Status Code: BadRequestMicrosoft.Graph.ServiceException: Code: Request_UnsupportedQueryMessage: Unsupported Query.

string filter = "endsWith(mail,'')";

Status Code: BadRequestMicrosoft.Graph.ServiceException:

Code: Request_UnsupportedQuery

Message: Unsupported Query.


Microsoft Graph Get All Users Exception Unsupported Query


You should send a header ConsistencyLevel=eventual and also $count query parameter to make it work.

To add $count query parameter you can use queryOptions.

List<QueryOption> queryOptions = new List<QueryOption>
    new QueryOption("$count", true) 

var users = await graphClient.Users

The API call what look something like this$count=true&$filter=endswith(mail, '')&$orderBy=userPrincipalName

You can always test these calls in Graph Explorer.你好

it works - you have to add a header

 var options = new List<Option>()

 options.Add(new QueryOption("$filter",
 "endsWith(mail,'') or endsWith(mail,'') "));

   options.Add(new HeaderOption("ConsistencyLevel", "eventual"));

    options.Add(new QueryOption("$count", "true"));

  var tmp = await graphClient.Users.Request(options).GetAsync();



Write requests (excluding DELETE) must contain the Content-Type header declaration.

这个错误,也是因为缺少了consistency level


作者:Chuck Lu    GitHub    
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