如何查看sonarqube的版本 how to check the version of sonarqube


Server Logs & System Info

The System Info page is found at Administration > System. It gives you access to detailed information on the state of your SonarQube instance.

System Info

You can browse details about your running instance on this page.


Additionally, if you have a Support contract, you might be asked by a Support representative to send in your System Info, which can be downloaded from the page Administration > System using the "Download System Info" button at the top.

Server Id

Your server id can be obtained from this page by expanding the System section. If you're running a commercial instance, you can also find this value on the License page (Administration > Configuration > License Manager)


Server-side logging is controlled by properties set in $SONARQUBE-HOME/conf/sonar.properties.

4 logs files are created: one per SonarQube process.

posted @ 2019-04-03 11:06  ChuckLu  阅读(3268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报