words to dissect[7] reality and shape perception.

Motivated by this revelation, the creature embarked on a personal journey to awaken[9] its own voice. It yearned to civilize[10] its thoughts, to bid[11] farewell to ignorance, and embrace individuality[14] as a precious gift.

Days turned into weeks, and the creature[12] discovered a hidden talent—an innate ability to mimic sounds and voices. It became a vocal[15] virtuoso, imitating the songs of birds, the howls of wolves, and the whispers of the wind. Its voice became a beacon of expression and connection.

Word of the creature's unique talent spread far and wide, attracting curious individuals from all walks of life. People flocked to witness the enchanting performances that resonated with the depths of their souls. The creature's voice became a symbol of harmony and unity, transcending barriers of language and culture.

And so, the creature's journey, propelled by the power of reflex[1], led it from the depths of a storm to the heights of self-discovery. It learned that within every being lies an extraordinary poker[8] of potential waiting to be unleashed, and that by embracing the richness of individuality[14], one could create a symphony of voices that would echo through the ages.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
scorch, almanac, reasonable, grimace, refrain,
fulfillment, noted, motel, exploratory, persimmon,
Negro, motorist, preparation, annals, assuredly

Index Word Phonetic Symbol Definition
1 scorch /skɔːrtʃ/ to burn or mark with a hot object
2 almanac /ˈælmənæk/ a book containing information about the year, such as the dates of holidays and astronomical events
3 reasonable /ˈriːzənəb(ə)l/ able to be reasoned with; sensible
4 grimace /ɡrɪˈmeɪs/ a facial expression of disgust, pain, or disapproval
5 refrain /rɪˈfreɪn/ to stop oneself from doing something
6 fulfillment /ˌfʊlˈfɪlmənt/ the achievement of a goal or purpose
7 noted /ˈnoʊtɪd/ famous or well-known
8 motel /ˈmoʊtəl/ a hotel for motorists, typically located along a highway
9 exploratory /ɪksplɔˈreɪtərɪ/ involving or intended for exploration
10 persimmon /pəˈsɪmən/ a round, orange-fleshed fruit with a hard, smooth skin
11 Negro (dated) a black person
12 motorist /ˈmoʊtəˌrɪst/ a person who drives a motor vehicle
13 preparation /ˌprepəˈreɪʃən/ the action of making something ready for use or for a particular purpose
14 annals /ˈænəlz/ a record of events, especially of a country or institution
15 assuredly /əˈʃuːrətli/ without doubt or uncertainty; certainly

Once upon a time in a small town, a scorching summer arrived, leaving the residents longing for a reasonable escape from the relentless heat. Amidst this grimace-inducing[4] weather, a peculiar traveler appeared with an almanac[2] in hand, claiming to possess the secret to bringing rain to their arid lands.

The motley group of townspeople, desperate for relief, gathered around the stranger with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. With a bemused refrain[5], he explained that by following the ancient wisdom recorded in the almanac, their thirst for fulfillment[6] could be quenched.

Noted[7] as an exploratory[9] enthusiast, the traveler had stumbled upon a motel[8] during his journeys, where a mysterious persimmon[10] tree grew. Legends whispered that this tree had the power to bring forth rain, a belief passed down through the annals[14] of time.

The motley crew, captivated by the prospect of respite, embarked on a journey with the traveler. They traversed miles of dusty roads, their spirits buoyed by the promise of relief. As they drew closer to their destination, they encountered a lone Negro[11] motorist[12] who had also sought refuge from the oppressive heat. He too was intrigued by the tale and joined their quest.

After hours of preparation[13], they reached the motel, its weathered sign creaking in the breeze. Excitement filled the air as they beheld the persimmon tree, laden with ripe fruit. The traveler assuredly[15] led them through the ritual described in the almanac, invoking ancient prayers and chants.

In a surreal turn of events, the sky darkened, and thunder rumbled overhead. The droplets of rain began to fall, providing a long-awaited respite from the scorching sun. Cheers erupted, and the townspeople danced in joyous celebration, their hearts brimming with gratitude.

In that moment, they realized that the power to bring about change lay not only in the hands of the traveler or the mystical almanac, but within themselves. The journey had taught them the strength of unity and the capacity to overcome adversities.

From that day forward, the town's story became a part of the annals of history, inspiring generations to come. And in the collective memory of the people, the tale of the scorching[1] summer and the persimmon tree became a symbol of hope, reminding them that even in the face of adversity, the pursuit of a reasonable[3] dream could lead to a world of fulfillment.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sidewalk, reporter, blister, ape, hippie,
forum, transistor, client, manuscript, confiscate,
recede, trailer, sanity, fiddle, sentiment

Index Word Pronunciation Definition
1 sidewalk /ˈsaɪdˌwɔk/ a paved path along the side of a road for pedestrians
2 reporter /rɪˈpɔːrtə/ a person who writes news stories for newspapers, magazines, or television
3 blister /ˈblɪstə/ a small, raised area of skin filled with fluid, caused by friction or heat
4 ape /eɪp/ a large, intelligent mammal that is closely related to humans
5 hippie /ˈhɪpiː/ a person who rejects conventional values and practices, especially in favor of a more communal and self-sufficient lifestyle
6 forum /ˈfɔːrəm/ a public meeting place where people can discuss and debate issues
7 transistor /tranˈzɪstə/ a small electronic device that controls the flow of electricity
8 client /klɪˈɑːnt/ a person who uses the services of a professional, such as a lawyer or doctor
9 manuscript /ˈmænəskript/ an original handwritten or typed document
10 confiscate /kənˈfisˌkeɪt/ to seize something illegally or without the owner's consent
11 recede /rɪˈsiːd/ to move back or away
12 trailer /ˈtreɪlə/ a vehicle that is towed behind another vehicle and is used for living in or for transporting goods
13 sanity /ˈsænəti/ the state of being sane; soundness of mind
14 fiddle /ˈfɪdəl/ a stringed instrument played with a bow
15 sentiment /ˈsɛntəmənt/ a feeling or opinion, especially one that is held with conviction

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Bluestone, a reporter named Emily was walking down the sidewalk[1], a notepad in hand, ready to cover the latest news. As she strolled along, she couldn't help but notice a peculiar sight. A man, dressed like a hippie[5] from the '60s, was passionately preaching about peace and love to a small gathering of people.

Intrigued by the unusual scene, Emily approached the self-proclaimed hippie and introduced herself as a reporter[2]. She asked if he would be willing to share his story with her, to which he gladly agreed. They found a nearby forum[6], where the hippie, whose name was Jonah, began recounting his life's journey.

Jonah's tale unfolded like a manuscript[9] filled with adventure and discovery. He revealed that he had spent years traveling the world, seeking enlightenment and embracing different cultures. He had even lived amongst apes[4] in the dense jungles of Africa, observing their behavior and learning from their simplicity.

As Emily scribbled down his words, she couldn't help but notice a small blister[3] forming on her finger from holding the pen for too long. Ignoring the discomfort, she continued to listen intently to Jonah's story. He spoke of his encounters with diverse communities, where he connected with people from all walks of life.

Suddenly, the conversation took a surprising turn. Jonah confessed that during his travels, he had stumbled upon a hidden treasure—a forgotten trailer[12] filled with ancient artifacts and a peculiar transistor[7]. As he reached out to touch the transistor, a surge of energy coursed through his body, causing him to black out.

When Jonah woke up, he found himself in a sterile room, surrounded by government agents. They informed him that the trailer and its contents had been confiscated[10] due to their historical value. Jonah's heart sank as he realized his unique find had been taken away, leaving him with only memories.

Despite the setback, Jonah maintained his sanity[13] and continued his journey, albeit with a heavy heart. He took solace in his fiddle[14], an instrument he had picked up during his travels, and poured his emotions into its melodic strings.

As the years passed by, the memories of the confiscated treasures began to recede[11], but the lessons he learned and the connections he made remained etched in Jonah's heart.

During his adventures, Jonah even became a street performer, entertaining passersby with his fiddle melodies. It was during one such performance that he caught the attention of a wealthy client[8]. Impressed by his talent and story, the client offered Jonah a chance to publish his manuscript[9] and share his extraordinary experiences with the world.

As Emily listened to Jonah's tale of loss and perseverance, she couldn't help but feel a deep sentiment[15] for the hippie with a heart full of adventure. She realized that his story was not just about the tangible treasures he had discovered, but about the intangible connections he had made along the way.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange hue on the city skyline, Emily bid farewell to Jonah. She thanked him for sharing his extraordinary journey and promised to bring his story to life through her words.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
enthusiast, quart, chess, glasshouse, engineering,
initiative, holdup, management, smokestack, statistical,
kidnap, delusion, mint, scant, tram

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 enthusiast a person who is filled with zeal and interest for a particular activity or subject /ɪnˈθjuːziæst/
2 quart a unit of liquid volume equal to one-fourth of a gallon /kwɔːt/
3 chess a board game for two players in which each player tries to checkmate the other's king /tʃɛs/
4 glasshouse a greenhouse for growing plants /ɡlɑːsˌhaʊs/
5 engineering the application of scientific and mathematical principles to the design, construction, and operation of structures, machines, and other manufactured products /ˌɛnʤɪˈnɪərɪŋ/
6 initiative the ability to take action without being told what to do /ɪˈnɪʃɪˌatɪv/
7 holdup an act of robbing someone, especially at gunpoint /ˈhoʊldʌp/
8 management the process of controlling and supervising the running of an organization or business /mænɪˈdʒmənt/
9 smokestack a tall chimney on a factory or other building that emits smoke /smɒkˌstæk/
10 statistical relating to statistics /stəˈtɪstɪkəl/
11 kidnap to take someone away illegally by force or fraud /ˈkɪdnæp/
12 delusion a false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual fact /dɪˈluːʒən/
13 mint a building where coins are made /mɪnt/
14 scant not enough or barely sufficient in amount or quantity /skænt/
15 tram a passenger vehicle that runs on rails along a public street /træn/

The chess[3] enthusiast[1] sat in the glasshouse[4], contemplating his next move. He carefully studied the board, his eyes fixated on the black and white squares. A quart[2] of concentration filled the air as he planned his strategy.

Outside the glasshouse, a group of engineering[5] students worked on an innovative initiative[6]. They were designing a new smokestack[9] that would reduce emissions and promote sustainability. The management[8] of the company had entrusted them with the task, recognizing their talent and dedication.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out nearby. There was a holdup[7] at the local bank, and the police sirens blared through the streets. The chess enthusiast's focus wavered for a moment as he heard the noise, but he quickly regained his composure and continued his game.

As he made his move, he glanced at the statistical[10] data displayed on a nearby screen. The numbers and graphs intrigued him, fueling his passion for the analytical aspect of chess.

Unbeknownst to him, a delusion[12] of grandeur was forming in the mind of a troubled individual lurking outside the glasshouse. With a sinister plan in mind, the person decided to kidnap[11] the chess enthusiast, believing that they held the key to unlocking hidden knowledge and secrets.

But before the deluded individual could act on their scheme, a mint[13]-colored tram[15] pulled up in front of the glasshouse. Its arrival disrupted the unfolding drama, capturing the attention of everyone around.

The chess enthusiast, startled by the unexpected turn of events, seized the opportunity to escape the potential danger. He quickly exited the glasshouse and boarded the tram, mingling with the other passengers.

The tram journey offered a scant[14] respite from the tension. The chess enthusiast reflected on the close encounter, realizing the importance of valuing each moment and remaining vigilant in a world full of uncertainties.

As the tram traveled through the city, the chess enthusiast marveled at the diverse architecture and vibrant life that surrounded him. The incident at the glasshouse served as a reminder that even in the pursuit of intellectual challenges, one must always be aware of the unexpected twists that life can throw.

With a renewed sense of appreciation for both the strategic beauty of chess and the unpredictability of existence, the enthusiast disembarked from the tram, ready to face new adventures and continue exploring the vast landscape of possibilities that lay before him.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
crisp, sulphur, sperm, heroine, plume,
spit, fabulous, manpower, humiliating, sob,
thunder, monk, dean, fatalism, avenge

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 crisp (adj.) firm, dry, and brittle; fresh and lively /krɪsp/
2 sulphur (noun) a non-metallic element that is a yellow solid at room temperature /ˈsʌlfər/
3 sperm (noun) the male reproductive cell /spɜːrm/
4 heroine (noun) a woman admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities /ˈhɛrəʊɪn/
5 plume (noun) a large, showy feather, especially one used as an ornament /pluːm/
6 spit (verb) eject saliva from the mouth /spɪt/
7 fabulous (adj.) extremely good; wonderful /ˈfæb(ə)ləs/
8 manpower (noun) the total number of men available for work /ˈmænˌpɔːr/
9 humiliating (adj.) causing a feeling of shame or humiliation /hjuːˈmɪlɪeɪtɪŋ/
10 sob (verb) cry with short, gasping breaths /sɑːb/
11 thunder (noun) a loud, deep sound caused by a sudden expansion of air produced by lightning /ˈθʌndə/
12 monk (noun) a man who has taken religious vows and lives in a monastery /mʌŋk/
13 dean (noun) the head of a college or faculty /diːn/
14 fatalism (noun) the belief that all events are predetermined and cannot be changed /ˈfeɪt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/
15 avenge (verb) inflict punishment on (someone) for a wrong they have committed /əˈvenj/

The crisp[1] autumn air was tinged with the smell of sulphur[2] from the nearby hot springs. A lone monk[12] walked the path, lost in thought as he considered the concept of fatalism[14]. He believed that everything in life was predestined, and that we had no control over our own fates.

As he walked, he noticed a group of men gathering in the distance. They were talking loudly, and their voices echoed like thunder[11] through the mountains. As he approached, he saw that they were construction workers, discussing their lack of manpower[8] and how it was affecting their progress.

One of the men looked up and saw the monk. He spat[6] on the ground and muttered something under his breath. The monk paid him no mind and continued on his way.

Further down the path, the monk saw a plume[5] of smoke rising from a nearby village. He quickened his pace and soon arrived to find the village in flames. The villagers were running around in a panic, and the smell of smoke filled the air.

The monk saw a young woman lying on the ground. She had been injured and was barely conscious. He recognized her as the daughter of the dean[13] of the nearby university. She had been studying to become a heroine[4] in the fight for justice and equality.

The monk helped the young woman to her feet and began to lead her away from the burning village. She sobbed[10] in humiliation[9], feeling helpless and defeated. But the monk reminded her that even in the face of tragedy, there is always hope. He vowed to avenge[15] the village and find the cause of the fire.

As they walked away from the burning village, the monk noticed a small object on the ground. It was a tiny vial of sperm[3], which he recognized as a rare and powerful substance that could be used for good or evil. He picked it up, knowing that it might come in handy in the future.

Together, the monk and the young woman continued down the path, facing whatever challenges lay ahead with a sense of determination and a belief in a better tomorrow. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they were willing to face it with a fabulous[7] spirit and a commitment to doing what was right.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:

fore, sever, monastery, parliament, breast,

lass, rhetorical, electrician, mineral, squad,

falsehood, analytic, merciful, recitation, constable

Index Word Meaning Phonetic Symbol
1 fore in front or ahead of something /fɔːr/
2 sever to cut something off or apart /ˈsɛvər/
3 monastery a place where monks live /ˈmɒnəstərɪ/
4 parliament a group of people who are elected to make laws for a country /ˈpɑːləmənt/
5 breast the front part of a person's body between the neck and the stomach /brɛst/
6 lass a young woman /læs/
7 rhetorical relating to the art of using words effectively /rɪˈtɔːrɪkəl/
8 electrician a person who installs, repairs, or maintains electrical equipment /ɪˈlekʃərɪən/
9 mineral a naturally occurring substance that has a definite chemical composition /ˈmɪnərəl/
10 squad a small group of people who work together /skwɒd/
11 falsehood a statement that is not true /ˈfɔːlsˌhʊd/
12 analytic relating to the analysis of something /ænˈælɪtɪk/
13 merciful showing kindness and compassion /ˈmɜːsɪfəl/
14 recitation the act of reciting something /ˌresəˈteɪʃən/
15 constable a police officer in some countries /ˈkɑːnstəbəl/

The young lass[6] walked through the doors of the ancient monastery[3], where the monks were known for their merciful[13] ways and their dedication to the study of minerals[9]. She had come seeking refuge from the sever[2] conditions of the outside world, hoping to find solace within the walls of the holy place.

As she made her way through the corridors, she heard the rhythmic recitation[14] of prayers and chants, and the faint hum of an electrician[8] working on some wiring. Suddenly, she was stopped by a constable[15], who demanded to know her business.

"I seek sanctuary," she said, her breast[5] heaving with emotion.

The constable looked at her with a skeptical eye, as if he suspected some sort of falsehood[11] in her words. But then he heard the rhetorical[7] voices of the parliament[4] members in the distance, debating some important matter of state. He nodded in understanding, and allowed her to pass.

The lass found a quiet spot to sit and meditate, listening to the analytic[12] thoughts that ran through her mind. She closed her eyes, and breathed in the sweet scent of the fore[1] trees that surrounded the monastery. Outside, she could hear the footsteps of a squad[10] of soldiers marching past, and the distant sound of battle.

But inside, she felt safe and at peace, surrounded by the holy energy of the monks. She knew that she had found a temporary haven from the chaos of the world outside, and that she would leave the monastery feeling renewed and strengthened.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
ancient, cosmos, employment, coral, apartment,
shorthand, ceramic, reader, airmail, muffle,
houseboat, kid, lap, pint, feature

  1. ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ (adj.): belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence; having been in existence for a very long time
  2. cosmos /ˈkɑːzmɒs/ (n.): the universe seen as a well-ordered whole; a system of thought
  3. employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n.): the state of having a paid job; work that a person does to earn a living
  4. coral /ˈkɒrəl/ (n.): a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas
  5. apartment /əˈpɑːtmənt/ (n.): a suite of rooms forming one residence, typically in a building containing a number of these
  6. shorthand /ˈʃɔːthænd/ (n.): a method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols
  7. ceramic /səˈræmɪk/ (adj.): made of baked clay; pottery or earthenware articles collectively
  8. reader /ˈriːdər/ (n.): a person who reads, especially one who reads a particular publication or who reads a particular author or genre
  9. airmail /ˈeəmeɪl/ (n.): letters and packages sent by airmail for delivery at a faster rate than by surface mail
  10. muffle /ˈmʌf(ə)l/ (v.): wrap or cover for warmth; deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  11. houseboat /ˈhaʊsbəʊt/ (n.): a boat that has been designed or modified to be used primarily as a home
  12. kid /kɪd/ (n.): a child or young person
  13. lap /læp/ (n.): the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person; a single circuit of a racetrack
  14. pint /paɪnt/ (n.): a unit of liquid or dry capacity equal to one-eighth of a gallon, in Britain equal to 0.568 liter and in the US equal to 0.473 liter
  15. feature /ˈfiːtʃə/ (n.): a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.

Jenny had always been fascinated by the cosmos[2], and she spent most of her free time reading about the ancient[1] civilizations who studied the stars. But unfortunately, her employment[3] as a shorthand[6] reader[8] at a law firm didn't leave her with much time to pursue her passion.

One day, Jenny received an airmail[9] letter from her uncle, who lived on a houseboat[11] in the Caribbean. He invited her to come stay with him for a few weeks and explore the coral[4] reefs. Jenny was thrilled at the prospect of a break from her routine, and she quickly packed her bags and headed to the airport.

As she stepped off the plane, Jenny was hit by the heat and the sound of a million different languages. She took a deep breath and made her way to her uncle's apartment[5]. It was a small, cozy space filled with ceramic[7] mugs and old books. Jenny settled in and started to explore the island.

One afternoon, she came across a little pub where a group of locals were gathered around a pint[14] of beer, discussing the island's various features[15]. They invited Jenny to join them, and she found herself engaged in a lively conversation about the history of the island.

One of the men had brought his kid[12] along, a little boy with a mischievous grin and a penchant for lap[13]s. Jenny found herself playing with him and laughing along with the group. She realized that for the first time in a long time, she was truly enjoying herself.

As the night wore on, Jenny's senses began to muffle[10]. She felt like she was in a dream, surrounded by the warmth of the people and the beauty of the island. She looked up at the stars and felt a deep sense of connection to the ancient[1] civilizations who had studied them before her. She realized that she didn't need a job that allowed her to pursue her passion - all she needed was a little time to herself and an open mind.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
holy, loan, historic, enroll, manifest,
coastline, naughty, diagnostic, software, doubtless,
seminar, denial, focus, sicken, almond

  1. holy /ˈhoʊli/ (adj.): related to a deity or religion, sacred; deserving respect or veneration

  2. loan /loʊn/ (n.): an amount of money borrowed with the promise of returning it with interest; the action of lending money

  3. historic /hɪˈstɔrɪk/ (adj.): related to history, important or significant in history

  4. enroll /ɛnˈroʊl/ (v.): to register or sign up for something, such as a course of study or membership in a program or organization

  5. manifest /ˈmænɪfɛst/ (adj.): clear or obvious to the eye or mind; to show or demonstrate something, especially a quality or feeling

  6. coastline /ˈkoʊstlaɪn/ (n.): the outline or boundary of a coast, where the land meets the sea

  7. naughty /ˈnɔti/ (adj.): disobedient or mischievous, often in a playful way

  8. diagnostic /ˌdaɪəɡˈnɑstɪk/ (adj.): related to the identification or diagnosis of a disease, condition, or problem

  9. software /ˈsɔftwɛr/ (n.): the programs, applications, and other data used to operate and control a computer or other electronic device

  10. doubtless /ˈdaʊtləs/ (adv.): without doubt, certainly; beyond question or dispute

  11. seminar /ˈsɛmɪnɑr/ (n.): a meeting or class for discussion or instruction, often led by an expert in a particular field

  12. denial /dɪˈnaɪəl/ (n.): the act of refusing to acknowledge or accept something as true; a refusal to grant or give

  13. focus /ˈfoʊkəs/ (v.): to concentrate or direct one's attention or efforts on a particular object, subject, or task

  14. sicken /ˈsɪkən/ (v.): to make someone feel ill or nauseous; to become or feel ill or nauseous

  15. almond /ˈɑːmənd/ (n.): a type of tree nut with a hard shell and a brown, edible kernel inside.

The historic[3] city of Rome was a holy[1] place, filled with ancient buildings and holy sites. Sarah had always dreamed of visiting, but she never had the money to make the trip. So, she took out a loan[2] and made the journey.

As she walked along the coastline[6], she couldn't believe that she was finally here. The manifest[5] of her dreams had become a reality. She felt a bit naughty[7], like she was doing something wrong by being here without a real reason.

But soon, her doubts were put to rest. She enrolled[4] in a seminar[11] on the history of Rome, and her focus[13] shifted entirely to learning as much as she could about this incredible place. She downloaded a diagnostic[8] software[9] to help her navigate the city, and her experience was doubtless[10] enhanced by the technology.

Despite her initial denial[12] of the reality of being in Rome, Sarah began to embrace her surroundings. She took in the charm[8] of the city and offered her condolences to the people she met, grateful for their hospitality.

As she explored the city, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sickness[14]. There was so much beauty and history here, but it was all tinged with the knowledge of the terrible things that had happened in the past. She wondered how people could have been so cruel to one another.

She sat down at a café and ordered a cappuccino and an almond[15] croissant. She thought about how much she had learned in such a short time, and how much more there was still to discover. She felt grateful for the opportunity to be here, to experience this incredible place for herself. And she knew that she would never forget this trip to Rome.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
airway, repent, relativity, cafeteria, trophy,
eyebrow, tread, charm, condolence, scarcity,
promotion, item, politician, barbarian, incapable

  1. airway /ˈɛːweɪ/ (n.): the passage by which air reaches the lungs.
  2. repent /rɪˈpɛnt/ (v.): to feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
  3. relativity /rɛləˈtɪvɪti/ (n.): the absence of standards of absolute and universal application.
  4. cafeteria /ˌkæfəˈtɪərɪə/ (n.): a restaurant in which customers serve themselves from a counter and pay before eating.
  5. trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ (n.): a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
  6. eyebrow /ˈaɪbraʊ/ (n.): the strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person's eye socket.
  7. tread /trɛd/ (v.): to step or walk on or over.
  8. charm /tʃɑːm/ (n.): a quality that attracts or delights others.
  9. condolence /kənˈdəʊləns/ (n.): an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death.
  10. scarcity /ˈskɛːsɪti/ (n.): the state of being in short supply.
  11. promotion /prəˈməʊʃ(ə)n/ (n.): the action of promoting or being promoted to a higher position or rank.
  12. item /ˈaɪtəm/ (n.): an individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set.
  13. politician /ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.): a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office.
  14. barbarian /ˈbɑːbɛrɪən/ (n.): a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations.
  15. incapable /ɪnˈkeɪpəb(ə)l/ (adj.): lacking the ability or strength to do something.

As she stepped off the plane, she felt the cool airway[1] wash over her face. She had come to this city to repent[2] for her mistakes and to start a new life. The relativity[3] of time was not lost on her, as she realized how far she had come since she left home.

She made her way to the cafeteria[4] in the airport, hoping to grab a quick bite to eat before continuing on her journey. As she waited in line, she noticed a shiny trophy[5] on display behind the counter. It reminded her of her childhood, when she had won a similar award for her academic achievements.

As she paid for her meal and turned to leave, she caught the eye of a young man who was raising an eyebrow[6] at her. She didn't know why, but his gaze made her nervous. She hurried away, trying not to tread[7] on anyone's toes.

Outside, she was relieved to find that her charm[8] had not been lost in her travels. A taxi driver pulled up to the curb, and she climbed in. He offered his condolences[9] for her recent troubles, and she was grateful for his kindness.

As they drove through the city, she couldn't help but notice the scarcity[10] of certain items[12]. There were long lines outside the few stores that were open, and people seemed to be struggling to make ends meet. It was a far cry from the life she had known before.

She had come to this city in search of a promotion[11], hoping to make a new start for herself. But as she listened to the radio and heard the words of a politician[13] who promised to fix the world's problems, she couldn't help but feel that it was all just empty words. It seemed that even in this new place, some things never changed.

As she arrived at her destination, she couldn't help but feel like a barbarian[14] in this strange new world. But she refused to be seen as incapable[15]. She was determined to make a new life for herself, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
frail, reassemble, addiction, cloak, pub,
similarity, squat, injection, strife, bullet,
sacrifice, bakery, allocation, bribery, mercy

  1. Frail /freɪl/ (adj.): physically weak and delicate, easily broken or damaged.

  2. Reassemble /ˌriːəˈsɛmbəl/ (v.): to put something back together after it has been taken apart.

  3. Addiction /əˈdɪkʃən/ (n.): the state of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity.

  4. Cloak /kləʊk/ (n.): a loose outer garment, typically worn as a protection against the weather.

  5. Pub /pʌb/ (n.): short for "public house," a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and consumed, typically in the UK and Ireland.

  6. Similarity /sɪmɪˈlarɪti/ (n.): the quality or state of being similar, having resemblance or likeness.

  7. Squat /skwɒt/ (v.): to crouch down or sit with one's knees bent and close to one's heels.

  8. Injection /ɪnˈdʒɛkʃən/ (n.): the act or process of introducing a liquid, such as a vaccine or medicine, into a living organism, typically with a syringe.

  9. Strife /straɪf/ (n.): angry or bitter disagreement or conflict between individuals or groups.

  10. Bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/ (n.): a small metal projectile fired from a gun or rifle.

  11. Sacrifice /ˈsakrɪfʌɪs/ (n.): the act of giving up something valuable or important for the sake of something else.

  12. Bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ (n.): a place where bread, cakes, and other baked goods are made or sold.

  13. Allocation /ˌæləˈkeɪʃən/ (n.): the action or process of allocating or distributing something, especially resources.

  14. Bribery /ˈbraɪbəri/ (n.): the act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action that is illegal or unethical.

  15. Mercy /ˈmɜːsi/ (n.): compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone who is vulnerable, suffering, or in need of help.

The frail[1] old man struggled to reassemble[2] the broken pieces of his life. He had battled with addiction[3] for many years, and it had cost him everything he had ever cared about. All that remained was a tattered cloak[4] and the memories of better days.

One evening, he stumbled into a dimly lit pub[5] and took a seat at the bar. As he nursed his drink, he couldn't help but notice the similarity[6] between himself and the other patrons. They were all squatters[7] on the fringes of society, struggling to survive in a world that seemed to have forgotten them.

As the night wore on, the old man became more and more agitated. He knew he needed his next fix, and he couldn't afford to wait any longer. In a moment of desperation, he approached a stranger who offered him an injection[8] in exchange for a small allocation[13] of money.

As he stumbled out of the pub, the old man was overcome with guilt and shame. He knew that he had made a mistake, and that he would pay the price for it. In his heart, he knew that he needed to make a sacrifice[11] in order to turn his life around.

The next morning, he woke up early and made his way to a local bakery[12]. He had always loved the smell of fresh bread, and he found it comforting in a way that he couldn't quite explain. He decided to apply for a job, and to his surprise, he was hired on the spot.

Over time, the old man worked hard and earned the trust of his new colleagues. He was determined to stay clean and to make a new life for himself. Despite the strife[9] he had faced, he was finally starting to see a glimmer of hope.

One day, as he was closing up the bakery, he heard a loud bang. A bullet[10] had shattered the window, and he knew that he was in danger. As he cowered on the floor, he prayed for mercy[15].

The police arrived soon after, and it was discovered that the bakery had been targeted as part of a bribery[14] scheme. The old man was shaken, but he knew that he had come too far to give up now. He made a decision to keep fighting, and to never let his addiction control him again.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sandstone, jug, bungalow, poetry, eyewitness,
stuff, maid, implicate, invisible, enlist,
commonwealth, profitable, conducive, critic, Jesus

  1. sandstone /ˈsændstəʊn/ (n.): a type of sedimentary rock made up of sand-sized grains of mineral, rock, or organic material that have been compacted and cemented together over time.

  2. jug /dʒʌɡ/ (n.): a large container with a narrow mouth and handle, used for holding liquids.

  3. bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡələʊ/ (n.): a low, one-story house with a wide front porch and a low-pitched roof.

  4. poetry /ˈpəʊɪtri/ (n.): literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm.

  5. eyewitness /ˈaɪwɪtnəs/ (n.): a person who has personally seen something happen and can give a first-hand account of it.

  6. stuff /stʌf/ (n.): a material, substance, or thing that is not specifically named or defined.

  7. maid /meɪd/ (n.): a female domestic servant, especially one who is responsible for cleaning and maintaining a house.

  8. implicate /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt/ (v.): to show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or other wrongdoing.

  9. invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ (adj.): unable to be seen; not visible to the eye.

  10. enlist /ɪnˈlɪst/ (v.): to enroll oneself or someone else in the armed forces or in a particular course of study or cause.

  11. commonwealth /ˈkɒmənwelθ/ (n.): a group of countries or states that have political or economic ties with each other.

  12. profitable /ˈprɒfɪtəbl/ (adj.): making or likely to make a profit; beneficial.

  13. conducive /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ (adj.): making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

  14. critic /ˈkrɪtɪk/ (n.): a person who evaluates and judges the merits, faults, and value of literary, artistic, or other works or performances.

  15. Jesus /ˈdʒiːzəs/ (n.): in Christianity, the central figure of the Christian religion who is believed to be the son of God and the savior of humanity.

The sandstone[1] bungalow[3] had been passed down through generations, and with it came a small jug[2] filled with poetry[4] that had been collected by a distant relative. As the family maid[7] dusted the shelves, she noticed a piece of paper sticking out from between the pages of one of the books.

The paper was an eyewitness[5] account of a profitable[12] business deal that had taken place during the days of the commonwealth[11]. It seemed to implicate[8] one of the family's ancestors in a less-than-honest transaction.

The maid was unsure what to do with the information. Enlisting[10] the help of a critic[14] friend, they decided to investigate the matter further. The invisible[9] clues led them to a small office downtown, where they were able to uncover further evidence that supported their theory.

As they left the office, they noticed a homeless man standing on the corner. His clothes were tattered, and he looked as though he hadn't eaten in days. The maid thought of Jesus[15], and remembered the lessons her grandmother had taught her about kindness and generosity.

They decided to give the man the little money they had with them, and to their surprise, he handed them a small piece of paper in return. It was a map, and it showed them the way to a hidden room in the bungalow. Inside, they found a stash of valuable stuff[6] that had been hidden away for years.

The discovery was both exciting and overwhelming. They knew that the money could be put to good use, but they also felt a sense of responsibility to right the wrongs of their ancestor. They decided to use the funds to create a foundation that would be conducive[13] to supporting charitable causes and making a positive impact in the world.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
cavalry, apparent, equity, pod, brutal,
kettle, closure, forbidden, usher, hare,
trot, counter, daze, truant, consent

  1. cavalry /ˈkævəlri/ (n.): a group of soldiers who fight on horseback
  2. apparent /əˈpærənt/ (adj.): clearly visible or understood; obvious
  3. equity /ˈekwəti/ (n.): fairness and impartiality towards all concerned
  4. pod /pɒd/ (n.): a long, narrow, flat container for storing or transporting goods, typically made of aluminum or steel
  5. brutal /ˈbruːtl/ (adj.): savagely violent, cruel or harsh
  6. kettle /ˈketl/ (n.): a metal or plastic container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for boiling water or liquids
  7. closure /ˈkləʊʒə(r)/ (n.): the act or process of closing something, especially an institution, business, or organization
  8. forbidden /fəˈbɪdn/ (adj.): not allowed; banned
  9. usher /ˈʌʃə(r)/ (n.): a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or cinema
  10. hare /heə(r)/ (n.): a fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit
  11. trot /trɒt/ (v.): (of a horse or other quadruped) run at a moderately swift pace, typically with short steps or a jog-trot
  12. counter /ˈkaʊntə(r)/ (n.): a long flat-topped fitment over which goods are sold or served or across which business is conducted with customers; a table or display case for goods in a store
  13. daze /deɪz/ (n.): a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment
  14. truant /ˈtruːənt/ (n.): a student who stays away from school without permission
  15. consent /kənˈsent/ (n.): permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

As the cavalry[1] rode through the town, it became apparent[2] that there was a sense of unease in the air. The townspeople were gathered in front of the courthouse, demanding equity[3] and fair treatment from the local government. A pod[4] of reporters had also arrived to cover the story, eager to capture the tense atmosphere.

Suddenly, a brutal[5] sound rang out as a kettle[6] drum was struck. The protesters turned to see an usher[9] emerge from the courthouse, signaling the start of the trial. Among the accused was a truant[14] boy who had been caught stealing food from the market.

As the trial began, it was clear that the accused had committed a forbidden[8] act. However, the boy's lawyer argued for leniency仁慈,宽大, citing his difficult upbringing and lack of opportunities. The judge listened carefully, weighing the evidence presented before coming to a decision.

In a trot[11], the judge left the courthouse and approached the crowd, announcing the closure[7] of the trial. He granted the boy consent[15] to leave the town and start a new life elsewhere. As the boy walked away, a hare[10] darted across his path, a sign of good luck.

The townspeople began to disperse分散, with some feeling satisfied with the judge's decision, while others grumbled发牢骚 about the outcome. A counter[12] protestor shouted out his dissent, but his voice was lost in the daze[13] of confusion that had settled over the town.

Despite the tension that had filled the air, the courthouse had upheld the principles of justice and fairness, leaving a sense of equity[3] in the hearts of those who had witnessed the trial.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
doze, exile, disadvantaged, rate, designation,
head-on, sunburn, marrow, offend, photocopy,
applause, alliance, receiver, gutter, honorable

  1. doze /doʊz/ (v.): to sleep lightly, often during the day
  2. exile /ˈɛksaɪl/ (n.): a situation in which someone is forced to live away from their home country or region
  3. disadvantaged /dɪsˈædvəntɪdʒd/ (adj.): lacking the necessary resources or opportunities to succeed, often due to social or economic circumstances
  4. rate /reɪt/ (n.): a measure of the frequency, speed, or value of something
  5. designation /ˌdɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (n.): the act of choosing or assigning something to a particular purpose or category
  6. head-on /ˌhɛdˈɑn/ (adv. or adj.): with a direct impact or confrontation
  7. sunburn /ˈsʌnbɜrn/ (n.): redness and pain of the skin caused by exposure to the sun
  8. marrow /ˈmærəʊ/ (n.): a soft, fatty substance found in the hollow centers of bones
  9. offend /əˈfɛnd/ (v.): to cause someone to feel hurt, upset, or insulted
  10. photocopy /ˈfoʊtoʊˌkɒpi/ (n.): a copy of a document or image made using a machine that uses light to reproduce the original
  11. applause /əˈplɔːz/ (n.): the sound of people clapping their hands to show approval or appreciation
  12. alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ (n.): a union or association formed for mutual benefit or protection
  13. receiver /rɪˈsiːvər/ (n.): a person or thing that receives something
  14. gutter /ˈɡʌtər/ (n.): a shallow channel or groove at the edge of a street or roof, used for carrying off rainwater
  15. honorable /ˈɒnərəbl/ (adj.): deserving of respect or admiration, often due to moral or ethical behavior.

John was struggling to doze[1] off, tossing and turning in his bed. It had been months since he was exiled[2] from his own country. Being a member of a disadvantaged[3] community, his chances of getting a proper job were always at a low rate[4]. And the government's recent designation[5] of his community as a security threat had made things worse.

He sat up with a start when he heard a head-on[6] collision outside. He rushed to the window and saw a car lying upside down in the gutter[14]. John ran outside to see if he could help. The driver was sunburned[7] and unconscious, and John realized that he needed urgent medical attention.

John called for an ambulance and stayed with the driver until the receiver[13] arrived. When the driver regained consciousness, he thanked John for his help. The driver turned out to be the CEO of a renowned company, and he was impressed by John's quick thinking and bravery.

The CEO offered John a job in his company, and John was overjoyed. The job paid an honorable[15] salary, and John could finally provide for his family. He couldn't believe that one incident could change his life so drastically.

John never thought that he would receive applause[11] for doing the right thing. His alliance[12] with the CEO opened many doors for him. He was no longer a man without a purpose or direction. He had found his calling, and he was going to make the most of it. John realized that sometimes, it takes just one act of kindness to offend[9] fate and change one's life's trajectory, just like a photocopy[10] machine, where a small change in the original could produce a different result.

As John walked away, he felt a sense of pride and satisfaction that he had never experienced before. His marrow[8] was filled with a new energy, and he was ready to face the world with renewed vigor.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
idle, pudding, membership, lonesome, territory,
deduct, airhostess, flattery, disciple, radius,
masculinity, heap, malaria, runner-up, dustbin

  1. idle /ˈaɪd(ə)l/ (adj.): not working, inactive or doing nothing
  2. pudding /ˈpʊdɪŋ/ (n.): a sweet or savory dish usually cooked by boiling or steaming
  3. membership /ˈmɛmbəʃɪp/ (n.): the state of being a member of a group or organization
  4. lonesome /ˈləʊns(ə)m/ (adj.): lonely or solitary
  5. territory /ˈtɛrɪt(ə)ri/ (n.): an area of land under the jurisdiction of a particular ruler or state
  6. deduct /dɪˈdʌkt/ (v.): to subtract or take away from a total
  7. airhostess /ˈɛːhɒstɪs/ (n.): a female flight attendant on a commercial airplane
  8. flattery /ˈflat(ə)ri/ (n.): excessive or insincere praise or compliments
  9. disciple /dɪˈsʌɪp(ə)l/ (n.): a follower or student of a particular teacher or philosophy
  10. radius /ˈreɪdɪəs/ (n.): the distance from the center of a circle or sphere to its edge
  11. masculinity /ˌmæskjʊˈlɪnɪti/ (n.): qualities or attributes traditionally associated with men, such as strength and assertiveness
  12. heap /hiːp/ (n.): a pile or mass of something, often in an untidy state
  13. malaria /məˈlɛːrɪə/ (n.): a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites
  14. runner-up /ˌrʌnər ˈʌp/ (n.): a person or team that comes second in a competition
  15. dustbin /ˈdʌstbɪn/ (n.): a container for household waste or garbage.

John was feeling idle[1] and lonesome[4] in his small apartment. He was always looking for something to keep him busy, but nothing seemed to catch his interest. One day, while he was browsing the internet, he stumbled upon a website that offered a membership[3] to a local gym. Without giving it much thought, he signed up and started going regularly.

During one of his workouts, he met an airhostess[7] who was also a regular at the gym. He was instantly attracted to her, and she noticed his flattery[8]. They started talking and found out that they shared common interests, including a love for running. She invited him to join her running group, which consisted of a group of disciples[9] who were all dedicated to fitness.

John was excited about this new opportunity to expand his radius[10] of social connections. He started training with the group and became a dedicated runner. His dedication paid off when he became the runner-up[14] in a local marathon.

After the race, John and his new friends celebrated with a heap[12] of delicious pudding[2] that one of the runners had brought. They laughed and joked, feeling a sense of camaraderie that John had never experienced before. He realized that he had found a new territory[5] in his life, one that was filled with friendships and opportunities for growth.

John's newfound sense of masculinity[11] and purpose helped him to finally kick his bad habits, like tossing his trash in the dustbin[15], and he even started volunteering at a local charity that helped combat malaria[13]. He was grateful for the idle[1] curiosity that had led him to sign up for that gym membership[3] and change his life for the better. He also made sure to deduct[6] his gym membership fees from his taxes at the end of the year.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
tomb, sieve, pepper, reflexion, geology,
prophet, outlaw, criterion, expectation, deceitful,
wage, empire, empress, priceless, guilty

  1. tomb /tuːm/ (n.): a large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead.
  2. sieve /sɪv/ (n.): a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids or small particles from larger ones.
  3. pepper /ˈpɛpə/ (n.): a pungent hot-tasting powder prepared from dried and ground peppercorns, commonly used as a spice or condiment.
  4. reflection /rɪˈflɛkʃən/ (n.): the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it; serious thought or consideration.
  5. geology /dʒiˈɒlədʒi/ (n.): the science that deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth, its history, and the processes that act on it.
  6. prophet /ˈprɒfɪt/ (n.): a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
  7. outlaw /ˈaʊtlɔː/ (n.): a person who has broken the law and is on the run or in hiding.
  8. criterion /krʌɪˈtɪərɪən/ (n.): a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
  9. expectation /ɛkspɛkˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.): a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future; a belief that someone will or should achieve something.
  10. deceitful /dɪˈsiːtfʊl/ (adj.): guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.
  11. wage /weɪdʒ/ (n.): a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to a manual or unskilled worker.
  12. empire /ˈɛmpaɪə/ (n.): an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
  13. empress /ˈɛmprəs/ (n.): a female emperor, the wife of an emperor, or a woman who holds the rank of emperor in her own right.
  14. priceless /ˈpraɪslɪs/ (adj.): so precious that its value cannot be determined; having a value beyond all price; invaluable.
  15. guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ (adj.): culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing or error.

Deep in the heart of the desert lies an ancient tomb[1], guarded by a powerful sorcerer. Legend has it that inside the tomb lies a priceless[14] artifact, capable of granting unlimited power to whoever possesses it. Many have tried to find the tomb, but few have succeeded.

One such adventurer was a young geology[5] student named Sarah. She had spent years studying maps and consulting with local prophets[6] to try and find the location of the tomb. She finally stumbled upon a clue that led her to a small outlaw[7] village on the outskirts of the desert.

She arrived in the village and began her search. She asked the locals about the tomb, but they were all evasive and deceitful[10]. Sarah knew that she had to be careful if she wanted to find the artifact.

As she searched through the village, she came across an old woman who was using a sieve[2] to sift through a pile of pepper[3]. The woman seemed to be lost in reflexion[4], and Sarah approached her cautiously.

"Excuse me, do you know anything about the tomb?" Sarah asked.

The woman looked up at her and smiled. "I know where it is," she said. "But you must pass a criterion[8] to enter."

Sarah was intrigued. "What is the criterion?" she asked.

"You must prove that you are not guilty[15] of any crimes," the woman replied.

Sarah knew that she had nothing to fear. She had saved up her wages[11] for years to fund her expedition, and she had always tried to do the right thing.

She followed the woman's instructions and made her way to the tomb. As she approached the entrance, she saw a vision of an empress[13] who had once possessed the artifact. The empress warned her of the dangers that lay ahead and urged her to turn back.

But Sarah was determined. She entered the tomb and faced numerous challenges, including traps and puzzles. Finally, she reached the artifact and claimed it for herself.

As she made her way back to civilization, she couldn't help but think about the expectation[9] that lay ahead. She now possessed unlimited power, but at what cost? She knew that she had to use her newfound power wisely, or she risked becoming an empire[12] that would ultimately fall.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
deduce, clue, tickle, groan, arrest,
soot, filament, indulge, apart, trifle,
sleeve, mug, first-rate, botanist, flea

  1. deduce /dɪˈdjuːs/ (v.): to reach a conclusion or decision by reasoning, especially from known facts
  2. clue /kluː/ (n.): a piece of information or evidence used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery
  3. tickle /ˈtɪk(ə)l/ (v.): to lightly touch or stroke a person's body in a way that causes them to laugh or feel pleasure
  4. groan /ɡrəʊn/ (v.): to make a deep, inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair
  5. arrest /əˈrɛst/ (v.): to take someone into custody, typically for a crime
  6. soot /sʊt/ (n.): a black, powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter
  7. filament /ˈfɪləm(ə)nt/ (n.): a slender threadlike object or fiber, especially one found in animal or plant structures
  8. indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ (v.): to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something, especially something that is considered to be indulgent or luxurious
  9. apart /əˈpɑːt/ (adv.): separate from each other; not together
  10. trifle /ˈtraɪf(ə)l/ (n.): a thing of little value or importance
  11. sleeve /sliːv/ (n.): a protective or ornamental covering or sheath for something, especially a knife or sword
  12. mug /mʌɡ/ (n.): a large cup with a handle, typically cylindrical and made of earthenware or porcelain
  13. first-rate /ˌfəːstˈreɪt/ (adj.): of the best quality; excellent
  14. botanist /ˈbɒt(ə)nɪst/ (n.): an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants
  15. flea /fliː/ (n.): a small, wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds

Detective Brown had always prided himself on his ability to deduce[1] clues[2] from even the most obscure evidence. But today, he was stumped. The case in front of him seemed to be a complete mystery.

A wealthy businesswoman had been found dead in her apartment. The only clues left behind were a small tickle[3] of soot[6] on the carpet and a filament[7] of hair on the sleeve[11] of the victim's blouse. Detective Brown groaned[4], knowing that this case was going to be a tough one.

He decided to indulge[8] in his favorite first-rate[13] coffee before getting back to the investigation. As he sipped his mug[12], he thought about his next move. He knew that he had to act fast before the killer struck again.

He headed back to the crime scene and started to piece together the evidence. He knew that the soot[6] was a sign of arson and that the filament[7] of hair had to belong to the killer. He searched the apartment high and low, but apart[9] from a trifle[10] of evidence, he was getting nowhere.

Just when he was about to give up, he noticed a flea[15] crawling on the carpet. It was a strange thing to find in a high-end apartment, and it gave him an idea. He realized that the killer was a botanist[14], someone who was used to working with soil and plants. The flea was likely to have hitched a ride on the killer's clothing.

With this new clue[2], Detective Brown was able to track down the killer and make an arrest[5]. It was a small detail, but it was enough to crack the case. As he left the crime scene, he couldn't help but feel a small tickle[3] of satisfaction in his gut. Another case solved.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
slang, moth, stereo, award, eagerness,
geometric, invert, pearl, alienate, catalog,
ideological, heroic, corrupt, placid, observatory

  1. slang /slæŋ/ (n.): a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.

  2. moth /mɒθ/ (n.): an insect related to the butterfly, typically having wings that are held flat when at rest and are mostly dull in color.

  3. stereo /ˈstɛrɪəʊ/ (n.): a system of sound recording or reproduction using two or more separate channels to produce a more realistic effect by capturing the spatial dimension of the sound.

  4. award /əˈwɔːd/ (n.): a prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement.

  5. eagerness /ˈiːɡənəs/ (n.): a strong and enthusiastic desire or interest in something.

  6. geometric /ˌdʒiːəˈmɛtrɪk/ (adj.): of or relating to geometry, a branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.

  7. invert /ɪnˈvɜːt/ (v.): to turn (something) upside down or inside out.

  8. pearl /pɜːl/ (n.): a smooth, hard, lustrous spherical mass, typically white or bluish-grey, that forms within the shell of a pearl oyster or other bivalve mollusk.

  9. alienate /ˈeɪljəneɪt/ (v.): to cause someone to feel isolated or estranged from others.

  10. catalog /ˈkætəlɒɡ/ (n.): a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order.

  11. ideological /ˌʌɪdɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (adj.): based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs.

  12. heroic /hɪˈrəʊɪk/ (adj.): having or showing great bravery or boldness.

  13. corrupt /kəˈrʌpt/ (adj.): having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.

  14. placid /ˈplæsɪd/ (adj.): calm and peaceful, with little movement or activity.

  15. observatory /əbˈzɜːvətəri/ (n.): a building or structure equipped for observing astronomical phenomena.

Growing up in a rough neighborhood, Maria was well-versed in street slang[1]. She had to learn it to survive. She had always felt like a moth[2], fluttering around the bright lights of a world that seemed so out of reach. But she had a secret weapon, a stereo[3] system that she had saved up for months to buy. Listening to music made her feel alive and gave her the courage to face the challenges of her daily life.

One day, Maria received an unexpected award[4] for her academic achievements. Her eagerness[5] to succeed had never diminished, even when the odds were stacked against her. Her grades had always been exceptional, and she had a natural talent for geometric[6] shapes and patterns. She knew that education was her ticket out of the ghetto.

Despite her success, Maria struggled to fit in with her peers. Her friends had different interests, and they often made fun of her for being too "nerdy." She felt like an alienate[9], an outsider in her own community. She found solace in catalog[10]ing her thoughts in a diary, where she could freely express herself without fear of judgment.

As Maria grew older, her ideological[11] views became more refined. She started to see the world in a different light, and she was no longer content with just getting by. She wanted to be heroic[12], to make a difference in the world.

But the world was corrupt[13], and Maria had to fight hard to keep her placid[14] demeanor intact. She found sanctuary in an observatory[15], where she could look up at the stars and dream of a better future. She wore a pearl[8] necklace, a reminder of the beauty in the world that was worth fighting for.

As Maria looked up at the stars, she felt like anything was possible. She would never forget where she came from, but she was determined to make a better life for herself and those around her.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
setback, cricket, pyjamas, federation, maternal,
comparison, tariff, vapour, caravan, ownership,
therapist, wreath, equator, hymn, tortoise

  1. setback /ˈsɛtbæk/ (n.): a reversal or check in progress; a drawback or difficulty.

  2. cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/ (n.): a game played with a ball and a bat by two teams of eleven players; the insect characterized by long antennae and legs.

  3. pyjamas /pəˈdʒɑːməz/ (n.): loose-fitting trousers and jacket for sleeping.

  4. federation /ˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən/ (n.): a group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs.

  5. maternal /məˈtɜːrnəl/ (adj.): relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth.

  6. comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/ (n.): an examination of the similarities or differences between two or more things.

  7. tariff /ˈtærɪf/ (n.): a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

  8. vapour /ˈveɪpər/ (n.): a substance in the gas phase at a temperature lower than its critical point.

  9. caravan /ˈkærəvæn/ (n.): a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays.

  10. ownership /ˈəʊnəʃɪp/ (n.): the act, state, or right of possessing something.

  11. therapist /ˈθɛrəpɪst/ (n.): a person who is trained to treat people with mental or emotional problems.

  12. wreath /riːθ/ (n.): an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave.

  13. equator /ɪˈkweɪtə/ (n.): an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres.

  14. hymn /hɪm/ (n.): a religious song or poem of praise to God or a god.

  15. tortoise /ˈtɔːtəs/ (n.): a slow-moving land reptile with a high-domed shell and strong claws, found in most warm regions.

Sarah was feeling quite low today. She had just faced a major setback[1] in her life and was struggling to come to terms with it. As she sat on her couch in her pyjamas[3], flipping through TV channels, she stumbled upon a cricket[2] match. Watching the match reminded her of her father who had always been a cricket enthusiast and had taken her to many matches when she was younger.

Sarah's father was an active member of the cricket federation[4] and had even played at the national level. He had passed away a few years ago, leaving Sarah and her siblings in charge of the family business. Sarah had always felt that her father had high expectations from her in comparison[6] to her siblings, especially when it came to taking ownership[10] of the business.

She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the TV, but her mind kept wandering. Suddenly, she noticed a wreath[12] being presented to the player of the match. It made her think of her mother, who was always so maternal[5] and had passed away soon after her father. Sarah had never fully processed her grief and often felt like she was in a fog, like vapour[8] in the air.

Her therapist[11] had suggested that she take a break and go on a trip, so Sarah decided to take a caravan[9] and travel towards the equator[13]. She had always been fascinated by the different cultures and traditions around the world and wanted to explore new places. As she drove, she played some hymns[14] on the radio and tried to forget her worries for a while.

Along the way, she came across a small village where she met an old man who kept a tortoise[15] as a pet. He told her about the local customs and also warned her about the high tariffs[7] that she might face at the border. Sarah was grateful for the man's advice and continued on her journey, feeling a little more at peace.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
bookstore, triumphant, fuss, canary, incompetent,
encouragement, strategy, snooker, minor, brake,
saunter, modernize, differ, fin, publication

  1. Bookstore /ˈbʊkˌstɔː(r)/ (n.): a shop where books are sold
  2. Triumphant /traɪˈʌmfənt/ (adj.): having won a battle or competition; victorious
  3. Fuss /fʌs/ (n.): unnecessary or excessive excitement, worry, or activity
  4. Canary /kəˈneəri/ (n.): a small yellow or greenish-brown bird of the finch family, native to the Canary Islands and widely kept as a cage bird
  5. Incompetent /ɪnˈkɒmpɪtənt/ (adj.): not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully
  6. Encouragement /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt/ (n.): the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope
  7. Strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ (n.): a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim
  8. Snooker /ˈsnuːkə(r)/ (n.): a game played with cues on a billiard table in which the players use the cues to pocket the balls into six pockets according to specific rules
  9. Minor /ˈmaɪnə(r)/ (adj.): lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance
  10. Brake /breɪk/ (n.): a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, typically by applying pressure to the wheels
  11. Saunter /ˈsɔːntə(r)/ (v.): walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort
  12. Modernize /ˈmɒdənaɪz/ (v.): adapt (something) to modern needs or habits, typically by installing modern equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods
  13. Differ /ˈdɪfə(r)/ (v.): be unlike or dissimilar
  14. Fin /fɪn/ (n.): a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, used for propulsion, steering, and balance
  15. Publication /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n.): the preparation and issuing of a book, journal, or piece of music for public sale

John had always dreamed of owning a bookstore[1] of his own. After years of working odd jobs, he had finally saved enough money to make his dream a reality. The day of the grand opening arrived, and John felt triumphant[2] as he cut the ribbon.

But the joy was short-lived. Within hours, John was in a fuss[3] over a canary[4] that had flown in through the open door. His incompetent[5] attempts to catch the bird had turned the shop into a chaotic scene.

Just when John was ready to give up, a customer stopped by and offered him encouragement[6]. She suggested a strategy[7] to lure the canary into a cage and gently remove it from the store. John followed her advice, and soon the canary was safely outside.

As the day progressed, the bookstore became a hub of activity. Customers came in and out, flipping through books and chatting with John. One of them was a snooker[8] player who was looking for a book on minor[9] sports. John quickly found the book and made a brake[10] sale.

As the day came to an end, John decided to take a saunter[11] around the neighborhood to celebrate. As he walked, he noticed that many of the other businesses were struggling to modernize[12] and keep up with the times. John realized that his willingness to differ[13] and take chances had made his bookstore a success.

Back at the store, John received a call from his publisher. They had agreed to publish his book, which was about the fin[14]ancial struggles of small business owners. John was thrilled by the news and couldn't wait for the publication[15] to come out.






作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
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