X509Certificate2 Class
Gets or sets the associated alias for a certificate.
Friendly names are properties in the X.509 certificate store that can be set. They are used to enable a user to associate aliases with certificates so they can be easily identified.
If no friendly name exists for the certificate, an empty string ("") is returned.
X509Certificate2.HasPrivateKey Property
Gets a value that indicates whether an X509Certificate2 object contains a private key.
X509Certificate2.PublicKey Property
This property returns a PublicKey object, which contains the object identifier (Oid) representing the public key algorithm, the ASN.1-encoded parameters, and the ASN.1-encoded key value.
You can also obtain the key as an AsymmetricAlgorithm object by referencing the PublicKey property. This property supports only RSA or DSA keys, so it returns either an RSACryptoServiceProvider or a DSACryptoServiceProvider object that represents the public key.
X509Certificate2.SerialNumber Property
The serial number of the certificate is part of the original X.509 protocol. The serial number is a unique number issued by the certificate issuer, which is also called the Certificate Authority (CA).
X509Certificate2.SubjectName Property
The subject distinguished name is the name of the user of the certificate. The distinguished name for the certificate is a textual representation of the subject or issuer of the certificate. This representation consists of name attributes, for example, "CN=MyName, OU=MyOrgUnit, C=US".
X509Certificate2.Thumbprint Property
The thumbprint is dynamically generated using the SHA1 algorithm and does not physically exist in the certificate. Since the thumbprint is a unique value for the certificate, it is commonly used to find a particular certificate in a certificate store.
X509Certificate2.Extensions Property
The extensions defined in the X.509 v3 certificate format allow additional data to be included in the certificate. A number of extensions are defined by ISO in the X.509 v3 definition as well as by PKIX in RFC 3280, "Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile." Common extensions include information regarding key usage (X509KeyUsageExtension), key identifiers (X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension), certificate policies, revocation information (CRL Distribution Point extension), and other uses.