英语背单词 专四词汇 2023年04月 ChatGPT

英语背单词 专四词汇 202302以及202303 ChatGPT - ChuckLu - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
crusade, scandal, jack,
peril, optimism, anchor, burial, jerk,
erase, bother, sardine, album, scooter,
obvious, fearful, versus, dewdrop, rotary

  1. crusade /kruːˈseɪd/ (n.): a campaign or movement organized around a particular cause or idea, often religious or political in nature (index: 1)
  2. scandal /ˈskændəl/ (n.): an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing public outrage (index: 2)
  3. jack /dʒæk/ (n.): a device for lifting heavy objects or vehicles, or for exerting mechanical force (index: 3)
  4. peril /ˈpɛrəl/ (n.): serious and immediate danger (index: 4)
  5. optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/ (n.): hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something (index: 5)
  6. anchor /ˈæŋkər/ (n.): a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved, barbed flukes (index: 6)
  7. burial /ˈbɛrɪəl/ (n.): the act or ceremony of burying a dead person (index: 7)
  8. jerk /dʒəːk/ (n.): a quick, sharp, sudden movement (index: 8)
  9. erase /ɪˈreɪz/ (v.): remove (writing, recorded material, or data) from a surface or storage medium (index: 9)
  10. bother /ˈbɒðə/ (v.): take the trouble to do something (index: 10)
  11. sardine /sɑːrˈdiːn/ (n.): a small, oily, silvery fish, often canned and used for food (index: 11)
  12. album /ˈælbəm/ (n.): a collection of recordings issued as a single item on CD, record, or another medium (index: 12)
  13. scooter /ˈskuːtə/ (n.): a lightweight vehicle resembling a motorcycle but with larger wheels and a floorboard for the rider's feet (index: 13)
  14. obvious /ˈɒbvɪəs/ (adj.): easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent (index: 14)
  15. fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious (index: 15)
  16. versus /ˈvəːsəs/ (prep.): used to indicate that two things are being compared or contrasted (index: 16)
  17. dewdrop /ˈdjuːdrɒp/ (n.): a drop of dew (index: 17)
  18. rotary /ˈrəʊtəri/ (adj.): revolving around a central axis or point (index: 18)

Write a short story with the following words and mark the words index in story
crusade, scandal, jack,
peril, optimism, anchor, burial, jerk,
erase, bother, sardine, album, scooter,
obvious, fearful, versus, dewdrop, rotary

I will show you an example, assume I have two words
1.apple 2.fish

The short story
I love eating apple[1] and fish[2].

Once upon a time, a young man named Jack[3] embarked on a crusade[1] to expose a scandal[2] involving a powerful corporation. Despite the peril[4] he faced, Jack remained optimistic[5] that justice would prevail. He was determined to be the anchor[6] for change, and never allowed himself to be deterred by the jerks[8] who tried to slow him down. Along the way, Jack discovered evidence that would erase[9] any doubt about the corporation's wrongdoing. However, he also found out that his efforts had bothered[10] some powerful people who tried to silence him. Jack pressed on, determined to be a sardine[11] in a sea of sharks. He documented everything in an album[12], which he kept hidden in his scooter[13]. The evidence he had gathered was so obvious[14] that even those who had been fearful[15] of taking on the corporation began to support Jack's crusade. It became a battle of good versus[16] evil, and Jack refused to back down. Finally, the evidence he had gathered proved to be the dewdrop[18] that caused the corporation to collapse like a rotary[19] engine. Jack emerged as a hero, and was celebrated by all who had supported his cause.



Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
grave, gathering, dip, recurrence, Buddhism,
rebuff, comedian, export, freezer, razor,
presentation, admirable, melon, pendent, overdo

1.fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious

  1. grave /ɡreɪv/ (n.): a place where a dead body is buried, typically marked by a stone or mound

  2. gathering /ˈɡæðərɪŋ/ (n.): an assembly or meeting of people, especially for a particular purpose

  3. dip /dɪp/ (v.): to put (something) quickly into a liquid and then remove it

  4. recurrence /rɪˈkʌrəns/ (n.): the fact of occurring again

  5. Buddhism /ˈbʊdɪz(ə)m/ (n.): a religion that originated in India and is based on the teachings of Buddha, emphasizing the elimination of suffering and the attainment of enlightenment

  6. rebuff /rɪˈbʌf/ (v.): to reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner

  7. comedian /kəˈmiːdiən/ (n.): a person who entertains an audience by making them laugh, typically by telling jokes

  8. export /ˈɛkspɔːt/ (v.): to send (goods or services) to another country for sale

  9. freezer /ˈfriːzə/ (n.): a container, typically a large upright cabinet, that is kept artificially cool and used to store food

  10. razor /ˈreɪzə/ (n.): an instrument consisting of a sharp blade with a handle, used for shaving or cutting hair

  11. presentation /ˌprɛz(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.): the act of showing or presenting something, especially to an audience

  12. admirable /ˈadmərəb(ə)l/ (adj.): deserving respect or approval

  13. melon /ˈmɛlən/ (n.): a large round fruit with a hard green or yellowish rind and sweet juicy flesh, typically eaten as a refreshing dessert or snack

  14. pendent /ˈpɛndənt/ (adj.): hanging down or overhanging

  15. overdo /ˌəʊvəˈduː/ (v.): to do, use, or say too much of (something)

As the gathering[2] of Buddhists[5] were making their way to the temple, they passed by a grave[1] that had been freshly dug. The dip[3] in the ground was noticeable, and it was a reminder of the recurrence[4] of life and death. One comedian[7] in the group made a joke about the grave, but his attempt at humor was met with a rebuff[6] from the others who saw nothing funny about death.

After the temple service, the group went to a local market to buy some fruits. One of them picked up a melon[13] that he found particularly admirable[12]. As they were walking back to their car, they were approached by a man with a razor[10] who demanded they hand over all their belongings. The group was fearful[14], but they managed to escape and run to their car, where they found relief in the freezer[9] they had brought to keep their food fresh.

Back at their hotel, they watched a presentation[11] on the local culture and customs, and learned about the significance of wearing a pendent[14] as a symbol of good luck. They realized that they had overdone[15] their sightseeing for the day and needed some rest for the next day's adventures.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
malady, suntan, rhyme, cockroach, janitor,
serenity, disarm, reflect, brief, pornography,
airliner, bless, response, dazzle, uproar

  1. malady /ˈmælədi/ (n.): a disease or ailment
  2. suntan /ˈsʌnˌtæn/ (n.): darkening of the skin resulting from exposure to the sun
  3. rhyme /raɪm/ (n.): correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry
  4. cockroach /ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ/ (n.): a large brown insect that is often found in dirty or damp places
  5. janitor /ˈdʒænɪtər/ (n.): a person employed to clean and maintain a building, especially a school
  6. serenity /səˈrɛnɪti/ (n.): the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled
  7. disarm /dɪsˈɑːm/ (v.): take away weapons from someone; make someone less hostile or hostile
  8. reflect /rɪˈflɛkt/ (v.): think deeply or carefully about something
  9. brief /briːf/ (adj.): lasting only a short time; concise and to the point
  10. pornography /pɔːˈnɒɡrəfi/ (n.): printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity
  11. airliner /ˈeəlaɪnər/ (n.): a large commercial aircraft designed to carry passengers over long distances
  12. bless /blɛs/ (v.): to confer or invoke divine favor or protection upon
  13. response /rɪˈspɒns/ (n.): a verbal or written answer or reaction to something
  14. dazzle /ˈdæzl/ (v.): to impress or astonish someone with intense light or a series of colors
  15. uproar /ˈʌprɔː/ (n.): a loud and impassioned noise or disturbance

It was a scorching summer day, and the blazing sun was mercilessly burning everything in its path. Mary had just returned from her vacation at the beach and was looking forward to some peace and quiet. As she was settling down, she noticed a cockroach[4] scurrying across the floor. She immediately called the janitor[5] to take care of it. He quickly arrived armed with a spray and disarmed[7] the tiny creature in no time.

As Mary was getting ready for a nap, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and noticed a slight suntan[1] on her face. She realized she had spent too much time in the sun and had to be more careful next time. She decided to take a brief[9] nap and recover from the heat.

When she woke up, she felt much better and decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing at home. She picked up a book of poems and started reading. She was particularly drawn to a rhyme[2] about the serenity[6] of nature and how it can bring peace to a troubled soul.

Suddenly, she heard an uproar[14] outside and looked out the window to see an airliner[10] flying low over her house. She said a quick prayer to bless[11] the passengers and hoped they would arrive safely. She then turned her attention back to her book, trying to reflect[8] on the peaceful words of the poet.

Just as she was getting lost in the book, she heard a knock on the door. It was her neighbor, who had come to thank her for her response[12] to the recent neighborhood scandal. Mary had written an editorial that had helped calm the situation and had prevented the situation from escalating into something much worse. Her neighbor was grateful for her admirable[11] contribution.

As the sun started to set, Mary noticed a beautiful dazzle[13] of colors in the sky. She thought of how wonderful it was to experience the beauty of nature, even in the midst of the malady[0] of daily life. She decided to end her day with a pensive moment, watching the sun slowly dip[3] below the horizon.


 Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
addition, column, soak, invaluable, bureaucrat, 
sniff, reluctance, pious, bough, parlor,
chuckle, faulty, flap, inference, destined

  1. addition /əˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.): the process or skill of calculating the total of two or more numbers; something added to something else as an extra.
  2. column /ˈkɒləm/ (n.): a vertical structure used for supporting a building or other structure, typically consisting of a cylindrical or rectangular steel or concrete post.
  3. soak /səʊk/ (v.): to make something very wet; to spend time enjoying a particular activity or experience, especially without rushing or feeling that you should be doing something else.
  4. invaluable /ɪnˈvaljʊəb(ə)l/ (adj.): extremely useful and necessary; too valuable to measure or express in terms of money.
  5. bureaucrat /ˈbjʊərəkrat/ (n.): an official in a government department, in particular one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs.
  6. sniff /snɪf/ (v.): to inhale or smell (something) by taking short breaths.
  7. reluctance /rɪˈlʌkt(ə)ns/ (n.): unwillingness or disinclination to do something.
  8. pious /ˈpʌɪəs/ (adj.): devoutly religious; making a hypocritical display of virtue.
  9. bough /baʊ/ (n.): a main branch of a tree.
  10. parlor /ˈpɑːlə/ (n.): a sitting room in a private house; a shop or business providing specified goods or services.
  11. chuckle /ˈtʃʌk(ə)l/ (v.): to laugh quietly or inwardly.
  12. faulty /ˈfɔːlti/ (adj.): having faults; imperfect or defective.
  13. flap /flap/ (n.): a piece of material attached at one edge and hanging free, used to cover or screen a space, especially a window or doorway.
  14. inference /ˈɪnf(ə)r(ə)ns/ (n.): a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  15. destined /ˈdɛstɪnd/ (adj.): certain to happen or occur; determined beforehand.

I walked into the old parlor[9] and saw a man sitting in one of the armchairs, reading a column[2] in the newspaper. He was a bureaucrat[5] and his face was scrunched up in concentration. I couldn't help but chuckle[11] at the sight of him, looking so serious in such an old-fashioned room. He looked up, gave me a quick sniff[6], and then went back to reading.

I sat down on the couch and began to soak[3] in the atmosphere of the room. The furniture was old and worn, but had an invaluable[4] charm to it. As I sat there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance[7] to leave.

Suddenly, I heard a flap[13] of wings and saw a bird fly in through the open window. It landed on a bough[9] of a nearby tree and began to sing. Its beautiful melody filled the room and I couldn't help but reflect[8] on the beauty of nature.

As the bird flew away, I realized that this chance encounter was not just a mere coincidence, but rather destined[15] to happen. And with this realization, I left the old parlor with a newfound sense of appreciation for the world around me.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
sinister, hose, forehead, reluctance,
slot, kaleidoscope, allot, delete, deaf,
halting, editor, mosque, likelihood, briefing,
funfair, mode, frosty, sharpener, lunatic

  1. sinister /ˈsɪnɪstər/ (adj.): giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen; threatening or ominous.

  2. hose /hoʊz/ (n.): a flexible tube conveying water or other fluid, especially one used for watering plants, in firefighting, or in the delivery of fuel or other substances.

  3. forehead /ˈfɔːrhɛd/ (n.): the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline.

  4. reluctance /rɪˈlʌktəns/ (n.): unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

  5. slot /slɒt/ (n.): a long, narrow aperture or slit in a machine for something to be inserted.

  6. kaleidoscope /kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp/ (n.): a toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and pieces of coloured glass or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated.

  7. allot /əˈlɒt/ (v.): give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task.

  8. delete /dɪˈliːt/ (v.): remove or obliterate (written or printed matter), especially by drawing a line through it or marking it with a delete sign.

  9. deaf /dɛf/ (adj.): lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing.

  10. halting /ˈhɔːltɪŋ/ (adj.): slow and hesitant, especially through lack of confidence; faltering.

  11. editor /ˈɛdɪtə/ (n.): a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a newspaper, magazine, or multi-author book.

  12. mosque /mɒsk/ (n.): a Muslim place of worship.

  13. likelihood /ˈlaɪklɪhʊd/ (n.): the state or fact of something's being likely; probability.

  14. briefing /ˈbriːfɪŋ/ (n.): a meeting at which information or instructions are given, especially to military or intelligence personnel.

  15. funfair /ˈfʌnfeə/ (n.): an outdoor event featuring fairground rides, shows, and stalls.

  16. mode /moʊd/ (n.): a way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done.

  17. frosty /ˈfrɒsti/ (adj.): extremely cold with a thin layer of ice; unfriendly or cold in manner.

  18. sharpener /ˈʃɑːpənər/ (n.): a device or tool used for sharpening or honing the edge of a blade or cutting implement.

  19. lunatic /ˈluːnətɪk/ (n.): a mentally ill person (not in technical use).

The editor[11] of the newspaper stood halting[10] in front of the briefing[14] room, his forehead[3] creased with reluctance[4]. He had received an allot[7] of articles that day, and was tasked with deleting[8] the ones that didn't fit the mode[16] of the publication.

As he walked towards his office, he noticed a kaleidoscope[6] of colors emanating from the funfair[15] across the street. There was a likelihood[13] of finding something sinister[1] at such places, but the editor couldn't resist the temptation. He entered the fair, observing the sharpener[18] game and the hose[2] race.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from the mosque[12] adjacent to the fair, and his ears went deaf[9] for a moment. He turned around and saw a lunatic[19] running towards him, waving a slot[5] machine. The editor dodged the machine and ran out of the fair, his heart racing with fear.

Outside, he noticed that the weather had turned frosty[17], and he hurriedly walked towards his office. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, and kept checking his surroundings. The slot machine had left a cut on his arm, which felt sinister[1] to him.

Once he reached his office, he immediately deleted[8] the article that had reminded him of the fair, and went to the first aid kit to dress his wound. He realized that he had been foolish to enter the funfair, and resolved to be more careful in the future.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
romanticism, explanatory, congruent, substance, stake,
jot, meantime, aggression, evergreen, economic,
appearance, hereditary, notion, delinquency, session

  1. romanticism /rəʊˈmæntɪsɪzəm/ (n.): a cultural and artistic movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that emphasized individualism, emotion, and the beauty of nature

  2. explanatory /ɪksˈplænətɔːri/ (adj.): serving to explain or clarify

  3. congruent /ˈkɒŋɡruənt/ (adj.): in agreement or harmony; corresponding

  4. substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ (n.): matter that has a particular composition or characteristics, especially one that has therapeutic or medicinal properties

  5. stake /steɪk/ (n.): a sum of money or something else of value that is at risk or involved in a particular situation or enterprise

  6. jot /dʒɒt/ (n.): a very small amount or quantity

  7. meantime /ˈmiːnˌtaɪm/ (n.): the period of time between two events or points in time; meanwhile

  8. aggression /əˈɡreʃən/ (n.): hostile or violent behavior or attitudes towards another; the act of attacking or invading

  9. evergreen /ˈɛvəˌɡriːn/ (n.): a tree or shrub that retains green leaves throughout the year

  10. economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ (adj.): relating to the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth and resources within a society

  11. appearance /əˈpɪərəns/ (n.): the way that someone or something looks or seems to others

  12. hereditary /hɪˈrɛdɪtəri/ (adj.): passed down from one generation to the next through genetic inheritance

  13. notion /ˈnəʊʃən/ (n.): a general idea or understanding of something

  14. delinquency /dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi/ (n.): behavior that is illegal, immoral, or against societal norms; especially in reference to minors or juveniles

  15. session /ˈsɛʃən/ (n.): a meeting or series of meetings for a particular purpose, typically to discuss or perform a specific task or activity


Sophie was a student of romanticism[1], and she loved to jot[6] down her thoughts on paper. She was writing an explanatory[2] essay on the congruent[3] relationship between the substance[4] of a literary work and the stake[5] it held in society.

In the meantime[7], Sophie's roommate, Jake, was studying economic[10] theories and was preparing for his next session[15] of class. While Sophie was all about notions[13] of beauty and aesthetics, Jake was more interested in practical matters like hereditary[12] wealth and financial investments.

One day, while Sophie was lost in thought about the evergreen[9] nature of poetry, she heard a loud noise coming from the other room. She went to check on Jake and found him banging his head against the wall in an outburst of aggression[8].

Sophie tried to calm Jake down, but he was too upset to listen. She realized that she had to be more empathetic to his concerns, so she decided to study economics with him. She wanted to understand his perspective better and find a way to bridge the gap between their different interests.

As Sophie delved into the world of economics, she discovered that it was not as dry and dull as she had initially thought. She found a new appreciation for the way that financial systems interacted with society, and she began to see the appearance[11] of beauty in the workings of the economy.

Sophie and Jake's newfound mutual understanding brought them closer together, and they realized that their different interests could actually complement each other. They learned that it was possible to appreciate both the practical and the aesthetic sides of life, and that delinquency[14] could be avoided by finding common ground.

In the end, Sophie's essay on the congruent relationship between substance and stake received high praise, not just from her romanticism professor, but also from Jake, who had come to appreciate the value of literature and its impact on society.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
queer, melt, stylistic, snobbish, dike,
mole, sonnet, pat, disapprove, ambassador,
writing, reference, foundation, delightful, informant

  1. futile /ˈfjuːtaɪl/ (adj.): incapable of producing any useful result; pointless or ineffective.

  2. queer /kwɪər/ (adj.): strange; odd.

  3. melt /mɛlt/ (verb): make or become liquefied by heating.

  4. stylistic /staɪˈlɪstɪk/ (adj.): relating to the methods and techniques used in the production of a particular work of art, literature, or music.

  5. snobbish /ˈsnɒbɪʃ/ (adj.): characteristic of or resembling a snob; showing off one's wealth, knowledge, or status in an arrogant or patronizing manner.

  6. dike /daɪk/ (noun): a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea.

  7. mole /məʊl/ (noun): a small, dark, and usually harmless, insectivorous mammal.

  8. sonnet /ˈsɒnɪt/ (noun): a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.

  9. pat /pat/ (verb): tap gently with the palm of the hand or a flat implement as a sign of affection, congratulation, or encouragement.

  10. disapprove /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv/ (verb): have or express an unfavorable opinion about something.

  11. ambassador /æmˈbæsədər/ (noun): an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.

  12. writing /ˈraɪtɪŋ/ (noun): the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper or another surface.

  13. reference /ˈrɛfrəns/ (noun): the action of mentioning or alluding to something.

  14. foundation /faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ (noun): the basis or groundwork of anything.

  15. delightful /dɪˈlaɪtfʊl/ (adj.): causing delight; charming.

  16. informant /ɪnˈfɔːmənt/ (noun): a person who gives information, especially to the police or reporters.


As a young writer, Amelia had a stylistic[4] flair天资 that often came across as snobbish[5] to her peers同龄人. She spent hours crafting each word of her writing[12], pouring over every reference[13] to ensure that it was just right.

Despite her talent, Amelia often felt like her efforts were futile[1]. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to break into the writing scene. Her work was too queer[2], too different from the norm to be accepted.

One day, while walking along a dike[6] by the river, Amelia stumbled upon a mole[7]鼹鼠(色素痣). The small creature inspired her to write a sonnet[8] about its curious little life, and she poured her heart and soul into the poem.

As Amelia was finishing up the sonnet, she heard a pat[9] on her shoulder. She turned around to see a man standing there, who introduced himself as an ambassador[11] for a literary journal. He had been walking behind her, and he had overheard her reciting the sonnet out loud.

The ambassador was delighted[14] by Amelia's work, and he offered her a spot in the upcoming issue of the journal. He explained that her unique voice and fresh perspective were exactly what the journal was looking for.

Amelia couldn't believe her luck. She had finally found a foundation[13] to build her career on. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the mole that had brought her this opportunity, and for the informant[15] who had overheard her recitation.

From that day on, Amelia felt renewed hope in her writing. She realized that her talent was not something to be ashamed of, but rather something to celebrate. She had found a home for her queer writing, and she was excited to see where it would take her.


Writing had always been a foundation[13] for Mary's life. She wrote sonnets[8] and stories that were stylistic[4] and delightful[14] to read. One day, she received a reference[12] letter from an ambassador[11] who praised her work and asked her to write for him. Mary was thrilled to receive such a letter, but her snobbish[5] friends disapproved[10]. They thought it was a futile[1] endeavor and that she was too queer[2] to be associated with an ambassador.

Mary ignored her friends' comments and began writing[11] for the ambassador. She had an informant[15] who gave her all the information she needed. However, there was a problem; her informant had to cross a dike[6] every day to reach her. One day, the dike melted[3], and her informant couldn't reach her. Mary had no other source of information and was stuck.

Mary was sitting in her garden, trying to think of a solution when she noticed a mole[7] digging in the dirt. She followed the mole's path and discovered a hidden room. Inside the room, she found all the information she needed. She couldn't believe her luck and patted[9] herself on the back.

Mary continued writing for the ambassador and sent him her work. He was delighted[14] with her writing and praised her for her efforts. Mary was happy that she didn't listen to her friends and pursued her passion. She realized that sometimes, the most unconventional methods can lead to success.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
prostitute, sneer, occupational, invalid, inhale,
feminine, bridegroom, howl, negotiate, pretext,
mixer, photography, uranium, spanner, update

  1. prostitute /ˈprɒstɪtjuːt/ (n.): a person, usually a woman, who has sex with people in exchange for money
  2. sneer /snɪər/ (v.): to smile or speak in a scornful or mocking way
  3. occupational /ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ (adj.): relating to or caused by one's job or profession
  4. invalid /ˈɪnvəlɪd/ (n.): a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury
  5. inhale /ɪnˈheɪl/ (v.): to breathe in air or a substance
  6. feminine /ˈfɛmɪnɪn/ (adj.): having qualities or characteristics traditionally associated with women, such as sensitivity or gentleness
  7. bridegroom /ˈbraɪdɡruːm/ (n.): a man on his wedding day, or just before or after it
  8. howl /haʊl/ (v.): to make a loud, long, mournful cry
  9. negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt/ (v.): to discuss something in order to reach an agreement or settlement
  10. pretext /ˈpriːtɛkst/ (n.): a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason
  11. mixer /ˈmɪksər/ (n.): a machine or device for mixing things together
  12. photography /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ (n.): the art or practice of taking and processing photographs
  13. uranium /jʊˈreɪniəm/ (n.): a radioactive metallic element used in nuclear reactors and atomic bombs
  14. spanner /ˈspænər/ (n.): a tool with a shaped end for turning nuts and bolts
  15. update /ʌpˈdeɪt/ (v.): to bring up to date or make current

As an occupational[3] hazard, being a prostitute[1] wasn't easy for Sarah. She had to deal with all sorts of clients, some of whom would sneer[2] at her profession. However, she had no other way to support her invalid[4] mother, who was bedridden and couldn't work.

One day, while inhaling[5] a cigarette outside the brothel, Sarah saw a feminine[6] figure approaching her. It was a bridegroom[7] who was lost and needed directions. Sarah gave her the directions and watched as the woman walked away. Suddenly, she heard a howl[8] from the direction the woman had gone. Sarah ran towards the sound and found the bridegroom being attacked by a man.

Sarah fought off the attacker and negotiated[9] with the bridegroom to go to the police. The woman agreed and thanked Sarah for her bravery. Sarah knew that she had to come up with a pretext[10] for the police, or they would arrest her for being a prostitute.

She remembered that one of her clients was a photographer[11] who worked for a uranium[12] mine. She had overheard him talking about a mixer[11] that had gone missing from the mine. Sarah went to the mine and pretended to be a journalist who wanted to write a story about the missing mixer. The mine authorities were pleased to talk to her, and they gave her a spanner[14] to update[15] the machine.

Sarah took the spanner and went to the police. She told them that she had found the spanner near the crime scene and that it belonged to the attacker. The police believed her, and they arrested the attacker. The bridegroom and the police praised Sarah for her courage, and she felt proud of herself for the first time in a long time.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
corduroy, bruise, despair,
Spaniard, data, chestnut, nevertheless, ballot,
comma, expense, cellar, sprinkle, salmon,
worthwhile, cereal, limp, attentive, bookshelf

  1. corduroy /ˈkɔːdərɔɪ/ (n.): a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs, used for clothing or upholstery.
  2. bruise /bruːz/ (n.): an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels.
  3. despair /dɪˈspɛər/ (n.): the complete loss or absence of hope.
  4. Spaniard /ˈspænjəd/ (n.): a native or inhabitant of Spain.
  5. data /ˈdeɪtə/ (n.): facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
  6. chestnut /ˈtʃɛsnʌt/ (n.): a glossy brown nut that may be roasted and eaten.
  7. nevertheless /ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs/ (adv.): in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.
  8. ballot /ˈbælət/ (n.): a process of voting, in writing and typically in secret.
  9. comma /ˈkɒmə/ (n.): a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence, or separating items in a list.
  10. expense /ɪkˈspɛns/ (n.): the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  11. cellar /ˈsɛlər/ (n.): a room below ground level in a house, typically one used for storing wine or coal.
  12. sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋkəl/ (v.): scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over (an object or surface).
  13. salmon /ˈsæmən/ (n.): a large edible fish that is a popular game fish, much prized for its pink flesh.
  14. worthwhile /ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl/ (adj.): worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.
  15. cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl/ (n.): a grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn.
  16. limp /lɪmp/ (adj.): lacking firmness or stiffness; flaccid.
  17. attentive /əˈtɛntɪv/ (adj.): paying close attention to something; alert and observant.
  18. bookshelf /ˈbʊkʃɛlf/ (n.): a shelf or shelves for holding books, typically one of several arranged in a bookcase.

Lena had always loved the feel of corduroy[1]灯芯绒. As a child, she had a pair of brown corduroy pants that she wore all the time. She loved the way they looked and felt, even though they gave her a bruise[2]擦伤 on her hip from playing on the playground.

Years later, Lena found herself living in a state of despair[3]. She had lost her job and her boyfriend, and she had no idea what to do next. She decided to take a trip to Spain to clear her head.

As she was walking through the streets of Madrid, Lena met a charming Spaniard[4] named Luis. They hit it off, and Luis showed her around the city. Lena felt like she was falling in love, but she knew that it was just a fling短暂的风流韵事.

One day, Luis showed Lena a chestnut[6] vendor, and they bought a bag of the roasted nuts. They sat on a bench and ate them together. Luis spoke little English, and Lena spoke little Spanish, but nevertheless[7], they had a wonderful time.

Later that day, Lena received a data[5] package from her former employer. It was a ballot[8] for a company-wide vote. Lena had always been attentive[17] to company policies, so she decided to vote. She wrote her response, put a comma[9] after her name, and sent it back to the company.

Lena's trip was expensive[10], and she couldn't afford to eat out every night. She found a small grocery store and bought some cereal[15] and canned salmon[13] for dinner. When she got back to her Airbnb, she noticed that the owner had left a bookshelf[18] full of books.

Lena spent the rest of her trip reading books and eating cereal and salmon. She limped[16] around the city from all the walking she had done, but it was worthwhile[14]. She had found a way to be happy despite her despair, and she knew that she could face anything that came her way. She sprinkled[12] some chestnuts on her cereal and headed to the cellar[11] to get some wine.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
command, ponder, region, businessman, echo,
habitation, vitamin, pigeon, reservation, trio,
executioner, capsule, idealism, comedy, auction

  1. command /kəˈmænd/ (n.): an authoritative order or instruction
  2. ponder /ˈpɒndə/ (v.): to think about something carefully and thoroughly
  3. region /ˈriːdʒən/ (n.): a large area or part of the world, typically one that is bounded by natural or artificial features
  4. businessman /ˈbɪznɪsmən/ (n.): a man who works in business, especially at a high level
  5. echo /ˈɛkəʊ/ (n.): a sound that is reflected off a surface and heard again by the listener
  6. habitation /ˌhabɪˈteɪʃən/ (n.): the act of inhabiting or the state of being inhabited
  7. vitamin /ˈvɪtəmɪn/ (n.): a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet
  8. pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/ (n.): a bird of the dove family, typically smaller than a dove and with a shorter tail
  9. reservation /ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃən/ (n.): the act of reserving something, such as a hotel room or table at a restaurant, or a doubt or uncertainty about something
  10. trio /ˈtriːəʊ/ (n.): a group of three people or things
  11. executioner /ˌɛksɪˈkjuːʃənər/ (n.): a person who carries out a sentence of death on a legally condemned person
  12. capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/ (n.): a small container that contains medicine or another substance
  13. idealism /aɪˈdɪəlɪzəm/ (n.): the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically
  14. comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ (n.): a type of humorous play or film characterized by exaggerated characters and improbable situations
  15. auction /ˈɔːkʃən/ (n.): a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.

As the commanding[1] officer of the army, General Smith had to ponder[2] the situation carefully before deploying troops to the troubled region[3]. He was a businessman[4] at heart, but his love for his country was like an echo[5] in his soul.

When he returned to his habitation[6], he realized that he was low on vitamin[7] C. He went to his balcony to get some fresh air and saw a pigeon[8] sitting on the railing. The pigeon looked at him and flew away. General Smith took this as a sign and decided to take a break. He made a reservation[9] at a nearby hotel and went for a walk in the park.

As he walked, he saw a trio[10] of street performers entertaining the crowd. He stopped and watched them for a while, and he felt a sense of joy that he had not felt in a long time. He realized that he had been so focused on his duties that he had forgotten to enjoy life.

When he returned to his room, he saw an executioner[11] on the TV. He turned it off and took a capsule[12] of vitamin C. He felt rejuvenated and decided to watch a comedy[14] show instead. He laughed at the jokes and forgot about the troubles of the world for a while.

The next day, General Smith attended an auction[15] to raise money for a local charity. He bid on a painting that symbolized idealism[13], and he won it. He realized that he didn't have to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of his duty. He could balance both.

General Smith returned to his post with a new perspective on life. He realized that he didn't have to be the executioner of his own happiness. He could take a break and enjoy the little things in life.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
authoritative, villa, slaughter, nomination, sarcasm,
bureaucracy, preparatory, whisky, ivory, emphatic,
aesthetics, ale, per, sumo, lamb

  1. command /kəˈmænd/ (n.): an authoritative order or instruction
  2. ponder /ˈpɒndə/ (v.): to think about something carefully and thoroughly
  3. region /ˈriːdʒən/ (n.): a large area or part of the world, typically one that is bounded by natural or artificial features
  4. businessman /ˈbɪznɪsmən/ (n.): a man who works in business, especially at a high level
  5. echo /ˈɛkəʊ/ (n.): a sound that is reflected off a surface and heard again by the listener
  6. habitation /ˌhabɪˈteɪʃən/ (n.): the act of inhabiting or the state of being inhabited
  7. vitamin /ˈvɪtəmɪn/ (n.): a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet
  8. pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/ (n.): a bird of the dove family, typically smaller than a dove and with a shorter tail
  9. reservation /ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃən/ (n.): the act of reserving something, such as a hotel room or table at a restaurant, or a doubt or uncertainty about something
  10. trio /ˈtriːəʊ/ (n.): a group of three people or things
  11. executioner /ˌɛksɪˈkjuːʃənər/ (n.): a person who carries out a sentence of death on a legally condemned person
  12. capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/ (n.): a small container that contains medicine or another substance
  13. idealism /aɪˈdɪəlɪzəm/ (n.): the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically
  14. comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ (n.): a type of humorous play or film characterized by exaggerated characters and improbable situations
  15. auction /ˈɔːkʃən/ (n.): a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.

The authoritative[1] figure of the governor of the small villa[2] town was well-known throughout the region. His word was law, and the people had grown accustomed to the bureaucracy[6] that came with it.

One day, a nomination[4] was announced for the position of the new mayor of the town. The governor's sarcasm[5] was evident in his speech as he announced the candidates, but the people listened attentively nonetheless.

The preparatory[7] phase of the election had begun, and the candidates were making their rounds throughout the town, shaking hands and kissing babies. One of the candidates, a whisky[8]-drinking man with an ivory[9] cane, was known for his emphatic[10] speeches about the aesthetics[11] of the town and its people.

Another candidate, a sumo[14] wrestler turned farmer, was known for his love of ale[12] and his preference for eating per[13] over lamb[15]. The townspeople were divided in their support, but one thing was for sure, the election would be a close one.

As the election day approached, the tension in the town grew. The slaughter[3] of a lamb for the celebratory feast had been ordered, but many felt it was a waste of life. The candidates gave their final speeches, and the people made their choice. The results were announced, and the sumo wrestler turned farmer had won the election.

The governor was stunned by the outcome, but he gracefully accepted the new mayor and his vision for the town. The people rejoiced and celebrated with ale and whisky, and the town continued to prosper under the new mayor's leadership.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
contributor, aristocracy, gender, peddle, affirmative,
contestant, snack, napkin, poetic, nightmare,
sling, prior, pension, lower, elevation

  1. contributor /kənˈtrɪbjʊtə(r)/ (n.): a person or thing that contributes something to a group or project.

  2. aristocracy /ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi/ (n.): a class of people who hold high social rank, especially hereditary nobility.

  3. gender /ˈdʒendə(r)/ (n.): the state of being male or female (or, in some societies, neither), typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.

  4. peddle /ˈpedl/ (v.): to sell goods or promote an idea or view persistently or aggressively.

  5. affirmative /əˈfɜːmətɪv/ (adj.): agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request.

  6. contestant /kənˈtestənt/ (n.): a person who takes part in a competition or contest.

  7. snack /snæk/ (n.): a small amount of food eaten between meals.

  8. napkin /ˈnæpkɪn/ (n.): a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments.

  9. poetic /pəʊˈetɪk/ (adj.): of or relating to poetry or poets.

  10. nightmare /ˈnaɪtmɛə(r)/ (n.): a frightening or unpleasant dream.

  11. sling /slɪŋ/ (n.): a flexible strap or belt used to support or carry a load, or to hold or immobilize a part of the body.

  12. prior /ˈpraɪə(r)/ (adj.): existing or coming before in time, order, or importance.

  13. pension /ˈpenʃən/ (n.): a regular payment made during a person's retirement from an investment fund to which that person or their employer has contributed during their working life.

  14. lower /ˈləʊə(r)/ (v.): to make or become less high, intense, or severe.

  15. elevation /ˌelɪˈveɪʃn/ (n.): the height of a place above sea level; the action or fact of raising or being raised to a higher or more important level or position.

As a contributor[1] to the local newspaper, Charlotte often wrote about the struggles of the lower[14] class and their fight for equality in a society still dominated by the aristocracy[2]. She believed in affirmative[5] action and was vocal about the need for greater representation of all genders[3] in positions of power.

One day, while peddling[4] her bicycle through the park, she stumbled upon a poetry contest[6]. The winner would receive a pension[13] and the opportunity to publish their work in a prestigious literary magazine. Charlotte was intrigued and decided to enter the competition.

The contestants[6] were given a prompt and a napkin[8] on which to write their poetic[9] masterpiece. Charlotte's nightmare[10] of not being able to come up with anything vanished as soon as the words began to flow from her pen. She wrote about the sling[11] of emotions that came with being a woman in a male-dominated world, the prior[12] injustices that women had faced, and the hope for a future of greater elevation[15].

The judges were impressed with Charlotte's work and declared her the winner of the contest. She was overjoyed and celebrated with a snack[7] at the park's cafe. As she sat there, basking in her victory, she realized that her poetry could be a powerful tool in the fight for equality and a voice for those who were often overlooked.

From that day on, Charlotte continued to write and speak out about the issues she cared about. She became a leading voice in the feminist movement, using her poetic talents to inspire and empower others to fight for a better world.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
worthless, limousine, firsthand, banker, therapy,
arrogance, underprivileged, mute, purchase, dairy,
brotherhood, disk, exhibitor, squadron, pursuit

  • Worthless: without value or merit; useless. /ˈwɜːrθlɪs/
  • Limousine: a large, luxurious car, especially one driven by a chauffeur who is separated from the passengers by a partition. /ˈlɪməziːn/
  • Firsthand: obtained or experienced directly and not from hearsay or someone else. /ˈfɜːstˌhænd/
  • Banker: a person who works in or is in charge of a bank. /ˈbæŋkər/
  • Therapy: treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. /ˈθerəpi/
  • Arrogance: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions. /ˈærəɡəns/
  • Underprivileged: not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society. /ˌʌndərˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/
  • Mute: refraining from speech or temporarily speechless. /mjuːt/
  • Purchase: the action of buying something. /ˈpɜːtʃəs/
  • Dairy: a farm or company that produces milk or milk products. /ˈdeəri/
  • Brotherhood: an association of people united in a common interest, work, or devotion. /ˈbrʌðəhʊd/
  • Disk: a flat, thin, round object, typically used to store digital data. /dɪsk/
  • Exhibitor: a person or organization that presents or displays something publicly. /ɪɡˈzɪbɪtər/
  • Squadron: a unit of warships, typically comprising a number of divisions. /ˈskwɒdrən/
  • Pursuit: the action of following or pursuing someone or something. /pəˈsjuːt/

Growing up in an underprivileged[7] neighborhood, James always felt like he was living in a world of worthlessness[1]. But his brother's firsthand[3] experience with the banking industry opened his eyes to the possibilities of a better life.

Determined to make something of himself, James pursued a career in finance and worked his way up to become a wealthy banker[4]. But his success only fed his arrogance[6] and he began to lose sight of his roots and the struggles of those around him.

One day, while driving his limousine[2] to his therapy[5] appointment, James saw a group of people protesting outside a dairy[9] farm. He felt a sudden pang of guilt for his privilege and realized that he had become mute[8] to the voices of those who were still struggling.

In that moment, James made a vow to use his wealth and influence to help those in need. He began to make regular purchases[10] from local businesses and donate to charities that supported underprivileged communities. He even started a brotherhood[11] program that offered mentorship and support to young people from low-income backgrounds.

As an exhibitor[13] of his newfound philanthropy, James gained a new sense of purpose and fulfillment. He no longer saw himself as an isolated figure in the world of finance, but as part of a larger squadron[14] of people working together to make a difference.

With each passing day, James felt more fulfilled and at peace. He realized that true worth did not come from material possessions or social status, but from the pursuit[15] of making the world a better place for everyone.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
yeast, denominator, cataract,
stall, poison, dial, stench, brag,
dummy, ammunition, polo, legislative, jealous,
hoist, rely, footwear, topple, worm
list them as ordered list

  1. yeast /jiːst/ - a type of fungus that is used to make bread dough rise and to ferment alcohol

  2. denominator /dɪˈnɒmɪneɪtə/ - the bottom number in a fraction that represents the number of equal parts in the whole

  3. cataract /ˈkætərækt/ - a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to impaired vision

  4. stall /stɔːl/ - a small stand or booth where goods are sold or displayed

  5. poison /ˈpɔɪzən/ - a substance that can cause illness, injury, or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed

  6. dial /daɪəl/ - a circular plate with markings and a pointer that is used to indicate a number or position

  7. stench /stɛn(t)ʃ/ - a strong and unpleasant smell

  8. brag /bræɡ/ - to talk boastfully or excessively about one's achievements or possessions

  9. dummy /ˈdʌmi/ - a model or imitation of something, often used for practice or demonstration

  10. ammunition /ˌæmjʊˈnɪʃən/ - materials such as bullets, shells, and gunpowder that are used in weapons

  11. polo /ˈpəʊləʊ/ - a team sport played on horseback in which players try to hit a ball into the opposing team's goal using long-handled mallets

  12. legislative /ˈlɛdʒɪslətɪv/ - relating to the making of laws by a governing body

  13. jealous /ˈdʒɛləs/ - feeling or showing envy or resentment towards someone who has something that one desires

  14. hoist /hɔɪst/ - to raise or lift something using a rope or cable

  15. rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ - to depend on someone or something for support or assistance

  16. footwear /ˈfʊtweə/ - items such as shoes or boots that are worn on the feet

  17. topple /ˈtɒpl/ - to fall suddenly or collapse, often due to instability or a lack of support

  18. worm /wɜːm/ - a long, thin, and often wriggling creature that lives in soil or other substrates

As a young boy, Tom loved spending his afternoons at the local polo[12] grounds. He would watch in awe as the players thundered past him on their horses, their sticks expertly striking the ball. But Tom never had the chance to play himself, as his family could barely afford to put food on the table, let alone buy him proper footwear[18].

One day, as Tom was walking past a rundown stall[4] on the outskirts of town, he noticed a group of boys practicing their polo swings with a makeshift dummy[10]. He couldn't resist the temptation and begged them to let him join in.

To his surprise, the boys welcomed him with open arms, and he quickly became a reliable[15] player on their team. They even managed to scrounge up enough money to buy him a pair of second-hand boots.

Tom's skill on the field caught the attention of a legislative[13] official, who offered him a spot on the local team. But his success also sparked jealousy[14] in some of his former teammates, who had always bragged[5] about their own prowess on the field.

One day, during a crucial match, Tom's opponents resorted to dirty tricks, poisoning[6] his horse and causing it to topple[19] over. Tom suffered a severe cataract[3] in his eye and was forced to retire from the sport.

But Tom didn't let this setback stop him. He turned his attention to baking and discovered a love for working with yeast[1]. He opened a small bakery and quickly became known for his delicious pastries, which he sold to locals and tourists alike.

Despite the occasional stench[7] of burnt bread or failed batches, Tom's bakery became a popular denominator[2] in the community. And he never forgot the boys who had helped him discover his passion, always setting aside some of his profits to buy them ammunition[11] for their own polo games.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with phonetic symbol:
select, edition, thermometer, bay, indulged, cruelly
successor, muddy, dispose, paste, resume,
abbey, educator, despot, metropolis, celebration,
baseball, untie, mission, vigilant, ambulance

  1. select /sɪˈlɛkt/ - to choose or pick out from a group or options
  2. edition /ɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ - a version or issue of a book, newspaper, or magazine
  3. thermometer /θəˈmɒmɪtə/ - a device used for measuring temperature
  4. bay /beɪ/ - a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward
  5. indulged /ɪnˈdʌldʒd/ - allowed oneself to enjoy something as a special pleasure
  6. cruelly /ˈkruːli/ - in a way that causes pain or suffering intentionally
  7. successor /səkˈsɛsə/ - a person or thing that succeeds another
  8. muddy /ˈmʌdi/ - covered or filled with mud
  9. dispose /dɪˈspəʊz/ - to get rid of or throw away
  10. paste /peɪst/ - a thick, soft, moist substance that is spread on surfaces or used for sticking things together
  11. resume /rɪˈzjuːm/ - a summary of a person's education, work experience, and qualifications, usually sent with a job application
  12. abbey /ˈæbi/ - a building or group of buildings used by monks or nuns as a place of residence and prayer
  13. educator /ˈɛdʒʊkeɪtə/ - a person who teaches or instructs, especially in a school or college
  14. despot /ˈdɛspɒt/ - a ruler with absolute power and authority, often cruel or oppressive
  15. metropolis /mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs/ - a large and densely populated city
  16. celebration /sɛlɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/ - a joyful and festive event or activity, often in honor of a special occasion or achievement
  17. baseball /ˈbeɪsˌbɔːl/ - a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players
  18. untie /ʌnˈtaɪ/ - to undo or loosen the knot or fastening of something
  19. mission /ˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ - a specific task or assignment, often related to a particular goal or purpose
  20. vigilant /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt/ - keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
  21. ambulance /ˈæmbjʊləns/ - a vehicle equipped for transporting sick or injured people, typically to a hospital

As a young baseball[18] player, Joe had always dreamed of making it to the big leagues. He had a vigilant[19] eye and a powerful swing, and he worked tirelessly to improve his game. But one fateful day, while playing in a muddy[8] field, Joe suffered a serious injury.

The ambulance[20] rushed him to the hospital, where a thermometer[3] revealed a high fever and infection. Joe was forced to untie[17] his cleats for good, and he indulged[5] in a period of self-pity and despair.

But one day, while browsing through an edition[2] of the local newspaper, Joe came across an ad for a job as an educator[12]. He had always been interested in teaching, and the ad seemed like a sign. He quickly applied for the position and was delighted to be selected[1] as the new instructor for a group of bright young students.

Joe threw himself into his new mission[19] with enthusiasm, creating fun lesson plans and working tirelessly to help his students succeed. He even started a celebration[14] tradition for each student's birthday, bringing in special treats and games to make their day memorable.

But just as Joe had finally found a new path in life, he was cruelly[6] disposed of from his job by a despot[13] administrator who saw him as a threat to her own power. Joe was devastated, but he refused to give up.

He decided to start his own educational program, using paste[10] and paper to create engaging lesson plans and teaching aids. He rented a small office in the metropolis[14] and started recruiting students from all over the city.

His program was a huge success, and Joe soon became known as the go-to educator[12] for children of all ages. He even wrote a book on his teaching methods, which became a bestselling edition[2] and earned him the admiration of his peers.

Years later, when Joe retired to a quiet life near the bay[4], he looked back on his journey with pride. He knew that he had found his true calling in life, and that nothing could ever take that away from him.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
filth, quake, reduction, best-seller, paw,
Dutch, calligraphy, groundwork, grin, kit,
competitor, unconditional, cactus, athletics, affix

  1. filth /fɪlθ/ - dirt or dirty substance, unpleasant or morally corrupt material or behavior

  2. quake /kweɪk/ - a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by movements of the earth's crust

  3. reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ - the process of making something smaller or less in quantity or size

  4. best-seller /ˌbɛstˈsɛlər/ - a book or other product that has sold a very large number of copies

  5. paw /pɔː/ - the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog, or bear

  6. Dutch /dʌtʃ/ - relating to the Netherlands or its people or language

  7. calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/ - the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush

  8. groundwork /ˈɡraʊndwɜːk/ - preliminary work or a foundation that has to be done before a particular activity can be started

  9. grin /ɡrɪn/ - a broad smile that shows the teeth

  10. kit /kɪt/ - a set of tools or equipment needed for a particular purpose or activity

  11. competitor /kəmˈpɛtɪtə/ - a person, team, or company that is in competition with others for the same thing

  12. unconditional /ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənl/ - not subject to any conditions or limitations

  13. cactus /ˈkæktəs/ - a plant that typically has sharp spines and thick stems, native to dry regions of America and often cultivated as ornamental plants

  14. athletics /æθˈlɛtɪks/ - physical sports or games that require strength, speed, and skill

  15. affix /əˈfɪks/ - a morpheme added to the beginning or end of a word to modify its meaning, such as "un-" in "unhappy" or "-ly" in "quickly"

As a Dutch[6] athlete[14], I always had a love for sports and fitness. I competed as a sprinter, and my training was my groundwork[8]. One day, while running in the desert, I stumbled upon a cactus[13]. As I tried to remove the thorns from my paw[4], I had an idea for a new athletic[14] kit[9]. I called it the "Cactus Collection."

I started working on the design, and soon it was ready for production. I had to find a competitor[10] to help me market my new product, so I reached out to a friend who had experience in the sports industry. She was enthusiastic about the idea and agreed to collaborate with me.

We decided to release the kit[9] in a limited edition[2], hoping it would become a best-seller[3]. We used calligraphy[7] to design the logo and placed it on the shirts, shorts, and shoes. The final product was fantastic, and we indulged[5] ourselves with a celebration[15].

The success of the Cactus Collection exceeded our expectations. It was an unconditional[11] hit, and soon we had orders pouring in from all over the world. We even had athletes from the US and Europe purchasing the kit[9].

As the orders piled up, we realized we needed to reduce[3] our expenses to keep up with the demand. We had to dispose[8] of our initial design and opt for a more affordable option. It was a tough decision, but we knew we had to make it if we wanted to keep our business running.

In the end, the Cactus Collection became my best achievement as an athlete[14] and an entrepreneur. It taught me that with a little bit of creativity and affix[15], anything is possible.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
impulsive, disclose, ace, growl, triangular,
dwindle, remarkable, reward, endow, investor,
swindler, manly, economy, transit, outer

  1. impulsive /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ - acting or done without forethought; rash

  2. disclose /dɪsˈkləʊz/ - make (secret or new information) known

  3. ace /eɪs/ - a playing card with a single spot on it, ranked as the highest card in its suit in most card games

  4. growl /ɡraʊl/ - (of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound in the throat, especially as a sign of aggression

  5. triangular /traɪˈæŋɡjʊlər/ - shaped like a triangle; having three straight sides

  6. dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/ - diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength

  7. remarkable /rɪˈmɑːkəbəl/ - worthy of attention; striking

  8. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/ - a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement

  9. endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ - provide with a quality, ability, or asset

  10. investor /ɪnˈvɛstə/ - a person or organization that invests money in order to make a profit

  11. swindler /ˈswɪndlə/ - a person who uses deception to take people's money or property

  12. manly /ˈmænli/ - having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a man; masculine

  13. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ - the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services

  14. transit /ˈtrænzɪt/ - the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another

  15. outer /ˈaʊtə/ - situated on or toward the outside

John had always been impulsive[1]. Whenever he wanted something, he went after it without much thought or planning. This behavior had gotten him into trouble before, but it had also led him to some remarkable[7] successes.

John's latest obsession was with the game of poker. He had discovered it a few months ago and had been playing it obsessively ever since. He loved the thrill of the game and the challenge of trying to outsmart his opponents.

One night, John was playing in a high-stakes game at a local casino. He was doing well and had won a few hands in a row. But then he was dealt a hand that made his heart growl[4] with excitement. He had been dealt an ace[3] and a king, the best possible starting hand in the game.

John didn't hesitate to bet big on this hand. He went all-in, putting all of his chips on the line. His opponent, a manly[12] looking guy with a rough beard, called his bet.

As the dealer revealed the cards, John's heart began to dwindle[6]. His opponent had been dealt a pair of tens, and with three community cards still to be revealed, John's chances of winning the hand were looking slim.

But then something remarkable happened. The first community card was revealed, and it was an ace! John had made a pair of aces and was now the clear favorite to win the hand.

The next card was a seven, and then the final card was revealed. It was a ten, giving John's opponent three of a kind and the winning hand.

John was devastated. He had lost all of his chips and was now out of the game. But then he remembered something he had heard earlier in the evening. The casino was offering a reward[8] for anyone who could win five games in a row.

John knew he had to endow[9] himself with a new strategy if he wanted to win. He decided to become more vigilant[19] and observant, studying his opponents and trying to identify their weaknesses.

Over the next few weeks, John's strategy paid off. He won several small games and was eventually able to build up his chip stack. Then, one night, he entered the high-stakes game once again. This time, he was ready.

As the night wore on, John was faced with another all-or-nothing hand. He had a triangular[5] of cards in his hand and needed one more to complete a flush. He decided to take a risk and went all-in once again.

His opponent called his bet, and the final card was revealed. It was the card John needed, the one that would give him the winning hand. He had done it! He had won the game and was finally able to dispose[10] of his worthless[1] label as a bad poker player.

From that day on, John continued to play and win at the game he had grown to love. He even wrote a best-seller[4] book about his experiences and became known as the ace[3] of the poker world.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
larva, locust, magnet, revenge, nappy,
unemployment, deceit, corridor, petty, prosecution,
insensitive, breakthrough, burglary, lichen, diploma 

  1. larva /ˈlɑːvə/ - the immature form of an insect that looks very different from the adult form and usually has a different diet
  2. locust /ˈləʊkʌst/ - a type of grasshopper that sometimes migrates in large groups and can cause serious damage to crops
  3. magnet /ˈmæɡnət/ - a material or object that produces a magnetic field
  4. revenge /rɪˈvendʒ/ - the act of hurting or punishing someone who has hurt or wronged you in some way
  5. nappy /ˈnæpi/ - a piece of absorbent material worn by a baby as underwear to catch excrement
  6. unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ - the state of being unemployed or not having a job
  7. deceit /dɪˈsiːt/ - the act of intentionally misleading or deceiving someone
  8. corridor /ˈkɒrɪdɔːr/ - a narrow passage or hallway that connects rooms or buildings
  9. petty /ˈpeti/ - of little importance or significance, often focused on small or trivial things
  10. prosecution /ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃn/ - the act of bringing legal action against someone, typically in a criminal case
  11. insensitive /ɪnˈsensɪtɪv/ - not showing empathy or understanding for others' feelings or situations
  12. breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/ - an important discovery or development that advances knowledge or understanding
  13. burglary /ˈbɜːɡləri/ - the act of illegally entering a building with the intent to steal or commit a crime
  14. lichen /ˈlaɪkən/ - a type of organism that is a combination of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium
  15. diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/ - a certificate or document that is awarded to someone who has successfully completed a course of study or training

Once upon a time, in a small town, a young boy named Jack found a larva[1] while playing in the garden. Fascinated by the little creature, he decided to keep it in a jar and watch it grow. Days passed, and the larva transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

One day, a swarm of locusts[2] invaded the town and destroyed all the crops, leaving the farmers in despair and facing unemployment[6]. Jack, who had become a magnet[3] for knowledge, realized that he could use his butterfly to help save the crops. He released the butterfly and it fluttered around the locusts, confusing them and causing them to fly away.

However, Jack's victory was short-lived, as he soon discovered that his neighbor, Mr. Brown, had been behind the locust invasion. Out of revenge[4] for a petty[9] dispute they had, Mr. Brown had planned the entire ordeal. Jack decided to take matters into his own hands and informed the authorities about Mr. Brown's deceit[7].

As Jack walked through the corridor[8] of the courthouse, he overheard Mr. Brown being questioned about a burglary[12] that had taken place in the town. Jack was surprised to hear about the incident and wondered if it was related to the locust invasion.

Suddenly, there was a breakthrough[11] in the case, as a witness came forward and revealed that they had seen Mr. Brown near the scene of the crime. The prosecution[10] was able to link Mr. Brown to the burglary and he was arrested on the spot.

After the trial, Jack received a diploma[15] in recognition of his bravery and quick thinking. He felt a sense of relief knowing that justice had been served and that he had helped the town in its time of need.

As Jack walked home, he couldn't help but notice how the lichen[14] on the trees seemed to glow in the sunlight. He smiled, feeling grateful for the lessons he had learned and the experiences that had brought him to where he was now. And as he reached his front door, he saw that his little sister was asleep, her nappy[5] falling off her as she dreamed peacefully. Jack knew that he had a lot to be thankful for, and he felt at peace.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
hitherto, knit, baron,
contest, possibility, diesel, suicidal, pedestrian,
antenna, detain, suspension, linear, tradesman,
robe, hypocritical, macho, drizzle, tile

  1. hitherto /ˌhɪðəˈtuː/ - up to this time, until now

  2. knit /nɪt/ - to make fabric or a garment by interlocking loops of yarn with knitting needles or a machine

  3. baron /ˈbærən/ - a member of the lowest rank of British nobility; a wealthy businessman or financier with great power or influence

  4. contest /ˈkɒntest/ - a competition or a struggle between two or more parties

  5. possibility /ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti/ - the condition or fact of being possible; something that is possible

  6. diesel /ˈdiːzəl/ - a heavy petroleum fraction used as fuel in diesel engines

  7. suicidal /ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdəl/ - likely to result in suicide; extremely dangerous or risky

  8. pedestrian /pəˈdɛstrɪən/ - a person walking along a road or in a developed area

  9. antenna /ænˈtɛnə/ - a rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals

  10. detain /dɪˈteɪn/ - to keep someone in official custody, typically for questioning or as a punishment

  11. suspension /səˈspɛnʃən/ - the action of suspending someone or something; a temporary debarment (e.g. from a school or an organization)

  12. linear /ˈlɪniə/ - arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line

  13. tradesman /ˈtreɪdzmən/ - a worker skilled in a particular craft; a person engaged in trade or commerce

  14. robe /rəʊb/ - a long loose outer garment, typically worn as a sign of rank or profession

  15. hypocritical /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl/ - behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case; insincere

  16. macho /ˈmætʃəʊ/ - exhibiting strong or aggressive masculine pride

  17. drizzle /ˈdrɪzəl/ - light rain falling in very fine drops

  18. tile /taɪl/ - a flat, usually square or rectangular piece of fired clay, stone, or other material used for covering roofs, floors, or walls

Hitherto[1], the small town had never seen such an extravagant event as the knitting[2] competition that the Baron[3] had organized. Knitters from far and wide had gathered to compete for the grand prize.

As the contest[4] began, the possibility[5] of a thunderstorm loomed in the distance. The sound of diesel[6] engines roared as people drove in from neighboring towns to witness the event.

One pedestrian[7] in particular caught the attention of the knitters. She wore an antenna[8] headband and a nappy[5] on her shoulder, and she seemed to be cheering for everyone.

The competition was intense, and tensions ran high. One contestant[9] became suicidal[5] after making a mistake and was immediately detained[10] by the police. Another contestant made a breakthrough[11] with a new knitting technique and was celebrated by the crowd.

In the midst of the competition, a burglary[12] occurred at the local store. The town was shocked and the police began a prosecution[9] to catch the culprit.

As the competition came to a close, the winner was announced and awarded the grand prize - a diploma[15] in knitting. Despite the insensitive[13] comments from some of the losing contestants, the winner remained gracious and kind.

As the crowds dispersed and the rain began to drizzle[16], the knitters made their way home. The Baron, wearing his macho[14] robe[13], couldn't help but feel proud of the successful event he had organized. He looked down at the tiled[18] floor of the corridor[8] and smiled, already planning the next knitting competition.


  1. smash /smæʃ/ - to break something into small pieces, often by hitting it with force
  2. fiancee /fɪˈɒnseɪ/ - a woman who is engaged to be married
  3. shortcoming /ˈʃɔːtkʌmɪŋ/ - a fault or weakness in someone's character or ability
  4. dominion /dəˈmɪnjən/ - control over a particular area or group of people
  5. heave /hiːv/ - to lift or pull something heavy with effort
  6. apron /ˈeɪprən/ - a protective garment worn over the front of clothes, especially during cooking or other messy activities
  7. complacency /kəmˈpleɪsənsi/ - a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements
  8. psychologist /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ - a professional who studies the human mind and behavior
  9. incidence /ˈɪnsɪdəns/ - the occurrence, rate, or frequency of something, especially something unwanted
  10. fractional /ˈfrækʃənəl/ - relating to or constituting a fraction or a number expressed as a fraction
  11. argument /ˈɑːɡjʊmənt/ - a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory
  12. dissolution /dɪˈsɒluːʃən/ - the action of formally ending or disbanding an organization, partnership, or marriage
  13. duel /djuːəl/ - a formal fight between two people, usually with weapons, in order to settle a dispute
  14. partition /pɑːˈtɪʃən/ - a wall or screen that separates one part of a room from another
  15. lump /lʌmp/ - a small mass of solid matter without a particular shape, especially one that is felt or seen as separate from its surroundings

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who was engaged to be married to her longtime boyfriend, Tom. They had been together for years and were deeply in love. However, Sarah had a shortcoming[3] - she was prone to sudden fits of anger that would cause her to smash[1] things around her.

One day, as Tom and Sarah were preparing for their upcoming wedding, they got into an argument[10] over the wedding arrangements. Sarah's frustration quickly turned into rage and she began to smash[1] everything in sight - the dishes, the furniture, and even the wedding invitations.

Tom was shocked by Sarah's behavior and began to rethink their engagement. He couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with someone who had such a violent temper. Sarah was devastated by Tom's dissolution[11] of their relationship and began to spiral into a deep depression.

As time passed, Sarah sought the help of a psychologist[8] to address her anger issues. Through therapy, she learned to control her impulses and work through her emotional shortcoming[3]. Tom eventually came back into her life and they were able to reconcile their differences.

On their wedding day, Sarah wore a beautiful white apron[6] and walked down the aisle with Tom by her side. They exchanged their vows in front of their friends and family, and their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day. They lived happily ever after in their own little dominion[4], where Sarah's occasional heave[5] of anger was a thing of the past.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
sinful, phobia, sitting-room, revitalize, martyr,
observer, painful, satire, watertight, strategist,
slim, guillotine, pickpocket, pharmacist, gleam

  1. sinful /ˈsɪnfʊl/ - behaving in a way that is considered morally wrong or against religious laws
  2. phobia /ˈfəʊbiə/ - an extreme or irrational fear of something
  3. sitting-room /ˈsɪtɪŋruːm/ - a room in a house where people can sit and relax
  4. revitalize /riːˈvaɪtəlaɪz/ - to give new life, energy, or strength to something
  5. martyr /ˈmɑːtə(r)/ - a person who is killed or suffers greatly for a belief, cause, or principle
  6. observer /əbˈzɜːvə(r)/ - a person who watches or notices something
  7. painful /ˈpeɪnfəl/ - causing physical or emotional pain or discomfort
  8. satire /ˈsætaɪə(r)/ - a literary work that uses humor, irony, and exaggeration to criticize or expose human vices or flaws
  9. watertight /ˈwɔːtətaɪt/ - able to prevent water or other liquids from passing through
  10. strategist /ˈstrætədʒɪst/ - a person skilled in planning and directing military or political operations
  11. slim /slɪm/ - attractively thin; slender
  12. guillotine /ˈɡɪlətiːn/ - a machine used for beheading people, especially as a form of execution by a French revolution.
  13. pickpocket /ˈpɪkpɒkɪt/ - a person who steals from the pockets of people in public places
  14. pharmacist /ˈfɑːməsɪst/ - a person who is trained to prepare and dispense medicines
  15. gleam /ɡliːm/ - a brief or faint light; a small, bright light

In the dimly lit sitting-room[3], the strategist[9] sat hunched over his notes, trying to come up with a plan to revitalize[4] his company. He had been observing[6] his competitors closely, noting their every move, trying to find any weaknesses he could exploit.

Suddenly, there was a painful[7] twinge in his back. He groaned and stood up to stretch, trying to work out the kinks. As he did, he caught a gleam[15] out of the corner of his eye. Looking closer, he saw a pickpocket[12] rifling through his briefcase.

Reacting on impulse, he grabbed the guillotine[11] letter opener from his desk and brandished it at the thief. The pickpocket stumbled backward, tripping over the slim[10] table in the middle of the room and falling to the ground.

The strategist breathed a sigh of relief, then realized with a start that he was holding a deadly weapon. He quickly put the letter opener down, feeling sinful[1] for his violent reaction.

He walked over to the fallen pickpocket, who was now sitting up and nursing a bruise on his head. The strategist felt a strange mixture of phobia[2] and compassion as he confronted the thief. He knew he could have the man prosecuted[9], but instead, he decided to offer him a job.

The pickpocket was surprised by the offer, but he accepted it gratefully. Over time, he proved to be a valuable asset to the company, bringing a new perspective and insight to the strategist's team.

The incident with the pickpocket taught the strategist a valuable lesson about complacency[8] and the importance of being watertight[9] in business. From that day on, he made sure that his security measures were top-notch, and that he was always one step ahead of his competitors. He also realized that sometimes, a breakthrough[11] idea can come from the most unexpected source.

As he looked back on that day, the strategist felt a sense of pride in how he had turned a negative situation into a positive one. And as he sat in his sitting-room[3], he knew that he had truly revitalized[4] his company, with the help of an unlikely ally.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
rib, calendar, sin, lavatory, finding,
hound, flute, lantern, harm, quote,
dung, sceptical, hardback, cookie, intercontinental

  1. rib /rɪb/ - one of the long, curved bones that are connected to the spine and that surround and protect the chest
  2. calendar /ˈkæləndər/ - a system for organizing time, usually divided into days, weeks, months, and years
  3. sin /sɪn/ - an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law
  4. lavatory /ˈlævətɔːri/ - a room or area equipped with washing and toilet facilities; a bathroom or a toilet
  5. finding /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ - a conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, or experiment
  6. hound /haʊnd/ - a dog used for hunting or racing
  7. flute /fluːt/ - a musical instrument of the woodwind group, typically made of metal, with a tube that is cylindrical except for narrow conical bore
  8. lantern /ˈlæntən/ - a portable lamp with a protective case and a handle
  9. harm /hɑːm/ - physical or mental damage or injury
  10. quote /kwəʊt/ - repeat or copy out a group of words from a text or speech, typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker
  11. dung /dʌŋ/ - the excrement of animals, especially cows and horses
  12. sceptical /ˈskeptɪkəl/ - having doubts or reservations about something
  13. hardback /ˈhɑːdbæk/ - a book with a rigid cover
  14. cookie /ˈkʊki/ - a sweet baked food typically small, flat, and round and usually containing flour, sugar, and eggs
  15. intercontinental /ˌɪntərkənˈtɪnəntəl/ - relating to or happening between continents

It was a cloudy day in the countryside, and John had just finished his morning chores on the farm. He had a lot of free time that day and decided to take a walk to the nearby town. As he strolled through the meadow, he noticed a rib[1] lying on the ground. He wondered which animal it had come from and if it was a sin[3] to touch it. Nevertheless, he picked it up and continued walking.

After a while, John reached the town and decided to stop by the local library. He wanted to check the calendar[2] for upcoming events and maybe find[5] some interesting books to read. As he was browsing the shelves, he overheard a conversation between two men discussing the recent finding[5] of a lost treasure in the area.

Excited by the news, John left the library and headed to the nearest pub to grab a drink. He ordered a pint of ale and sat at a table near a group of men playing darts. One of them had brought his hound[6] along, which was sitting quietly in the corner. John struck up a conversation with the men and they told him about a local flautist[7] who was playing at the pub that night.

As the night went on, John enjoyed the music, and the warm glow of the lantern[8] hanging above him. He was having a good time until a drunken man stumbled into him and knocked over his drink, causing harm[9] to John's shirt. The man muttered an apology and stumbled away.

Feeling frustrated, John decided to leave the pub and take a walk to clear his head. As he walked down a dark alley, he saw a quote[10] scrawled on the wall in graffiti. It read, "The only sin is to be boring." John chuckled to himself and continued on his way.

Suddenly, he heard a loud commotion coming from the direction of the nearby lavatory[4]. Curious, John went to investigate and found a group of rowdy men causing trouble. He quickly decided it was best to avoid getting involved and went home.

As he was getting ready for bed, John remembered the rib[1] he had found earlier and decided to throw it away. He opened the window and tossed it into the pile of dung[11] outside. He climbed into bed, feeling sceptical[12] about the treasure story he had heard earlier. He picked up a hardback[13] book he had borrowed from the library and began reading as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of intercontinental[14] adventures.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
multinational, bamboo, devil, quantify, hexagon,
sewage, rehearsal, Marxist, prune, adore,
bored, provided, grammatical, aware, detector

  1. multinational /ˌmʌltiˈnæʃənəl/ - involving or operating in several countries or nations

  2. bamboo /bæmˈbuː/ - a type of plant that grows quickly and is often used for building or making furniture

  3. devil /ˈdevəl/ - an evil spirit or demon in many religions and cultures

  4. quantify /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ/ - to determine or express the quantity or amount of something

  5. hexagon /ˈhɛksəɡɒn/ - a six-sided polygon

  6. sewage /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ - waste matter such as human excrement, used water, and food scraps, that is carried away in sewers for disposal

  7. rehearsal /rɪˈhɜːsəl/ - a practice or trial performance of a play, speech, or other work before its public presentation

  8. Marxist /ˈmɑːk.sɪst/ - relating to the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who advocated for a classless society and a socialist system

  9. prune /pruːn/ - to cut off branches or parts of a plant to improve its shape or growth

  10. adore /əˈdɔːr/ - to love and respect someone deeply

  11. bored /bɔːd/ - feeling tired and uninterested in what is happening or being said

  12. provided /prəˈvaɪdɪd/ - on the condition or understanding that

  13. grammatical /ɡrəˈmætɪkl/ - conforming to the rules of grammar

  14. aware /əˈweə(r)/ - having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact

  15. detector /dɪˈtɛktə(r)/ - a device or substance used to detect or measure something

The multinational[1] corporation had been eyeing a bamboo[2] farm in the rural town for months. The devil[3] was in the details, as they say, and the company needed to quantify[4] the potential profits from the farm before making an offer. They hired a team of analysts and spent weeks poring over spreadsheets, trying to make sense of the numbers.

Meanwhile, the town was dealing with a sewage[6] problem that seemed to be getting worse by the day. The mayor's office had been holding rehearsals[7] for a press conference to address the issue, but they were at a loss for how to solve the problem.

One day, a Marxist[8] activist named Maria arrived in town. She had been traveling the country, advocating for workers' rights and environmental justice. When she heard about the bamboo farm, she knew she had to get involved.

Maria organized a group of farmers and led them to the corporation's headquarters to protest the potential sale of the farm. They carried banners and chanted slogans, calling for the preservation of the land and the rights of the workers.

The corporation was taken aback by the protesters' passion, but they remained determined to make a profit. They tried to prune[9] the protesters by sending in security guards, but Maria and her group stood their ground.

As the standoff continued, a bored[10] security guard noticed something strange on the edge of the property. It was a metal detector[15], beeping loudly. He followed the sound and dug up a small hexagon[5]-shaped box, buried in the ground. Inside was a note, written on a torn page of a hardback[13] book. It read:

"Sin[4] is the root of all evil. Adore[10] the earth and she will reward you. Use this calendar[2] wisely."

The guard was sceptical[12], but he decided to bring the box to Maria. She recognized the writing as that of an old activist friend who had disappeared years ago. She knew then that this was a sign.

Maria called a meeting with the town's leaders, and they all agreed that it was time to take action. They used the note's instructions to create a plan to revitalize[4] the town, focusing on sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and workers' rights. They even formed a committee to design a new wastewater treatment system, which they dubbed "the lantern[8] project."

The town transformed over the following months, with new businesses and community projects sprouting up everywhere. The people had found a new purpose, and they worked together to make their home a better place.

As for the corporation, they eventually gave up on the bamboo farm and moved on to other ventures. The town had won a hard-fought victory, and they were proud to have stood up to the devil[3] of greed and exploitation.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
lily, gorge, insulator, lighthouse, bun,
sift, shudder, punctuation, warship, lemon,
indignity, semi-conductor, suicide, creation, lobby

  1. Lily - a type of flowering plant with large showy flowers
  2. Gorge - a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it.
  3. Insulator - a material or device that does not readily conduct electricity or heat, used to isolate something from its surroundings.
  4. Lighthouse - a tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships at sea.
  5. Bun - a small, round, sweet or savory bread roll.
  6. Sift - examine (something) thoroughly so as to isolate that which is most important.
  7. Shudder - (verb) shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or cold. (noun) an act of shuddering.
  8. Punctuation - the marks, such as full stop, comma, and brackets, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
  9. Warship - a ship designed for use in war.
  10. Lemon - a yellow, oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice.
  11. Indignity - treatment or circumstances that cause one to feel shame or to lose one's dignity.
  12. Semiconductor - a material that has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.
  13. Suicide - the act of intentionally causing one's own death.
  14. Creation - the action or process of bringing something into existence.
  15. Lobby - a room providing a space out of which one or more other rooms or corridors lead, typically one near the entrance of a public building. It can also refer to a group of people seeking to influence politicians or public officials on a particular issue.

The lighthouse[4] stood tall on the edge of the gorge[2], a beacon of hope and safety for sailors. Its insulator[3] ensured that the electrical current flowed smoothly, powering the light that shone through the dark and stormy nights.

One such stormy night, a bun[5] deliveryman was caught in the gale. He had been hired by the lighthouse keeper to bring him fresh bread and other provisions. As he made his way through the wind and rain, he stumbled and fell into the raging river below.

The current was swift, and he was quickly carried downstream towards the treacherous rocks at the bottom of the gorge[2]. Just as he was about to lose all hope, a hand reached out and grabbed him. It was the lighthouse keeper, who had heard his cries for help and come to his rescue.

The deliveryman was shaken but grateful to be alive. He thanked the lighthouse keeper and offered to repay him for his kindness by helping with the daily upkeep of the lighthouse[4]. As they worked together, they began to sift[6] through the many challenges of their respective lives.

The deliveryman shared his struggles with finding[5] a purpose in life and feeling stuck in his current job. The lighthouse keeper revealed that he had always felt a sense of loneliness and isolation in his remote post.

Through their conversation, they discovered a shared love of music and began to play the flute[7] together during their breaks. As the storm outside raged on, they found solace in the simple act of making music.

When the storm had passed, and the deliveryman had safely returned to the mainland, the lighthouse keeper continued to practice his music. He began to experiment with different genres and eventually discovered a new passion for composing.

With the help of his newfound friend, he quantified[4] his musical skills and started to share his creations with the world. He was amazed at the positive feedback he received and felt a sense of pride and purpose that he had never experienced before.

The lighthouse[4] continued to stand strong, and the light that shone from its tower now symbolized not just safety for sailors but also hope and possibility for its keeper. He had found a way to revitalize[4] his life and escape the loneliness that had plagued him for so long.

As he looked out at the ocean from the top of the lighthouse[4], he felt a sense of gratitude for the storm that had brought him a new friend and a new purpose in life. The simple act of delivering a bun[5] had led to a life-changing connection and a beautiful creation[15] born out of their friendship.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
algebra, marshal, esteem, hypocrite, exhaustive,
earnest, caption, generator, pedlar, mill,
inland, injure, embassy, insurer, wig

  1. algebra: (n.) a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; /ˈæl.dʒə.brə/
  2. marshal: (n.) a military officer of the highest rank, or a person in charge of a parade or public ceremony; (v.) to arrange a group of people or things in a particular order or position; /ˈmɑː.ʃəl/
  3. esteem: (n.) respect for or a good opinion of someone; (v.) to respect and admire someone; /ɪˈstiːm/
  4. hypocrite: (n.) someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in a way that shows these are not sincere; /ˈhɪp.ə.krɪt/
  5. exhaustive: (adj.) complete and including everything; /ɪɡˈzɒs.tɪv/
  6. earnest: (adj.) serious and determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own actions amusing; (n.) money given as a sign of a serious intention; /ˈɜː.nɪst/
  7. caption: (n.) a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying; /ˈkæp.ʃən/
  8. generator: (n.) a machine that produces energy in the form of electricity, or a person or thing that produces something; /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪ.tər/
  9. pedlar: (n.) a person who goes from place to place selling small goods; /ˈped.lər/
  10. mill: (n.) a building where grain is crushed into flour; (v.) to crush grain into flour or a powder; /mɪl/
  11. inland: (adj.) in or relating to the middle part of a country rather than to the coast; (adv.) towards or in the middle of a country, away from the coast; /ˈɪn.lænd/
  12. injure: (v.) to harm yourself or someone else physically, especially in an accident; /ˈɪn.dʒər/
  13. embassy: (n.) the group of people who represent their country in a foreign country; /ˈem.bə.si/
  14. insurer: (n.) a person or company that provides insurance; /ɪnˈʃʊə.rə/
  15. wig: (n.) a covering of artificial hair worn on the head to hide a lack of hair or to cover your own hair; /wɪɡ/

After years of hard work, Anna had finally become an algebra[1] professor. She had always wanted to teach and inspire young minds. Her father had been a marshal[2] and had instilled in her a sense of discipline and respect for the law.

Anna's students held her in high esteem[3], not only for her knowledge but also for her kindness and patience. She never judged her students or made them feel inferior, unlike some hypocritical[4] teachers who believed they were better than their students.

Anna's exhaustive[5] explanations and examples made even the most difficult concepts easy to understand. She was always earnest[6] in her teaching, always striving to help her students excel.

One day, while grading papers, Anna noticed a mistake in a caption[7] on one of her student's tests. She knew that it was just a simple error, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself for not catching it sooner. She decided to create a generator[8] that would automatically check her students' work for mistakes.

To make some extra money, Anna started working as a pedlar[9] on the weekends. She would set up her mill[10] at the local market and sell handmade goods to the locals.

One day, Anna received a call from the embassy[11], informing her that her father had been severely injured in the line of duty. The insurer[12] assured her that his medical expenses would be taken care of. She immediately flew inland[13] to be by his side.

When Anna arrived, she was shocked to see her father in a wig[15], which he had to wear after losing most of his hair in the accident. Despite his injuries, he still had the same strong spirit that had inspired Anna to become the person she was today. She knew that she owed everything to her father, the marshal who had always been her rock.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
calculus, disclosure, depressing, reactionary, distillation,
paradox, cane, buck, bewilder, dissent,
subconscious, refusal, mainland, sickle, coma

  1. calculus /ˈkælkjələs/ - a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and calculations using variables, often involving the use of calculus notation such as derivatives and integrals.
  2. disclosure /dɪsˈkloʊʒər/ - the act of making something known or revealing information about something, especially something that was previously secret or unknown.
  3. depressing /dɪˈprɛsɪŋ/ - causing or involving a feeling of sadness or pessimism.
  4. reactionary /riˈækʃəˌnɛri/ - opposing political or social progress or reform; favoring a return to a previous political or social system.
  5. distillation /dɪˌstɪˈleɪʃən/ - the process of purifying a liquid by heating it until it vaporizes, then cooling and condensing the vapor, typically used to separate liquids from impurities or to produce alcoholic beverages or essential oils.
  6. paradox /ˈpærəˌdɑks/ - a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that, when investigated or explained, may prove to be well-founded or true.
  7. cane /keɪn/ - a long, thin, strong stick, often used for walking or support, or as a weapon.
  8. buck /bʌk/ - a male deer, especially a roe deer; to resist or oppose something or someone.
  9. bewilder /bɪˈwɪldər/ - to cause someone to become confused or puzzled.
  10. dissent /dɪˈsɛnt/ - the expression or holding of opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
  11. subconscious /sʌbˈkɑnʃəs/ - existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness; not fully aware or cognizant.
  12. refusal /rɪˈfjuʒəl/ - the act of saying or showing that you will not do, give, or accept something; a denial or rejection of something.
  13. mainland /ˈmeɪnˌlænd/ - a large continuous landmass that forms the main part of a country or territory, as distinguished from adjacent islands or detached territories.
  14. sickle /ˈsɪkəl/ - a curved agricultural tool used for cutting crops such as grass, wheat, and barley.
  15. coma /ˈkoʊmə/ - a state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.

The professor taught calculus[1] for years but never revealed his own disclosure[2] to anyone. His lectures were often depressing[3], filled with outdated and reactionary[4] views on the subject. One day, a student asked him to explain the paradox[5] of a particular equation, and the professor responded with a dismissive wave of his cane[6], insisting it was simple enough for any buck[7] to understand. The student was bewilder[8] and decided to dissent[9] from the professor's teachings.

Meanwhile, the professor had been struggling with his own subconscious[10] for years. He was haunted by the refusal[11] of his own ideas and the fear that his work would never be accepted in the mainland[12]. His only solace was in the distillation[5] of his own sickle[14] thoughts, which he recorded in a journal kept under his bed.

One day, the professor suffered a coma[15], and his journal was discovered by a colleague. The colleague was shocked by the professor's self-loathing and recognized the need for a more modern and inclusive approach to calculus[1]. She became an ambassador, carrying the professor's work to other universities as an insurer[14] of his esteem[3]. And thus, the professor's legacy lived on, even if he himself could never see it.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
antagonism, inseparable, funnel, raw, effusive,
crafty, onion, shiver, maple, plentiful,
scanner, mere, impress, aborigine, revolver

1.fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious

  1. antagonism /ænˈtæɡənɪzəm/ (n.): active hostility or opposition; the state of being an antagonist
  2. inseparable /ɪnˈsepərəbəl/ (adj.): unable to be separated or treated separately; always together or connected
  3. funnel /ˈfʌnəl/ (n.): a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening
  4. raw /rɔː/ (adj.): (1) (of food) not cooked; (2) (of materials) in a natural state; (3) (of a wound) sore and inflamed; (4) (of a person) emotionally vulnerable or unrefined
  5. effusive /ɪˈfjuːsɪv/ (adj.): expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner
  6. crafty /ˈkrɑːfti/ (adj.): skilled in achieving one's aims by deceit or evasion; sly; cunning
  7. onion /ˈʌnjən/ (n.): a swollen bulb that is usually eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable
  8. shiver /ˈʃɪvər/ (v.): to shake or tremble with cold, fear, or excitement
  9. maple /ˈmeɪpl/ (n.): a tree or shrub with lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage, grown widely in temperate regions
  10. plentiful /ˈplentɪfʊl/ (adj.): existing in ample quantity or abundance; abundant
  11. scanner /ˈskænər/ (n.): an electronic device for scanning and reproducing an image or document
  12. mere /mɪər/ (adj.): used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is; only
  13. impress /ɪmˈpres/ (v.): to make someone feel admiration and respect
  14. aborigine /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəniː/ (n.): an original inhabitant of a country or region who has been there since ancient times
  15. revolver /rɪˈvɒlvər/ (n.): a pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading.

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named John and Peter. They had been inseparable[2] since childhood and did everything together. They shared a deep bond and had each other's backs no matter what.

One day, they decided to go on a camping trip to the forest. They packed all their camping gear including a funnel[3], raw[4] meat for grilling烧烤, and an effusive[5] amount of bug spray to keep the insects away. They arrived at the campsite and started setting up their tent.

As they were setting up, a crafty[6] squirrel snatched their bag of onions[7] and ran away. They laughed it off and continued with their plan. However, as night fell, the temperature dropped, and they started to shiver[8] in their sleeping bags.

John suggested they gather some maple[9] leaves to insulate themselves from the cold. Peter agreed and they set out to find some. As they were looking for the leaves, they stumbled upon偶然发现 a scanner[11] lying on the ground. It was a strange find, but they decided to keep it.

The next day, they went on a hike and came across an aborigine[14] village. They were impressed[13] by the simplicity of their lifestyle and the beauty of the place. They spent the day exploring and learning from the locals.

As the sun started to set, they headed back to their campsite. However, they were ambushed by a gang of robbers. The robbers demanded all their belongings including their weapons, but John and Peter refused. The robbers pulled out their revolvers[15], but John and Peter were not intimidated. They fought back with mere[12] sticks and stones, injuring a few of the robbers and causing them to flee.

After the incident, John and Peter decided to cut their trip short and head back to the mainland. They knew they were lucky to have escaped unharmed, and the experience left them with a sense of antagonism[1] towards the robbers. However, they were also grateful for each other's company and the adventure they had shared.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
boiler, botanical, liable, telex, laughter,
glimmer, dissident, salon, generosity, coupon,
watershed, cork, react, imperialism, earplug

1.fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious

  1. Boiler /ˈbɔɪlər/ (n.): a container in which water is heated to produce steam, especially for heating or to power machines.
  2. Botanical /bəˈtænɪkl/ (adj.): relating to plants or the study of plants.
  3. Liable /ˈlaɪəbl/ (adj.): responsible by law; likely to do or experience something unpleasant or harmful.
  4. Telex /ˈtɛlɛks/ (n.): a telecommunications system for transmitting and receiving written messages electronically over long distances.
  5. Laughter /ˈlɑːftər/ (n.): the action or sound of laughing.
  6. Glimmer /ˈɡlɪmər/ (n.): a faint or wavering light; a vague or indistinct sign of something.
  7. Dissident /ˈdɪsɪdənt/ (n.): a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
  8. Salon /sæˈlɑːn/ (n.): a place where people gather for the purpose of artistic or intellectual discussion.
  9. Generosity /ˌdʒenəˈrɒsɪti/ (n.): the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish; willingness to give or share.
  10. Coupon /ˈkuːpɒn/ (n.): a voucher that entitles the holder to a discount or money off a particular product or service.
  11. Watershed /ˈwɔːtəʃed/ (n.): an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas.
  12. Cork /kɔːk/ (n.): the bark of the cork oak tree, used for making bottle stoppers, insulation, etc.
  13. React /riˈækt/ (v.): respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.
  14. Imperialism /ɪmˈpɪərɪəlɪzəm/ (n.): a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
  15. Earplug /ˈɪəplʌɡ/ (n.): a small device made of foam or rubber that is inserted into the ear to protect it from noise or water.

It was a watershed[11] moment for Emily when she received a telex[4] from her dissident[7] friend, inviting her to a salon[8] where botanical[2] experts were discussing the impact of imperialism[14] on the world's ecosystems. Emily was liable[3] to react[13] to such conversations with passion and enthusiasm.

As she got ready for the event, she noticed a glimmer[6] in her closet and found a coupon[10] for a local spa. She decided to pass on the coupon[10] to her friend as a gesture of generosity[9], knowing that she deserved some pampering after all the hard work she had done.

At the salon, the atmosphere was buzzing with laughter[5] and the exchange of ideas. Emily felt like she was in her element, listening intently to the speakers and engaging in lively debates. Suddenly, a loud hissing noise caught her attention, and she realized that the boiler[1] had malfunctioned, causing steam to escape.

Without a second thought, she reached for her earplug[15] and handed one to her friend, knowing that they needed to protect their hearing from the loud noise. They quickly made their way out of the building, grabbing a cork[12] on their way to stop the steam from escaping.

As they stood outside, watching the commotion, Emily realized that this unexpected turn of events was a reminder of the importance of staying alert and being prepared for anything. She felt grateful for the experience and for the friendship that had brought her to this moment.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
gray, undercover, pastime, cot, stifle,
wrestling, conical, tumult, asphalt, shady,
despise, intent, reform, musician, enthusiastic

  1. gray /ɡreɪ/ (adj.): of a color intermediate between black and white; without brightness or hue; dull; (n.): a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead
  2. undercover /ˌʌndərˈkʌvər/ (adj.): working secretly or unofficially in order to gather information or conduct espionage; (adv.): in a secret or disguised way
  3. pastime /ˈpæstaɪm/ (n.): an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby
  4. cot /kɒt/ (n.): a small bed with high sides for a baby or young child; a camp bed or folding bed
  5. stifle /ˈstaɪfəl/ (v.): to prevent something from happening or developing; to suffocate or be suffocated
  6. wrestling /ˈrɛslɪŋ/ (n.): a sport in which two people grapple with each other, trying to throw or hold their opponent to the ground
  7. conical /ˈkɒnɪk(ə)l/ (adj.): having the shape of a cone; tapering to a point
  8. tumult /ˈtjuːmʌlt/ (n.): a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people; confusion or disorder
  9. asphalt /ˈæsfɔːlt/ (n.): a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum used for surfacing roads, flooring, and roofing
  10. shady /ˈʃeɪdi/ (adj.): full of shade; giving shade; morally, ethically, or legally questionable or dubious
  11. despise /dɪˈspaɪz/ (v.): to feel a strong dislike or contempt for someone or something; to scorn or look down on
  12. intent /ɪnˈtɛnt/ (adj.): having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something; determined or resolved to do something; (n.): an aim or plan
  13. reform /rɪˈfɔːm/ (v.): to make changes in something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice, in order to improve it; (n.): the action or process of reforming an institution or practice
  14. musician /mjuːˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.): a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented
  15. enthusiastic /ɛnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk/ (adj.): having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval

The undercover[2] detective's pastime[3] was wrestling[6], which he did on a gray[1] mat in the basement of his house. He kept a cot[4] in the corner for his training partners to rest on between rounds. The room was stuffy and hot, and he had to stifle[5] his breathing to keep going.

One day, while he was in the middle of a conical[7] hold, he heard a tumult[8] outside. When he opened the door to investigate, he saw that the asphalt[9] street was filled with people protesting against the government's shady[10] policies. He despised[11] the corruption that had taken over his city and decided he would do something about it.

With newfound intent[12], he joined the protesters and became an enthusiastic[15] advocate for reform[13]. He used his skills as a wrestler to organize peaceful demonstrations and protect his fellow demonstrators from harm.

Eventually, his efforts paid off, and the government was forced to make significant changes. He retired from wrestling, but he continued to use his talents to make a difference in his community as a musician[14] and activist.


Explain the meaning of the following words along with index and phonetic symbol:
fame, biographical, treaty, rotational, densely,
syllabus, temperament, flannel, lid, conclusion,
casino, readiness, delegation, showdown, statesman

1.fearful /ˈfɪəfʊl/ (adj.): feeling afraid, frightened, or anxious

  1. fame /feɪm/ (n.): the state of being known or recognized by many people for achievements, reputation, etc.

  2. biographical /ˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkl/ (adj.): relating to the events, people, or characteristics of a person's life, often including details that are private or not widely known

  3. treaty /ˈtriːti/ (n.): a formal agreement between two or more countries or groups of people

  4. rotational /rəʊˈteɪʃənl/ (adj.): relating to rotation or revolving around an axis or center

  5. densely /ˈdensli/ (adv.): in a crowded or compact manner, with little space in between

  6. syllabus /ˈsɪləbəs/ (n.): a summary or outline of the topics to be covered in a course of study or teaching

  7. temperament /ˈtempərəmənt/ (n.): a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior

  8. flannel /ˈflænəl/ (n.): a soft, woven fabric, typically made of wool or cotton

  9. lid /lɪd/ (n.): a cover for a container, typically one that can be removed or lifted

  10. conclusion /kənˈkluːʒən/ (n.): a judgment or decision reached after considering the information available

  11. casino /kəˈsiːnəʊ/ (n.): a public building or room where gambling games are played

  12. readiness /ˈrɛdɪnəs/ (n.): the state of being prepared or willing to do something

  13. delegation /ˌdɛlɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (n.): a group of people appointed or elected to represent others

  14. showdown /ˈʃoʊdaʊn/ (n.): a confrontation or face-off between opponents or competitors, typically with a decisive or dramatic outcome

  15. statesman /ˈsteɪtsmən/ (n.): a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure.

As a young biographical[2] writer, Emma dreamed of achieving fame[1] through her writing. Her recent book, a detailed account of the treaty[3] negotiations between two rotational[4] governments, had received critical acclaim and had placed her on the map of successful writers.

With the confidence gained from her newfound success, Emma decided to take on a more challenging syllabus[6]. She wanted to write a biography of a famous statesman[15] whose temperament[7] had always fascinated her. After months of research and writing, she felt ready to unveil her new book.

Emma dressed in her favorite flannel[8] shirt and carefully lifted the lid[9] off the box containing her new book. She scanned the pages with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that her hard work had finally come to a successful conclusion[10].

As she left her apartment building, Emma couldn't help but feel drawn towards the casino[11] across the street. She knew she should be focusing on her upcoming book tour, but her readiness[12] to celebrate her success was too strong to resist.

Inside the casino, Emma found herself in the midst of a heated showdown[14] between two rival delegation[13]s. Despite her initial apprehension, Emma's natural curiosity kicked in, and she found herself absorbed in the excitement.

As the night drew to a close, Emma left the casino feeling energized and inspired. She realized that there was a lot more to life than just the biographical[2] research and writing that consumed her days. She decided to embrace the densely[5] packed world around her and live life to the fullest.

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