Remove console.logs with Webpack & Uglify

Remove console.logs with Webpack & Uglify


With UglifyJsPlugin we can handle comments, warnings, console logs but it will not be a good idea to remove all these in development mode. First check whether you are running webpack for prod env or dev env, if it is prod env then you can remove all these, like this:

var debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

plugins: !debug ? [
   new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({

     // Eliminate comments
        comments: false,

    // Compression specific options
       compress: {
         // remove warnings
            warnings: false,

         // Drop console statements
            drop_console: true
: []


UPDATE 2019 Need to use terser plugin now for ES6 support in webpack v4


module.exports = {
  optimization: {
    minimizer: [
      new TerserPlugin({
        sourceMap: true, // Must be set to true if using source-maps in production
        terserOptions: {
          compress: {
            drop_console: true,



Try drop_console:

plugins: [
    new Webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
      compress: {
        drop_console: true,

Update: For webpack v4 it has changed a little:

const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');


optimization: {
  minimizer: [
    new UglifyJSPlugin({
      uglifyOptions: {
        compress: {
          drop_console: true,

I personally think console logs (especially console.error) are very useful on prod and think it's a good idea to keep them. If you really want to drop specific console functions such as just console.log you should use pure_funcs option e.g. pure_funcs: ['console.log'] and this will drop console.log since pure functions do not produce side effects then Uglify can discard ones not assigned to anything.

optimization: {
  minimizer: [
    new UglifyJSPlugin({
      uglifyOptions: {
        compress: {
          // Drop only console.logs but leave others
          pure_funcs: ['console.log'],
        mangle: {
          // Note: I'm not certain this is needed.
          reserved: ['console.log']

For TerserJS (Uglify is deprecated and does not support new JS features you should NOT use it)

optimization: {
  minimizer: [
    new TerserPlugin({
      terserOptions: {
        compress: {
            drop_console: true

As discussed you can also use pure_funcs alternatively.


webpack 系列四:优化包体积



  • UglifyJsPlugin:通过封装 UglifyJS 实现压缩
  • ParallelUglifyPlugin:多进程并行处理压缩

他们都会分析 JavaScript 代码语法树,理解代码含义,从而能做到诸如去掉无效代码、去掉日志输出代码、缩短变量名等优化,但相对于 UglifyJsPlugin 是单线程, ParallelUglifyPlugin 插件实现了多线程压缩,ParallelUglifyPlugin 会开启多个子进程,把对多个文件的压缩工作分配给多个子进程去完成,每个子进程其实还是通过 UglifyJS 去压缩代码,但是变成了并行执行。 所以 ParallelUglifyPlugin 能更快的完成对多个文件的压缩工作。


posted @ 2020-12-23 10:54  ChuckLu  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报