get all sites under IIS
Check out this post - seems to be a brand-spanking new management API in the Microsoft.Web.Administration
Here's a quick graphical overview from that blog post:
And here's a "The Gu" post on Cool new IIS7 Features and APIs
Something like this will find all the sites, their application and their virtual directories in your IIS7 server:
static void Main(string[] args) { ServerManager mgr = new ServerManager(); foreach(Site s in mgr.Sites) { Console.WriteLine("Site {0}", s.Name); foreach(Application app in s.Applications) { Console.WriteLine("\tApplication: {0}", app.Path); foreach(VirtualDirectory virtDir in app.VirtualDirectories) { Console.WriteLine("\t\tVirtual Dir: {0}", virtDir.Path); } } } Console.ReadLine(); }