5.2 PBKDF2
PBKDF2 applies a pseudorandom function (see Appendix B.1 for an
example) to derive keys. The length of the derived key is essentially
unbounded. (However, the maximum effective search space for the
derived key may be limited by the structure of the underlying
pseudorandom function. See Appendix B.1 for further discussion.)
PBKDF2 is recommended for new applications.
PBKDF2 (P, S, c, dkLen)
Options: PRF underlying pseudorandom function (hLen
denotes the length in octets of the
pseudorandom function output)
Input: P password, an octet string
S salt, an octet string
c iteration count, a positive integer
dkLen intended length in octets of the derived
key, a positive integer, at most
(2^32 - 1) * hLen
Output: DK derived key, a dkLen-octet string
Rfc2898DeriveBytes Class
password - the password that needs to be hashed. This should be converted
into a char array before passing.
salt- salt value that should append to the password.
iterations- no. of iterations to be done. This value can be used to adjust the speed of the algorithm.
keyLength- This is the required output length of the hashed function.
This function returns a byte array that needs to be converted into a string using a suitable hex encoder.
public void Pbkdf2Test()
string saltString = "8291f825-5772-4b3b-a28c-18887099f6d4";
var array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(saltString);
GetHexString(array, 16);
GetHexString(array, 128);
var rfc2898DeriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes("123", array, 4000);
var result2 = rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes(40);
var string2 = Convert.ToBase64String(result2);
public void GetHexString(byte[] array, int keyLength)
var rfc2898DeriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes("123", array, 4000);
var result = rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes(keyLength);
var hexString = ByteArrayToString(result);
public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
var hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
foreach (var b in ba)
hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
return hex.ToString();
Hash underlying hash function
https://neurotechnics.com/tools/pbkdf2-test 可以用来验证
var password = "123";
var saltString = "qwer1234";
var salt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(saltString);
var iteration = 4000;
var bitLength = 512;
var rdcRfc2898DeriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iteration, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);
var hash = rdcRfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes(bitLength/8);
Rfc2898 / PBKDF2 with SHA256 as digest in c#
作者:Chuck Lu GitHub |
For those who need it, .NET Framework 4.7.2 includes an overload of Rfc2898DeriveBytes that allows the hashing algorithm to be specified:
byte[] bytes; using (var deriveBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { bytes = deriveBytes.GetBytes(PBKDF2SubkeyLength); }
The HashAlgorithmName options at the moment are: